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20 placedon Confucianism by Christianity.TraditionalConfucianism doesnotpursue transcendenceeitherinthereligiousorintheontological-epistemologicalsense.in contrasttothereligioustranscendencethathighlightstherelationshipbetween God and man and the ontological-epistemologicaltranscendence that emphasizes the transcendental-experientialstructureconfucianismisanethicalsystemthatataches greatimportancetothecultivationofvirtueandenhancementofthehumanrealm.in the modern contextit would seem unnecessary to citethe religious nature of ConfucianismindefenseofConfucianvalues.Howeverintermsofthepsycho-social order essential to a socio-political community Confucianism stresses orderly arrangementsbasedonmoralbeliefs.inthiswayconfucianism playsasimilarrole tochristianityinsatisfyingthepeopleandstrengtheningsocialcohesion. (3)WageTrendsamongChineseMigrantWorkers: Lu Feng 47 Theexistingliteraturecontainsscantresearchonthelong-run wagetrendsof Chinese migrant workers.based onthesystematiccolection and organization of relevantdataandmaterialsthisstudygivesaquantitativeestimationoftheleveland evolutionofmigrantworkers wagesduringthereformandopeningupperiod.the studyshowsthattheirnominalwageshavebeenincreasingatanannualrateof10% inthelastthreedecades;thatrealwagesadjustedbythecpihavegonethrough threestagesofdevelopment;andthattheratioofmigrantworkers wagestothoseof regularemployeesdisplaysanupwardthendownwardtrend. (4)Onthe DevelopmentMode"ofChineseUrbanization LiQiangChen Yulinand Liu Jingming 82 Thisstudylooksatthecharacteristicsofthe developmentmode"ofchinese urbanizationfromthedualperspectivesofitsdriversandspatialpaterns.themajor findingisthatthedistinctivefeaturesofchineseurbanizationinclude:government leadershiplarge-scaleplanningal-rounddevelopmentstateorcolectiveownership oflandobviousspatialdiscontinuitiesandalackoftheconditionsthatwouldalow forspontaneousurbanizationbycivilsociety.the developmentmode"ofchinese urbanizationgeneralyfalsintoseventypes:establishingdevelopmentareasbuilding new areas and citiescity expansionrenovation of old citiesbuilding central businessdistrictstownshipindustrializationandvilageindustrialization.although thegovernment-ledmodeofurbanizationdemonstratesthecreativityandflexibilityof thechinesesystemtherearestilsome majorquestionsthaturgentlyneedtobe studiedandresolved:weneedtorespectobjectiveeconomiclawsandpromotebenign 204

21 ABSTRACTS interactionsbetweenthegovernmentandthepublicsoastoachievetheequalityand justiceinurbangrowth. (5)StructuralConstraintsontheTransformationofLaw:Chinese Lawyersinthe InteractionoftheStatetheMarketandSociety Cheng Jinhuaand Li Xueyao 101 Studiesonthesourcesofthetransformationofthe Chineselegalsystem are usualybasedonastatistepistemologyi.e.thewilofthestatedominatesandeven determinesalaspects ofthetransformation ofthelegalsystem.althoughthis epistemologycanpartialyexplainthere-creationofthechineselegalsystem during theearlierperiodofreformandopeningupitfailstoprovideacomprehensivepicture ofthe presentcomplex situation.usingthetransformation ofthe Chineselegal profession during reform and opening up as an examplethis study employs quantitativedataandempiricalmethodstoexplorethe multipledynamicimpactsof thestatethe marketand society onthe Chineselegalsystem.Thestudy also proposes a theoretical framework of structural constraints" for this legal transformation. Since reform and opening upthe Chinese legal system has undergoneatransitionfromstatedominancetomulti-agentinteractionsbetweenthe statethemarketsocietyandthelegalsystemitself. (6)JudicialReviewoftheJustifiabilityofAdministrativeProcedures Jiang Bixin 123 Thepracticeoftheruleoflaw hasshownthatwhileitisstilnecessarytohold governmentpowertothestandardoflegitimacytheefectivenessofthisstandardhasbeen decreasingprogressivelyovertime.weshouldthereforerejectthestereotypeoflegitimacy presupposedby thetraditionalrule oflaw and supplementit with the standard of justifiabilitysoastoestablishadualsystemoflegitimacyandjustifiability.judicialreview ofjustifiabilityisasourcefornewchangesingovernmentpowerandpromisestobea growthpointintheconstructionoftheruleoflaw.judicialreviewofthiskindaimsto preventtheabuseofdiscretionaryproceduralpowerandcomplieswiththeprovisionson abuseofpower"and evidentinjustice"stipulatedin Article54oftheAdministrative ProcedureLaw ofthe People s Republicof China.Itshoulddefinea minimumcriterion ofproceduraljustice"andestablishtheprinciplesofproceduraljusticeproportionality efective participation procedural eficiency procedural acceptability procedural standardizationadministrativeconvenienceandsoon.atthesametimesometop- leveldesignandendtreatmentsshouldalsobeundertakentocounteractthepotential risksandlimitationsarisingfromjudicialreviewofjustifiability.thisapproachcan 205

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