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2 FIRE PROTECTION NOTICE NO. 4 DANGEROUS GOODS GENERAL SECTION 3 of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance declares the following to be DANGEROUS GOODS : All explosives, compressed gases, petroleum and other substances giving off inflammable vapours, substances giving off poisonous gas or vapour, corrosive substances, substances which become dangerous by interaction with water or air, substances liable to spontaneous combustion or of a readily combustible nature. SECTION 6 of the Ordinance states: Except under and in accordance with a licence granted under this Ordinance no person shall manufacture, store, convey or use any dangerous goods. Which means that with the exception of Explosives (Category 1 Dangerous Goods) which can only be manufactured or stored as required by the Commissioner of Mines, these goods can only be used and/or stored in excess of the exempt quantity in accommodation approved and licensed by the Director of Fire Services. 2. Conveyance A licence issued by the Director of Fire Services is required for any vehicle used for the conveyance of Category 2 or Category 5 dangerous goods. 3. Containers, Capacities and s Attention is drawn to various tables in the Regulations in relation to approved containers, capacities and labels required. Examples of labels are included at the end of this Notice. 4. Removal and Seizure Fire Officers may require any dangerous goods being used, stored, manufactured or conveyed in any way in contravention of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance to be removed at the owner s expense to such a place which is in conformity with the Ordinance. Alternatively, the officer may seize and remove such goods. 5. Listing This pamphlet contains an alphabetically listed index of all dangerous goods listed in the Dangerous Goods (Application and Exemption) Regulation, with the exception of Category 1 (Explosives) in respect of which the Authority is the Commissioner of Mines. In many instances dangerous goods may be known to you under a trade or other name and may therefore not be included in this notice. If you are in doubt regarding any substance not included please contact the Licensing and Certification Command of the Fire Services Department who will be pleased to advise you. 1

3 6. Categories In the Dangerous Goods (Application and Exemption) Regulation, dangerous goods are listed into the following categories: Category 1: Explosives. (The Authority is the Commissioner of Mines. No further reference to Cat. 1 is made in this pamphlet.) Category 2:* Compressed Gases. C1. 1 Permanent Gases C1. 2 Liquefied Gases C1. 3 Dissolved Gases Category 3: Corrosive Substances. Category 4: Category 5:* Poisonous Substances. Substances giving off inflammable vapours. C1.1 Substances giving off a poisonous gas or vapour. C1.2 Certain other poisonous substances. C1.1 flash point below 23 C1. 2 flash point of or exceeding 23 but not exceeding 66 C1. 3 flash point of or exceeding 66 (applicable to diesel oils, furnace oils and other fuel oils only) Div. 1 Div. 2 immiscible with water. (applicable to Class 1 & 2 only) miscible with water. (applicable to Class 1 & 2 only) Category 6: Category 7: Category 8: Category 9: Category 9A: Category 10: Substances which become dangerous by interaction with water. Strong supporters of combustion. Readily combustible substances. Substances liable to spontaneous combustion. Combustible goods exempted from Section 6 to 11 of the Ordinance. Other dangerous substances. * Rider clauses are provided in category 2 and category 5 dangerous goods to include any other substance having similar properties but not yet specified in the list. 2

4 7. Potable Spirits The exempted quantities of potable spirits are: (1) For transport only, any quantity not exceeding l in the aggregate. (2) For storage only (a) (b) (c) any quantity not exceeding l in the aggregate when packed in individual receptacles not exceeding a capacity of 5 l and stored or used in premises protected throughout by automatic sprinkler installations; any quantity not exceeding l in the aggregate when packed in individual receptacles exceeding a capacity of 5 l and stored or used in premises not protected throughout by automatic sprinkler installations; any quantity not exceeding l in the aggregate when packed in individual receptacles exceeding a capacity of 5 l and stored or used in any premises. 7A. Category 9A Dangerous Goods This table lists the maximum quantity of dangerous goods in a premises: (a) (b) not designed as industrial premises; designed as industrial premises. Details of storage in excess of these quantities is to be sent in a notice to Director of Fire Services within 48 hours of such storage. Combustible goods TABLE Premises forming part of a building in which other premises are used for residential purposes or otherwise than for the purpose of an industrial undertaking Buildings used exclusively for purposes of industrial undertakings Cotton (raw) 50 kg 2 tonnes Kapok 50 kg 2 tonnes Cotton waste 100 kg 2 tonnes Matches 30 kg 500 kg Polytetrafluoroethylene 250 kg 2 tonnes Polythene (raw material) 250 kg 2 tonnes Polystyrene (raw material) 250 kg 2 tonnes Polyvinyl Chloride (raw material) 250 kg 2 tonnes Polymethylmethacrylate (raw material) 250 kg 2 tonnes Polypropylene (raw material) 250 kg 2 tonnes Rubber (raw) 100 kg 2 tonnes Rubber tyres 50 tyres 500 tyres 3

5 8. Prohibited Goods SECTION 7 states: NO person shall manufacture or cause to be manufactured any prohibited goods or have any prohibited goods in his possession, custody or control or in the possession, custody or control of any servant, agent or warehouse owner. The following have been declared as prohibited goods: Ammonium Permanganate Ammonium Chlorate Ammonium Nitrate, if containing organic matter otherwise than of a nature and within a limit approved, either generally or in any particular case, by the Authority Arsine, except when it is contained in cylinders not exceeding 1 cubic metre in volume at Standard Temperature and Pressure and of a type approved by the Authority, and is bought into Hong Kong exclusively for electronic production processes within Hong Kong, and is stored and used in licensed premises within a limit approved, either generally or in any particular case, by the Authority Calcium Azide, except in aqueous solution not exceeding 20 per cent of Calcium Azide by weight Chloric Acid solutions of strength greater than 10 per cent by weight Hydrazine Nitrate Hydrazine Perchlorate Hydrogen Cyanide, unstabilized Hydrogen Peroxide solutions of strength greater than 60 per cent by weight Manufactured fireworks (category 1, class 7, division 2) which explode on impact Organic Perchlorates Perchloric Acid solutions of strength greater than 72 per cent by weight Vinyl Chloride Monomer 9. Legal and Moral Responsibility Persons who are involved with the storage, use, manufacture or transport of dangerous goods have a legal (and moral) responsibility to ensure that none of the licensing requirements and the provisions of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance and Subsidiary Legislation are violated. Licensees should be conversant with the provisions of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance and Subsidiary Legislation as applicable to the particular dangerous goods stored, used, manufactured or conveyed. Copies of the Ordinance and Subsidiary Legislation are on sale at any Government Publication Centre. 4

6 10. Common offences Inspections carried out and complaints received concerning dangerous goods indicate the following common contraventions against the Dangerous Goods Ordinance and Regulations: (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) Storage of dangerous goods in excess of licensed quantity; Storage of dangerous goods of a category different from the category of the licensed store in which they are placed; Storage of dangerous goods in unlicensed stores; Storage of different categories of dangerous goods in the same store; Storage of dangerous goods with other general goods in licensed dangerous goods stores; Storage of dangerous goods on open ground (unlicensed areas); and Storage of dangerous goods in containers not conforming to those specified in the regulations. 11. Penalty Any person who contravenes the provisions of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance and Subsidiary Legislation is liable to a maximum fine of $25, 000 and to imprisonment for six months for a single offence. In addition, the Director of Fire Services may revoke any licence as empowered under S. 9 of the Dangerous Goods Ordinance. 12. Application for Licence An application for manufacture, storage, conveyance or use of any dangerous goods should be made in accordance with regulations 62, 75, 77, 77A, 81, 87, 96, 99A, 101, 124, 136, 150, 156, 167, 171B and 173 of the Dangerous Goods (General) Regulations and submitted to the following Office: Licensing & Certification Command, Dangerous Goods Division, 3/F, Fire Services Department Kwai Chung Office Building, 86 Hing Shing Road, Kwai Chung, New Territories, Hong Kong Tel.: Enquiries The information given in this booklet is for guidance only and is not a detailed analysis of the legislative provisions. For further information or enquiry, please browse the Fire Services Department website or contact the Fire Services Department at telephone no: or Complaints Any complaints about dangerous goods should be made by telephone hot line (24-hour service). 5

7 防火通告第四號 危險物品 危險品條例第三條宣佈下列各項為 危險物品 : - 所有爆炸品, 壓縮氣體, 石油及其他發出易著火蒸氣的物質, 發出毒氣或有毒蒸發氣之物體, 腐蝕性物體, 與水或空氣起相互作用發生危險之物體, 可自燃或易燃之物體 條例第六條闡明 :- 除非獲得依此條例所發之牌照許可, 否則無論何人均不得製造 貯存 運送 或使用任何危險物品 上文意指除爆炸品 ( 第一類危險品 ) 之製造或貯存須由礦務處處長規定外, 此等危險品之使用或 / 及貯存超過, 以及貯存地點須經消防處處長批准及發給牌照 ( 二 ) 運送運送第二類或第五類危險品之所有車輛須有消防處處長發給之牌照 ( 三 ) 容器 容量及標簽條例所列有關認可之容器 容量及標簽之規定, 須特別加以注意 標簽的樣本附列於本通告後頁 除第二類危險品外其他標簽如果能夠以中英文字清楚標明危險品的性質亦可以接受 ( 四 ) 遷移及沒收消防官員可將違犯危險品條例規定而正在使用 貯存 製造或運送中之危險物品遷移至符合條例規定之地點, 並由物主支付搬移之費用 此外, 消防官員可將該等危險物品沒收及遷移 ( 五 ) 目錄危險品 ( 適用及豁免 ) 規例所開列之全部危險物品均按英文字母之先後包括於此小冊子之分類目錄內 第一類 ( 爆炸品 ) 則因屬礦務處處長所管轄而不列入此目錄 在多種情況下, 你所知悉的危險物品為行業所用的或別名, 因而未包括在此通告內 如果你對未列入於此目錄內的任何物品存有疑問, 請向消防處牌照及審批總區查詢, 該總區將樂意為你解答 6

8 ( 六 ) 類別危險品 ( 適用及豁免 ) 規例將危險物品分列為下列各項 : 第 1 類 : 爆炸品 ( 因屬礦務處處長所管轄而不再在此小冊子提及 ) 第 2 類 :* 第 3 類 : 壓縮氣體 腐蝕性物質 第 1 分類 - 永久氣體第 2 分類 - 液化氣體第 3 分類 - 溶解氣體 第 4 類 : 有毒物質 第 1 分類 - 有毒氣體或蒸氣的物質 第 2 分類 - 某些其他有毒之物質 第 5 類 :* 易著火蒸氣的物質 第 1 分類 - 引火點低於攝氏 23 度的物質第 2 分類 - 引火點在攝氏 23 度或以上而又不超過 66 度的物質第 3 分類 - 引火點為攝氏 66 度或以上的物質 ( 祇適用於油渣及燃油 ) 第 1 部 - 不與水溶混的物質 ( 祇適用於第 1 及第 2 分類 ) 第 2 部 - 可與水溶混的物質 ( 祇適用於第 1 及第 2 分類 ) 第 6 類 : 第 7 類 : 第 8 類 : 第 9 類 : 第 9A 類 : 第 10 類 : 相互影響會變為危險的物質 強力助燃劑 隨時可能燃燒的物質 可自燃的物質 獲豁免受條例第六條至第十一條管制的可能燃燒物品 其他危險物質 * 第 2 類及第五類危險品有附加條款指出任何其他未列出而具有類似性質的物質亦包括在內 7

9 ( 七 ) 飲用酒精飲用酒精的如下 : (1) 總共祇可運送不超過 升飲用酒精 (2)( 甲 ) 在全部有自動滅火花灑裝置保護的樓宇內, 總共祇可貯存或使用不超過 升飲用酒精, 分別以容量不超過五升的容器包裝 ; ( 乙 ) 在未全部有自動滅火花灑裝置保護的樓宇內, 總共祇可貯存或使用不超過 升飲用酒精, 分別以容量不超過五升的容器包裝 ; ( 丙 ) 在任何樓宇內祇可貯存或使用不超過 升飲用酒精, 分別以容量超過五升的容器包裝 ( 七 )( 甲 ) 第九甲類危險品此表列出在下述樓宇內貯存危險品之最高限額 ( 甲 ) 非為工業用途而設計之樓宇 ( 乙 ) 為工業用途而設計之樓宇 貯存量如超過此等限額時, 應於 48 小時內將貯存之詳情通知消防處處長 易燃物品 處於非工業用途大廈內之樓宇 專作工業用途大廈內之樓宇 原棉 50 公斤 2 公噸 木棉 50 公斤 2 公噸 棉廢料 俗稱 威士 100 公斤 2 公噸 火柴 30 公斤 500 公斤 聚四氟乙烯 250 公斤 2 公噸 聚乙烯 原料 250 公斤 2 公噸 聚苯乙烯 原料 250 公斤 2 公噸 聚氯乙烯 原料 250 公斤 2 公噸 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 原料 250 公斤 2 公噸 聚丙烯 原料 250 公斤 2 公噸 生橡膠 100 公斤 2 公噸 橡膠輪胎 50 條 500 條 8

10 ( 八 ) 違禁品第七條聲明 :- 無論何人均不得製造或促使製造任何違禁品, 或藏有 保管或支配任何違禁品, 或由任何僱員 代理人或貨倉倉主藏有 保管或支配 下列物品經公佈為違禁品 :- 高錳酸銨 氯酸銨 硝酸銨 ( 倘含有超過當局於一般情形或特殊情形就其性質及範圍而予以認可範圍之有機物質 ) 砷化氫 ( 除非該物品是在標準氣溫及壓力下以體積不超過一立方米及經當局認可的鋼瓶盛載, 運入本港專供本港電子工業生產過程中使用及在當局認可的限度內在領有牌照的樓宇內貯存及使用 ) 氮化鈣 ( 在水溶液中 氮化鈣之重量不超逾 20% 者則屬例外 ) 氯酸溶液 ( 酸液重量超過 10% 者 ) 硝酸肼 高氯酸肼 未加穩定劑的氫氰酸 過氧化氫溶液 ( 過氧化氫重量超過 60%) 遇撞擊即爆炸之煙花成品 ( 第一類, 第七部, 第二組 ) 有機高氯酸鹽 高氯酸溶液 ( 高氯酸重量超過 72%) 氯乙烯單體 ( 九 ) 法律及道義的責任凡與危險物品之貯存 使用 製造 或運輸有關之人士, 在法律 ( 及道義上 ) 有責任確保不致違反牌照之規定, 以及危險品條例和附例之規定 危險品牌照持有人應熟知危險品條例及附例有關其所貯存 使用 製造 或運輸之危險物品之各項規定 任何政府刊物售賣中心均有上述之危險品條例及附例出售 ( 十 ) 普通違例事件有關危險品之檢查及接獲之投訴顯示下列之違反危險品條例及附例之事件 : (1) 貯存之危險物品超逾牌照許可之數量 ; (2) 貯存之危險物品種類與該危險品倉牌照所規定之危險物品種類 不符 ; 9

11 (3) 將危險物品貯存於未領有牌照之貨倉 ; (4) 將不同種類之危險物品同置於一貨倉內 ; (5) 將危險物品與普通貨物同置於領有危險品牌照之貨倉內 ; (6) 將危險物品貯存於未有領有牌照之空曠地方 ; 及 (7) 用不合規格的容器貯存危險品 ( 十一 ) 處罰違犯危險品條例及附例之任何人士, 每一罪項, 最高可被罰款二萬五千元及監禁六個月 此外, 消防處處長可根據危險品條例第九條所賦予之權力吊銷任何牌照 ( 十二 ) 申請牌照任何人士如想製造 貯存 運送或使用任何危險品都必須按照危險品 ( 普通 ) 規例第六十二 七十五 七十七 七十七 ( 甲 ) 八十一 八十七 九十六 九十九 ( 甲 ) 一零一 一二四 一三六 一五零 一五六 一六七 一七一 ( 乙 ) 及一七三條的規定提出申請並把申請書送交下列辦事處辦理 : 牌照及審批總區危險品課新界葵涌興盛路 86 號消防處葵涌辦公大樓 3 字樓電話 : ( 十三 ) 查詢本小冊子之內容衹是就有關的法例條文作出簡介而並不是一個詳盡分析 如需要更多資料或有任何查詢歡迎瀏覽消防處綱頁 或致電消防處 ( 電話 : 或 ) ( 十四 ) 投訴如有任何涉及危險品的投訴, 應撥熱線電話 : ( 全日二十四小時服務 ) 通知本處 10

12 Alphabetic List of Dangerous Goods 按英文字母先後表列之危險品 Name A Accelerene 對亞硝基 N,N- 二甲基苯胺 Cat.9 5 kg I Acetaldehyde 乙醛 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Acetic Acid Over 80% strength 醋酸, 強度量超過 80% Cat.3 50 L E by weight Acetic Anhydride 無水醋酐 Cat.3 25 L E Acetone 丙酮 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Acetone Cyanohydrin 丙酮合氰化氫 ( 穩定的 ) Cat.4, Cl.1 25 L D (Stabilized) Acetyl Chloride 乙醯氯 Cat.3 NIL E and H Acetylene 乙炔 Cat.2, Cl.3 2 cylinders B3 Acetylene Tetrachloride 四氯乙烷 Cat.4 Cl L NIL Acetyldehyde Ammonia 乙醛合氨 Cat kg (Aldehyde Ammonia) Acrolein 丙烯醛 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 and D Acrylonitrile 丙烯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 and D Aeroplane Dope 飛機漆 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Air (Compressed) 空氣 ( 壓縮 ) Cat.2, Cl.1 2 cylinders Air, liquid 液態空氣 Cat.2, Cl.2 25 L Alcohol Butyl (Tertiary) 叔丁醇 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Aldehyde Ammonia 乙醛合氨 Cat kg Alkaline Solutions Of Sodium 亞氯酸納 ( 鹼性溶液 ) Cat.4, Cl L E Chlorite Allyl Alcohol 烯丙醇 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 and D Aluminium Chloride, Anhydrous 無水氯化鋁 Cat.3 10 kg E and H Aluminium Ferrosilicon 鋁硅鐵劑 Cat.6 NIL H Aluminium Hydride 氫化鋁 Cat.6 NIL H 11

13 Aluminium Metal or Alloy in 未經琢磨成粉狀之鋁或鋁合金 Cat.6 10 kg H unpolished powder form Aluminium Silicon in powder 粉狀鋁硅 Cat.6 25 kg H form Ammonia, Anhydrous 無水氨 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder D1 Ammonia Solutions, containing 氨溶液 ( 內含不少過 10% 重之 Cat.4, Cl.1 50 L D not less than 10% ammonia by weight 氨 ) Ammonium Bichromate 重鉻酸鋁 Cat.7 5 kg G (Ammonium Dichromate) Ammonium Bifluoride 氟化氫銨 Cat.3 NIL E Ammonium Dichromate 重鉻酸鋁 Cat.7 5 kg G Ammonium 二硝基原酚鹽銨 Cat kg D1 Dinitro-Ortho-Cresolate Ammonium Hydrogen Fluoride 氟化氫銨 Cat.3 NIL E (Ammonium Bifluoride) Ammonium Nitrate, free from added organic matter and not being included in Cat1 硝酸銨, 不含有機物而又不包括在第一類危險品內 Cat.7 NIL G Ammonium Perchlorate 高氯酸銨 Cat.7 10 kg G Amyl Acetate 醋酸戊酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Amyl Alcohol (Tertiary) 叔戊醇 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Amyl Alcohols except Tertiary 除叔戊醇以外之戊醇 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B1 Amyl Alcohol Amyl Chloride 氯戊烷 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Amyl Nitrite 亞硝酸戊酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 and D Aniline (Aniline Oil) 苯胺油 Cat.4, Cl.1 25 L D Antimonious Chloride 三氯化銻 Cat.3 NIL D and E Antimony Pentachloride 五氯化銻 Cat.3 NIL D and E (Antimony Perchloride) Antimony Trichloride (Antimonious Chloride) 三氯化銻 Cat.3 NIL D and E 12

14 Argon 氬 Cat.2, Cl.1 1 cylinder Arsenic Bromide 溴化砷 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Arsenic Chloride 氯化砷 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Arsenic Compounds other than those specified elsewhere in this class Arsenic Trioxide (White Arsenic) 除在此組列舉以外之砷混合物 Cat.4, Cl.2 5 kg (solid) ( 固體 ) 10L (liquid)( 溶液 ) 三氧化砷 ( 白砷 ) Cat.4, Cl.2 5 kg D1 Barium Alloys non-pyrophoric 非自然之鋇合金 Cat.6 NIL H Barium Alloys (Pyrophoric) 鋇合金 ( 自燃 ) Cat.9 NIL I Barium Dioxide 二氧化鋇 Cat.7 10 kg G and D1 Barium Chlorate 氯酸鋇 Cat.7 5 kg C Barium Metal 鋇 Cat.6 NIL H Barium Nitrate 硝酸鋇 Cat.7 25 kg G and D1 Barium Perchlorate 高氯酸鋇 Cat.7 10 kg G and D1 Barium Permanganate 高錳酸鋇 Cat.7 10 kg G and D1 Barium Peroxide (Barium 過氧化鋇 ( 二氧化鋇 ) Cat.7 10 kg G and D1 Dioxide) Barium Salts (except Barium Sulphate, Barium Cyanide and such Salts of Barium as are included in Category 7) Battery Fluid (Electrolyle) (A) Sulphuric Acid of strength not exceeding 50% by weight (B) Sulphuric Acid of strength exceeding 50% by weight (C) Solutions of Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic Potash) 鋇鹽 ( 硫酸鋇, 氰化鋇及其他在目錄 ( 七 ) 所載之鋇鹽除外 ) 電池水 ( 電解液 ) ( 甲 ) 硫酸濃度不超過 50% ( 乙 ) 硫酸濃度超過 50% ( 丙 ) 氫氧化鉀溶液 13 B Cat.4, Cl.2 10 kg D1 Cat.3 25 L 10 L 50 L D1 E

15 Benzaldehyde 苯甲醛 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Benzene (Benzol, Coal Tar 苯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Benzol) Benzine (Petroleum Spirit) 汽油 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Benzoyl Chloride 苯甲醯氯 Cat.3 NIL D and E Benzoyl Peroxide (Dibenzoyl 過氧化苯甲醯 Cat.10 NIL F and G Peroxide) Beryllium (Powder, flake or 鈹 Cat.4, Cl.1 5 kg D swarf) Beryllium Chloride 氯化鈹 Cat.4, Cl.1 5 kg D Beryllium Hydroxide 氫氧化鈹 Cat.4, Cl.1 5 kg D Beryllium Nitrate 硝酸鈹 Cat.4, Cl.1 5 kg D and G Beryllium Oxide 氧化鈹 Cat.4, Cl.1 5 kg D Beryllium Sulphate 硫酸鈹 Cat.4, Cl.1 5 kg D Benzyl Chloride 苄基氯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 NIL B2 and D Bleaching Powder (Chloride of 漂白粉 ( 氯化石灰, 次氯酸鈣 ) Cat.4, Cl kg D Lime, Calcium Hypochlorite) Blowing Agents for rubber 膠製品之發泡劑 Cat.10 5 kg B4 manufacture Boron Trichloride 三氯化硼 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL Boron Trifluoride 三氟化硼 Cat.2, Cl.1 NIL D1 Boron Trifluoride Acetic Acid 三氟化硼醋酸配合物 Cat.3 NIL D and E Complex Brake Fluid 制動機油 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 or B2 Cat.5 Cl.2, Div. 1 Bromine, and Solution of 溴和溴溶液 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Bromine Bromobenzene 溴苯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B1 or B2 Butadiene 丁二烯 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder B3 Butyl Acetate 乙酸丁酯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Butyl Alcohols (Butanols) other 丁醇 ( 叔丁醇除外 ) Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 than tertiary Butyl Alcohol Butyraldehyde 丁醛 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B2 14

16 C Calcium Alloys (Pyrophoric) 鈣合金 ( 自燃 ) Cat.9 NIL I Calcium Bisulphite Solution 重亞硫酸鈣溶液 Cat L Calcium Carbide (Carbide of 碳化鈣 Cat.6 5 kg H Calcium) Calcium Chlorate 氯酸鈣 Cat.7 5 kg F Calcium Chlorite 亞氯酸鈣 Cat.7 5 kg F Calcium Cyanamide 氨氰化鈣 ( 含不超過 0.5% 碳化 Cat.6 10 kg H (Nitrolim)(containing not more than 0.5% of Calcium Carbide) 鈣 ) Calcium Hydride 氫化鈣 Cat.6 NIL H Calcium Hydrogen Sulphite 重亞硫酸鈣溶液 Cat L Solution (Calcium Bisulphite Solution) Calcium Hypochlorite 次氯酸鈣 Cat.4, Cl kg D Calcium Manganese Silicon 鈣硅 ( 鈣錳硅 ) Cat.6 NIL H Calcium Metal And Alloys 非自燃之鈣及鈣合金 Cat.6 NIL H (non-pyrophoric) Calcium Perchlorate 高氯酸鈣 Cat.7 10 kg G Calcium Permanganate 高錳酸鈣 Cat.7 10 kg G Calcium Peroxide 過氧化鈣 Cat.7 10 kg G Calcium Phosphide 磷化鈣 Cat.6 NIL H Calcium Silicide 硅化鈣 Cat.6 NIL H Calcium Silicon (Calcium 鈣硅 ( 鈣錳硅 ) Cat.6 NIL H Manganese Silicon) Camphor Oil 樟腦油 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Carbolic Acid 石炭酸 Cat.4, Cl kg (Solid)( 固體 ) D and E 250 L (Solution)( 液體 ) Carbon Bisulphide 二硫化碳 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 NIL B1 and D Carbon Dioxide 二氧化碳 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder # 15

17 Carbon Disulphide (Carbon 二硫化碳 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 NIL B1 and D Bisulphide) Carbon Monoxide 一氧化碳 Cat.2, Cl.1 NIL B3 and D1 Carbon Tetrachloride 四氯化碳 Cat.4, Cl L D Caustic Potash 苛性鉀 Cat.3 50 kg (Solid)( 固體 ) E 50 L (Solution)( 溶液 ) Caustic Soda 苛性鈉 Cat.3 50 kg (Solid)( 固體 ) E 50 L (Solution)( 溶液 ) Cement, Liquid (Adhesive) 液體接合劑 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 or B2 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 Celluloid (raw celluloid and articles composed wholly or mainly of celluloid) 賽路珞 ( 未鍊之賽路珞與含有全部或大部份賽路珞之物品 ) Cat.8 10 kg F Cellulose Enamels and Lacquers (including paints and varnishes) 纖維素之磁漆和各種漆 ( 包括油漆和假漆 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div 1 Not exceeding an aggregate of 250 L 總共不超過 250 升 B1 or B2 Celluloid Scrap (including film 賽路珞碎片 ( 包括菲林碎片 ) Cat.8 10 kg F scrap) Chile Saltpetre 硝酸鈉 Cat.7 5 kg G Chloric Acid Solutions not 氯酸溶液 ( 重量不超過 10%) Cat.7 NIL G and D exceeding 10% acid by weight Chloride of Lime 氯化石灰 Cat.4, Cl kg D Chlorine 氯 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL D1 Chloroacetic Acid 氯醋酸 Cat.3 10 kg E (Mono-chloroacetic Acid) Chloroacetyl Chloride 氯乙酰氯 Cat.3 NIL E and H Chlorobenzene 氯苯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Chlorobromomethane 氯溴甲烷 Cat.4, Cl L D Chlorodinitrobenzenes 二硝基甲苯 Cat.4, Cl.2 NIL D1 Chloroform 氯仿 Cat.4, Cl L # (unlimited when intended for use with fire extinguishers 如供滅火筒用, 則無的限制 ) 16

18 Chloropicrin 氯化苦劑 ( 三氯硝甲烷 ) Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Trichloronitromethane) Chlorosulphonic Acid (with or 氯䤑酸 ( 不論有無三氧化硫 ) Cat.3 NIL E and H without Sulphur Trioxide) Chlorotrifluoromethane (Arcton 氯三氟甲烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 2 cylinders 13, Freon 13) Chromic Acid (Solution) 鉻酸 ( 溶液 ) Cat.3 25 L E and G Chromic Acid Solid (Chromium 固體鉻酸 ( 三氧化鉻 ) Cat.7 10 kg G and D1 Trioxide) Chromic Fluoride 氟化鉻 Cat.3 NIL E and H Chromium Trioxide 三氧化鉻 Cat.7 10 kg G and D1 Coal Gas 煤氣 Cat.2, Cl.1 NIL B3 and D1 Coal Tar (Benzol) 煤焦油 ( 苯 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Coal Tar Distillates and oils 煤焦油蒸餾物及餾油 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 or B2 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 Collodion 火棉膠 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Cotton (raw) (loose) and Kapok 原棉 ( 疏鬆的 ) 及木棉包括碎屑 Cat.9A See Note 7A including sweepings 在內 請參閱第 ( 七 )( 甲 ) 項 Cotton Waste (other than waste 廢棉 俗稱 : 威士 ( 紡織製造的 Cat.9A See Note 7A (Also see Reg. cotton used in the manufacturing 廢紗不計在內 ) 169(2)) of textile) 請參閱第 ( 七 )( 甲 ) 項及危險品 ( 普通 ) 條例第一六九 ( 二 ) 條 Cresol (Cresylic Acid), Solid 甲酚 ( 甲酚酸 ), 固體的 Cat.4, Cl kg D and E Cresol (Cresylic Acid), Liquid 甲酚 ( 甲酚酸 ), 液體的 Cat.4, Cl L D and E Crotonaldehyde 巴豆醛 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Cumene Hydroperoxide 80% solution, stablized 氫過氧化枯烯溶液 80%( 穩定的 ) Cat.10 5 kg B2 and G Cyanides, Metallic (except Ferri-cyanides And Ferro-cyanides) 金屬氰化物 ( 鐵氰化物及亞鐵氰化物除外 ) Cat.4, Cl.2 5 kg D1 Cyanogen 氰 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL B3 and D1 Cyclohexanone Peroxide 過氧化環己酮 Cat.10 NIL F and G 17

19 Cyclopropane 環丙烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder B3 D Diacetone Alcohol 雙丙酮醇 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 or B2 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 Decahydronaphthalene (Decalin) 十氫 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Dibenzoyl Peroxide 過氫化二苯 ( 甲 ) 醯 Cat.10 NIL F and G Dichlorodifluoromethane 二氯二氟甲烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 2 cylinders (Arcton 12, Freon 12) Dichlorodifluoromethane / 二氯二氟甲烷 / 三氯氟甲烷混合 Cat.2, Cl.2 2 cylinders Trichlorofluoromethane Mixtures (Arcton 12/11, Freon 體 12/11) Dichlorofluoromethane (Arcton 二氯氟甲烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 2 cylinders 21, Freon 21) 2,4-Dichlorobenzoyl Peroxide 2,4 過氧化二氯苯醯 ( 二氯四氟 Cat.10 NIL F and G 乙烷 ) Dichlorotetrafluoroethane 二氯四氟乙烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 2 cylinders (Arcton 114, Freon 114) Dichloromethane (Methylene 二氯甲烷 Cat.4, Cl L Chloride) Dichloroethylene 二氯乙烯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 1:2 Dichloroethane 二氯化乙烯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Diesel Oils 柴油 Cat.5, Cl L Diethyl Sulphate (Enthyl 硫酸二乙酯 ( 硫酸乙酯 ) Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Sulphate) Diethylamine 二乙胺 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Diethyl Ether (Ether commonly 醚 ( 普通所稱之乙醚 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Not exceeding 2.5 L in the B1 so called) ( 包括二異丙醚及氧化丙烯 ) aggregate (including Di-isopropyl Ether & 總共不超過 2.5 升 Propylene oxide) Diethyl p-nitro-phenyl 對硫磷 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Thiophosphate Diethyl Zinc (Zinc Ethyl) 二乙基鋅 Cat.9 NIL I 18

20 Diisopropyl Ether (Diisopropyl oxide) (including Diethyl Ether & Propylene oxide) 二異丙醚 ( 包括醚及氧化丙烯 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 19 Not exceeding 2.5 L in the aggregate 總共不超過 2.5 升 Diisobutyl Ketone 二異丁基甲酮 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Dilauroyl Peroxide 過氧化月桂醯 Cat.10 NIL F and G Dimethyl Ether 二甲醚 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL B3 Dimethyl Sulphate (Methyl 硫酸二甲酯 ( 硫酸甲酯 ) Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Sulphate) Dimethylamine (Gas) 二甲胺 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL B3 Dimethylamine (Liquid) 二甲胺 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Dimethyl-p-Nitrosoaniline 對亞硝基 N,N 二甲基苯胺 Cat.9 5 kg I (Accelerene) Dinitrobenzenes 二硝基苯 Cat.4, Cl.2 10 kg (Dinitrotoluences) Dinitrobenzenes 二硝基氯苯 Cat.4, Cl.2 NIL D1 (Chlorodinitrobenzenes) Dinitrotoluenes 二硝基甲苯 Cat.4, Cl.2 10 kg Dinitro-Ortho-Cresol 二硝基原甲酚 Cat kg D1 Diphenylmethyl Bromide 二苯甲基溴 Cat.3 NIL E Ditertiary Butyl Peroxide 過氧化二叔丁烷 Cat.10 NIL B1 and G E Enamels & Lacquers (including cellulose, paints & varnishes) 1-2 Epoxy Propene (including Diethyl Ether & Propylene oxide) 磁漆及纖維漆 ( 包括纖維素, 油漆及假漆 ) 氧化丙烯 ( 包括醚及二異丙醚 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Not exceeding an aggregate of 250 L 總共不超過 250 升 Not exceeding an aggregate of 2.5 L 總共不超過 2.5 升 Ethane 乙烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL B3 Ether (Diethyl ether) 醚 ( 普通所稱之乙醚 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Not exceeding 2.5 L in the B1 (including Di-isopropyl Ether & ( 包括二異丙醚及氧化丙烯 ) aggregate Propylene oxide) 總共不超過 2.5 升 B1 B1 or B2 B1

21 Ethylbutyl Acetate (Isohexyl 乙酸異己酯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Acetate) Ethyl Acetate 乙酸乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Ethyl Alcohol 乙醇 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Ethyl Benzene 乙苯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Ethyl Butyrate 丁酸乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Ethyl Chloride 氯乙烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder or 10 kg B3 Ethyl Chloroformate (Ethyl 氯甲酸乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 NIL B1 and D Chlorocarbonate) Ethyl Cellosolve 乙二醇乙醚 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 20 L B2 Ethyl Fluid (Motor Fuel 乙基液 ( 抗震性汽車燃料混合 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D anti-knock Compounds) 物 ) Ethyl Formate 蟻酸乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Ethyl Lactate 乳酸乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 20 L B2 Ethyl Nitrite 亞硝酸乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Ethyl Silicate (Tetraethyl 硅酸四乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 20 L B2 Silicate) Ethyl Sulphate (Diethyl 硫酸乙酯 ( 硫酸二乙酯 ) Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Sulphate) Ethylene 乙烯 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder B3 Ethylene Dichloride 二氯化乙烯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 (1:2-Dichloroethane) Ethylene Glycol Diethyl Ether 乙二醇 [1,2] 二乙醚 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl 乙酸乙氧基乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Ether Acetate Ethylene Glycol Monoethyl 乙二醇乙醚 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 20 L B2 Ether (Ethyl Cellosolve) Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl 甲氧基乙醇 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 20 L B2 Ether (Methyl Cellosolve) Ethylene Glycol Monomethyl 乙酸甲氧基乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 20 L B2 Ether Acetate Ethylene Oxide (Liquid) 環氧乙烷 ( 液體 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Ethylene Oxide (Gas) 環氧乙烷 ( 氣體 ) Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder or 10 kg B3 20

22 Ethylene Oxide (in a concentration not greater than 12% by weight) mixed with an inactive carrier gas (such as dichlorodifluoromethane) 環氧乙烷 ( 濃度不超過 12%) 與一種惰性控制氣體 ( 例如二氯二氟甲烷 ) 混合 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL F Ferrosilicon: (A) Containing less than 30% or more than 70% Silicon (B) Containing between 30% and 70% Silicon 高硅鑄鐵 : ( 甲 ) 內含少過 30% 或超過 70% 之硅 Cat.6 Cat.6 NIL H ( 乙 ) 內含介乎 30% 至 70% 硅 Film (Nitrocellulose base) 菲林 ( 硝化纖維素基 ) Cat.8 40 kg F Fluoboric Acid (Hydrofluoboric 氟硼酸 Cat.3 NIL D and E Acid) Fluorine 氟 Cat.2, Cl.1 NIL D1 Formic Acid 蟻酸 Cat.3 25 L E Furfuraldehyde 糠醛 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Fluoric Acid 氫氟酸溶液 Cat.3 NIL D and E G Gas Oil (distillates) 氣油 ( 蒸餾液 ) Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Guanidine Nitrate 硝酸胍 Cat.7 25 kg G H Helium 氦 Cat.2, Cl.1 1 cylinder Hexamethylene Diisocyanate 1,6 己二異氰酸酯 Cat.4, Cl.1 30 L D Hexamine 六胺 ( 六亞甲基四胺 ) Cat.8 50 kg F (Hexamethylenetetramine) Hydrazine Hydrate 水合肼 Cat.4, Cl kg D and E Hydriodic Acid (Hydrogen Iodide Solution) 氫碘酸 Cat.3 25 L E NIL H 21

23 Hydrobromic Acid (Hydrogen 氫溴酸 Cat.3 25 L E Bromide Solution) Hydrochloric Acid (Muriatic 氫氯酸 ( 鹽酸, 酒精鹽 ) Cat.3 25 L E Acid or Spirits of Salt) Hydrochloric Acid, Anhydrous 無水氫氯酸 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL Hydrocyanic Acid, Anhydrous 無水氫氰酸 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL D Hydrocyanic Acid Solutions 氫氰酸溶液 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D (Prussic Acid) Fluoboric Acid (Hydrofluoboric 氟硼酸 Cat.3 NIL D and E Acid) Hydrofluoric Acid Anhydrous 無水氫氟酸 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL D1 Hydrofluoric Acid Solution 氫氟酸溶液 Cat.3 NIL D and E (Fluoric Acid, Hydrogen Fluoride Solution) Hydrofluosilicic Acid (Sand 氟硅酸 Cat.3 10 L D and E Acid) Hydrogen 氫 Cat.2, Cl.1 1 Cylinder B3 Hydrobromic Acid (Hydrogen 氫溴酸溶液 Cat.3 25 L E Bromide Solution) Hydrogen Chloride 氯化氫 ( 無水氫氯酸 ) Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL (Hydrochloric Acid Anhydrous) Hydrogen Cyanide Anhydrous 氰化氫, 無水的 ( 穩定的 ) Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D (Stabilized) Hydrogen Cyanide (Hydrocyanic 無水氫氰酸 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL D Acid, Anhydrous) Hydrogen Fluoride 氟化氫 ( 無水氫氟酸 ) Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL D1 (Hydrofluoric Acid Anhydrous) Hydrogen Fluoride Solution 氫氟酸溶液 Cat.3 NIL D and E Hydriodic Acid (Hydrogen 氫碘酸溶液 Cat.3 25 L E Iodide Solution) Hydrogen Peroxide 過氧化氫 Cat. (A) Solutions of a strength greater than 6% and not exceeding 35% by weight ( 甲 ) 濃度超過 6% 但不超過 35% 的溶液 Cat.7 25 L G 22

24 (B) Solutions of a strength greater than 35% and not exceeding 60% by weight Hydrogen Sulphide (Sulphuretted Hydrogen) ( 乙 ) 濃度超過 35% 但不超過 60% 的溶液 Cat.7 NIL G 硫化氫 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL B3 and D1 I Inflammable Printers Inks 易燃之印刷油墨 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L Isobutyl Acetate 乙酸二丁酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Iso-cyanates of types TD1 And 異氰酸酯 (2,4 甲苯二異氰酸 Cat.4, Cl.1 30 L D HD1 (2, 4 tolylenediisocyanate, 酯,2,6 甲苯二異氰酸酯及 1,6 2, 6 tolylenediisocyanate, and 己二異氰酸酯 ) hexamethylene diisocyanate) Isopropyl Alcohol 異性丙醇 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 K Kapok 木棉 Cat.9A See Note 7A 請參閱第 ( 七 )( 甲 ) 項 Kerosene (Aviation Turbine 火水 ( 飛機用之輪機燃料, 石腊 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Fuel, Paraffin) 油 ) Krypton 氪 Cat.2, Cl.1 1 cylinder L Lacquers 纖維漆 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Not exceeding an aggregate of B1 or B2 (including cellulose, Enamels, ( 包括纖維素, 磁漆, 油漆及假漆 ) Cat.5, Cl.2, Div L paints & varnishes) 總共不超過 250 升 Lacquers Thinners 漆烯釋用溶劑 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Lauroyl Peroxide (Dilauroyl 過氧化月桂酰 Cat.10 NIL F and G Peroxide) Lead Acetate 醋酸鉛 Cat.4, Cl.2 10 kg D1 Lead Dioxide 二氧化鉛 Cat.7 25 kg G and D1 Lead Nitrate 硝酸鉛 Cat.7 25 kg G and D1 Lead Perchlorate 高氯酸鉛 Cat.7 10 kg G and D1 Lead Peroxide (Lead Dioxide) 過氧化鉛 ( 二氧化鉛 ) Cat.7 25 kg G and D1 23

25 Lead Tetraethyl 四乙基鉛 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Lead Tetramethyl 四甲基鉛 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Lithium Aluminium Hydride 氫化鋁鋰 Cat.6 NIL H Lithium Borohydride 氫硼化鋰 Cat.6 NIL H Lithium Hydride 氫化鋰 Cat.6 NIL H M Magnesium Alloys or Metal containing 50% or more Magnesium (excluding ingots, bars or sticks): (A) Powder (B) Ribbon, boring, etc. 含有重量 50% 或超過 50% 之鎂或鎂合金 ( 鎂錠, 鎂塊或鎂條除外 ):- ( 甲 ) 粉 Cat.6 5 kg H ( 乙 ) 螺條, 鏜 ( 孔 ) 或其他 Cat.6 10 kg H Magnesium Alloys (Pyrophoric) 鎂合金 ( 自燃 ) Cat.9 NIL I Magnesium Perchlorate 高氯酸鎂 Cat.7 10 kg G Magnesium Peroxide 過氧化鎂 Cat.7 10 kg G Manganese Ethylene-Bisdithiocarbamate (polymeric)(maneb) preparations at concentrations of 60% or over 亞乙烯基雙二硫代氨基甲酸錳 ( 濃度達 60% 或以上的配劑 ) Cat.6 25 kg H Matches 火柴 Cat.9A See Note 7A 請參閱第 ( 七 )( 甲 ) 項 Mercury Salts (except Mercurous 汞鹽 ( 一氧化汞, 氰化汞除外 ) Cat.4, Cl.2 10 kg D1 Chloride, Mercuric Cyanide) Metaldehyde 四聚乙醛 Cat.8 30 kg F Methane 甲烷 Cat.2, Cl.1 1 cylinder B3 Methyl Acetate 醋酸甲酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Methyl Alcohol 甲醇 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Methyl Amyl Acetate (Sec-Hexyl 乙酸甲基戊酯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Acetate) Methyl Amyl Ketone 甲基 戊基 ( 甲 ) 酮 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Methyl Bromide 溴甲烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder or 25 kg Methyl Cellosolve 甲氧基乙醇 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 20 L B2 Methyl Chloride 氯甲烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder B3 Methyl Chlorocarbonate 氯碳酸甲酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 NIL B1 and D Methyl Chloroformate 氯甲酸甲酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 NIL B1 and D 24

26 Methyl Ethyl Ketone 甲基 乙基 ( 甲 ) 酮 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Methyl Ethyl Ketone Peroxide 過氧化甲基乙基甲酮 Cat.10 NIL B2 and G Methyl Formate 蟻酸甲酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Methyl Methacrylate Monomer 甲基丙烯酸甲酯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Methyl Sulphate 硫酸二甲酯 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Methylene Chloride 二氯甲烷 Cat.4, Cl L Methylene Diphenyl Diisocyanate 甲二苯二異氰酸酯 Cat.4, Cl.1 30 L D Mirbane Oil 硝基苯 Cat.4, Cl.1 50 L D Mischmetal (Slabs or ingots) 鈰鑭釹鐠混合金屬 ( 片或塊 )( 粉 ) Cat.8 NIL F (Powder) Mixed Acid (when consisting of a 混合酸 ( 含有混合之硫酸與硝酸 ) Cat.3 10 L E mixture of Sulphuric and Nitric Acid) Chloroacetic Acid 一氯代乙酸 Cat.3 10 kg E (Monochloroacetic Acid) Monochlorodifluoromethane 一氯二氟甲烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 2 cylinders (Arcton 22, Freon 22) Monomethylamine 甲胺 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL B3 Motor Fuel Anti-knock Compounds 抗震性汽車燃料混合物 ( 乙基液 ) Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D (Ethyl Fluid) Hydrochloric Acid (Muriatic Acid or Spirits of Salt) 鹽酸 Cat.3 25 L E Naphtha Distillate 石腦油蒸餾物 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B1 Naphtha (Petroleum or Coal-tar 石腦油 ( 石油或石炭油 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 or B2 Naphtha) Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 Naphthalene (crude or refined) ( 經提煉或未經提煉 ) Cat.8 50 kg F 1, 5-Naphthalene Diisocyanate 二異氰酸酯 Cat.4, Cl.1 30 L D Neon 氖 Cat.2, Cl.1 1 cylinder Nickel Carbonyl 羰基鎳 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 NIL B1 and D Nicotine, and Salts Of Nicotine, 菸草香素, 菸草香素鹽, 配劑內含 Cat.4, Cl L D1 Preparation containing Nicotine and any Salts of Nicotine 有菸草香素或菸草香素鹽 Nitric Acid 硝酸 Cat.3 10 L E and G N 25

27 Nitrobenzene (Nitrobenzol, Mirbane Oil) 硝基苯 Cat.4, Cl.1 50 L D Nitrocellulose (Collodion Cotton) 潤濕易燃液體之硝化纖維 ( 膠棉 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 or B2 wetted with an inflammable liquid Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 Nitrocellulose containing less than 硝化纖維 ( 含有少過 12.3% 氮及不 Cat.10 2 kg 123% of Nitrogen and wet with not less than 1/3 of its weight of water 少過其水重量之三分一 ) Nitrochlorobenzenes (Ortho-, Meta-, 硝基氯苯 ( 鄰一, 間一及對一 ) Cat.4, Cl.1 10 L D and Para-) Nitrogen 氮 Cat.2, Cl.1 1 cylinder Nitrogen (Liquid) 液態氮 Cat.2, Cl.2 2 cylinders Nitrogen Tetroxide (Nitrogen 四氧化二氮 ( 過氧化氮 ) Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL D1 Peroxide) Nitroglycerin Solutions in Ethyl 乙醇中之硝化甘油溶液 ( 內含不超 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 NIL B1 Alcohol, containing not more than 5% nitroglycerin by weight 過 5% 重之硝化甘油 ) Nitrosyl Chloride 亞硝基氯 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL D1 Nitrotoluenes (Ortho-, Meta-, And 硝基甲苯 ( 鄰一, 間一及對一 ), 固 Cat.4, Cl.2 50 kg D1 Para-), Solid 體的 Nitrotoluenes (Ortho-, Meta-, And 硝基甲苯 ( 鄰一, 間一及對一 ), 液 Cat.4, Cl.2 50 L D1 Para-), Liquid 體的 Nitrous Oxide 氧化亞氮 Cat.2, Cl.2 2 cylinders Nitrolim 氨氰化鈣 Cat.6 10 kg H Orthodichlorobenzene 磷二氯苯 Cat.4, Cl.1 10 L Phosphoric Acid (Orthophosphoric 磷酸 Cat.3 25 L Acid) Oxygen 氧 Cat.2, Cl.1 2 cylinders Oxygen, Liquid 液態氧 Cat.2, Cl.2 10 L O 26

28 P Paint, Lacquers & Varnish (including Cellulose & Enamels) 漆油, 纖維漆, 假漆 ( 包括纖維素及磁漆 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 Not exceeding an aggregate of B1 or B2 250 L 總共不超過 250 升 20 L B1 or B2 Paint Thinner 塗料烯釋劑 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 Paradichlorobenzene 對二氯苯 Cat.4, Cl.1 25 kg Paraldehyde 三聚乙醛 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Paranitroaniline 對硝基苯胺 Cat.4, Cl.2 5 kg D1 Parathion (Diethyl p-nitro-phenyl 對硫磷 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D thiophosphate) Pentachloroethane 五氯乙烷 Cat.4, Cl L NIL Pentachlorophenol 五氯苯酚 Cat.4, Cl.2 5 kg D1 Pentane 戊烷 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Perchloric Acid not exceeding 72% 高氯酸, 溶液的重量比不超逾 Cat.3 NIL E and G w/w in solution (Over 72% is prohibited) 72%( 注意 : 禁止超過 72%) Perchloroethylene 四氯乙烯 Cat.4, Cl L Petrol (Aviation Gasoline, Motor 電油 ( 飛機油, 汽油, 打火機油 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Spirit, Lighter Fuel) Petroleum (Crude) 原油 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 or B2 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 Petroleum Spirit (Lythene, 汽油 ( 鋰酚, 石油醚, 石油英 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Petroleum Ether, Ligroin) Phenol (Carbolic Acid) and its homologues (solid) eg cresols (Cresylic Acid) and other tar acids and liquid preparations thereof Phenol (Carbolic Acid) And Its Homologues (Liquid) eg cresols (Cresylic Acid) and other tar acids and liquid preparations thereof 苯酚 ( 石炭酸 ) 及其同類物, 液體的, 例如甲酚 ( 甲酚酸 ) 及其他焦油酸和其甲酚液體配劑 苯酚 ( 石炭酸 ) 及其同類物, 固液的, 例如甲酚 ( 甲酚酸 ) 及其他焦油酸和其甲酚液體配劑 Cat.4, Cl kg D and E Cat.4, Cl L D and E Phenylene Diamines and Toluylene 苯二胺與甲代苯二胺 Cat.4, Cl.2 5 kg D1 Diamines Phosgene 光氣 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL D1 27

29 Phosphoric Acid (Orthophosphoric 磷酸 ( 正磷酸 ) Cat.3 25 L N Acid) Phosphorus, white or yellow 白磷或黃磷 Cat.9 NIL I and D1 Phosphorus Amorphous (Red 非品質之磷 ( 紅磷 ) Cat.8 NIL F Phosphorus) Phosphorus Bromide 溴化磷 Cat.3 NIL E and H Phosphorus Chloride 氯化磷 Cat.3 NIL E and H Phosphorus Oxychloride 三氯氧化磷 ( 氯氧化磷 ) Cat.3 NIL E and H (Phosphoryl Chloride) Phosphorus Pentachloride 五氯化磷 Cat.3 NIL E and H Phosphorus Pentasulphide, free from 五硫化二磷 ( 不含白或紅磷 ) Cat.8 NIL F and H white or yellow phosphorus Phosphorus Sesquisulphide, free 三硫化四磷 ( 不含白或紅磷 ) Cat.8 NIL F from white or yellow phosphorus Phosphorus Tribromide (Phosphorus 三溴化磷 Cat.3 NIL E and H Bromide) Phosphorus Trichloride (Phosphorus 三氯化磷 Cat.3 NIL E and H Chloride) Phosphoryl Chloride 磷醯氯 Cat.3 NIL E and H Plasticized Nitrocellulose Flakes 硝化纖維塑膠薄片 Cat.8 10 kg F Polyetrafluoroethylene (PTFE) 聚四氟乙烯 Cat.9A See Note 7A 請參閱第七 ( 甲 ) 項 Polymethylmethacrylate (raw 聚甲基丙烯酸甲酯 ( 原料 ) Cat.9A See Note 7A material) 請參閱第七 ( 甲 ) 項 Polystyrene (raw material) 聚苯乙烯 ( 原料 ) Cat.9A See Note 7A 請參閱第七 ( 甲 ) 項 Polythene (raw material) 聚乙烯 ( 原料 ) Cat.9A See Note 7A 請參閱第七 ( 甲 ) 項 Polypropylene (raw material) 聚丙烯 ( 原料 ) Cat.9A See Note 7A 請參閱第七 ( 甲 ) 項 Polyvinyl Chloride (raw material) 聚氯乙烯 ( 原料 ) Cat.9A See Note 7A 請參閱第七 ( 甲 ) 項 Portable Spirits 可飲醇 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 See Note 7 請參閱第七項 Potassium Borohydride 氫硼化鉀 Cat.6 NIL H Potassium Bromate 溴酸鉀 Cat.7 5 kg F 28

30 Potassium Chlorate 氯酸鉀 Cat.7 5 kg F Potassium Hydroxide (Caustic 氫氧化鉀 ( 苛性鉀 ), 固體 Cat.3 50 kg E Potash), Solid Potassium Hydroxide Solution 氫氧化鉀溶液 ( 苛性鉀溶液 ) Cat.3 50 L E (Caustic Potash Solution) Potassium Hypochlorite Solutions 次氯酸鉀溶液 Cat.4, Cl L D Potassium Metal 鉀 Cat.6 NIL H Potassium Nitrate (Saltpetre) 硝酸鉀 Cat.7 50 kg G Potassium Perchlorate 高氯酸鉀 Cat.7 10 kg G Potassium Permanganate 高錳酸鉀 Cat.7 10 kg G Potassium Peroxide 過氧化鉀 Cat.7 10 kg G Potassium Sulphide Anhydrous 無水硫化鉀 Cat.9 25 kg I Potassium Sulphide (Hydrated) 硫化鉀 ( 水合 ) Cat kg H Propene Oxide 氧化丙烯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Not exceeding 2.5 L in the B1 (including Diethyl Ether & ( 包括醚及二異丙醚 ) aggregate Di-isiopropyl Ether) 總共不超過 2.5 升 Propionic Acid 丙酸 Cat.3 50 L Propyl Alcohol (Propanol) 丙醇 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Propylene 丙烯 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder B3 Propylene Oxide (Propene Oxide: 1-2 epoxy propene) (including Diethyl Ether & Di-isiopropyl Ether) 氧化丙烯 ( 包括醚及二異丙醚 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Not exceeding 2.5 L in the aggregate 總共不超過 2.5 升 Prussic Acid 氫氰酸 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D B1 Pyridine 雜氮苯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.2 20 L B1 Pyroxylin Solvents and Solutions 硝化纖維溶劑及溶液 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 R Red Phosphorus 紅磷 Cat.8 NIL F Rubber Solutions 橡膠溶液 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Rubber (Raw) 生橡膠 ( 原料 ) Cat.9A See Note 7A 請參閱第 ( 七 )( 甲 ) 項 Rubber Tyres (motor) 橡膠輪胎 Cat.9A See Note 7A 請參閱第 ( 七 )( 甲 ) 項 29

31 Rosin Oil 松香油 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 S Saltpetre 硝酸鉀 Cat.7 50 kg G Sand Acid 氯硅酸 Cat.3 10 L D and E Silicon Tetrachloride (Silicon 四氯化硅 Cat.3 NIL E and H Chloride) Sludge or Spent Acid (not 淤渣硫酸 ( 不含硝酸或亞硝酸 ) Cat.3 50 L E containing Nitric Acid or Nitrous Acid) Sodium Azide 疊氮化鈉 Cat kg D1 Sodium Bisulphite Solution Over 亞硫酸氫鈉溶液, 超過 10% Cat L E 10% Sodium Borohydride 氫硼化鈉 Cat.6 NIL H Sodium Bromate 溴酸鈉 Cat.7 5 kg F Sodium Chlorate 氯酸鈉 Cat.7 5 kg F Sodium Chlorite 亞氯酸鈉 Cat.7 5 kg F Sodium Chlorite (Alkaline Solution) 亞氯酸鈉 ( 鹼性溶液 ) Cat.4, Cl L E Sodium Dinitro-Ortho-Cresolate 二硝基原甲酚鹽鈉 Cat kg D1 Sodium Dithionite 次硫酸鈉 Cat.9 50 kg I Sodium Hydroxide (Caustic Soda) 氫氧化鈉 ( 苛性鈉 )( 固體 ) Cat.3 50 kg E (Solid) Sodium Hydroxide Solution 氫氧化鈉溶液 Cat.3 50 L E (Caustic Soda Solution) Sodium Hypochlorite Solutions 次氯酸鈉溶液 Cat.4, Cl L D Sodium Hydrosulphite (Sodium 次硫酸鈉 Cat.9 50 kg I Dithionite) Sodium Metal 鈉 Cat.6 NIL H Sodium Nitrate (Chile Saltpetre) 硝酸鈉 Cat.7 5 kg G Sodium Perchlorate 高氯酸鈉 Cat.7 10 kg G Sodium Permanganate 高錳酸鈉 Cat.7 10 kg G Sodium Peroxide 過氧化鈉 Cat.7 10 kg G Sodium Phosphide 磷化鈉 Cat.6 NIL H Sodium Sulphide (containing less than 30% water of crystallization) 硫化鈉 ( 含有少過 30% 之結晶水 ) Cat.9 25 kg I 30

32 Sodium Sulphide containing not less 硫化鈉, 含有不少過 30% 之結晶水 Cat kg H than 30% water of crystallization Spirits of Salt 鹽酸 Cat.3 25 L E Stannic Chloride, Anhydrous (Tin 無水氯化錫 ( 四氯化錫 ) Cat.3 NIL E and H Tetrachloride) Strontium Alloys (Non-pyrophoric) 鍶合金 ( 非自燃 ) Cat.6 NIL H Strontium Alloys (Pyrophoric) 鍶合金 ( 自燃 ) Cat.9 NIL I Strontium Chlorate 氯酸鍶 Cat.7 5 kg F Strontium Peroxide 過氧化鍶 Cat.7 10 kg G Strontium Nitrate 硝酸鍶 Cat.7 25 kg G Sulphur Dioxide 二氧化硫 Cat.2, Cl.2 1 cylinder or 25 kg Sulphur Chlorides (Sulphur 氯化硫 ( 二氯化硫, 氯化硫 ) Cat.3 NIL D and E Dichloride, Sulphur Monochloride) Sulphur Trioxide (Stabilized Liquid) 三氯化硫 ( 穩定液 ) Cat.3 NIL E and H Sulphuretted Hydrogen 硫化氫 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL B3 and D1 Sulphuric Acid of Strength not less 硫酸 Cat.3 10 E than 10% w/w and not more than 濃度為重量比不少於 10% 和不超 50% w/w 過 50% Sulphuric Acid, fuming (Oleum or 發煙硫酸 Cat.3 NIL E and H "Nordhausen" Acid) Sulphuryl Chloride 氯化硫醯 Cat.3 NIL D and E T Tertiary Butyl Hydroperoxide 75% 氫過氧化叔丁基 75% 溶液 Cat.10 NIL B1 and G Solution Tertiary Butyl Perbenzoate 過苯叔丁基 Cat.10 NIL B1 and G Tetraethyl Lead 四乙基鉛 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Tetramethyl Lead 四甲基鉛 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Tetrachloroethane (Acetylene 四氯乙烷 Cat.4, Cl L - Tetrachloride) Tetrachloroethylene 四氯乙烯 Cat.4, Cl L - (Perchloroethylene) Tetraethyl Silicate 硅酸四乙酯 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.2 20 L B2 Thermites (Commerical, consisting of finely divided aluminium and iron oxide only) 鋁熱劑 ( 商用, 祇含有鋁與氧化鐵之微粒 ) Cat.6 NIL H 31

33 Thioglycollic Acid 巰基醋酸 Cat.3 25 L E and F Thionyl Chloride 亞硫醯氯 Cat.3 NIL D and E Tin Tetrachloride 四氯化錫 Cat.3 NIL E and H Titanium Hydride Powder 氫化鈦粉 Cat.9 NIL I Titanium Tetrachloride 四氯化呔 Cat.3 NIL E and H Toluene (Toluol) 甲苯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Toluylene Diamines 甲苯二胺 Cat.4, Cl.2 5 kg D1 2, 4 Tolylenediisocyanate 2,4 甲苯二異氰酸酯 Cat.4, Cl.1 30 L D 2, 6 Tolylenediisocyanate 2,6 甲苯二異氰酸酯 Cat.4, Cl.1 30 L D Trichloroethane (1, 1, 1- and 1, 1, 三氯乙烷 Cat.4, Cl L 2-) Trichloroethylene 三氯乙烯 Cat.4, Cl L Trichloromonofluoromethane 三氯一氟甲烷 Cat.2, Cl.2 2 cylinders (Arcton 11, Freon 11) Trichloronitromethane 三氯硝甲烷 Cat.4, Cl.1 NIL D Trimethylamine 三甲胺 Cat.2, Cl.2 NIL B3 Turpentine and Turpentine Substitutes 松節油及其代品 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 20 L B2 Varnish (including cellulose, Enamels, paints & varnishes) 假漆 ( 包括纖維素, 油漆及假漆 ) Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 Cat.5, Cl.2, Div.1 32 V Not exceeding an aggregate of 250 L 總共不超過 250 升 Vinyl Ether 二乙烯醚 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 W White Arsenic 白砷 Cat.4, Cl.2 5 kg D1 X Xylene 二甲苯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Xylol 混合二甲苯 Cat.5, Cl.1, Div.1 20 L B1 Z Zinc Chlorate 氯酸鋅 Cat.7 5 kg F Zinc Ethyl 二乙基鋅 Cat.9 NIL I B1 or B2

34 Zinc Permanganate 高錳酸鋅 Cat.7 10 kg G Zinc Peroxide 過氧化鋅 Cat.7 10 kg G Zinc Phosphide 磷化鋅 Cat.6 NIL H Zinc Powder or Dust 鋅粉或塵 Cat.6 10 kg H Zirconium Hydride Powder 氫化鋯粉 Cat.9 NIL I Zirconium Metal Powder 鋯粉 Cat.9 NIL I 33

35 s The size of the labels is to be not less than 100 x 100mm 之面積不得少於 100 毫米 x 100 毫米 B1 B1 HIGHLY INFLAMMABLE FLASH POINT. 極易着火 引火點攝氏. 度 B2 B2 INFLAMMABLE FLASH POINT 易着火 引火點攝氏 度 White lettering on Vermilion Red 白色字朱紅色底 Note : B1 is used for substance with flash point below 23. Enter below 23 or the actual flash point in the space provided on the label. 註 : B1 是用以貼在引火點在攝氏 23 度以下的物體上 請在上的空位填上 攝氏 23 度以下 或實際引火點 White lettering on Vermilion Red 白色字朱紅色底 34

36 B3 B3 GASES POSSESSING A FIRE RISK 惹火氣體 White lettering on Vermilion Red 白色字朱紅色底 B4 B4 BLOWING AGENT 發泡劑 White lettering on Vermilion Red 白色字朱紅色底 35

37 C1 C1 MATCHES 火柴 White lettering on Vermilion Red 白色字朱紅色底 D D GIVES OFF POISONOUS GAS OR VAPOUR 有毒氣發出 Vermilion Red lettering on White 朱紅色字白色底 36

38 D1 D1 POISON 毒品 Vermilion Red lettering on White 朱紅色字白色底 E E CORRSIVE 有腐蝕性 Vermilion Red lettering on White 朱紅色字白色底 37

39 F F COMBUSTIBLE 可能燃燒 Black lettering on Vermilion Red and White stripes 黑色字, 朱紅色及白色相間底 G G OXIDISING AGENT 氧化劑 Black lettering on Yellow 黑色字黃色底 38

40 H H FIRE OR POISON RISK IF WETTED WITH WATER OR ACIDS 如被水或酸質沾濕 則變為惹火或有毒 Vermilion Red lettering on Top & bottom corners Ultramarine Blue 朱紅色字白色底頂角及底角為深藍色 I I REACTS SPONTANEOUSLY WITH AIR 露風即有危險反應 Vermilion Red lettering on White with 2 Black Stripes 朱紅色字白色底及兩條黑條紋 39


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