GR 36 G 首先, 恭喜你完成了第一阶段 陈琦 GR 填空基础 24 套 的训练, 欢迎进入到 陈琦 GR 填空训练 的第二阶段 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 ( 老 G 版 ) 的练习 本部分题目完全来自于老 GR 考试的真题, 原汁原味, 没有任何改编 这些题目中虽然没有 3 空题, 但是

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1 GR 36 陈琦戈弋黄晨成 2014 年 4 月 22 日

2 GR 36 G 首先, 恭喜你完成了第一阶段 陈琦 GR 填空基础 24 套 的训练, 欢迎进入到 陈琦 GR 填空训练 的第二阶段 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 ( 老 G 版 ) 的练习 本部分题目完全来自于老 GR 考试的真题, 原汁原味, 没有任何改编 这些题目中虽然没有 3 空题, 但是 3 空题无非是更多句子的累加, 因此如果考生能按照使用方法认真完成这部分题目,3 空题的解决也是唾手可得 本材料属于 陈琦 GR 填空训练 系列的第二部分, 适合于 的考生, 同时适用于备考处于 GR 小时阶段的考生, 以及参加培训机构中 GR 1 对 1,GR 强化,GR 考前冲刺班,GR 全程班与 GR 直通车 中期阶段培训时期课程的考生 该部分题目完全源自于老 GR 真题, 是市面上流传的 GR 的三个 大白本, 以及自 2002 年 11 月 GR 考试在中国大陆地区恢复成笔考以来, 考生从考场中搜集的完整的 GR 填空套题 ( 极其罕见和完整 ) 的合集 针对市面上盗版大白本印刷质量差, 题目不完整, 没有专项的填空练习的现状, 琦叔的 再要你命 3000 团队专门将三个大白本整理后, 将此份必备填空备考资料 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 ( 老 G 版 ) 呈现给各位考生 该套备考资料收录的老 GR 填空题目是市面上最全面的题目, 相对于陈圣元老师的 GR 句子填空 我们增加了 No2 与 No3 的题目和考生从考场收集的笔考完整题目 本材料题目的构成如下 : 第一部分是北美 80 年代的 NO 题, 从 NO.2 到 NO.9, 共 378 题 ; 第二部分是国内 的老 GR 题目, 共 196 题 ; 2

3 GR 36 G 3 第三部分是国内 的老 GR 题目, 共 140 题 ; 第四部分是 2002 年 11 月,2006 年 6 月,2008 年 6 月学生搜集的罕见而完整的题目, 共 42 题 老 GR 从 99 年 4 月至 2002 年 9 月为机考, 该部分为残存机经, 可以在太傻 寄托天下的考古贴里找到残存的题目, 但已没有备考价值 从 2002 年 11 月至 2011 年 6 月 11 日恢复为笔考 综上, 老 GR 题目共计 756 个题目 我们将 21 个题目记为一套, 共计 36 套 GR GR 本材料收集的题目是 TS 所出的 GR 真题, 没有经过任何改编, 相比于市面上改编的 X 皮书 而言, 是原汁原味真题, 更不会出现 X 皮书 中因为选项删减不讲究, 造成的 破坏选项耦合 的现象 ( 具体请参考一位考生的文章, 非常重要!!! 请从头到尾看完!!!) GR 36 G 建议参加琦叔 GR 培训的同学在课程结束, 整理好笔记, 用课上讲授的方法做完成补充训练 同时对于单词的含义是否把握, 句子内部的重复是否搞清楚的工作则需要同学们在课下借助本练习与 新 GR 核心词汇考法精析 ( 再要你命 3000) 来完成并巩固 2 具体训练方法如下: 在每套练习之前, 提炼了该部分题目最为核心的单词, 在单词熟悉之后, 可以开始题目的训练,36 套每套 21 个题目, 建议 20 分钟一组来做 以前老 GR 的填空 7 个题目一组, 我们建议学生 6-7 分钟完成 18 ( 原 NO 题目, 难度相对于后 18 套题目略高 ) 进行 的计时 做题的原则是, 做懂比做对更重要, 所以 训练 第一轮训练重点在于结合题目, 抓住 TS 的主考词汇 可以在训练的时候, 用题目答案结合 再要你命 3000 深入理解主考词汇, 尤其要关注词条下面的同反义词 此处不建议使用除 再要你命 3000 以外的词汇书帮助记忆, 因为会存在词汇释义不准确, 记忆负担过重的问题 ; 同时也不建议使用 Merriam-Webster ictionary, 因为韦氏词典释义过多, 解释过难, 不适合初级备考者使用

4 4 GR 36 G 在完成 18 练习的时候, 请掐时间训练, 每一套 20 分钟 其中每个 section 的 6, 7, 13, 14, 20, 21 题为 TS 默认的难度较大的题目 每套 21 个题目, 如果在规定 20 分钟内错误个数在 3 个以内, 对应新 GR 语文分数约为 162+; 如果在 4 6 个, 约为 第 2 遍做题的时候, 请大家用课上的方法, 找出做题的线索词, 关键词与对应, 熟悉 TS 出题的原则, 融会贯通, 这样就可以站在 TS 出题的角度看这些题目, 做到这一步你就是 TS 他爹 ( 娘 ) 具体做题方法可以参看网络课堂 : 建议同学们把最基本的功底打扎实之后再去接触更复杂的三空题目以及阅读题目 所有的 Verbal 题目都是基于改写的重复 在三空与阅读中, 改写的重复的平均难度高于单空与双空题目 如果定位语文目标低于 162 分,24 套基础,36 套强化,OG 和 PP2 中的填空已经可以达到足够的训练 GR 36 G 题目的解析会以纸质书的形式进行发布, 也欢迎同学们提出题目的独到解法与疑问 在该强化训练之后, 我们会继续发布后续的 陈琦 GR 填空训练 的最新练习题目供各位高足备考使用 愿我们共同拿下新 GR 最核心的单词! 愿我们在考场上面对新 GR 题目, 来一个, 灭一个! 3000 GR

5 GR 36 G 5 koolearn GR 考前真题点词班 : 建议 3 周之内参加考试同学报名 ( 已结束 ) 2 小时真题高频词串讲 ( 已结束 ) 2 小时真题高频词串讲 ( 已结束 ) 2 小时真题高频词串讲 ( 已结束 ) 2 小时真题高频词串讲 ( 报名中 ) 2 小时真题高频词串讲 F ( 报名中 ) 2 小时真题高频词串讲 F : 你可以在 班之后加上 班 F 班 一直到 Z 班, 我们一直在更 新, 请跟上我们的节奏 我们的课程内容基于来之不易的限制级资料, 将把最新 题目中的最核心的词汇抽取出来, 借助这些单词之前的考过的题目, 用富有节奏 感的安排带着同学们完成考前的 最强词汇 串讲 我们为大家打造的考前点词 班是每位考生参加 GR 考试的最基本配置 从此之后, 考场上不认识主考单词 的时代将一去不复返了! 每期班会涉及 1 套真题中的主考单词, 建议从当下最新 的班级开始报名, 一直更新学校到你离开 GR 的那一天 我们的班级每期的串 讲内容完全不同, 每 2 次考试结束之后会有一期新的班级 提醒大家的是, 如果 大家在考场上看到了相似或者相同的东西, 也希望能够控制情绪, 不要影响其他 同学的答题 敬请期待我们的后续课程! 课程咨询, 请联系 : 线下课程 : 戈弋 线上课程 : 高宇 邮箱咨询 微信公共平台 : 琦叔 GR

6 GR 36 G 核心词汇表 练习题 核心词汇表 练习题 核心词汇表 练习题

7 1.1 GR 46 absolute aggressive apathy apprehensive array assess austere autonomy banal beneficent cacophony circumspect claim compendium conservative conspicuous content demonstrate denounce disparate distinctive elude enlighten flout harness hyperbole impeccable imprudent indispensable innocuous meretricious milieu novel preoccupation prototype salient sincere specific spectator sporadic strike superficial tame tendentious voyeur 27 welter accept 接受 :To receive (something offered), especially with gladness adjustment n. 调整 :The act of adjusting or the state of being adjusted alienation n. 疏远 :The act of alienating or the condition of being alienated; estrangement consistent adj. 符合的 :In agreement; compatible context n. 背景 :The circumstances in which an event occurs; a setting impose 欺骗 :To offer or circulate fraudulently; pass off inactive adj. 不活动的 :Not active or tending to be active innovation n. 创新 :The act of introducing something new 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 insatiably adj. 无法满足的 :Impossible to satiate or satisfy 7

8 8 institutionalize 制度化 :To make into, treat as, or give the character of an institution to integrate 融合 :To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify manage 管理 / 经营 :To direct the affairs or interests of milestone n. 里程碑 :n important event, as in a person s career, the history of a nation, or the advancement of knowledge in a field; a turning point nonexistent n. 不存在 :The condition of not existing object n. 目的 :The purpose, aim, or goal of a specific action or effort optimistic adj. 乐观的 :optimistic redistribution n. 重新分配 :n economic theory or policy that advocates reducing inequalities in the distribution of wealth resemble 表现得与 类似 :To exhibit similarity or likeness to restrain 限制 :To limit or restrict stem 抵抗 :To make headway against submission n. 投降 / 屈服 :The act of submitting to the power of another superstructure n. 上层建筑 : physical or conceptual structure extended or developed from a basic form supplementary adj. 补充的 :dded or serving as a supplement underlie 作为 的基础 :To be the support or basis of; account for unjustifiable adj. 无法原谅的 :Impossible to excuse, pardon, or justify unrealistic adj. 脱离现实的 :Not compatible with reality or fact; unreasonably idealistic violation n. 违反 :The act or an instance of violating or the condition of being violated When an oppressed group revolts against a society, one must look for the forces that led to the group s that society. disparate acknowledgment of specific dependence on altered redistribution within focused interference with 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 underlying alienation from

9 very novel invites us to enter a world that is initially strange; our gradual and selective orientation to its manners infants to their environment. imitates welcome completes introduction resembles adjustment alters blindness reinforces resistance 1-3 Superficial differences between the special problems and techniques of the physical sciences and those of the biological sciences are sometimes cited as evidence for the of biology and for the claim that the methods of physics are therefore not adequate to biological inquiry. autonomy vitalsm purposiveness obsolescence irrelevance 1-4 s the creation of new knowledge through science has become resistance to innovation has become less taking the form of inertia rather than direct attack. controversial sporadic institutionalized aggressive essential effective public circumspect suspect lively 1-5 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 Lizzie was a brave woman who could dare to incur a great danger for an adequate.

10 10 risk combat object event encounter 1-6 Rousseau s short discourse, a work that was generally the cautious, unadorned prose of the day, deviated from that prose style in its discussion of the physical sciences. critical of lengthy superior to austere bolder than intelligent consistent with unrestrained influenced by uninspired 1-7 ertainly Murray s preoccupation with the task of editing the Oxford nglish ictionary begot a kind of monomania, but it must be regarded as a or at least an innocuous one. tame tendentious meretricious beneficent sincere 1-8 lthough there are weeks of negotiations ahead, and perhaps setbacks and new surprises, leaders of both parties are that their differences can be resolved. optimistic perplexed apprehensive incredulous 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 uncertain

11 The losing animal in a struggle saves itself from destruction by an act of usually recognized and by the winner submission accepted hostility avoided bluffing reaffirmed anger condoned hatred duplicated, an act He never the wisdom I had claimed for him, and my friends quickly dismissed my estimate of his ability as. repudiated irony inhibited propaganda demonstrated hyperbole masked exaggeration vindicated understatement 1-11 It would seem that absolute qualities in art us, that we cannot escape viewing works of art in of time and circumstance. enlighten a pattern frighten an absence confuse a welter elude a context deceive a milieu 1-12 This new government is faced not only with its economy, but also with implementing new rural development programs to the flow of farm workers to the city. managing stem offsetting harness bolstering transmit challenging measure 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 modernizing subsidize

12 n analysis of the ideas in the novel compels an analysis of the form of the work, particularly when form and content are as as they are in The House of the Seven Gables. symptomatic delineated integrated conspicuous distinctive 1-14 The blueprints for the new automobile were at first glance, but the designer had been basically too conservative to previous standards of beauty. striking flout impractical ignore impeccable dispel influential assess confusing incorporate 1-15 ecause its average annual rainfall is only about four inches, one of the major tasks faced by the country has been to find sources of water. discontinuous natural supplementary pervasive initial 1-16 oth television commercials and programs present view of the material world, one which promotes a standard of living that most of us can probably not attain. an unrealistic an imprudent a standardized a perplexing 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 a banal

13 lthough it is unusual to denounce museum-goers for not painting, it is quite common, even for those, who are unenthusiastic about sports, to criticize for athletic. artists ignorance spectators inactivity athletes snobbery scholars apathy commentators partiality 1-18 ecause the order in which the parts of speech appear in the sentences of a given language is decided merely by custom, it is to maintain that every departure from that order constitutes a of a natural law. traditional transformation conventional transgression necessary prototype unjustifiable violation unreasonable formulation 1-19 Most people are shameless where the very rich are concerned, curious about how they get their money and how they spend it. prigs secretly critics endlessly voyeurs insatiably exhibitionists blatantly ingrates selfishly 1-20 Some biologists argue that each specifically human trait must have arisen gradually and erratically, and that it is therefore difficult to isolate definite species. in the evolution of the 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套

14 14 fluctuations generations predispositions milestones manifestations 1-21 Ultimately, the book s credibility is strained; the slender, though far from, web of evidence presented on one salient point is expected to support a vast of implications. unconvincing cacophony nonexistent superstructure indispensable array intricate network imposing compendium 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套

15 2.1 GR 40 absolute ambiguous anomalous aspect candor compendium compromise congenial considerable crucial decipher derelict deter diplomatic enigma ephemeral frustrate harmonious implement innovative intangible lag measured mediocre menial military obdurate ordeal overwrought paucity pertinent prerequisite provisional random soliloquy substitute subtle vague visionary welter 20 ambitious adj. 热切的 / 渴望的 :Greatly desirous; eager antagonist n. 敌手 / 对立的人 :One who opposes and contends against another; an adversary coherence n. 一致性 :The quality or state of cohering, especially a logical, orderly, and aesthetically consistent relationship of parts enormous adj. 巨大的 :Very great in size, extent, number, or degree extension n. 延伸 :The act of extending or the condition of being extended fuse 融合 :To mix (constituent elements) together by or as if by melting; blend independent adj. 独立的 :Not governed by a foreign power; self-governing individual adj. 单独的 :xisting as a distinct entity; separate integrate 融合 :To make into a whole by bringing all parts together; unify 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 merely adv. 仅仅 :nd nothing else or more; only 15

16 16 opacity n. 难以理解 :Obscurity; impenetrability permeate 漫布 :To spread or flow throughout; pervade political adj. 政治的 :Relating to, involving, or characteristic of politics, parties, or politicians prevention n. 预防 / 防止 :The act of preventing or impeding reverse 反转 :Turned backward in position, direction, or order revolutionary adj. 革命性的 :Often Revolutionary Of, relating to, or being a revolution routine n. 老一套 : set of customary and often mechanically performed procedures or activities scale n. 比例尺 : calibrated line, as on a map or an architectural plan, indicating such a proportion uncommon adj. 不寻常的 :Not common; rare valuable adj. 有价值的 :Of great importance, use, or service Unlike a judge, who must act alone, a jury discusses a case and then reaches its decision as a group, thus minimizing the effect of bias. legal professional individual unexpected unarticulated 2-2 One reason why pertinent fossils are is that crucial stages of evolution occurred in the tropics, where it is difficult to explore for fossils, and so their discovery has. unique resulted unconcealable declined uncommon lagged recent resumed 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 prominent failed

17 The harmonious accommodation reached by the warring factions exemplifies the axiom that is possible among people of goodwill, even when they have previously held quite perspectives. 2-4 candor indistinguishable tension congenial agreement unequivocal compromise antagonistic coexistence fixed The prime minister tried to act, but the plans were by her cabinet. frustrated discussed embellished overlooked unleashed 2-5 mid the collapsing or out-of-control mechanical devices, the belching volcano had a disturbingly quality, like a character who has stumbled onstage by mistake. anomalous overwrought obdurate ephemeral derelict 2-6 It is an error to regard the imagination as a mainly force; if it destroys and alters, it hitherto isolated beliefs, insights, and mental habits into strongly unified sys- also tems. 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套

18 visionary conjures beneficial converts revolutionary fuses negative shunts synthetic integrates The semantic of ancient documents is not unique; even in our own time, many documents are difficult to decipher. aspect pattern opacity intention erudition 2-8 The success of any government depends on its ability to both foreign and domestic policies. political implement military distribute social complete essential violate diplomatic subsidize 2-9 lthough Ms. rown found some of her duties to be, her supervision of forty workers was a considerable responsibility. ambiguous provisional menial unique 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 mediocre

19 Since the process of atherosclerosis cannot be at this time is of the disease. reversed prevention discovered remission defined explanation alleviated detection in humans, the best treatment known precipitated containment 2-11 Postmodern architecture is not concerned with the easy goal of returning to the past, but with the more and difficult aim of historical forms into a new and complex whole. important changing subtle integrating intellectual updating rewarding dramatizing ornamental compressing 2-12 In pollen dating, geologic happenings are dated in terms of each other, and one can get just so far by matching sequences; but in radiocarbon dating the scale of time is measured in terms of centuries or years. random selective irrelevant usable vague relative independent absolute imaginary calculable 2-13 Many welfare reformers would substitute a single, federally financed income support system for the existing 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 of overlapping programs.

20 20 paucity core functionalism participation welter 2-14 ecause the report contained much more information than the reviewers needed to see, the author was asked to submit a instead. compendium soliloquy treatise prerequisite critique 2-15 Her lecture gave a sense of how empty the universe is, in spite of the number of stars within it. diminishing varying enormous unusual limited 2-16 The wilderness is in that it permits people to face an important reality one that demands much of them as thinking, reacting, working individuals, not as human machines. foreign necessarily intangible physically stimulating creatively discouraging neutrally 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 valuable merely

21 mbrose lerce s biographers agree that the ivil War was the central experience of his life, the event to which be constantly returned and the that brought some to the hitherto random pattern of his youth ordeal coherence interruption continuity climax confusion escape diversion hiatus rigidity The constitutional guarantee of free speech may have been aimed at protecting native speakers of nglish from censorship, but it is not a great to interpret it as protecting the right to express oneself in any natural language or dialect. enigma extension sacrifice condemnation attenuation 2-19 lthough arwinism was a profoundly world view, it was essentially passive, since it prescribed no steps to be taken, no victories over nature to be celebrated, no program of triumphs to be successively gained. limited repressive debatable innovative paradoxical 2-20 Personnel experts say that attractive benefits alone will not always keep executives from changing jobs for better long-range opportunities, but they think the enticements may 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 deter many executives from accepting offers from other companies.

22 discontented preferable ambitious routine unqualified inferior experienced superior dedicated advantageous The concept of timelessness is paradoxical from the start, for adult consciousness is by the awareness of duration. intrigued repelled measured accelerated permeated 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套

23 3.1 GR 46 accommodate adamant affectation agility alloy argument authority belligerent cognizant compelling conceal conscientious content decorum deliberate discharge eclectic enigma exceptional exodus germinate hoard incentive indifferent indulgent inevitable ingenuity inherent insolent mellifluous paradox partisan pretense propriety provoke purity refute secular stock subject tact tangible trivial valid viable wanderlust 16 atrocity n. 残暴 :ppalling or atrocious condition, quality, or behavior; monstrousness bereft adj. 缺少的 :Lacking something needed or expected combine v.intr. 融合 :To become united; coalesce cynical adj. 与别人观点不一致的 / 愤世嫉俗的 :Scornful of the motives, virtue, or integrity of others development n. 发展 :The act of developing discover 发现 :To be the first to find, learn of, or observe dissimilar adj. 不同的 :Unlike; different earthy adj. 朴实的 :Hearty or uninhibited; natural 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 elegance n. 优雅 :Refinement, grace, and beauty in movement, appearance, or manners 23

24 24 insurance n. 保险 :The act, business, or system of insuring predict 预言 :To state, tell about, or make known in advance, especially on the basis of special knowledge remote adj. 远程的 :Located far away; distant in space succeed v.intr. 接着发生 :To come next in time or succession; follow after another, replace another in an office or a position suspicious adj. 不信任的 :Tending to suspect; distrustful uneasy adj. 担心的 :Lacking a sense of security; anxious or apprehensive unfounded adj. 没有事实依据的 :Not based on fact or sound evidence; groundles It is true that the seeds of some plants have after two hundred years of dormancy, but reports that viable seeds have been found in ancient tombs such as the pyramids are entirely. revived empirical germinated unfounded endured irrelevant erupted reasonable proliferated substantiated 3-2 ven though many persons in the audience jeered the star throughout the play, she curtain calls. refused all adored some delayed several appeared for balked at 3-3 The most technologically advanced societies have been responsible for the greatest ; 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 indeed, savagery seems to be in direct proportion to.

25 wars viciousness catastrophes ill-will atrocities development inventions know-how triumphs civilization The combination of and in dmund s speech can be starting, especially when he slyly slips in some juicy vulgarity amid the mellifluous circumlocutions of a gentleman of the old school. tact innocence raciness ribaldry piousness modesty elegance earthiness propriety bashfulness 3-5 For many young people during the Roaring Twenties, a disgust with the excesses of merican culture a wanderlust to provoke an exodus abroad. stymied overwhelmed reflected combined with conflicted with 3-6 very new theory not only must the valid predictions of the old theory, but must also explain why those predictions within the range of that old theory. organize failed generate faltered promote functioned refute evolved 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 accommodate succeeded

26 Human reaction to the realm of thought is often as strong as that to sensible presences; our higher moral life is based on the fact that sensations actually present may have a weaker influence on our action than do ideas of facts. disturbing ordinary material remote emotional impersonal definitive controversial familiar symbolic 3-8 ven though six players had been injured, the coach announced to the assembled reporters that the team would the championship. ignore win overcome demand refuse 3-9 lthough Jungius detected Galileo s in thinking that the curve assumed by a chain hanging freely between two supports was a parabola, he did not what the true form might be. wisdom question rationale prove error discover sincerity conceal ingenuity understand 3-10 Perhaps, since an ability to communicate effectively is an important trait of any great leader, it has been the addresses. Presidents who have delivered the most notable inaugural 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套

27 predictably exceptional invariable famous undeniably indomitable reciprocally traditionalist impractically influential Her remarkable, which first became apparent when she repeatedly defeated the older children at school, eventually earned for her some rewards, including a full athletic scholarship and several first-place trophies. sportsmanship academic agility monetary modesty unanticipated speed tangible patience well-deserved 3-12 n example of an illegitimate method of argument is to lump cases together deliberately under the that the same principles apply to each. unsuitable impression disputable stipulation irrelevant assumption dissimilar pretense indeterminate rationale 3-13 The of her career was her achievement of her greatest intellectual authority at the very moment when she was of a compelling subject. irony assured dilemma certain enigma cognizant paradox bereft 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 epitome despairing

28 lthough ordinarily skeptical about the purity of Robinson s motives, in this instance Jenkins did not consider Robinson s generosity to be consideration of personal gain lacking in contrary to alloyed with mitigated by repudiated by There are simply no for buying stock in certain industries since rapidly changing environmental restrictions will make a profitable return on any investment very unlikely incentives arrangements explanations conditions procedures He was widely regarded as a man because he revealed daily his distrust of human nature and human motives. disrespectful cynical confused misinformed fanatical 3-17 Suspicious of too powerful a President, mericans nonetheless are when a President does not act decisively. unified indifferent content uneasy 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套 adamant

29 For those Puritans who believed that obligations were imposed by divine will, the correct course of action was not withdrawal from the world but conscientious of the duties of business. practical mystification inherent manipulation secular discharge earthly disavowal trying moderation 3-19 Many philosophers agree that the verbal aggression of profanity in certain radical newspapers is not or childish, but an assault on essential to the revolutionaries purpose. belligerent fallibility serious propriety insolent sociability deliberate affectation trivial decorum 3-20 Plants store a of water in their leaves, stems, or understock to provide themselves with a form of that will carry them through the inevitable drought they must suffer in the wild. supply tolerance hoard insurance reservoir accommodation provision restoration contribution support 3-21 lthough in her own responses to the plays she reviewed, the theatre critic was, paradoxically, interpretation. those who would deny that a reviewer must have a single method of 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套

30 30 dogmatic impatient with eclectic suspicious of partisan hostile toward capricious intrigued by indulgent indebted by 陈琦 GR 填空强化 36 套

2005 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , 2174, 7014 %, % 4, 1961, ,30, 30,, 4,1976,627,,,,, 3 (1993,12 ),, 2

2005 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , 2174, 7014 %, % 4, 1961, ,30, 30,, 4,1976,627,,,,, 3 (1993,12 ),, 2 3,,,,,, 1872,,,, 3 2004 ( 04BZS030),, 1 2005 5,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 1928 716,1935 6 2682 1928 2 1935 6 1966, 2174, 7014 %, 94137 % 4, 1961, 59 1929,30, 30,, 4,1976,627,,,,, 3 (1993,12 ),, 2 , :,,,, :,,,,,,

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