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1 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 刷农行万事达卡 每笔最高享30%返现 每笔最高享30%返现 ( 商户优惠定期更新 ) 英国 中国香港 及澳门 日本 澳大利亚 新加坡 海淘

2 英国 门店消费及线上消费 网站及门店任意消费 可享5%返现 单笔消费满300英镑或以上 可享6%返现 作为世界上最著名的票务网站之一 ATG票务为顾 欧洲租车遍布英国主要城市及机场 满足您在用车 客提供伦敦及英国各地的演出及其他类别的票务服 方面的各种需求 您也可以选择送车上门服务 欧 务 您可以浏览他们的官网订票 也可在网站上查 洲租车会将车送到您家或者工作地点 询到您想要的票务信息 * 须通过ATG英国当地剧院或在线购票方可享受返现优惠 * 仅适用于英国当地租车行及通过 网站的消费 * 此优惠不与其他优惠同享 * 线上消费需通过网址 * 海外租车须在预订时通过网站支付 * 租车时须出示您的有效信用卡 且信用卡持卡人姓名与司机姓名一致 在英国当地使用贷记卡租车 * 使用贷记卡在线租车时 请在支付页面的下拉菜单中选择'Mastercard 门店地址 任意消费 可享10%返现 单笔消费满100英镑或以上 可享10%返现 英伦精品服饰Hackett专注于完美的剪裁及卓越品质 英国高端连锁超市 以自有品牌商品为主 为顾客提 的男装设计 为顾客提供优质服务 种类繁多的产品 供新鲜 优质的食品 这样的质量承诺来源于英国当 满足所有绅士的服装需求 地农民 供应商及可信赖的来源的支持 * 活动不适用于高速公路及加油站的门店 * 此优惠不与其他优惠同享 * 线上消费需通过网址 * 线上消费需通过网址 * 在线购买商品仅限配送当地 *在线购买商品仅限配送当地 门店地址 门店地址

3 英国 门店消费 任意消费 可享10%返现 任意消费 可享10%返现 Caffè Nero致力于两件事 创造出最好的手工意大 在餐厅可享受Jamie Oliver新鲜且精致的菜肴 用 利咖啡 并提供一个温暖舒适的环境来享受它 心选择的季节性食材 让您尽情享用美食 * 仅适用于Caffè Nero英国当地门店消费 * 仅适用于英国当地门店消费 * 通过网站caffenero.com的消费或在Caffè Nero Kingston Bentalls或KT1 1TX 门店的消费不参与本返 * 此优惠不与其他优惠同享 现优惠 门店地址 门店地址 NEW 在英国希尔顿酒店 单笔消费满600英镑 或以上 可享返现60英镑 门店单笔消费满100英镑或以上 可享10%返现 在英国的141间希尔顿酒店 使用您的返现奖励 Jack Wills成立至今已有18年 致力于引领英国传 去延长入住或升级酒店住房吧 统风格并带入当今高端优质的年轻一代 体现不羁 和自由的精神 * 合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 * 直接通过希尔顿预订 总金额满600英镑或以上的单张签单消费 可享60英镑返现 * 此优惠不与其他优惠同享 * 仅适用于预订英国当地的希尔顿酒店 如有变动 恕不另行通知 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 门店地址 门店地址

4 英国 NEW 任意消费 可享10%返现 Prezzo为您提供纯正的意大利菜肴和轻松活泼的就 'Oliver Bonas是一家独立的英国连锁家居饰品店 设计属于自己的 餐氛围 快来品尝他们花样繁多的头盘 匹萨 肉 时尚家居用品 登陆 您可以发现最新 类 沙拉 甜品及各色饮料 的礼品 时尚单品 珠宝 家居用品和家具系列 门店地址 NEW 在英国Oliver Bonas门店 单笔消费满40英镑 可享7%返现 在英国M A C店内 单笔消费满40英镑 可享6%返现 M A C是世界顶级的专业彩妆品品牌 拥有最无与伦比 的彩妆技术和知识 * 本返现优惠不适用于网店及专柜 门店地址 门店地址

5 中国香港及澳门 门店消费 NEW NEW 门店单笔消费满4000港币或以上 可享返现200港币 单笔消费满澳门币1500元或以上 可享5%返现 香港佛罗伦斯小镇高级名店城 通过结合顶级国际时装品牌丶 澳门威尼斯人-度假村位于澳门路凼金光大道 周边拥有 商品与顾客互动 带来当代的时尚生活魅力 小镇营业面积 多家享誉全球的国际级度假酒店 荟萃数以百计的顶级 超过6万平方呎 距离港铁葵兴站仅5分钟步行 构造出一个 时装品牌及高档商品名店 云集亚洲及欧美的顶尖表演 惬意的购物空间 极具设计感 目前共有13家品牌率先登场 艺人 为游客带来无可比拟的休闲和购物享受 包括 Sergio Rossi Kenzo Links of Versace丶 Prada Outlet和其他精品品牌如Armani Salvatore Ferragamo Lane Crawford Folli Follie, Furla, Sunglass Hut * 合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 地址 香港葵涌葵昌路100号 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受一次返现优惠 * 本优惠适用于在佛罗伦萨小镇内 扣除其他折扣丶礼券及VIP礼遇后总金额满4,000港币或以上的单张签单消费 * 返现优惠不可与其他促销活动丶现金券丶折扣卡或VIP礼遇同时使用

6 中国香港及澳门 * 直接通过希尔顿预订 总金额满100, 000日元或以上的单张签单消费 可享10, 000日元返现 * 仅适用于预订日本当地的希尔顿酒店 如有变动 恕不另行通知 * 活动周期 2018年4月1日至2018年6月30日 在门店任意消费可享10%返现 门店任意消费 可享5%返现 正是坚信美丽源于自然的理念造就了茱莉蔻产品的 GODIVA歌帝梵于全球75个国家和拥有430间分 独特之处 店 让比利时的顶级巧克力 挑动全世界的味蕾 * 合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 * 通过万事达卡线路以当地货币消费的刷卡交易 满额可享消费返现 仅适用于限中国香港以外 * 活动仅适用于茱莉蔻直营店 百货门店及零售店不参与返现优惠 发行的万事达卡信用卡 门店地址 门店地址 门店任意消费 可享20%返现 Nam Fong - Le Meridien 门店任意消费 可享20%返现 Nam Fong 现代化的餐厅 通透的空间 让人轻松自在的浪漫 这间风格休闲的酒吧不仅供应各种美味诱人的饮品 氛围 让您在欣赏美丽环境的同时也品尝到开放式 更有轻柔舒缓的音乐萦绕耳边 是您饱览壮观海 厨房烹饪出的美食 以及众多的美酒品种 享受一 景的理想之地 次完美的就餐体验 * 返现优惠仅限在香港数码艾美酒店的PSI及Podium酒吧的直接消费 * 返现优惠仅限在香港数码艾美酒店的Prompt餐厅的直接消费 * 返现优惠仅限食物消费 不包含酒类饮料的消费 PSI - Le Meridien Le Meridien Cyberport, Cyberport Road, HK - Prompt - Le Meridien Le Meridien Cyberport, Cyberport Road, HK -

7 中国香港及澳门 门店任意消费 可享20%返现 Nam Fong - Le Meridien 门店任意消费 可享20%返现 设计精美 拥有超高空间的南坊餐厅是一家供应经 风格时尚的寿司吧 在室外或浪漫就餐区为您供应 典粤式美食的中餐厅 从风味独具的特色菜到新鲜 别具风味的手卷寿司和普通寿司 美味的千层点心 必能满足您的美食需求 p:// * 返现优惠仅限在香港数码艾美酒店的南坊餐厅的直接消费 * 返现优惠仅限在香港数码艾美酒店的Umami餐厅的直接消费 * 返现优惠仅限食物消费 不包含酒类饮料的消费 * 返现优惠仅限食物消费 不包含酒类饮料的消费 Nam Fong - Le Meridien NEW Na Le Meridien Cyberport, 100 Cyberport Road, HK 单笔消费满澳门币1500元或以上 可享5%返现 Umami - Le Meridien NEW Le Meridien Cyberport, Cyberport Road, HK - 在指定餐厅门店 单笔消费满澳门币800元 或以上 可享5%返现 澳门金沙城中心康莱德酒店是一间世界顶级的豪华度假村 金沙城酒店及度假村是世界一流佳肴美食聚集地 酒店优质的个性化服务可照顾到每一位客人的需求 无论 活动参与餐厅 888自助餐 巴黎人法式餐厅 聚宝阁 您是商务或是观光 入住其中 您都将拥有一份难以忘怀 高雅扒房 朝 金沙阁 奥旋自助餐 巴黎轩 的美好记忆 巴黎人自助餐 御莲宫 假日酒店大堂酒廊 色香味 皎月食坊 北方馆 常满饭庄 南方小厨 好味馆 康莱德酒店大堂酒廊和桃园 /brasserie.html * 优惠仅适用于指定参与餐厅

8 中国香港及澳门 NEW Fong - Le Meridien 单笔消费满澳门币1500元或以上 可享5%返现 NEW 单笔消费满澳门币1500元或以上 可享5%返现 澳门金沙城中心假日酒店座落于金沙城中心 是澳门 澳门巴黎人拥有各种不同风格的客房及套房 定能满足您的多种需求 休闲 购物 娱乐最集中之所在 酒店业在2014年 豪华的设施 完善的功能 壮丽迷人的巴黎铁塔景观 足不出户就能 荣获TripAdvisor 年度卓越奖 品尝到的各式美味佳肴 以及无微不至的贴心服务 只为让您尊享 holiday-inn-macao.html * 合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 难忘的住宿体验 * 合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费

9 日本 门店消费及线上消费 线上消费 每单笔消费满10,000日元 可享5%返现 Activity Japan 活动日本 为顾客提供遍布全日 Beauty Guide Japan为美发沙龙及美甲提供网上预 本的真实和独特的文化体验 户外运动 手工艺制 约 并为您提供最好的体验 线上预定住房需通过 作 网址 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 *线上消费需通过网址 Beauty Guide Japan FBR Mita Build. 6F, *线上消费需通过网址 Minato-ku dium=affiliate&utm_campaign=campaign_chn 每单笔消费满30,000日元或以上 可享返现3,000日元 Pocket Concierge 是一家专为日本高级餐厅提供 预约服务的在线预约公司 在这里您可以预约米其 林三星级日料餐厅 高级寿司屋 烤肉店 牛排店 等 *合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 *活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 *线上消费需通过网址 Nam Fon


11 澳大利亚 门店消费及线上消费 在华纳电影世界 单笔消费满100澳元或以上 可享返现15澳元 在海洋世界 单笔消费满100澳元或以上 Nam Fong - Le Merid 可享返现15澳元 海洋世界是澳大利亚首屈一指的海洋动物公园 它 体验一流的游乐设施 观看动作丰富的表演 快来 为所有年龄段的游客提供令人称奇的景点和游乐设 加入充满乐趣的黄金海岸吧 施 * 更多细则条款详询网址 * 更多细则条款详询网址 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 VILLAGE ROADSHOW THEME PARKS SEA WORLD DRIVE - MAIN BEACH - 在海洋世界 单笔消费满100澳元或以上 可享返现15澳元 它是澳大利亚最大型的水上主题乐园 是您不容错 过的游乐场所 在天堂农庄 单笔消费满100澳元或以上 可享返现15澳元 在天堂农庄体验澳大利亚最真实的农场生活 让您 与您的家人拥有最美好的回忆 * 更多细则条款详询网址 * 更多细则条款详询网址 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日

12 澳大利亚 在澳野奇观 单笔消费满100澳元或以上 可享返现15澳元 在门店及网站任意消费可享10%返现 正是坚信美丽源于自然的理念造就了茱莉蔻产品的独特之 快备好行装来这里欣赏白雪覆盖的高山 感受澳洲 处 的传奇故事 30余年来 我们的茱莉蔻农场一直位于阿德莱德的纯澈山 脉中 每一种植物成分 都被悉心照料 在最佳状态下将 其收获并融入独特的天然配方中 予以自然的力量将关爱 从种子传递到肌肤 用自然之力重新定义肌肤之美 *合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 * 更多细则条款详询网址 *返现优惠仅适用于茱莉蔻直营店及线上消费 百货门店及零售店不参与返现优惠 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 *线上消费需通过网址 *在线购买商品仅限配送当地 门店地址 NEW 门店及网站单笔消费满200澳元或以上 可享返现30澳元 在海洋世界度假村入住5晚 单笔消费满999澳元或以上 可享返现100澳元 在Sunglass Hut 您可以购买到世界顶级品牌和最新 在海洋世界度假村入住五晚 且最多可住四人 享 潮流新品 以及独家设计单品 最潮最酷尽在掌握 受美好的假期 就从这里开始 *合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以 目的地当地货币进行消费 *本返现活动不适用于以下门店 MYER商场门店 墨尔本机场T4门店 * 在该商户消费金额满999澳元即可享受返现优惠 珀斯机场Airside门店 阿德莱德机场门店 黄金海岸机场门店 * 更多细则条款详询网址 *线上消费需通过网址 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 *在线购买商品仅限配送当地 门店地址

13 澳大利亚 线上消费 网站单笔消费滿500澳元或以上 可享返现50澳元 门店消费 每单笔消费满100澳元或以上 可享返现20澳元 源自全澳洲以及世界各地的美酒 从原产地直接送 Surf Dive 'n Ski是澳大利亚最大的冲浪 滑板零售 至您的手中 店 自1964年以来 他们为顾客提供了 多世界领 先品牌 *合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 *返现仅限通过 须单笔消费满100澳元方可享受返现优惠 um=partners&utm_campaign=50off500在线订购 且总金额满500澳元或以上的单笔消费 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 *活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 优惠仅适用于Surf Dive 'n Ski 门店 *在线购买商品仅限配送当地 门店地址 NEW 在Experience Oz网站 单笔消费满100澳元 或以上 可享10%返现 每单笔消费满100澳元或以上 可享返现10澳 元 Experience Oz 是您在澳大利亚和新西兰超过3000个旅游 海内曼免税店位于澳大利亚悉尼机场 是一家拥有 及休闲体验的一站式服务网站 从在新西兰的冰川上进行 多奢侈品牌的免税店 更为您在购买香水 化妆 一次直升机旅行 一次热气球之旅 或到野生动物园抱考拉 品 红酒香水时提供更优惠的价格 只需访问 使用您的万事达卡 在网站上任意消费即可获得10%返现 *合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 *每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受一次返现优惠 * 合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 * 优惠仅适用于购买旅行游玩及景点门票相关产品 不适用于通过第三方渠道购买的租车或酒店住宿 * 返现优惠不得与其他促销折扣券同时使用 * 所有消费须以澳元结算 且返现金额将根据您支付的总澳元金额计算 * 线上消费需通过网址 *须单笔消费满100澳元方可享受返现优惠 Heinemann Australia Pty Ltd. Level 5, Customs House Building,- Sydney International Airport, 10 Cooks River Avenue NSW -

14 新加坡 门店消费及线上消费 在 单笔消费满600新加坡元或以上 可享返现50新加坡元 在 单笔消费满500新加坡元或以上 可享返现50新加坡元 索菲特现代化的度假酒店 致力于以其优质上乘的 瑞士酒店将真正的瑞士酒店特色带到各个国家和地 服务不断满足宾客们多样化的需求 提供集合美学 区 兼有智能化的设计及当地风貌 致力于为宾客 品质和完美体验于一体的全方位体验 提供和谐宁静的居住体验 体味本真的瑞士特色 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受九次返现优惠 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受九次返现优惠 * 须通过指定网址在线预订方可享受优惠 * 须通过指定网址在线预订方可享受优惠 新加坡圣淘沙索菲特水疗度假酒店 新加坡索菲特特色酒店 在 单笔消费满500新加坡元或以上 可享返现50新加坡元 在 单笔消费满500新加坡元或以上 可享返现50新加坡元 宜必思尚品酒店的创意 气氛和趣味性都让 诺富特酒店为每位宾客提供了惬意居住的环境和体 人印象深刻 每家酒店都提供上乘的床品 验 无论您是个人入住或是家庭出行 享受假期或 无线上网 甚至还可提供家庭套房 是商务差旅 在诺富特均能获得一次愉快的经历 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受九次返现优惠 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受九次返现优惠 * 须通过指定网址在线预订方可享受优惠 * 须通过指定网址在线预订方可享受优惠 * 返现优惠适用于 新加坡克拉码头诺富特酒店 新加坡史蒂文斯诺富特酒店

15 新加坡 在 单笔消费满500新加坡元或以上 可享返现50新加坡元 在 单笔消费满500新加坡元或以上 可享返现50新加坡元 美居酒店与当地环境相呼应的个性化特色 让宾客 作为源自欧洲的经济型酒店领导品牌 宜必思为您 有愉悦的居住体验 并体会到酒店为每位客人提供 提供最舒适的设施及服务 的优质产品及服务 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受九次返现优惠 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受九次返现优惠 * 须通过指定网址在线预订方可享受优惠 * 须通过指定网址在线预订方可享受优惠 * 返现优惠适用于 新加坡史蒂文斯美居酒店 新加坡武吉士美居酒店 * 返现优惠适用于 新加坡史蒂文斯美居酒店 新加坡武吉士美居酒店 在 单笔消费满500新加坡元或以上 可享返现50新加坡元 在 单笔消费满600新加坡元或以上 可享返现50新加坡元 无论在哪个国家或 美爵酒店都已成为当地文 费尔蒙酒店为宾客提供上乘的全方位体验 在这里 化的完美体现 为您呈现出精彩的当地文化特色 您将享受到独特精致的建筑和结构 令人称奇的装 饰和艺术品 以及堪称完美的酒店服务 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受九次返现优惠 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受九次返现优惠 * 须通过指定网址在线预订方可享受优惠 * 须通过指定网址在线预订方可享受优惠

16 新加坡 门店消费 在新加坡Folli Follie指定门店 单笔消费满 NEW 120新加坡元或以上 可享10%返现 NEW 在Thomas Sabo指定参与门店 任意消费 可享5%返现 Folli Follie是一个提供高品质流行首饰 腕表和配饰等 THOMAS SABO于1984年在德国成立 是目前高端珠宝 国际生活时尚品牌 Folli Follie的系列作品拥有多样的 手表及香水的领先供应商之一 公司也建立了零售网络 全球化风格 公司拥有的设计团队由意大利 瑞士 与世界各地的知名珠宝商和商业伙伴建立了长期合作关系 英国 中国和希腊的顶级设计师组成 * 新加坡Folli Follie 参与门店仅限适用于ION Orchard及VivoCity门店 * 返现优惠不得与其他促销 优惠券 优惠和折扣卡同时使用 * 返现优惠不得与其他促销 优惠券 优惠和折扣卡同时使用 * 新加坡Thomas Sabo参与门店仅限适用于ION Orchard, VivoCity, Raffles City Shopping Centre 和Parkway Parade门店 NEW 在Godiva参与门店 任意消费 可享5%返现 在新加坡KidZania门店购买所有正价票 NEW 单笔消费满60新加坡元或以上 作为享誉全球的巧克力品牌 GODIVA歌帝梵巧克力的 可享10%返现 Nam Fong - Le Meridien '新加坡趣志尼亚是一个占地81,000 平方英尺的专为4岁 历史可以追溯到1926年 从著名的松露形巧克力和模制 以上儿童设计的室内迷你城市 可以让孩子通过游戏 巧克力 到充满欧洲风味的巧克力饼干 独立包装巧克力 娱乐的时候也不忘学习 通过60多个角色扮演活动 系列 咖啡 热可可 巧克力软冰等多样化的巧克力产品 新加坡趣志尼亚为孩子们提供了一个完善的教育平台 GODIVA歌帝梵承诺把卓越的巧克力体验带给全世界 并从中培养一些重要的生活技能和社交技巧 而这些技能在学校中并不容易接触到 比如社交技巧 独立决策能力及财务知识 * 返现优惠不得与其他促销 优惠券 优惠和折扣卡同时使用 * 优惠仅适用于新加坡KidZania * 返现优惠不得与其他促销 优惠券 优惠和折扣卡同时使用 KidZania Singapore 31 BEACH VIEW #01-01/02 * 新加坡Godiva参与门店仅适用于ION Orchard, VivoCity, Raffles City, Suntec City, Bugis Junction, Jurong Point和 Westgate门店 门店地址 Singapore

17 新加坡 每单笔消费满50新加坡元或以上 可享返现15新加坡元 每单笔消费满100新加坡元或以上 可享返现25新加坡元 新加坡樟宜机场为您开启享全年独家优惠的购物美 高岛屋购物中心坐落于新加坡最繁华的购物街乌节 食一站式完美体验 路上 是一家拥有超过110家专卖店的奢侈品百货 购物与餐饮为一体 为您带来全方位的体验 *.合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 并以目的地当地货币进行消费 * 仅限在新加坡樟宜机场指定参与商户的刷卡消费 * 参与本计划的商户包括 Avenue Kids, Bee Cheng Hiang, Cameras Electronics Computers by Sprint-Cass, Chutney Mary Indian Fast Food, Curry Times, E-Gadget, E-Gadget Mini, ETOZ, Eu, Yan Sang, Kaboom, Kidztime!, O'Coffee Club, Pure Gold, Pure Gold Jewellers, The Little Shop, So Chocolate, The Chocolatier, The Shilla Duty Free Cosmetics & Perfumes, WH Smith, Ya Kun Family Café, Central Thai 和 Four Fingers Crispy Chicken * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受两次返现优惠 * 仅限高岛屋购物中心指定参与商户的刷卡消费 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受四次返现优惠 * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 * 参与本计划的商户包括: A X ARMANI EXCHANGE ALEXIS AVEDA BERLUTI BOOKS KINOKUNIYA BRITISHINDIA BYND ARTISAN CARTIER CHOPARD COCA RESTAURANT CRABTREE & EVELYN DAMIANI D'GOOD CAFÉ FENDI FLOWER DIAMOND FREYWILLE G2000 GUARDIAN PLUS GUESS IMPERIAL 每单笔消费满100新加坡元或以上 可享返现25新加坡元 MA MAISON MASSIMO DUTTI NATURE'S FARM NEAL'S YARD REMEDIES ON PEDDER ORBIS PEDDER RED PIAGET PRETTY BALLERINAS REBECCA MINKOFF ROGER VIVIER SABON SHANGHAI TANG SHOP HABA 最繁华的购物街 乌节路上 商场里涵盖了众多 SOCIETYA SPECTACLE HUT STUART WEITZMAN THE H STORE 奢侈品及各种类型的商品 满足您的购物需求 TO B. BY AGNÈS B. TUMI URBAN DECAY VILEBREQUIN WATSONS和 ZARA * 活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 JURLIQUE KIEHL'S SINCE 1851 KIMROBINSON KITON LA PERLA LOEWE M.A.C 高岛屋百货是新加坡最大的百货商场之一 坐落在 * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受四次返现优惠 TREASURE FINE SHANGHAI CUISINE INNISFREE IROO JACK WILLS JO MALONE

18 新加坡 在新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界指定参与的门店 单笔消费满200新加坡元或以上 可享返现20新加坡元 每单笔消费满50新加坡元或以上 可享返现15新加坡元 玩转圣淘沙 从蹦极 跳伞到在骑赛格威 新加坡圣淘沙名胜世界包含六家独特的酒店 一家 segway 电动平衡车至沙滩 让每一位游客都能 享誉盛名的水疗以及四个世界级的名胜景点 这里 领略更高层次的度假乐趣 也是集合最多米其林星级餐厅的美食目的地所在 * 仅适用于圣淘沙指定参与的门店 * 参与本计划的商户包括 参与本计划的商户包括: AMARA SANCTUARY RESORT SENTOSA ( Shutters and Tier Bar), AJ HACKETT SENTOSA, BREWORKZ SENTOSA BOARDWALK, COASTES, SHANGRI-LA'S RASA SENTOSA RESORT & SPA ( Casserole; Silver Shell Café; Chi, the Spa), SILOSO BEACH RESORT, LE MERIDIEN SINGAPORE, * 参与本计划的商户包括 Universal Studios Singapore Osia Steak and Seafood Grill Fratelli - Trattoria Pizzeria Forest Tangerine Curate Sessions Ocean Restaurant by Cat Cora L'Atelier de Joel Robuchon Joel Robuchon restaurant和syun * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受两次返现优惠 SENTOSA (Latest Recipe; The WoW - World of Whisky), BIKINI BAR, CAPELLA SINGAPORE ( Bob's Bar; Cassia; The Knolls), MEGA ADVENTURE, IFLY SINGAPORE,MADAME TUSSAUDS SINGAPORE, SENTOSA MERLION, SAND BAR, SENTOSA 4D ADVENTURELAND, FUN SHOP, GOOD OLD DAYS, One Degree 15 Marina Sentosa Cove, TIGER SKY TOWER, SINGAPORE CABLE CAR SKY NETWORK, SPUDS & APRONS, TANJONG BEACH CLUB, WAVE HOUSE SENTOSA 和 WINGS OF TIMES * 每个活动周期内每卡仅限享受两次返现优惠 NEW 在PUMA参与门店 单笔消费满150新加坡元 或以上 可享10%返现 PUMA是世界范围内具有第一线号召力和影响力的 运动品牌之一 在过去的65年里 PUMA为世界上 速度最快的运动员定制了最佳的运动配备 PUMA 也在足球 跑步 培训和赛车等领域提供生活 流行性及技能性的运动产品 * 返现优惠不得与其他促销 优惠券 优惠和折扣卡同时使用 * 新加坡PUMA参与门店仅适用于Marina Bay Sands, VivoCity, Suntec City和 Bugis Junction门店 门店地址

19 新加坡 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 只采用最上乘的原料 源自美国 日本及澳大利亚 酒吧提供近百种精品金酒 以金酒调制的鸡尾酒和 的优质农场 欢迎您光临这里的威士忌酒吧和餐厅 经典的金酒鸡尾酒 您还可以品尝与美酒相搭配的 尽享优质美酒和上品牛排 各色精美小食 * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费 * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 地址 100 Peck Seah Street, Singapore 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 横跨全球门市已超过1400家 酷圣石冰淇淋致力于 DEAN & DELUCA是一家国际高端连锁食品店 供 为您提供优质的冰淇淋 应来自世界各地顶级精美的优质食材 是美食爱好 者和游客不容错过的美食天堂 * 15%折扣适用于冰淇淋 奶昔及冰淇淋蛋糕 * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 门店地址 门店地址

20 新加坡 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 一家专门经营牛肉为主的餐厅Fat Cow于2011年10 餐厅位于新加坡美食区的中心地带 并专注于为土 月开业 在口碑良好的农场中仅限挑选最好的神户 生华人 澳门人 亚洲及当地中国人口味服务 并 牛肉 让顾客可以享用到各种方式烹调出来的牛肉 受传统环境启发做出更有特色的食物 * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费 * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 地址 1 Orchard Boulevard, Singapore 地址 25 Marine Parade, Singapore 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 Kinki餐吧是一家富有新意城市概念餐厅 拥有无与 Oriole Coffee & Bar创建于2008年 是新加坡咖 伦比的新意和氛围 餐厅延伸至三楼的舞蹈酒吧 啡界的先行者 它一直致力于分享对咖啡的热爱 在这里您还可以俯瞰到新加坡海湾天际和河畔 * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 地址 70 Collyer Quay, Singapore * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 地址 Capitol Piazza, Singapore Oriole Pan Pacific, Singapore

21 新加坡 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 餐厅坐落于宁静的社区内 被樟宜村中郁郁葱葱的 近日刚获得清真认证的Straits Cafe位于著名的新加 绿色植物所环绕 Saltwater是一家拥有亚洲和新 坡龙都大酒店内 供应邻近各国各色食物的自助餐 加坡本地美食的清真餐厅 * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费及自助餐 * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费及自助餐 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 地址 1 Netheravon Road, Singapore 地址 9 Bras Basah Road, Singapore 门店消费可享5%返现及额外15%折扣 门店单笔消费滿50新加坡元或以上 可享25%返现 The Marmalade Pantry是一家现代化的餐厅 采 PizzaExpress为顾客提供美味的披萨 意面和饮料 用最新鲜的食材和原料为您供应让人舒心的食物 并且还为顾客创造了优美的用餐环境 * 15%折扣适用于午市单点消费及自助餐 * 15%折扣适用于Scotts Square Duo Galleria Holland Village及Marina One的门店 * 15%折扣不适用于节庆期间 特别节日及公共假期 * 返现优惠不得与其他促销 优惠券 优惠和折扣卡同时使用 1 The Marmalade Pantry 2 The Marmalade Pantry 3 The Marmalade Pantry 4 The Marmalade Pantry 1 ION Novena Downtown Toast@PWC PIZZAEXPRESS PIZZAEXPRESS DUO PIZZAEXPRESS HOLLAND VILLAGE PIZZAEXPRESS MARINA ONE 6 SCOTTS ROAD #B1-08/09, 6 SCOTTS SQUARE SINGAPORE Fraser Street, #01-01/02, Duo Galleria, Singapore Holland Avenue, Holland Village, Singapore Straits View, #01-20/21, Marina One, Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore Singapore

22 海淘商户 线上消费 NEW 在ifreegroup.com网站 任意消费 可享50%返现 网站单笔消费满1,000港币或以上 可享返现100港币 ifree MOGO S 全球上网卡 适用于全球200多个国家的 酒庄的红葡萄酒于2016香港美酒佳肴巡礼获颁金奖 数据网络 ifree MOGO S 通过广泛的全球连接网络为 及银奖的荣誉 来自澳大利亚的Adelaide Hills所 每一个旅客提供最便捷的网络连接服务以及稳定 提供的葡萄酒由上乘的葡萄及优质的天然酵母酿造 高速的互联网体验 而成 定会给您带来一次难忘的经历 * 合资格交易仅限于交易所在境外所发行及适用的万事达卡 * 每单最多可返现15美元 * 优惠仅限美元消费时有效 * 线上消费需通过网址 *.活动周期 2018年7月1日至2018年9月30日 * 线上消费需通过网址

23 Castle Donnington Derby Liverpool Newquay Manchester Airport Richmond Weymouth Wellingborough Tamworth Sunderland Aberdeen Belfast Birkenhead Bristol Chelmsford Colchester Dover Penzance Hereford Silverstone Garage East Midlands Airport Unit 1A Cranmer Road 72 The Arches Waterloo Train Station Clapham Road 278, East Prescott Rd 8A Quintrell Road Manchester Airport 312 Court Road Sainsbury's Car Park Albany Road 3 Morris Close Unit 2 Ninian Way Fleet Centre, Brook Street 16 Broomhill Road Unit 1, 90-92, Grosvenor Road 749 New Chester Road 248 Muller Road 3 Montrose Road 3 Conder Way 116 Snargate Street Unit 6A Long Rock Industrial Estate Hereford Call Center Uk (Rmc) Norfolk Kingston Upon Thames Maidstone Luton Newquay Prestwick Southampton Stoke On Trent Burton-Upon-Trent Cardiff Enfield Filton Hull High Wycombe Hamilton Kirmington Newport Milton Keynes Paisley Perth Redditch Reading Stockport Hardwick Road Cambridge Road Clarke House Unit 1 Newquay Airport Prestwick Airport Southampton Airport 56 Harts Hill Road 133 Stonecot Hill Unit 3-5 Eccleshall Business Park 10 Dominion Way Industrial Estate 428 Hertford Road Filton Airbus Cottingham Road Oxford Road 311 Glasgow Road Humberside Airport Victoria Train Station Unit 9 Estuary Court, Estuary Road 21 Denbigh Hall Industrial Estate Glasgow Airport 26 Glasgow Road Unit 1, Windsor Road 6-8 Commercial Road Wellington Road North Yeadon Newbury Northampton Penzance Oxford Omagh Oldham Poole Romford Worcester Yeovil Barking Bedford Birmingham Bury St. Edmunds Cambridge Exeter Liverpool Horley Norwich Rochester Salisbury Slough Leeds Bradford Airport 1-9 Market Road 8 Fleming Road Cattle Market Road Penzance Railway Station Little Mead Business Park Pat Kirk Showroom Bottom O Th' Moor Units 1&2, 10 Nuffield Road Unit 1&2 Lyon House, Lyon Road Cathedral Service Station 30 Oxford Road 444 Barking Road Tavistock Street Birmingham Airport Bury St Edmunds 264 Newmarket Road Exeter Airport 168 Lee High Road Liverpool Centre Lime Street Train Station Gatwick Airport Norwich Airport Rochester Churchfields Industrial Estate 2C Buckingham Avenue Swansea Tonbridge Telford Woodford Green Birmingham Bristol Edinburgh Dartford Guildford Harlow Lincoln Stansted Newcastle Upon Tyne Rugby Warrington Walsall Wolverhampton Birmingham Belfast Bradford Lower Oxford Street Unit 9 Botany Trading Estate Unit C4, Stafford Park 4 Jubilee Parade Unit 31, Elmdon Trading Estate Bristol Airport Edinburgh Waverley Railway Station 117 Dartford Road Cathedral Hill Industrial Estate The Pinnacles Industrial Estate Newlands Service Station 628 Streatham High Road Brentfield Road Stansted Airport Newcastle Airport Unit 15 Webb Ellis Industrial Park Knutsford Road 114 Wolverhampton Road 55 Birmingham Road Bristol Street Belfast Central Railway Station Nelson Street Bournemouth Bournemouth Railway Station Bournemouth Bournemouth Airport Cardiff Cardiff Airport

24 Wirral Edinburgh Leeds Bicester Portsmouth Bluewater HACKETT LIMITED HACKETT LTD HACKETT REGENTS STREET HACKETT JERMYN HACKETT BISHOPSGATE HACKETT CANARY HACKETT YORK HACKETT GEORGE ST HACKETT LIMITED HACKETT SLOANE HACKETT LIMITED HACKETT KING ST HACKETT BICESTER HACKETT LIMITED HACKETT WESTFIELD HACKETT LIMITED CHESHIRE OAKS DESIGNER OUTLET The Clove Building, 4 Maguire St REGENTS STREET 87 Jermyn St, St. James's 117 BISHOPSGATE 10 CABOT SQUARE, Canary Wharf MACARTHUR GLEN DESIGNER OUTLET, St Nicholas Avenue 86B GEORGE STREET Harewood Street, Unit 7, Victoria Gate Arcade 137/138 Sloane Street Spitalfields Market, Brushfield St 37 King Street, Covent Garden 50 Pingle Drive 50 North Bldg GUNWHARF QUAYS Westfield Shopping Centre, Ariel Way, Shepherd's Bush Unit L100, Lower Guild Hall, Bluewater

25 Cobham 16 Between Streets Hampshire The Furlong Bucks Penn Road Welwyn Garden City Bridge Road Caterham 2 Station Avenue Cambs Brays Lane Enfield Palace Gardens Shopping Oxfordshire Greyhound Lane Reading 108 Crockhamwell Road The Brunswick Centre Woking 1 Goldsworth Park Centre West Sussex Cathedral Way Sevenoaks 58 High Street Hampshire Rams Walk Harpenden Readingberks 3 Leighton Road 51 Church Street NEW Stroud Oxfordshire Rd Abbey Close, Northgate End Middlesex 350 High Street Cambridgeshire Priory Lane Beckenham 1 Southend Road 27 Queens Rd Northampton The Kingsthorpe Centre Middx 52 Greenlane Southend On Sea Fossetts Way Queens Gate Centre 54 Ashley Centre Chantry Fields Station Road 63 Station Road Croft Road 366 Holloway Road 131 Western Road 49 High Street Brent Cross Shopping Centre Tudor Arcade 105 High Street 1332 Stratford Road Market Place 1303 High Road East Sheen S'Ton C'Fld Bristol Hants Oxfordshire Bedfordshire West Midlands North Hants Weybridge Bromley Ramsgate Bournmouth Cambridgeshire Wilts Orpington 292 Upper Richmond Road 7 Highgatecentre 51 Northumbria Drive 129 Stoke Road 17 Wallingford Street 9 The Bossard Centre Ryemarket 13 Bowan Sqaure 62 High Street 129 Burnt Ash Lane Queen Street 345 Wimbourne Road Prince'S Street 17 High Street 11 High Street Richmond West Byfleet Berks Barnetherts Bucks Bath Avon Berks Kingston Fleet Middx Yateley West Sussex Tenterden Banstead 10 Sheen Road 60 Station Approach Road 16 The Spires Shop Centre The Backs The Podium 48 Moorbridge Road Wood Street The Hart Centre 9 Kingsend Tresham Crescent 18 Pirie'S Place 10 Sayers Lane 102/134 High Street Oxon Godalming Gwent Berkshire, Middlesex Gloucester Berkshire Norwich Hertfordshire Bromley Putney Wiltshire Nottinghamshire 33 Bell Street 273 Ballards Lane Bridge Street Monnow Street, 980, Oxford Rd., 140 Northolt Road Sheep Street Rectory Road Eaton Centre, Church Lane St Johns Well Lane 45 Mason'S Hill The Exchange Churchill Way West Ossington Way Temple Fortune Prde St Albans 1 Ermine Close 112 Brighton Road 24/28 High Street Hill Street Mid Kent Shopping Centre Robert Boby Way Stevenage Andover Portsmouth Hampshire 74A High Street 67 Chantry Way Marmion Road 12 North Street 196 Kings Road Northumberland Suffolk Lincolnshire 27 Main Street Church Street West Street Cambridge Devon Edenbridge 6-8 Fitzroy Street Lower Brook Street Mont Saint Aigan Way 8 St Johns Court 199 Finchley Road Devon St Mary Church Road Bristol Broadmead Lane 25 Woolgate Market Square Hertford Bircherley Green Essex 218 St Mary'S Lane Manchester Manchester House Leicester Lower Leicester Road Cheam 28 The Broadway St. John Street Walton On Thames Dukes Head Greenhithe Bluewater Hampshire 83 Locks Road Altrincham 10 Draybank Road Leeds The Core Cardiff Unit 4 Queens West Bucks 46 Sycamore Road Swindon Middle Wichel Old Brompton Road West Susex Avon Road 284 Greens Lanes East Sussex High Street Weston House Hereford Hereford Livestock Market Dorset Cheap Street Bristol 140 High Street Sussex Nevill Road Ground Floor Unit Staffordshire Portland Street North Newcastle Osborne Road 72 Oldfield Road Middlesex Windmill Hill Chester 44 Foregate Street Sutton Coldfield Blacks Unit Clapham Common 5 The Pavement Chippenham Unit 32 Stirling Craigs Roundabout Shrewsbury 27 Pride Hill Norfolk Cromer Road Tottenham Court Road Aylesbury Waterside 2 Wimbledon Hill Road Ipswich Ransomes Way Highbury Corner Canterbury St. Georges Centre 390 Muswell Hill

26 Ashford Repton Park Chipping Wickwar Rd Bracknell Bond Way Milton Keynes 3 Babbage Gate Stratford Upon Avon The Rosebird Centre 41 Thomas More Street Cheadle Station Road Dorset 33 Bargates Cheshire Church Street Dorking High Street Balham High Road Bayswater The Colonnades Hampshire Portswood Road Eastbourne High Street Preston Capital Centre Northamptonshire 66 East Road Bedfordshire 25 Bedford Street Northwich Road Bedford Northampton East Sussex Market Harborough Wells Goldington Road Newport Pagnell Road Eastgate Street Ltd Limited Cherry Tree Walk Centre Scotland Hersham Dorset Battersea High Street 145 Morningside Road 2 Alexandria Road Molesey Road 315 Ashley Road St Johns Road West Midlands Northamptonshire Hampshire Sandhurst Dorset 210 High Street Manor Road Stanford Road Yorktown Road Rowlands Hill Pimlico, Southampton Manchester Little Finchley Cooking School Little Southhampton 815 Little King' Cross Gateway House Dorset Queen Mary Square Edgware Road Putney Wtr Limited Alderley Edge Alderley Edge Cowbridge Limited Buckingham Meadow Walk Leeds Green Road 30 Porchester Road West Sussex Birmingham Ipswich Kings Hill Derbyshire Dreadnought Wharf West Street 1 Colemore Row The Corn Exchange Fortune Way 33 Spring Garden Centre Argyll & Butte Berkshire Islington Watford Northumberland Cardross Rd 37 King Edward Court King William Street Chapel Market The Harlequin Centre Wentworth Park Nottingham Clifton Oxted 31 Milton Street The Pavilion The Broadway 159 Station Road East Coombe Lane Egham Nottingham Walbrook Road Church Road Online Sales 110 Trowell Road North End Road Formby Three Tuns Lane Wtr Limited Leicester 36 Harborough Road West Sussex Broadmark Lane Scotland 38 Comely Bank Avenue 3 Bondway Malmesbury By-Pass Glasgow Glasgow Road Camden High Street Surrey York Road The Parade 1 New Union Square Notting Hill Gate Basingstoke Basing View West Drayton Waterside Oxfordshire Botley Road Cookery School 1 Wharf Road Direct Services East Sussex Station Road Chester Chester Marlow Hill Dorking 527 Staffordshire Trinity Road Little 569 Loughborough Granite Way West Hampstead Little 524 West Midlands 29 Homer Road Peterborough 531 Worcestershire 223 Road

27 Caffe Nero 1 Caffe Nero Laidlaw Library University of Leeds Woodhouse Lane Leeds 2 Caffe Nero Harrow on the Hill Station Station Approach Harrow 3 Caffe Nero 9 Russell Square 4 Caffe Nero Charing Cross Road 5 Caffe Nero Chipping Norton 10 High St Chipping Norton 6 Caffe Nero Unit 4 Aldine House, Riverside Manchester 7 Caffe Nero Long Acre 8 Caffe Nero 30 Monmouth Street 9 Caffe Nero Terminal 1 Airside Heathrow Airport Hounslow 10 Caffe Nero Heathrow Airport Hounslow 11 Caffe Nero Heathrow T5 Departure Level Hounslow 12 Caffe Nero Terminal 2 Central Bus Station Heathrow Airport Hounslow 13 Caffe Nero Terminal 4 Departures Hounslow 14 Caffe Nero Brompton Road 15 Caffe Nero James Selby store Holloway Road 16 Caffe Nero McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Center Kimberly Way Ashford 17 Caffe Nero Oxford Street 18 Caffe Nero 1 Love Lane Pinner 19 Caffe Nero Charing Cross Station The Strand 20 Caffe Nero 21A Gaolgate Street Stafford 21 Caffe Nero 2 Bishopsgate Arcade 22 Caffe Nero 23 Eastcheap 23 Caffe Nero 67 Deansgate Manchester 24 Caffe Nero 122A Market Street Manchester 25 Caffe Nero 192 Chiswick High Road 26 Caffe Nero 386 Chiswick High Road 27 Caffe Nero 16 Davygate York 28 Caffe Nero 107 High Street Winchester 29 Caffe Nero 1 Mayfair House Festival Place Basingstoke 30 Caffe Nero Lothian Road Edinburgh 31 Caffe Nero 177 Morningside Rd Edinburgh 32 Caffe Nero The Glades Shopping Centre High Street Bromley 33 Caffe Nero Old House Inn 2 Carshalton Road Sutton 34 Caffe Nero 16 Prince Albert Street Brighton 35 Caffe Nero 21 St Thomas Street Weymouth 36 Caffe Nero 61B - 62 High Street Lewes 37 Caffe Nero High Street Exeter 38 Caffe Nero c/o Morleys Brixton Road 39 Caffe Nero 77d Kingsway 40 Caffe Nero Eden Walk Centre Kingston 41 Caffe Nero 7 Jamestown Road 42 Caffe Nero Palace Exchange Shopping Centre Enfield 43 Caffe Nero 11 Market Street Cambridge 44 Caffe Nero 80 High Street Rickmansworth 45 Caffe Nero High Street Watford 46 Caffe Nero 32 Cranbourn Street 47 Caffe Nero 17a-b Market Place Ripon 48 Caffe Nero 29 Southampton Street 49 Caffe Nero Royal Victoria Place Tunbridge Wells 50 Caffe Nero 48 Oxford Street 51 Caffe Nero 15 Fore Street Taunton 52 Caffe Nero 18 Wheelergate Nottingham 53 Caffe Nero 2 Central Avenue West Bridgford 54 Caffe Nero Furlong Shopping Centre Ringwood 55 Caffe Nero Gatwick Airport Gatwick 56 Caffe Nero High Street Lincoln 57 Caffe Nero Regent Street 58 Caffe Nero 70 Piccadilly 59 Caffe Nero Winchester House Wall 60 Caffe Nero 20 St John's Hill Clapham Junction 61 Caffe Nero 19 Albion Place Leeds 62 Caffe Nero 208 Western Road Brighton 63 Caffe Nero 69 High Street Guilford 64 Caffe Nero 7-9 Queens Road Bristol 65 Caffe Nero The Triangle at The Corn Exchange Exchange Square Manchester 66 Caffe Nero St Nicholas Avenue MacArthurGlen Designer Outlet Fulford 67 Caffe Nero McArthurGlen Designer Outlet Almond Avenue Livingston 68 Caffe Nero Windsor Royal Station Windsor 69 Caffe Nero 95 Putney High Street 70 Caffe Nero 14 High Street Oxford 71 Caffe Nero 115 Kings Road Chelsea 72 Caffe Nero 38 Castle Street Liverpool 73 Caffe Nero 19 Eastgate Street Chester 74 Caffe Nero Piccadilly 75 Caffe Nero 57 East Street Chichester 76 Caffe Nero 273 Regent Street 77 Caffe Nero 1 Wrights Lane 78 Caffe Nero 333 High Holborn 79 Caffe Nero Gunwharf Quays Portsmouth 80 Caffe Nero 29 Peel Avenue Trafford Centre Manchester 81 Caffe Nero Kensington High Street 82 Caffe Nero Chapel St Southport 83 Caffe Nero Staines Road Chertsey 84 Caffe Nero Airside Int Depart Lounge Paisley 85 Caffe Nero Landside International Arrivals Paisley 86 Caffe Nero 30 Newgate St Paternoster Square 87 Caffe Nero The Headrow Leeds 88 Caffe Nero 58 Boar Lane Leeds 89 Caffe Nero Lakeside Shopping Centre West Thurrock Grays 90 Caffe Nero 36A St Martins Lane 91 Caffe Nero Friargate Preston 92 Caffe Nero Castlepoint Castle Lane West Bournemouth 93 Caffe Nero 96 High St Chelmsford 94 Caffe Nero 67 Deansgate Bolton 95 Caffe Nero High Street Epsom 96 Caffe Nero Leatherhead Road Chessington 97 Caffe Nero Staines Road Chertsey 98 Caffe Nero 38 Corn Street Bristol 99 Caffe Nero Bond Street Brighton 100 Caffe Nero 95 High Street Banbury 101 Caffe Nero 18 The Square Petersfield 102 Caffe Nero 23 Market Street Lancaster 103 Caffe Nero c/o Blackwells Bookstore Broad Street Oxford 104 Caffe Nero 93 George Street East Croydon 105 Caffe Nero 112 High Street Sevenoaks 106 Caffe Nero 89a Church Road Hove 107 Caffe Nero c/o Elys St George's Road Wimbledon 108 Caffe Nero 2-4 Salisbury Square Hertford 109 Caffe Nero High Street East Grinstead 110 Caffe Nero 8-10 Lordship Lane East Dulwich 111 Caffe Nero Arndale Centre Manchester 112 Caffe Nero Queen Street Exeter 113 Caffe Nero Bull Ring Link The Bull Ring Birmingham 114 Caffe Nero Ecclesall Road Sheffield 115 Caffe Nero 6 The Broadway Wimbledon 116 Caffe Nero St Paul's Place 121 Norfok Street Sheffield 117 Caffe Nero Tower Unit Piccadilly Approach Manchester 118 Caffe Nero 77a-79 Marygate Berwick-Upon-Tweed 119 Caffe Nero 35 & 35b Market Place Macclesfield 120 Caffe Nero 1st Floor Landside Food Court Edinburgh Airport Edinburgh 121 Caffe Nero Silver Street Salisbury 122 Caffe Nero High Street Andover 123 Caffe Nero Golden Hind 3 Cathedral Street 124 Caffe Nero c/o Madame Tussauds Marylebone Road 125 Caffe Nero 51 New Broadway Ealing 126 Caffe Nero City Airport Airside Royal Docks 127 Caffe Nero 27-27a Boscowen Street Truro 128 Caffe Nero St Pancras International Station Pancras Road 129 Caffe Nero International Way Ebbsfleet Valley Dartford 130 Caffe Nero 6 Culver Street West Colchester 131 Caffe Nero Old Town Hall High St Reigate 132 Caffe Nero 153 High Street Poole 133 Caffe Nero 35 Fairhill Shopping Centre Ballymena 134 Caffe Nero Ann Street Belfast 135 Caffe Nero 80 Mosley Street Manchester 136 Caffe Nero 6 Duke Street Cardiff 137 Caffe Nero Fountain Centre College Street Belfast 138 Caffe Nero 8-9 Horsemarket Darlington 139 Caffe Nero 29a Bond Street 8 Park Row Leeds 140 Caffe Nero Waterloo Street Birmingham 141 Caffe Nero Waverley Station 4 Waverley Bridge Road Edinburgh 142 Caffe Nero Hammersmith Broadway 143 Caffe Nero C/O Paperchase 144 Caffe Nero 16A Site One 17 Peters Arcade Liverpool 145 Caffe Nero 43 Frith Street 146 Caffe Nero 66 Old Brompton Road 147 Caffe Nero 1 Hampstead High Street 148 Caffe Nero 79 Tottenham Court Road 149 Caffe Nero 62 Brewer Street 150 Caffe Nero 1-5 King Street 151 Caffe Nero Wormwood Street 152 Caffe Nero The Strand 153 Caffe Nero 2 Lancaster Place 154 Caffe Nero 53 Notting Hill Gate 155 Caffe Nero 53 Cross Street Manchester 156 Caffe Nero 88 Leadenhall Street 157 Caffe Nero 2 Beulah Street Harrogate 158 Caffe Nero 113 Westbourne Grove 159 Caffe Nero 186 Clapham High Street 160 Caffe Nero 184A Edgware Road 160 Caffe Nero 184A Edgware Road 161 Caffe Nero 34 Silver Street Durham 162 Caffe Nero 168 Portobello Road 163 Caffe Nero 19 Bridlesmith Gate Nottingham 164 Caffe Nero Portcullis House 1-2 Bridge Street 165 Caffe Nero 36 Long Causeway Peterborough 166 Caffe Nero 6A Abington Street Northampton 167 Caffe Nero 45 Whitechapel Liverpool 168 Caffe Nero 2 Charlotte Street 169 Caffe Nero 20 Gentleman s Walk Norwich 170 Caffe Nero Humberstone Gate Haymarket Shopping Centre Leicester 171 Caffe Nero 106 Union Street Glasgow 172 Caffe Nero 47 Market Street Leicester 173 Caffe Nero 27 St Ann s Road Harrow 174 Caffe Nero Balham High Road 175 Caffe Nero 181 Strand 176 Caffe Nero 74 Corporation Street Birmingham 177 Caffe Nero Newgate Street 178 Caffe Nero 480 Fulham Road 179 Caffe Nero 10 Bedford Street 180 Caffe Nero 11 Old Bond Street Bath 181 Caffe Nero 248 Upper Richmond Road West East Sheen 182 Caffe Nero 44 High Street Canterbury 183 Caffe Nero 11 South Street Worthing 184 Caffe Nero 108 Southampton Row 185 Caffe Nero Paddington Station 186 Caffe Nero The Oracle Centre Reading 187 Caffe Nero 6 Wilcox Place 105 Victoria Street 188 Caffe Nero 35 Jermyn Street 189 Caffe Nero House Curzon Street 190 Caffe Nero Athene Place Shoe Lane 191 Caffe Nero St Vincent Street Glasgow 192 Caffe Nero 54 Buttermarket Ipswich 193 Caffe Nero 101 Kilburn High Road 194 Caffe Nero Rose Street Edinburgh 195 Caffe Nero The Broadway Chesham 196 Caffe Nero 62 Highgate High Street 197 Caffe Nero 21 Barnes High Street 198 Caffe Nero Fulham Road 199 Caffe Nero High St Harborne Birmingham 200 Caffe Nero Colman Parade King Street Maidstone 201 Caffe Nero Jubilee Place 45 Bank Street 202 Caffe Nero Golders Green 203 Caffe Nero Old Christchurch Rd Bournemouth 204 Caffe Nero 6 More Place Tooley Street 205 Caffe Nero Charing Cross Road 206 Caffe Nero Warwick Way Pimlico 207 Caffe Nero Weavers Wharf Kidderminster 208 Caffe Nero 8A Oxford Road Manchester 209 Caffe Nero Spring Street 210 Caffe Nero 47 Broad Street Teddington 211 Caffe Nero Southside Shopping Centre Wandsworth 212 Caffe Nero The Courts Warren Street Stockport 213 Caffe Nero AIG Building 22 Street 214 Caffe Nero Piccadilly Gardens Manchester 215 Caffe Nero 187 Tottenham Court Road 216 Caffe Nero 3-4 High Street Hitchin 217 Caffe Nero 218 Marlowes Hemel Hempstead 218 Caffe Nero c/o Blackwells Bookstore Southbridge Edinburgh 219 Caffe Nero 17 High Street Yeovil 220 Caffe Nero 21 High Street Bath 221 Caffe Nero Saturday Market Beverley East Riding 222 Caffe Nero 50 Brook Street Warwick 223 Caffe Nero Wilmslow Park Wilmslow Road Manchester 224 Caffe Nero 11 Parkway 225 Caffe Nero 3 St John's Square Cardiff 226 Caffe Nero Station Road Edgware 227 Caffe Nero 112 Upper Richmond Road East Putney 228 Caffe Nero 12 Exmouth Market 229 Caffe Nero 91 High Street Godalming 230 Caffe Nero c/o Waterstones 35 Wesley Walk Basingstoke 231 Caffe Nero Cornmarket Derby 232 Caffe Nero 91 Hope Street Glasgow 233 Caffe Nero Terminal 2 Airside Hounslow 234 Caffe Nero Park Street Bristol 235 Caffe Nero 72 Regent Street Leamington Spa 236 Caffe Nero 45 Fleet Street Torquay 237 Caffe Nero 20A Chapel Lane Formby 238 Caffe Nero Trinity Street Cambridge 239 Caffe Nero Market Quay 54 West Street Fareham 240 Caffe Nero 92 North Street Sudbury

28 Caffe Nero 241 Caffe Nero 17 Kings Parade Cambridge 242 Caffe Nero 11 Kirkgate Wakefield 243 Caffe Nero 41 Abbeygate St Bury St Edmunds 244 Caffe Nero 4-6 Glanville Place Stockbridge Edinburgh 245 Caffe Nero 9-11 Shaws Road Altrincham 246 Caffe Nero Southgate Halifax 247 Caffe Nero 1-3 Kings Street Huddersfield 248 Caffe Nero Tottenham Court Road 249 Caffe Nero 141 Bartholomews Street Newbury 250 Caffe Nero 65a - 67 The Cut Southwark 251 Caffe Nero 529 Garratt Lane Earlsfield 252 Caffe Nero 58 School Road Sale 253 Caffe Nero 1-2 Angel Row Nottingham 254 Caffe Nero 43 High Road Wood Green 255 Caffe Nero 17 Grove Street Wilmslow 256 Caffe Nero Church Walk Church Street Great Malvern 257 Caffe Nero Wellington Square Stocktonon Tees 258 Caffe Nero Margate Road Westwood Cross Broadstairs 259 Caffe Nero 55 High Street West Wickham 260 Caffe Nero Wood Street Kingston Upon Thames 261 Caffe Nero 52 Bridge Street Chester 262 Caffe Nero 2-6 Exchange Parade Corn Exchange Lincoln 263 Caffe Nero 1a Dundas Street Glasgow 264 Caffe Nero 34 High Street Tonbridge 265 Caffe Nero Fulham Road 266 Caffe Nero St Sepulchre Gate Doncaster 267 Caffe Nero St John's House 133 Deansgate Manchester 268 Caffe Nero 36 Fore Street Hexham 269 Caffe Nero 99 High Street Gosforth 270 Caffe Nero 30 The Shambles Worcester 271 Caffe Nero 25 The Precinct High Street Egham 272 Caffe Nero 21 Battersea Rise 273 Caffe Nero 65 Station Road Chingford 274 Caffe Nero 21 Parliament Row Stoke-on-Trent 275 Caffe Nero 139 Station Road East Oxted 276 Caffe Nero 141 Norfolk Street King's Lynn 277 Caffe Nero Market Place Melton Mowbray 278 Caffe Nero 21 The Square Market Harborough 279 Caffe Nero Watling Street Radlett 280 Caffe Nero 142 Wandsworth Bridge Road 281 Caffe Nero 103 Shenley Road Borehamwood 282 Caffe Nero High Street Perth 283 Caffe Nero The Talbot 46 Clifton Street Lytham 284 Caffe Nero 10 Westow Hill 285 Caffe Nero 7 Southgate Street Gloucester 286 Caffe Nero 271 High Street Epping 287 Caffe Nero 2-4 High Street Harpenden 288 Caffe Nero 245 High Street Ayr 289 Caffe Nero 89 High Street Sidcup 290 Caffe Nero 48 High Road Beeston Nottingham 291 Caffe Nero Royal Arcade Boscombe 292 Caffe Nero 89 High Street Hoddesdon 293 Caffe Nero 3-5 Peach Street Wokingham 294 Caffe Nero 48 St Annes Road West Lytham St Annes 295 Caffe Nero 44 Commercial Street Newport 296 Caffe Nero 44 Bell Street Henley-On-Thames 297 Caffe Nero 46 Regent Street Clifton Bristol 298 Caffe Nero 49 Westgate Guisborough 299 Caffe Nero 15 Road Twickenham 300 Caffe Nero 8 Eign Gate Hereford 301 Caffe Nero 2-4 Port Street Stirling 302 Caffe Nero 21 King Street South Shields 303 Caffe Nero 6 Frogmore Street Abergavenny 304 Caffe Nero 2b New Rents Ashford 305 Caffe Nero 27 Haymarket 306 Caffe Nero Market Square St Neots 307 Caffe Nero 4 High Street Ramsgate 308 Caffe Nero 29 High Street Lymington 309 Caffe Nero 1-3 Ormskirk Street St Helens 310 Caffe Nero 18 High Street Walton-on-Thames 311 Caffe Nero 45 The Broadway Stanmore 312 Caffe Nero 8 Stainbeck Lane Chapel Allerton 313 Caffe Nero 1 Rhosddu Road Wrexham 314 Caffe Nero The Cloisters 43 Bore Street Lichfield 315 Caffe Nero 34 Market Place Kendal 316 Caffe Nero Market Place Romsey 317 Caffe Nero Union Street Aberdeen 318 Caffe Nero 1 Mitcham Road Tooting 319 Caffe Nero 91 Gloucester Green Oxford 320 Caffe Nero 7 Royal George Buildings Market Place Rugby 321 Caffe Nero 63 Commercial Way Woking 322 Caffe Nero Spring Gardens Buxton 323 Caffe Nero Savile Street Hull 324 Caffe Nero Mardol Head Shrewsbury 325 Caffe Nero 28 High Street Brentwood 326 Caffe Nero 122 High Street Stourbridge 327 Caffe Nero 47 Bridge Street Swindon 328 Caffe Nero 132 Brighton Road Coulsdon 329 Caffe Nero Golden Square 6 Market Place Warrington 330 Caffe Nero 60 High Street Alton 331 Caffe Nero Lexington Building City Road 332 Caffe Nero 12 High St Chislehurst 333 Caffe Nero Potters Street Bishops Stortford 334 Caffe Nero 1a-1b High Street Tenterden 335 Caffe Nero 23 Cornwall Street Plymouth 336 Caffe Nero Victoria Central Victoria Station 337 Caffe Nero Victoria Station 338 Caffe Nero Liverpool Lime St Station Liverpool 339 Caffe Nero Bridge Station Station Approach 340 Caffe Nero Waterloo Station 341 Caffe Nero Fenchurch St Station Coopers Row 342 Caffe Nero Victoria Station 343 Caffe Nero Paragon Square Hull 344 Caffe Nero High Street Bracknell 345 Caffe Nero 9-11 Low Pavement & 1 Falcon Yard Chesterfield 346 Caffe Nero 72 Woodcote Road Wallington 347 Caffe Nero 44 George Street Croydon 348 Caffe Nero 1a Bold Street Liverpool 349 Caffe Nero 44 Borough Pavement The Grange Birkenhead 350 Caffe Nero 31 Howardsgate Welwyn Garden City 351 Caffe Nero St Pancras International Station Pancras Road 352 Caffe Nero Grand Arcade 23 Crompton St Wigan 353 Caffe Nero Muswell Hill Broadway 354 Caffe Nero 54 Theobald's Road 355 Caffe Nero Luton Airport Airport Way Luton 356 Caffe Nero Kimberly Way Ashford 357 Caffe Nero 6 Henley Street Stratford Upon Avon 358 Caffe Nero Eden Shopping Centre High Wycombe 359 Caffe Nero 56 Gallowtree Gate Leicester 360 Caffe Nero 353 Lord Street Southport 361 Caffe Nero 3 Victoria Road Surbiton 362 Caffe Nero 84-84A Fishergate Preston 363 Caffe Nero 209 Brook Street Broughty Ferry Dundee 364 Caffe Nero 8 West Street Havant 365 Caffe Nero Union Street Aberdeen 366 Caffe Nero 164 High Street Beckenham 367 Caffe Nero 24 Market Street Bradford 368 Caffe Nero Station Approach 369 Caffe Nero 6 Hammersmith Broadway Hammersmith 370 Caffe Nero 10 Market Street Falmouth 371 Caffe Nero 59 Hamilton Road Felixstowe 372 Caffe Nero 1-3 Lavender Hill Battersea 373 Caffe Nero Euston Station Euston Road 374 Caffe Nero Gatwick Airport Gatwick 375 Caffe Nero Gloucester Quays Designer Outlet St Ann Way Gloucester 376 Caffe Nero The Ticket Office St Enoch's Square Glasgow 377 Caffe Nero Euston Road 378 Caffe Nero Waterloo Station 379 Caffe Nero Perimeter Road East Gatwick 380 Caffe Nero Trafalgar Square 381 Caffe Nero Terminal 4 Departures Heathrow Airport 382 Caffe Nero South Terminal Gatwick Village Gatwick Airport 383 Caffe Nero Kings Cross Station 384 Caffe Nero Caffe Nero Head Office 3 Neal Street 385 Caffe Nero 70 Lesley Mews Co Down Holywood 386 Caffe Nero 3 Kings Square York 387 Caffe Nero 27 High Street Barnstaple 388 Caffe Nero 2 Godstone road Caterham 389 Caffe Nero 18 Market Place Cirencester 390 Caffe Nero Terminus road Eastbourne 391 Caffe Nero Buchanan Galleries Glasgow 392 Caffe Nero 40A High St Weybridge 393 Caffe Nero Paddington Station Praed Street 394 Caffe Nero Corner unit 50 St Mary Axe 395 Caffe Nero Gloucester Road 396 Caffe Nero 143 High Street Southend on sea 397 Caffe Nero Bluewater Shopping Centre Greenhithe 398 Caffe Nero Oxford Street 399 Caffe Nero 37 High Street Banstead 400 Caffe Nero Edinburgh Airport Turnhouse Road Edinburgh 401 Caffe Nero 2 High Street Sheffield 402 Caffe Nero 211 High Street Cheltenham 403 Caffe Nero Evesham Street Kingfisher Shopping Center Redditch 404 Caffe Nero 6 Dorchester Street Bath 405 Caffe Nero 3A Station Plaza Brook Street Ilkley 406 Caffe Nero Oxford Street 407 Caffe Nero 52 Stratton Street 408 Caffe Nero Westfield White City 409 Caffe Nero Coppergate Shopping Centre 12 Coppergate Walk York 410 Caffe Nero 1a Saxon Square Shopping Centre Christchurch 411 Caffe Nero Shires Retail Park Leamington Spa 412 Caffe Nero 53 Marsham Street 413 Caffe Nero Northumberland Street Newcastle Upon Tyne 414 Caffe Nero Clapham Junction Railway Station St John's Hill 415 Caffe Nero 1 Union Street Bristol 416 Caffe Nero Terminal 2 Airside Departures Manchester Airport Manchester 417 Caffe Nero Marriots Walk Witney 418 Caffe Nero Warwick House Cowcross Street 419 Caffe Nero 2 Queens Road Nuneaton 420 Caffe Nero High Street Colchester 421 Caffe Nero 170 Streatham High Street 422 Caffe Nero High Street Colchester 423 Caffe Nero Streatham High Road 424 Caffe Nero 38C The Thoroughfare Woodbridge 425 Caffe Nero 33A Linthorpe Road Middlesbrough 426 Caffe Nero 12 Strait Bargate Boston 427 Caffe Nero Saxon Square Christchurch 428 Caffe Nero 17 High Street Stamford 429 Caffe Nero Main Street Co. Down Bangor 430 Caffe Nero The Chimes Shopping Centre Uxbridge 431 Caffe Nero 22 Fitzroy Street Cambridge 432 Caffe Nero High Street Northallerton 433 Caffe Nero 42 The Parade Leamington Spa 434 Caffe Nero 35 Forman St Nottingham 435 Caffe Nero 114 High St Ruislip 436 Caffe Nero 98 Commercial Road Bournemouth 437 Caffe Nero 26 Station Road Upminster 438 Caffe Nero Great Northern Mall Great Victoria Street Belfast 439 Caffe Nero High St Tunbridge Wells 440 Caffe Nero 100 New Bridge Street 441 Caffe Nero West End Lane West Hampstead 442 Caffe Nero 60 Broad St Worcester 443 Caffe Nero 1B Friars Square Shopping Centre Market Square Aylesbury 444 Caffe Nero 44 Murraygate Dundee 445 Caffe Nero 50 West St Horsham 446 Caffe Nero The Galleria Comet Way Hatfield 447 Caffe Nero Unit 2 11 High St Ely 448 Caffe Nero 2-3 Bank Buildings Station Road Hastings 449 Caffe Nero Castle Road Clitheroe 450 Caffe Nero St.James Building Oxford St Manchester 451 Caffe Nero 53 High Street The Nicholsons Centre Maidenhead 452 Caffe Nero The Rotunda Lower Precinct Coventry 453 Caffe Nero Lombard St Belfast 454 Caffe Nero Wilmslow Road Didsbury Manchester 455 Caffe Nero 55 Sycamore Road Amersham 456 Caffe Nero Broad Street Reading 457 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser High Street Guildford 458 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser 101 Victoria St 459 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser - Croydon Centrale 21 North End Croydon 460 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser 45 Buchanan Street Glasgow 461 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser 44 Fremlin Walk Maidstone 462 Caffe Nero c/o Bentalls Wood Street Kingston 463 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser 130 Merchants Hall Norwich 464 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser The Oracle Centre Reading 465 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser The Promenade Cheltenham 466 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser Royal Parade Plymouth 467 Caffe Nero c/o Beatties Victoria Street Wolverhampton 468 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser 1 Paragon Square Hull 469 Caffe Nero c/o Bentalls 53 High Street Bracknell 470 Caffe Nero House of Fraser Victoria Square Belfast

29 470 Caffe Nero House of Fraser Victoria Square Belfast 471 Caffe Nero House of Fraser Eden Shopping Centre High Wycombe 472 Caffe Nero Mary Street Cardiff 473 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser Cabot Circus Bristol 474 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser Victoria Street Grimsby 475 Caffe Nero 145 Princes Street Edinburgh 476 Caffe Nero Bluewater HOF Bluewater Shopping centre Dartford 477 Caffe Nero c/o Fenwicks 39 Northumberland Street Newcastle Upon Tyne 478 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser English Street Carlisle 479 Caffe Nero Caffe Nero at Williams and Griffin 152 High Street Colchester 480 Caffe Nero House of Fraser Park St Camberley 481 Caffe Nero Olympic House Manchester Airport Manchester 482 Caffe Nero 134 High Street Falkirk 483 Caffe Nero Metrocentre Gateshead Newcastle Upon Tyne 484 Caffe Nero 53 Packhorse Road Gerrards Cross 485 Caffe Nero Terminal 3 Landside Manchester Airport Manchester 486 Caffe Nero Moorgate Underground Station City Road 487 Caffe Nero Ladbroke Grove 488 Caffe Nero 22 Butchers Row Beverley 489 Caffe Nero 31 St Georges Street Canterbury 490 Caffe Nero Sheep Street Skipton 491 Caffe Nero 5 Bellevue Road Wandsworth Common 492 Caffe Nero Marriotts Walk Witney 493 Caffe Nero Plantation Place 30 Fenchurch Street 494 Caffe Nero Unit 1 Birmingham International Airport Birmingham 495 Caffe Nero 25 Westgate Street Ipswich 496 Caffe Nero 40/44 Monnow Street Monmouth 497 Caffe Nero 18 Clifton Road 498 Caffe Nero 59 High Street Staines 499 Caffe Nero High Street Wimbledon Village 500 Caffe Nero Unit 15 Multrees Walk Edinburgh 501 Caffe Nero 1 Parliament Square 192 High Street Edinburgh 502 Caffe Nero Gatwick Airport South Terminal Gatwick 503 Caffe Nero Surbiton Railway Station Victoria Road Surbiton 504 Caffe Nero Fulham Palace Road 505 Caffe Nero The Carriages 42 Botanic Avenue Belfast 506 Caffe Nero 7-8 The Square Richmond 507 Caffe Nero 7-8 Market Place Loughborough 508 Caffe Nero 1 Wellfield Road Roath Cardiff 509 Caffe Nero 81/83A Mostyn Street Llandudno 510 Caffe Nero New Market St Retail Park The Bridges Shopping Centre Sunderland 511 Caffe Nero Unit The Horsefair Bristol 512 Caffe Nero 67 South Road Haywards Heath 513 Caffe Nero Colonade Euston Station 514 Caffe Nero Unit 2 19 High Street Solihull 515 Caffe Nero 22 High Street Marlborough 516 Caffe Nero Cannon Street Station Cannon Street 517 Caffe Nero Cannon Street Station Swan Centre Eastleigh 518 Caffe Nero 11 The Martletts Crawley 519 Caffe Nero Western Road Brighton 520 Caffe Nero Westfield Stratford City Monfichet Road 521 Caffe Nero Upper Rose Gallery Bluewater Greenhithe 522 Caffe Nero Paddington Station 523 Caffe Nero Unit 5-6 Capitol Shopping Centre Cardiff 524 Caffe Nero 10 Donegall Square West Belfast 525 Caffe Nero 22-22A High Street Nantwich 526 Caffe Nero C/O Fenwicks Brent Cross Shopping Centre Brent Cross 527 Caffe Nero Stratford Station Station Street 528 Caffe Nero Borough Parade Chippenham 529 Caffe Nero York House 78 Queen Victoria Street 530 Caffe Nero West End Retail Park Crow Road Glasgow 531 Caffe Nero The Shard Tower Station Approach 532 Caffe Nero Stratford Station Station Street Stratford 533 Caffe Nero Kings Cross Station Euston Road 534 Caffe Nero 32 The Brittox Devizes 535 Caffe Nero Capital Retail Park Leckwith Road Cardiff 536 Caffe Nero 121 High Street Sutton 537 Caffe Nero High Street Weston-Super-Mare 538 Caffe Nero 126 Tottenham Court Road 539 Caffe Nero Menai Centre Garth Road Bangor 540 Caffe Nero Unit 4 Trinity Square Nottingham 541 Caffe Nero Unit 2 Myrtle/Catherine Street Liverpool 542 Caffe Nero 4-5 St Mary's Place Newcastle Upon Tyne 543 Caffe Nero 115 Victoria Place Buckingham Palace Road 544 Caffe Nero 34 The Broadway Ealing 545 Caffe Nero 75 George Street Hove 546 Caffe Nero 56 Gracechurch Shopping Centre The Parade Sutton Coldfield 547 Caffe Nero 148 Friar Street Reading 548 Caffe Nero 28 High Street Wells 549 Caffe Nero Oxo Tower Wharf Barge House Street 551 Caffe Nero 2-4 Chichester Street Belfast 552 Caffe Nero Foregate Street Chester 553 Caffe Nero 1-2 Castle Street Farnham 554 Caffe Nero Kensington Arcade 125 Kensington High Street 555 Caffe Nero Unit 5 Richmond Shopping centre derry 556 Caffe Nero Clapham Junction Railway Station St John's Hill 557 Caffe Nero Chipping Norton 558 Caffe Nero Glasgow Great Western Road 559 Caffe Nero Leeds University 560 Caffe Nero Manchester Airport T2 Landside 561 Caffe Nero Truro Quayside 562 Caffe Nero Belfast Forestside 563 Caffe Nero Royal Avenue Belfast 564 Caffe Nero 79 High Road 565 Caffe Nero 214 Earls Court Road 566 Caffe Nero 63 Argyle St, Glasgow 567 Caffe Nero Waverley Station Edinburgh 568 Caffe Nero Unit 147 Glasgow 569 Caffe Nero 36 Market Place Thirsk 570 Caffe Nero 75 Upper St 571 Caffe Nero Unit 2c Newcastle 572 Caffe Nero Unit 326 Leeds 573 Caffe Nero 132 High St 574 Caffe Nero 10 High St Chipping Norton 575 Caffe Nero Unit 2 Lincoln 576 Caffe Nero High St Inverness 577 Caffe Nero unit Bristol 578 Caffe Nero Platform 3 &4 Surbiton Railway Station Surbiton 579 Caffe Nero Unit 2, Belfast 580 Caffe Nero 233 High Road Loughton Essex 581 Caffe Nero 2 Bank St Newquay 582 Caffe Nero 25 Great Darkside St Aberystwyth 583 Caffe Nero 5c Abbey Centre Longwood Newtonabbbey 584 Caffe Nero Wimbledon Park Road Southfields 585 Caffe Nero CAFFE NERO Caffe Nero CAFFE NERO 587 Caffe Nero Southampton John Lewis, West Quay Shopping Centre Southampton 588 Caffe Nero 231 High St Hounslow Hounslow 589 Caffe Nero Unit EK2, 110 Ferensway St Stephens Shopping Centre Hull 590 Caffe Nero 23B Cathedral Walk St Davids Centre Cardiff 591 Caffe Nero One the Square Station Road Cambridge 592 Caffe Nero Central Parade Worcester Park Worcester Park 593 Caffe Nero The Soloist Building Lanyon Place 594 Caffe Nero Unit 2,3 Soveriegn Square Leeds 595 Caffe Nero Norwich Chapelfield, Unit 101 Chapelfield Shopping Centre St Stephens St, N 596 Caffe Nero Leeds Central Square, Unit 4 29 Wellington St Leeds 597 Caffe Nero 84 Queens Road Bristol 598 Caffe Nero Ground Transport Interchanve Manchester Airport Manchester 599 Caffe Nero Unit 13, Mulberry Walk Mere Green, Sutton Coldfield Birmingham 600 Caffe Nero Unit 103, Wharfside St Mailbox Birmingham 601 Caffe Nero Unit RU01, Putney Railway Station High Street, Putney 602 Caffe Nero Unit SU39, 39 St Thomas Street Bridge Station 603 Caffe Nero Blackwells, Crownplace 200 Brownlow Hill Liverpool 604 Caffe Nero 95 Unthank Road, Norwich 605 Caffe Nero 11 Above Bar Southampton 606 Caffe Nero Unit 3, 78 Queen St Glasgow 607 Caffe Nero Unit 1, Q7 Lister Square Quartermile Edinburgh 608 Caffe Nero Crampton Buildings Temple Bar Dublin Caffe Nero Caffe Nero Kingston Fife Road 610 Caffe Nero Caffe Nero Kentish Town 611 Caffe Nero Caffe Nero Sheffield The Moor 612 Caffe Nero Borough High Street Greater 613 Caffe Nero Caffe Nero Glasgow Sauchiehall St 614 Caffe Nero 35 Acorn Road Jesmond Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 615 Caffe Nero 58 Scotch Street Armagh Armagh 616 Caffe Nero 2 Stafford St Coates Cresent Edinburgh 617 Caffe Nero Unit 27a New St Station Birmingham 618 Caffe Nero High St Bromley 619 Caffe Nero Unit 01, Block 2, Cityside Calverly St Leeds 620 Caffe Nero 115 Broadway, Bexleyheath, Bexleyhealth 621 Caffe Nero 35 Cornhill, Bury St Edmunds, Suffolk, Bury St Edmonds 622 Caffe Nero East Croydon Railway station, George St, Cro George Street Croydon 623 Caffe Nero Main St, Newcastle, County Down, Newcastle 624 Caffe Nero Unit 6, Chequer's Court Extension St Germain Walk Huntingdon 625 Caffe Nero c/o House of Fraser Unit 1, Northwalk Rushden Lakes 626 Caffe Nero Princes St, 627 Caffe Nero The Furlong Ringwood 628 Caffe Nero Unit 2, Piccadilly Station Manchester 629 Caffe Nero Kiosk Unit P1, Central Square Gunwharf Keys Portsmouth 630 Caffe Nero Unit R13, North Building Gunwharf Keys Portsmouth 631 Caffe Nero Unit 86 Lower Blue Mall Metrocentre 632 Caffe Nero Mobile App

30 Jamie s Italian Gatwick Gatwick Airport Angel Building, St John Street Hilton Tower Bridge Hilton Tower Bridge Chelmsford 2 High Street Westfield Bath 10 Milsom Place Westfield Shopping Centre Birmingham Bullring Shopping Centre Manchester 100 King Street Brighton 11 Black Lion Street Milton Keynes 3-5 Silbury Arcade Bristol 87/79 Park Street Newcastle Monument Mall Cambridge The Old Library, Wheeler Street Norwich Royal Arcade Cardiff St David's 2 Shopping Centre Nottingham Low Pavement Chelmsford 2 High Street Portsmouth Market Square Dartford Bluewater Reading The Oracle Centre Edinburgh The Assembly Rooms St Albans 23 Chequer Street Gatwick Gatwick Airport York Lendal Cellars Glasgow 7 George Square Guildford 13 Friary Street Harrogate Parliament Street Kingston High Street Leeds 36 Park Row Liverpool Liverpool 1 11 Upper St Martin's Lane Denman Street Nelson Road 2 Churchill Place 38 Threadneedle Street 66 Victoria Street

31 1 Jack Wills 13 The Academy, Belmont Street Aberdeen 2 Jack Wills Aberhouse Gwynedd 3 Jack Wills 174 High Street Suffolk 4 Jack Wills 14 Old Bond Street Avon 5 Jack Wills Arthur Street Belfast 6 Jack Wills Unit 1 Caxtongate Birmingham 7 Jack Wills East Street Brighton 8 Jack Wills 65 Queens Road Bristol 9 Jack Wills Market Place Norfolk 10 Jack Wills 18/19 Sidney Street Cambridge 11 Jack Wills 1-3 St. George Street Kent 12 Jack Wills 20 The Hayes Cardiff 13 Jack Wills 88 The Promenade Cheltenham 14 Jack Wills Eastgate Street Cheshire 15 Jack Wills 40 North Street West Sussex 16 Jack Wills 136 Long Acre 17 Jack Wills Saddler Street Durham 18 Jack Wills George Street Edinburgh 19 Jack Wills 17 High Street Eton 20 Jack Wills High Street Devon 21 Jack Wills 137 Buchanan Street Glasgow 22 Jack Wills 70 High Street Guildford 23 Jack Wills 26 James Street North Yorkshire 24 Jack Wills 359 Upper Street 25 Jack Wills 72 Kings Road 26 Jack Wills Market Place Surrey 27 Jack Wills 7 King Edward Street Leeds 28 Jack Wills 43 Whitechapel Liverpool 29 Jack Wills 35 King Street Manchester 30 Jack Wills 72 High Street Marlow 31 Jack Wills 26 Marylebone High Street 32 Jack Wills 12 Blackett Street Newcastle-Upon-Tyne 33 Jack Wills 43 Northcote Road 34 Jack Wills 10 Street Norwich 35 Jack Wills 17 Bridlesmith Gate Nottingham 36 Jack Wills Unit 126, Bicester Village, 50 Pingle Drive Bicester 37 Jack Wills 67 Gunwharf Quays Gunwharf 38 Jack Wills Axminster Shed Halifax 39 Jack Wills Kilver Street Somerset 40 Jack Wills 6-7 High Street Oxford 41 Jack Wills 184 Portobello Road 42 Jack Wills 46 Church Street Reigate 43 Jack Wills 39a George Street 44 Jack Wills 3-4 Beach Street Cornwall 45 Jack Wills 22 Fore Street Devon 46 Jack Wills Redchurch St 47 Jack Wills 8-10 Fouberts Place 48 Jack Wills 94 High Street Suffolk 49 Jack Wills Market Place Hertfordshire 50 Jack Wills 35 Bell Street Fife 51 Jack Wills 6-7 High Street Warwickshire 52 Jack Wills The Pantiles Kent 53 Jack Wills 27 High Street 54 Jack Wills High Street Winchester 55 Jack Wills 95 High Street Worcestershire 56 Jack Wills Stonegate York 57 Jack Wills Unit L13T, Guildhall, Bluewater Kent 58 Jack Wills Westfield, Unit 2055, Level Jack Wills The Mall Cribbs Causeway Bristol

32 1 Prezzo Restaurant 2 Ground Floor Western End Rotunda 2 Prezzo High Street Salisbury 3 Prezzo 13 High Street East Grinstead 4 Prezzo 3-5 Bridge Street Christchurch 5 Prezzo Unit 2 Freeport Village 6 Prezzo 43 The Boardwalk Port Solent 7 Prezzo 21 Palmerston Street Romsey 8 Prezzo 17 Her ord Street Mayfair 9 Prezzo 1 Market Square Alton 10 Prezzo 58 Cheap Street Newbury 11 Prezzo 46 Carfax Horsham 12 Prezzo 35 A Kensington High Street 13 Prezzo 39 Buckingham Street Aylesbury 14 Prezzo 109 High Street Shepperton 15 Prezzo A High Street Brentwood 16 Prezzo 25 Oxford Street Southampton 17 Prezzo West Street Midhurst 18 Prezzo King Street Reading 19 Prezzo 99 The Promenade Cheltenham 20 Prezzo 7 The Borough Farnham 21 Prezzo 2 Exeter Road Newmarket 22 Prezzo 69 High Street Maldon 23 Prezzo 161 / 163 Euston Road 24 Prezzo 1 Church Street Woodbridge 25 Prezzo 2 Thorpe Road Norwich 26 Prezzo 33 Road Redhill 27 Prezzo 82 Watling Street Radle 28 Prezzo 1 Terminus Buildings Upperton Road 29 Prezzo Westover Road Bournemouth 30 Prezzo Market Place Ringwood 31 Prezzo 16 Jewry Street Winchester 32 Prezzo 44 Church Street Weybridge 33 Prezzo 45 Earl Street Maidstone 34 Prezzo 22 Tuesday Market Place Kings Lynn 35 Prezzo 6 High Street Billericay 36 Prezzo 1-3 Cross Street Saffron Walden 37 Prezzo 52 High Street Tenterden 38 Prezzo 1 Culver Street East Colchester 39 Prezzo 202 High Street Exeter 40 Prezzo The Old School House High Street 41 Prezzo The Coach House 26 The Town 42 Prezzo 84 Mount Pleasant Road Tunbridge Wells 43 Prezzo St. Thomas Street Weymouth 44 Prezzo 146 High Street Aldeburgh 45 Prezzo Purbeck House 5 West Borough 46 Prezzo 236 High Street Epping 47 Prezzo 46 Southgate Street Gloucester 48 Prezzo 2 Oxford Castle New Road 49 Prezzo 2 Cowgate Peterborough 50 Prezzo 26 Sta on Way Cheam 51 Prezzo 8 Johnston Road Woodford Green 52 Prezzo 9 Saltgate Beccles 53 Prezzo 128 High Street Old Town 54 Prezzo 25 Fore Street Taunton 55 Prezzo At Judge Jeffreys 6 High West Street 56 Prezzo Albion Street Broadstairs 57 Prezzo 25 Regent Grove Holly Walk 58 Prezzo 61 South Street Chichester 59 Prezzo 60 The Broadway Haywards Heath 60 Prezzo 11 All Saints Place Stamford 61 Prezzo 5 Market Hill Halstead 62 Prezzo 30 Cornhill Bridgwater 63 Prezzo 20 High Street Lyndhurst 64 Prezzo 8 Queen Street Godalming 65 Prezzo 173 High Street Lewes 66 Prezzo Unit 4 15 Bancro 67 Prezzo High Street Pinner 68 Prezzo Kinghouse Haymarket 69 Prezzo 22 Silver Street Leicester 70 Prezzo 15 Leyton Road Harpenden 71 Prezzo 7-9 Great Cumberland Place 72 Prezzo 1 Vaughan Parade Torquay 73 Prezzo 4 Marine Parade West Clacton-on-Sea 74 Prezzo Gainsborough Street Sudbury 75 Prezzo 12 High Street Ely 76 Prezzo 3 Whielden Street Amersham 77 Prezzo 28 High Street Canterbury 78 Prezzo Unit 6 The Waterfront 79 Prezzo 26 St. Georges Shopping & Leisure Centre St. Anns Road 80 Prezzo Elmhurst High Road 81 Prezzo 15 North Audley Street 82 Prezzo Unit 3 35 Bugsby Way 83 Prezzo Unit 2 Coliseum Way 84 Prezzo Unit Bond Street 85 Prezzo 29 Green Lane Northwood 86 Prezzo 1-3 High Street Whitstable 87 Prezzo Cockfosters Road Barnet 88 Prezzo Old Sarum House 49 Princes Street 89 Prezzo 53 Corbets Tey Road Upminster 90 Prezzo 189 High Street Hornchurch 91 Prezzo 6 A Unit The Rotunda Clarence Street Kingston upon Thames 92 Prezzo 12 A Bu er Market Thame 93 Prezzo 96 High Street Barnstaple 94 Prezzo Mezzanine Level Unit Unit Prezzo 2-4 Albert Street Harrogate 96 Prezzo 20 Wide Bargate Boston 97 Prezzo High Street Buckingham 98 Prezzo Unit 26 Marshalls Yard 99 Prezzo 106 St. Mary Street Cardiff 100 Prezzo 55 High Street Lymington 101 Prezzo The Old Post Office The Moor 102 Prezzo The Strand Exmouth 103 Prezzo Unit 9 Stevenage Leisure Park 104 Prezzo Unit D Grand Buildings 105 Prezzo Elson House 1 Broad Street 106 Prezzo Unit 72 Silverburn Shopping Centre 107 Prezzo 43 East Street Blandford Forum 108 Prezzo Forman Street No ngham 109 Prezzo 25 Pier Place Edinburgh 110 Prezzo Church Street Leatherhead 111 Prezzo 4 Unit Valley Centertainment Valley Centertainment Broughton Lane 112 Prezzo 30 Church Street Oswestry 113 Prezzo High Street Bromsgrove 114 Prezzo Unit 1 The Brewery 115 Prezzo Unit 2 Ehringshausen Way 116 Prezzo 11 The Atrium Park Street 117 Prezzo Unit A1 The Glassmill Brayford Wharf North 118 Prezzo Unit B 3 Wood Hill 119 Prezzo 8 Baddow Road Chelmsford 120 Prezzo Unit L1a The Swan Centre 120 Prezzo Unit L1a The Swan Centre 121 Prezzo 60 High Street Crawley 122 Prezzo High Street Beckenham 123 Prezzo Unit 8 Market Place 124 Prezzo 69 The High Street Tring 125 Prezzo Unit CY7 Victoria Place Shopping Centre 126 Prezzo Eastside 14 Bridge Street Arcade 127 Prezzo The Broadway Stanmore 128 Prezzo Montague House 31 Broad Street 129 Prezzo 116 St. Mar ns Lane 130 Prezzo Unit FS9 First Floor Level 131 Prezzo Fore Street Her ord 132 Prezzo Abbeygate Street Bury St. Edmunds 133 Prezzo Christophers Place 3-5 The Colonnade 134 Prezzo 35 St. Vincent Place Glasgow 135 Prezzo 9 10 Bridge Street Maidenhead 136 Prezzo Ecclesall Road Sheffield 137 Prezzo High Street Chislehurst 138 Prezzo High Street Guildford 139 Prezzo 2 Egham Hill Egham 140 Prezzo The George Hotel 1 North Street 141 Prezzo 59 High Street Reigate 142 Prezzo 32 Bridge Street Cambridge 143 Prezzo Unit 16/17 Mills Bakery 144 Prezzo 28 High Street Banstead 145 Prezzo 22 Wood Street Stra ord-upon-avon 146 Prezzo 2 Regent Street Rugby 147 Prezzo 7 North Bridge Edinburgh 148 Prezzo Unit C2 Braehead Shopping Center Kings Inch Road 149 Prezzo 34 New Oxford Street 150 Prezzo 1-3 Clifford Street York 151 Prezzo 8 10 Low Pavement No ngham 152 Prezzo Saturday Market Beverley 153 Prezzo The Broadway 154 Prezzo 63 Queens Road Buckhurst Hill 155 Prezzo 9 & 11 Belmont Road Uxbridge 156 Prezzo Eltham High Street 157 Prezzo 15 Howardsgate Welwyn Garden City 158 Prezzo Unit 1 Orange 159 Prezzo Tombland Norwich 160 Prezzo High Street Barnet 161 Prezzo Glasshouse Street 162 Prezzo 61 High Street Arundel 163 Prezzo 8 Road Sevenoaks 164 Prezzo Unit M4 Mezzanine Level 165 Prezzo 128 Lord Street Southport 166 Prezzo 3 Marine Point Kings Parade 167 Prezzo 99 High Street Marlborough 168 Prezzo 37 C Clarks Village Street 169 Prezzo Sta on Road Beaconsfield 170 Prezzo Anchor Road Bristol 171 Prezzo Unit 14 & 15 The Pipeworks 172 Prezzo Unit 2 Market Place Buildings 173 Prezzo 21 High Street Marlow 174 Prezzo Unit 1 Southside Shopping Centre 175 Prezzo Unit The Printworks 176 Prezzo 10 Westgate Aldershot 177 Prezzo 1A The Green 178 Prezzo Unit SFC4/5 1 Victoria Square 179 Prezzo Unit D12 Whiteley Shopping Centre 180 Prezzo 6 7 Brunel Square Bath

33 181 Prezzo Unit 1A 14 New Square 182 Prezzo High Street Rayleigh 183 Prezzo 2B South Mall Manor Walks Shopping Centre 184 Prezzo The Light The Headrow Leeds 185 Prezzo 30 Provan Walk Glasgow Fort Shopping Park 186 Prezzo Hamilton Road Felixstowe 187 Prezzo Unit 66 Designer Outlet Centre 188 Prezzo 70 Newland Street Witham 189 Prezzo Capitol Centre Walton-le-Dale 190 Prezzo Unit 1 The School Yard 106 High Street 191 Prezzo 19 Thames Street Windsor 192 Prezzo The Galleria Comet Way 193 Prezzo Unit R4 White Rose Shopping Centre 194 Prezzo Unit A1 Pioneer Square 195 Prezzo Unit 5 St. Stephens Place 196 Prezzo Market Place West Ripon 197 Prezzo Unit 6 Kingstone Centre 48 Winchester Circle 198 Prezzo 26 Garrick Lane Old Market 199 Prezzo Unit N White River Place 200 Prezzo 11 Arena Parade 29 Eastcheap 201 Prezzo R4 Unit Vangarde Park Unit B 202 Prezzo Unit 3 The Rowley Arts Centre 203 Prezzo Unit 5 The Beacons 204 Prezzo Unit 1 The Ark 205 Prezzo 9 Old Eldon Square Newcastle Upon Tyne 206 Prezzo Stadium Mk Unit 7 Stadium Way West 207 Prezzo Unit 10 Parkgate Stra ord Road 208 Prezzo 8 St. Catherine Street Carmarthen 209 Prezzo 22 Broughton Shopping Park Chester Road 210 Prezzo Unit 2 Cromwell Road Leisure Park 211 Prezzo St. Annes Road West Lytham St. Annes 212 Prezzo Friar Gate Derby 213 Prezzo 87 Main Road Sidcup 214 Prezzo 157 South Street St. Andrews 215 Prezzo Unit 1 Regent Circus Complex 216 Prezzo 16 Windsor Road Penarth 217 Prezzo Fleet Road Fleet 218 Prezzo 2 Fold Way Ashton-under-Lyne 219 Prezzo Parkland Gateway George Street 220 Prezzo 92 High Street Rickmansworth 221 Prezzo The Dukes Head Ipswich Street 222 Prezzo Deansgate Manchester 223 Prezzo Unit 8B The Boardwalk Lakeside Shopping Centre 224 Prezzo 25 Kingsmead Farnborough 225 Prezzo High Street Wickford 226 Prezzo Hounds Hill Centre Victoria Street 227 Prezzo Unit T7A Two Rivers Retail Park Mustard Mill Road 228 Prezzo 2 Kingfisher Square Kingfisher Shopping Centre 229 Prezzo Unit 8 Yate Riverside Lime Kiln Road 230 Prezzo Unit 65 Friars Walk Shopping Centre 231 Prezzo 52 High Street Bridgnorth 232 Prezzo Belle Vue Terrace Malvern 233 Prezzo Church Street Tewkesbury 234 Prezzo 43/43A Frogmore Street Abergavenny 235 Prezzo The Duck House High Street 236 Prezzo Teanlowe Centre Poulton-le-Fylde 237 Prezzo Unit Golden Square Shopping Centre 238 Prezzo Unit B4 3 The Crescent 239 Prezzo Unit 2 And 3 Market Place Vaults The Market Place 240 Prezzo Old Post Office 99 High Street 241 Prezzo St. Peters Hill Grantham 242 Prezzo Unit 9 Feethams Leisure Feethams 243 Prezzo 91A Alcester Road Birmingham 244 Prezzo Unit 12 Jarmans Park Jarmans Way 245 Prezzo Unit R3 Dalton Park Murton 246 Prezzo 1-4 Tudor Square West Street 247 Prezzo Unit A3.2 Bu ermarket Shopping Centre St Stephens Lane 248 Prezzo 41 Market Place East Dereham 249 Prezzo The White House 6 Warwick Road 250 Prezzo Unit 12 Princes Gate Richmond Road 251 Prezzo New Road Chippenham 252 Prezzo Unit B Meridian Leisure Park Leicester 253 Prezzo Crockhamwell Road Woodley 254 Prezzo Unit 2 Oyster Wharf Mumbles Road 255 Prezzo 5-7 High Street Epsom 256 Prezzo Unit 5 Boucher Square 32a Boucher Crescent 257 Prezzo UG9 West Central Leisure Complex Exeter Crescent 258 Prezzo Mulberry Walk 10 Mere Green Road 259 Prezzo Unit 3 Southern Quarter 260 Prezzo Unit U32 Livingston Designer Outlet 261 Prezzo 14 High Street Thornbury 262 Prezzo Unit C1 Freeport Village Charter Way 263 Prezzo Unit 3 Freeport Village 264 Prezzo Unit D Cardinal Retail Park 265 Prezzo Unit 2b Chaplin Sq Gt North Leisure Park 266 Prezzo Unit 1A Brayford Quays Brayford Wharf North 267 Prezzo Unit 4 Leviathan Way 268 Prezzo 190 George Lane South Woodford 269 Prezzo The Boardwalk Port Solent 270 Prezzo 9 Bridge Street Arcade St. Davids Dewi Sant 271 Prezzo 6 Church Street Peterborough 272 Prezzo Town 602 Marlborough Gate 273 Prezzo 40/44 Sta on Lane Hornchurch 274 Prezzo 29 High Street Canterbury 275 Prezzo 2-4 North Street Bishops Stor ord 276 Prezzo 61 Westover Road Bournemouth 277 Prezzo 3A East Street Bromley 278 Prezzo 45 47A High Street Crawley 279 Prezzo 106A High Street Brentwood 280 Prezzo 23 High Street 281 Prezzo 4 Marine Point Kings Parade 282 Prezzo Units L4 And L7 The Swan Centre 283 Prezzo Unit 3 7 King Street 284 Prezzo 80 The Broadway Wimbledon 285 Prezzo Unit D13 Whiteley Shopping Centre 286 Prezzo 48 Oxford Street Southampton 287 Prezzo Unit R1 Southside Shopping Centre 288 Prezzo Unit 1 Market Place Buildings 289 Prezzo Unit R5 Gloucester Quays Designer Outlet Centre St. Ann Way 290 Prezzo 41 Mill Lane Arcade Mill Lane Arcade Touchwood 291 Prezzo Unit 28 Garrick Lane 292 Prezzo Unit 14 Southwater Square 293 Prezzo R21 High Cross Shopping Centre Unit Bath House Lane 294 Prezzo Stadium Mk Unit 8 Stadium Way West 295 Prezzo Unit R1 Silverburn Barrhead Road 296 Prezzo Unit R1 Pepper Street Chester 297 Prezzo 84A Glass House Cabot Circus 298 Prezzo Unit SU230 Level 2 Intu Centre 299 Prezzo Oakdene Parade Cobham 300 Prezzo Church Street Leatherhead 301 Prezzo 58 Earl Street Maidstone 302 Prezzo Unit 3B Merchant Gate 303 Prezzo Paid by App (My Check)

34 Dund Hilton Cambridge City Centre DoubleTree by Hilton Greenwich Downing Street Catherine Grove Greenwich Cambridge DoubleTree by Hilton York, United Kingdom St Maurices Road York DoubleTree by Hilton -Islington 60 Pentonville Road DoubleTree by Hilton - Chelsea Imperial Road DoubleTree by Hilton Bristol City Centre Kingsway West Dundee Hilton Garden Inn Heathrow Airport Eastern Perimeter Rd, Hatton Cross Hampton Inn Croydon Redcliffe Way Bristol Hampton By Hilton Bristol City Center Bond Street Bristol Hilton Bournemouth, UK 30 Dingwall Road Croydon Hilton Garden Inn Sunderland Vaux Brewery Way Sunderland Hilton at the Ageas Bowl, Southampton Terrace Road Bournemouth Hampton Inn by Hilton Glasgow Central 140 West Campbell Street Glasgow Hampton Inn Birmingham Broad Street The Ageas Bowl Stadium, Botley Road Southampton DoubleTree by Hilton Nottingham - Gateway Nuthall Road Nottingham Hampton Inn - Birmingham City North - GHE,UK 200 Broad Street Birmingham Hampton by Hilton Newcastle Baron House Newcastle Hilton Bankside Constitution Hill Birmingham DoubleTree by Hilton - Ealing 2-8 Hanger Lane Ealing Hilton Garden Inn Aberdeen City Centre 2-8 Great Suffolk Street DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel & Spa Liverpool 6 Sir Thomas Street Liverpool DoubleTree by Hilton Lincoln 31 St. Andrew Street Aberdeen DoubleTree by Hilton -Hyde Park 150 Bayswater Road Hampton By Hilton Gatwick North On Brayford Wharf North Lincoln DoubleTree by Hilton - Marble Arch 4 Bryanston Street Hampton Inn Exeter Airport Longbridge House DoubleTree by Hilton Newcastle International Airport Woolsington Newcastle Hilton at St George's Park, Burton Upon Trent Exeter Airport Exeter Hilton Garden Inn Bristol City Centre Temple Way Bristol Hampton Inn St Georges Park Burton Upon Trent Newborough Road Burton Upon Trent DoubleTree by Hilton -Westminster 30 John Islip Street Hampton by Hilton Bournemouth Newborough Road, Needwood Burton Upon Trent Hilton Garden Inn Birmingham Brindleyplace 1 Brunswick Square Birmingham Hampton Inn York Upper Terrace Road Bournemouth Hilton Garden Inn Glasgow City Centre Finnieston Quay Glasgow DoubleTree by Hilton Hull, United Kingdom Toft Green York DoubleTree by Hilton Leeds City Centre Granary Wharf, 2 Wharf Approach Leeds Hampton Inn Stansted, United Kingdom 24 Ferensway Kingston Upon Hull DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel Manchester - Piccadilly One Piccadilly Place, 1 Auburn St. Manchester DoubleTree by Hilton Cheltenham, United Kingdom Bassingbourn Road Stansted DoubleTree by Hilton - Tower of 7 Pepys Street Hilton Garden Inn Manchester Emirates Old Trafford Cirencester Road Cheltenham DoubleTree by Hilton Heathrow Airport 745 Bath Road Hounslow Cranford DoubleTree by Hilton ExCel, United Kingdom Talbot Road Manchester DoubleTree by Hilton Edinburgh City Centre, UK 34 Bread Street Edinburgh DoubleTree by Hilton at the Ricoh Arena - Coventry Excel, 2 Festoon Way Hampton By Hilton Sheffield West Bar Green Sheffield Hilton Edinburgh Carlton, United Kingdom Judds Lane, Longford Coventry DoubleTree by Hilton Sheffield Park Chesterfield Road South Sheffield DoubleTree by Hilton Glasgow Central 19 North Bridge Edinburgh Hampton By Hilton Waterloo 157 Waterloo Road Hampton By Hilton Aberdeen Westhill Cambridge Street Glasgow DoubleTree by Hilton - Victoria 2 Bridge Place Hampton by Hilton Aberdeen Airport Gordon Park, Elrick, Westhill Aberdeen DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel - Kensington Harvest Way, D2 Business Park, Dyce Aberdeen DoubleTree by Hilton Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom 100 Queen's Gate Hampton by Hilton Edinburgh West End, United Kingdom Hampton Inn by Hilton Bristol Airport, United Kingdom 1 Skerne Road 166 Fountainbridge Kingston upon Thames Edinburgh

35 Conrad St. James Broadway Hampton Inn Docklands, United Kingdom Dockside Road Hampton By Hilton Oxford Grenoble Road DoubleTree by Hilton Woking, United Kingdom Victoria Way DoubleTree by Hilton Edinburgh - Queensferry Crossing St Margarets Head Hampton Inn Dundee, United Kingdom 1 Argyllgait Hampton Luton Airport Kimpton Road DoubleTree by Hilton Bristol South - Cadbury House Frost Hill, Congresbury Hampton Inn Liverpool John Lennon Airport Speke Hall Avenue DoubleTree by Hilton Milton Keynes Stadium Way West Hampton Inn Newport East M4 J 23a;Wales 1 DoubleTree by Hilton - West End 92 Southampton Row DoubleTree by Hilton Aberdeen City Centre Beach Boulevard Hampton by Hilton Liverpool City Centre Kings Dock Mill, DoubleTree by Hilton Dunblane Hydro Perth Road Hilton Syon Park Park Road DoubleTree by Hilton Hotel & Spa Chester Warrington Road Hilton Garden Inn Luton North Butterfield, Hitchin Road, Stopsley Hilton Heathrow Airport Terminal 5 Poyle Road DoubleTree by Hilton Cambridge Granta Place Hampton Inn-Corby,United Kingdom Rockingham Leisure Park Hilton Wembley Lakeside Way Hilton Liverpool City Centre 3 Thomas Steers Way Hilton Canary Wharf South Quay, Marsh Wall Hilton Tower Bridge 5 More Place, Tooley Street Hilton Manchester Deansgate 303 Deansgate Hilton Reading Drake Way DoubleTree by Hilton Aberdeen Treetops 161 Springfield Road DoubleTree by Hilton Edinburgh Airport Edinburgh International Airport Waldorf Astoria Edinburgh - The Caledonian Princes Street Kirmington Oxford Woking North Queensferry Dundee Luton Bristol Liverpool Milton Keynes Newport Aberdeen Liverpool Dunblane Isleworth Chester Luton Colnbrook Cambridge Corby Wembley Liverpool Manchester Reading Aberdeen Edinburgh Hilton Edinburgh Grosvenor Hilton Croydon Hilton Leicester Hilton Nottingham Hilton East Midlands Airport Hilton Gatwick Airport DoubleTree by Hilton Dartford Bridge Hilton Maidstone DoubleTree by Hilton Coventry Hilton Cardiff Hilton Cobham Hilton Avisford Park, Arundel, United Kingdom Hilton Bath City Hilton Birmingham Metropole Hilton Puckrup Hall, Tewkesbury Hilton Belfast Hilton Belfast Templepatrick Golf & Country Club Hilton Blackpool Hilton Bracknell Hilton St Anne's Manor, Bracknell Hilton Brighton Metropole DoubleTree by Hilton Bristol North DoubleTree by Hilton Newbury North Hilton Newcastle Gateshead The Waldorf Hilton, Hilton Manchester Airport Hilton Metropole DoubleTree by Hilton - Docklands Riverside Hilton Leeds City Grosvenor Street 101 Waddon Way, Purley Way 21 Junction Approach Milton Street Junction 24, M1, Derby Road South Terminal Gatwick Airport Masthead Close, Crossways Bus. Park Bearsted Road Paradise Way, Walsgrave Triangle Kingsway, Greyfriars Rd Seven Hills Road South Yapton Lane, Walberton Walcot Street The NEC Birmingham, Pendigo Way Puckrup 4 Lanyon Place Paradise Walk, Castle Upton Estate North Promenade Bagshot Road Road Kings Road Woodlands Lane, Bradley Stoke M4 Junction 13, Oxford Road Bottle Bank Aldwych Manchester Airport, Outwood Lane 225 Edgware Road 265 Rotherhithe Street Neville Street Edinburgh Croydon Leicester Nottingham Derby Gatwick Dartford Maidstone Coventry Cardiff Cobham Arundel Bath Birmingham Tewkesbury Belfast Templepatrick Blackpool Bracknell Wokingham Brighton Bristol Newbury Gateshead Manchester Leeds Hilton Kensington Holland Park Avenue

36 Hilton Heathrow Airport Hilton Olympia Hilton Green Park Hilton on Park Lane Hilton Hyde Park Hilton Euston Hilton Angel Islington Hilton Paddington Hilton York Terminal Kensington High Street Half Moon Street, Mayfair 22 Park Lane 129 Bayswater Road Upper Woburn Place 53 Upper Street 146 Praed Street 1 Tower Street Hounslow York The Trafalgar St. James, Curio Collection by Hilton 2 Spring Gardens, Trafalgar Square Hilton Coylumbridge Hilton Glasgow Grosvenor Hilton Glasgow DoubleTree by Hilton Strathclyde DoubleTree by Hilton Southampton Hilton Sheffield DoubleTree by Hilton Swindon Hilton Northampton Hilton Milton Keynes Hilton Warwick / Stratford-upon-Avon Hilton Watford, United Kingdom Coylumbridge 1-9 Grosvenor Terrace 1 William Street Strathclyde Business Park, Bracken Place, Chilworth Victoria Quays, Furnival Road Lydiard Fields, Great Western Way 100 Watering Lane, Collingtree Timbold Drive, Kents Hill Park Junction 15, M40 Elton Way Aviemore Glasgow Glasgow Bellshill Southampton Sheffield Swindon Northampton Milton Keynes Warwick Watford

37 洲 1 Central Avenue 12 The Maltings 124 Centre Court Shopping Centre St Mary's Gate 141 The Broadway Arthur Street 3 The Broadway The Promenade Parade Schoolhill 4B Bell St 50 Albion St Lisburn Road 8-10 Bell Street TBC TBC Unit 1 Unit 3C Unit 49 Victoria Island Unit 54 Unit 8, The Mediaworks UNIT A Unit A Unit L35 Unit LG66 Unit MS9 21 Philadelphia Street Balham High Road Unit 16 Bankside 2 19 Northcote Road 30 Sidney Street West Bridgford Unit 26 Queens Road Crouch End 75 High Holborn The O2 Centre Victoria Station Royal Victoria Place White City Places 5/7 Brook Street Parsons Green Lane Westgate Shopping Centre 37 The Hayes Cabot Circus 100 Southwark Street 30 Sidney Street West Bridgford Belfast Wimbledon/New Manchester Muswell Hill Belfast- Arthur St Crouch End Cheltenham Leamington Spa St Albans St Andrews Aberdeen Leeds Reigate Liverpool St Station Luton Airport High Holborn Finchley Victoria Tunbridge Wells White City Ilkley Parsons Green Westgate Oxford Cardiff BRS relocation Balham Bankside Battersea West Bridgford Belfast Wimbledon/New Manchester Muswell Hill Belfast- Arthur St Crouch End Cheltenham Leamington Spa St Albans St Andrews Aberdeen Leeds Reigate Liverpool St Station Luton Airport High Holborn Finchley Victoria Tunbridge Wells White City Ilkley Parsons Green Westgate Oxford Cardiff BRS relocation Balham Bankside Battersea Cambridge OLIVER BONAS CHEAP OLIVER BONAS CHISW OLIVER BONAS CLAPH OLIVER BONAS DULWI OLIVER BONAS EALIN OLIVER BONAS HAMST OLIVER BONAS ISLIN OLIVER BONAS KINGS OLIVER BONAS LIME 156/58 Chiswick High Road 23 The Pavement 26 Lordship Lane Unit 2b One New Change 洲 Cheapside Chiswick Clapham Dulwich 4 Hampstead High Street Unit 3 Building 6 Ealing Broadway Shopping Centre Ealing Hampstead Kings Cross Station Upper Street New Street Square Euston Rd New Street Square King Cross 10a The Broadway Shopping Centre 129 High St Kensington 14 Bond Street High Street 2 Acorn Road Islington Hammersmith Kensington High St Brighton Perth 219 Banbury Road 22 Tranquil Vale Byres Road 3-4 Nelson Road 35 Stonegate 37 Eastcastle St 39 Parkway 42 Notting Hill Gate 45a Hanover Street 63 Tottenham Ct Rd 75 City Road Jubilee Place Marylebone Station S5 Unit 1, Embankment Station Unit 11 Jesmond Summertown Blackheath Greenwich Fitzrovia 45 Bank Street Melcombe Place The Bentall Centre Jesmond Oxford Blackheath Glasgow Greenwich York Eastcastle St Camden Parkway Notting Hill Gate Edinburgh Tottenham Court Rd Old Street Canary Wharf Marylebone Station Kingston Embankment Glasgow Central Station Glasgow Central

38 洲 Unit 16 Manchester Picadilly Station Manchester Piccadilly Unit 2, 1 Euston Square 40 Melton Street Euston Unit 29A, Concourse Level New Street Station Birmingham Unit 41 Bridge Station Bridge Unit 5 Reading Station Reading OLIVER BONAS MARYL Marylebone Lane Marylebone OLIVER BONAS NEW S 29 Lime Street Lime Street OLIVER BONAS PUTNE Unit 26 Exchange Shopping Centre Putney Putney OLIVER BONAS RICHM 4 The Quadrant Richmond OLIVER BONAS SHEEN 315 Upper Richmond Road Sheen OLIVER BONAS SOUTH Unit 50 South Mall Wandsworth OLIVER BONAS SPITA 145 High Street Harborne Harborne OLIVER BONAS ST PA Unit 16a, St Pancras Station Euston Road PAN relocation OLIVER BONAS WATER Unit 9 The Balcony Waterloo OLIVER BONASFULHAM Unit L35 Westgate Shopping Centre Westgate Oxford

39 ESTEE LAUDER u51, Westgate Cambridge MAC ONLINE 3 Kites Croft, Warsash Road Fareham MAC 109, Kings Road MAC OXFORD u51, Westgate Oxford MAC 27, James Street York MAC PETERBOROUGH Unit 25, Queensgate Peterborough MAC 30 Great Marlborough Street, MAC SPITALFIELD 103, Commercial Street MAC 50, Jubilee Place MAC ST PANCRAS Unit 35, St Pancras International Station, Pancras Road MAC 52 Bridlesmith Gate, Nottingham MAC STRATFORD Unit 1047 &1047a, Ground Floor, The Gallery,, Westfield Stratford City MAC 59 East St, Brighton Bristol MAC STRATFORD Unit SU1071, Groundfloor, The Gallery, Westfield MAC 6, Grand Central, Cannon St Sunderland MAC WATFORD Unit 49 Intu, Watford Shopping Centre Watford Hertfordshire MAC Grand Arcade, Cardiff Glasgow MAC WESTFIELD Unit 1057, Westfield Shopping Centre, 1 Ariel Way, White City, MAC SU219, Intu Shopping Centre Nottingham MC COSMETICS 3 Kites Croft, Warsash Road Fareham MAC Unit 22, The Met Quarter, Liverpool Newcastle MAC Unit 35, St Pancras International Station, Pancras Road Ealing MAC Unit GS22, Union Square, Guild Street Liverpool MAC Unit SU24,, Bridge Station MAC BATH Unit 8, Southgate MAC BRAEHEAD Unit 55, Braehead Shopping Centre Newcastle MAC BROMLEY Unit 13, intubromley shopping Centre Bristol MAC CAMBRIDGE Unit 23, Grand Arcade, St Andrews Street MAC CAMDEN 279, Camden High Street Birmingham MAC CANARY WHARF 50, Jubilee Place Glasgow MAC CARDIFF Grand Arcade, Cardiff Leeds MAC CLAPHAM Unit 1 Stop shop, Clapham Centre Manchester MAC COVENT GARDEN 27, James Street MAC EXETER Unit 20, The Princesshay Shopping Centre Exeter, Hounslow Cranford MAC HIGH WYCOMBE Unit 20, Eden Centre Edinburgh MAC IMATS Olympia, Hammersmith Road Sheffield MAC INTERNATIONAL EVEN Olympia, Hammersmith Road Sheffield MAC INTERNATIONAL TRAD Olympia, Hammersmith Road MAC LAKESIDE Unit 323 Ground Floor, INTU Lakeside, West Thurrock Way, Grays MAC MAIL ORDER

40 茱莉寇 城市 Jurlique Timesquare Jurlique Cityplaza Jurlique Festival Walk Jurlique Plaza Hollywood Jurlique MOKO Jurlique isquare Jurlique Olympian City Jurlique New Town Plaza Jurlique Metroplaza Jurlique Tuen Mun Town Plaza Jurlique YOHO Mall Jurlique Landmark North Jurlique Wellness Sanctuary Day Spa Shop B229A, Times Square, Causeway Bay, H.K. Shop 230, Cityplaza, Taikoo Shing, HK Shop UG-12, Festival Walk, Kln Kiosk No.294, Plaza Hollywood, Diamond Hill, Kln Shop No. M62, Moko, Mongkok, Kln Shop LB05B, isquare, 63 Nathan Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon Shop 58A, UG/F, Olympian City 2, West Kowloon, Kowloon Shop A379, Level 3, New Town Plaza III, Shatin, N.T. Shop 326, Metroplaza, Kwai Fong, N.T. Shop 1117, Phase 1, Tuen Mun Town Plaza, Tuen Mun, N.T. Shop A173, YOHO Mall, No.8 Long Yat Road, Yuen Long, N.T. Shop 285, Level 2, Landmark North, No. 39, Lung Sum Avenue, Sheung Shui, N.T. Room , 24/F., World Trade Centre, Causeway Bay, H.K.

41 歌帝梵巧克力 城市 Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Godiva Chocolateier Shop LG1-62, Festival Walk, Kowloon Tong, Kowloon Shop 3222, Level 3, Gateway Arcade, Harbour City, Kowloon Great Food Hall, LG1, Pacific Place, Phase II, Admiralty, G33, Telford Plaza, Kowloon Shop No. C-SP3, Concourse Level, apm, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Rd, Kowloon Shop No , Level One, IFC Mall, 1 Harbour View Street, Central, Shop , 1/F, Sun Hung Kai Centre, City Plaza Shop 213 & 221, King's Road, Tai Koo Shing, Shop No. 103, Level 1, Phase 1, New Town Plaza, Sha Tin, New Territories Shop B236, Basement 2, Times Square, Causeway Bay, Shop 40, Level B2, Langham Place, MongKok Shop 2004, Second Floor, Elements, 1 Austin Road, Tsimshatsui, Kowloon Shop 150, Maritime Square, Tsing Yi, NT Shop Unit F15, PopCorn, 9 Tong Yin Street, Tseung Kwan O, New Territories, Shop No. 237, Level 2, Plaza Hollywood, 3 Lung Poon Street, Diamond Hill, Kowloon M-75, MTR Level, V city, 83 Tuen Mun Heung Sze Wui Road, Tuen Mun, NT Shops G3 & G4, G/F, 248 Queen s Road East, Wan Chai,

42 茱莉寇 Marion Burnside Rundle Mall North Adelaide Perth City Melbourne Central Chadstone Doncaster Mid City Jurlique Marion Jurlique Burnside Jurlique Rundle Mall Jurlique North Adelaide Jurlique Perth City Jurlique Melbourne Central Jurlique Chadstone Jurlique Doncaster Jurlique Mid City Shop 1082, Westfield Marion, 297 Diagonal Rd, Marion SA 5043 Shop 40B, Burnside Village, 447 Portrush Rd, Glenside SA 5065 Shop 2A Ground Floor, 50 Rundle Mall Plaza, Adelaide SA O'Connell St, North Adelaide SA 5006 Wesley Quarter, The Queens Building, Shop T21, William Street, Perth WA 6000 Shop 143, Level 1, Melbourne Central, Cnr Swanston St & LaTrobe St, Melbourne VIC 3000 Shop 339A Chadstone Shopping Centre, 1341 Dandenong Rd Chadstone VIC 3148 Shop 1095 Westfield Doncaster, 619 Doncaster Rd, Doncaster VIC 3108 Ground Floor, Shop 51 Mid-City Centre, 420 George St, Sydney NSW 2000 Westfield Bondi Junction Jurlique Westfield Bondi Junction Westfield Bondi Junction, Shop 3018, 500 Oxford Street, Bondi Junction NSW 2022 Westfield Sydney Macquarie Miranda Westfield Chatswood Wintergarden Carindale Pacific Fair Canberra Jurlique Westfield Sydney Jurlique Macquarie Jurlique Miranda Jurlique Westfield Chatswood Jurlique Wintergarden Jurlique Carindale Jurlique Pacific Fair Jurlique Canberra Westfield Sydney, Shop 2024 Level 2 Pit St Mall, Sydney NSW 2000 Macquaire Shopping Centre, Level 2, Shop 2202, Cnr Waterloo & Herring Road, North Ryde NSW, 2113 Westfield Miranda, Level 2, Shop 2020, 600 Kingsway, Miranda NSW 2228 Westfield Shoppingtown Chatswood, Level 4, Shop 469a, 1 Anderson Street, Chatswood, NSW 2067 Wintergarden Shopping Centre, LG11, Queen Street, Brisbane QLD 4000 Ground Floor, Shop 1210 Westfield Carindale 1151 Creek Road, Carindale QLD 4152 Pacific Fair Shopping Centre, Shop 1577, Ground Floor, 2-32 Hooker Boulevard, Broadbeach, QLD, 4218 Canberra Centre Shop DG09, Bunda Street, Canberra ACT 2601

43 SDS BELCONNEN Shop , Westfield Belconnen Belconnen SDS HINKLER Shop 19, Hinkler Central, 19 Maryborough St Bundaberg SDS CIVIC Shop CG24-27, Canberra Centre, 148 Bunda St Canberra SDS BURLEIGH Shop 74, Stockland Burleigh, 149 West Burleigh Rd Burleigh Heads SDS TUGGERANONG Tuggeranong Hyperdome, 175 Anketell St Greenway SDS CAIRNS T80-T82 Cairns Shopping Centre, cnr McLeod St and Spencer St Cairns SURFECTION BONDI BEACH 31 Hall St Bondi SDS CAIRNS AIRPORT T2b Cairns Domestic Airport Cairns SDS BONDI JUNCTION Westfield Bondi Junction, 500 Oxford Street Bondi Junction SDS CAIRNS SQUARE Shop 10, Cairns Square, Abbot St Cairns SURFECTION BONDI JUNCTION Shop 2021, Westfield Bondi Junction, 500 Oxford Street Bondi Junction SDS CALOUNDRA 39 Bulcock St Caloundra SDS WARRINGAH MALL Shop 517 Westfield Warringah Mall, cnr Condamine St & Old Pittwater Rd Brookvale SDS GOLD COAST AIRPORT Gold Coast Airport, Terminal Drive Coolangatta SDS BYRON BAY 14 Jonson Street Byron Bay SDS THE PINES The Pines Shopping Centre, Cnr Guineas Creek Rd & K.P. McGrath Drive Elanora SDS CASTLE HILL Shop 491/492, Castle Towers, Castle St. Castle Hill SDS EMERALD Emerald Village Shopping Centre, Hospital Road Emerald SDS CHARLESTOWN 30 Pearson St Charlsetown SDS GLADSTONE Shop 76, Stockland Shopping Centre Gladstone, Philip St Gladstone SDS CHATSWOOD Shop Westfield Chatswood, Spring St Chatswood SDS GYMPIE Gympie Central Shopping Centre, cnr Excelsior Rd and Bruce Hwy Gympie SDS ERINA FAIR 419 Terrigal Dr Erina SDS INDOOROOPILLY Shop 3123, Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, 322 Moggill Road Indooroopilly SDS KOTARA cnr Park Ave & Northcott Dr Kotara SDS KAWANA WATERS T505, Kawana Shoppingworld, Nicklin Way Kawana Waters SDS MANLY 82/86 The Corso Manly SDS KIPPA RING Shop 2, Peninsula Fair, 272 Anzac Avenue Kippa Ring SDS SYDNEY DOMESTIC T2 Shop 2A-188 Terminal 2 Mascot SDS WILLOWS 13 Hervey Range Rd Kirwin SDS SYDNEY INTERNATIONAL Sydney International Airport Mascot SDS CANELANDS Canelands Central, Mangrove Rd Mackay SDS MIRANDA Level 3, Westfield Miranda. 600 the Kingway Miranda SDS MAROOCHYDORE Sunshine Plaza, Horton Parade Maroochydore SDS PAGEWOOD Shop 330, 331, Westfield Eastgardens, 152 Bunnerong Road Pagewood SDS MARYBOROUGH Shop 28A, Station Square Shopping Centre 142 Lennox St Maryborough SDS PARRAMATTA Shop Westfield Parramatta, Church Street Parramatta SDS MOOLOOLABA Shop 1, Sea Pearl Mooloolaba, Mooloolaba Esplanade Mooloolaba SDS TOP RYDE CITY 102 Blaxland Rd Ryde SDS MT PLEASANT Mount Pleasant Shopping Centre, Corner Bucasia Road and Philip Street Mount Pleasant SDS SHELLHARBOUR Shop 2000, Stocklands Shellharbour, Lakes Entrance Rd Shellharbour RUSH MT OMMANEY Shop 87, Mt Ommaney Shopping Centre, 171 Dandenong Rd Mt Ommaney SDS TUGGERAH Shop 2025 Westfield Tuggerah, Wyong Rd Tuggerah LOCAL KNOWLEDGE NOOSA 3 Gibson Rd Noosaville SDS WARRIEWOOD SQUARE Shop SP087, 12 Jacksons Rd Warriewood SDS ROCKHAMPTON 331 Yaamba Rd Norman Gardens SDS WOLLONGONG Wollongong Central, Crown Street Mall Wollongong SDS NORTH LAKES North Lakes, SDS DARWIN 55 Smith St Darwin RUSH TOOMBUL 1015 Sandgate Rd Nundah SDS WATERFRONT 7 Kitchener Dr Darwin SDS ROCKY CENTRAL City Centre Plaza, Fitzroy Street & Bolsover Street Rockhampton SDS PALMERSTON Palmerston Shopping Centre, Wah Tce Palmerston SDS SMITHFIELD cnr Captain Cook and Kennedy Hwy Smithfield SDS GARDEN CITY Kessels Rd Brisbane SDS STRATHPINE Shop 9, Westfield Strathpine, 295 Gympie Rd Strathpine SDS PACIFIC FAIR 32 Hooker Blvd Broadbeach SDS CIRCLE ON CAVILL T6, Circle on Cavill, 9 Ferny Rd Surfers Paradise SDS BUNDABERG Bourbong St Bundaberg SDS SOUL 4 The Esplanade Surfers Paradise

44 SDS SURFERS PARADISE SDS TANNUM SANDS SDS TOOWOOMBA SDS HERVEY BAY SDS RUNDLE MALL SDS ELIZABETH SDS TEA TREE SDS MARION SDS WEST LAKES JETTY SURF HOBART SDS ROSNY SDS CHADSTONE SDS SOUTHLAND SDS FOUNTAIN GATE SDS GREENSBOROUGH SDS HIGHPOINT SDS EMPORIUM MELBOURNE SDS MELBOURNE AIRPORT, VIRGIN TERMINAL SDS MELBOURNE CENTRAL SDS EASTLANDS TRIGGER BROS SORRENTO SDS HILLARYS SDS HAY ST Paradise Centre, Shop 118/119, 2 Hanlan St Shop 2, Tannum Sands Shopping Centre, cnr Booth Ave and Hampton Dr Dent St 6 Central Avenue Shop Rundle Mall Shop SO99 Elizabeth Shopping Centre, 50 Elizabeth Way Shop 93 Westfield Tea Tree Plaza, 976 Northeast Road Shop Westfield Marion, Diagnal Rd Oaklands 111 West Lakes Boulevard 87 Liverpool Street Shop U35-41 Eastlands Shopping Centre, 1 Bligh Street Chadstone Shopping Centre, 1341 Dandenong Road Shop 2087, Level, 2, Westfield Southland, 1239 Nepean Highway Shop 1129 Level 1, Westfield Fountaingate, 352 Princes Highway Lvl3 Shop Greensborough Plaza, Grimshaw St Level 3, Shop 3151 Highpoint Shopping Centre, Rosamond Road Emporium Melbourne, 287 Lonsdale Street Departure Dr 211 La Trobe St Level 1, Shop 1037, 175 Maroondah Hwy 46 Ocean Beach Rd Shop 51, Hillarys Boat Harbour, 51 Southside Dr Plaza Arcade, levelg - Shop 17a/650 Hay Street Surfers Paradise Tannum Sands Toowoomba Urraween Adelaide Elizabeth Modbury Oaklands Park West Lakes Hobart Rosny Park Chadstone Cheltenham Fountain Gate Greensborough Maribyrnong Melbourne Melbourne Melbourne Ringwood Sorrento Hillarys Perth

45 1 Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 20, Cairns Central Shopping Centre Cnr McLeod St & Spence St Cairns QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 7, Rundle Mall Rundle Street Mall Adelaide SA Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 14, The Galleria Cnr Old Collier Rd & Walter Rd Morley WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2049, Wes ield Marion Shoppingtown 297 Diagonal Rd Oaklands Park SA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2031, Wes ield Carindale Shoppintown 1151 Creek Rd Carindale QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop E6, Centro Colonnades Shopping Centre Beach Rd Noarlunga Centre SA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 205, Warringah Mall Shopping Centre 145 Old Pi water Rd Brookvale NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia T145, Wes ield Westlakes Shopping Centre 111 West Lakes Blvd West Lakes SA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2052, Stockland Shellharbour Lake Entrance Rd Shellharbour NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop T114B Groundfloor, Crown Casino Complex 8 Whiteman St Southbank VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 221, Stockland Townsville 310 Ross River Rd Aitkenvale QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 3, Lower Ground Floor, QVB Building 455 George St Sydney NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 59, Port Central Shopping Centre Horton St Port Macquarie NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2107, Wes ield Southland Shoppingtown 1239 Nepean Hwy Cheltenham VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop G.86, Bayside Shopping Centre 28 Beach St Frankston VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 440, Castle Towers Shopping Centre 6-14 Castle St Castle Hill NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk CK3, Bankstown Central, North Terrace Bankstown NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 1031, Wes ield Miranda Shoppingtown 600 The Kingsway Miranda NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 20, Wes ield Tea Tree Plaza Shoppingtown 976 North East Rd Modbury SA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop S030, East Mall, Elizabeth Shopping Centre 50 Elizabeth Way Elizabeth SA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop R22A, Myer Centre Rundle Mall Adelaide SA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 75, Casuarina Square Shopping Centre 247 Trower Rd Casuarina NT Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 73, Pacific Fair Shopping Centre Hooker Blvd Broadbeach QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 72, Kin Kora Centre Cnr Dawson Hwy & Phillip St Gladstone QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia B13 Chadstone Shopping Centre 1341 Dandenong Road Chadstone VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia K208, Wes ield Garden City Shopping Centre Cnr Logan Rd & Kessels Rd Mt. Grava QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk K17, Logan Hyperdome Cnr Pacific Highway & Bryants Rd Loganholme QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 113, Fountain Gate Shopping Centre Magid Dr Fountain Gate VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia K5, Orana Mall Marketplace Cnr Wheelers Lane & Mitchell Hwy Dubbo NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 306, Wes ield Bondi Junc on 500 Oxford St Bondi Junc on NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk K7211, Highpoint Shopping Centre 200 Rosamond Rd Maribyrnong VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 17A, Northland Shopping Centre 2-50 Murray Rd Preston VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 1022/ 388, Wes ield Innaloo Shopping Centre Ellen S rling Bvld Innaloo WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop K406, Level 4, Wes ield Chatswood Shoppingtown 1 Anderson St Chatswood NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 303, Wes ield Bondi Junc on Shopping Centre 500 Oxford St Bondi Junc on NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 1140 Wes ield Northlakes Shoppingtown Lot 101 Northlakes Drive Mango Hill QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop N010, Wollongong Central Shopping Centre 200 Crown St Wollongong NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop T2-W09, Terminal 2 Melbourne Interna onal Airport Airside, Centre Rd, Tullamarine VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 44, Garden City Booragoon Shopping Centre 125 Riseley St Booragoon WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 1034, Wes ield Carousel Shopping Centre 1382 Albany Hwy Cannington WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk K21, Wes ield Penrith Shopping Centre 585 High St Penrith NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 3058 Indooroopilly Shopping Centre, 322 Moggill Rd Indooroopilly QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Terminal 1, 245 Airport Drive, Perth Airport, Perth, WA Luxo ca Retail Australia G-309 Cockburn Gateways Shopping Centre, 816 Beeliar Dr, Success, WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 4-5, George St, Sydney, NSW, Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop G-043, Emporium Shopping Centre, 287 Lonsdale St, Melbourne, VIC 47 Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 143, Wes ield Belconnen Shoppingtown 3 Benjamin Way Belconnen ACT Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk K3.03 Westpoint Blacktown 17 Patrick St Blacktown NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop B30 Watertown Brand Outlet Centre, 840 Wellington St West Perth WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 301, Myer Centre Queen Street Mall Brisbane QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 128 Claremont Quarter 32 St Quen n Ave Claremont WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2040A Wes ield Kotara, Northco Dr & Park Avenue, Kotara NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 103, Charlestown Square Pearson St Charlestown NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 59, Carillon Centre 216 Murray St Perth WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop K8, Belmont Forum Cnr Belmont Ave & Right St Cloverdale WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 4, Plaza Arcade Hay & Murray St Perth WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 59B, Karrinyup Shopping Centre 200 Karrinyup Rd Karrinyup WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 4074 Robina Town Centre Robina Town Centre Drive Robina QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop G17 Wes ield Doncaster Shopping Centre 619 Doncaster Rd Doncaster VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 215 Stockland Rockhampton 246 Musgrave Street North Rockhampton QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 373, Greensborough Plaza 25 Main Rd Greensborough VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2060, Caneland Shopping Centre Cnr Victoria St & Mangrove Rd Mackay QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 2, Gungahlin Market Place, 30 Hibbersen St, Gungahlin ACT Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 3184/85, Wes ield Miranda Shoppingtown, 600 The Kingsway, Miranda NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop G-089, Chadstone Shopping Centre, 1341 Dandenong Road Chadstone VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 20, Birkenhead Point Outlet Centre, 19 Roseby Street, Drummoyne, NSW, Luxo ca Retail Australia KG01, Wes ield Doncaster Shopping Centre, 619 Doncaster Rd, Doncaster, VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2139, Eastland Shopping Centre Maroondah Hwy Ringwood VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk GK009 Chatswood Chase Sydney, 345 Victoria Avenue, Chatswood NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 3106, Highpoint Shopping Centre 200 Rosamond Rd Maribyrnong VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 9, 17 Je y Road Glenelg SA Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk KU5, Macarthur Square 200 Gilchrist Dr Campbelltown NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia K23A, Watergardens Town Centre, 399 Melton Hwy Taylors Lake VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Site 3P.09 Airside, Level 3, Brisbane Int'l Terminal Airport Dr Hamilton QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 1312, Wes ield garden City Cnr Logan & Kessels Rd, Mt Grava QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia 519 Chapel Street South Yarra VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk K403, Wes ield Parrama a Shoppingtown Church St Parrama a NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 1, 2 & 3, Bourke Street Mall Melbourne VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 367A, Kawana Waters Shopping World Nicklin Way Kawana Waters QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia 2T-300, Sydney T2 Airport, Domes c Terminal Mascot NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia RM07 Melbourne Airport, Qantas Domes c Terminal Centre Rd Melbourne VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 08 Perth Interna onal Airport, Horrie Miller Drive, Perth WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 60, T3 Qantas Domes c Terminal Sydney Airport Shiers Ave Mascot NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2023 Wes ield Sydney Market St Sydney NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop P02, Brisbane Domes c Terminal Airport Drive Eagle Farm QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 531, Canberra Outlet Centre 337 Canberra Ave Fyshwick ACT Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop T131, DFO Brisbane No.1 Airport Dr, Brisbane Airport Brisbane QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia K0004, DFO Homebush Cnr Homebush Bay Drive & Underwood Rd Homebush NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia G-134, DFO Moorabbin Cnr Grange Rd & Centre Dandenong Rd Cheltenham VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia K Conven on Centre Pl South Wharf VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2238, Wes ield Bay City 95 Mallop St Geelong VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop Midland Gate Shopping Centre Midland WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop B18 Harbourtown Regional Shopping Centre Cnr Gold Coast Hwy & Oxley Dr Biggera Waters QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop T11 Harbourtown Shopping Centre Tapleys Hill Rd West Beach SA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 103 Macquarie Centre Cnr Herring Rd & Waterloo Rd North Ryde NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia 199 George St Sydney NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 113, Wes ield Burwood Shoppingtown 100 Burwood Rd Burwood NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop , T1 Sydney Int'l Departures Airport Landside, 1 Departure Drive Mascot NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 46, Garden City Booragoon Shopping Centre 125 Riseley St Booragoon WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 220, Level 2, Broadway Shopping Centre, 1 Bay Street, Ul mo, NSW 101 Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 37, Bunbury Forum Shopping Centre Sandridge Rd Bunbury WA Luxo ca Retail Australia K0003, DFO Essendon 100 Bulla Rd Strathmore VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 3, Mimi's Corner 136 Queen St Brisbane QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 8, Whi ord City Shopping Centre Cnr Marmion & Whi ords Ave Hillarys WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Unit 1 Melbourne Airport Terminal 3 Tullamarine VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 9 Wagga Wagga Marketplace 87 Bayliss St Wagga Wagga NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 50A, Grand Central Shopping Centre Margaret St Toowoomba QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 1, Sky Plaza, Tullamarine Airport Centre Rd Tullamarine VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 4, Canberra Centre 148 Bunda St Canberra City ACT Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop A37 Watertown Brand Outlet Centre, 840 Wellington St West Perth WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop T227, Pacific Werribee Shopping Centre, Cnr Derrimut & Heaths Roads, Werribee, VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 036 Melbourne Central Shopping Centre Lonsdale St Melbourne VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 36, The Cat & Fiddle Arcade 51 Murray St Hobart TAS Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop GR 011, Rouse Hill Town Centre Market St Rouse Hill NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 1005, Wes ield Helensvale Shopping Centre Town Centre Dr Helensvale QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 97, Cairns Central 50 McLeod St Cairns QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2370, Pacific Fair Shopping Centre, Hooker Boulevard, Broadbeach, Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop T178 Rockingham Shopping Centre 1 Council Ave Rockingham WA Luxo ca Retail Australia K211, level 2, Charlestown Square Pearson St Charlestown NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk TK20, Erina Fair Shopping Centre Terrigal Dr Erina NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop K7 Wes ield Shopping Centre 415 McDonalds Rd Mill Park VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2635, Wes ield Chermside Shopping Town Cnr Gympie Rd & Hamilton Rd Chermside QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 337, Wes ield Indooroopilly Shoppingtown 318 Moggill Rd Indooroopilly QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia K232A, Sunshine Plaza Cnr Horton & Maroochydore Rd Maroochydore QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 7, Laguna on Has ngs 32 Has ngs St Noosa QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk K105, Stockland Shopping Centre Cnr Yaamba Rd & Bruce Highway North Rockhampton QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 1043, Wes ield Tuggerah Shoppingtown Gavenlock Rd Tuggerah NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 99, Tweed City Shopping Centre Minjungbal Dr Tweed Heads South NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk 18, Casuarina Shopping Centre 247 Trower Rd Casuarina NT Luxo ca Retail Australia Melbourne Airport, Qantas Domes c Terminal, Centre Rd, Tullamarine VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia 124A, Castletown Shopping Centre, Townsville, QLD, Luxo ca Retail Australia K43 Lakeside Shopping Centre, 420 Joondalup WA Luxo ca Retail Australia Kiosk K16, Woodgrove Shopping Centre, High St, Melton VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia K013, Midland Gate Shopping Centre 125 Brockman Rd Midland WA Luxo ca Retail Australia K21 Narellan Town Centre, 326 Camden Valley Way, Narellan NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop B2-692, 1 Departure Drive, Mascot, NSW, Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop K7, Ground Level, Mt Ommaney Shopping Centre 171 Dandenong Rd, MT Ommaney 4074 QLD 138 Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop T9, City Plaza 436 Peel St Tamworth NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 2064, Knox City Shopping Centre Cnr Burwood Rd & Stud Rd Wan rna South VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop W48, Stockland Mall Wetherill Park, Polding St, Wetherill Park NSW Luxo ca Retail Australia 431 Chapel Street South Yarra VIC Luxo ca Retail Australia Shop 115 Sirocco Resort The Esplanade Mooloolaba QLD Luxo ca Retail Australia Level 5, 75 Talavera Road, North Ryde, NSW 2133

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