非常感谢阁下购买 SYSBEL 易燃液体与化学品安全储存柜产品 作为一家关注员工安全和环境保护 的公司 SYSBEL 将以优良的品质保证您工作环境和人员的安全 SYSBEL 系列易燃液体与化学品安全储存柜符合 OSHA 色标体系 严格区分化学品的危险性质 规范管理 多参数严格测试的全双层钢板耐火结构

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1 User Manual 安全储存柜 Safety Cabinets printed in shanghai 07 Code No. SYS7060 SYSBEL 为 SYSBEL 注册商标, 受法律保护 SYSBEL is the registered trademark of SYSBEL

2 非常感谢阁下购买 SYSBEL 易燃液体与化学品安全储存柜产品 作为一家关注员工安全和环境保护 的公司 SYSBEL 将以优良的品质保证您工作环境和人员的安全 SYSBEL 系列易燃液体与化学品安全储存柜符合 OSHA 色标体系 严格区分化学品的危险性质 规范管理 多参数严格测试的全双层钢板耐火结构及三点自动锁有效隔离火源 阻断化学品加入燃烧 科学巧妙的 静电导线接地装置 杜绝因静电火花引起的潜在的化学品燃爆事故 盛漏底盘避免泄露化学品扩散引起 危险 为安全使用 存储与管理易燃及化学品构筑坚固屏障 获FM认证和CE认证 符合FM对易燃液体储存柜的认证标准 FM Approval Standard 6050 美 国职业安全健康管理局 OSHA OSHA 9 CFR 90.06及美国国家消防协会 NFPA NFPA CODE 0规范,中国国家安全生产监督管理局 危险化学品安全管理条例 使用8Ga(-mm)优质 镀锌钢 防火防爆通风口设 计 有效减小挥发性 物质浓度 预防火灾 隐患 独有的防溢式层板防 止意外泄露的化学品 四溢 全双层钢板点焊结 构 双层钢板中间为 8mm绝缘层 两侧焊接的层板支撑 挂钩稳固可靠 三点联动式门锁设 计 柜门可自如开启 80度 储存化学品的类型 5颜色管理+5标签管理=5识别性 运用安全储存的颜色管理与标签管理 帮助您识别 管理 区分各种危险化学品 依据计划储存的化学物质的化学品安全数据表 MSDS 确定其化学特性及存放要求 选择在颜色及标签管理体系下对应类别的安全储存柜 对化学品进行分类分级管理 并避免化学品储存不 兼容导致的火灾 毒气反应及爆炸等危险 安全挂锁配置 实现 双人双锁管理 符合 中国 危险化学品安 全管理条例 0 年月日版 的规定 不含铅喷涂料 表面 光亮耐腐和潮湿 5.cm高的盛漏槽 防 止液体外溢 标签材质变更为优质 反光材质 提高安全 柜在光线弱的区域里 的警示性 白色指示毒性化学品 绿色指示杀虫剂 农药类液体 Green for pesticide 依据美国行业使用习惯 依据OSHA 9 CFR FLAMMABLE AND COMBUSTIBLE LIQUIDS 的规定 可调层板: 每隔6.0cm 自由调节 增 加空间使用率 标配MSDS资料盒 方便 存取MSDS资料及文件 防火防爆通气孔: 柜体两侧上下各一个 内嵌式三点联动锁开关方 便 不占空间 设有安全挂 锁 实现双人双锁管理 三点门闩 防静电设计的门闩结构 FM认证防静电装置 非标配 导线夹将常备接地装置与安全柜 可靠连接 将静电荷导入大地 防止静电火花造成火灾事故 商标和版权说明 SYSBEL 为SYSBEL注册商标,受法律保护 根据版权法 未经 SYSBEL 书面同意 不得复制本手册的全部或部分内容 我们已尽力确保本手册上的信息正确 如内容更新 恕不另行通知 可随时查询我们官网 金属安全柜 A5说明书.indd 07/6/ :

3 绿色安全储存柜专用于存储杀虫剂 农药 消毒剂等化学物质 杀虫剂安全储存柜 金属安全柜 A5说明书.indd 白色安全储存柜专用于存储毒性化学 品 毒性化学品安全储存柜 WA 红 蓝 红 蓝 WA80540 WA80550 WA80600 / WA80600R / WA80600B WA80860 / WA80860R / WA80860B WA800 WA WA80450 / WA80450R / WA80450B / WA80450W 红 蓝 45 白 绿 WA80450G WA8000 / WA8000R / WA8000B / WA8000G 红 蓝 绿 0 4 WA800 / WA800R / WA800W / WA800G 红 白 绿 蓝 / WA800B 蓝色安全储存柜专用于存储弱腐蚀性 液体 红 蓝 65x50x86 65x50x86 65x09x86 65x86x86 65x86x86 65x60x87 65x09x46 x09x46 65x60x46 89x59x46 64x59x60 56x4x4 55x4x78 55x4x78 55x0x78 55x78x78 55x78x78 55x5x79 55x0x8 0x0x8 54x5x8 79x5x8 54x5x5 46x5x / / 卡扣 内部尺寸 标配层 层板调节 间距 H W D(cm) 板数量 卡扣数量 (cm) 红色安全储存柜通常用于存储涂 料 油料或其它可燃液体 高闪点 液体 液体闪点 7.8 WA8000 弱腐蚀性液体安全储存柜 容量 外形尺寸 /L H W D(cm) 可燃液体安全储存柜 WA80040 / WA80040R / WA80040B 容量 /Gal 右 左 第一节卡扣到 最后一节卡扣到 毛重 柜顶的距离 柜底的距离(cm) (kgs.) (cm) 色安全储存柜广泛用于存储易燃 液体 低 中闪点液体 液体闪 点 7.8 颜色分类 易燃液体安全储存柜 安全柜型号 SYSBEL 安全柜尺寸表 4 07/6/ :

4 ᆜ ᆿ ޞ Ḓ ൰ 䈪᱄ ᕋ䎭 Ⲻѱ㾷 ഖҁжᱥуᚦᖉ൦ᆎ θ ᱉ ᆜ θ ᛞⲺᐛ ൰ᡶθ 䇚ᒬሯ ᆜ 䰞 ㊱ᱥᖾ䠃㾷Ⲻθ䪾ሯ ж ᆜ Ⲻу ᙝθḛⵁ ᆜ ᆿ ޞ ᦤ㺞δMSDAεθ ᇐ ᙝфᆎ 㾷 θ ѰҼ䚵 ރ ӝ ᴿ θ䱨 θ ᔶᆎ у ᇯⲺ ᆜ ቚѰ䠃㾷θжӑ൦ 㿺㤹㾷 ᆎ䇴 ᆿ㻻䙐伄䇴 WATINGAREA ޢ ਮᨆ Ⲻב 䱨 ᆿ ޞ Ḓ㻻ᴿ䱨 䙐伄ᆊȾ ᆎ ⲺᱥOHSA90.08ᡶᴿᨆ Ⲻਥ Ⲻᡌ᱉ Ⲻ ᆜ θ䈭䚫 000 NFPAѣⲺㅢ ㄖθ ѣᨅ 䘦Ҽ䱨 ᆿ ޞ ḒⲺ䇴䇗θᶺ䙖 ᇯ䠅㾷 Ⱦ 安全柜安装说明 OSHA ḽ 㾷 ȽቸᶵⲺᆿ㻻䈪᱄ Ƚ䱨 ᙝ㜳 ᔰㆇ Ⲻᶆᯏ 䈋ḽ )$ θ㿺ᇐⲻḽ 䰪Ƚ ᓜᴨ㓵䘑㺂Ⲻ 䫕 䈋ѣθᆎ ḒⲺ 䇴䇗 ᶺ䙖ᓊ㜳ሼ 䜞 ᓜ䲆 )e θ 䈋䗽ぁѣθᡶᴿⲺ ཪ 㕓ᓊԃ 䰣 θᒬъ䰞ҕᓊ 䰣θḒ рᓊԛ䟈ⴤⲻᮽᆍḽрć᱉ ћ ĈȾ 䳊ᶵগਙሯ ᕥᴨ р ᆿ㻻Ⱦ 僚 ԛсࡍ ᕅᶺ䙖Ⲻ䠇ኔḒሼ㿼Ѱㅜ ḽ χḓᆆⲻᓋ䜞θ京䜞θ䰞 ם 䶘ᓊ㠩ቇѰ 䫘ᶵӋѰᴿ 㤧ሮグ䳏Ⲻ ቸ θ ཪᓊ䫼 θ ᡌ䙐䗽 Ԍжṭᴿ Ⲻ രθ䰞ሼ䞃 ᴿп 㚊 䰞䬷θ䰞 ᓊ㠩ቇ儎 Ḓᓋ 㤧ሮȾ Ƚᇯಞ ᱉ ᡌਥ ሼᆎ ᡌᇼ䰣ᇯಞѣȾ 㰅ᇚ ᡌ ᱉ ਥ ᆎ Ḓཌ䜞θ Ⲻᴶ ཝᆎ 䠅φ ԛᇯಞⴑ㻻ⲻ,$㊱ Ѱ ԇχ ԛᇯಞⴑ㻻ⲻ,%,&,,ᡌ,,,㊱ Ѱ ԇχ ԛঋѡ〱 ᕅᆎ ⴑ㻻ⲻ,%,&,,ᡌ,,,㊱ Ѱ ԇⱦ 㰅ᇚ ᡌ ᱉ ਥ ᆎ Ḓ 䜞θ Ⲻᴶ ཝᆎ 䠅φ,㊱ᡌ,,㊱ Ѱ ԇχ,,,㊱ Ѱ ԇⱦ 㺞 : ᱉ ᡌਥ ㊱δ ד 䰠 ࡈ ε Class III B Class III A Class II Class IC 僚 00 F (9. C) 40 F (60 C) 僚 ਥ 00 F (7.8 C) 7 F (.8 C) ᱉ Class IB ʈ00 F Class IA Ƚ ൦ሲ㓵ᆿ㻻 ͼ00 F ᇂ Ⲻ φ у θᓊሼ ᆎ ⴌօⲻᇯಞѣχ ᡌ ᱉ ᡌਥ θ䲚 ᇼ䰣Ⲻᇯಞѣθᓊ䟽 ԛ ᒬᆿ Ⲻޞ ᡌ χሼ᱉ ᡌਥ Ԅ ᆎᇚ Ⲻಞ Ƚᇯಞᡌ〱 ᕅ ᣳ ᡌ ޛ 䘏ӑᇯಞ θਠ㜳䙐䗽ᇼ䰣ⲻ 䚉 㔕ᡌᆿ ޞ 㖆ᡌ䙐䗽 ᆎ 㖆京䜞Ⲻᣳ 㻻㖤䗉䘷 χਜཌ䘎ਥԛ 㿺Ⲻ㠠䰣ᕅ䰶䰞䙐䗽䘸ᖉⲺᇯಞ䗉䘷 Ⱦ 䙐䗽ᇯಞᡌ〱 ᕅ рⲻ Ֆ䗉 Ⱦ ᆿ ޞ ḒⲺᓋ䗯ᴿж仍 ൦㷰䪿θ ӄ䘔 ൦ሲ㓵Ⱦ ሲ㓵 ሼᑮ ൦㻻㖤фᆿ ޞ Ḓ ൦㷰䪿ਥ䶖Ⲻ䘔 θሼ䶏 㦭ሲ ޛ ཝ൦θ 㖤䶏 㣧䙖ᡆ Ӂ Ⱦ 僚 Ƚ ൦,㊱ у㜳 䞃䘑ᇯಞθ䲚䶔௭౪ ᇯಞ ӈ䘑㺂ҽ 䘔 ȾᖉᇯಞсⲺ䠇ኔᓋᶵ 㻻 㻻 䘔 ᡌ 㻻 㻻 䗽ぁѣ䙐䗽жṯ䘔㓵 ᇯಞ䘑㺂䘔 θሼ㿼ѱᐨㅜ ᵢㄖ㿺ᇐȾ 5 金属安全柜 A5说明书.indd /6/ :

5 Ƚᆿ ޞ ḒⲺ 㖤 ᆿ ޞ Ḓ䴶㾷䘒 θᆎ ӄᒨ 䙐伄Ⲻ ѣχᒬ 㖤ཐѠᆿ ޞ Ḓ θᓊ 䘸Ⲻ䐓 θ 䇷䙐 ᆊਥ ԛᇯ᱉ᔶ Ⱦ 安全柜安装说明 Ƚ䱨 䱨 䙐 ᆊ 䱨 䱨 䙐 ᆊ ᆿ ޞ Ḓᑮ㿺 ᵕ䰪θ䞃 Ⲻ䙐伄ᆊⴌ 䴶ᤝ θ Ḓᆆ ᇼ䰣 ᘷȾռṯᦤᆎ ᆜ Ⲻᥛਇ ᙝθᓊᇐᵕᢉᔶ䙐伄ᆊⴌ䙐伄θ ᥛਇᙝ ᴿ 䲚θԄ㙂 ᣚ ᐛᆿ ޞ θ ਥԛ人䱨ᥛਇ ᇼᓜ䗽ཝ 䙖ᡆ㛥Ⲻ ধ䲟Ⱦᇐᵕ 䙐伄䗽 θ䈭ሼ䙐伄ᆊⴌᚘ གྷᤝ ᘷȾ ᝅӁ亯 Ḓᆆᗻ亱 㖤ᇚ Ḓᆆᗻ亱 ᒩ 㖤ԛ Ḓᆆ ᑮᔶ 䙅 ᆊⴌ ᶛ䳊 Ḓ ཌθਥṯᦤᖉ൦ 㿺ሼ 〱䲚 䲚 ᖉᣢ䎭ᡌ〱 Ḓᆆ у㾷ሼᢁ 㖤Ḓс Ƚ 㻻㖤ᆿ㻻 SYSBELᆿ ޞ 䱨 Ḓ㜳ᑤ Էѐ㿺㤹 ᆎȽ䳊 䲟ㅿ ㊱ধ䲟 ᆜ θᴿ ӄᑤ ᆜ ধ䲟ㅿ Ⱦ 㓝ԛ ᓊሯ θ Ӱ Ⲻᆿ ޞ Ⱦ ᖉᆎ Րӝ ᕰ ᙝ ᡌ㘻ᴿ Ⲻ Ⲻ θᆿ ޞ Ḓ 䴶㾷 ᴿᇩ θᓊ㘹㲇ᆿ㻻ᑜᴿрƚс Ⲻ 㻻㖤Ⱦᆿ ޞ Ḓᐜ ם с Ⲻ䙐伄ᆊѰ䗉 ޛ 䙐伄ᆊχᆿ ޞ Ḓ ם р Ⲻ䙐伄ᆊѰ 䙐伄ᆊȾ ɋ ރ 䍙 ᱄Ɍ 䙖 6<6%(/᱄ ᱄уᢵ Ա ഖу䚫ᗠԛр ᝅӁ亯㙂䭏䈥 㖤ᵢӝ ᡶሲ㠪ⲺӁ 䍙ԱȾ 7 金属安全柜 A5说明书.indd /6/ :

6 As an institute with strong public responsibility and care, SYSBEL has been striving to explore scientific ways of storage and handing for flammable & corrosive chemicals and insulate combustion. Grounding static connector protects against the possible fire & explosion accident caused by static flash.spill-control design of cabinet bottom can control the accidental leak. ᆜ 䱨 ᆿ ޞ Ḓ SYSBEL cabinets for flammables & corrosives comply with OSHA standard. Different high visible colors warning label for different chemicals storage. Total double fire-proof steel construction withstood rigid multi - parameter testing and three - point automatic latching device can effectively isolate. ᆜ 㿺㤹 ᆎᓊ ᦤד Ƚ ᆜ ᙝ䘿 䘸㊱ ᆎ ᇯ䠅Ⲻᆿ ޞ ḒȾ ᦤד 6+$ &)5 δ㗄ള㚂ѐᆿ ڛޞ ᓭ ቶε )$ &'( δ㗄ളളᇬ 䱨অՐε㿺㤹θኔӄ,$Њ,&㊱Ⲻ,㓝 ᆜ Ѱ᱉ θ䴶 哺㢨Ⲻ᱉ 䱨 ᆿ ޞ ḒȾ ኔӄ,,㓝Ƚ,,,㓝ㅿ㓝Ⲻ ᆜ Ѱਥ θ䴶 㓘㢨Ⲻ ਥ 䱨 ᆿ ޞ ḒȾ᱉ ᇼ䰣Ⲻ᱉ 䱨 ᆿ ޞ Ḓ ѣਥ ݷ 䇮ᆎ Ⲻᇯ䠅ᴶཝѰ ԇχਥ ਥ 䱨 ᆿ ޞ Ḓ ᆎ θ,,㓝 ᆜ ਥ ݷ 䇮ᆎ Ⲻᴶཝᇯ䠅ᱥ ԇθ,,,㓝 ᆜ ਥ ݷ 䇮ᆎ Ⲻᴶཝᇯ䠅ᱥ ԇⱦ ㅿ㓝 䰠,$㓝 e) e) ҏ䟐 ᓐ ӂ ҏ я ҏ 䞮 䞥 ҏ㜰 ҏ ᔸᡀ ᔸяะ ᡀ я䞤 ҏ䞽 ᔸя䞽 䞽 з䞤 䗑 㤥 ӂ ӂ ҏ 䟁䞮ҏ䞥 䟁䞮я䞥 ҏ㤥 ᐧ ҏ䞮 䞥 㝇 ᡀ䞤 ҏ䞮ᔸя䞥 䟁䞮з䞥,%㓝 e)! e),&㓝! e) e) ᡶᴿⲺ ㅿ㓝 䰠,,㓝! e ) e ),,,$㓝! e ) e ),,,%㓝! e ) Ѵ 䈪᱄ Green for pesticide Type of chemicals to be stored Using color and labeling in your storage practices helps to identify, organize and segregate liquids. It also helps fire - control department personnel to recognize hazards when responding to fire. While regulatory codes do not mandate the specific color of safety cabinets, industry has customarily observed the above chart. * safety cabinets abinets for flammable liquids are most widely used. ᔸз䞽 㤥ҏ ᶴ㢸 ӂ 㤥 Ѵ 䈪᱄ Ḫ ᵰ 䟑 Ӑ哱㊳ ᙝ ᯏ ҏӂ䞽 㝐 ᱉ ᡌਥ ᙝ 䱨 ᆿ ޞ Ḓѣਥ ݷ 䇮Ⲻᴶཝᆎ ᇯ䠅 ਥ ᙝㅿ㓝 ᇯ 䠅, RU,,㓝 ԇ δ /ε,,,㓝 ԇ δ /ε 9 金属安全柜 A5说明书.indd 6 Declaration of trademark rademark & copyright 07 SYSBEL Industry & Technology Co., Ltd. All rights reserved worldwide. SYSBEL is the SYSBEL registered trademark. Under the copyright laws, this manual may not be copied, in whole or in part, without the written consent of SYSBEL.Every effort has been made to ensure that the information provided is complete and accurate as of the time of publication, and this will continue. Please access our website: for more information. 0 07/6/ :

7 Abstract of OHSA Standard. Fire-resistive performance Ensures that inside storage rooms are designed and constructed to meet the required fire-resistive rating for their use. Construction shall comply with the test specifiections set forth in NFPA5-969,Stardand Methods of Fire Tests of Bulding Construction and Materials. During the burning test, all the tie-ins and junctions should be kept closed, the door should be closed. Ensures that the storage cabinet you use is designed and constructed to limit the internal temperature to net to below 5F. Label the storage cabinet with conspicuous lettering "Flammable,No fire ". Metal cabinets according to standard, should be constructed as the following method: Bottom coping, door and flank used is at least 8# sheet iron with / inch interspaces. The tie-ins should be riveted, jointed, or fasten with other efficient method. Door should be equipped with three-points-linked locks. Doorsill is inches higher than the bottom.. Container Flammable and combustible liquids will may be "Located" outside of an inside storage room or storage cabinet in a building or in any one fire area of a building, but such amounts cannot exceed: Adjustable Equiped with MSDS box for storage MSDS documents easily -point linkage lock offers easy operation and save space. Equiped with safety locking devices in line with Hazardous Chemicals Control Ordinance(December st,0 Version) * 5 gallons of Class I-A (flammable liquids) one or more container * 0 gallons of Class I-B (flammable) or Class II or III (combustible) liquids in one or more containers * 660 gallons of Class I-B,I-C,II or III liquids in a single portable tank 金属安全柜 A5说明书.indd 7 Class III B Class III A Class II Class IC Class IB 00 F (9. C) 40 F (60 C) Combustible Liquid 00 F (7.8 C) 7 F (.8 C) Flammable Liquid Boiling Point ʈ00 F Maximum quantities inside a flammable storage cabinet or inside a storage room: * 60 gallons of Class I or II liquids * 0 gallons of Class III liquids Disposal of liquid after use Flammable liquids should be kept in covered containers when not in use. (No included) Chart : Classification By Flash Point While using or handing flammable liquids, leaks and spills form other than closed containers should be handled promptly and safety except for in a closed container. Flammable or combustible liquids be transferred Class IA Boiling Point ͼ00 F from/to vessels, containers or portable tanks within a building only through a closed piping systems or by safety cans or by means of a device drawing through the top or from a container or portable tanks by gravity through an approved self-closing valve. Transferring by means if air pressure on the container or portable tanks is not allowed.. Earthing Class I liquids not be used where there are open flames or other sources of ignition within the possible path of vapor travel. 07/6/ :

8 Using explanation for corrosive safety cabinets Safety Cabinets User Manual Different chemicals should be stored in different cabinets. According to OSHA 9 CFR & NFPA CODE0-4.. standards, IA~IC class I chemical liquids are flammable, which should be stored in flammable cabinets. Class II & III chemical liquids are combustible, which should be stored in combustible cabinets. The max storage capacity for class I flammable liquids are 60 gal; the max storage capacity for combustible liquids is based on different classes, for class II liquids is 60 gal and for class III is 0 gal. Class Class IA Flash Point Boiling Point <7 F Class IB <7 F Class IC > 7 F and <00 F <00 F Irrelevantly store and dispose flammable liquids and chemicals is one of the main causes of fire, so confirm and classify the chemicals in your workplace is crucial. You have to look over MSDA to ensure the different characteristics of chemicals and the storage requirements. Store imcompatible gases separately to avoid the producing of venomous gases, fire and explosion. In some local regulations, the storage equipments must be equipped with ventilation outfit.the flammable cabinets which WESTINGAREA supplies are with dual vents with built-in flash arresters strategically placed at both sides. To store flammable and combustible liquids which are listed in OHSA90.06, the design, conformation and capacity of flammable cabinet are explained in chapter 4. of NFPA000 version. Installation Instructions for Safety Storage Cabinets Examples Ethyl ether, heptane, - dichloroethylene, Propylene Oxide, chloroethylene, methyl formate, ethylamine, oroethane, isopentane, isopropyl chloride, pentane Fitting Instruction for shelves The lock rid should fit the groove of the shelf exactly. Acetone, ethanol, gasoline, isopropyl alcohol, methanol, -butanone, octane, toluene, carbon bisulfide,,- dichloroethylene, ethyl acetate, > 00 F propyl acetate, ethylbenzene, n-hexane, methyl acetate, 76 naphtha, - pentanone, isopropyl acetate, butyl acetate Isobutyl alcohol, mineral spirits, All boiling points styrene monomer, turpentine, xylene Class Flash Point Examples Class II > 00 F and < 40 F Diesel fuel, fuel oil, kerosene, motor oil Class IIIA Class IIIB > 40 F and < 00 F Furfural, linseed oil, mineral oil, oil based paints > 00 F Ethylene glycol, glycerine, neatsfoot oil Maximum Quantities Inside a Flammable Storage Cabinet or Inside a Storage Room Class of Liquid Quantity Class I or II 60 Gallons Class III 0 Gallons Fitting Instructions for Ground Static Connector Grounding screw is at the bottom of the side wall of the cabinet. The built-in grounding static connector should connect with the grounding screw of the cabinet, to avoid the static spark and fire accident. ent. 僚 金属安全柜 A5说明书.indd /6/ :

9 5. Location Guide for Safety Storage Cabinets e Safety Storage Cabinet should keep away from fire d source, and should be installed in dry and ventilated e environment. When multiple safety storage cabinets are e installed abreast in row, one should keep suitable n distance from the cabinet to ensure that the vent can easily open and close. Warning: Installation nstallation Instructions for Safety Storage Cabinet Cabinets Safety Storage Cabinet should keep horizontal after storage, to make sure normal opening and closing. Dual Vents Dual Vents with flame arresters are located on the side walls.dual Vents covers should keep close after ventilation. Notes For indoor only. Keep horizontal so that the door can open and close properly. Ventilation holes can be removed according to the local laws. While moving, do not put your fingers under the cabinet. SYSBEL safety cabinets are used for storing dangerous chemicals under fire environment. Make a safer environment for the people. 4. Inst Installation of Ventilation Device Ven Vent-pipes of ventilation device can fit with dual vents if ventilation is ne needed, especially in case of storage of toxic or volatile liquids. Air iinlet ventilation is on the left side of wall and air outlet ventilation is on the right side of the wall of cabinet. ɋdisclaimerɍsysbel expressly disclaims responsibility for the accident caused by misoperation beyond the instructions and cautions above. 5 金属安全柜 A5说明书.indd /6/ :

10 White Safety Cabinet for storing toxic chemicals Toxic Cabinets Green Safety Cabinet for storing insecticides, pesticides, disinfectors and other chemicals Pesticides Cabinets 金属安全柜 A5说明书.indd 0 8 WA805 Red Blue WA80860 / WA80860R / WA80860B WA800 Red Blue WA80550 WA80600 / WA80600R / WA80600B 04 WA Red 45 WA80450 / WA80450R / WA80450B / WA80450W Blue White Green WA80450G Red Blue Green WA800 WA8000 / WA8000R / WA8000B / WA8000G 45 Red WA800 / WA800R / WA800W / WA800G White Green Blue / WA800B Corrosive Cabinets Red Blue Blue Safety Cabinet for storing corrosive liquids 65x50x86 65x50x86 65x09x86 65x86x86 65x86x86 65x60x87 65x09x46 x09x46 65x60x46 89x59x46 64x59x60 56x4x4 Overall Capacity H W D(cm) 55x4x78 55x4x78 55x0x78 55x78x78 55x78x78 55x5x79 55x0x8 0x0x8 54x5x8 79x5x8 54x5x5 46x5x5 Internal dimensions H W D(cm) Number of hook Number of Standard Shelf Combustible Cabinets WA8000 Capacity /L Red Safety Cabinet for storing paintings, oil and other flammable liquids(high flash point liquid, flash point 7.8 ) WA80040 / WA80040R / WA80040B Capacity /Gal / / Hook spac- Distance from ing the first hook (cm) to the top(cm) 4 right left Distance from the last hook to the bottom(cm) Flammable Cabinets Color Classification Safety Cabinet for storing flammable liquids(low and median flash point liquid, flash point 7.8 ) Types of Safety Cabinet SYSBEL Safety Cabinet Size Chart Gross Weight (Kgs.) 07/6/ :

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