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1 使用说明书 Operating Instructions ( 家用 ) 电吹风 (Household) Hair Dryer 型号 Model No. EHNE34/EH NE33 中文 2 English 7 在使用本产品前, 请仔细阅读本说明书并妥善保管, 以备将来参考 Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely and save them for future use. EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:27

2 中文 感谢您购买 Panasonic 电吹风 使用前请仔细阅读说明书所有内容 部件名称 H A B G C K 正面背面 A 出风口 B 快干风嘴 C 铂金负离子发射口 D 手柄 E 挂环 F 电源线 D E F J I G 电源开关 ( ) 2: 强风 1: 柔风 0: 关 H 温度选择开关 ( ) : 热风 : 健康风 ( 暖风 ) : 冷风 I 入风口 J 负离子感应板 K 扩散风嘴 EH NE34 专用 ( 用于打造蓬松 丰盈的发型 ) 注意事项使用电吹风前请先阅读安全说明 该安全说明能帮助您安全正确地使用电吹风, 避免您伤害自己或他人 警告 : 如果不遵守下列说明, 可能会造成火灾 烫伤 短路或触电事故 电吹风必须使用标准的家用电源插座, 并且检查插座的输出电压, 同时要与其它电器分开使用 要确保所使用的电压与本产品标明的额定电压相符合 绝对不能在电吹风启动的情况下离开 使用完毕或使用中遇到停电时, 必须从插座上拔下插头 拔出插头时, 必须捏住插头从插座上拔出 假如电吹风在运转时出现断断续续的情况, 这时请立即停止使用 不要用力拉扯电源线, 不要损坏或改装电源线 将电源线缠绕在电吹风上可能会导致火灾或触电 假如电源线或插头损坏或变热, 请立即停止使用 避免摔落电吹风或让电吹风受到强烈的撞击 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:27

3 不要在石油气或其它易燃品 ( 例如挥发剂 涂料稀释剂 喷雾剂等 ) 附近使用电吹风 电吹风必须安装固定在洗澡或淋浴时触及不到的地方并且电吹风的安装固定须保证手持部分在完全拉直时, 洗澡和淋浴时仍无法触及 在浴室内使用时, 使用后拔下插头, 因为即使电吹风断电后, 接近水仍存在危险 为了保障您的安全, 建议在浴室供电的电气回路中安装一个额定漏电动作电流不超过 30mA 的漏电保护装置 (RCD) 向 RCD 安装商咨询 不要在手湿的情况下使用电吹风 不要把电吹风放置或存放在靠近水槽 有水或其它盛有液体 高度潮湿的地方 警告 : 不要在盛水的浴缸 淋浴 洗脸盆或其它器皿附近使用本电吹风 左记符号表示禁止在洗澡和淋浴时使用 不要使用稀释剂 苯和其它溶解剂来清洁电吹风 在使用过程中小心不要让头发卷入入风口, 不要把外物插入出风口和入风口, 否则会导致机械损坏或触电 如在使用过程中入风口或出风口被堵塞时, 可能导致加热器或者电吹风不能工作 假如出现这种情况, 请立即停止使用, 关闭电源开关并拔下插头, 清除入风口或出风口的堵塞物 让电吹风冷却几分钟后, 如果再次接通电源不能恢复正常工作时, 请联系 Panasonic 授权维修中心修理 在使用过程中, 快干风嘴可能会变热, 使用时请勿用手触摸快干风嘴 不要直接将气流吹向眼睛或其它敏感部位 请妥善处理本产品的包装袋, 避免婴幼儿窒息等意外发生 请将电吹风置于儿童触摸不到的地方 请对儿童进行监督, 避免其将本品视为玩具, 引发危险 本产品不宜供肢体 感官或精神上有残疾者 或缺乏经验和知识者 ( 包括儿童 ) 使用, 必须有监护者从旁监督并对本产品的使用加以指导, 且对使用者的安全能承担责任 如果快干风嘴或电吹风受损, 请勿使用 不要将电吹风用于吹干头发和整发以外的其他用途 ( 如 : 吹干鞋子和衣物等用途, 否则可能会引起外壳受热变形 ) 不要把非本公司提供的任何附件与本电吹风连用 铂金负离子在产生时会有异味发生, 这种异味对身体健康是没有任何危害的 请注意电吹风的朝向并且不要使入风口距离头发太近 使用时请让头发距离入风口 10 厘米以上 * 否则可能会导致头发被吸入电吹风内 ( 图 1) 出风口和头发之间请保持 3 厘米以上的距离 ( 图 2) * 否则可能会导致头发灼伤 请妥善保管本使用说明书 ( 图 1) ( 图 2) 3 厘米以上 3 中文 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:27

4 中文 如何使用电吹风 1 用温度选择开关选择气流的温度 2 用电源开关选择气流的强度 注意 在使用电吹风之前, 请先将电源开关设置在 [0] 位置, 然后插入电源插头, 并启动电源开关 洗发后, 如果使用冷风吹发时, 请将电源开关设置在 [1] 或 [2] 的位置, 并将温度选择开关设置在 [ 冷风 ] 位置 如想将头发迅速吹干, 请按照图中所示的方向调整护发快干风嘴, 或者将温度选择开关设置在 [ 健康风 ] 或 [ 热风 ] 的位置 电源开关设置在 [1] 或 [2] 的位置时, 才会产生铂金负离子, 但肉眼无法见到铂金负离子 当手握住负离子感应板时, 有利于更多的铂金负离子持续渗透到发芯中补充水分, 滋润头发, 使铂金负离子效果更加显著 如果希望头发蓬松 : 请将扩散风嘴安装到电吹风上, 并将扩散风嘴上的梳子贴在发根处, 然后像画大圆圈一样移动扩散风嘴 EH NE34 专用 如果想让头发梳理整齐, 请用扩散风嘴上的梳子从发根至发梢梳理头发 EH NE34 专用 使用扩散风嘴时, 请选择 [1] 柔风模式 如果选择 [2] 强风模式, 则脸部或头皮会有灼热感 EH NE34 专用 如果您担心发质受损, 使用前请将开关分别调到 [ 健康风 ] 和 [1] 的位置 什么是铂金负离子? 铂金负离子产生方法 : 高压放电 负离子是空气中带负电荷的氧气和水分结合而成的颗粒 铂金负离子是由铂金电极产生的负离子 这些负离子是肉眼无法看到的, 因为其直径仅相当于蒸汽粒子直径的千分之一 铂金负离子的作用原理一般来说, 头发很容易带正电荷 如果头发暴露在带有负电荷的铂金负离子中, 既可消除头发中的静电, 也能提高发质的柔顺性 而且铂金负离子还可渗入每一根每一缕头发中, 将头发包裹住, 从而保持头发的滋润, 同时减低紫外线对发质的损害 注意 下述人不容易出现铂金负离子的效果 天然卷发的人头发容易卷曲的人发质本身很好, 不易凌乱的人负离子烫发未超过 34 个月的人短发的人 4 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:28

5 什么是离子感应系统? 当铂金负离子作用于头发, 或头发的电平衡因摩擦而受到干扰时, 单根的头发将更容易相互排斥, 成缕的头发也无法再保持定型 有了本产品的离子感应系统, 便可以稳定头发的电平衡, 只需握紧感应板 ( 负离子感应板 ) 便可改善发型 将电源开关置于 [0] 的位置上, 在关闭电源开关的状态下, 用牙刷或吸尘器清除入风口上的灰尘或头发等附着物 因为灰尘等会飘散, 请注意 请勿试图去清洁铂金负离子发射口 ( 发射口禁止插入棉签进行清洁 ) 否则会使其丧失释放铂金负离子的能力 中文 电吹风的修理和维护 请勿自行修理 拆卸或改装电吹风 如果电源线或插头损坏, 为避免危险, 请立刻停止使用, 并联系 Panasonic 授权的维修中心进行更换 电吹风吹热风时, 有时可能会变为冷风或出现火花 这种现象是电吹风的保护装置温控开关造成的 火花不会造成危险, 火花本身也不具危险性 这种情况可能是入风口或出风口灰尘积聚的结果, 也可能是头发 手等堵塞入风口所致 可将电源开关滑向 [0] 位置, 然后去除积聚的灰尘 出风口与入风口的保养 ( 每月 1 次以上 ) 清洁出风口时, 请将温度选择开关设置为 冷风, 将电源开关设置在 [1] 或 [2] 的位置, 然后边吹冷风, 边用牙刷清除出风口上的附着物 型号规格 产品名称 产品型号 电吹风 EH NE34/EH NE33 额定电压 220V 50Hz 额定功率 1600W 尺寸 80.8( 宽 ) 162.5( 深 ) 227.0( 高 )mm 附件 EH NE34 快干风嘴 扩散风嘴 原产地 生产日期 EH NE33 执行标准中国国家标准 快干风嘴 中国 请见商品上刻印 GB GB GB GB 企业标准 Q/SXDGWB 7 本产品仅适合家庭使用 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:28

6 中文 注意! 若不遵守以下安全措施可能会导致手指受伤 展开手柄时 握住手柄或使用电吹风时, 切勿接触下图中的阴影部分 折叠手柄时 折叠手柄时, 切勿接触下图中的阴影部分 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:28

7 Thank you for choosing a Panasonic hair dryer. Please read all instructions before use. Parts identification H K A B G C Front A Air outlet B Quick dry nozzle C Platinum negative ion outlet D Handle E Ring for hanging F Cord D E F Back J I G Main switch ( ) 2: Dry (Strong airflow) 1: Set (Gentle airflow) 0: Off H Temperature selector ( ) : Hot (Hot air) : Healthy (Warm air) : Cool (Cool air) I Air inlet J Ion charge panel K Diffuser EH NE34 only (For creating fullbodied hair with lots of volume and styling) Important Please read the safety instructions before using this hair dryer. The safety instructions explained here help you to use this hair dryer safely and correctly, and also to prevent you from injuring yourself or others. WARNING: Not following the instructions below may cause fire, burns, explosion, short circuiting or electric shock. The electric power supply should come from a properly wired outlet. Also, check the capacity of the outlet and use the dryer separately from other equipment. Always ensure the voltage to be used corresponds to the voltage stated on the unit. Never leave the dryer running. After use or power cut, unplug it from the outlet. When unplugging, always grasp the plug and unplug it from the outlet. If the dryer blows air intermittently, discontinue use immediately. English EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:28

8 Do not pull the cord with unnecessary force. Do not damage or modify the cord. Wrapping the cord around the hair dryer may cause fire and/or electric shock. If the cord or plug is damaged or gets hot, discontinue use of the dryer immediately. Do not use the dryer with wet hands or in the bath or shower. Do not use this hair dryer near water contained in bathtubs, basins or other vessels. Do not leave or store the dryer near a tub, sink or other place where it will be exposed to water and other liquids or high humidity. Do not use the dryer in a bath or shower. English Avoid dropping the dryer or subjecting it to other excessive shock. Do not use the dryer near gas or other inflammable materials (such as benzine, paint thinner, sprays, etc.). The hair dryer should be installed in places where it will not come into contact with water when the bath or shower is in use. This is necessary also when the handle of the dryer is extended. When the hair dryer is used in a bathroom, unplug it after use since the proximity of water presents a hazard even when the hair dryer is switched off. For additional protection, the installation of a residual current device (RCD) having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 ma is advisable in the electrical circuit supplying the bathroom. Ask your installer for advice. WARNING: This symbol on the hair dryer means Do not use this hair dryer near water. Do not use this hair dryer near bathtubs, showers, basins or other vessels containing water. Do not use thinner, benzine or other solvents when cleaning the dryer. Be careful that hair is not sucked into the air inlet during use. Never insert foreign objects into the air inlet or outlet. Mechanical damage or shock can result. If the air inlet or outlet is blocked during use, the heater block or dryer may not operate. After removing the blockage from the air inlet or outlet, wait several minutes and the hair dryer should operate again. If not, please contact an authorized Panasonic service center. Avoid touching the quick dry nozzle as it becomes hot during use. Do not direct the airflow towards the eyes or other sensitive areas. EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:28

9 Please properly handle the product packaging bags to avoid accidents, such as infant and child choking. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. If the quick dry nozzle or hair dryer is damaged, stop using it. Do not use the hair dryer for purposes other than drying and styling human hair. Do not use any attachments with this dryer other than those supplied by Panasonic. Some odd smell will come along with ion emission, but it does not do harm to health at all. Be careful of how you point the hair dryer and do not get the air inlet too close to your hair. Keep your hair over 10 cm away from the air inlet during use. * Failure to do so may result in your hair becoming sucked in and trapped in the hair dryer. (Fig. 1) Please keep a distance of over 3 cm between the air outlet and your hair. (Fig. 2) * Failure to do so may result in your hair being burned. Please keep the instructions well. (Fig. 1) (Fig. 2) How to use the hair dryer 1 2 Over 3 cm Select the temperature of the airflow with the temperature selector. Select the intensity of the airflow with the main switch. Notes Before using the hair dryer, first set the main switch to position 0, then plug into a power outlet and turn on the main switch. English EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:28

10 After washing your hair, if you use cool air to dry your hair, set the main switch to position 1 or 2 and set the temperature selector switch to the cool air position. If you want to dry your hair quickly, set the quick dry nozzle in the direction shown in the illustration or set the temperature selector to the healthy air or hot air position. If you are worried about damaging your hair, set the switches to the healthy air and 1 position respectively prior to use. What are platinum negative ions? Platinum Negative Ion Generation method: Highvoltage discharge English When the main switch is set to position 1 or 2, platinum negative ions, which are invisible to the naked eye, are produced. Gripping the ion charge panel has the benefit of more platinum negative ions continuing to penetrate into the hair, supplementing the moisture content, moistening the hair and giving clearer results in relation to the platinum negative ions. For people who want (hair with) volume: Attach the diffuser to the hair dryer and apply your brush to your scalp, and turn and move the diffuser around as if drawing large circles. EH NE34 only If you want to style your hair, brush your hair from the top of your head to the ends of your hair with the brush on the diffuser. EH NE34 only Select 1: Set Mode when using the diffuser. You may feel heat on your face or scalp when 2: Dry Mode is selected. EH NE34 only Negative ions are particles that combine negatively charged oxygen and moisture in the air. Platinum negative ions are the negative ions generated from the platinum electrode. These negative ions are invisible to the naked eye because their diameter is just 1/1000th that of a particle of steam. How platinum negative ions work? In general, hair is easily positively charged. By exposing hair to the negatively charged platinum negative ions, the hair s static electricity can be neutralized and thus its smoothness can be enhanced. The platinum negative ions not only penetrate each and every strand of hair, but also coat the hair, and thus help it maintain the moisture content and alleviate the UV damage. Notes The effect of ion does not show up too much on person with features described below. Having original curl hair. Having hair to be furled easily. Having wonderful and tidy hair. 10 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:28

11 Having hair straightening perm no more than 34 months. Having short hair. What is an ion charging system? When platinum negative ions are applied to the hair or the electrical balance of the hair is disturbed by brushing, individual hairs are more likely to repel each other and groups of hairs no longer sit well together. With this product s ion charge system it is possible to stabilize the electrical balance of your hair and improve its shape by simply gripping the body (Ion Charge Panel). Repair and maintenance of the hair dryer Only qualified personnel should repair or disassemble the hair dryer. If the cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent, or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. When the hair dryer is blowing hot air, occasionally air may turn cool or sparks may be seen. This phenomenon is the result of the hair dryer s thermal switch. It is a protective device. The sparks do not pose a danger in and of themselves. In such cases, dust may have accumulated at the air inlet and/or the air outlet. Also, the air inlet may be being blocked by your hair, hands, etc. Slide the main switch to the 0 position and remove any dust that has accumulated. Maintenance of air outlet and air inlet (once a month or more) To clean the air outlet, set the temperature selector to Cool and the main switch to 1 or 2, and rake out with a brush while cool air is blowing out. To clean the air inlet, set the main switch to 0 and, with the airflow stopped, remove dust and hairs using a brush or vacuum cleaner. Be careful since dust may spray out. Do not attempt to clean the platinum negative ion outlet. (The outlet has a structure which makes it difficult to insert the swab.) Doing so results in losing its ability to release platinum negative ions. English 11 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:28

12 Specifications Product name Hair Dryer Product model EH NE34/EH NE33 Power source 220V 50Hz Power consumption 1600W Dimensions 80.8 (W) (D) (H) mm Accessory EH NE34 Quick dry nozzle, Diffuser EH NE33 Place of origin Date of production Execution Standard Chinese standard Company standard Quick dry nozzle China See engraving on the commodity. GB GB GB GB Q/SXDGWB 7 This product is intended for household use only. CAUTION! Failure to follow these safeguards could result in injury to fingers. When extending the handle When folding the handle DO NOT TOUCH the shaded area in the diagram below when holding the handle or using the hair dryer. DO NOT TOUCH the shaded area in the diagram below when folding the handle. English 12 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:28

13 电吹风 EHNE34/EHNE33 EHNE34/EHNE33 EHNE34/EHNE33 EHNE34/EHNE33 EHNE34/EHNE33 EHNE34/EHNE33 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:29

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16 F CH, EN 松下电工 万宝电器 ( 广州 ) 有限公司 (PEWWBG) Panasonic Electric Works Wanbao (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. 工厂地址 : 广州市番禺区市广路万宝基地 (Address): Wanbao Base, Shiguang Road, Panyu District, Guangzhou 电话 (Tel): (020) 传真 (Fax): (020) 邮政编码 (Post Code): 原产地 : 中国 中国印刷 Printed in China X00100 发行 :2010 年 0 月 EHNE33_CH.indb /07/08 18:26:29

电吹风 Hair Dryer 使用说明书 Operating Instructions 型号 Model No. EH5163 在使用前, 请仔细阅读此说明书并保管好该手册, 以备将来参考 Before operating this hair dryer, please read these ins

电吹风 Hair Dryer 使用说明书 Operating Instructions 型号 Model No. EH5163 在使用前, 请仔细阅读此说明书并保管好该手册, 以备将来参考 Before operating this hair dryer, please read these ins 电吹风 Hair Dryer 使用说明书 Operating Instructions 型号 Model No. 在使用前, 请仔细阅读此说明书并保管好该手册, 以备将来参考 Before operating this hair dryer, please read these instructions completely and save this manual for future use.

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