EH-ND indd

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1 使用说明书 ( 家用 ) 电吹风 型号 EH-ND33 EH-ND34 EH-ND35 中文 3 English 11

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3 中文 目录 安全注意事项 4 部件名称 7 风嘴的安装和拆卸方法 7 电吹风的基本使用方法 7 使用说明书 ( 家用 ) 电吹风 型号 EH-ND33 EH-ND34 EH-ND35 电吹风的保养 8 故障排除 9 规格 10 感谢您购买这款 Panasonic 产品 在使用本产品前, 请仔细阅读本说明书并妥善保管, 以备将来参考 3

4 中文 4 安全注意事项 为减少故障 触电 受伤 火灾 死亡以及设备或财产损坏的危险, 请务必遵守以下安全注意事项 标志说明 以下标志用于对因无视标志说明和使用不当而导致的危险 伤害和财产损失的程度进行分类和描述 警告 表示可能会导致重伤或死亡的潜在危险 注意表示可能会导致轻伤的危险 以下标志用于对需要遵循的说明的种类进行分类和描述 此标志用于提醒用户注意禁止采取的操作步骤 此标志用于提醒用户注意为了安全操作本产品而必须遵循的操作步骤 警告 电源线或插头损坏 发热时, 请勿使用 - 否则可能导致烫伤 触电, 或由于短路而导致火灾 插入插座的电源插头松动时, 请勿使用 - 否则可能导致烫伤 触电, 或由于短路而导致火灾 请勿损坏或改装 或用力弯曲 拉拔或扭曲电源线 另外, 请勿在电源线上面放置重物或挤压电源线 - 否则可能导致触电或因短路而引发火灾 请勿在捆着电源线的状态下使用 - 否则可能导致触电或火灾 请勿在电源开关开启的状态下远离 - 否则可能导致火灾 请勿在手湿的情况下将电源插头连接到家用电源插座中, 或从家用电源插座中拔出 - 否则可能导致烫伤或触电 请勿在手湿的情况下使用 - 否则可能发生触电或由于短路而导致火灾 请勿在石油气或其它易燃品 ( 例如挥发剂 涂料稀释剂 喷雾剂等 ) 附近使用 - 否则可能导致爆炸或火灾 请勿将发卡等异物插入出风口和入风口 - 否则可能导致烫伤 触电或火灾 请勿放置或存放在靠近水槽 有水或其它盛有液体 高度潮湿的地方 - 否则可能导致触电或火灾 请勿在存放时将电源线缠绕在本体和手柄上 - 否则可能导致电源线断线, 发生烫伤 触电, 或由于短路而导致火灾 请勿存放在儿童和婴幼儿的接触范围之内 请勿让儿童和婴幼儿使用 - 否则可能导致触电和受伤

5 警告 请勿自行修理 拆卸或改装电吹风 - 否则可能因为起火或动作异常而导致受伤 需要修理时, 请咨询购买的销售店或联系 Panasonic 授权的维修中心进行维修 请勿将本电吹风浸泡在水中 请勿在洗澡或淋浴时使用本电吹风 请勿在盛水的浴缸 淋浴器 洗脸盆或其它器皿附近使用本电吹风 - 否则可能导致意外的发生或受伤 请勿在盛水的浴缸 淋浴器 洗脸盆或其它器皿附近使用本电吹风 发生异常和故障时, 请立即停止使用并拔下电源插头 - 在这种情况下使用本产品可能会导致触电 受伤或火灾 <异常或故障的例子> 不出风 经常停止 内部发红, 有烟冒出 - 请立即咨询购买的销售店或联系 Panasonic 授权的维修中心进行维修 进行清洁时, 请务必从家用电源插座上拔出电源插头 - 否则可能导致触电或受伤 定期清洁电源插头, 防止灰尘积聚 - 否则可能因潮湿造成绝缘故障, 从而引发火灾 断开电源插头, 然后用干布擦拭 拔下电源插头时, 请勿拉扯电源线, 请务必握着电源插头拔出 - 否则可能导致电源线断线, 发生烫伤 触电, 或由于短路而导致火灾 充分插入电源插头 - 否则可能导致灼伤 触电或火灾 请务必使用 220 V 电压 - 否则可能导致电吹风不能正常使用 请单独使用插座, 不要使用电源接线板 - 否则可能导致触电或火灾 电吹风吹热风时, 如果在出风口看见火花, 请停止使用, 清除出风口和入风口附着的灰尘 - 否则可能导致烫伤或火灾 使用后请务必将电源开关设置为 [0] 档状态, 将电源插头从插座上拔出 - 否则可能导致烫伤或火灾 本器具必须安装固定在洗澡或淋浴时触及不到的地方, 并且器具的安装固定须保证手持部分在完全拉直时, 洗澡和淋浴时仍无法触及 - 否则可能导致意外的发生或受伤 在浴室内使用后拔下插头, 因为即使电吹风断电后, 接近水仍存在危险 - 否则可能导致意外的发生或受伤 中文 5

6 中文 6 警告 为了保障您的安全, 建议在浴室供电的电气回路中安装一个额定漏电动作电流不超过 30 ma 的漏电保护装置 (RCD), 向 RCD 安装商咨询 - 否则可能导致意外的发生或受伤 如果电源软线损坏, 为避免危险, 必须由制造厂或其维修部或类似的专职人员来更换 - 否则可能导致意外的发生或受伤 请妥善处理本产品的包装袋, 使其远离婴幼儿 - 否则可能导致婴幼儿窒息等意外发生 本产品不宜供肢体 感官或精神上有残疾者 或缺乏经验和知识者 ( 包括儿童 ) 使用, 必须有监护者从旁监督并对本产品的使用加以指导, 且对使用者的安全能承担责任 - 否则可能导致意外的发生或受伤 注意 避免摔落电吹风或让电吹风受到强烈的撞击 - 否则可能导致触电或火灾 使用过程中, 出风口和风嘴可能会变热, 使用时请勿用手触摸 - 否则可能导致烫伤 请勿在入风口破损的状态下使用 - 否则头发可能卷入入风口, 导致头发受损 请勿对婴幼儿使用 - 否则可能造成烫伤 电源线在扭曲的状态下请勿收纳 - 否则可能导致电源线断线, 发生烫伤 触电, 或由于短路而导致火灾 请仅用于吹干头发和整发 请勿给宠物使用和用来吹干鞋子和衣物等 - 否则可能导致烫伤或火灾 请注意电吹风的朝向, 让头发距离入风口 10 厘米以上, 不要太接近头发 - 否则可能会导致头发被吸入电吹风内, 从而导致受损 出风口和头发之间请保持 3 厘米以上的距离 - 否则可能导致头发的灼伤 10 厘米以上 3 厘米以上 展开或折叠手柄时, 请勿接触下图中的阴影部分 - 否则可能导致手指受伤

7 说明本电吹风自带过热保护装置, 能在电吹风温度过高的时候, 自动切换成冷风 此时立刻关闭电源开关并从电源插座上拔下插头, 让它冷却几分钟后再使用 检查入风口和出风口没有绒毛或头发时, 再开启电源开关 部件名称 B 风嘴的安装和拆卸方法 安装方法 将快干风嘴 集风嘴 扩散风嘴与本体出风口组合, 直到听到 咔 一声, 说明风嘴已固定 如图所示, 对准出风口, 垂直安装风嘴 中文 A F D E I C EH-ND34 专用 EH-ND35 专用拆卸方法 将快干风嘴 集风嘴从本体出风口处向下拧取, 取下风嘴 将扩散风嘴从侧面拧取, 取下风嘴 G J A 出风口 B 快干风嘴 C 入风口 D 手柄 E 挂环 F 电源开关 3 : 热风档 2 : 恒温档 1 : 冷风档 0 : 关 G 电源插头 * H H 电源线 I 集风嘴 EH-ND34 专用 ( 风力更集中, 易于吹干并打造发型 ) J 扩散风嘴 EH-ND35 专用 ( 用于打造蓬松 丰盈的发型 ) * 注 : 根据 GB/T23106 标准要求, 在不带风嘴状态下进行的测量 EH-ND34 专用 电吹风的基本使用方法 EH-ND35 专用 1 在使用电吹风之前, 请先确认电源开关设置在 [0] 位置, 然后插入电源插头, 并开启电源开关 如想将头发迅速吹干, 请将快干风嘴调整到如右图所示 EH-ND34 专用 如果想打造发型, 请将集风嘴安装到电吹风上, 风力更集中, 可以一边吹干一边做造型 7

8 中文 EH-ND35 专用 如果希望头发蓬松 : 请将扩散风嘴安装到电吹风上, 并将扩散风嘴上的梳子贴在发根处, 然后像画大圆圈一样转动扩散风嘴 如果想让头发梳理整齐, 请用扩散风嘴上的梳子从发根至发梢梳理头发 使用扩散风嘴时, 请选择 [2]- 恒温档 如果选择 [3]- 强风档, 则脸部或头皮会有灼热感 2 选择风力的强度 : 3 : 热风档 2 : 恒温档 1 : 冷风档 3 将电源开关设置在 [2] 位置, 用温风将头发吹干 ( 从头发根部吹起, 可快速干发 ) 电吹风的保养 请勿使用涂料稀释剂 苯 酒精等清洁产品 否则可能导致本体发生故障 破裂和褪色 可使用肥皂水浸泡过的布拧干后进行擦拭 出风口和入风口的保养 ( 每月 1 次以上 ) 清洁出风口时, 将电源开关设置在 [1] 出风口位置, 边吹冷风边用牙刷清除出风口上的附着物 将电源开关设置在 [0] 位置, 在关闭电源开关的状态下, 用牙刷或吸尘器清除入风口上的灰尘或头发等附着物 因为灰尘等会飘散, 请注意 入风口 出风口和头发之间请保持 3 厘米以上的距离 使用时请让头发距离入风口 10 厘米以上 10 厘米以上 3 厘米以上 4 将电源开关设置在 [0] 位置, 然后从插座上拔出电源插头 待完全冷却后请务必收纳在干燥的地方 8

9 故障排除 故障可能的原因纠正措施 中文 热风运行过程中, 时常会伴有冷风, 甚至还会出现火花 ( 火花是由于作为保护装置的热开关的动作导致, 不是故障 ) 电源插头异常过热 产品运行过程中, 时而有风时而无风 电源线异常过热 产品运行中不出风, 并且内部发红 使用过程中有异常声音和震动 产品本体和手柄处异常过热 产品本体和手柄处发生变形 使用过程中有烧焦的气味 灰尘等堵塞进风口和出风口时, 热敏开关将会启动, 启动时常常会吹出冷风 入风口被头发 手等塞住 产品所连接的插座可能松动 电源线损坏 将堆积的灰尘除去 ( 方法参照 P8) 不要塞住入风口 请使用没有松动的插座 请立即停止使用 请立即停止使用 如果按照以上方法还不能解决, 请咨询购买的销售店或联系 Panasonic 授权的维修中心进行维修 9

10 中文 规格 产品名称 产品型号 额定电压 / 额定频率 额定功率 尺寸 附件 原产地 生产日期 EH-ND33 EH-ND34 EH-ND35 中国国家标准 电吹风 EH-ND33, EH-ND34, EH-ND V 50 Hz 1200 W 73( 宽 )x 172( 深 )x 202( 高 ) 毫米 快干风嘴 快干风嘴 集风嘴 快干风嘴 扩散风嘴 中国 请见商品上刻印 GB GB GB GB 执行标准企业标准 Q/SXWBMJ 7 本产品仅适合家庭使用 10

11 Contents Safety precautions...12 Parts identification...16 Installing or removing the nozzle...16 How to use the hair dryer...16 Operating Instructions (Household) Hair Dryer EH-ND33 Model No. EH-ND34 EH-ND35 Maintenance of the hair dryer...17 Troubleshooting...18 Specifications...19 English Thank you for purchasing this Panasonic product. Before operating this unit, please read these instructions completely and save them for future use. 11

12 English 12 Safety precautions To reduce the risk of malfunction, electric shock, injury, fire, loss of life, and damage to equipment or property, always observe the following safety precautions. Explanation of symbols The following symbols are used to classify and describe the level of hazard, injury, and property damage caused when the notation is disregarded and improper use is performed. Denotes a potential hazard WARNING that could result in serious injury or death. CAUTION Denotes a hazard that could result in minor injury. The following symbols are used to classify and describe the type of instructions to be observed. This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must not be performed. This symbol is used to alert users to a specific operating procedure that must be followed in order to operate the unit safely. WARNING If the cord or the plug is damaged or gets hot, do not use it. - Doing so may cause scalding, electric shock, or fire due to a short circuit. If the plug fits loosely in a household outlet, do not use it. - Doing so may cause scalding, electric shock, or fire due to a short circuit. Do not damage or modify, or forcefully bend, pull or twist the cord. Also, do not place anything heavy on or pinch the cord. - Doing so may cause electric shock or fire due to a short circuit. Do not use the unit when the cord is tied. - Doing so may cause electric shock or fire. Do not leave the unit when the main switch is turned on. - Doing so may cause fire. Do not connect or disconnect the plug to a household outlet with a wet hand. - Doing so may cause scalding or electric shock. Do not use the unit with a wet hand. - Doing so may cause scalding or fire due to a short circuit. Do not use the unit near gas or other inflammable materials (such as benzine, paint thinner, sprays, etc.). - Doing so may cause explosion or fire. Do not insert such foreign bodies as hairpins into the air outlet and air inlet. - Doing so may cause scalding, electric shock, or fire.

13 WARNING Do not place or store the unit at places adjacent to the sink, water, or other highly humid places containing water. - Doing so may cause electric shock or fire. Do not wrap the cord around the main body and handle when storing. - Doing so may cause breakage to the wire of the cord, scalding, electric shock, or fire due to a short circuit. Do not store within the reach of children or infants. Do not let them use it. - Doing so may cause electric shock or injury. Do not repair, disassemble or modify the hair dryer by yourself. - Doing so may cause fire or injury due to abnormal action. Contact the store where you purchased the unit or contact a service centre authorized by Panasonic for repair when necessary. Do not immerse the appliance into water. Do not use this hair dryer near water. Do not use this hair dryer near bathtubs, showers, basins or other vessels containing water. - Doing so may cause electric shock or fire. This symbol on the hair dryer means Do not use this hair dryer near water. Immediately stop using the unit and remove the plug if there is an abnormality or failure. - Using it in such conditions may cause electric shock, injury or fire. <Abnormality or failure cases> No air. Frequent stop. The interior gets red, and smoke comes out. - Immediately contact the store where you purchased the unit or contact a service centre authorized by Panasonic for repair. Always unplug the plug from a household outlet when cleaning. - Failure to do so may cause electric shock or injury. Regularly clean the plug to prevent dust from accumulating. - Failure to do so may cause fire due to insulation failure caused by humidity. Disconnect the plug and wipe with a dry cloth. Always unplug the unit by holding the plug instead of the cord. - Failure to do so may cause breakage to the wire of the cord, scalding, electric shock, or fire due to a short circuit. English 13

14 English 14 WARNING Fully insert the plug. - Failure to do so may cause burn, electric shock or fire. Make sure to use only 220 V voltage. - Failure to do so may cause abnormal performance to the hair dryer. Independently use a household outlet, and do not use extension cord. - Failure to do so may cause electric shock or fire. When the hair dryer outputs hot air, if sparks appear at the air outlet, immediately stop using it, and then clear away dust adhered to the air outlet and air inlet. - Failure to do so may cause scalding or fire. After use, always set the main switch to position 0, and unplug the unit from a household outlet. - Failure to do so may cause scalding or fire. This appliance must be installed and fixed at a position out of the reach when having a bath or shower. Also, the installation and fixation of the appliance must ensure that the appliance is still out of reach on condition that the handle portion is completely straightened when having a bath or shower. - Failure to do so may cause electric shock or fire. When the hair dryer is used in a bathroom, unplug it after use since the proximity of water presents a hazard even when the hair dryer is switched off. - Failure to do so may cause an accident or injury. For additional protection, the installation of a residual current device (RCD) having a rated residual operating current not exceeding 30 ma is advisable in the electrical circuit supplying the bathroom. Ask your installer for advice. - Failure to do so may cause an accident or injury. If the supply cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, its service agent or similarly qualified persons in order to avoid a hazard. - Failure to do so may cause an accident or injury. Properly dispose the package of the appliance, keep the package away from infants. - Failure to do so may cause suffocation of infants from happening. This appliance is not intended for use by persons (including children) with reduced physical, sensory or mental capabilities, or lack of experience and knowledge, unless they have been given supervision or instruction concerning use of the appliance by a person responsible for their safety. Children should be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. - Failure to do so may cause an accident or injury.

15 CAUTION Do not drop or subject to shock. - Doing so may cause electric shock or fire. During use, the air outlet and the nozzle may get hot. Do not touch them with your hand. - Doing so may cause scalding. Do not use the unit when the air inlet is damaged. - Doing so may cause injury of hair due to hair drawn into the air inlet. Do not apply the unit to infants. - Doing so may cause scalding. Do not store the unit when the cord is twisted. - Doing so may cause breakage to the wire of the cord, scalding, electric shock, or fire due to a short circuit. Intended for drying your hair and making hairstyles only. Do not apply the unit to pets and dry shoes and clothes. - Failure to do so may cause scalding or fire. Be careful of how you point the hair dryer, and keep your hair over 10 cm away from the air inlet. Do not get the air inlet too close to your hair. - Failure to do so may cause your hair to be drawn into the hair dryer and therefore cause injury. Over 10 以上 cm Keep a distance of over 3 cm between the air outlet and your hair. - Failure to do so may cause burn to your hair. Over 3 cm When unfolding or folding the handle, do not touch the shaded area as shown in figures below. - Failure to do so may cause finger injury. Notes This hair dryer is equipped with an automatic overheating protective device. If the hair dryer overheats, it will switch to cool air mode. Switch off the hair dryer and unplug it from the household outlet. Allow it to cool down for a few minutes before using it again. Check that no fluff, hair etc. is in the air inlets and outlets before switching it on again. English 15

16 English 16 Parts identification A B F A Air outlet B Quick-dry nozzle C Air inlet D Handle E Ring for hanging F Main switch 3 :Hot air 2 :Healthy air * 1 :Cool air 0 :Off G Plug D E G H H Cord I Set nozzle EH-ND34 only (The airstream is more concentrated, so it is easy to dry your hair and style your hair) J Diffuser EH-ND35 only (For creating full-bodied hair with lots of volume and styling) * Note: It is measured without the nozzle according to the standard requirements of GB/T I C J Installing or removing the nozzle To install Assemble the quick-dry nozzle, set nozzle, diffuser and the air outlet of the main body. When a click sound is heard, this means that the nozzle has been fixed. As shown in the picture, the nozzle should be installed as the air outlet is vertical. EH-ND34 only EH-ND35 only To remove Unscrew the quick-dry nozzle, set nozzle downward from the air outlet of the main body and then take down the nozzle. Unscrew the diffuser from the side and then take down the nozzle. EH-ND34 only How to use the hair dryer 1 Before using the hair dryer, confirm that the main switch is at position 0, then plug into a household outlet and turn on the main switch. If you want to dry your hair quickly, set the quick-dry nozzle in the direction as shown in the illustration. EH-ND35 only

17 EH-ND34 only If you want to make a hairstyle, please install the set nozzle on an hair dryer, so the airstream is more concentrated, and the hairstyle can be made while the hair is being dried. EH-ND35 only For people who want (hair with) volume: Attach the diffuser to the hair dryer and apply your brush to your scalp, and turn and move the diffuser around as if drawing large circles. If you want to style your hair, brush your hair from the top of your head to the ends of your hair with the brush on the diffuser. Select 2 -constant temperature when using the diffuser. You may feel heat on your face or scalp when 3 -hot air is selected. 2 Select the wind power 3 :Hot air 2 :Healthy air 1 :Cool air 3 Set the main switch to position 2, and then dry your hair with warm air (your hair can be quickly dried if blown from the root). Keep a distance of over 3 cm between the air outlet and your hair. Keep your hair over 10 cm away from the air inlet during use. Over 10 以上 cm Over 3 cm 4 Set the main switch to position 0, and then unplug the unit from the household outlet. After the unit is completely cooled, store it at a dry place. Maintenance of the hair dryer Do not use paint thinner, benzene, alcohol, etc. to clean the unit. Doing so may cause failure, cracking or discoloration of the main body. Wipe with a cloth soaked in soapy water and wrung tightly. Maintenance of air outlet and air inlet (once a month or more) To clean the air outlet, set the main switch to position 1, and rake out with a brush while cool air is blowing out. To clean the air inlet, set the main switch to position 0 and, with the airflow stopped, remove dust and hairs using a brush or vacuum cleaner. Be careful since dust may spray out. Air outlet Air inlet English 17

18 Troubleshooting English Problem Possible cause Action During the hot air operation, cool air is usually mixed, and even sparks appear. (The spark is caused by the action of thermoswitch as a protective device. It is not a fault.) The plug is abnormally overheating. During operation, the unit outputs air intermittently. The cord is abnormally overheating. During operation, the unit doses not output air, and the interior gets red. During use, abnormal sounds and vibration occur. The main body and handle of the unit are abnormally overheating. The main body and handle of the unit are deformed. During use, the unit smells of burning. When dust blocks the air inlet and air outlet, the thermoswitch will be started, and the cool air is usually blown at the moment of start-up. The air inlet is blocked by hair or hand, etc. The household outlet connected to the product may be loose. The cord is damaged. Clear away the accumulated dust (refer to P17 for the direction). Do not block the air inlet. Please use a wellconditioned household outlet. Immediately stop using it. Immediately stop using it. If the problems still cannot be solved, contact the store where you purchased the unit or contact a service centre authorized by Panasonic for repair. 18

19 Specifications Product name Product model Power source / rated frequency Power consumption Dimensions Accessory EH-ND33 EH-ND34 EH-ND35 Place of origin Date of production Execution standard Chinese standard Company standard Hair Dryer EH-ND33, EH-ND34, EH-ND V 50 Hz 1200 W 73(W)x 172(D)x 202(H) mm Quick-dry nozzle Quick-dry nozzle, Set nozzle Quick-dry nozzle, Diffuser China See engraving on the commodity. GB GB GB GB Q/SXWBMJ 7 This product is intended for household use only. English 19

20 20 MEMO

21 电吹风 EH-ND33, EH-ND34, EH-ND35 EH-ND33, EH-ND34, EH-ND35 EH-ND33, EH-ND34, EH-ND35 EH-ND33, EH-ND34, EH-ND35 EH-ND33, EH-ND34, EH-ND35 EH-ND33, EH-ND34, EH-ND35


23 MEMO 23

24 Panasonic Wanbao Appliances Beauty and Living (Guangzhou) Co., Ltd. 工厂地址 : 广州市番禺区钟村万宝基地万宝北街 33 号 (Address): 33, Wanbao North Street, Wanbao Industry Zone, Zhongcun, Panyu District, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, China 电话 (Tel): (020) 传真 (Fax): (020) 邮政编码 (Post Code): 原产地 : 中国 Panasonic 客户咨询服务中心 : ; ( 固定电话 ) Panasonic 官方网站 : Y CH, EN C Panasonic Corporation 2013 中国印刷 Printed in China EH9210ND Y 发行 : 2013 年 3 月


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