同点是, 讲的都是一些高贵的英雄 四大悲剧中的第一部 哈姆 雷特 通常被认为是莎士比亚舞台上最受欢迎的戏剧 因为它有 着 紧张激烈的 惊悚片的特点以及对生命与死亡的哲学的深入探 究 ( 大题 ) 6. To be, or not to be - that is the question;/wheth

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Download "同点是, 讲的都是一些高贵的英雄 四大悲剧中的第一部 哈姆 雷特 通常被认为是莎士比亚舞台上最受欢迎的戏剧 因为它有 着 紧张激烈的 惊悚片的特点以及对生命与死亡的哲学的深入探 究 ( 大题 ) 6. To be, or not to be - that is the question;/wheth"


1 英美文学选读集训资料 使用说明 : 识记知识点 ( 主要考察单选题 ), 有时间再尝试记主 观题 (,, 论述题 ) Part One: English Literature 英国文学 Chapter 1: The Renaissance Period 文艺复兴时期 Chapter 2: The Neoclassical Period 新古典主义时期 Chapter 3: The Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期 Chapter 4: The Victorian Period 维多利亚时期 Chapter 5: The Modern Period 现代时期 Part Two: American Literature 美国文学 Chapter 1: The Romantic Period 浪漫主义时期 Chapter 2: The Realistic Period 现实主义时期 Chapter 3: The Modern Period 现代时期第一部分 英国文学 英国文学 英国文学 第一章文艺复兴时期 Chapter 1The Renaissance period Chapter 2The Neoclassical Period Chapter 3The Romantic Period Chapter 4The Victorian Period Chapter 5The Modern Period 本章重点 :1. 文艺复兴时期的历史文化背景 顿的作品和写作特点 III.William Shakespeare VI. John Milton III. Daniel Defoe IV. Jonathan Swift V. Henry Fielding I. William Blake II. William Wordsworth V. Percy Bysshe Shelley VII. Jane Austen I. Charles Dickens II. Charlotte Bronte VI. Thomas Hardy I. George Bernard Shaw IV. T. S. Eliot V. D. H. Lawrence 2. 莎士比亚和弥尔 本章提示 : 本章中有关莎士比亚的文学成就可以以论述题的形式 来考察, 值得注意 知识点 1 文艺复兴时期时代背景 知识点概览 :1. 文艺复兴时期的界定及历史文化背景 2. 文艺复兴 运动的意义与影响 3. 文艺复兴时期的文学特点, 人文主义的主张 及对文学的影响 1.The Renaissance marks a transition from the medieval to the modern world. 文艺复兴标志着中世纪到现代的过渡 2.The most famous dramatists in the Renaissance England are Christopher Marlowe, William Shakespeare and Ben Jonson. 英国 文艺复兴时期最著名的剧作家有马洛, 莎士比亚和本. 琼森 3.Humanism is the essence of the Renaissance. 人文主义是文艺复 兴的核心 4.The best representatives of the English humanists are Thomas More, Christopher Marlowe and William Shakespeare. 英国人文主 1 / 20 义优秀代表是托马斯 莫尔, 克里斯托弗 马洛和威廉 莎士比亚 知识点 2 莎士比亚 ( 哈姆雷特 To be, or not to be - that is the question) 知识点概览 :1. 莎士比亚的戏剧创作生涯 :(1) 早期的浪漫喜剧 历史剧 (2) 中期的悲剧 (3) 晚期的悲喜剧 传奇剧 2. 莎士比亚戏剧的代表作品及其故事梗概 情节结构 人物塑造 语言风格 思想意义 :(1) 喜剧 威尼斯商人 (2) 悲剧 哈姆雷特 (3) 传奇剧 暴风雨 3. 选读 :(1) 十四行诗的主题 意象 (2) 喜剧 威尼斯商人 选段的 主题 人物性格 语言特点 (3) 喜剧 哈姆雷特 选段的主要内容 1.Shakespeare has established his giant position in world literature with his 38 plays, 154 sonnets and 2 long poems(venus and Adonis and The Rape of Lucrece). 莎翁对世界文坛的主要贡献是 38 部戏 剧 ( 包括历史剧, 喜剧和悲剧 ),154 首十四行诗和两篇长篇叙 事诗 : 维纳斯与阿多尼斯 和 鲁克丽丝失贞记 2.The first period of his dramatic career, he wrote five history plays: Henry VI, Parts I, II, and III, Richard III, and Titus Andronicus; and four comedies: The Comedy of Errors, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Taming of the Shrew, and Love s Labor s Lost. 在他戏剧创作 生涯的第一个阶段, 他创作了五部历史剧 : 亨利六世, 理 查三世, 泰托斯. 安东尼 以及四部喜剧 : 错误的喜剧, 维洛那二绅士, 驯悍记 和 爱的徒劳 3.In the second period, he wrote five histories: Richard III, King John, Henry IV, Parts I and II, and Henry V; six comedies: A Midsummer Night s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, Much Ado About Nothing, As You Like It, Twelfth Night, and The Merry Wives of Windsor; and two tragedies: Romeo and Juliet and Julius Caesar. 在第二阶段, 他写了五部历史剧 : 理查三世, 约翰王, 亨利四世 第一部分和第二部分, 亨利五世 以及六部喜剧 仲夏夜之梦, 威尼斯商人, 无事生非, 皆大欢喜, 第十二夜, 温莎的风流娘儿们, 还有两部悲剧 : 罗密 欧与朱丽叶 和 裘利斯. 凯撒 其中 亨利四世 第一部分和 第二部分无疑是莎士比亚的历史剧中最为广泛阅读的 4.Shakespeare s third period includes his greatest tragedies and his so-called dark comedies. The tragedies of this period are Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, Macbeth, Antony and Cleopatra, Troilus and Cressida, and Coriolanus. The two comedies are All s Well That Ends well and Measure for Measure. 第三阶段诞生了莎翁最伟大的悲剧 和他自称的黑色喜剧 ( 或悲喜剧 ), 悲剧有 : 哈姆雷特, 奥 赛罗, 李尔王 麦克白, 安东尼与克利奥佩特拉 特 罗伊勒斯与克利西达 及 克里奥拉那斯 两部喜剧是 终成 眷属 和 一报还一报 5.Shakespeare s greatest tragedies are: Hamlet, Othello, King Lear, and Macbeth. They have some characteristics in common. Each portrays some noble heroes. The first of the great tragedies, Hamlet is generally regarded as Shakespeare s most popular play on the stage, for it has the qualities of a blood-and-thunder thriller and a philosophical exploitation of life and death. 莎士比亚的四大悲剧 是 : 哈姆雷特 奥赛罗 李尔王 麦克白 它们的共

2 同点是, 讲的都是一些高贵的英雄 四大悲剧中的第一部 哈姆 雷特 通常被认为是莎士比亚舞台上最受欢迎的戏剧 因为它有 着 紧张激烈的 惊悚片的特点以及对生命与死亡的哲学的深入探 究 ( 大题 ) 6. To be, or not to be - that is the question;/whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer / The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,/or to take arms against a sea of troubles,/and by opposing end then? These lines are taken from Hamlet. To be, or not to be - that is the question. 生或死, 这是一个问题, 是出自哈姆雷特的名句 ( 大题 ) 7. In King Lear, Shakespeare has not only made a profound analysis of the social crisis in which the evils can be seen everywhere, but also criticized the bourgeois egoism. 在 李尔王 中, 莎士比亚不仅对罪恶随处可见的社会危机进行 了深刻分析, 同时也批评了资产阶级的利己主义 8. Shakespeare s greatest comedies are: The Merchant of Venice, A Midsummer Night s Dream, As You like, Twelfth Night. The most important play among the comedies of Shakespeare is The Merchant of Venice. 莎士比亚四大喜剧为 : 威尼斯商人 仲夏夜之梦 皆大欢喜 第十二夜, 其中 威尼斯商人 是最重要的一 部喜剧 9.Antonio, Bassanio and Portia are the characters in The Merchant of Venice. 安东尼奥, 巴萨尼奥, 鲍西亚都是 威尼斯商人 中 的人物 10. The story of a pound of flesh is in The Merchant of Venice. 莎士比亚的 威尼斯商人 中巴萨尼奥向高利贷者夏洛克借了钱, 并签订契约答应到期不还便割下身上 一磅肉 作为处罚 11. Shakespeare s The Tempest, an elaborate and fantastic story, is known as the best of his final romances. As the best of Shakespeare s final romances, The Tempest is a typical example of his pessimistic view towards human life and society in his late years. 作为莎士比亚 后期传奇作品之最, 暴风雨 是他晚年对人类生活和社会的悲 观主义看法的一个典型例子 12. In his romantic comedies, Shakespeare takes a(n) optimistic attitude toward love and youth, and the romantic elements are brought into full play. 在他的浪漫喜剧中, 莎士比亚以乐观的态度 对待爱情与青春, 并将浪漫色彩渲染到极致 13. Sonnet 18 is one of the most beautiful sonnets written by Shakespeare. Shah I compare thee to a summer s day? 十四行诗 第十八首诗 我可否把你比作夏日 是莎翁最出色的十四行诗 ( 大 题 ) 1. Shah I compare thee to a summer s day? Thou art more lovely and more temperate: Rough winds do shake the darling buds of May, And summer s lease hath all too short a date: (2011.4) A. Who s the poet of the quoted stanza, and what s the title of the poem? B. What figure of speech is employed in the poem? C. What is the theme of the poem? 答案 :A. Sonnet 18, Shakespeare; B. Personification C. A nice summer s day is usually transient, but the beauty in poetry 2 / 20 can last for ever. A B 点各 1 分,C 点 2 分 语言错误酌情扣分 1. William Shakespeare is one of the most remarkable playwrights the world has ever known. What are his four greatest tragedies? What are the characteristics of the four tragedies in common? (2013.4) 答案 :A. Shakespeare s four greatest tragedies are: Hamlet, King Lear, Othello and Macbeth B. Each portray has some noble hero, who faces the injustice of human life and is caught in a difficult situation and whose fate is closely connected with the fate of the whole nation. 知识点 3 弥尔顿 ( 史诗 失乐园 ) 知识点概览 :1. 弥尔顿的文学创作 :(1) 早期诗歌 (2) 中期诗文 (3) 晚期史诗 2. 利西达斯 : 挽歌及其特点 3. 史诗 失乐园 故事梗概 主题结构 人物塑造 语言风格及作品的意义 4. 史诗 复乐园 的主要内容 5. 诗歌 力士参孙 的主要内容 6. 弥 尔顿的散文 : 论出版自由 7. 选读 : 史诗 失乐园 选段的主 要内容 人物性格 语言特点等 1.Milton s literary achievements can be divided into three groups: the early poetic works, the middle prose pamphlets and the last great poems. 弥尔顿的文学作品可分为三类 : 早期诗作, 中期的散文小 册子和后期的伟大诗作 早期诗作有 Lycidas 利西达斯, 其中 后期的作品 Paradise Lost 失乐园 (1667), Paradise Regained 复 乐园 (1671), & Samson Agonistes 力士参孙 (1671) 考查频率高 2. Among the three major poetical works by John Milton, Samson Agonistes is the most perfect example of verse drama after the Greek style in English. 在约翰弥尔顿三个主要的诗歌作品 失乐园 复 乐园 和 力士参孙 中, 力士参孙 是希腊风格英语诗剧最 完美的例子 3.John Milton s Paradise Lost is the only generally acknowledged epic in English literature since Beowulf. 约翰弥尔顿伟大的诗作 失乐园 是继 贝奥武甫 以来, 英国文学史上唯一被公认的 史诗 4.Working through the tradition of a Christian humanism, John Milton wrote Paradise Lost to expose the ways of Satan and to justify the ways of God to men. 约翰 弥尔顿写 失乐园 揭露撒 旦的行为, 并对上帝对待人的方式进行辩护 5.The story of Paradise Lost is taken from Old Testament. 失乐园 取自于旧约 6. Paradise Lost: 人类由于理性不强, 意志薄弱, 经不起考验, 暗 示英国自产主义革命失败的原因 7.The work Paradise Regained shows how mankind, in the person of Christ, withstands the tempter and is established once more in the divine favor. 复乐园 展示以基督为例, 人类如何抵制诱惑, 并 受到神圣的青睐再一次站起来 8.John Milton s Areopagitica is probably his most memorable prose work, which is a great plea for freedom of the press. 约翰 弥尔顿的 论出版自由 (1644) 可能是他最难忘的散文作品, 这是对出版 自由的一个伟大的请求

3 第二章新古典主义时期 本章重点 :1. 新古典主义文学流派形成的政治, 社会和文化背景 2. 启蒙运动的特点 本章提示 : 新古典主义和浪漫主义的区别可以作为跨章节的论述 题来考察 ; 另外, 笛福和菲尔丁的代表作也是值得关注的 知识点 1 新古典主义时期时代背景 1. 新古典主义时期政治和社会事 2. 新古典主义者的信仰及追求 1.The great political and social events in the English society of neoclassical period were the Restoration of King Charles II in 1660, the Great Plague of 1665 and the Great London Fire in 新古典主义时期的政治和社会事件包括 1660 年查理二世 的王朝复辟 ;1665 年的大瘟疫, 以及 1666 年的伦敦大火 2. The belief of the eighteenth-century neoclassicists in England led them to seek proportion, unity and harmony. 18 世纪英国的新古 典主义者的信仰是追求平等, 统一以及和谐 知识点 2 丹尼尔 笛福 ( 关注下层人士 ) 知识点概览 :1. 丹尼尔笛福的作品, 创作思想及关注的阶层 2. 鲁滨逊漂流记 中的主要人物及故事情节," 鲁滨逊 " 的人物原 型及社会意义 1. Daniel Defoe s Robinson Crusoe is universally considered as his masterpiece. Friday is a character in the novel Robinson Crusoe. 鲁 宾逊漂流记 被公认为是丹尼尔笛福的杰作 Friday 是 鲁宾逊 漂流记 中的人物 2. Daniel Defoe describes Robinson Crusoe as a typical English middle-class man of the eighteenth century, the very prototype of the empire builder, the pioneer colonist. 笛福把鲁宾逊描述成一个典 型的十八世纪英国中产阶级人士, 也正是帝国建造者或先驱殖民 者的原型 ( 大题 ) 3.Among the novelists of mid-eighteenth century, Daniel Defoe gave his praise to the hard-working, sturdy middle class and showed his sympathy for the downtrodden, unfortunate poor in most of his works. 在十八世纪中期的小说家中, 笛福在大部分作品中都表达 了对勤劳的人和坚实的中产阶级的赞美以及对被压迫的和不幸 的人们的同情 4. The novels of Daniel Defoe are the first literary works devoted to the study of problems of the lower--class people, such as Captain Singleton, Moll Flanders, Colonel Jack. 鲁滨逊的小说是首批描 写底层人士的问题的小说, 包括 辛格尔顿船长 摩尔 弗兰 德斯 杰克上校 5.The work The Shortest Way with the Dissenters written by Daniel Defoe brought him into jail and made him go through public pillory. 笛福的 铲除非国教教徒的捷径 把他送进了监狱, 并让他公开 示众 知识点 3 乔纳森. 斯威夫特 ( 讽刺 ) 知识点概览 :1. 乔纳森. 斯威夫特的主要作品及语言风格 ( 在恰 当的地方用恰当的词 )2. 一个温和的建议 的讽刺语言风格 及其地位 3. 格列佛游记 的梗概及社会意义 1.Jonathan Swift s greatest satiric work is A Modest Proposal, not only of the period but also in the whole English literary history. 一个 温和的建议 是乔纳森 斯威夫特最好的讽刺作品 不仅是这一时 期讽刺的最佳例子, 而且也是整个英国文学史上的典范 2. Jonathan Swift s A Modest Proposal makes the most devastating protest against the inhuman exploitation and oppression of the Irish people by the English ruling class. 乔纳森 斯威夫特 一个温和的 建议 以温和冷静的语言讽刺了英国政府对爱尔兰的压迫, 文字 不温不火, 绵里藏针, 颇能体现斯威夫特的讽刺风格 3.Drapier is the pseudonym of Jonathan Swift. 德拉皮尔是斯威夫 特的笔名 4.The most important representative work by Jonathan Swift is Gulliver's Travels. 格列佛游记 是斯威夫特最精彩的一部小说, 全书分为四卷, 它具有重大的社会意义, 同时对人性的探索与揭 示也是深刻的 5.In Gulliver's Travels you can find such the proper names as Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Houyhnhnm and Yahoo. 小人 国, 大人国 等名称都出现在乔纳森. 斯威夫特 格列夫游记 中 6.In the first part of Gulliver's Travels, Gulliver told his experience in Lilliput. In the second part of Gulliver's Travels, Gulliver told his experience in Brobdingnag. 格列夫游记第一部中, 格列夫讲述的 是在小人国的经历 格列夫游记第二部中, 格列夫讲述的是在大 人国的经历 7.As a whole, Gulliver's Travels is one of the most effective and devastating criticisms and satires of all aspects in the then English and European life socially, politically, religiously, philosophically, scientifically, and morally. 总的来说, 格列夫游记 是最有效和 最具破坏性的批评, 也是对当时英国和欧洲生活各个方面社会, 政治, 宗教, 哲学, 科学和道德上的讽刺 8.As one of the greatest masters of English prose, Jonathan Swift defined a good style as proper words in proper places. 作为英语散 文的大师之一, 乔纳森 斯威夫特认为好的语言风格是 在恰当的 地方用恰当的词 知识点 4 亨利. 菲尔丁 ( 散文荷马, 英国小说之父 ) 知识点概览 : 1. 菲尔丁的写作风格, 主要作品及地位 2. 菲尔丁的 散文体史诗 3. 杰作 汤姆. 琼斯 的地位, 社会意义及语言风格 1.The Coffee-House Politician, Rasquin,The Tragedy of Tragedies are written by Henry Fielding. 亨利. 菲尔丁的主要作品有 咖啡屋的 政治家, 巴斯昆, 悲剧中的悲剧, 1736 历史年鉴 2.Henry Fielding s The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling brings him the name of Prose Homer. The panoramic view it provides is of the 18th-century English country. 弃儿汤姆. 琼斯 为费尔丁赢 得了 散文荷马 的盛名 小说为读者提供了一幅英国 18 世纪乡 村与城市的宏伟的全景图 ( 大题 ) 3. Henry Fielding s novel The History of Amelia is a masterpiece on the subject of the story of the unfortunate life of an idealized woman, 3 / 20

4 a maudlin picture of the social life at the time. 阿米亚的故事 是 以一个理想化的女人的不幸生活为题材的故事, 反映了当时社会 生活的伤感图景 4. Henry Fielding adopted the third-person narration to relate a story in a novel, in which the author becomes the all- knowing God. 亨利 菲尔丁采用 第三人称叙述, 来讲述小说中的故事, 其中作者成为 全知的上帝 5.Of all the eighteenth - century novelists, Henry Fielding was the first to set out, both in theory and practice, to write specifically a comic epic in prose, the first to give the modern novel its structure and style. 在十八世纪所有小说家中, 亨利. 菲尔丁第一个 在理论与实践上创造了 散文体喜剧史诗, 并第一个为现代小说 确立了结构和风格 ( 大题 ) 6.For his contribution to the establishment of the form of the modern novel, Henry Fielding has been regarded as Father of the English Novel. 菲尔丁被一些人尊为 英国小说之父, 因为他为现代小说 模式的创立作出很大贡献 1. How has Fielding indeed achieved his goal of writing comic epic in prose in The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling? ( ) 答案 :A. The History of Tom Jones, a Foundling is generally considered Fielding s masterpiece. Tom Jones brings its author the name of the Prose Homer. (2 分 ) B. The panoramic view it provides of the 18th - century- English country and city life with scores of different places and a whole galley of about 40 characters is superb. (2 分 ) C. The language is one of clarity and suppleness. And the plot construction is excellent. (2 分 ) 第三章浪漫主义时期 本章重点 :1. 浪漫主义时期的文学特点和成就 2. 布莱克, 华兹 华斯和雪莱的诗歌以及奥斯丁的 傲慢与偏见 本章提示 : 华兹华斯和奥斯丁是本章的重中之重 知识点 1 浪漫主义时期时代背景 1. 浪漫主义时期的界定和历史文化背景 2. 华兹华斯 Lyrical Ballads 的出版标志着英国文学的浪漫主义时期的开始 3. 浪漫主 义时期的主要诗人 1.The major Romantic poets like Blake, Wordsworth, Coleridge, Byron, Shelley and Keats started a rebellion against the neoclassical literature, which was later regarded as the poetic revolution. 反对 新古典主义的运动被称为诗界革命 2.In English Romantic period Lake Poets refers to Robert Southey, Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. 英国浪漫主义 时期湖畔诗人指 : 罗伯特. 骚塞 柯尔律治和华兹华斯 3.The major representatives of the poetic revolution in English Romantic period were Samuel Taylor Coleridge and William Wordsworth. 英国浪漫主义时期诗歌革命的主要代表有柯尔律治 和华兹华斯 知识点 2 威廉. 布莱克 ( 想象力, 天真之歌 经验之歌 ) 知识点概览 :1. 布莱克的主要作品及作者的创作思想 ;2. 天 堂与地狱的结合 的社会背景, 内容和地位 ;3. 布莱克的两部诗 集 天真之歌 和 经验之歌 的主题, 社会意义以及其中 扫 烟囱的小男孩, 小羊羔 的选段赏析 1.William Blake s Marriage of Heaven and Hell composed during the climax of the French Revolution plays the double role both as a satire and a revolutionary prophecy. 威廉 布莱克在法国大革命 的高潮期间创作的 天堂与地狱的结合, 扮演了讽刺和革命性 预言的双重角色 2.The marriage, to Black, means the reconciliation of the contraries, not the subordination of the one to the other. 婚姻对布 莱克意味着矛盾的调和, 而并非一方从属于另一方 3. In Marriage of Heaven and Hell, William Blake explores the relationship of the contraries. Attraction and repulsion, reason and energy, love and hate, are necessary to human existence. 在 天堂与 地狱的结合 中, 威廉 布莱克探索了对立面之间的关系 ; 吸引和 排斥, 原因和能量, 爱与恨对人类的生存而言都是必要的 4.William Blake s Marriage of Heaven and Hell marks his entry into maturity. 威廉 布莱克的 天堂与地狱的结合, 标志着他 的作品进入成熟期 5.William Blake s central concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience is childhood, which gives the two books a strong social and historical reference. 布莱克的两部诗集 天真之 歌 和 经验之歌 中的作品, 大多涉及儿童的生活和经历, 如 扫烟囱的小男孩, 小羊羔 等 ( 大题 ) 6.William Blake s Songs of Experience paints a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone. 威廉 布 莱克第一本诗集 经验之歌 以一种忧郁的语气描绘了一个充满 悲伤, 贫穷, 疾病, 战争与压迫的世界 ( 大题 ) 7.The work Songs of Innocence by William Blake is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy world, though not without its evils and sufferings. 威廉 布莱克的 天真之歌 是一部诗集, 呈 现了一个虽然也不乏邪恶和痛苦, 但是依然幸福的世界 ( 大题 ) 8. The declaration that I know that This World is World of Imagination & Vision and that The Nature of my work is visionary or imaginative. belongs to William Blake. 布莱克热切得 宣布 : 我认为人世凡尘是一个充满想象与幻想的世界, 我的作 品也如人世凡尘一样充满想象与幻觉 9. Where intelligence was fallible, limited, the Imagination was our hope of contact with eternal forces, with the whole spiritual world. was said by William Blake. 布莱克说 当智力不可靠, 有限的时候, 想象力是我们与永恒的力量及整个精神世界接触的希望 1. Because I was happy upon the heath, And smil d among the winter s snow; They cloth d me in the clothes of death, And taught me to sing the notes of woe. (From Blake s Chimney Sweeper from Songs of Experience) (2013.4) 4 / 20

5 A. What does heath indicate? B. What does the clothes of death mean? C. What idea does the poem reveal? 答案 :A. uncultivated land covered with shrubs. B. clothes in dark color. C. the poem reveals the true nature of religion which helps bring misery to the poor children. 1.Briefly introduce Blake s Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. (2010.4) (2014.4) 答案 :A. The Songs of Innocence (1809) is a lovely volume of poems, presenting a happy and innocent world, though not without its evils and sufferings. (2 分 ) B. His Songs of Experience (1794) paints a different world, a world of misery, poverty, disease, war and repression with a melancholy tone. (2 分 ) C. Childhood is central to Blake s concern in the Songs of Innocence and Songs of Experience. (2 分 ) 知识点 3 威廉. 华兹华斯 ( 大自然的膜拜者 ) 知识点概览 :1. 华兹华斯的主要作品, 创作风格, 对文学的贡献 2. 抒情歌谣集 的地位 3. 诗歌赏析 孤独的收割者 我好似 一朵流云独自漫游 写于威斯敏斯特桥上 1.The leading figure of the English romantic poetry and the focal poetic voice of the period is William Wordsworth. 华兹华斯是英 国诗歌史上的精英, 是浪漫主义时期的杰出代表 2. According to the subjects, William Wordsworth s short poems can be classified into two groups, poems about nature and human life. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, An Evening Walk and Tintern Abbey by William Wordsworth are masterpieces on nature. 按照主 题, 华兹华斯的短诗可分为两大类 : 关于自然的和关于人类生活 的 我好似一朵流云独自漫游, 丁登寺 和 黄昏漫步 是他的自然诗歌 ( 大题 ) 3.Wordsworth s I Wondered Lonely as a Cloud is perhaps the most anthologized poem in English literature. 华兹华斯的 我好似一朵 流云独自漫游 可能是最多编入英国文学选集中的诗歌 4.William Wordsworth s masterpiece is The Prelude in which his philosophy of life is presented. 华兹华斯在他的代表作 序曲 中展 现了他的人生哲学 5.The work ranked by many critics as William Wordsworth s greatest work was Lyrical Ballads. 抒情诗歌谣 被许多评论家认为是华 兹华斯最伟大的作品 华兹华斯与塞缪尔 泰勒 柯勒律治合作的 抒情诗歌谣 象征着浪漫主义文学的开始 6.William Wordsworth s theory of poetry is calling for simple themes drawn from humble life expressed in the language of ordinary people. The preface to the second edition of Lyrical Ballads acts as a manifesto for the new school and sets forth his own critical creed. 诗 歌华兹华斯的诗歌理论是要求用普通人的语言, 从卑微的生命中 提取简单的主题 抒情歌谣集 的第二版前言充当了新思想的 自然的膜拜者 8.With so many poems like The Sparrow s Nest, To a Skylark, To the Cuckoo To a Butterfly, William Wordsworth is regarded as a worshiper of nature. 华兹华斯被视为 自然的崇拜者, 写的 诗歌有 麻雀的巢, 致云雀, 致杜鹃, 致蝴蝶 9.The most important contribution of William Wordsworth is that he not only started the modern poetry, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature. 华兹华斯对诗歌的巨大贡献在于开 启了现代诗歌, 开创了运用百姓生活语言写诗的新道路, 并号召 人们回归自然 ( 大题 ) 10. William Wordsworth maintained that the scenes and events of everyday life and the speech of ordinary people were the raw material of which poetry could and should be made. 华兹华斯强调 诗歌创作最要紧的是把握真实素材的来源, 他的创作理论的核心 便是诗人应该 选用人们真正用的语言 来写 普通生活里的事件 和情境 11.Poetry is defined by William Wordsworth as the spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings, which originates in emotion recollected in tranquility. 诗歌被华兹华斯定义为 强烈情感的自 然流露, 它起源于在平静中回忆起来的情感 ( 大题 ) 1. For oft, when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood, They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude; And then my heart with pleasure fills, And dances with the daffodils. A. Who is the poet of the quoted stanza? What is the title of the poem? B. What does that inward eye stand for? C. What idea do these quoted lines carry? (2012.7) (2013.7) 答案 :A. Wordsworth, I wonder Lonely as a Cloud /Daffodils (1 分 ) B. One s mind (1 分 ) C. The emptiness of the speaker s spirit is transformed into a fullness of feeling. It is great bliss to recollect the beauty of the nature in tranquility. (2 分 ) 1. What are William Wordsworth s contributions to the English literature? ( ) 答案 :A. Wordsworth s deliberate simplicity and refusal to decorate the truth of experience produced a kind of pure and profound poetry which no other poet has ever equaled. (2 分 ) B. William Wordsworth is the leading figure of the English romantic poetry. His is a voice of searchingly comprehensive humanity and one that inspires his audience to see the world freshly, sympathetically and naturally. (2 分 ) C. The most important contribution he has made is that he has not only started the modern poetry, but also changed the course of English poetry by using ordinary speech of the language and by advocating a return to nature(2 分 ) 宣言, 并提出了自己的批评性的信条 7.Among the Romantic poets William Wordsworth is regarded as a worshipper of nature. 在浪漫主义诗人中, 华兹华斯被称为 大 5 / 20 知识点 4 珀西. 雪莱 ( 抒情诗 西风颂 ) 知识点概览 :1. 珀西. 雪莱的主要作品, 抒情诗及诗歌风格 2. 诗 歌赏析 致英国人民 和 西风颂

6 1.One of Shelley s greatest political lyrics is Men of England which was later to become a rallying song of the British Communist Party. 雪莱最著名的政治抒情诗之一是 致英国人民, 这首诗在宪章 运动时期成为广大工人的战歌 ( 大题 ) 2. Shelley s political lyrics Men of England is not only a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, but an address to them pointing out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation. 雪莱的政治抒情诗 致英国人 民 不仅是一种呐喊, 呼吁全体劳动人民起来反抗他们的政治压 迫者, 而且是与他们的对话, 指出了对经济剥削无法忍受的不公 ( 大题 ) 3. If Winter comes, can Spring be far behind? the quoted line comes from Shelley s Ode to the West Wind. 冬天来了, 春天还会 远吗? 该行引述来自雪莱的 西风颂 ( 大题 ) 4.Shelley s Ode to the West Wind is the best of all the Romantic well-known lyric pieces. 雪莱的 西风颂 是所有浪漫主义时期著 名抒情诗中最好的一首 5. In The Cloud, Shelley created a Platonic symbol of the spirit of man, a force of beauty and regeneration. 在 云 这首诗中, 雪莱创 造了柏拉图式的人的精神, 美丽与再生的力量 6.Shelley s greatest achievement is his four-act poetic drama Prometheus Unbound, which is an exultant work in praise of humankind s potential. 雪莱的最伟大的成就是他的四幕诗剧 解放了的普罗米修斯, 这是赞美人类潜能的佳作 1. Wherefore, Bees of England, forge Many a weapon, chain, and scourge, That these stingless drones may spoil The forced produce of your toil? (2010.4) (2014.4) A. Identify the poet and the poem from which the lines are taken. B. What do you know about the poem s writing background? C. What do you think the poet intends to say in the poem? 答案 :A. Shelley & A Song : Men of England. (1 ) B. This poem was written in 1819, the year of the Peterloo Massacre( 彼得卢屠杀 ). (1 ) C. It is not only a war cry calling upon all working people to rise up against their political oppressors, but an address to them pointing out the intolerable injustice of economic exploitation.( 2 ) 2. Beside a pumice isle in Baiae s bay, And saw in sleep old palaces and towers Quivering within the wave s intenser day, All overgrown with azure moss and flowers So sweet, the sense faints picturing them! Thou For whose path the Atlantic s level powers (From Shelley s Ode to the West Wind ) (2010.7) A. In what form is the poem written? B. What does the quotation the sense faints picturing them mean? C. What idea does Shelley express in this poem? 答案 :A. The terza rima from Shelley derived from his reading of Dante. B. Seeing the images so beautiful one feel faint to describe them. C. He eulogizes the powerful west wind and expresses his eagerness to enjoy the boundless freedom from reality. 6 / 20 知识点 5 简. 奥斯汀 ( 爱与婚姻, 理智大于情感, 傲慢与偏见 ) 知识点概览 :1. 简奥斯汀对英国小说的贡献, 主要作品, 小说主 题 2. 简. 奥斯汀 傲慢与偏见 主题及故事情节 1.Because of her sensitivity to universal patterns of human behavior, Jane Austen has brought the English novel, as an art form, to its maturity. 由于她对人类行为的普遍模式十分敏感, 奥斯汀 使英国小说走向成熟 2.Jane Austen s first novel Sense and Sensibility tells a story about two sisters and their love affairs. 简奥斯汀的第一部小说是 理智 与情感 讲述了一对姐妹的恋爱经历 3. Pride and Prejudice, Sense and Sensibility and Emma are written by Jane Austen. 理智与情感 傲慢与偏见 和 爱玛 都是 简奥斯汀的作品 4. It is a truth universally acknowledged that a single man in possession of a good fortune, must be in want of a wife. The quoted lines are taken from Pride and Prejudice. 傲慢与偏见 中家喻户 晓的一句话是 这是一个众所周知的真理, 一位单身, 多金的男 人一定需要一位妻子 ( 大题 ) 5.Jane Austen s practical idealism is that love should be justified by reason and disciplined by self-control. 简 奥斯丁的实际理想主义 是爱应该在理智和自我控制的引导下才合适, 而她的作品也表现 了她强调的理智高于情感 6.The major theme of Jane Austen s novels is love and marriage in which female characters are always playing an active part. 简 奥斯汀 的小说主题是爱与婚姻, 其中女性都扮演着重要角色 7.Jane Austen s main literary concern is about the day-to-day country life of the upper-middle-class English. 简 奥斯丁文学作 品的主要关注点是英国乡村中上层的日常生活全貌 8.Pride and Prejudice, originally drafted as First Impressions in 1796, is the most delightful of Jane Austen s works. Our first impression, according to Jane Austen, are usually wrong. 傲慢与偏 见 原名 第一印象 是奥斯汀最出色的作品 奥斯汀认为人的 第一印象总是有失偏颇的 ( 大题 ) 1. What is the theme of Jane Austen s Pride and Prejudice? (2012.4) 答案 :Pride and Prejudice, originally drafted as First Impressions in 1796, is the most delightful of Jane Austen s works. (3 ) The title tells of a major concern of the novel: pride and prejudice. (3 ) 第四章维多利亚时期 本章重点 :1. 批判现实主义的文学特点以及自然主义的衍生 2. 狄更斯, 夏洛蒂和哈代的写作风格和特点 本章提示 : 狄更斯的作品和写作风格容易出简答和论述题 知识点 1 维多利亚时期时代背景 1. 维多利亚时期小说成为进步思想的重要表现形式 2. 维多利亚时期的诗歌特点 : 具有风格标新, 表达立异的特点 1.In the Victorian Period, novel became the most widely read and the most vital and challenging expression of progressive thought. 在维

7 多利亚时期, 小说最广泛的被人们阅读, 并且成为对进步思想的 最重要和具有挑战性的表现形式 2. England was the workshop of the world, the early years was a time of rapid economic development as well as serious social problems and towards the mid-century, England had reached its highest point of development as a world power are characteristics of the Victorian period. 维多利亚时期的时代特点是 : 英国成为 世 界工厂 ; 早期既出现经济的快速发展, 也带来严重的社会问题 ; 在接近本世纪中叶, 英国作为世界强国遥遥领先 知识点 2 查尔斯. 狄更斯 ( 人物描写 ) 知识点概览 : 1. 查尔斯. 狄更斯作品的批判现实主义思想主题及创作手法, 艺 术特色 2. 查尔斯. 狄更斯 雾都孤儿 主题及故事情节及风格 1. Charles Dickens is one of the greatest critical realist writers of the Victorian Age. 查理斯 狄更斯是维多利亚时期伟大的批判现实主 义作家之一 2. In Charles Dickens work Hard Times, the Utilitarian principle rules over the English education system and destroys young hearts and minds. 在狄更斯的作品 艰难时世 中, 功利主义原则主导 了英国教育体系并且摧毁了年轻人的心灵 3. Dickens attacks the dehumanizing workhouse system and the dark, criminal underworld life in Oliver Twist. 狄更斯的 雾都孤儿 反 映当时丧失人性的济贫院体系和黑社会犯罪 4.Dickens s first child hero is Oliver Twist. 狄更斯第一个儿童英 雄是 雾都孤儿 中的奥利弗 特维斯特 5. The most distinguishing feature of Charles Dickens works is character-portrayal. 狄更斯的作品最显著的特点是人物描写 6. Dickens best depicted characters are those innocent, virtuous, persecuted and helpless child characters, horrible and grotesque characters, broadly humorous or comical characters. 狄更斯最善于 描绘的人物有天真, 善良, 迫害和无助的孩子 ; 恐怖和怪诞的人 物 ; 还有幽默或滑稽人物 ( 大题 ) 7.Charles Dickens works are characterized by a mingling of humor and pathos. 狄更斯的作品还有一个特点, 是将幽默与哀伤的泪 水交汇起来 8. In Dickens later works: there are fewer jokes and the comedy becomes harsher; the novels are of great compactness and concentration; most of the works present a criticism of the more complicated and yet most fundamental social Institutions and morals of Victorian England. 狄 更斯后期的作品背景比较复杂 ; 故事结构更紧凑 这一时期的大 部分小说更加严厉的批判了更为复杂但最根基的社会机构和英 国维多利亚时代的道德, 这些作品包括 双城记, 荒凉山庄, 小多利特, 艰难时世 和 远大前程 早期的乐观情绪 也不复存在 9.In Little Dorrit, one of Dickens later works, Dickens presents a criticism of the governmental branches which run an indefinite procedure of management of affairs and keep the innocent in prison for life. 在狄更斯后期作品 小多利特 中, 他表达了对不遵循 固定规章制度管理事务并把无辜者送进监狱的政府机构的批判 1.What are the characteristics of Charles Dickens character portrayal? (2013.4)(2013.7) 答案 :A. The child characters: innocent, virtuous, persecuted and helpless, such as Oliver Twist, Little Nell, David Copperfield B. Horrible and grotesque characters like Fagin, Bill Sikes, and Quilp 知识点 3 夏洛特. 勃朗特 ( 家庭女教师, 简爱 ) 知识点概览 :1. 夏洛特. 勃朗特的主要作品, 主题及创作风格 2. 小 说 简爱 主题思想与人物塑造, 故事情节, 选段及人物性格分 析 3. 艾米莉 勃朗特的 呼啸山庄 也考查过简答题 1.Charlotte Brontё s Jane Eyre is noted for its sharp criticism of the existing society, e. g. the religious hypocrisy of charity institutions. 夏洛蒂 勃朗特 简爱 以对当时社会尖锐的批评而闻名于世, 比 如 : 慈善机构的宗教虚伪性 2. Do you think, because I am poor, obscure, plain, and little, I am soulless and heartless?... And if God had gifted me with some beauty, and much wealth, I should have made it as hard for you to leave me, as it is now for me to leave you. The quoted lines are most probably taken from Jane Eyre. 难道你认为, 因为我一贫如洗, 默默无闻, 长相平平, 矮小, 我就没有灵魂没有心吗?... 如果上帝赐予我一 点姿色和充足的财富, 我会让你难以离开我, 就像现在我难以离 开你一样 以上引语出自 简爱 夏洛蒂的第二部小说 简 爱 问世后立即大获成功 ( 大题 ) 3. Charlotte Bronte s autobiographical work Villette largely based on her experience in Brussels. 夏洛蒂 勃朗特的自传体作品 维莱特 主要是基于她在布鲁塞尔的经验 4. The success of Jane Eyre is also due to its introduction to the English novel the first governess heroine. 简爱 的成功在于首次把家庭女教师作为主角引入英国小说 5. The works of Charlotte Bronte are famous for the depiction of the life of the middle-class working women, particularly governesses. 夏洛特. 勃朗特的小说以塑造中产阶级职业女性, 尤其是家庭女教 师形象而著称 ( 大题 ) 6. Charlotte Bronte s works are all about the struggle of an individual consciousness towards self-realization, about some lonely and neglected young women with a fierce longing for love, understanding and a full, happy life. 夏洛蒂的作品主题几乎都是 个人自觉地为实现自我价值而奋斗, 都是有关一些孤独而卑微的 少女对爱情, 理解与完整幸福的生活的强烈渴求 ( 大题 ) 话题讨论 1. Make a comment on the character of Jane Eyre, the heroine of the novel by Charlotte Bronte. (2011.4) 答案 :A. Jane Eyre is an orphan child with a fiery spirit and a longing for love and be loved. (3 分 ) B. She is a poor, plain, little governess who dares to love her master and cuts a completely new woman image. (3 分 ) C. Jane Eyre represent those middle-class working women who are struggling for recognition of their basic rights and equality as a 7 / 20

8 human being. (4 分 ) 语言错误酌情扣分 知识点 4 托马斯. 哈代 ( 以角色与环境为纲, 自然主义作家 ) 知识点概览 :1. 托马斯. 哈代的主要作品, 主题, 语言风格及对其 文学的贡献 2. 哈代小说中环境, 氛围描述与人物内心世界的展示 3. 托马斯. 哈代 德伯家的苔丝 的创作主题及选段 1.Thomas Hardy s local-colored works include The Trumpet Major, The Return of the Native,The Woodlanders; also known as novels of character and environment. 托马斯. 哈代晚年的作品最富地方 色彩, 如 还乡, 号兵长, 卡斯特桥市长, 林地居 民, 德伯家的苔丝 与 无名的裘德 这些作品便是著名的 角色与环境为纲的小说 ( 大题 ) 2. From The Return of the Native on, the tragic sense becomes the keynote of Thomas Hardy s novels, the conflict between the traditional and the modern is brought to the center of the stage. 从 还乡 开始, 悲剧意识成为托马斯 哈代小说的主旨, 传统与现 代之间的冲突成为焦点 ( 大题 ) 3.Thomas Hardy reveal the conflict between the traditional and the modern in The Mayor of Casterbridge, Tess of the D' Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure. 哈代的小说中揭露了传统与现代冲突的作品有 卡斯特桥市长, 德伯家的苔丝 与 无名的裘德 4. Thomas Hardy s most cheerful and idyllic work is Under the Greenwood Tree. 托马斯 哈代的最愉快, 最田园诗般的作品是 绿树林下 5. Hardy s Tess of the D Urbervilles is a fierce attack on the hypocritical morality of the bourgeois society and the capitalist invasion into the country and destruction of the English peasantry towards the end of the century. 德伯家的苔丝 抨击了当时扭曲人 性的虚伪道德及破坏乡村宁静的资本主义价值观 ( 大题 ) 6. The tragic sense turns into despair in Thomas Hardy s Jude the Obscure, where cornered by the traditional social morality, the hero and the heroine have to kill their own will and passion and return to their former destructive way of life. 在托马斯 哈代的 无名的裘 德 中, 悲剧性变成绝望, 由于被传统的社会道德逼得走投无路, 男主人公和女主人公不得不灭掉自己的意志和激情, 回到他们以 前毁灭性的生活方式 ( 大题 ) 7.Thomas Hardy s pessimistic view of life predominates most of his later works and earns him a reputation as a naturalistic writer. 托马 斯 哈代悲观的人生观主导了大部分他晚期的作品, 并给他赢得了 自然主义作家的声誉 8. Thomas Hardy s works known as novels of character and environment are the most representatives of him as both a naturalistic and a critical realist writer. 托马斯. 哈代的作品被誉为 人物与环境小说, 最好的代表了作者自然主义与批判主义的写 作特点 ( 大题 ) 9.In Thomas Hardy s Wessex novels, there is an apparent nostalgic touch in his description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life. 在哈代的威塞克斯小说中, 他对尽管简陋但是简单 美 丽的乡村生活的描述中有一种明显的怀旧情怀 ( 大题 ) 1. Still, it was strange that they should have come to her while yet so young; more than strange, it was impressive, interesting, pathetic. Not guessing the cause, there was nothing to remind him that experience is as to intensity, and not as to duration. Tess s passing corporeal blight had been her mental harvest. ( ) A. Identify the author and the title of the novel from which this passage is taken. B. Who does him refer to? C. What does the last sentence of the passage mean? 答案 :A. From Thomas Hardy s Tess of the D urbervilles (1 分 ) B. Angel Clare. (1 分 )C. It means that the corporeal suffering that Tess has experienced makes her spiritually mature before her age. (2 分 ) 1. Thomas Hardy is often regarded as a transitional writer. Some critics believe that he is emotionally traditional and intellectually advanced. How do you understand this idea? (2010.7) 答案 :A. In Hardy s novel, there is an apparent nostalgic touch in description of the simple and beautiful though primitive rural life, which was gradually declining and disappearing in England at the time. He is always sympathetic with those traditional characters and mourns over their failure and misfortune. B. On the other hand, he was greatly influenced by Darwin s theory of survival of the fittest, and other modern philosophical thoughts, which led to his pessimistic determinism or naturalism in fiction. 话题讨论 Write no less than 150 words on each of the following topics in English in the corresponding space on the answer sheet. 1. Why is Hardy regarded as a naturalistic writer in English literature? Discuss in relation to his novels you know. (2010.4) 答案 :A. He read Darwin s The Origin of Species and accepted the idea of survival of the fittest. He was also influenced by Spencer s The First Principle, which led him to the belief that man s fate is predetermined tragic, driven by a combined force of nature, both inside and outside. In his works, man is shown inevitably bound by his won inherent nature and hereditary traits which prompt him to go and search for some specific happiness or success and set him in conflict with the environment. Man proves impotent before Fate, however he tries, and he seldom escapes his ordained destiny. This pessimistic view of life predominates most of Hardy s later works and earns him a reputation as a naturalistic writer. B. His best local-colored works are his later ones, such as The Return of the Native (1878), The Trumpet Major (1880), The Mayor of Casterbridge (1886), The Woodlanders (1887), Tess of the D Urbervilles and Jude the Obscure. These works, known as novels of character and environment, are the most representative of him as both a naturalistic and a critical realist writer. 第五章现代时期 本章重点 : 1. 英国现代文学中的不同流派以及各流派的代表作家 2. 萧伯纳和艾略特的写作风格和主要成就 本章提示 : 现代主义文学的特点可能以论述题的形式考查 ; 作品选读中出现 艾略特作品的可能较大 知识点 1 乔治. 萧伯纳 ( 仅次于莎翁的戏剧大师 ) 8 / 20

9 知识点概览 :1. 萧伯纳的政治改革思想和文学创作主张 2. 萧伯纳 的戏剧创作 : (1) 早期主要作品 : 鳏夫的房产 华伦夫人的 conventional theoretical situation. 萧伯纳的大部分戏剧都是通过 颠覆传统理论而构思出来的 职业 康蒂坦 凯撒和克莉奥佩特拉 (2) 中期作品 : 人与超人 巴巴拉少校 皮格马利翁 (3) 晚期作品 : 伤心之家 回到麦修色拉 圣女贞德 苹果车 3. 萧伯纳戏剧的特点与社会意义 4. 华伦夫人的职业 的故事梗 概 情节结构 人物塑造 语言风格 思想意义 5. 选读 : 所选作 品的主要内容 人物塑造 语言特点 艺术手法等 1.George Bernard Shaw is considered to be the best-known English dramatist since Shakespeare. 萧伯纳在戏剧方面被公认为自莎士 比亚后, 英国最优秀的戏剧大师 2. As a critic of music and drama, George Bernard Shaw held that art should serve social purposes by reflecting human life, revealing social contradictions and educating the common people. 作为一名音 乐和戏剧评论家, 萧伯纳主张艺术应该为社会服务, 反映人的生 活与社会矛盾并教育寻常百姓 ( 大题 ) 3. The typical representatives of George Bernard Shaw are Widowers House and Mrs. Warren s Profession. 乔治 萧伯纳典型代表作是 华伦夫人的 职业 和 鳏夫的房产 4.Written in 1893 but published 5 years later, Mrs. Warren s Profession is a play about the economic oppression of women. 萧伯 纳的戏剧 华伦夫人的职业, 写于 1893, 但却在 5 年以后出版, 主题是对妇女们经济上的压迫 ( 大题 ) 5. George Bernard Shaw s Widowers House is a grotesquely realistic exposure of slum landlordism. 萧伯纳的 鳏夫的房产 是 对贫民窟地主荒唐地真实揭露 6. George Bernard Shaw s play Too True to Be Good shows his almost nihilistic bitterness on the subjects of the cruelty and madness of World War I and the aimlessness and disillusion of the young. 萧 伯纳的作品 难以置信 主题是对残忍疯狂的战近乎虚无主义的 嘲讽和对幻灭失落的青年一代的忧伤 7. George Bernard Shaw s play Candida established his position as the leading playwright of his time. 乔治 萧伯纳的 康蒂妲 奠定 了他当时代主要剧作家的地位 8. Bernard Shaw wrote quite a few history plays, in which he kept an eye on the contemporary society. The important plays of this group are Caesar and Cleopatra and St. Joan. 萧伯纳写了不少历史剧, 其 中他密切关注当代社会 比较重要的有 凯撒和克莉奥帕特拉 (1898) 和 圣女贞德 (1923). 9. In Bernard Shaw s plays Back to Methuselah and Man and Superman, he explores his idea of Life Force, the power that would create superior beings to be equal to God and to solve all the social, moral, and metaphysical problems of human society. 在萧伯 纳的戏剧 回到马修撒拉时代 和 人与超人 中, 他探讨了他 的 生命的力量 的想法, 即等同于上帝的创造更高级的存在的力 量以及解决人类社会所有社会, 道德和形而上学的问题的力量 10. Much of Shavian drama is constructed around the inversion of a 9 / MRS. WARREN. [ after looking at her helplessly, begins to whimper ] Vivie VTVIE. [ springing up sharply ] Now pray don t begin to cry. Anything but that. I really cannot stand whimpering. I will go out of the room if you do. MRS. WARREN. [ piteously] Oh, my darling, how can you be so hard on me? Have I no rights over you as your mother? VTVIE. Are you my mother? MRS. WARREN. [ appalled ] Am I your mother! Oh, Vivie! VTVIE. Then where are our relatives? my father? our family friends? You claim the rights of a mother: the right to call me fool and child; to speak to me as no woman in authority over me at college dare speak to me; to dictate my way of life; and to force on me the acquaintance of a brute whom anyone can see to be the most vicious sort of London man about town. Before I give myself the trouble to resist such claims, I may as well find out whether they have any real existence. (2012.4) A. Identify the author and the title of the play from which the part is taken. (1 ) B. Summarize the theme of the play in one or two sentences. (1 ) C. What kind of person is the protagonist Vivie? (2 ) 答案 :A. George Bernard Shaw, Mrs. Warren s profession. B. The play is about the economic oppression of women. C. Vivie is a kind of new woman, intelligent and well educated, with a strong sense of injustice and a passion for honest work. 知识点 2 T.S. 艾略特 ( 意识流 ) 知识点概览 :1. 艾略特的主要诗歌作品 普鲁弗洛克的情歌 荒 原 圣灰星期三 四个四重奏 2. 艾略特诗歌的艺术特色及社会意义 ; 戏剧及艺术成就 3. 艾略特 的文学创作及文艺批评思想对现当代英国文学的影响 4. 荒原 主题 结构 神话 象征 语言特色及社会意义 5. 选读 : 普鲁弗洛克的情歌 的主题结构 思想内容 语言特 点 艺术手法等 1. T. S. Eliot won the Nobel Prize of Literature in T. S. Eliot 在 1948 年获得诺贝尔文学奖 2. T. S. Eliot s most important single poem The Waste Land has been hailed as a landmark and a model of the 20 th -century English poetry. T.S. Eliot 的 荒原 的出版, 可以看作是 20 世纪英国文学现代 主义时期的开端, 具有划时代的意义 3.T.S. Eliot s The Waste Land not only presents a panorama of physical disorder and spiritual desolation in the modern Western world, but also reflects the prevalent mood of disillusionment and despair of a whole post-war generation. T.S. Eliot 的 荒原 不仅全 面展现了现代西方社会物质上的错乱和精神上的颓败, 而且也反 映出战后一代人中盛行的幻灭与绝望 ( 大题 ) 4. The Waste Land by T.S. Eliot is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of a modern civilization in which human life has lost its meaning, significance and purpose. 荒原 一诗的主题是 表现现代文明中人们精神的堕落与崩溃, 人生已失去了意义与目

10 的 ( 大题 ) 5. T. S Eliot s poem Gerontion is heavily indebted to James Joyce in terms of the stream-of-consciousness technique, also a prelude to The Waste Land. 小老头 一诗很大程度上效仿了乔伊斯的意识 流手法, 而且艾略特在以后的创作中也大量运用了意识流, 并且 为 荒原 一书开篇 6. T. S. Eliot s Gerontion is a poem of dramatic monologue and a prelude to The Waste Land, helping to point up the continuity of Eliot s thinking. 艾略特的 小老头 一诗采用戏剧独白, 并且为 荒原 一书开篇, 强调了艾略特思想的连续性 7. T. S. Eliot s most striking early achievement The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is in a form of dramatic monologue. 他的第一首 重要诗作 J 阿尔弗瑞德 普鲁弗洛克的情歌 于 1915 年问世, 全 诗的形式是戏剧独白 ( 大题 ) 8. The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock, Eliot s most striking early achievement, presents the meditation of an aging young man over the business of proposing marriage. 他的第一首重要诗作 J 阿尔弗瑞 德 普鲁弗洛克的情歌 于 1915 年问世, 描述的是一位羞涩的中年 男人对求婚的思考 ( 大题 ) 9. T. S. Eliot s The Hollow Men bearing a strong thematic resemblance to The Waste Land, is generally regarded as the darkest of Eliot s poems. 空洞的人 在主题上十分近似 荒原, 是 艾略特最黑暗的诗 10.T. S. Eliot s Murder in the Cathedral is the best of his plays in the sense that it contains the best poetry and the most coherent drama. 艾略特的 大教堂谋杀案 是他最好的诗剧, 因为其中包含了他 最好的诗和最连贯的戏剧 11. T. S. Eliot s most popular verse play is Murder in the Cathedral. 艾略特最脍炙人口的韵文戏剧是 大教堂谋杀案 12. As an important prose writer, in his famous essay, Tradition and Individual Talent Eliot put great emphasis on the importance of tradition both in creative writing and in criticism. 在著名散文 传 统与个人天才 中, 他强调传统对创作与评论两方面的重要作用 : 1. Let us go then, you and I, When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table; Let us go, through certain half-deserted streets, The muttering retreats Of restless nights in one-night cheap hotels And sawdust restaurants with oyster- shells: (The lines above are taken from The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock by T. S Eliot. ) A. What does the poem present? B. What form is the poem composed in? C. What does the poem suggest?(2010.4)(2014.4) 答案 :A. It presents the meditation of an aging young man over the business of proposing marriage. B. dramatic monologue. C. The poem is in a form of dramatic monologue, suggesting an ironic contrast between a pretended Love Song and a confession of the speaker s incapability of facing up to love and to life in a sterile upper-class world. : 10 / The Waste Land is T. S. Eliot s most important single poem. What s the theme of the poem? (2011.7) 答案 :The theme of The Waste Land: The Waste Land is a poem concerned with the spiritual breakup of a modern civilization in which human life has lost its meaning, significance and purpose. The poem has developed a whole set of historical, cultural and religious themes; but it is often regarded as being primarily a reflection of the 20th-century disillusionment and frustration in a sterile and futile society. 知识点 3 D.H. 劳伦斯 ( 心理学主题 ) 知识点概览 :1. 劳伦斯的创作思想, 作品, 主要艺术特色及社会 意义 2. 劳伦斯的小说对现当代英国文学的影响 3. 劳伦斯的作品 儿子与情人 虹 恋爱中的女人, 其中 儿子与情 人 的故事梗概 情节结构 人物塑造 语言风格 思想意义 1.D. H. Lawrence was one of the first novelists to introduce themes of psychology into his works. D.H. 劳伦斯是第一个将心理学主题 带入作品的小说家 ( 大题 ) 2. D. H. Lawrence s autobiographical novel is Sons and Lovers. 儿 子与情人 是他的自传体作品 该作品出版后, 他才确立了杰出 小说家的地位 ( 大题 ) 3. D. H. Lawrence s autobiographical novel, Sons and Lovers shows the conflict between the earthy, coarse, energetic but often drunken father and the refined, strong-willed and up-climbing mother. 劳伦斯的自传体小说 儿子与情人, 展示了粗俗的, 精力充沛 但经常醉酒的父亲和有教养的, 意志坚强且积极上进的母亲之间 的冲突 4. D. H. Lawrence s novels The Rainbow and Women in Love are generally regarded as his masterpieces. 劳伦斯的 虹 和 恋爱中 的女人 被认为是他的代表作 5. Symbolism and complex narrative are employed more richly in D. H. Lawrence s The Rainbow and Women in Love, which are generally regarded as his masterpieces. 象征主义和复杂的叙述在 劳伦斯 虹 和 恋爱中的女人 中得到了更加丰富的运用, 因 此被认为是他的代表作 6. D. H. Lawrence s Women in Love is a remarkable novel in which the individual consciousness is subtly revealed and strands of themes are intricately wound up. 劳伦斯的 恋爱中的女人 是一 部了不起的小说, 其中个人意识被巧妙地揭示并且不同题材被错 综复杂的编制在一起 7. In D. H. Lawrence s novel Women in Love, Lawrence declared that any repression of the sexual impulse based on social, religious, or moral values of the civilized world would cause severe damage to the harmony of human and the psychic health of the individual s personality. 在劳伦斯的 恋爱中的女人 中, 他宣布, 基于文明 世界的社会, 宗教或道德价值的任何对性冲动的压抑都会对人类 的和谐与个人的人格心理健康造成严重损害 8. D. H. Lawrence s novel Women in Love is regarded to be a more profoundly ordered novel than any other written by Lawrence. 劳伦 斯的 恋爱中的女人 被认为比其他任何劳伦斯的小说更深刻的, 更有序

11 9. The plays A Collier s Friday Night, The Daughter - in Law and The Widowing of Mrs. Holroyed are known as the Lawrence trilogy. 劳伦斯的三部戏剧作品, 称为 劳伦斯三部曲, 这三 部戏是 矿工的周五夜晚, 儿媳 以及 守寡的霍尔罗伊德 夫人, 这三部作品的背景都是诺丁汉姆郡的工人阶级 10.Written out of D. H. Lawrence trip to Australia, Kangaroo gives a rich portrayal of the Australian life and scenery; but the subject is about the struggle for leadership in marriage as well as in politics. 以 D.H. 劳伦斯的澳洲之行为题材的 袋鼠 提供了在澳大利亚的 生活和风景的丰富写照 ; 但是其主题是关于争夺在婚姻和政治上 的领导地位 11. D. H. Lawrence s artistic tendency is mainly realism, which combines dramatic scenes with an authoritative commentary. 劳伦 斯继承了现实主义创作手法将戏剧化情节与权威性的评说结合 起来 ( 大题 ) 12. The major concern of D. H. Lawrence fiction lies in the tracing of the psychological development of his characters and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. 劳伦斯小说的主要探究他小说中人物心理发展, 以及资本主义工业化对人性的非人性化影响的有力抨击 ( 大题 ) 话题讨论 : 1. Discuss briefly the writings of D. H. Lawrence in thematic concerns and artistic tendency with reference to Sons and Lovers. (2013.7) 答案 :Lawrence is one of the greatest English novelists of the 20th century. The major characteristics of his novel are that he combined social criticism with psychological exploration in his novel writing. He was not concerned with technical innovations; his interest lays in the tracing of psychological development of his character and in his energetic criticism of the dehumanizing effect of the capitalist industrialization on human nature. 1The theme: In his writings, Lawrence has expressed a strong reaction against the mechanical civilization. 2Lawrence s influence to modern and contemporary English literature: He was one of the first novelists to introduce themes of psychology into his works. 3Lawrence s artistic tendency is mainly realism, which combines dramatic scenes with an authoritative commentary. 4In presenting the psychological aspects of his characters, Lawrence makes use of poetic imagination and symbolism in his writing. 美国文学 美国文学 第一章浪漫主义时期 Chapter 1The Romantic Period Chapter 2 The Realistic Period Chapter 3 The Modern Period III. Nathaniel Hawthorne IV. Walt Whitman V. Herman Melville I. Mark Twain II. Henry James III. Emily Dickinson IV. Theodore Dreiser I. Robert Lee Frost IV. F. Scott Fitzgerald V. Ernest Hemingway VI. William Faulkner 本章重点 :1. 美国浪漫主义文学的特点和发展 2. 霍桑, 惠特曼 和梅尔维尔的创作思想和风格 本章提示 : 惠特曼的创作思想和风格及其作品是本章的重点 知识点 1 纳撒尼尔 霍桑 ( 心理描写 象征手法, 罪恶 ) 知识点概览 :1. 霍桑的创作主涯及主要作品及贡献 2. 红字 的 主题 心理描写 象征手法和小说结构 3. 霍桑的清教主义思想及 加尔文教条中的 原罪 对霍桑的影响 ( 人性本恶的观点 )4. 选读 小伙子布朗 的主题结构 象征手法及语言特色 1.Hawthorne has a black vision of life and human being, which account for the fact that in almost every book he wrote, Hawthorne discusses sin and evil. 霍桑写的每一本小说几乎都在讨论罪与 恶 因为他认为, 人人内心都有邪恶 ( 大题 ) 2.In 1837, Nathaniel Hawthorne published Twice-Told Tales, a collection of short stories which attracted critical attention 年, 霍桑出版了 故事重述, 是一系列短篇小说, 并且受到了批判 性的关注 3.The works such as Mosses from an Old Manse and The Snow- Image and Other Twice-Told Tales demonstrate Hawthorne s early obsession with moral and psychological consequences of pride, selfishness and secret guilt that manifest themselves in human being. 古宅青苔 和 雪像 和 其他故事新编 证明霍桑早期对道 德和人性的骄傲, 自私和内疚的心理影响的痴迷 4.With the scarlet letter A as the biggest symbol of all, Hawthorne proves himself to be one of the best symbolists. 红字 是霍桑的 代表作, 讲述的是四个生活在清教社区以不同方式犯有通奸罪的 故事, 情节简单, 但内容感人 字母 A 呈现出最大的象征意义, 是霍桑象征主义手法的典型 ( 大题 ) 5. As a key to the whole novel of The Scarlet Letter, the letter A takes on different layers of symbolic meanings. The ambiguity is one of the salient characteristics of Hawthorne s art. 作为小说 红 字 的关键要素, 字母 A 呈现出不同层次的象征意义 模糊性是 霍桑艺术的显著特点之一 ( 大题 ) 6.The House of the Seven Gables was based on the tradition of a curse pronounced on Nathaniel Hawthorne s family when his great-grandfather was a judge in the Salem witchcraft trials. 有七 个尖角阁楼的房子 是以一个传说为基础的, 当霍桑的曾祖父在 塞勒姆巫术审判担任法官的时候, 他的家人受到了诅咒 7.In many of Hawthorne s stories and novels, the Puritan concept of life is condemned, especially in his The house of the Seven Gables and The Scarlet Letter. 在许多霍桑的故事和小说中, 尤其 是 有七个尖角阁楼的房子 和 红字, 清教徒的生活观念遭 到了谴责 8. The Blithedale Romance is a novel Hawthorne wrote to reveal his own experiences on the Brook Farm and his own methods as a psychological novelist. 霍桑的 福谷传奇 是一部透露了他在布 鲁克农场的经历和他作为心理小说家的一些方法的小说 9. The Marble Faun by Nathaniel Hawthorne, a romance set in Italy, is concerned about the dark aberrations of the human spirit. 纳撒尼 11 / 20

12 尔 霍桑的 大理石雕像, 一个以意大利为背景的传奇故事, 是 关于人的精神的黑暗和扭曲的 10. The Birthmark drives home symbolically Hawthorne s point that evil is man s birthmark, something he is born with. 在 胎记 中他一针见血地指出邪恶就是人类与生俱来的胎记 11.According to Nathaniel Hawthorne, There is evil in every human heart, which may remain latent, perhaps, through the whole life; but circumstances may rouse it to activity. 霍桑认为, 人人内心都有 邪恶, 这种邪恶也许一生都潜藏在内心, 但在一定的条件下就表 现出来 ( 大题 ) 12. Compelled by an unceasing interest in the interior of the heart of man s being, Hawthorne discusses sin and evil in almost every book he wrote. 受到对 内心 的兴趣的不断强迫, 霍桑几乎 在每本他写的书中都讨论罪与恶 ( 大题 ) 13.Hawthorne s intellectuals are usually villains, dreadful because they are devoid of warmth and feeling. 霍桑笔下的知识分子通常 是恶棍, 非常可怕, 因为他们缺乏温暖和感觉 14. To a great extent, Hawthorne s view of man and human history originates in Puritanism. 霍桑对人及人类历史的观点来自于清教 徒主义 ( 大题 ) 15.Nathaniel Hawthorne was affected by R. W. Emerson s transcendentalist theory and struck up a very intimate relationship with him. 霍桑受了爱默生的超验主义理论的影响并与他建立了 非常亲密的关系 1. Poor little Faith! thought he, for his heart smote him. What a wretch am I, to leave her on such an errand! She talks of dreams, too. Methought, as she spoke, there was trouble in her face, as if a dream had warned her what work is to be done tonight. But no, no; t would kill her to think it. Well; she s a blessed angel on earth; and after this one night, I ll cling to her skirts and follow her to heaven. A. Identify the author and the title of the work from which the above excerpt is taken. B. What does he refer to in the excerpt and what is he about to do tonight? C. Briefly describe the character s feelings. (2013.7) 答案 :A. Young Goodman Brown by Hawthorne. B. Goodman Brown, he decides to leave his wife Faith who pleads him not to go, to attend a witches' Sabbath in the woods. C. : 1. Please discuss Hawthorn s symbolism in his masterpiece The Scarlet Letter. ( ) 答案 :A. The symbol can be found everywhere in his writing, and his masterpiece provides the most conclusive proof. (2 分 ) B. By using Pearl as a thematic symbol, Hawthorne emphasizes the consequence the sin of adultery has brought to the community and people living in the community. (2 分 ) C. As a key to the whole novel, the letter A takes on different layers of symbolic meanings as the plot develops, but people come up with different interpretations and they do not know which one is definite. (2 分 ) 知识点 2 沃尔特 惠特曼 ( 个人主义, 自由诗 ) 12 / 20 知识点概览 : 1. 惠特曼的 草叶集 的主创意图 思想感情及诗体 形式 语言风格 2. 惠特曼的个人主义 3. 选读 草叶集 诗选 :" 一个孩子的成长 " " 自我之歌 " 的主题结构 诗歌的艺术特色 语言风格 1. The author of Leaves of Grass, a giant of American letters, is Whitman. 惠特曼是美国文学巨匠, 草叶集 是他的作品 2. As a poet with a strong sense of mission, Walt Whitman devoted all his life to the creation of the single poem, Leaves of Grass. 作 为一个有使命感的诗人, 惠特曼倾注自己一生的精力到 草叶集 的创作中 3. Walt Whitman s Leaves of Grass has always been considered a monumental work which commands great attention in America. 惠 特曼的 草叶集 具有里程碑意义, 在美国广受关注 4. In his Leaves of Grass, openness, freedom, and above all individualism, are all that concerned Walt Whitman. 开放, 自由, 尤其是个人主义都是惠特曼的 草叶集 所讨论的 ( 大题 ) 5. Walt Whitman s Drum Taps is a collection of poems incorporating his emotions and feelings before and during the Civil War when he stood firmly on the side of the North. 惠特曼的 桴鼓集 是一本诗 集, 融合了内战之前和期间当他坚定地站在北部的情绪和感受 6.Before and during the Civil War, Whitman stood firmly on the side of the North and wrote a series of poems incorporating his emotions and feelings during the period, which were gathered as a collection under the title of Drum Taps. 惠特曼的 桴鼓集 是一本 诗集, 融合了内战之前和期间当他坚定地站在北部的情绪和感受 ( 后来放到 草叶集 中出版 ) 7.Walt Whitman wrote down a great many poems to air his sorrow for the death of President Lincoln, and one of the famous is When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom d. 惠特曼写下了大量的诗 歌来表达他对林肯总统去世的悲伤, 最著名的一个是 当紫丁香 最后在庭院里盛开 8. As Walt Whitman saw it, poetry could play a vital part in the process of creating a new nation. It could enable Americans to celebrate their release from the Old World and the colonial rule. 惠特曼认为, 诗歌可以塑造新的民族精神 它可以用来庆祝美国 人从旧世界和殖民统治中得到释放 9. In his poetry, Whitman shows concern for the whole hard-working people and the burgeoning life of cities. 在诗歌中, 惠特曼对全体劳动人民和城市的新兴生活表示深切的关怀 10.Whitman s poems repeatedly and affectionately approve pursuit of love and happiness. 惠特曼的诗歌反复提到并认可对爱与幸福 的追求 ( 大题 ) 11. Two people could be twain yet one : their paths could be different, and yet they could achieve a kind of transcendent contact, Whitman believed. 惠特曼认为, 两个人可能是 合二为一 : 它们 的路径可能会有所不同, 但他们可以达到一种超然的联系 12. Walt Whitman believed, by means of free verse, he has turned poetry into an open field, an area of vital possibility where the reader can allow his own imagination to play. 惠特曼认为, 通过自由诗的

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