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FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited Fearless! Fearless Cancer Protection Plan Critical Illness Protection Participating life fwd.com.hk 24 3123 3123

Fearless! Life is a journey of fulfilling your dreams. Challenges open up a world of possibilities! One of the biggest fears in life has always been cancer, but we believe it is only a hurdle you can face without fear providing you are adequately prepared. Fearless Cancer Protection Plan (the Plan ) helps you to face the challenge with a 360º support and provides 100% of Sum Insured as Cancer Benefit¹ (if applicable). To cater to your specific needs, the Plan offers a range of Post Cancer Treatment Benefits² within 2 years from the first confirmed diagnosis of cancer, including Chinese Medicine Consultation, Dietician Consultation, Counselling Services and Physiotherapy, helping you to live your life without fear! Win with prompt action An early detection and prompt treatment is a key to win the battle against cancer. The Plan provides up to 2 claims of Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit3 and each claim offers an advance payment equivalent to 20% of Sum Insured (subject to a maximum of HK$240,000 / US$30,000 per claim per insured) ( Limited Advanced Payment ). Thereby enabling you to focus on getting the best treatment available as early as possible. Top medical team for your peace of mind An optimal treatment requires complete peace of mind. At FWD we are committed to giving you the most considerate care. As soon as cancer is diagnosed, a top U.S. medical institution can consult for a Second Medical Opinion⁷, with a team of renowned doctors ready to assist. Apart from cancer specialists, the Plan can also provide referral service ( Family Care Services ) 8 to help with taking care of your home. Through Family Care Services, you have immediate access to a wide range of carefully selected referral services including home-cleaning service, Chinese soup service, child care service and pet care service.

A new beginning with a full premium refund Upon policy maturity date, 100% of total premiums paid will be refunded (without interests)⁴, enabling you to continue to enjoy an enriching life. Even in the case of surrender, a partial amount of the total premiums paid according to the designated percentage of Refund of Premium Table could still be refunded⁴. In addition, the Plan offers Special Bonus⁵ (if any) to give you extra leverage in your cancer treatment or in pursuing your dreams. Simple application, your future in safe hands Application is quick and easy with affordable premiums⁹. Simply answer a few underwriting questions without the need for any medical check-up or submission of proof of health 10. You can then concentrate on living your life to the fullest. Embracing the changes in life As you enter into different life stages, your needs may change. The Plan provides the flexibility for you to freely apply for a new cancer protection plan⁶ when you turn 40 and / or 65 years old (Age Next Birthday) irrespective of your health condition at the time without evidence of insurability.

Plan Type Benefit Term Issue Age (Age Next Birthday) Basic Plan To age 85 1-65 1-60 1-55 Premium Payment Term 10 years 15 years 20 years Premium Structure Currency Premium Payment Mode Minimum Sum Insured Maximum Sum Insured The premium is non-guaranteed 9 but it will not be increased based on the age of the Insured on his or her next birthday. HKDUSD Monthly / Semi-Annually / Annually HK$180,000 / US$22,500 (per policy) HK$10,000,000 / US$1,250,000 (per life) 11 Refund of Premium (based on the designated percentage as shown in the below Refund of Premium Table) + Special Bonus 5 (if any) Refund of Premium Table (without interest) Surrender / Maturity Benefit 4 End of Policy Year 1-9 10-14 15-19 20-24 25-29 30-34 End of the 35 th policy year and thereafter (before the policy maturity date) Policy maturity date (age 85) Refund of Premium (Percentage of Total Premiums Paid) 0% 5% 20% 35% 50% 65% 80% 100% Cancer Benefit 1 Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit 3 (maximum 2 claims per insured) 2 ( ) Post Cancer Treatment Benefit 2 (Chinese Medicine Consultation, Counseling Services, Dietician Consultation and Physiotherapy) Death Benefit 12 Option to apply for new cancer protection plan at specified age 6 100% of the Sum Insured + Special Bonus 5 (if any) - Limited Advanced Payment Advanced payment of 20% of the Sum Insured (subject to a maximum of HK$240,000 / US$30,000 per claim per insured) + a proportionate Special Bonus 5 (if any) Up to US$75 / HK$600 per visit, 1 visit per day and 20 visits per lifetime (applicable to designated treatments under Post Cancer Treatment Benefit within 2 years from the date of first confirmed diagnosis of cancer) Refund of Premium (based on the designated percentage as shown in the above Refund of Premium Table) + Special Bonus 5 (if any) + HK$10,000 / US$1,250 Option to apply for a new cancer protection plan upon the Policy Anniversary which immediately comes on or after the respective ages of 40 and / or 65 (Age Next Birthday) of the insured without evidence of insurability. (the aggregate maximum of the Sums Insured shall be 100% of initial Sum Insured at the inception of original policy or HK$1,000,000 / US$125,000 per insured, whichever is lower)

Family Care Services 8 Second Medical Opinion 7 Service Program - refer a series of services upon Cancer Benefit or Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit has been paid, including the below items: Home-cleaning service Chinese soup service Child care service Pet care service Service Program 有關權益限制及不保事項之詳情, 請參閱相關保單條款 Limitation of benefits and exclusions apply, please refer to the relevant Policy Provisions for details. 以上資料只供參考及旨在描述本計劃的主要特點, 有關條款細則的詳細資料, 請參閱保單條款 本單張及保單條款於描述上有任何歧異, 應以保單條款英文原義為準 本單張中英對照, 如有任何歧異, 概以英文原義為準 The above information is for reference only and is indicative of the key features of the Plan. For a complete explanation of the terms and conditions, please refer to the Policy Provisions. In the event of any ambiguity or inconsistency between the terms of this leaflet and the Policy Provisions, the Policy Provisions in English shall prevail. In the event of any discrepancy between the English and Chinese version of this leaflet, the English version shall prevail. Carcinoma-in-situ or early stage malignancy of specific organs Carcinoma-in-situ of specific organs Breast Testes Cervix Uteri Prostate Uterus Ovary Ta Other specific organs (colon and rectum, penis, lung, liver, Fallopian Tube stomach and esophagus, nasopharynx and urinary tract (for the purpose of in-situ Vagina cancers of the bladder, stage Ta of papillary carcinoma is included)) Early stage malignancy of specific organ Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia 有關特定器官的原位癌或早期癌症詳情, 請參閱附於保單內之 特定器官之原位癌或早期癌症定義詮釋 Please refer to the Definition of Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Malignancy of Specific Organs as set out in the policy for details of carcinoma-in-situ or early stage malignancy of specific organs. 備註 : 1. 癌症權益只保障受保癌症 受保癌症指惡性腫瘤, 其特徵為惡性細胞漸進地不受控制地生長及擴散, 侵入及破壞正常及周邊組織 主要的介入性治療或大型手術被認為是必要的, 或已經進行紓緩治療 癌症必須由組織病理學報告證實腫瘤呈陽性 以下的情況除外 :(i) 除慢性淋巴性以外的白血病類別中, 沒有造成造血骨髓內白血病細胞廣泛擴散的情况 ;(ii) 原位癌 ( 包括子宮頸上皮內贅瘤 CIN-1 CIN-2 及 CIN-3) 或組織學上被界定為癌前病變的情况 ;(iii) 所有皮膚癌, 除非能夠證實腫瘤已經轉移或是利用 Breslow 組織學檢驗方法證明最高厚度超過 1.5mm 的惡性黑色素瘤 ;(iv) 非致命的癌症, 如 TNM 組織學分期在 T1(a) 或 T1(b)( 或其他分級方法中同等或更低分級 ) 的前列腺癌 ;(v) 微小甲狀腺乳頭狀癌 ;(vi) 非侵入性膀胱乳頭狀癌, 組織學上被界定為 TaN0M0 或更低的分級 ;(vii)rai 級別 I 或 Binet 級別 A-I 或以下級別的慢性淋巴性白血病 若與被保人之相關癌症有關的症狀之呈現 狀況之產生或相關診斷是在保單簽發日或最後批准復效日 ( 以較遲者為準 ) 起計 90 日內發生, 富衛人壽保險 ( 百慕達 ) 股份有限公司 ( 富衛 ) 將不會支付癌症權益 若被保人於首次確認診斷患上癌症的 14 日後仍然生存, 本計劃會支付癌症權益, 但倘若被保人於該 14 日內身故, 則本計劃只會支付身故權益 每張本計劃保單下的癌症權益, 只會就被保人終身賠償一次 當癌症權益支付以後, 投保人無需繼續繳付任何保費及富衛的責任只限於提供延伸癌症治療權益 癌症權益和身故權益將不會同時被支付 如原位癌或早期癌症權益曾被或應被支付, 預支限額將減低應付的癌症權益及特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 將會按比例相應減少 有關癌症權益的條款及細則 受保癌症之詳情及定義及不保事項, 請參閱保單條款 2. 只適用於在癌症權益獲賠償的情況下, 於首次確認診斷患上癌症日起計 2 年內, 富衛將會按延伸癌症治療權益就治療該受保癌症之合理及慣常的收費以實報實銷形式作出賠償 每名被保人每次就診最高賠償額為 600 港元 / 75 美元 ( 每日 1 次 ), 終身合計上限最多 20 次 即使被保人受保於多於 1 份本計劃之保單, 每被保人 ( 以終身計 ) 之延伸癌症治療權益上限仍為每日 1 次, 每次 600 港元 / 75 美元 ( 終身合計上限最多 20 次 ) 3. 原位癌或早期癌症權益只保障特定器官之原位癌或早期癌症 若與被保人之相關原位癌或早期癌症有關的症狀之呈現 狀況之產生或相關診斷是在保單簽發日或最後批准復效日 ( 以較遲者為準 ) 起計 90 日內發生, 富衛將不會支付原位癌或早期癌症權益 最多可獲 2 次的原位癌或早期癌症權益賠償 ( 每被保人計 ) 必須為兩處不同特定器官的原位癌或早期癌症, 每名被保人每次上限為 240,000 港元 / 30,000 美元, 當此權益獲預支後, 預支限額將減低應付的癌症權益及特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 將會按比例相應減少, 但有關保單之投保額及保費將不會相應調低 若被保人同時擁有多於 1 份保單作出類似或相關之賠償, 其每次可得之原位癌或早期癌症權益總金額不得超過最高限額 240,000 港元 / 30,000 美元 ( 每被保人計 ) 有關原位癌或早期癌症權益的條款及細則 特定器官之原位癌或早期癌症之詳情及定義及不保事項, 請參閱保單條款 4. 如保單沒有曾就或應就任何癌症權益或身故權益作出賠償, 投保人可於退保或保單期滿時獲回贈總已繳保費 ( 不包括任何利息 ) 之既定百份比及特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 詳情請參閱保費回贈表 如原位癌或早期癌症權益曾被或應被支付, 預支限額將不會減低保費回贈金額, 惟特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 將會按比例相應減少 5. 當保單生效期達 10 年或以上, 特別紅利 ( 此為非保證金額 ) 可能會於該保單作出癌症權益賠償或身故權益賠償 退保 保單期滿或若保單失效且未於一年保單復效期內申請復效, 在該復效期屆滿時支付 按比例之特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 亦可能會於支付原位癌或早期癌症權益時派發, 及後應付的特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 將會按比例相應減少 6. 投保人可於緊接被保人 40 及 / 或 65 歲 ( 下次生日年齡 ) 當日或之後的保單週年日前後 31 日內購買一份新的癌症保障計劃而無需提交任何可受保證明 ( 每被保人合計可增購之上限為原有基本投保額的 100% 或 1,000,000 港元 / 125,000 美元, 以較低者為準 ), 並且在原基本保單沒有應付或曾被支付任何權益及於原保單簽發時沒有附加保費及 / 或額外不保事項的情況下方可行使 於指定年齡可投保新癌症保障計劃受限於富衛當時提供之計劃, 並須符合富衛當時生效的一切規則及規定及每名被保人於所有指定危疾計劃的最高總投保額所限 此權益一經行使便不可撤回 7. 第二醫療意見服務由國際 SOS 提供, 所有相關服務收費及費用 ( 如有 ) 需由被保人自行支付 富衛將不會就國際 SOS 的行為或疏忽負上任何責任 而有關詳情或將被不時調整, 富衛恕不另行通知 8. 家庭關懷服務由奧思禮提供, 並且非保證續保 所有相關收費及費用 ( 如有 ) 需由被保人自行支付 富衛將不會就奧思禮及 / 或任何其附屬機構的行為或疏忽負上任何責任 而有關詳情或將被不時調整, 富衛恕不另行通知 9. 保費率並非保證不變, 富衛保留不時對保費作出檢討及調整之權利 10. 適用於就本計劃總投保額不超過 2,000,000 港元 / 250,000 美元 ( 需視乎富衛豁免驗身限額要求 ) 之香港居民, 並符合相關核保規定 11. 需受富衛當時所規定之每位被保人於所有指定危疾計劃的最高總投保額所限 12. 身故權益將會就沒有應付或曾被支付癌症權益的情況下支付 如原位癌或早期癌症權益曾被或應被支付, 預支限額將不會減低身故權益, 惟特別紅利 ( 如有 ) 將會按比例相應減少

重要事項及聲明 : 1. 本產品由富衛人壽保險 ( 百慕達 ) 有限公司 ( 富衛 ) 承保, 富衛全面負責一切計劃內容 保單批核 保障及賠償事宜 在投保前, 您應考慮本產品是否適合您的需要及您是否完全明白本產品所涉及的風險 除非您完全明白及同意本產品適合您, 否則您不應申請或購買本產品 在申請本計劃前, 請細閱以下相關風險 2. 本產品資料是由富衛發行 富衛對本產品資料所載資料的準確性承擔一切責任 本產品資料只在香港特別行政區派發, 並不能詮釋為在香港特別行政區境外出售, 游說購買或提供富衛的保險產品 本產品的銷售及申請程序必須在香港特別行政區境內進行及完成手續 3. 本產品是一項保險產品 繳付之保費並非銀行存款或定期存款, 本計劃不受香港特別行政區存款保障計劃所保障 4. 本產品乃一項含有儲蓄成份的危疾保障產品 保險費用成本及保單相關費用已包括在本計劃的所需繳付保費之內, 儘管本計劃的主要推銷文件 / 小冊子及 / 或本計劃的銷售文件沒有費用與收費表 / 費用與收費部份或沒有保費以外之額外收費 5. 本產品是一項儲蓄保險產品 如您在保單期滿前退保, 您可收回的款額可能會低於您已繳付的保費總額 6. 所有核保及理賠決定均取決於富衛, 富衛根據投保人及被保人於投保時所提供的資料而決定接受投保申請還是拒絕有關申請, 並退回全數已繳交之保費 ( 不連帶利息 ) 富衛保留接納 / 拒絕任何投保申請的權利並可拒絕您的投保申請而毋須給予任何理由 7. 以上全部權益及款項將於扣除保單負債 ( 如有 )( 如未清繳之保費或保單貸款及其利息 ), 如有, 後支付 8. 有關過去紅利資料, 請參考富衛網頁 (https://www.fwd.com.hk/tc/regulatory-disclosures/fulfilment-ratios/) 以下是富衛派發紅利的理念及投資策略.. (i) 派發紅利的理念 ( 最新資料請參考富衛網頁 https://www.fwd.com.hk/tc/regulatory-disclosures/dividend-bonus-declaration-philosophy/) 由富衛發出的分紅保單所派發予保單持有人之紅利乃非保證 保單持有人可透過宣佈紅利分享分紅保單的財務表現 財務表現涵蓋支持保單的資產的有關投資回報的投資表現, 及其他因素包括但不限於費用 續保率 索償和有關內部和外部狀況的展望 富衛將對比長期表現與實際表現, 若長期表現較實際表現不同, 非保證紅利將會因而調整 基於不同產品的計劃內容及保單權益有所不同, 紅利變動的次數和幅度或會因不同產品而異 一般來說, 較高風險的產品的紅利調整的次數會較多, 幅度亦較為明顯 同一產品下的保單可能被分配到有不同紅利的不同組別, 旨在更準確地反映有關財務表現 為減低紅利在保單年期內短期性波動及穩定紅利, 富衛可能派發部分相關年度財務表現予保單持有人 富衛至少每年檢討及宣佈紅利, 並會由董事會主席, 獨立非執行董事及獲委任精算師作書面聲明 (ii) 投資策略富衛的投資組合採用均衡資產分配投資策略, 主要包括投資級別定息類型證券, 以履行保證保單財務責任 為提高長遠投資表現予非保證保單權益, 此投資組合亦包括股權類型投資 投資策略 : 固定收益類型證券 ( 目標之 84.0%) 及股權類型投資 ( 目標之 16.0%) 在投資組合規模容許下, 投資將橫跨於不同地區及行業達到多元化效果 富衛會透過直接投資於與保單相同貨幣或與保單貨幣對沖的工具, 減低有關保單之貨幣風險 此外, 投資組合是由專業投資人士管理 除定時檢討, 富衛亦保留不時更改投資策略權利, 並會將重大改變通知保單持有人 9. 如您對保單不滿意, 則在您未曾於本保單下作出過任何索償的前提下, 您有權在 冷靜期 內以書面要求取消保單及取回所有已繳交的保費 您必須確保富衛辦事處在您的保單的 冷靜期 ( 保單交付給您 / 您的代表或 通知書 ( 說明已經可領取保單和 冷靜期 的屆滿日 ) 發予您 / 您的代表後起計的 21 天內, 以較早者為準 ) 屆滿日或之前直接收到附有您的親筆簽署的通知書 富衛辦事處的地址為香港中環德輔道中 308 號富衛金融中心 1 樓 10. 於保單或附約生效期間, 保單權益人可向富衛作出書面申請退回或終止保單或附約 11. 本產品之保單條款受香港特別行政區的法律所規管 12. 以上資料只供參考及旨在描述產品主要特點, 有關條款細則的詳細資料及所有不保事項, 請參閱保單條款 本單張及保單條款內容於描述上有任何歧異, 應以保單條款英文原義為準 如欲在投保前參閱保險合約條款及細則, 您可向富衛索取 本單張中英對照, 如有任何歧異, 概以英文原義為準 13. 富衛必須遵從稅務條例的下列規定以便稅務局自動交換某些財務帳戶資料 : (i) 識辨非豁除 財務帳戶 的帳戶 ( 非豁除財務帳戶 ); (ii) 識辨非豁除財務帳戶的個人持有人及非豁除財務帳戶的實體持有人作為稅務居民的司法管轄區 ; (iii) 斷定以實體持有的非豁除財務帳戶為 被動非財務實體 之身份及識辨控權人作為稅務居民的司法管轄區 ; (iv) 收集有關非豁除財務帳戶的資料 ( 所需資料 ); 及 (v) 向稅務局提供所需資料 保單權益人必須遵從富衛所提出的要求用以符合上述規定 本產品有哪些主要風險? 信貸風險本產品是由本公司發出的保單 投保本保險產品或其任何保單利益須承受本公司的信貸風險 保單持有人將承擔本公司無法履行保單財務責任的違約風險 流動性風險本產品為長期保險保單 此長期保險保單有既定的保單期限, 保單期限由保單生效日起至保單期滿日止 保單含有價值, 如您於較早的保障年期或保單期滿日前退保, 您可收回的金額可能會大幅低於您已繳付的保費總額 投保本計劃有機會對您的財務狀況構成流動性風險, 您須承擔本計劃之流動性風險 外幣匯率及貨幣風險投保外幣為保單貨幣的保險產品須承受外幣匯率及貨幣風險 請注意外幣或會受相關監管機構控制及管理 ( 例如, 外匯限制 ) 若保險產品的貨幣單位與您的本國貨幣不同, 任何保單貨幣對您的本國貨幣匯率之變動將直接影響您的應付保費及可取利益 舉例來說, 如果保單貨幣對您的本國貨幣大幅貶值, 因匯率波動引致的潛在損失將對您於本產品可獲得的利益及繳付保費的負擔構成負面影響 通脹風險請注意通脹會導致未來生活費用增加 即使本公司履行所有合約責任, 實際保單權益可能不足以應付將來的保障需要 提早退保風險如您在較早的保障年期或在保單期滿日前退保, 您可收回的款額可能會大幅低於您已繳付的保費總額 不保證權益不保證權益 ( 包括但不限於週年紅利 / 特別紅利 ) 是非保證的, 並按照派發紅利的理念由富衛自行決定 不保事項以下不保事項適用於癌症權益 原位癌或早期癌症權益及延伸癌症治療權益 若被保人在保單簽發日起計九十天內出現相關癌症或特定器官之原位癌或早期癌症之徵狀 狀況或被證實患有上述癌症或特定器官之原位癌或早期癌症, 本公司將不作癌症權益或原位癌或早期癌症權益之賠償 若被保人直接或間接由下列任何原因引致損失 / 索償, 將不能獲得賠償 : 1. 感染人類免疫力缺乏病毒 (HIV) 所引致之任何疾病, 包括愛滋病 (AIDS) 和 / 或各種突變, 衍生或變異 2. 受保前已存在之狀況 3. 由於服用過量有毒性之藥物, 精神科藥物, 吸毒或濫用酒精或濫用溶劑及物質而引起的狀況, 醫生處方開列用於治療傷病之藥物除外 保費調整保費為非保證, 並可因各種因素而大幅增加, 當中包括但不限於索償經驗及保單續保率 但保費不會按照被保人之下次生日年齡而增加 保費年期及欠繳保費保單的保費供款年期為 10 年或 15 年或 20 年 任何到期繳付之保費均可獲本公司准予保費到期日起計 30 天的寬限期 若在寬限期後仍未繳付保費而保單沒有現金價值, 保單將由首次未繳保費的到期日起終止 若保單有可作貸款的現金價值, 本公司將自動從該現金價值以貸款形式撥出部份現金以墊繳保費 當保單貸款及利息總額相等於或超逾保單可貸款的現金價值時, 保單將會終止, 而您可能會失去全部權益 終止保單保單將在下列其中一個日期終止, 以較早為準 : 1. 被保人身故日 ; 或 2. 被保人 85 歲生日前之保單週年日 ; 或 3. 依本公司退保相關規定所認定之退保日 ; 或 4. 寬限期滿後仍未繳付保費 ( 在此情況下, 本保單於保費最初到期未繳日失效 ); 或 5. 當被保人的首次確認診斷患上癌症日起計的兩年期間屆滿 ; 或 6. 根據本計劃簽發的所有保單下所應付的延伸癌症治療權益, 總治療次數累計已達 20 次 為免存疑, 倘保單於被保人首次確認診斷患上癌症日起計的 2 年期間屆滿, 被保人只要尚在生即仍可繼續享有延伸癌症治療權益直至該 2 年限期終結為止或總治療次數已達其累計上限, 以較早出現者為準

Remarks: 1. Cancer Benefit is only applicable to covered cancers. Covered cancer shall mean the presence of a malignant tumour that is characterised by progressive, uncontrolled growth, spread of malignant cells and invasion and destruction of normal and surrounding tissue. Major interventionist treatment or major surgery must be considered necessary or palliative care must have been initiated. Cancer must be positively diagnosed with histopathological confirmation. The following tumours are excluded: (i) Leukaemia other than chronic lymphocytic leukaemia if there is no generalized dissemination of leukaemia cells in the blood-forming bone marrow; (ii) Tumours showing the malignant changes of carcinoma in situ (including cervical dysplasia CIN-1, CIN-2 and CIN-3) or which are histologically described as pre-malignant; (iii) All skin cancers, unless there is evidence of metastases or the tumour is a malignant melanoma of greater than 1.5mm maximum thickness as determined by histological examination using the Breslow method; (iv) Non life-threatening cancers, such as prostate cancers which are histologically described as TNM Classification T1(a) or T1(b), or are of another equivalent or lesser classification; (v) Papillary micro-carcinoma of the thyroid; (vi) Non-invasive papillary cancer of the bladder histologically described as TaN0M0 or of a lesser classification; and (vii) Chronic lymphocytic leukaemia with staging RAI Stage I or Binet Stage A-I or less classification. FWD Life Insurance Company (Bermuda) Limited ( FWD ) shall not pay the Cancer Benefit where the symptoms appear, the condition occurs or the diagnosis relating to the relevant cancer occurs within the first 90 days from the policy date or the date of last reinstatement date, whichever is later. If the insured survives more than 14 days from the date of the first confirmed diagnosis of cancer, the Cancer Benefit will be payable. However, if the insured dies within such 14 days, only the Death Benefit is payable. Cancer Benefit under each policy of this Plan shall be payable only once during the insured s lifetime. After the Cancer Benefit is paid, the policy owner does not need to pay any further premium and all FWD s liability (if any) shall be limited to the Post Cancer Treatment Benefit. Cancer Benefit shall not be paid in conjunction with the Death Benefit. If any Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit is payable or has been paid, the Cancer Benefit payable will be reduced by Limited Advanced Payment and the Special Bonus (if any) thereafter shall be reduced on a pro rata basis accordingly. Please refer to the Policy Provisions for the terms and conditions of Cancer Benefit, details and definition of covered cancers and exclusions. 2. FWD would only reimburse the reasonable and customary charges incurred for the Post Cancer Treatment Benefit to treat covered cancer within 2 years from the first date of confirmed diagnosis of cancer, provided that Cancer Benefit has been paid or become payable. It is subject to HK$600 / US$75 per visit per insured (1 visit per day) and maximum aggregate number of 20 visits per life. Even if the insured is insured by more than 1 policy of the Plan, the maximum Post Cancer Treatment Benefit (per life) is still HK$600 / US$75 per visit per insured and 1 visit per day (subject to the maximum aggregate number of 20 visits per life). 3. Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit is only applicable to carcinoma-in-situ or early stage malignancy of specific organs. FWD shall not pay the Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit where the symptoms appear, the condition occurs or the diagnosis relating to the relevant cancer occurs within the first 90 days from the policy date or the date of last reinstatement date, whichever is later. The maximum of 2 claims (per insured) of Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit must be carcinoma-in-situ or early stage malignancy of specific organs occurring in two different specific organs and is subject to a maximum of HK$240,000 / US$30,000 per insured of each claim. After this benefit is paid in advance, the Cancer Benefit payable will be reduced by Limited Advanced Payment and the Special Bonus (if any) thereafter shall be reduced on a pro rata basis accordingly, but the Sum Insured and premium of the policy will remain unchanged. If the insured has more than 1 policy with a similar or related benefit, the total payment of Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit shall not exceed the maximum amount of HK$240,000 / US$30,000 per life for each claim. Please refer to the Policy Provisions for the terms and conditions of Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit, details and definition of carcinoma-in-situ or early stage malignancy of specific organs and exclusions. 4. If no Cancer Benefit or Death Benefit has been paid or become payable under the policy, a designated percentage of the total premiums paid (without interest) and Special Bonus (if any) would be refunded to the policy owner when the policy is surrendered or matured. Please refer to the Refund of Premium Table for details. If any Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit is payable or has been paid, the premium refundable will not be reduced by Limited Advanced Payment but the Special Bonus (if any) thereafter shall be reduced on a pro rata basis accordingly. 5. When the policy has been in effect for 10 years or more, a Special Bonus, which is not guaranteed, may be payable under the policy upon the payment of Cancer Benefit or Death Benefit under the policy, surrender, maturity or at the end of the one year reinstatement period if the policy lapses and is not reinstated within the period. A proportionate Special Bonus, if any, may be also paid upon payment of the Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit. Special Bonus (if any) will then be reduced on a pro rata basis accordingly. 6. The policy owner has the right to apply for a new cancer protection plan within 31 days immediately before or after relevant Policy Anniversary which immediately comes on or after the respective ages of 40 and / or 65 (Age Next Birthday) of the insured without providing further evidence of insurability on the insured (the aggregate maximum of the Sums Insured under such new policies shall be the initial Sum Insured of original policy or HK$1,000,000 / US$125,000 per life, whichever is lower), provided that no benefit has been paid or become payable under the original policy, and no loading premium and / or additional individual exclusions when the original policy is issued. This right shall be subject to the plan available at the time of application and such terms and conditions of FWD and the aggregate maximum Sum Insured per life of all designated critical illness policies, which is determined by FWD s then rules and regulations. This benefit is irrevocable after execution. 7. The service is provided by International SOS and is not guaranteed renewable. All relevant fees and charges (if any) of this service shall be borne by the insured. FWD shall not be responsible for any act or failure to act on the part of International SOS. Details of the services may be revised from time to time without FWD s prior notice. 8. The service is provided by Aspire Lifestyles ( Aspire ) and is not guaranteed renewable. All relevant fees and charges (if any) of this service shall be borne by the insured. FWD shall not be responsible for any act or failure to act on the part of Aspire and / or any of its affiliates. Details of the services may be revised from time to time without FWD s prior notice. 9. Premium rates are not guaranteed and FWD reserves the right to review and revise the premium rates from time to time. 10. Only applicable to Hong Kong residents whose aggregate Sum Insured under the Plan does not exceed HK$2,000,000 / US$250,000 (subject to the aggregate non-medical check-up limit of FWD) and subject to relevant underwriting requirements. 11. Subject to the aggregate maximum Sum Insured per life of all designated critical illness policies, which is determined by FWD s prevailing rules and regulations. 12. The Death Benefit is payable if no Cancer Benefit is payable or has been paid. If any Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit is payable or has been paid, Death Benefit will not be reduced by Limited Advanced Payment but the Special Bonus (if any) thereafter shall be reduced on a pro rata basis accordingly. Important Notes and Declarations: 1. This product is underwritten by FWD. FWD is solely responsible for all features, Policy approval, coverage and benefit payment under the product. FWD recommends that you carefully consider whether the product is suitable for you in view of your financial needs and that you fully understand the risk involved in the product before submitting your application. You should not apply for or purchase the product unless you fully understand it and you agree it is suitable for you. Please read through the following related risks before making any application of the product. 2. This product material is issued by FWD. FWD accepts full responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained in this product material. This product material is intended to be distributed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region only and shall not be construed as an offer to sell, a solicitation to buy or the provision of any insurance products of FWD outside the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. All selling and application procedures of the product must be conducted and completed in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 3. This product is an insurance product. The premium paid is not a bank savings deposit or time deposit. The product is not protected under the Deposit Protection Scheme in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 4. This product is a critical illness product with a savings element. The costs of insurance and the related costs of the policy are included in the premium paid under this plan despite the product brochure / leaflet and / or the illustration documents of this plan having no schedule / section of fees and charges or no additional charge noted other than the premium. 5. The product is a savings insurance product. If you surrender your Policy before its maturity date, the amount you get back may be less than the total premium you have paid. 6. All underwriting and claims decisions are made by FWD. FWD relies upon the information provided by the applicant and the Insured in the insurance application to decide to accept or decline the application with a full refund of any premium paid without interest. FWD reserves the right to accept / reject any insurance application and can decline your insurance application without giving any reason. 7. All the above benefits and payment are paid after deducting policy debts (if any, e.g. unpaid premiums or premium loan and the interest of the loan). 8. Please refer to FWD s website (https://www.fwd.com.hk/en/regulatory-disclosures/fulfilment-ratios/) for dividend / bonus history. The dividend / bonus declaration philosophy and investment strategy of FWD are shown below: (i) Dividend / Bonus Declaration Philosophy (Please refer to FWD s website for latest information: https://www.fwd.com.hk/en/regulatory-disclosures/dividendbonus-declaration-philosophy/) FWD issues participating policies, which offer the policyholders with dividend / bonus benefits that are not guaranteed. Through the policy dividend / bonus declaration, the policyholders participate in the financial performance of the participating products. Financial performance covers investment performance of the underlying investment return on asset supporting those policies, as well as other factors including but not limited to expenses, persistency, claims and the future outlook as pertaining to both internal and external conditions. The experience over the long-term is compared against expectation, and the non-guaranteed dividend / bonus is adjusted if the experience over the long-term is different from the expectation. Due to the variation of features and benefits of different products, the frequency and magnitude for the change in dividend / bonus scale may vary for different products. In general, the adjustments on dividend / bonus scale are more frequent and significant for products with higher risk profile. Policies of the same product may be separated into different bucket with different dividend / bonus rates, with an aim to more closely reflect the underlying financial performance. To stabilize the dividend / bonus, FWD may distribute a proportion of the financial performance in a particular year attributable to the policyholder, with an aim to smooth out the short-term volatility of dividend / bonus rate over the course of the policy term. FWD review and declare the dividend / bonus rate at least annually, with written declaration by the Chairman of the Board, an Independent Non-Executive Director and the Appointed Actuary. (ii) Investment Strategy FWD s asset portfolio employs a balanced asset allocation investment strategy, which consists primarily of investment graded fixed income type securities to meet the guaranteed financial obligation. Equity-type investments are also utilized to enhance the investment performance in the long run for non-guaranteed benefits. The investment strategies are: Fixed income type securities (Target 84.0%) and equity-type investments (Target 16.0%).

The asset portfolio also targets to provide diversification across different geographic regions and industries to the extent the size of portfolio can support. Currency exposure of the underlying policies is mitigated by closely matching either through direct investments in the same currency denomination or the use of currency hedging instruments. Furthermore, the asset portfolio is actively managed by investment professionals to closely monitor the investment performance. In addition to conducting regular review, FWD also reserves the right to change the investment strategy and shall notify policyholders of any material changes. 9. If you are not satisfied with the Policy, you have the right to cancel it within the Cooling-off Period and obtain a refund of any premium paid provided that you have not made any claims under the Policy. A written notice signed by you should be received by the office of FWD at 1/F., FWD Financial Centre, 308 Des Voeux Road Central, Hong Kong within the Cooling-Off Period (that is, 21 days after either the delivery of the Policy or the issue of a Notice informing you or your representative that the Policy is available for collection and Expiry Date of the Cooling-off Period, whichever is earlier). 10. While the Policy or rider is in force, the Policy Owner may surrender or terminate the Policy or rider by sending a written request to FWD. 11. The Policy Provisions of the product are governed by the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 12. This product material is for reference only and is indicative of the key features of the product. For the exact terms and conditions and the full list of exclusions of the product, please refer to the Policy Provisions of the product. In the event of any ambiguity or inconsistency between the terms of this leaflet and the Policy Provisions, the Policy Provisions in English shall prevail. If you want to read the terms and conditions of the policy provisions before making an application, you can obtain a copy from FWD. In the event of discrepancies between the English and Chinese versions of this product material, the English version shall prevail. 13. FWD must comply with the following requirements of the Inland Revenue Ordinance to facilitate the Inland Revenue Department automatically exchanging certain financial account information: (i) to identify accounts as non-excluded financial accounts ( NEFAs ); (ii) to identify the jurisdiction(s) in which NEFA-holding individuals and NEFA-holding entities reside for tax purposes; (iii) to determine the status of NEFA-holding entities as passive NFEs and identify the jurisdiction(s) in which their controlling persons reside for tax purposes; (iv) to collect information on NEFAs ( Required Information ); and (v) to furnish Required Information to the Inland Revenue Department. The Policy Owner must comply with requests made by FWD to comply with the above listed requirements. What are the key product risks? Credit risk This product is an insurance policy issued by the Company. The application of this insurance product and all benefits payable under your policy are subject to the credit risk of the Company. You will bear the default risk in the event that the Company is unable to satisfy its financial obligations under this insurance contract. Liquidity risk This product is a long term insurance policy. This policy of long term insurance will be made for certain determined term of years starting from the policy effective date to the policy maturity date. The policy contains value and, if you surrender your policy in the early policy years or before its maturity date, the amount you get back may be considerably less than the total premium you have paid. Application of the Plan may constitute the liquidity risk to your financial condition. You need to bear the liquidity risk associated with the Plan. Exchange rate and currency risk The application of this insurance product with the policy currency denominated in a foreign currency is subject to that foreign currency s exchange rate and currency risk. The foreign currency may be subject to the relevant regulatory bodies control (for example, exchange restrictions). If your home currency is different from the policy currency, please note that any exchange rate fluctuation between your home currency and the policy currency of this insurance product will have a direct impact on the amount of premium required and the value of benefit(s) to be received. For instance, if the policy currency of the insurance product depreciates substantially against your home currency, the potential loss arising from such exchange rate movement may have a negative impact on the benefits you receive from the product and your burden of the premium payment. Inflation risk The cost of living in the future may be higher than now due to the effects of inflation. Therefore, the benefits under this policy may not be sufficient for the increasing protection needs in the future even if the Company fulfills all of its contractual obligations. Early surrender risk If you surrender your policy in the early policy years or before its maturity date, the amount of the benefit you will get back may be considerably less than the total amount of the premiums you paid. Non-guaranteed benefits Non-guaranteed benefits (including but not limited to Annual Dividend / Special Bonus) are not guaranteed and are determined at FWD s discretion based on its Dividend / Bonus declaration philosophy. Exclusions The below exclusions apply to Cancer Benefit, Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit and Post Cancer Treatment Benefit. The Company will not pay the Cancer Benefit or Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Cancer Benefit where the symptoms appear, the condition occurs or the diagnosis relating to the relevant Cancer or Carcinoma-in-situ or Early Stage Malignancy of Specific Organs occurs within the first 90 days from the Policy Date. This Policy shall not cover any loss / claim directly or indirectly caused by or resulting from any of the following: 1. Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) related illness, including Acquired Immunization Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) and / or any mutations, derivations or variations thereof, which is derived from an HIV infection. 2. Pre-existing Conditions. 3. Any condition arising out of consumption of poisoning drugs, psychiatric drug, drug abuse, alcohol abuse, abuse of solvents, and other substances unless prescribed by a Medical Practitioner for treatment. Premium adjustment The premium is non-guaranteed and may significantly increase due to factors including but not limited to claims experience and policy persistency. However, the premium will not be increased based on the age of the Insured on his or her next birthday. Premium term and non-payment of premium The premium payment term of the policy is 10,15 or 20 years. The Company allows a Grace Period of 30 days after the premium due date for payment of each premium. If a premium is still unpaid at the expiration of the Grace Period and the policy has no cash value, the policy will be terminated from the date the first unpaid premium was due. If the policy has any loanable cash value, the Company shall automatically advance the amount of premium due as a loan against such loanable cash value of the policy. Once the total amount of outstanding loan and interest accrued thereon is equal to or exceeds the loanable cash value of the policy, the policy will be terminated. Please note that once the policy is terminated on this basis, you will lose all of your benefits. Termination conditions The Policy shall terminate on the earliest of the following: 1. The death of the Insured. 2. The Policy Anniversary immediately preceding the 85th birthday of the Insured. 3. The date of Policy surrender. Such date is determined in accordance with the Company s applicable rules and regulations in relation to Policy surrender. 4. The end of the Grace Period of any premium due and not received by the Company (and in which case, this Policy shall cease to be in force from the first due date of the outstanding premium). 5. The expiry date of a period of 2 years from the date of the Insured s First Confirmed Diagnosis of Cancer. 6. The aggregate number of visits over which Post Cancer Treatment Benefit is payable of multiple policies issued under this Plan reaches 20 visits. For the avoidance of doubt, in the event that this Policy expires prior to the expiry of a period of two (2) years from the date of the Insured s First Confirmed Diagnosis of Cancer, the Insured shall, so long as he / she is still alive, continue to be covered by the Post Cancer Treatment Benefit until the expiry of such two-year period or the maximum aggregate number of visits thereof is fully reached, whichever is earlier. PMH059AB1808 fwd.com.hk 24 3123 3123