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图 肌的起止点 二 肌的起止点和配布 ( 一 ) 肌的起止点肌附着于两块以上的骨, 中间跨过一个或多个关节, 收缩时牵动骨而产生运动 肌的起点指肌在固定骨上的附着点 ; 肌的止点指肌在移动骨上的附着点 ( 图 1-2-2) 肌的起 止点在一定条件下可以相互置换 ( 二 ) 肌的配布肌大多

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从 病 理 学 上 说, 肘 部 的 问 题 大 多 可 以 归 为 两 类 : 肌 腱 炎 (Tendonitis) 和 慢 性 肌 腱 损 伤 (Tendonosis) 肌 腱 炎 是 由 肌 腱 急 性 恶 化 造 成 的 炎 症, 例 如 由 于 进 行 了 大 强 度 的 园 艺 劳 动,

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中文 English 骨骼 / BONES 颅骨 / Skull 1 板障 2 斜坡 3 颞骨窝 4 颧骨弓 5 颞下凹 6 翼腭窝 7 颈静脉孔 8 破裂孔 9 腭大孔 10 切牙窝 11 切牙管 12 鼻中隔 13 梨状孔 14 中鼻甲 15 筛前孔 16 筛后孔 17 泪囊窝 18 眶上裂 19 眶下裂 20 枕骨 21 枕骨大孔 22 岩下窦沟 23 咽结节 24 枕骨鳞状部 25 枕骨髁 26 髁管 27 舌下神经管 28 颈静脉切迹 29 枕外隆突 30 最高上颈线 31 上项线 32 下项线 33 枕内隆突 35 横窦沟 36 乙状窦沟 37 蝶骨 38 蝶鞍 39 鞍结节 40 垂体窝 41 鞍背 42 后床突 43 颈动脉沟 44 蝶骨小翼 45 视神经管 46 蝶骨大翼 47 颞下嵴 48 圆孔 1 Diploe 2 Clivus 3 Temporal fossa 4 Zygomatic arch 5 Infratemporal fossa 6 Pterygopalatine fossa 7 Jugular foramen 8 Foramen lacerum 9 Greater palatine foramen 10 Incisive fossa 11 Incisive canals 12 Bony nasal septum 13 Piriform aperture 14 Middle nasal concha 15 Anterior ethmoidal foramen 16 Posterior ethmoidal foramen 17 Fossa for lacrimal sac 18 Superior orbital fissure 19 Inferior orbital fissure 20 Occipital bone 21 Foramen magnum 22 Groove for inferior petrosal sinus 23 Pharyngeal tubercle 24 Squamous part of occipital bone 25 Occipital condyle 26 Condylar canal 27 Hypoglossal canal 28 Jugular notch 29 External occipital protuberance 30 Highest nuchal line 31 Superior nuchal line 32 Inferior nuchal line 33 Internal occipital protuberance 35 Groove of transverse sinus 36 Groove of sigmoid sinus 37 Sphenoid 38 Sella turcica 39 Tuberculum sellae 40 Hypophysial fossa 41 Dorsum sellae 42 Posterior clinoid process 43 Carotid sulcus 44 Lesser wing of sphenoid 45 Optic canal 46 Greater wing of sphenoid 47 Infratemporal crest 48 Foramen rotundum 3

49 卵圆孔 50 棘孔 51 咽鼓管沟 52 蝶骨翼突 53 翼突外侧板 49 Foramen ovale 50 Foramen spinosum 51 Sulcus of auditory tube 52 Pterygoid process 53 Lateral plate of pterygoid rpocess 54 翼突内侧板 55 翼钩 56 翼突窝 57 翼管 58 颞骨 59 颞骨岩部上缘 60 乳突 61 乳突切迹 62 乳突孔 63 颈动脉管 64 肌咽鼓管 65 鼓室盖 66 弓状隆起 67 岩大神经裂孔 68 岩大神经沟 69 三叉神经压迹 70 岩上神经沟 71 内耳孔 72 茎突 73 茎乳孔 74 外耳孔 75 颧突 76 下颌窝 77 颞骨关节结节 78 顶骨 79 冠状缝 80 颞下线 81 上矢状窦沟 83 额骨 84 眉间 85 后鼻棘 86 额突 87 额嵴 88 盲孔 89 额窦 90 筛骨 91 筛骨筛板 92 鸡冠 93 下鼻甲 94 泪骨 95 鼻骨 96 犁骨 97 上颌骨 98 眶下孔 99 犬齿窝 54 Medial plate of pterygoid rpocess 55 Pterygoid hamulus 56 Pterygoid fossa 57 Pterygoid canal 58 Temporal bone 59 Superior border of petrosus tpar 60 Mastoid process 61 Mastoid notch 62 Mastoid foramen 63 Carotid canal 64 Musculotubal canal 65 Tegmen tympani 66 Arcuate eminence 67 Hiatus for greater petrosal nerve 68 Groove for greater petrosal nerve 69 Trigeminal impression 70 Groove for superior petrosal nerve 71 Internal acoustic opening 72 Styloid process 73 Stylomastoid foramen 74 External acoustic opening 75 Zygomatic process 76 Mandibular fossa 77 Articular tubercle of temporal bone 78 Parietal bone 79 Coronal suture 80 Inferior temporal line 81 Groove for superior sagittal sinus 83 Frontal bone 84 Glabella 85 Posterior nasal spine 86 Fontal process 87 Frontal crest 88 Foramen caecum 89 Frontal sinus 90 Ethmoid 91 Cribriform plate of ethmoid 92 Crista galli 93 Inferior nasal concha 94 Lacrimal bone 95 Nasal bone 96 Vomer 97 Maxilla 98 Infra-orbital foramen 99 Canine fossa 4

100 鼻切迹 101 鼻前棘 102 上颌结节 103 上颌骨腭突 104 切牙骨 105 上颌骨牙槽突 106 腭骨 107 腭骨水平板 108 颧骨 109 颧骨颞面 110 颧突 111 颧眶孔 112 颧面孔 113 颧颞孔 114 下颌骨 115 下颌体 116 下颌底 117 颏隆凸 117a 颏结节 118 颏棘 119 颏孔 120 斜线 121 二腹肌窝 122 下颌舌骨肌线 123 舌下腺凹 124 下颌下腺窝 125 牙槽部 125a 牙槽弓 126 牙槽轭 127 牙槽间隔, 128 下颌支 129 下颌角 130 下颌头 131 下颌颈 132 翼肌凹 133 冠状突 134 下颌切迹 135 下颌孔 136 小舌 138 下颌舌骨沟 139 舌骨 139a 小角 139b 大角 100 Nasal notch 101 Anterior nasal spine 102 Maxillary tuberosity 103 Palatine process of maxilla 104 Incisive bone 105 Alveolar process of maxilla 106 Palatine bone 107 Horizontal plate of palatine bone 108 Zygomatic bone 109 Temporal surface of zygomatic bone 110 Zygomatic process 111 Zygomatico-orbital foramen 112 Zygomaticofacial foramen 113 Zygomaticotemporal foramen 114 Mandible 115 Body of mandible 116 Base of mandible 117 Mental protuberance 117a Mental tubercle 118 Mental spine 119 Mental foramen 120 Oblique line 121 Digastric fossa 122 Mylohyoid line 123 Sublingual fossa 124 Submandibular fossa 125 Alveolar part 125a Alveolar arch 126 Alveolar yokes 127 Interalveolar septa 128 Ramus of mandible 129 Angle of mandible 130 Head of mandible 131 Neck of mandible 132 Pterygoid fovea 133 Coronoid process 134 Mandibular notch 135 Mandibular foramen 136 Lingula 138 Mylohyoid groove 139 Hyoid bone 139a Lesser horn 139b Greater horn 5

脊柱和胸椎 / Vertebral column and Thorax 6 CI-CVII 颈椎 ThI-ThXII 胸椎 LI-LV 腰椎 142 寰椎 142a 前弓 142b 前结节 142c 后弓 142d 脊椎前沟 142e 后结节 142f 横突 143 枢椎 143a 枢椎齿 146 腰椎 146a 椎体 146b 椎弓 146c 棘突 146d 下关节突 146e 肋突 146f 乳突 147 骶骨 147a 骶骨岬 147b 骶骨粗隆 147c 骶前孔 147d 横嵴 147e 骶后孔 147f 骶正中嵴 147g 骶中间嵴 147h 骶外侧嵴 147i 骶管裂孔 147k 上关节突 148 尾骨 148a 尾骨角 148b 尾椎 I-IV 149 肋骨 149a 头部 149b 颈 149c 结节 149d 前斜角肌结节 149e 关节面 149f 角 149g 躯体 150 肋沟 153 胸骨 153a 胸骨柄 153b 颈静脉切迹 153c 锁骨切迹 153d 肋切迹 II 153e 胸骨角, 胸骨软骨联合 153f 胸骨体 153g 剑突 CI-CVII Cervical vertebrae ThI-ThXII Thoracic vertebrae LI-LV Lumbar vertebrae 142 Atlas 142a Anterior arch 142b Anterior tubercle 142c Posterior arch 142d Groove for vertebral artery 142e Posterior tubercle 142f Transverse process 143 Axis 143a Dens 146 Lumbar vertebra 146a Vertebral body 146b Vertebral arch 146c Spinous process 146d Inferior articular process 146e Costal process 146f Mammillary process 147 Sacrum 147a Promontory 147b Sacral tuberosity 147c Anterior sacral foramina 147d Transverse ridges 147e Posterior sacral foramina 147f Median sacral crest 147g Intermediate sacral crest 147h Lateral sacral crest 147i Sacral hiatus 147k Superior articular process 148 Coccyx 148a Coccygeal cornu 148b Coccygeal vertebrae I-IV 149 Ribs 149a Head 149b Neck 149c Tubercle 149d Scalene tubercle 149e Articular facet 149f Angle 149g Body 150 Costal groove 153 Sternum 153a Manubrium of sternum 153b Jugular notch 153c Clavicular notch 153d Costal notch II 153e Sternal angle, sternal synchondrosis 153f Body of sternum 153g Xiphoid process

154 肩胛骨 154a 肩胛冈 154b 肩峰 154c 冈上窝 154d 冈下窝 154e 上角 154f 下角 154g 外侧缘 154h 盂下粗隆 154i 关节盂 154k 喙突 154l 内侧缘 154m 肋面 154n 肩胛切迹 155 锁骨 155a 锥状结节 155b 肩峰端 155c 胸骨端 154 Scapula 154a Spine of scapula 154b Acromion 154c Supraspinous fossa 154d Infraspinous fossa 154e Superior angle 154f Inferior angle 154g Lateral border 154h Infraglenoid tubercle 154i Glenoid cavity 154k Coracoid process 154l Medial border 154m Costal surface 154n Suprascapular notch 155 Clavicle 155a Conoid tubercle 155b Acromial end 155c Sternal end 上肢游离部分 / Free Part of upper limb 156 肱部 156a 头部 156b 解剖颈 156c 肱骨体 156d 大结节 156e 小结节 156f 结节间沟 156g 三角肌粗隆 156h 前内侧面 156i 前外侧面 156k 鹰嘴窝 156l 冠突窝 156m 桡窝 156n 内上髁 156o 尺神经沟 156p 外上髁 156q 小头 156r 滑车 157 尺骨 157a 鹰嘴 156 Humerus 156a Head 156b Anatomical neck 156c Shaft of humerus 156d Greater tubercle 156e Lesser tubercle 156f Intertubercular sulcus 156g Deltoid tuberosity 156h Anteromedial surface 156i Anterolateral surface 156k Olecranon fossa 156l Coronoid fossa 156m Radial fossa 156n Medial epicondyle 156o Groove of ulnar nerve 156p Lateral epicondyle 156q Capitulum 156r Trochlea 157 Ulna 157a Olecranon 7

157b 滑车切迹 157c 桡骨切迹 157d 尺骨喙突 157e 尺骨粗隆 157f 头部 157g 环状关节面 157h 尺骨茎突 158 桡骨 158a 头部 158b 颈部 158c 茎 158d 环状关节面 158e 桡骨粗隆 158f 158g 158h 158i 158k 尺骨切迹桡骨茎突腕关节面背侧面前面 157b Trochlear notch 157c Radial notch 157d Coronoid process 157e Tuberosity of ulnae 157f Head 157g Articular circumference 157h Ulnar styloid process 158 Radius 158a Head 158b Neck 158c Shaft 158d Articular circumference 158e Radial tuberosity 158f Ulnar notch 158g Radial styloid process 158h Carpal articular surface 158i Posterior surface 158k Anterior surface 159 手舟骨 160 月状骨 161 三角骨 162 豌豆骨 163 大多角骨 164 小多角骨 165 头状骨 166 沟状骨 166a 沟骨钩 167 掌骨 I-V 167a 拇指掌骨 168 食指近节指骨 168a 指骨底 168b 指骨体 168c 指骨头 168d 拇指近端指骨 168e 拇指末端指骨 169 食指中节指骨 170 食指末节指骨 159 Scaphoid 160 Lunate 161 Triquetrum 162 Pisiform 163 Trapezium 164 Trapezoid 165 Capitate 166 Hamate 166a Hook of hamate 167 Metacarpals I-V 167a Metacarpal of thumb 168 Proximal phalanx of index finger 168a Base of phalanx 168b Shaft of phalanx 168c Head of phalanx 168d Proximal phalanx of thumb 168e Distal phalanx of thumb 169 Middle phalanx of index finger 170 Distal phalanx of index finger 骨盆带 / Pelvic Girdle 171 髋骨 172 髂骨体 173 耻骨体 171 Hip bone 172 Body of ilium 173 Body of pubis 8

174 坐骨体 175 髂嵴 175a 外唇 175b 中间带 175c 内唇 175d 髂前上棘 175e 髂前下棘 175f 髂后上棘 175g 髂后下棘 175h 髂骨粗隆 176 髂窝 177 臀前线 178 臀下线 179 弓状线 180 月状面 180a 髋臼切迹 180b 髋臼窝 181 坐骨棘 182 183 184 185 186 187 188 坐骨结节闭孔坐骨大切迹坐骨小切迹耻骨结节耻骨梳髂耻支 174 Body of ischium 175 Iliac crest 175a Outer lip 175b Intermediate zone 175c Inner lip 175d Anterior superior iliac spine 175e Anterior inferior iliac spine 175f Posterior superior iliac spine 175g Posterior inferior iliac spine 175h Iliac tuberosity 176 Iliac fossa 177 Anterior gluteal line 178 Inferior gluteal line 179 Arcuate line 180 Lunate surface 180a Acetabular notch 180b Acetabular fossa 181 Ischial spine 182 Ischial tuberosity 183 Obturator foramen 184 Greater sciatic notch 185 Lesser sciatic notch 186 Pubic tubercle 187 Pecten pubis 188 Iliopubic ramus 189 股骨 189a 头部 189b 189c 头韧带凹颈部 189d 大转子 189e 转子窝 189f 转子间线 189g 转子间嵴 189h 小转子 189i 耻骨肌线 189k 粗线 189l 腘面 189m 内髁 189n 内上髁 189o 外髁 189p 外上髁 189q 髌面 189r 髁间窝 189 Femur 189a Head 189b Fovea for ligament of head 189c Neck 189d Greater trochanter 189e Trochanteric fossa 189f Intertrochanteric line 189g Intertrochanteric crest 189h Lesser trochanter 189i Pectineal line 189k Linea aspera 189l Popliteal surface 189m Medial condyle 189n Medial epicondyle 189o Lateral condyle 189p Lateral epicondyle 189q Patellar surface 189r Intercondylar fossa 9

10 190 190a 190b 190c 190d 191 骨 191a 内侧 191b 外侧 191c 191d 节 191e 节 191f 191g 191h 191i 隆 191k 内侧 191l 外侧 191m 191n 191o 191p 191q 191r 191s 191t 191u 191w 192 192a 192b 192c 192d 192e 192f 192g 192h 192i 192k 192l 骨间内 腓骨头部 头内侧骨间 后内侧外侧 外侧 A05/2: 192m 192n Foot 193 距骨 193a 头 190 Patella 190a Base of patella 190b Apex of patella 190c Anterior surface 190d Articular surface 191 Tibia 191a Medial condyle 191b Lateral condyle 191c Fibular articular facet 191d Medial intercondylar tubercle 191e Lateral intercondylar tubercle 191f Anterior intercondylar area 191g Posterior intercondylar area 191h Nutrient foramen 191i Tibial tuberosity 191k Medial surface 191l Lateral surface 191m Posterior surface 191n Soleal line 191o Medial border 191p Anterior border 191q Interosseous border 191r Medial malleolus 191s Malleolar groove 191t Fibular notch 191u Inferior articular surface 191w Articular facet 192 Fibula 192a Head 192b Articular facet 192c Apex of head 192d Medial crest 192e Interosseous border 192f Anterior border 192g Posterior border 192h Medial surface 192i Lateral surface 192k Posterior surface 192l Lateral malleolus A05/2: 192m Articular facet 192n Malleolar fossa 193 Talus 193a Head

193b 颈 193c 体 193d 距骨滑车 193e 侧突起 193f 后突 194 跟骨 194a 跟骨结节 194b 内侧突 194c 外侧突 194d 拇长屈肌肌腱沟 194e 载距突 194f 腓骨滑车 195 舟骨 195a 结节 196 内侧楔骨 197 中间楔骨 198 外侧楔骨 199 骰骨 199a 结节 199b 腓骨长肌肌腱沟 200 跖骨 I-V 200a 基底 200b 茎 200c 头 201 第一跖骨粗隆 (I) 202 第五跖骨粗隆 (V) 203 近节趾骨 204 中节趾骨 205 远节趾骨 206 籽骨 193b Neck 193c Body 193d Trochlea of tali 193e Lateral process 193f Posterior process 194 Calcaneus 194a Calcaneal tuberosity 194b Medial process 194c Lateral process 194d Groove for tendon of flexor hallucis longus 194e Sustentaculum tali 194f Fibular trochlea 195 Navicular 195a Tuberosity 196 Medial cuneiform 197 Intermediate cuneiform 198 Lateral cuneiform 199 Cuboid 199a Tuberosity 199b Groove for tendon of fibularis longus 200 Metatarsals I-V 200a Base 200b Shaft 200c Head 201 Tuberosity of first metatarsal bone (I) 202 Tuberosity of fifth metatarsal bone (V) 203 Proximal phalanx 204 Middle phalanx 205 Distal phalanx 206 Sesamoid bones 肌肉 / MUSCLES 肌起端 : 红色, 肌止端 : 蓝色 / Origins: red, Insertions: blue 颅骨 / Skull 1 颞肌 2 皱眉肌 3 眼轮匝肌 3 a 眼眶部 3 b 深部 4 鼻肌 5 降鼻中隔肌 6 提上唇鼻翼肌 7 颧大肌 8 颧小肌 10 提口角肌 11 颊肌 12 咀嚼肌 14 降口角肌, 15 降下唇肌 16 颏肌 1 Temporalis 2 Corrugator supercilii 3 Orbicularis oculi 3 a Orbital part 3 b Deep part 4 Nasalis 5 Depressor septi nasi 6 Levator labii superioris alaeque nasi 7 Zygomaticus major 8 Zygomaticus minor 10 Levator anguli oris 11 Buccinator 12 Masseter 14 Depressor anguli oris 15 Depressor labii inferioris 16 Mentalis 11

17 翼外肌 18 翼内肌 19 颈阔肌 20 胸锁乳突肌 21 头夹肌 23 二腹肌 24 枕额肌, 额腹 25 斜方肌 26 头半棘肌 27 头后小直肌 28 头上斜肌 29 头后大直肌 30 头外侧直肌 31 头前直肌 32 头长肌 33 a 茎突舌肌 33 b 茎突舌骨肌 33 c 茎突咽肌 34 腭帆提肌 35 腭帆张肌 36 下颌舌骨肌 37 a 颏舌肌 37 b 舌骨舌肌 37 c 中缩肌 38 颏舌骨肌 17 Lateral pterygoid 18 Medial pterygoid 19 Platysma 20 Sternocleidomastoid 21 Splenius capitis 23 Digastric 24 Occipitofrontalis, frontal belly 25 Trapezius 26 Semispinalis capitis 27 Rectus capitis posterior minor 28 Obliquus capitis superior 29 Rectus capitis posterior major 30 Rectus capitis lateralis 31 Rectus capitis anterior 32 Longus a c pitis 33a Styloglossus 33b Stylohyoid 33 c Stylopharyngeus 34 Levator veli palatini 35 Tensor veli palatini 36 Mylohyoid 37 a Genioglossus 37 b Hyoglossus 37 c Middle constrictor 38 Geniohyoid 脊柱与胸廓 / Vertebral column and Thorax 39 胸骨舌骨肌 40 肩胛舌骨肌 41 胸骨甲状肌 42 甲状舌骨肌 43 头下斜肌 44 颈夹肌 45 颈长肌 46 a 前斜角肌 46 b 中斜角肌 46 c 后斜角肌 47 背阔肌 48 大菱形肌 49 小菱形肌 50 肩胛提肌 51 前锯肌 52 上后锯肌 39 Sternohyoid 40 Omohyoid 41 Sternothyroid 42 Thyrohyoid 43 Obliquus capitis inferior 44 Splenius cervicis 45 Longus colli 46 a Scalenus anterior 46 b Scalenus medius 46 c Scalenus posterior 47 Latissimus dorsi 48 Rhomboid major 49 Rhomboid minor 50 Levator scapulae 51 Serratus anterior 52 Serratus posterior superior 黄点 / Yellow points: 53 髂肋肌腰髂肋肌 53 Iliocostalis Iliocostalis lumborum: 起点 / Origin: 骶骨的背侧面和髂嵴的外唇 Dorsal surface of sacrum and outer lip of iliac crest 12

止点 / Insertion: 肋角 V - XII Angles of ribs 5-12 胸髂肋肌 : Iliocostalis thoracis: 起点 / Origin: 肋骨 XII - VII Ribs 12-7 止点 / Insertion: 肋骨 VI - I Ribs 6-1 颈髂肋肌 : Iliocostalis cervicis: 起点 / Origin: 肋骨 VII - III Ribs 7-3 止点 / Insertion: 中部颈椎横突的后结节 Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of middle cervical vertebrae 绿点 / Green points: 54 最长肌胸最长肌 : 起点 / Origin: 骶骨背侧面 腰椎的棘突和下方胸椎的横突 - 止点 / Insertion: 腰椎的副突和胸椎的横突, 在胸骨角和上唇结节之间的肋骨 54 Longissimus Longissimus thoracis: Dorsal surface of sacrum and spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae and transverse processes of inferior thoracic vertebrae Accessory processes of lumbar vertebrae and transverse processes of thoracic vertebrae, ribs between angles and tubercles 颈最长肌 : Longissimus cervicis: 起点 / Origin: 颅骨胸椎的横突 Transverse processes of cranial thoracic vetrebrae 止点 / Insertion: 上部和中部颈椎横突的后结节 Posterior tubercles of transverse processes of superior and middle cervical vertebrae 头最长肌 : Longissimus capitis: 起点 / Origin: 上部胸椎 中部和下部颈椎的横突 Transverse processes of superior thoracic vertebrae, middle and inferior cervical vertebrae 止点 / Insertion: 颞骨乳突 Mastoid process of temporal bone 55a 胸棘肌 55b 颈棘肌 55c 头棘肌 56 多裂肌 57 胸大肌 57a 锁骨头 57b 胸骨肋头 57c 腹部 55 a Spinalis thoracis 55 b Spinalis cervicis 55 c Spinalis capitis 56 Multifidus 57 Pectoralis major 57 a Clavicular head 57 b Sternocostal head 57 c Abdominal part 13

58 胸小肌 59 锁骨下肌 60 下后锯肌 61 肋间外肌 62 肋间内肌 63 胸横肌 64 腹直肌 66 外斜肌 67 内斜肌 68 腹横肌 69 腰方肌 70 尾骨肌 58 Pectoralis minor 59 Subclavius 60 Serratus posterior inferior 61 External intercostal muscle 62 Internal intercostal muscle 63 Transversus thoracis 64 Rectus abdominis 66 External oblique 67 Internal oblique 68 Transversus abdominis 69 Quadratus lumborum 70 Coccygeus 肩胛带 / Shoulder Girdle 72 三角肌, 73 冈上肌 74 冈下肌 75 小圆肌 76 大圆肌 77 肩胛下肌 78 肱二头肌 78a 长头 78b 短头 79 喙肱肌 72 Deltoid 73 Supraspinatus 74 Infraspinatus 75 Teres minor 76 Teres major 77 Subscapularis 78 Biceps brachii 78 a Long head 78 b Short head 79 Coracobrachialis 上肢游离部分 / Free Part of upper limb 80 肱肌 81 肱三头肌 81a 长头 81b 外侧头 81c 内侧头 82 肘肌 83 旋前圆肌 83a 肱骨头 83b 尺骨头 84 肱桡肌 85 桡侧腕长伸肌 86 桡侧腕短伸肌 87 指伸肌 88 小指伸肌 89 尺侧腕伸肌 89a 肱骨头 89b 尺骨头 90 桡侧腕屈肌 91 掌长肌 92 尺侧腕屈肌 92a 肱骨头 92b 尺骨头 93 指浅屈肌 80 Brachialis 81 Triceps brachii 81 a Long head 81 b Lateral head 81 c Medial head 82 Anconeus 83 Pronator teres 83 a Humeral head 83 b Ulnar head 84 Brachioradialis 85 Extensor carpi radialis longus 86 Extensor carpi radialis brevis 87 Extensor digitorum 88 Extensor digiti minimi 89 Extensor carpi ulnaris 89 a Humeral head 89 b Ulnar head 90 Flexor carpi radialis 91 Palmaris longus 92 Flexor carpi ulnaris 92 a Humeral head 92 b Ulnar head 93 Flexor digitorum superficialis 14

93a 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 拇长屈肌 拇长展肌拇短伸肌拇长伸肌 93a Humero-ulnar head 93b Radial head 94 Flexor digitorum profundus 95 Flexor pollicis longus 96 Pronator quadratus 97 Supinator 98 Abductor pollicis longus 99 Extensor poliicis brevis 100 Extensor pollicis longus 101 Extensor indicis 102 拇短展肌 103 拇短屈肌 104 105 拇收肌, 斜头 105a 拇收肌, 横头 106 107 108 109 骨间背侧肌 110 102 Abductor pollicis brevis 103 Flexor pollicis brevis 104 Opponens pollicis 105 Adductor pollicis, Oblique head 105 a Adductor pollicis, Transverse head 106 Abductor digiti minimi 107 Flexor digiti minimi brevis 108 Opponens digiti minimi 109 Dorsal interossei 110 Palmar interossei 111 111a 111b 112 113 114 115 116 117 闭孔内肌 118 119 120 股方肌 121 111 Iliopsoas 111 a Iliacus 111b Psoas major 112 Gluteus maximus 113 Gluteus medius 114 Gluteus minimus 115 Tensor fasciae Iatae 116 Piriformis 117 Obturator internus 118 Gemellus superior 119 Gemellus inferior 120 Quadratus femoris 121 Sartorius 122 122a 122b 股外侧肌 122c 122d 股内侧肌 123 124 125 长收肌 126 短收肌 122 Patellar ligament (Quadriceps femoris) 122 a Rectus femoris 122 b Vastus lateralis 122 c Vastus intermedius 122d Vastus medialis 123 Articularis genus 124 Pectineus 125 Adductor longus 126 Adductor brevis 15

127 大收肌 128 股薄肌 129 闭孔外肌 130 股二头肌 130a 长头 130b 短头 131 半腱肌 132 半膜肌 133 胫骨前肌 134 趾长伸肌 135 第三腓骨肌 136 拇长伸肌 137 腓骨长肌 138 腓骨短肌 139 小腿三头肌 139a 腓肠肌, 外侧头 139b 腓肠肌, 内侧头 139c 比目鱼肌 140 跖肌 141 腘肌 142 胫骨后肌 143 趾长屈肌 144 拇长屈肌 145 拇短伸肌 146 趾短伸肌 147 拇展肌 148 ( 足 ) 拇短屈肌 149 拇收肌 149a 斜头 149b 横头 150 小趾展肌 151 小趾短屈肌 152 趾短屈肌 153 足底方肌 ( 副屈肌 ) 154 骨间背侧肌 155 骨间足底肌 骨盆 / Pelvis 156 会阴深横肌 157 会阴浅横肌 158 坐骨海绵体肌 159 肛提肌 127 Adductor magnus 128 Gracilis 129 Obturator externus 130 Biceps femoris 130 a Long head 130 b Short head 131 Semitendinosus 132 Semimembranosus 133 Tibialis anterior 134 Extensor digitorum longus 135 Fibularis tertius (Peroneus tertius) 136 Extensor hallucis longus 137 Fibularis longus (Peroneus longus) 138 Fibularis brevis (Peroneus brevis) 139 Triceps surae 139 a Gastrocnemius, lateral head 139b Gastrocnemius, medial head 139 c Soleus 140 Plantaris 141 Popliteus 142 Tibialis posterior 143 Flexor digitorum longus 144 Flexor hallucis longus 145 Extensor haiiucis brevis 146 Extensor digitorum brevis 147 Abductor hallucis 148 Flexor hallucis brevis 149 Adductor hallucis 149 a Oblique head 149b Transverse head 150 Abductor digiti minimi 151 Flexor digiti minimi brevis 152 Flexor digitorum brevis 153 Quadratus plantae (Flexor accessorius) 154 Dorsal interossei 155 Plantar interossei 156 Deep transverse perineal muscle 157 Superficial transverse perineal muscle 158 Ischiocavernosus 159 Levator ani 16




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