為電池充電 若是您想要在外出時長時間使用電池電源, 請務必在使用前將電池完全充飽 當 MeMO Pad 透過電源充電器供電, 同時也會為電池充電 若是 MeMO Pad 在開機使用的情況下, 將耗費更長的時間才能將電池充飽 重要! 請勿讓平板電腦完成充電後仍繼續連接電源 某些電子裝置並非設計為能夠超

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T8254 MeMO Pad 使用手冊 華碩電腦一直致力於創造對環境友善的產品與包裝, 以及保護消費者的健康, 期望達到對環境的衝擊與傷害降至最低 為了減少使用會對環境造成傷害的物質, 本產品將減少使用手冊的頁數來降低碳的排放量 請造訪華碩產品支援網站 http://support.asus.com/, 或參考產品內的使用手冊, 可以獲得更詳細的使用手冊與相關資訊

為電池充電 若是您想要在外出時長時間使用電池電源, 請務必在使用前將電池完全充飽 當 MeMO Pad 透過電源充電器供電, 同時也會為電池充電 若是 MeMO Pad 在開機使用的情況下, 將耗費更長的時間才能將電池充飽 重要! 請勿讓平板電腦完成充電後仍繼續連接電源 某些電子裝置並非設計為能夠超時連接電源 航空器 若您想要在乘坐飛機的飛行過程中使用 MeMO Pad, 請先與航空公司之人員確認相關資訊 部份航空公司訂定有電子產品的使用規定, 並禁止於飛機起降時使用電子產品 重要!MeMO Pad 可以接受 X 光掃描儀器之檢查 ( 需將物品放置於輸送帶上 ), 但請勿讓 MeMO Pad 接受磁性探測器及手持金屬探測器的檢查 安全說明 平板電腦只應在溫度為 0 (32 ) 至 35 (95 ) 的環境下使用

包裝盒內容物 MeMO Pad Micro USB 訊號線 USB 電源充電器 使用手冊及產品保固卡 說明 : 若是任何一項配件有損壞或短缺, 請儘速與您的經銷商連絡 電源插頭的款式將依區域而異

認識您的 MeMO Pad 觸控螢幕您可以使用多點觸控功能於觸控螢幕上操作 MeMO Pad 前置相機鏡頭內建的相機鏡頭可以截取靜態與動態影像 召開視訊會議等 4

音量調整按鈕按下此按鈕以增加或降低音量 電源按鈕 按下此按鈕 2 秒以開啟 MeMO Pad 電源 按住電源按鈕 2 秒可顯示關機視窗, 請選擇關機並點選確定 電源開啟時按下電源按鈕可使 MeMO Pad 進入休眠模式, 再按一下電源按鈕可將 MeMO Pad 由休眠模式喚起 當 MeMO Pad 沒有反應時, 按住電源按鈕 8 秒可強制關機 重要! 當超過 15 秒未使用 MeMO Pad 時,MeMO Pad 將自動進入休眠模式 強制重新開機可能會造成資料毀損, 建議您定期備份系統中的重要資料 5

喇叭 / 耳機插孔此立體聲耳機插孔可將 MeMO Pad 中的音效訊號輸出至擴大機喇叭或耳機 重要! 本插孔不支援使用外接麥克風 麥克風內建的單聲道麥克風可使用於視訊會議 談話 錄音等 Micro USB 2.0/1.1 連接埠 Micro USB 連接埠可連接電源充電器為 MeMO P a d 提供電源, 或是為電池充電, 同時可使 MeMO Pad 與其他裝置 ( 如筆記型電腦 桌上型電腦 ) 連接進行資料傳輸 說明 : 當 MeMO Pad 透過 USB 連接埠連接至電腦, 並且為休眠模式 ( 螢幕關閉 ) 或是關機時, 會為 MeMO Pad 進行充電 後側相機鏡頭內建的相機鏡頭可以截取靜態與動態影像 召開視訊會議

MicroSD 記憶卡插槽此插槽用以安裝 microsd 記憶卡 音效喇叭內建的音效喇叭系統讓您無需連接額外裝置, 便能聽見聲音音效

連接電源充電器 請依照以下步驟為 MeMO Pad 充電 : 請將 micro USB 訊號線 USB 埠連接 USB 電源充電器 請將 micro USB 訊號線 micro USB 埠連接 MeMO Pad 請將電源插頭連接至插座 8

重要! 請使用包裝盒內容物中的電源充電器及 micro USB 訊號線為 MeMO Pad 充電, 使用其他電源充電器可能造成 MeMO Pad 故障 在為 MeMO Pad 充電前, 請先撕去 USB 電源充電器和 micro USB 訊號線上的膠膜, 以免造成危險 本產品適用的電源輸入電壓範圍為 A C 100V 240V, 輸出電壓為 DC 5.2V, 1.35A 當在充電模式下使用 MeMO Pad 時, 請確認電源充電器是否已經連接至附近的電源插座 初次使用 MeMO Pad 之前, 請先將電池充電 8 小時以上 說明 : 當 MeMO Pad 透過 USB 連接埠連接至電腦, 並且為休眠模式 ( 螢幕關閉 ) 或是關機時, 會為 MeMO Pad 進行充電 MeMO Pad 透過 USB 連接埠連接至電腦充電時, 充電速度會較緩慢 若您的電腦無法提供足夠的功率為 MeMO Pad 充電, 請使用包裝盒內容物中的電源充電器連接電源插座以進行充電

附錄 Federal Communications Commission Statement This device complies with FCC Rules Part 15. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: This device may not cause harmful interference. This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation. This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules. These limits are designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses, and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment causes harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by doing one or more of the following measures: Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver. Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected. 10

Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/tv technician for help. Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user s authority to operate the equipment. The antenna(s) used for this transmitter must not be colocated or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter. RF Exposure Information (SAR) This device meets the government s requirements for exposure to radio waves. This device is designed and manufactured not to exceed the emission limits for exposure to radio frequency (RF) energy set by the Federal Communications Commission of the U.S. Government. The exposure standard employs a unit of measurement known as the Specific Absorption Rate, or SAR. The SAR limit set by the FCC is 1.6 W/kg. Tests for SAR are conducted using standard operating positions accepted by the FCC with the EUT transmitting at the specified power level in different channels. The highest SAR value for the device as reported to the FCC is 1.12 W/kg when placed next to the body. The FCC has granted an Equipment Authorization for this device with all reported SAR levels evaluated as in compliance with the FCC RF exposure guidelines. SAR information on this device is on file with the FCC and can be found under the Display Grant section of www.fcc.gov/oet/ea/fccid after searching on FCC ID: MSQK00B. 11

Canada, Industry Canada (IC) Notices This Class B digital apparatus complies with Canadian ICES-003 and RSS-210. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause interference, and (2) this device must accept any interference, including interference that may cause undesired operation of the device. The IC ID for this device is 3568A-K00B. Radio Frequency (RF) Exposure Information The radiated output power of the Wireless Device is below the Industry Canada (IC) radio frequency exposure limits. The Wireless Device should be used in such a manner such that the potential for human contact during normal operation is minimized. This device has been evaluated for and shown compliant with the IC Specific Absorption Rate ( SAR ) limits when installed in specific host products operated in portable exposure conditions. Canada s REL (Radio Equipment List) can be found at the following web address: http://www.ic.gc.ca/app/sitt/reltel/srch/nwrdsrch. do?lang=eng Additional Canadian information on RF exposure also can be found at the following web address: http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf08792.html 12

Canada, avis d Industrie Canada (IC) Cet appareil numérique de classe B est conforme aux normes canadiennes ICES-003 et RSS-210. Son fonctionnement est soumis aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne doit pas causer d interférence et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence, notamment les interférences qui peuvent affecter son fonctionnement. L identifiant IC de cet appareil est 3568A-K00B. Informations concernant l exposition aux fréquences radio (RF) La puissance de sortie émise par cet appareil sans fil est inférieure à la limite d exposition aux fréquences radio d Industrie Canada (IC). Utilisez l appareil sans fil de façon à minimiser les contacts humains lors du fonctionnement normal. Ce périphérique a été évalué et démontré conforme aux limites SAR (Specific Absorption Rate Taux d absorption spécifique) d IC lorsqu il est installé dans des produits hôtes particuliers qui fonctionnent dans des conditions d exposition à des appareils portables. Ce périphérique est homologué pour l utilisation au Canada. Pour consulter l entrée correspondant à l appareil dans la liste d équipement radio (REL - Radio Equipment List) d Industrie Canada rendez-vous sur: http://www.ic.gc.ca/app/sitt/reltel/srch/nwrdsrch. do?lang=eng 13

Pour des informations supplémentaires concernant l exposition aux RF au Canada rendez-vous sur : http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/smt-gst.nsf/eng/sf08792.html EC Declaration of Conformity This product is compliant with the regulations of the R&TTE Directive 1999/5/EC. The Declaration of Conformity can be downloaded from http://support.asus.com. Limitation of Liability Circumstances may arise where because of a default on ASUS part or other liability, you are entitled to recover damages from ASUS. In each such instance, regardless of the basis on which you are entitled to claim damages from ASUS, ASUS is liable for no more than damages for bodily injury (including death) and damage to real property and tangible personal property; or any other actual and direct damages resulted from omission or failure of performing legal duties under this Warranty Statement, up to the listed contract price of each product. ASUS will only be responsible for or indemnify you for loss, damages or claims based in contract, tort or infringement under this Warranty Statement. This limit also applies to ASUS suppliers and its reseller. It is the maximum for which ASUS, its suppliers, and your reseller are collectively responsible. 14

UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES IS ASUS LIABLE FOR ANY OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) THIRD-PARTY CLAIMS AGAINST YOU FOR DAMAGES; (2) LOSS OF, OR DAMAGE TO, YOUR RECORDS OR DATA; OR (3) SPECIAL, INCIDENTAL, OR INDIRECT DAMAGES OR FOR ANY ECONOMIC CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING LOST PROFITS OR SAVINGS), EVEN IF ASUS, ITS SUPPLIERS OR YOUR RESELLER IS INFORMED OF THEIR POSSIBILITY. Prevention of Hearing Loss To prevent possible hearing damage, do not listen at high volume levels for long periods. For France, as required by French Article L. 5232-1, this device is tested to comply with the Sound pressure requirement in NF EN 50332-1:2000 and NF EN 50332-2:2003 standards. 15

CE Mark Warning CE marking for devices without wireless LAN/ Bluetooth The shipped version of this device complies with the requirements of the EEC directives 2004/108/EC Electromagnetic compatibility and 2006/95/EC Low voltage directive. The highest CE SAR value for the device is 0.383 W/Kg. RF Exposure information (SAR) - CE This device meets the EU requirements (1999/519/EC) on the limitation of exposure of the general public to electromagnetic fields by way of health protection. The limits are part of extensive recommendations for the protection of the general public. These recommendations have been developed and checked by independent scientific organizations through regular and thorough evaluations of scientific studies. The unit of measurement for the European Council s recommended limit for mobile devices is the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR), and the SAR limit is 2.0 W/Kg averaged over 10 grams of body tissue. It meets the requirements of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). 16

For next-to-body operation, this device has been tested and meets the ICNRP exposure guidelines and the European Standard EN 62311 and EN 62209-2. SAR is measured with the device directly contacted to the body while transmitting at the highest certified output power level in all frequency bands of the mobile device. Power Safety Requirement Products with electrical current ratings up to 6A and weighing more than 3Kg must use approved power cords greater than or equal to: H05VV-F, 3G, 0.75mm 2 or H05VV-F, 2G, 0.75mm 2. Regional notice for Singapore This ASUS product complies with IDA Standards. ASUS Recycling/Takeback Services ASUS recycling and takeback programs come from our commitment to the highest standards for protecting our environment. We believe in providing solutions for you to be able to responsibly recycle our products, batteries, other components as well as the packaging materials. Please go to http://csr.asus.com/english/takeback.htm for detailed recycling information in different regions. 17

Coating notice IMPORTANT! To provide electrical insulation and maintain electrical safety, a coating is applied to insulate the device except on the areas where the I/O ports are located. Driving safely Never use this device while driving. It is an offence, that while driving, to hold the device or cradle it in your neck at any point, during the setup, making or taking text message or any other data related mobile communication. Use of fully installed car kits are still permitted, as are the use of alternate handsfree accessories. In the interest of safety, we would recommend the use of a cradle while using any form of handsfree accessory. While driving, we recommend that you use voicemail wherever possible, and that you listen to your messages when you are not in the car. If you must make a handsfree call when driving, keep it brief. Do not place objects, including both installed or portable wireless equipment, in the area over the airbag or in the airbag deployment area. An airbag inflates with great force. If the airbag inflates, serious injury could result. 18

Electronic devices Most modern electronic equipment is shielded from RF energy. However, certain electronic equipment may not be shielded against the RF signals from your device. Pacemakers The Health Industry Manufacturers Association recommends that a minimum separation of six (6 ) inches be maintained between a phone and a pacemaker to avoid potential interference with the pacemaker. These recommendations are consistent with the independent research by and recommendations of Wireless Technology Research. If you have a pacemaker: Always keep your device more than six inches (15cm) from your pacemaker when turned on. Do not carry your device in your breast pocket. Use the ear opposite the pacemaker to minimize the potential for interference. If you have any reason to suspect that interference is taking place, turn your device off immediately. Hearing aids Some digital phones may interfere with some hearing aids. In the event of such interference, call ASUS Customer Service to discuss alternatives. 19

Other medical devices If you use any other personal medical device, consult the manufacturer of your device to determine if it is adequately shielded from external RF energy. Your physician may be able to assist you in obtaining this information. Turn your device off in healthcare facilities when any regulations posted in these areas instruct you to do so. Hospitals or healthcare facilities may be using equipment that could be sensitive to external RF energy. Vehicles RF signals may affect improperly installed or inadequately shielded electronic systems in motor vehicles. Check with the manufacturer or its representative regarding your vehicle. You should also consult the manufacturer of any equipment added to your vehicle. Posted facilities Turn your device off where posted notices so require. Magnetic media Magnetic fields generated by mobile devices may damage data on magnetic storage media, such as credit cards, computer discs or tapes. Do not place your device next to such media. You should never expose your device to strong magnetic fields as this may cause temporary malfunction. 20

Other Safety Guidelines Aircraft Regulations prohibit using your mobile device while onboard an aircraft. Switch off your device before boarding an aircraft or turn off the wireless connections. Blasting areas To avoid interfering with blasting operations, turn your device off when in a blasting area or in areas posted: Turn off twoway radio. Obey all signs and instructions. Potentially explosive environments Turn your device off when in any area with a potentially explosive environment and obey all signs and instructions. Sparks in such areas could cause an explosion or fire resulting in bodily injury or even death. Areas with a potentially explosive environment are often, but not always, clearly marked. They include fuelling areas such as gas stations, below decks on boats, fuel or chemical transfer or storage facilities, vehicles using liquified petroleum gas (such as propane or butane), areas where the air contains chemicals or articles, such as grain, dust, or metal powders, and any other area where you would normally be advised to turn off your vehicle s engine. Choking Keep your away from children as the SIM card and other small parts present a choking hazard. 21

廢棄物處理電池如有更換不正確會有爆炸的危險, 並請依照製造商說明書處理使用過的電池 請勿將內含汞的電池當作一般垃圾丟棄 這個打叉的垃圾桶標誌表示電池不應視為一般垃圾丟棄 請勿將本產品當作一般垃圾丟棄 本產品零組件設計為可回收利用 這個打叉的垃圾桶標誌表示本產品 ( 電器與電子設備 ) 不應視為一般垃圾丟棄, 請依照您所在地區有關廢棄電子產品的處理方式處理 請勿將本產品存放靠近火源或是丟入燃燒的火堆中, 有可能造成爆炸的意外 低功率電波輻射性電機管理辦法 第十二條 : 經型式認證合格之低功率射頻電機, 非經許可, 公司 商號或使用者均不得擅自變更頻率 加大功率或變更原設計之特性及功能 第十四條 : 低功率射頻電機之使用不得影響飛航安全及干擾合法通信 ; 經發現有干擾現象時, 應立即停用, 並改善至無干擾時方得繼續使用 低功率射頻電機需忍受合法通信或工業 科學及醫療用電波輻射性電機設備之干擾 * 減少電磁波影響, 請妥適使用 22

版權說明 ASUSTeK Computer Inc. All rights reserved. 華碩電腦股份有限公司保留所有權利 本使用手冊包括但不限於其所包含的所有資訊受到著作權法之保護, 未經華碩電腦股份有限公司 ( 以下簡稱 華碩 ) 許可, 不得任意地仿製 拷貝 謄抄 轉譯或為其他利用 Model name: K00B (ME173X) 23

免責聲明 本使用手冊是以 現況 及 以目前明示的條件下 的狀態提供給您 在法律允許的範圍內, 華碩就本使用手冊, 不提供任何明示或默示的擔保及保證, 包括但不限於商業適銷性 特定目的之適用性 未侵害任何他人權利及任何得使用本使用手冊或無法使用本使用手冊的保證, 且華碩對因使用本使用手冊而獲取的結果或透過本使用手冊所獲得任何資訊之準確性或可靠性不提供擔保 台端應自行承擔使用本使用手冊的所有風險 台端明確了解並同意, 華碩 華碩之授權人及其各該主管 董事 員工 代理人或關係企業皆無須為您因本使用手冊 或因使用本使用手冊 或因不可歸責於華碩的原因而無法使用本使用手冊或其任何部分而可能產生的衍生 附隨 直接 間接 特別 懲罰或任何其他損失 ( 包括但不限於利益損失 業務中斷 資料遺失或其他金錢損失 ) 負責, 不論華碩是否被告知發生上開損失之可能性 由於部分國家或地區可能不允許責任的全部免除或對前述損失的責任限制, 所以前述限制或排除條款可能對您不適用 台端知悉華碩有權隨時修改本使用手冊 本產品規格或驅動程式一經改變, 本使用手冊將會隨之更新 本使用手冊更新的詳細說明請您造訪華碩的客戶服務網 http://support.asus.com, 或是直接與華碩資訊產品技術支援專線 0800-093-456 聯絡 於本使用手冊中提及之第三人產品名稱或內容, 其所有權及智慧財產權皆為各別產品或內容所有人所有且受現行智慧財產權相關法令及國際條約之保護 當下列兩種情況發生時, 本產品將不再受到華碩之保固及服務 : (1) 本產品曾經過非華碩授權之維修 規格更改 零件替換或其他未經過華碩授權的行為 (2) 本產品序號模糊不清或喪失 24