符号表示 : 含门票, 下车参观, 未标示行车经过 Remark: Sightseeing Included entrance fee Sightseeing visit, No remark for pass by sightseeing. 第一天吉隆坡桃园 集合于吉隆坡国际机场, 飞往桃园 第二

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李桑咖啡团亲民版 咖啡迷的梦想之旅 行程囊括参观咖啡园 与世界级咖啡达人 会面 手冲和拉花体验等等咖啡相关体验 与活动 别担心 经过特别安排与策划 非咖啡迷依旧能够享受其中 Based on Lee San's coffee in Taiwan tour, this tour is perfect for all coffee lovers! It includes visiting coffee estates, meeting well-known coffee connoisseur, and experience latte art, coffee-making and other coffee related activities! Through special arrangement, this tour is also suitable for non-coffee lovers! 咖啡拉花 DIY Latter Art DIY 咖啡主题景点 黑沃咖啡 HWC Roasters 鄒筑园咖啡休闲农庄 Sightsee Leisure Farm 云林古坑咖啡 5senses 咖啡馆 优质行程 入住龙云休闲农场 下午茶 咖啡王子 方政伦 骑单车享受田园风光 Coffee Prince Fang Zhenglun Coffee Attractions 新天地西洋博物馆 Yunlin Gukeng Coffee 5senses Café Top Arrangement Stay in Longyun Holiday Farm Afternoon Tea Cycling to enjoy the scenery of the field Western Museum 黑沃咖啡 黄金小镇 单车导览 HWC Roasters Golden Town Cycling Tours www.appleholiday.com 03-2141 8250

符号表示 : 含门票, 下车参观, 未标示行车经过 Remark: Sightseeing Included entrance fee Sightseeing visit, No remark for pass by sightseeing. 第一天吉隆坡桃园 集合于吉隆坡国际机场, 飞往桃园 第二天桃园 (1 小时 ) 新竹 (1.5 小时 ) 台中 永安观光渔港 黑沃咖啡 ( 咖啡问诊 + 手冲咖啡体验 ) 新天地西洋博物馆 宫廷风下午茶 第三天 台中 (3 小时 ) 天长地久桥 奋起湖老街 阿里山森林游乐区 阿里山 3 月 10 日 4 月 10 日为花季 龙云休闲农场 ( 爱玉 DIY+ 捣麻糬 DIY+ 夜间导览 ) 夜间导览如遇天气或其他因素影响, 将会取消 第四天 阿里山 (3 小时 ) 台中 龙云休闲农场 ( 品茶 + 茶园参观 ) 鄒筑园咖啡休闲农庄 ( 参观咖啡园 ) 云林古坑咖啡 ( 咖啡拉花 DIY) 逢甲夜市第五天台中 (1 小时 ) 苗栗 (1.5 小时 ) 台北 黄金小镇骑芋记 ( 骑单车导览 ) 嘿哟嘿哟拔芋头 季节限定 10 月到 1 月, 如遇其他季节则以芋泥 DIY 替代 5senses Café 享受下午茶 大稻呈迪化街 西门町商圈第六天台北全日自由行 DAY 1 Kuala Lumpur Taoyuan Assemble at Kuala Lumpur International Airport for flight to Taoyuan. DAY 2 Taoyuan (1hrs) Hsinchu (1.5hrs) Taichung YongAn Fishing Harbor HWC Roasters (Coffee Consultation + Hand Drip Coffee) Western Museum Afternoon Tea DAY 3 Taichung (3hrs) Alishan Eternity Suspension Bridges Fengqihu Old Street Alishan Forest Recreation Area Flower Season on 10 th Mar 10 th Apr Longyun Holiday Farm ( Aiyu Jelly DIY + Mochi DIY + Night Tour) Night Tour is subject to weather conditions or any unforseen circumstances night tour will be cancel. DAY 4 Alishan (3hrs) Taichung Longyun Holiday Farm ( Tea Tasting + Visit Tea Garden) Sightsee Leisure Farm (Visit Coffee Farm) Yunlin Gukeng Coffee (Latte Art DIY) Fengjia Night Market DAY 5 Taichung (1hr) Miaoli (1.5hrs) Taipei Taro Town (Cycling Tours) Heiyo Heiyo Yam Plucking Yam plucking season is Oct to Jan, if other season will replace to Taro DIY. Afterrnoon Tea at 5senses Café Dadaocheng Dihua Street Ximending Day 6 Taipei Free and Leisure Time 第七天 台北 (1 小时 ) 桃园吉隆坡 送往机场, 返回温暖的家 Day 7 Taipei (1hrs) Taoyuan Kuala Lumpur Proceed to the airport for your departure back home.

MEALS 餐飲 HOTELS 酒店 ( 餐标新台币 Meal Cost TWD) 天数 DAYS 早餐 BREAKFAST 午餐 LUNCH 晚餐 DINNER 當地 4* 酒店 + 渡假村 LOCAL 4* HOTEL+RESORT 1 - - 机上用餐桃园中坜米堤大饭店或同级 On Board Taoyuan Jungli Lemidi Or Similar 2 酒店怀旧风味料理 350 原住民创意料理 600 台中云河概念精品旅馆或同级 Nostalgia Cuisine Aboriginal Cuisine Taichung Uher Luxury Resort & Or Similar 3 酒店奋起湖怀旧便当 150 农场料理 300 阿里山龙云休闲农场或同级 Lunch Bento Farm Cuisine Alishan Longyun Holiday Farm Or Similar 4 酒店咖啡风味 400 夜市自理台中 KUN 酒店 国际馆或同级 Coffee Cuisine Night Market Own Expenses Taichung KUN Tour Or Similar 5 酒店客家芋头无菜单料理 350 火锅料理 250 Hakka Yam Cuisine Steamboat Cuisine 台北意舍系列馆或同级 6 酒店自理自理 Taipei AMBA Or Similar Own Expenses Own Expenses 7 早餐餐盒机上用餐 Breakfast box On Board - - ** 注 : 以上餐厅与餐饮仅供参考, 旅程饮食安排将视餐厅订位和季节性食材的不同而有所调整 恕未能及时通知 **Remark: Above restaurants & meals menu are subject to change based on the availability of the restaurant and seasonality, freshness of the ingredients. Departure Date Adult Twin/ Triple Adult Single Children Twin/ Triple Children Extra Bed Children Without Bed 备注 : 以上的行程图片仅供参考, 视出发日期而定, 如有更换恕未能及时通知 Remark: ALL OF THE ABOVE SHOWN ARE FOR ILLUSTRATION PURPOSE ONLY AND MAY SUBJECT TO CHANGE ACCODING O THE FINAL CONFIRMATION WITHOUT PRIOR NOTICE Tour Code : TAIWAN_TCE07_ TWN030 Terms & Conditions 备注 1. Flights, transportation, hotels, meals and itinerary stated in the brochure are subject to change without prior notice. Any changes after booking shall be advised accordingly. 2. The sequence of itinerary, meals and hotel arrangements are subject to the final confirmation by the local ground operator. 3. Tour buses are arranged based on group size. Every passenger is entitled to one seat each. Should there be extra seats remaining, it shall be reserved for baggage storage. 4. Tour is conducted in Mandarin, unless otherwise stated. 5. Due to seasonal change in temperature and weather, most hotels and restaurants have a central control system to regulate the indoor temperature for the comfort of the tour members and the system cannot be adjusted by the tour members. 6. Triple room or extra bed shall be in the form of a roll-in bed or mattress. The room type and category allocated shall depend on the hotel's room availability and arrangement, and is not predetermined by the Company. 7. Purchase of travel insurance is highly advisable. The Company shall not be liable for any losses or personal expenses incurred by the tour members during the tour. Please refer to the insurance policy for the terms of coverage. 8.In the event of adverse weather conditions and/or natural disasters which may lead to traffic delays, extended stays in hotel, cancellation/rescheduling of flights, and/or any other losses, the onus is on the tour members to bear the expenses. 9. Due to adverse weather conditions, traffic congestion, and other unforeseen circumstances, the Company reserves the right to rearrange, change or abandon the tour itinerary without prior notice and there shall not be any reimbursement. 10. For passengers who wish to deviate from the tour, no refund shall be entertained for any unutilized portion of the tour. 11. As this is a packaged tour, no refunds shall be made to tour members should any agents' discounts or special rated discounts be obtained, with respect to airlines, accommodations, meals, entrance fees, transport, etc. 12. Any tour price quoted is valid for MALAYSIAN only. For other nationalities, please consult our tour consultant as the tour price differs. 13. For other conditions, please refer to the overleaf of your invoice for our standard Terms & Conditions. 1. 行程表所列载的航班资料 交通 行程 酒店住宿及膳食安排, 将可能因应不同出发日期而有所变动, 恕可能不及时通知 然而如报名后有所更动的话, 本公司将另作个别通知 2. 行程 膳食及住宿的先后次序, 以当地地接待社安排为准 3. 本公司会根据团量来安排旅游巴士的大小, 但若巴士行李舱放置空间不足时, 或会遇上行李箱得放置在车厢内的可能, 所以一人一座 位为前提 4. 基本上全程中文讲解为主 如需以其他语言讲解, 必需在报名时提前通知本公司 本公司将另作安排, 将以最终确认為準 5. 因季节性的气温转变, 多数酒店及餐厅都以中央空调来控制室内温度, 空调设定为时段或是无空调提供, 如遇此况敬请见谅 6. 团体房型及等级分配, 由当地酒店排房为准, 非本公司所能掌控 任何三人房或加床都以折叠式或床垫为标准 7. 团队出发前建议需购买旅游保险, 以则安心 本公司对旅客的任何费用损失不承担任何责任, 有关保障范围及承保条款, 请参阅保 单 8. 若遭遇恶劣天气如暴风雪等无法控制的特殊天灾情况而导致交通延误或航班取消, 因而被迫延住 附加膳食等引致额外支出或损失问 题, 旅客需自行负责额外的费用 9. 若遇特殊情况或其他不可抗拒之因素如天气不佳导致海陆空交通延误或取消, 错过住宿, 膳食及景点观光等等 本公司保留放弃或更改 景点的权利, 以免耽误下个景点的观光时间, 并无任何代替景点 10. 如旅客决定离团, 所有的费用恕不退还 11. 对于机票 住宿 餐饮 门票 交通或其他服务费用, 在团体折扣和优惠价上的差额, 本旅行社恕不退还 12. 团费仅适用本国马来西亚公民参团有效, 其他国籍需补差额请洽询销售部 13. 确保消费者权益, 详情请参阅单据背页之基本条规细节 FOR AGENT USE: 台北 Taipei 桃园 Taoyuan 新竹 Hsinchu 苗栗 Miaoli 台中 Taichung 阿里山 Alishan 注 : 行程地图仅供参考, 如突发状况本公司会保留更改行程之权利 Remark:Route are subject to change based on uncontrollable circumstances. www.appleholiday.com 03-2141 8250