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Scholarship And Student Aid 奖助学金申请表

1. 种类 : 1.1 大学基础班奖学金 : 郑格如奖助学金 1.5 友族奖学金 1.2 专业文凭班奖学金 : 丹斯里张愈昌奖助学金 1.6 马来学系奖助学金 1.3 学士课程奖学金 : 张自游奖助学金 1.9 媒体奖助学金 1.4 课外活动优异奖学金 1.10 贷学金 : 萧畹香贷学金注 : 第 1 至第 9 项仅供新生申请, 第 10 项申请者可向学生事务处奖助学金组寻求协助 2. 主旨 : 鼓励成绩优异的学子报读南方大学学院, 及协助经济上需要资助的清寒子弟完成学业 3. 金额 : 3.1 各类奖学金 : 以成绩 品德 才能及家境为考核标准, 并按学期扣除学分费, 至发放额扣完 为止 3.2 各类助学金 : 每年发放总额不超过 RM2,500 3.3 课外活动优异奖学金 : 以课外活动及学业成绩为考核标准, 其发放方式与上同 3.4 友族奖学金 : 学费全免, 仅限非华裔申请, 并以成绩与家境为考核标准, 其发放方式与上同 3.5 贷学金 : 每学期可办理借贷一次, 但贷款金额只涵盖学分费 ; 每学期贷款不能超过该学期实 际学费, 且累计金额不能超过各科系总学分费之 70%, 已获取贷款的学生皆须连同学杂费 一起支付借贷金额总数之二巴仙, 作为行政费 4. 年限 : 4.1 所有奖助学金发放年限皆以一年 ( 三个学期 ) 为基准, 受惠学生在学之第二或第三学年, 奖 助学金委员会将评估其前一学年之学业成绩 课外活动表现 参与本校回馈服务表现或有 无严重纪律疏 4.2 奖学金得主每学年的累积学分 (CGPA) 必须达到 3.0 或以上, 助学金则需达到 2.5 或以上, 方有资格申请续领第二年或第三年奖学金 4.3 每届满一年后, 受惠学生必须填写 南方大学学院奖助学金续领申请表 并在开学日前 7 天呈交所需文件 委员会将开会审核续领申请及发放金额 ; 未如期呈交申请者, 视同放弃 资格 4.4 学生未能在规定年限内毕业或超修学分, 须自付超修或超过本委员会所批准的学分费 4.5 奖学金得主经查证有伪造或不实之情事, 将终止发放其奖学金, 且须立即付还过往所有已扣 除之学分费或所领奖助学金款额 4.6 申请休学者, 将暂停发放其奖学金 休学而复学后, 得重新申请奖助学金, 但其发放与否或 发放数额的多寡, 由委员会决定 4.7 申请转系者, 将终止发放其奖学金, 但得以重新申请奖助学金, 惟其发放与否或发放数额的 多寡, 由委员会决定 4.8 中途转学或退学者, 将终止发放其奖学金 5. 申请资格 : 5.1 马来西亚公民 ; 5.2 经济需要援助者 ; 5.3 身心健康, 品行良好, 活跃于课外或社团活动 ; 5.4 各类课程奖助学金之最低申请标准如下 : 5.4.1 奖学金申请者 : 奖学金申请者大学基础课程 - 高中统考 ( 含技职科 ) 证书 5 科最优成绩积分不超过 14 点 ; 或大马教育 文凭 (SPM)5 科最优成绩积分不超过 10 点 专业文凭班 - 高中统考 ( 含技职科 ) 证书 5 科最优成绩积分不超过 14 点 ; 或大马教育文 凭 (SPM)5 科最优成绩积分不超过 10 点 ; 或本校证书班毕业学业成绩累计学分积分点 (CGPA) 至少达 3.2 学士课程 - 高中统考 ( 含技职科 ) 证书 5 科最优成绩积分不超过 14 点 ; 或大马高级教育 5.4.2 助学金 文凭 (STPM);A 水准 (A-Level); 或本校大学基础课程班 ; 或专业文凭班, 其 CGPA 或 GPA 至少达 3.2 学金申请者 : - 高中统考 ( 含技职科 ) 证书 5 科最优成绩积分不超过 21 点 ; 或大马教育文凭 (SPM)5 科最优成绩积分不超过点 17; 或大马高级教育文凭 (STPM);A 水准 (A-Level); 或本 校大学基础课程班 ; 或专业文凭班, 其 CGPA 或 GPA 至少达 2.5 5.4.3 课外活动优异奖学金申请者 : - 高中统考 ( 含技职科 ) 大马教育文凭 (SPM) 大马高级教育文凭 (STPM) A 水准 (A-Level) 本校大学基础课程班 专业文凭班成绩达 5.4.2 项之标准 - 曾代表学校 州或国家参与各项比赛并表现优异者 ( 须校方推荐及检附相关证书 奖状

或证明文件 ) 5.4.4 友族奖学金申请者 : - 高中统考 ( 含技职科 ) 大马教育文凭 (SPM) 大马高级教育文凭 (STPM) A 水准 (A-Level) 本校大学基础课程班 专业文凭班成绩达 5.4.2 项之标准 - 非华裔 5.4.5 马来学系奖学金申请者 : - 高中统考 ( 含技职科 ) 大马教育文凭 (SPM) 大马高级教育文凭 (STPM) A 水准 (A-Level) 本校大学基础课程班 专业文凭班成绩达 5.4.2 项之标准 - 限马来学系新生 5.4.6 媒体奖学金申请者 : - 高中统考 ( 含技职科 ) 大马教育文凭 (SPM) 大马高级教育文凭 (STPM) A 水准 (A-Level) 本校大学基础课程班 专业文凭班成绩达 5.4.2 项之标准 - 限新闻传播系新生 5.4.7 贷学金 - 在籍生累计学分积分点 (CGPA) 至少达 2.0 * 凡不符合上述要求者请勿提出申请 6. 申请日期 : 所有奖助学金及贷学金的申请与续领申请, 务必在开学日之前 7 天提出 ( 恕不个别通知, 请随时留意学生事务处公告 ), 逾期不受理 7. 申请手续 : 7.1 申请简章及表格可径向南方大学学院奖助学金委员会领取或函索 ( 函索时须提供本身的通讯地址及附上 RM 1.00 的回邮邮票 ); 7.2 申请人须填具本院所备制的表格 ( 可复印或从网络下载使用 ); 7.3 申请时须附上以下文件 : 资料 / 文件 数量 (a) 手续费 ( 不退还 ) RM 30.00 (b) 护照型近照 (c) 离校 / 毕业证书副本 (d) 在校最后一年成绩单 /SPM 或 STPM 预试成绩副本 (e)spm/stpm/ 统考 /A-Level 成绩副本 (f) 家长 / 监护人最新所得税缴纳表 / 收入证明 (g) 最新水 / 电费缴费单 (h) 校方推荐函及相关证明 ( 课外活动优异奖学金申请者 ) 7.4 申请手续费为 RM 30, 可用现金支付, 如通过邮寄请以支票或银行汇票支付, 抬头注明 Kolej Universiti Selatan 7.5 填妥的申请表格及证件请于申请日期截止前寄至 : 南方大学学院 Kolej Universiti Selatan PTD 6488, 15 KM, Jalan Skudai, 81300 Skudai, Johor. 7.6 凡资料不齐 填涂不完整 缺交证件副本 所呈交证件副本缺校方验证 缺交手续费 支票 / 汇票抬头写错 地址书写不清而无法邮递者, 一概不受理, 且所有的申请资料恕不退还恕不退还 一概不受理恕不退还 8. 审核 : 由南方大学学院奖助学金委员会负责审核, 必要时将会函约申请人面谈 录取结果除个别通知外, 也将同时在本校学生事务处网页及布告栏公布 委员会的决定是最后决定, 任何询问恕不受理 9. 回馈服务 : 9.1 为落实饮水思源之精神, 奖学金 / 助学金受惠者, 须参与本校 思源社, 并在不影响课业的情况下, 接受安排至各部门协助工作 9.2 奖助学金受惠者在各部门的工读时数若有拖欠, 委员会有权取消其奖学金资格 ( 不得申请续 领 ), 并须于新学期开学前偿还该学期已扣除之学分费 ( 即所领奖助学金款额 ) * 详情请参阅思源社章程 10. 咨询 : 电话 :07-5586605 分机 :110 / 156( 学生事务处 ) 传真 :07-5563306 时间 :8.30am 4.30pm 11. 本简章若有未尽善处, 本校有权增删之 2016 年 1 月修订

Regulations: Scholarship and Student Aid Application 1. Type: 1.1 Foundation: Zheng Ge Ru Scholarship 1.5 Non-Chinese Student Scholarship 1.2 Diploma: Tan Sri Dato Teo Yew Cheong Scholarship 1.6 Department of Malay Scholarship 1.3 Degree: Teo Chee Yow Scholarship 1.7 Media Scholarship 1.4 Excellent Co-curriculum Scholarship 1.8 Education Loan Note: 1 st to 8 th items listed above are provided for new students to apply. Applicants for 9 th item, should get assistance from Student Affairs Office. 2. Objective: To encourage outstanding students and facilitate students in financial need to study at Southern University College. 3. Amount: 3.1 Scholarship Amount given out determined by academic results, conduct, talent, family background, academic results and credit fees per semester. 3.2 Study Grant Amount not exceeding RM2,500 per year. 3.3 Excellent Co-curriculum Scholarship Amount given out determined by co-curriculum performance and academic result. 3.4 Non-Chinese Student Scholarship Only for Non-Chinese students. Amount given out determined by family background, academic results and credit fee per semester. 3.5 Education Loan Semesterly application; The amount of loan provided will only cover the actual tuition fee of that semester, thus the aggregate loan shall not exceed 70% of accumulated amount incurred. Students who are granted with the loan have to pay administrative expenses amounting to 2% of the loaned amount at the same time. 4. Period: 4.1 The Scholarship/Study Grant will give out one year and renew annually. The renewal of the Scholarship/Study Grant for 2nd or 3rd year is subject to the holders performance in academic, co-curricular activities, service programme and conduct during the previous years. 4.2 The Scholarship holder must attain CGPA 3.0 or above every academic year; The Study Grant holder must attain CGPA 2.5 or above every academic year. The Scholarship or Study Grant will not be renewed for the following year if student cannot fulfill the requirements stated. 4.3 The Scholarship/Study Grant shall be renewed every academic year by submit the Application for Renewal of Scholarship/Study Loan form and relevant documents before the application deadline. Failing to submit may result in the termination of the Scholarship/Study Grant. 4.4 The holder shall bear the costs of tuition fees incurred on the extension of additional semester or the extra credits taken in addition to the total number of credits determined by course requirement or approved by Scholarship Committee. 4.5 The Scholarship/Study Grant will be suspended should the holder temporarily discontinues her/his study. The student must re-apply for the Scholarship or Study Grant once he/she resumes study. All the applications will be verified by Southern University College Scholarship Committee. 4.6 The student must re-apply for the Scholarship/Study Grant should he/she change the course midway. The applications will be verified by Southern University College Scholarship Committee. 4.7 The Scholarship/Study Grant will be terminated should the holder discontinue the course midway or leaving the university college. 5. Eligibility 5.1 Malaysian citizens; criteria: 5.2 Students in financial need; 5.3 Be healthy and of good character, proven achievements in extra-curricular activities ; 5.4 Acquire academic results that qualify for Scholarship/Study Grant stated as below: 5.4.1 Scholarship Applicants: Foundation Studies - UEC / UEC-V: 5 best subjects aggregate not exceeding 14 points; or SPM: with the cumulative grade points of 5 best subjects aggregate not exceeding 10 points. Diploma Programme - UEC / UEC-V: 5 best subjects aggregate not exceeding 14 points; or SPM: with the cumulative grade points of 5 best subjects aggregate not exceeding 10 points; or Southern University College certificate graduate with CGPA of at least 3.2. Degree Programme - UEC/UEC-V: 5 best subjects aggregate not exceeding 14 points; or STPM, A-Level, Southern University College Foundation or Diploma graduate with CGPA of at least 3.2. 5.4.2 Study Grant Applicants: UEC/UEC-V: 5 best subjects aggregate not exceeding 21 points; or SPM: with the cumulative grade points of 5 best subjects aggregate not exceeding 17 points; or STPM, A-Level, Southern University College Foundation or Diploma graduate with CGPA of at least 2.5.

5.4.3 Excellent Co-curriculum Scholarship Applicants: - UEC/UEC-V, or SPM, or STPM, or A-level, Southern University College Foundation or Diploma graduate results that qualify for term 5.4.2 standard stated above; - Representing school, state or national in various competitions and with outstanding performance. Must be recommended by the school and provide relevant documents 5.4.4 Non-Chinese Student Scholarship Applicants: - UEC/UEC-V, or SPM, or STPM, or A-level, Southern University College Foundation or Diploma graduate results that qualify for term 5.4.2 standard stated above; - For Non-Chinese student only. 5.4.5 Department of Malay Scholarship Applicants: - UEC/UEC-V, or SPM, or STPM, or A-level, Southern University College Foundation or Diploma graduate results that qualify for term 5.4.2 standard stated above; - For student from Department of Malay only. 5.4.6 Media Scholarship Applicants: - UEC/UEC-V, or SPM, or STPM, or A-level, Southern University College Foundation or Diploma graduate results that qualify for term 5.4.2 standard stated above; - For student from Department of Journalism and Communication only. 5.4.7 Education Loan: - Southern University College students with CGPA of at least 2.0. * Students who do not fulfill the requirements will not be considered. 6. Deadlines: Application for Scholarship/Study Grant and renewal must be submitted 7 days prior to semester commences (Please 7. Application procedure: refer to SAO s notice board for further due date information). Late applications will not be considered. 7.1 The application forms can be obtained from Southern University College (to obtain the application form through the mail, please enclose a self-addressed envelope with RM1.00 stamp); 7.2 Applicants must complete the application form. 7.3 Submit the relevant documents below: Documents Quantity (a) Application fee (non-refundable) RM 30.00 (b) Passport size photo 1 (c) School leaving certificate/graduation certificate photocopy 1 (d) Senior forms academic results photocopy 1 (e) SPM/STPM/UEC/A-Level results photocopy 1 (f) Parents or guardians income statements 1 (g) Latest Utilities statements 1 (h) School recommendation letter (Excellent Co-curriculum Scholarship applicant only) 1 7.4 The registration fee is RM30. Payment can be made in cash, via cheque or bank draft, entitled Kolej Universiti Selatan. 7.5 Submit the completed application form together with other documents to Kolej Universiti Selatan PTD 6488, 15 KM, Jalan Skudai, 81300 Skudai, Johor. 7.6 Incomplete application will not be considered. 8. Verification All the applications will be verified by Southern University College Scholarship Committee. If necessary an interview 9. Service programme: between applicant and scholarship committee will be arranged. Only short-listed candidates will be notified or listed on the Southern University College website. The scholarship committee reserves the right to make the final selection. 9.1 All Scholarship and Study Grant beneficiaries will automatically become members of The Si-Yuan Society, they will have to assist in the work of different departments as arranged by the University. 9.2 The Scholarship/Study Grant will be terminated and should be reimbursed according to the number of credits taken should the beneficiaries do not complete or satisfy the service hours of departments. * Refer to The Si-Yuan Society rules and regulations. 10. Enquiry: Tel: 07-5586605 ext 110 / 156 (Student Affairs Office); Fax: 07-5563306; Office hours: 8.30am 4.30pm 11. The University College reserves the right to make amendments to these regulations. January, 2016 Amendment

PTD 64888, 15 Km, Jalan Skudai, P.O. Box 76, 81300 Skudai, Johor Tel: 07-5586605 Fax: 07-5563306 Website: www.southern.edu.my 20 学年奖助学金申请表 SCHOLARSHIP AND STUDENT AID APPLICATION FORM A.. 个人资料 Personal Particulars 1. 姓名 Name 2. 出生日期 Date of Birth 3. 性别 Gender 中 (C): 男 Male 英 (E): 女 Female 4. 身份证号码 NRIC No. 5. 种族 Race 6. 传真 Fax 照片 Photo 7. 电子邮件 Email 8. 住家电话 Home Tel 9. 手机 H/P No. 10. 通讯地址 Postal Address 11. 永久地址 Permanent Address 12. 报读课程 Course Applied B.. 本人欲申请以下奖 / 助学金 ( 只能填选一项 助学金 I Would Like To Apply For Scholarship / Study Grant As Below: 只能填选一项 Choose one only) 大学基础课程奖学金 Foundation Program Scholarship 友族奖学金 Non-Chinese Student Scholarship 专业文凭班新生奖学金 Diploma Scholarship 马来学系奖助学金 Department of Malay Scholarship 学士课程奖学金 Degree Programme Scholarship 媒体奖助学金 Media Scholarship 课外活动优异奖学金 Excellent Co-curriculum Scholarship 其他 Others: 助学金 Study Grant C.. 学业成绩 Academic Results ( 最优成绩排在最前 From Best Result Onwards) 高中统考文凭 UEC 大马教育文凭 SPM 大马高级学校文凭 STPM A 水准 A-Level 其他 Others 科目 Subject 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 等级 Grade / CGPA 科目 Subject 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 等级 Grade / CGPA D.. 曾参与课外活动 Co-curriculum Records( ( 如需要, 可另纸填写 Use extra sheet(s) if necessary) D1. 学会 / 制服团体 Society/Uniform Body 职称 Position 1. 主席 Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 秘书 / 财政 Secretary/Treasurer 2. 主席 Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 秘书 / 财政 Secretary/Treasurer 3. 主席 Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 秘书 / 财政 Secretary/Treasurer 4. 主席 Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 秘书 / 财政 Secretary/Treasurer 5. 主席 Chairman 副主席 Vice Chairman 秘书 / 财政 Secretary/Treasurer D2. 运动 / 才艺或学术表现 Achievements in Sports/Talents 等级 Level 1. 国际 International 全国 National 名次 Position 优秀 Merit 入选 Eligible 证件 ( 请打 ) Document(tick ) 证件 ( 请打 ) Document(tick )

2. 国际 International 全国 National 3. 国际 International 全国 National 4. 国际 International 全国 National 5. 国际 International 全国 National E.. 家庭资料 Family Particulars 父亲 Father 母亲 Mother 优秀 Merit 入选 Eligible 优秀 Merit 入选 Eligible 优秀 Merit 入选 Eligible 优秀 Merit 入选 Eligible 姓名 Name 身份证号码 NRIC No. 联络电话 Tel 监护人 Guardian F.. 家庭经济情况 Family Financial Situation 家庭成员 ( 有工作者包含父母 ) 收入情况 Income of family members( 须附证明文件 attach document) 1. 姓名 Name 关系 Relationship 职业 Occupation 每月收入 Monthly Income(RM) 证明文件 ( 请打 ) Document(Please tick ) 2. 3. 4. 5. 合计 Total 拥有房子 Own House/s 租房 Rent House ( 请附上最新水 / 电费缴费单 Please attach the latest utilities statements) 房子类型 House type: 单层排屋 Single Storey Terrace / 双层排屋 Double Storey Terrace / 半独立 Semi-detached / 独立式 Bungalow / 公寓 Condominium / 组屋 Apartment / 其它 Other: 建造年份 Since Year: 拥有汽车 Own Car 部 Unit/s 1. 汽车款式 Car Model: ( 年份 Year ) 2. 汽车款式 Car Model: ( 年份 Year ) 3. 汽车款式 Car Model: ( 年份 Year ) G.. 求学中的家庭成员 ( 包括申请人 ) 目前就学资料 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Details of family members currently at school 姓名关系 Name Relationship 就读学校 School 家庭成员中是否有需要特别照顾者?Any disabled family member? 有 Yes 否 No 年级 Form 证明文件 ( 请打 ) Document(Please tick ) 如有, 请填具下列资料 If yes, please fill in the form below: 关系 每月费用 证明文件 ( 请打 ) 姓名 Name

Relationship Monthly Expenses (RM) Document(Please tick ) 1. 2. 3. 4. 谨此签认上述各项皆属实 I confirm that the above information is accurate and true 申请人签名 Signature of Applicant: 办公室填写 For Office Use Only 日期 Date: 办公室填写报名编号 Enrolment No.: 收款人签名 Staff Signature 数额 Amount(RM) 收据号码 Receipt No. 日期 Date 审核结果 Result: 经审核资料后, 此项申请不获批准 Application is not approved 经审核资料后, 批准此项申请 Application is approved and granted as 奖学金 Scholarship( 金额 Amount:RM ) 助学金 Study Grant( 金额 Amount:RM ) 奖助学金委员会主任委员签名 Signature of Chairman: 批准日期 Date of approval: 审核会议委员签名 Signatures of Scholarship Committee 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.