ChinaGrid Overview

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ChinaGrid Overview Hai Jin Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Five Main Grid Projects in China China National Grid CNGrid (Ministry of Science and Technology ) China Spatial Information Grid (Ministry of Science and Technology ) China Education and Research Grid ChinaGrid (Ministry of Education) China Science Grid Project (National Science Foundation) Shanghai City Information Grid

ChinaGrid in a Nutshell China Education and Research Grid Funded by Ministry of Education Based on CERNET (China Education and Research Network) First Phase From 2003-2005 12 key universities as initiative More than 6Tflops w/60tb 20 key universities by the end of 2004

Prerequisites for Grid Computing Network infrastructure Wide area distribution of computational resources Continuous increasing requirement for resource sharing

About CERNET Second largest IP backboned network in China 36 PoPs cover all the province capitals The network backbone is 2.5Gbps DWDM Total outgoing bandwidth outside China is 324Mbps Cover more than 1,000 colleges in about 200 cities About 10 million users Many universities have their own campus network in China

State-of-the-art of CERNET-1 徐闻徐闻徐闻徐闻长春长春长春长春哈尔滨哈尔滨哈尔滨哈尔滨乌鲁木齐乌鲁木齐乌鲁木齐乌鲁木齐拉萨拉萨拉萨拉萨西宁西宁西宁西宁兰州兰州兰州兰州银川银川银川银川呼和浩特呼和浩特呼和浩特呼和浩特台北台北台北台北沈阳沈阳沈阳沈阳南昌南昌南昌南昌西安西安西安西安徐州徐州徐州徐州武汉武汉武汉武汉合肥合肥合肥合肥郑州郑州郑州郑州石家庄石家庄石家庄石家庄北京北京北京北京南宁南宁南宁南宁广州广州广州广州福州福州福州福州杭州杭州杭州杭州上海上海上海上海南京南京南京南京天津天津天津天津贵阳贵阳贵阳贵阳海口海口海口海口三亚三亚三亚三亚湛江湛江湛江湛江无锡无锡无锡无锡大连大连大连大连太原太原太原太原济南济南济南济南烟台烟台烟台烟台成都成都成都成都长沙长沙长沙长沙重庆重庆重庆重庆黄梅黄梅黄梅黄梅九江九江九江九江昆明昆明昆明昆明青岛青岛青岛青岛汕头汕头汕头汕头唐山唐山唐山唐山汉中汉中汉中汉中宜昌宜昌宜昌宜昌珠海珠海珠海珠海深圳深圳深圳深圳惠州惠州惠州惠州柳州柳州柳州柳州百色百色百色百色厦门厦门厦门厦门主干网地区网 GigaPop Pop 桂林桂林桂林桂林深圳深圳深圳深圳

ChinaGrid (The First Phase)

Goals of ChinaGrid Project Largest Most Advanced Most Practical

Resource Distribution of ChinaGrid (by 2004) 北京大学 5 千 5T 北航 5 千 5T 东北大学 5 千 5T 清华大学 10 千 10T 沈阳 西安交大 5 千 5T 北京 济南 山东大学 10 千 10T 西安 华中科技 5 千 5T 东南大学 5 千 5T 上海交大 5 千 5T 国防科大 5 千 5T 长沙 武汉 南京 上海 华南理工 5 千 5T 中山大学 5 千 5T CERNET 地区中心 CERNET 主干网 2.5G 线路 广州 CERNET 主节点 非 CERNET 主节点 CERNET 城域网 CERNET 主节点接入线路

Main Research Tasks Campus grid platform Common platform for ChinaGrid Grid application platform and representative grid applications Image processing grid Bioinformatics grid Course on-line grid Computational fluid dynamic grid Large scale information processing grid

Application Model for ChinaGrid Service Supporting Platform 最终用户 Portal CGSP ChinaGrid 服务门户 Grid Services ( 数字化图书馆 ) CGSP CGSP Standards & Protocols Grid Services ( 数字化奥运 ) CGSP Grid Services ( 数字化信息资源 ) CGSP: ChinaGrid Supporting Platform CGSP

Architecture of ChinaGrid Service Supporting Platform ChinaGrid ChinaGrid application 网格应用 (Digital ( 数字奥运 Olympic game, 数字图书馆, Digital 厎 ) library ) E -Science Grid E -Info Grid E -Instrument Grid Naming registration 命名注册 Strategy control 策略控制 ChinaGrid ChinaGrid Service 网格服务支撑平台 Supporting Platform Discovery & Lifecycle Monitor & 发现定位 location 生命期管理 management Scheduling 监控调度工作流 Workflow Authentication & Identity Communication 授权与访问控制 access control authentication 身份鉴别通信安全 security... Notifi cation 通知 Uniform information 统一的信息表示 存储 转换和交换 representation, storage, and exchange Linux Windows Unix All kinds 各种计算机 of computers Network 网络设备 infrastructure

ChinaGrid Supporting Platform ChinaGrid Portal ChinaGrid Specific Grid Applications Grid Security Grid Problem Solving Environment Grid Information Service Grid Resource Management and Job Scheduling Grid Data Management

CGSP in Detail 服务监控 资源监控 作业提交 资源查询 虚拟接口管理模块 作业调度 作业状态管理 Mmjfs Rips Mds 服务元数据管理模块 容错 错误检测 Web Portal 统一文件访问接口 存储资源管理 存储资源错误检测 用户视图组织 服务匹配选择模块 副本策略 副本目录 数据存储抽象 信息服务 服务动态部署模块 调度代理部署模块 网格结点故障管理 用户管理模块 域服务器 文件元数据管理器 信息服务器容错 XML 数据库接口模块 统一数据库访问接口 数据服务扩展 数据库存储抽象 SLA 管理模块 用户 - 密码库 Grid-mapfile 服务级访问控制 WS-Security 网格信息共享拓扑管理 UserProxy 临时证书池 Simple CA ( 替换 )

CGSP Operation Model

ChinaGrid Specific Application Grid NUDT HUST ZSU PKU SJTU XJTU NEU SCUT BUAA THU Bioinformatics grid Image processing grid Remote education grid Data grid Fluid dynamics grid Large-scale information processing grid SEU SDU Computational grid Access grid High performance computing environment (campus grid)

Image Processing Grid Three-dimension reconstruction of digital virtual human being (HUST) Medical image diagnosis (ZSU) Remote sensing image processing(nudt)

BioGrid Only two things for users: 1. Submit bioinformatics jobs through the web 2. Wait for the results Users needs not to care about the job scheduling, task monitoring and task management

BioGrid Applications Protein target selection for rice genome Multi-sequence alignment for ganoderma family Gene joint for white mice Cardiovascular disease research

Course On-line Grid

Course On-line Grid (cont.) Domain names for course on-line Grid User can get the courses VOD by IE using realplayer System has already provided about 700-hour courses from 12 university for VOD and download


CFD Grid CFD(Computational Fluid Dynamics)integrates computational mathematics, computer science, hydromechanics, and computer visualization, etc. CFD classification Computational aerodynamics Computational hydrodynamics Computational combustion Computational heat transfer Numerical weather forecast etc.

Significant Applications based on CFD Grid Shanhai JiaoTong University: Aircraft genetic optimization design system Xi an JiaoTong University: Parallel algorithm for molecular dynamics Southern China University of Technology: Simulation and optimization techniques for metal powder figuration process Northeast University: Large scale geological disaster forecasting system Southeast University: Computational electromagnetism applications in airplane and automobile design

Large Scale Information Processing Grid Digital aeronautical and astronautical museum (BUAA) Data processing center of Alpha Magnetic Spectrum (AMS- SOC) (SEU) Construction of YangBaJin Cosmic Ray Experimental Platform (SDU)

ChinaGrid@ GCC2003, Shanghai

ChinaGrid @ China Education Expo 2004

Meet with Them @ GCC 04, Wuhan, Oct. 2004

Grid is/is not is just getting started about sharing resources using Web services a complex problem platform independent open source based on standards is not a supercomputer replacing the Internet a cluster proprietary just scientific computing PC versus server toolkit solution
