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免費地產雜誌 Free Magazine 國際快訊 International 1OCT2015 No.229 BUMP IN THE ROAD Is Thailand still investable? 微笑之都泰國局勢不穩 復蘇之路漫長 Focus Private Advice For Alternatives 專家解構英倫物業投資管理方案 品味生活 Leisure Sweet Nothings Luxuriating In Koh Samui 漫遊蘇梅島拋開世俗煩憂 FIND US ON

Editor s Note 編者的話 Welcome as always to Squarefoot, and welcome to a bit of a new look and new reads. In the Market Watch, our Focus section now takes front and centre as the column about all things Hong Kong, and in this issue we chat with Hanover Private Office about its increasing service of Asian clientele much of it from the SAR. In International, we take a look at Thailand and wonder how much this past summer s bombing in Bangkok is going to affect the property market there. New to this section is Street Life, a zoom in on one street or nook of Hong Kong and what if offers residents. You never know where you ll be moving and every street has a life of its own so we ll visit as many as we can. Finally, Editor s Choice is a nearly 1,500-square foot flat with views of the sea at Chianti in Discovery Bay. In the Lifestyle sections, the new Interiors column tours the new Central shop by Italian furniture retailer Magis. Hot Gadgets offers up a range of brightly coloured accessories sure to beat the dreary autumn blues. Lastly, the new addition here is Leisure, which says it all. Be it here in Hong Kong or a destination abroad, Leisure will help you live, relax or indulge a little. In this issue, we chill out in Koh Samui. We hope you like the changes, and see you next issue. 今期 Squarefoot 雜誌內容耳目一新, 以迎合更多讀者的口味 關注本地物業市場動態, 並為讀者搜尋投資機遇 越來越多亞洲投資者 ( 包括香港在內 ) 把目光放到海外市場, 海外物業管理投資服務因此應運而生 今期我們訪問了 Hanover Private Office, 看看他們如何洞悉英國地產市場 國際快訊 將會走訪泰國, 了解今年八月發生的炸彈爆炸事件, 如何影響當地物業市場 新專欄 大街小巷 將會集中探索香港街頭巷尾的特色與背後故事, 今期介紹上環 至於 編輯精選 將會介紹位於愉景灣尚堤的 1,500 平方呎海景大宅 全新的 家居設計 介紹 Magis 意大利時尚傢具, 該品牌在中環開了分店, 帶來更多奇趣新穎的產品 潮物精選 為讀者搜羅了一系列色彩鮮艷的精緻設計品, 掃走秋天的愁緒 最後, 新專欄 休閒生活 將會帶讀者漫遊蘇梅島, 拋開世俗煩憂 希望讀者喜歡我們全新的內容設計 Editorial Enquiries: sf.info@squarefoot.com.hk, 3965 4300 Squarefoot available : In Print Smartphone Tablet Computer 5

C O N T E N T S Market Watch Focus Pg10 Hanover Private Office, service and London alternatives 專家解 英 物業投資管理方 No.229 1OCT2015 Street Life 大街小巷 Pg20 International 國際快訊 Bump In The Road Is violence in Thailand finally going to have an impact? 泰國 蘇 漫 Lifestyle Pg24 Facts & Figures 市場 China Insight 中 Hidden Corner Exploring two of Sheung Wan s under-the-radar streets 品味 上環 市中的新 Interiors 家居設計 Pg16 Pg28 Pg36 Gift Of The Magis Italian design-forward retailer Magis arrives in Central 海 Magis 意大利時尚傢具 Hot Gadgets 潮物精選 TheSpace Property Pg34 Pg40 Editor s Choice 編輯精選 Property Listings Leisure 休閒生活 Pg38 Sweet Nothings A few perfect days in Koh Samui doing a little as possible 漫遊蘇梅島 拋開世俗煩憂 Pg44 Pg46 Disclaimer Published by Finance18.com Limited. This magazine is published on the understanding that the publishers, advertisers, contributors and their employees are not responsible for the results of any actions, errors or omissions taken on the basis of information contained in this publication. The publisher, advertisers, contributors and their employees expressly disclaim all and any liability to any person, whether a reader of the publication or not, in respect of any action or omission or the consequences of any action or omission by any such person, whether whole or in part, upon the whole or in part of the contents of this publication. Square Foot cannot be held responsible for any errors or inaccuracies provided by advertisers or contributors. No part of this magazine may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher. Publisher Finance18.com Limited Regional General Manager Carrie Law Editor Elizabeth Kerr Advertising Enquiries sf.salesenquiries@squarefoot.com.hk General Enquiries sf.info@squarefoot.com.hk Website www.squarefoot.com.hk Telephone (852) 3965 4300 Facsimile (852) 2914 1900 Consider the environment and think green: share this magazine with friends or recycle it when you re through 7

Market Watch 10 FOCUS Hanover Private Office, service and London alternatives 專家解構英倫物業投資管理方案 20 24 Pg Pg STREET LIFE INTERNATIONAL Hidden Corner Exploring two of Sheung Wan s under-the-radar streets 品味 市 Bump In The Road Is violence in Thailand finally going to have an impact? 泰國局勢不穩復蘇之路漫長

Focus Text : Elizabeth Kerr Photo : Hanover Private Office 專家解 London-based Hanover Private Office offers Asian investors another way to manage their assets 英 物業投資管理方 10 There s nothing wrong with having a small army of finance professionals managing a private investment portfolio. Bankers, property consultants and lawyers all have their place, but as investors get more creative and diverse and assets get harder to come by alternatives are in order. Real estate holding firm as the world s favourite asset class and London holding on to its elite position is a cocktail that is increasingly demanding alternatives. Enter Hanover Private Office. Top to Bottom When most of us think of private bankers, the assumption is that only the likes of Bill Gates demands those services. But that s not the case all the time, argues Alex Newell, managing director at Hanover Private Office. It s the idea of a private bank but in managing property wealth. Residential property around the world, but commercial as well: office blocks, luxury hotels and so on, he explains. We can act and advise people on why it s a good deal, why it s bad. It s about focus, quality of service and quality of advice. Hanover isn t a real estate agency and it s not an investment bank; it falls somewhere in between. And contrary to popular perception they do indeed service clientele in the 1 to 5 million market, many of them expatriates scattered around the world and planning to return home as well as UHNWIs. Hanover offers broader knowledge, property management, planning and permits for developments as well as simple home sales among other services in central and on the periphery of London, and Asian investors are increasingly among the firm s clientele. Hanover s London properties will always be popular, but more and more projects like the Sandylands country house, the Wick Lane estate in Englefield Green and South Drive, all in Surrey are gaining traction. High prices and low yields in the city are inspiring investors to look farther afield, and regardless of sales volumes, Asian buyers are indeed interested in houses. 理資產 專業的, 家 物管業投資 問 投資產品 合 多, 市場上 更多的管理方 地產一 全 投資者的 選, 當中 以 物業最 Hanover Private Office 專為 物業市場 投資管理方 的 方 為 服務 的專利,Hanover Private Office 運 Alex Newell 以為 Hanover 的服務與, 的 物業投資管理服務 了 宅外, 該 投資服務, 如 店 Hanover 分 物業投資的 專業意,Newell 為 專注, 服務 Hanover 並 物業 理, 投資, 品牌 位介 者 他們的 目 投資一 至 英 物業的, 大 居國外 意 國的, 一 Hanover 分 市中 物業的投資市, 當中 物業管理 以 發, 目 以亞洲 為 一 以來,Hanover 的 目 歡迎, 在 位於 Surrey 的 Sandylands Englefield Green South Drive 的 Wick Lane 宅 注目 大 市的 物 利, 投資者尋 以外的物業市場 管 如何, 亞洲

Focus Ebb and Flow One, it s cyclical. It happens every cycle that as prices rise to such an extent that yields are put under pressure and capital growth slows people do look elsewhere, theorises Newell of the sudden shift away from London. Investors ask What s the closest to London I can get but get a better yield or more value for money? Generally because of Heathrow and the M4 motorway lots of people want to go west. It s full of old market towns, which are now villages that have grown, with plenty of luxury property, he notes. Farther from London, Manchester is also making waves and getting attention, but Newell s partner, Director Rory McGougan remains cautious, or at the very least patient. There s a lot of incentive for the UK government to [spotlight] the Powerhouse that is going to be the north of England, but people forget that s going to take 10 or 15 years. For anyone looking for an immediate yield, they re not going to get it, McGougan points out. There are still areas that surround prime central London and they are emerging prime markets, including outside zone 2 and places like Stratford. If investors are looking for yields, they ll focus on those emerging prime markets. You ll get a higher yield than in PCL but also higher appreciation than outside the M25. Manchester, Birmingham, Newcastle all provide very good yields but they only go up in capital value by 2 or 3 percent a year on a good year. Newell and McGougan are on one of several trips per year they make to Hong Kong and other parts of Asia in servicing their clients another perk of the private office manager which totals roughly 10 percent now. A Hong Kong office isn t out of the question one day, but for now they ll be frequent fliers. www.manhattanloftgardens.co.uk www.hanoverprivateoffice.com 不 Newell 市場 期, 當 物業 至, 利 資本 放, 投資者 會 到 他市場 他們會 一 利 的地方 於希 機場 M4 因, 投資者目光, 市, 發 大, 宅 至於 的 特, Hanover Private Office Rory McGougan 投資該地 態, 為 更多 英國 動的 方 計, 特的發 一, 目 設 時至 10 至 15 年 在投資 的話, 在 以 期 利 McGougan 為 中 投資的新 地, 包括 2 Stratford 一帶 地 的 利機會 利 市中, 於 M25 以外地 一方, 特 的投資利, 資本 方, 年最多 2 至 3% 為了 更全 服務,Newell McGougan 年 多 走訪香港 他亞洲地, 亞洲 大 一, 來 在香港設 事 12

Focus Lofty Ambitions Despite central London s appealing fundamentals, the city s more far-flung spots are beckoning investors and the latest is Manhattan Loft Gardens in east London, in Stratford. Developed by Manhattan Loft Corporation, the project is continuing the developer s mission of bringing New York style loft living to London. It s very much in the early stages; they ve just broken ground. It s located right in the heart of a new urban location in London, which was relatively untouched and where the Olympics were in 2012. There s a huge focus on it and it s a fantastic bit of design. It will be the standout tower in the entire area, says Hanover Private Office Director Rory McGougan. Manhattan Loft Gardens, designed by SOM Architects, sits in the heart of a booming new neighbourhood featuring Queen Elizabeth Park, new university campuses and the infrastructure the Olympic Games brought to the former industrial district. A great deal of money was spent getting the infrastructure right first and there s a big tech area developing, continues McGougan. It s not as focused as Old Street, but it s still attracting firms. The Guggenheim is presenting its first full time residency outside the United States in the area, and there are all the facilities left over from the Olympics: football stadiums, an amazing park, swimming facilities and a Westfield shopping centre. Values in Stratford rose 18 percent last year, making it one of the city s bestperforming sub-markets. MANHATTAN LOFT GARDENS When completed Manhattan Loft Gardens will feature 248 flats in a cantilevered tower, boasting three gardens at different levels, a sevenstorey hotel, uninterrupted views on the top 15 floors and transport links at Stratford station that take residents to Bond Street in 10 minutes and to Paris in under two hours. 焦點 倫 市 物業投資 點 方 倫 Manhattan Loft Gardens Manhattan Loft Corporation 業 倫 Hanover Private Office Rory McGougan Manhattan Loft Gardens 倫 市 2012 方 投資 方 SOM Architects 方 Manhattan Loft Gardens 英 世 局投 資 業 國 不 場 物 18% 物業市場之 Manhattan Loft Gardens 248 不 15 開 路 10 Bond Street 方