Bahasa Melayu 1:00 Bahagian A1: Imbuhan Isikan tempat kosong 5 soalan 10 Markah English Language 1:00 Visual Text 5 Marks Bahagian A2: Peribahasa Isik

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Bahasa Melayu 1:00 Bahagian A1: Imbuhan Isikan tempat kosong 5 soalan 10 Markah English Language 1:00 Visual Text 5 Marks Bahagian A2: Peribahasa Isikan tempat kosong 5 Soalan 10 Markah Bahagian C: Kefahaman Subjektif Soalan Kefahaman dan Kosa Kata 10 Soalan 30 Markah Comprehension 25 Marks (Imbuhan yang merangkumi awalan, akhiran dan apitan) Senarai Peribahasa untuk Menengah 2 Menjawab 6 soalan kefahaman berbentuk respons bebas dan memberikan maksud 4 perkataan/frasa mengikut konteks yang diberikan. 1. Factual 2. Inferential 3. Language for Impact Questions Literature in English 1:00 Set Text 2 full essays. 20 Marks. Off Centre by Haresh Sharma Answer both questions and question numbers must be clearly written. Mathematics 1:00 40 Marks Chapter 1: Proportion Chapter 2: Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions Chapter 3: Simple Algebraic Fractions History 1:00 Total : 30 marks Section A - SBQ 15 marks 3 sub questions Chapter 5 : Did the Japanese Occupation change the way people viewed Singapore Each question must be done on a fresh page. Section B - Structured Questions 15 marks A-2

Science 1:00 Section A Multiple-Choice Section B Short Structured Question 3-4 Questions 30 Marks Section C Long Structured Question 1-2 Questions 10 Marks Chapter 10: Transport Systems in Organisms Chapter 11: Human Digestive System Chapter 12: Human Sexual Reproductive System Calculator 华文 1:00 一 词语考查 二 综合填空 三 阅读理解一选择题 14 分 阅读理解二开放式问题 16 分 高级华文 (1116) 1:00 一 填写词语 / 成语 (100--120) 根据拼音或意义填写词语 / 成语 10 题 二 综合填空根据篇章, 选择正确的词语 中二快捷课文 : 第一至第五课词语中一至中二所学读写技能成语 51--60 中二高华课本上册第一课到第六课活动本单元一 单元二二十个成语 NA A-3

三 阅读理解一多项选择 / 自由作答 四 阅读理解二问答题 20 分 A-4

MAYFLOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL 2016 COMMON TEST Level: Sec 2 NA Subject Paper Duration Format Topics Comments Art Week 4-5 0% Figure drawing practice Figure Drawing Proportions: 5% Ability to add flesh and details: 5% Total: 10 % Pencil drawings Comments Done during curriculum time in art room Week 5-6 10% Hand gestures drawing Pencil Drawings Done in art room Proportions: 10% Week 7-8 80% Final: Reflective identity Pastel/ Charcoal Drawings Done in dance studio Students will construct a full body image of themselves in a creative pose, based on their reflection, together with an added object that best describes them. Breakdown of marks: Creativity: 30% Proportions: 30% Neatness: 20% A-5

Bahasa Melayu 1:00 Bahagian A1: Imbuhan Isikan tempat kosong 5 soalan 10 Markah Bahagian A2: Peribahasa Isikan tempat kosong 5 Soalan 10 Markah Bahagian C: Kefahaman Subjektif Soalan Kefahaman dan Kosa Kata 10 Soalan 30 Markah Bahasa Melayu 1:00 Section A: Peribahasa (Idiom) Multple-Choice 5 Soalan 10 Markah Imbuhan yang merangkumi awalan, akhiran dan apitan. Senarai Peribahasa untuk Menengah 2 Menjawab 6 soalan kefahaman berbentuk respons bebas dan memberikan maksud 4 perkataan/frasa mengikut konteks yang diberikan. Peribahasa list for Secondary 2 Comprehension techniques and answering skills Section C: Subjective Comprehesion Open-ended comprehension and vocabulary 10 Soalan 30 Markah English Language 1:00 Visual Text 5 Marks Comprehension 25 Marks 1. Factual 2. Inferential 3. Language for Impact Literature in English 1:00 3 mini-essays. 15 Marks. Off Centre by Haresh Sharma Answer all questions and question numbers must be clearly written. Mathematics 1:00 Answer all questions 40 marks A-6 Chapter 1: Proportion Chapter 2: Expansion and Factorisation of Algebraic Expressions Each question must be done on a fresh page. Approved Electronic Calculators

Science 1:00 Section A Multiple-Choice Section B Short Structured Questions 30 Marks Section C Long Structured Questions 10 Marks 华文 1:00 一 填写词语 14 分 二 综合填空多项选择 三 阅读理解一多项选择 四 阅读理解二自由作答 16 分 History 1:00 Total : 30 marks Section A - SBQ 15 marks 3 sub questions Section B - Structured Questions 15 marks Chapter 10: Transport Systems in Organisms Chapter 11: Human Digestive System Chapter 12: Human Sexual Reproductive System 中二普通学术课文第一至第五课词语中一至中二所学读写技能成语 61-70 Chapter 5 : Did the Japanese Occupation change the way people viewed Singapore Calculator A-7

MAYFLOWER SECONDARY SCHOOL 2016 COMMON TEST Level: Sec 2 NT Subject Paper Duration Format Topics Comments Art Week 4-5 20% Figure drawing practice Figure Drawing Proportions: 10% Ability to add flesh and details: 10% Total: 20 % Pencil drawings Done during curriculum time in art room Week 6 10% Hand gestures drawing Pencil Drawings Done in art room Proportions: 10% Week 7-8 70% Final: Reflective identity Pastel/ Charcoal Drawing Done in dance studio Students will construct a full body image of themselves in a creative pose, based on their reflection, together with an added object that best describes them. Breakdown of marks: Creativity: 30% Proportions: 20% Neatness: 20% A-8

Bahasa Melayu Asas Computer Applications 0:50 Bahagian A Ujian Kloz 5 Soalan 10 Markah Bahagian B Kefahaman 1 5 Soalan Aneka Pilihan 5 Soalan 10 Markah Kefahaman 2 2 Soalan Aneka Pilihan dan 2 Soalan Respons Bebas 4 Soalan 10 Markah 1:00 Section A Multiple-Choice 20 Questions 20 Marks Section B Short-structured Questions 30 Marks Perkataan yang diuji merupakan item-item bahasa 2 teks pendek* 1 teks* *Teks yang digunakan adalah berdasarkan bahan autentik contohnya iklan, brosur, poster, risalah, menu dan lain-lain lagi. 1. Computer Fundamentals 2. Spreadsheets 3. Document Processing 4. Media Elements 5. Multimedia Communication English Language 1:00 Form Filling Modified Cloze I Modified Cloze II Language in spoken interaction 1) Grammar rules on past tense, subject verb agreement, noun agreement 2) Language used in spoken context Nil A-9

Editing Mathematics 1:00 12-15 Questions 40 Marks Chapter 1: Triangles and Quadrilaterals Chapter 2: Congruency and Similarity Chapter 3: Algebraic Manipulation Science 0:50 Section A Multiple-Choice 15 Questions 15 Marks Chapter 7: Water Pollution Chapter 8: Air Pollution Scientific Calculator Construction Set Calculator Section B Short Answers 25 Marks Section C Structured 10 Marks 华文 ( 基础 ) 0:50 一 词语选择在括号里提供四个词语, 学生根据选择最恰当的一个放在相应的句子里 5 分 复习中二课本单元一和单元二词汇学习技能 : 能读懂通告, 能写简单通告 二 理解测验两个篇章, 每个问题提供了四个答案供选择 14 分 三 完成句子从各题中选出适当的短语, 然后填写在横线上, 完成句子 四 技能考查 A-10
