Midas Holdings Limited (Singapore Registration No.: W) (Incorporated in Singapore with limited liability) (Stock Code: 1021) GLOBAL OFFERING

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Unless otherwise defined in this announcement, terms defined in the prospectus of Midas Holdings Limited (the Company ) dated 21 September 2010 (the Prospectus ) have the same meanings when used in this announcement. This announcement is for information purposes only and does not constitute an invitation or offer to acquire, purchase or subscribe for securities. The information contained herein does not constitute an offer of securities for sale in the United States. Securities may not be offered, sold or delivered within the United States unless they are registered under the United States Securities Act of 1933, as amended or are exempt from registration. No public offering of securities will be made in the United States. Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited (the Hong Kong Stock Exchange ) and Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited take no responsibility for the contents of this announcement, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this announcement. In connection with the Global Offering, Credit Suisse, as stabilizing manager, its affiliates or any person acting for it, on behalf of the Underwriters, may over-allocate or effect transactions with a view to stabilizing or maintaining the market price of the Shares at a level higher than that which might otherwise prevail for a limited period after the Listing Date. However, there is no obligation on the stabilizing manager, its affiliates or any person acting for it to conduct any such stabilizing action. Any such stabilising activity will be made in compliance with all applicable laws, rules and regulations in place in Hong Kong and Singapore on stabilisation including the Securities and Futures (Price Stabilising) Rules made under the SFO and the Securities and Futures (Market Conduct) (Exemptions) Regulations 2006 under the Securities and Futures Act (Chapter 289 of Singapore). Such stabilization, if commenced, will be done at the absolute discretion of the stabilizing manager, its affiliates or any person acting for it and may be discontinued at any time, and must be brought to an end after a limited period. The number of Shares that may be over-allocated will not be greater than the number of Shares which may be sold upon exercise of the Over-allotment Option, being 33,000,000 Shares, which is approximately 15.0% of the Shares initially available under the Global Offering, which option is exercisable at any time from the date of the International Underwriting Agreement up to (i) the 30th day after the last date for lodging of applications under the Hong Kong Public Offer, or (ii) the date when the stabilisation agent has purchased an aggregate of 33,000,000 Shares (whichever is the earlier). In the event that the Over-allotment Option is exercised, a press announcement will be made. 1

Midas Holdings Limited (Singapore Registration No.: 200009758W) (Incorporated in Singapore with limited liability) (Stock Code: 1021) GLOBAL OFFERING Number of Offer Shares under the Global Offering : 220,000,000 Shares (subject to the Overallotment Option) Number of Hong Kong Offer Shares : 22,000,000 Shares Number of International Placing Shares : 198,000,000 Shares (subject to the Overallotment Option) Offer Price : HK$5.43 per Offer Share, plus brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.003% and Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005% Nominal value : Not applicable Stock code : 1021 Sole Global Coordinator and Sole Sponsor Joint Bookrunners Joint Lead Managers 2

ANNOUNCEMENT OF ALLOTMENT RESULTS SUMMARY The Offer Price has been determined at HK$5.43 per Offer Share (exclusive of brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.003% and Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005%); Based on the Offer Price of HK$5.43 per Offer Share, the net proceeds from the Global Offering to be received by the Company, after deduction of related underwriting commissions and expenses, and assuming no exercise of the Over-allotment Option, is estimated to be approximately HK$1,124.1 million; The Offer Shares initially offered under the Hong Kong Public Offer have been moderately over-subscribed. A total of 6,767 valid applications pursuant to the Hong Kong Public Offer on WHITE and YELLOW Application Forms and through giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC via CCASS or to the White Form eipo Service Provider under the White Form eipo service and for a total of 90,312,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares were received, representing approximately 4.11 times the total number of 22,000,000 Hong Kong Offer Share initially available under the Hong Kong Public Offer; In connection with the Global Offering, the Company has granted the Over-allotment Option to the International Underwriters exercisable by the Sole Global Coordinator on behalf of the International Underwriters. Pursuant to the Over-allotment Option, the Sole Global Coordinator has the right, exercisable at any time from the date of the International Underwriting Agreement up to (i) the 30th day after the last date for lodging of applications under the Hong Kong Public Offer, or (ii) the date when the stabilisation agent has purchased an aggregate of 33,000,000 Shares (whichever is the earlier), to require the Company to allot and issue up to an aggregate of 33,000,000 additional Shares, representing 15.0% of the initial Offer Shares, at the same price per Share at which Shares were initially offered under the International Placing, to cover over-allocations in the International Placing, if any, on the same terms and conditions as the Offer Shares that are subject to the Global Offering. The Sole Global Coordinator may also cover such over-allocations by purchasing the Offer Shares in the secondary market or by a combination of purchases in the secondary market and a partial exercise of the Over-allotment Option. If the Sole Global Coordinator exercises the Overallotment Option in full, the additional Shares will represent approximately 2.71% of the Company s enlarged share capital (excluding treasury Shares) immediately following the completion of the Global Offering and immediately following the exercise of the Over-allotment Option in full. In the event that the Over-allotment Option is exercised, a press announcement will be made. As at the date of this announcement, the Overallotment Option has not been exercised; The Offer Shares initially offered under the International Placing have been slightly over-subscribed; In relation to the Hong Kong Public Offer, the Company announces that the results of allocations (with the identification numbers of wholly successful or partially successful applicants) of the Hong Kong Offer Shares in the Hong Kong Public Offer will be available at the times and dates and in the manner specified below: Results of allocations for the Hong Kong Public Offer will be available on the Company s website at http://www.midas.com.sg and the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at www.hkexnews.hk by no later than 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 5 October 2010 onwards; 3

Results of allocations for the Hong Kong Public Offer will be available from the Company s designated results of allocations website at www.iporesults.com.hk on a 24-hour basis from 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 5 October 2010 to 12:00 midnight on Monday, 11 October 2010. The user will be required to key in the Hong Kong identity card/passport/hong Kong business registration number provided in his/ her/its application to search for his/her/its own allocation result; Results of allocations will be available from the Company s Hong Kong Public Offer allocation results telephone enquiry line. Applicants may find out whether or not their applications have been successful and the number of Hong Kong Offer Shares allocated to them, if any, by calling +852 2862 8669 between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. from Tuesday, 5 October 2010 to Friday, 8 October 2010; and Special allocation results booklets setting out the results of allocations will be available for inspection during opening hours of individual branches and subbranches from Tuesday, 5 October 2010 to Thursday, 7 October 2010 at all the receiving bank branches and sub-branches at the addresses set out in the paragraph headed Results of Allocations in this announcement; Applicants who have applied for 1,000,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares or more on a WHITE Application Form and have indicated on their Application Forms that they wish to collect their share certificate(s) (where applicable) and/or refund cheque(s) in person may collect their share certificate(s) (where applicable) and/or refund cheque(s) in person from the Company s Hong Kong Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 5 October 2010; Share certificate(s) (if any) and/or refund cheque(s) for Hong Kong Offer Shares allotted to applicants using WHITE Application Forms which are either not available for personal collection or which are available but are not collected in person are expected to be dispatched by ordinary post to their addresses as specified on their Application Forms at their own risk shortly after the time for collection; Applicants who have applied for 1,000,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares or more through the White Form eipo service by submitting an electronic application to the designated White Form eipo Service Provider through the designated website at www.eipo.com.hk and their applications are wholly or partially successful may collect their shares certificate(s) (if any) in person from the Company s Hong Kong Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 5 October 2010; Share certificate(s) (if any) for Hong Kong Offer Shares allotted to applicants applying through the White Form eipo which are either not available for personal collection or which are available but are not collected in person are expected to be dispatched by ordinary post to their addresses as specified in their application instructions to the designated White Form eipo Service Provider promptly thereafter, by ordinary post and at their own risk; 4

Applicants who apply through the White Form eipo service and paid their application monies through single bank accounts may have refund monies dispatched, on or around Tuesday, 5 October 2010, to their application payment bank account in the form of e-refund payment instructions. Applicants who apply through the White Form eipo service and paid their application monies through multiple bank accounts may have refund monies dispatched, on or around Tuesday, 5 October 2010, to the address as specified in the application instructions to the White Form eipo Service Provider in the form of refund cheque(s), by ordinary post and at their own risk; Applicants who have applied for 1,000,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares or more using YELLOW Application Forms and have indicated on their Application Forms that they wish to collect their refund cheque(s) in person may collect refund cheque(s) in person from the Company s Hong Kong Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited, at Shops 1712-1716, 17th Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen s Road East, Wanchai, Hong Kong, from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. on Tuesday, 5 October 2010; Share certificate(s) for Hong Kong Offer Shares allotted to applicants using YELLOW Application Forms and those who applied by giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC via CCASS are expected to be issued in the name of HKSCC Nominees and deposited into CCASS for credit to their CCASS Investor Participant Stock Accounts or their designated CCASS Participants Stock Accounts on Tuesday, 5 October 2010, or in the event of a contingency, on any other date as shall be determined by HKSCC or HKSCC Nominees; Refund cheque(s) for applicants using YELLOW Application Forms which are either not available for personal collection or which are available but are not collected in person are expected to be dispatched by ordinary post to their address on their application forms by ordinary post and at their own risk; Refund monies for applicants giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC via CCASS are expected to be credited to the relevant applicants designated bank accounts or the designated bank accounts of their brokers or custodians on Tuesday, 5 October 2010; Share certificate(s) will only become valid certificates of title if the Global Offering becomes unconditional in all respects and the right of termination described in the section titled Underwriting Grounds for Termination in the Prospectus has not been exercised; and Dealings in the Shares on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange are expected to commence at 9:30 a.m. on Wednesday, 6 October 2010. Shares will be traded in board lots of 1,000 Shares. The stock code of the Shares is 1021. 5

offer price and use of net proceeds from the global offering The Offer Price has been determined at HK$5.43 per Offer Share (exclusive of brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.003% and Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005%). Based on the Offer Price of HK$5.43 per Offer Share, the net proceeds from the Global Offering to be received by the Company, after deduction of related underwriting commissions and expenses, and assuming no exercise of the Over-allotment Option, is estimated to be approximately HK$1,124.1 million. We intend to use these proceeds for the following purposes: approximately 65% of the net proceeds from the Global Offering will be applied towards capital expenditure and potential acquisitions, of which, approximately 45% is intended to be allocated to the capital expenditure on plant and machinery to expand our Company s production capability of the aluminium alloy business, and approximately 20% on potential acquisitions in the aluminium alloy related industries. For the 45% allocated to capital expenditure, we intend to apply approximately 35% to expand our production capability by adding new extrusion production lines either through establishing new production centers outside our current production base in Jilin province or at our existing production base. As to the remaining approximately 10%, we intend to expand our fabrication capability to further realise our intent to develop our Company into an integrated rail transport components supplier of value-added, assembly-ready aluminium extrusion products. For the approximately 20% allocated to potential acquisitions, we intend to seek opportunities in diversifying our portfolio or increase our market presence in desirable markets by establishing joint venture companies or acquiring suitable companies which are also engaged in the aluminium alloy related sectors; approximately 20% of net proceeds from the Global Offering will be applied towards repayment of bank loans; and approximately 15% of net proceeds from the Global Offering will be applied towards corporate and general working capital purposes mainly to meet the operating cashflow requirements arising from our expanded production lines which will be operational by the end of 2010. APPLICATIONS AND INDICATIONS OF INTEREST RECEIVED As at the close of the application lists at 12:00 noon on Monday, 27 September 2010, a total of 6,767 valid applications (applications on WHITE and YELLOW Application Forms and through giving electronic application instructions to HKSCC via CCASS or to the White Form eipo Service Provider under the White Form eipo) and for a total of 90,312,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares were received, representing approximately 4.11 times the total number of 22,000,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares initially available under the Hong Kong Public Offer. The Offer Shares initially offered under the Hong Kong Public Offer have been moderately oversubscribed. Of the 6,767 valid applications on WHITE and YELLOW Application Forms and by electronic application instructions given to HKSCC via CCASS or to the White Form eipo Service Provider under the White Form eipo for a total of 90,312,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares, a total of 6,761 applications in respect of a total 79,412,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares were for Hong Kong Offer Shares with an aggregate subscription amount based on the maximum Offer Price of HK$6.10 per Offer Share of HK$5 million or below (exclusive of brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.003% and Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005%) which is equivalent to approximately 6

7.22 times the total number of 11,000,000 Shares initially available for allocation in Pool A of the Hong Kong Public Offer, and a total of 6 applications in respect of a total of 10,900,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares were for Hong Kong Offer Shares with an aggregate subscription amount based on the maximum Offer Price of HK$6.10 per Offer Share of more than HK$5 million (exclusive of brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.003% and Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005%) which is equivalent to approximately 0.99 times the total number of 11,000,000 Shares initially available for allocation in Pool B of the Hong Kong Public Offer. A total of 100,000 Shares were reallocated from Pool B to Pool A of the Hong Kong Public Offer. 2 multiple or suspected multiple applications have been rejected. 8 applications have been rejected due to bounced cheques and 2 invalid applications have been rejected. No application for more than 11,000,000 Hong Kong Offer Shares has been identified. In connection with the Global Offering, the Company has granted the Over-allotment Option to the International Underwriters exercisable by the Sole Global Coordinator on behalf of the International Underwriters. Pursuant to the Over-allotment Option, the Sole Global Coordinator has the right, exercisable at any time from the date of the International Underwriting Agreement up to (i) the 30th day after the last date for lodging of applications under the Hong Kong Public Offer, or (ii) the date when the stabilisation agent has purchased an aggregate of 33,000,000 Shares (whichever is the earlier), to require the Company to allot and issue up to an aggregate of 33,000,000 additional Shares, representing 15.0% of the initial Offer Shares, at the same price per Share at which Shares were initially offered under the International Placing, to cover overallocations in the International Placing, if any, on the same terms and conditions as the Offer Shares that are subject to the Global Offering. The Sole Global Coordinator may also cover such over-allocations by purchasing the Offer Shares in the secondary market or by a combination of purchases in the secondary market and a partial exercise of the Over-allotment Option. If the Sole Global Coordinator exercises the Over-allotment Option in full, the additional Shares will represent approximately 2.71% of the Company s enlarged share capital (excluding treasury Shares) immediately following the completion of the Global Offering and immediately following the exercise of the Over-allotment Option in full. In the event that the Over-allotment Option is exercised, a press announcement will be made. As at the date of this announcement, the Overallotment Option has not been exercised. The Directors confirm that the International Placing is in compliance with the placing guidelines for equity securities as set out in Appendix 6 to the Listing Rules. None of the Sole Sponsor, Joint Lead Managers and the Underwriters and their respective affiliated companies and connected clients (as set out in Appendix 6 to the Listing Rules) has taken up any Offer Shares for its own benefit under the Global Offering. The Directors further announce that the Offer Shares initially offered under the International Placing have been slightly over-subscribed. The Offer Shares were not allocated to placees or applicants who are connected persons of the Company. 7

BASIS OF ALLOTMENT UNDER THE HONG KONG PUBLIC OFFER Valid applications made by the public on WHITE and YELLOW Application Forms and by electronic application instructions given by HKSCC via CCASS or to the White Form eipo Service Provider under the White Form eipo service will be conditionally allotted on the basis set out below: NO. OF SHARES APPLIED FOR NO. OF VALID APPLICATIONS BASIS OF ALLOTMENT/BALLOT POOL A APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE ALLOTTED OF THE TOTAL NO. OF SHARES APPLIED FOR 1,000 3,336 2,002 out of 3,336 to receive 1,000 Shares 60.01% 2,000 749 1,000 Shares 50.00% 3,000 392 1,000 Shares plus 78 out of 392 39.97% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 4,000 145 1,000 Shares plus 64 out of 145 36.03% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 5,000 333 1,000 Shares plus 200 out of 333 32.01% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 6,000 128 1,000 Shares plus 102 out of 128 29.95% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 7,000 39 2,000 Shares 28.57% 8,000 78 2,000 Shares plus 11 out of 78 26.76% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 9,000 38 2,000 Shares plus 8 out of 38 24.56% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 10,000 476 2,000 Shares plus 159 out of 476 23.34% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 15,000 125 3,000 Shares 20.00% 20,000 215 3,000 Shares plus 129 out of 215 18.00% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 25,000 101 3,000 Shares plus 76 out of 101 15.01% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 30,000 110 4,000 Shares 13.33% 35,000 26 4,000 Shares plus 14 out of 26 12.97% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 40,000 43 4,000 Shares plus 34 out of 43 11.98% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 45,000 40 5,000 Shares 11.11% 50,000 89 5,000 Shares plus 22 out of 89 10.49% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 60,000 60 6,000 Shares 10.00% 70,000 19 6,000 Shares plus 6 out of 19 9.02% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 80,000 31 7,000 Shares 8.75% 90,000 15 7,000 Shares plus 6 out of 15 to receive additional 1,000 Shares 8.22% 8

NO. OF SHARES APPLIED FOR NO. OF VALID APPLICATIONS BASIS OF ALLOTMENT/BALLOT POOL A APPROXIMATE PERCENTAGE ALLOTTED OF THE TOTAL NO. OF SHARES APPLIED FOR 100,000 67 8,000 Shares 8.00% 150,000 33 8,000 Shares plus 23 out of 33 5.80% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 200,000 26 11,000 Shares 5.50% 250,000 6 11,000 Shares plus 2 out of 6 4.53% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 300,000 14 12,000 Shares 4.00% 350,000 8 12,000 Shares plus 2 out of 8 3.50% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 400,000 4 13,000 Shares 3.25% 500,000 13 13,000 Shares plus 7 out of 13 2.71% to receive additional 1,000 Shares 600,000 1 14,000 Shares 2.33% 700,000 1 15,000 Shares 2.14% 6,761 POOL B 900,000 1 900,000 Shares 100.00% 1,000,000 3 1,000,000 Shares 100.00% 2,000,000 1 2,000,000 Shares 100.00% 5,000,000 1 5,000,000 Shares 100.00% 6 The final number of Offer Shares comprising the Hong Kong Public Offer is 22,000,000 Offer Shares, representing approximately 10% of the Offer Shares in the Global Offering. The final number of Offer Shares available in the International Placing is 198,000,000 Offer Shares which were allocated in full (subject to the Over-allotment Option), representing approximately 90% of the Offer Shares in the Global Offering. RESULTS OF ALLOCATIONS The Company announces that the results of allocations (with the identification numbers of wholly successful or partially successful applicants) of the Hong Kong Offer Shares in the Hong Kong Public Offer will be available at the times and dates and in the manner specified below: Results of allocations for the Hong Kong Public Offer will be available on the Company s website at http://www.midas.com.sg and the website of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange at www.hkexnews.hk by no later than 9:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 5 October 2010 onwards; 9

Results of allocations for the Hong Kong Public Offer will be available from the Company s designated results of allocations website at www.iporesults.com.hk on a 24-hour basis from 8:00 a.m. on Tuesday, 5 October 2010 to 12:00 midnight on Monday, 11 October 2010. The user will be required to key in the Hong Kong identity card/passport/hong Kong business registration number provided in his/her/its application to search for his/her/its own allocation result; Results of allocations will be available from the Company s Hong Kong Public Offer allocation results telephone enquiry line. Applicants may find out whether or not their applications have been successful and the number of Hong Kong Offer Shares allocated to them, if any, by calling +852 2862 8669 between 9:00 a.m. and 10:00 p.m. from Tuesday, 5 October 2010 to Friday, 8 October 2010; and Special allocation results booklets setting out the results of allocations will be available for inspection during opening hours of individual branches and sub-branches from Tuesday, 5 October 2010 to Thursday, 7 October 2010 at all the receiving bank branches and subbranches at the following addresses: Any of the following branches of Hang Seng Bank Limited: District Branch name Address Hong Kong Island: Head Office 83 Des Voeux Road Central Wanchai North Branch Shop 3, G/F, Causeway Centre, 28 Harbour Road Causeway Bay Branch 28 Yee Wo Street Kowloon: Kowloon Main Branch 618 Nathan Road Tsimshatsui Branch 18 Carnarvon Road Kwun Tong Branch 70 Yue Man Square New Territories: Shatin Branch Shop 18 Lucky Plaza, Wang Pok Street, Shatin Tai Ho Road Branch 30 Tai Ho Road or any of the following branches of China Construction Bank (Asia) Corporation Limited: District Branch name Address Hong Kong Island: Central Branch 6 Des Voeux Road Central, Central Causeway Bay Plaza G/F, Causeway Bay Plaza 1, Branch Causeway Bay North Point Branch 382 King s Road, North Point Kowloon: Jordan Branch 316 Nathan Road, Jordan Yaumati Branch 556 Nathan Road, Yaumati Hunghom Whampoa Shop A3, G/F, Yuen Wah Building, Branch Whampoa Estates, Hunghom New Territories: Yuen Long Branch 68 Castle Peak Road, Yuen Long Tsuen Wan Branch 282 Sha Tsui Road, Tsuen Wan Tuen Mun Branch Shop 9, G/F Tuen Mun Town Plaza 2, Tuen Mun 10

Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 04018233 1000 B4869473 1000 D0816834 2000 E1224275 2000 15461005 11000 B4912352 1000 D095465A 1000 E1486687 1000 190325 1000 B5008420 2000 D0970868 1000 E1653451 1000 20085092 1000 B5110098 1000 D0988244 1000 E2172465 1000 50114091 1000 B5737554 1000 D0990281 2000 E2260631 2000 751396425 1000 B5737562 1000 D0994147 2000 E2327604 1000 A011419A 2000 B6465094 2000 D1014472 1000 E252471A 2000 A0270981 1000 B6514753 2000 D1142179 E2592944 1000 A0438602 1000 B7167917 1000 D5893365 1000 E2641856 1000 A064931A 1000 B8060296 1000 D1366220 1000 E2650197 1000 A0730052 1000 B8750489 1000 D1519213 1000 E2675149 1000 A0761276 1000 B9023696 1000 D1677897 1000 E2713458 2000 A0859233 1000 B9348862 3000 D1696026 2000 E2802698 2000 A1392371 1000 B9817269 1000 D1704614 1000 E2854655 1000 A1406992 1000 B9896851 1000 D1763734 1000 E2913384 2000 A1427353 1000 B9912946 1000 D1858727 1000 E3072448 1000 A1861355 1000 B995567A 1000 D1997239 1000 E3345487 1000 A2272973 1000 C041606A 4000 D2011841 1000 E3397355 2000 A2456810 1000 C2020783 1000 D2325072 1000 E3473876 1000 A2478407 2000 C2179944 1000 D2383811 1000 E3519981 1000 A2536822 1000 C232460A 2000 D2592194 1000 E3569024 1000 A3087983 1000 C2386125 3000 D2700884 1000 E3667913 1000 A3100467 1000 C2477961 1000 D2813816 2000 E3706412 2000 A311400A 1000 C2503148 1000 D288943A 1000 E3870255 2000 A3228447 1000 C2655525 3000 D2899737 1000 E3924797 1000 A3525557 1000 C2709536 1000 D291891A 2000 E424529A 3000 A3583158 1000 C2837690 2000 D293088A 1000 E4301734 1000 A4477599 2000 C2919166 2000 D2960053 1000 E4443946 2000 A4763346 2000 C2952899 1000 D2975980 2000 E4480086 1000 A4779390 4000 C3061467 1000 D3048218 1000 E4681162 2000 A482860A 3000 C3075603 1000 D3128211 1000 E4713315 1000 A5175553 3000 C3099472 1000 D3189946 2000 E4767946 1000 A5175561 3000 C3188602 1000 D3436544 1000 E4802431 1000 A517557A 2000 C3225141 1000 D3498566 1000 E4858747 3000 A5196070 1000 C332493A 1000 D3567169 1000 E4906105 1000 A5560244 1000 C3324948 1000 D3620663 1000 E4906490 1000 A5876012 1000 C3383073 1000 D3676073 1000 E5011551 1000 A6035100 1000 C3489394 1000 D3711774 1000 E5143733 3000 A6223950 1000 C3547459 1000 D3804063 3000 E5180981 1000 A645992A 1000 C3577765 1000 D3926541 4000 E5190731 1000 A646169A 1000 C3601534 1000 D4052812 1000 E5288138 1000 A6526643 1000 C3774765 1000 D4068565 2000 E5290787 1000 A6617223 1000 C3856699 1000 D4077823 2000 E5291767 1000 A6741005 1000 C3868735 1000 D4080395 2000 E5334997 1000 A6795962 2000 C3974934 2000 D408773A 1000 E5628044 1000 A6815343 1000 C4056777 1000 D4137710 1000 E5631541 1000 A6999975 1000 C4095314 1000 D4156626 1000 E5776744 1000 A7073332 1000 C4482792 2000 D4222246 1000 E5821472 1000 A7366623 1000 C4572058 1000 D4812221 1000 E5967892 1000 A7483654 1000 C4611436 1000 D4826729 1000 E6086652 1000 A7503531 1000 C4633243 1000 D4861591 1000 E6406479 3000 A7611601 1000 C4702431 1000 D5035334 1000 E6522762 1000 A780955A 2000 C482572A 2000 D5160015 1000 E6522770 1000 A7905753 2000 C4838643 1000 D5202869 1000 E6586167 1000 A8044344 1000 C5065397 2000 D5216754 1000 E6597290 2000 A830060A 2000 C5069457 1000 D5314586 2000 E6652062 1000 A8324886 1000 C5161132 1000 D5501106 1000 E6863020 2000 A8334679 2000 C5421657 1000 D5716773 1000 E6914385 1000 A8390854 1000 C5603097 1000 D5795584 1000 E7027161 1000 A8412459 1000 C564835A 1000 D5837279 1000 E7139822 1000 A8465226 1000 C5651407 1000 D5906041 1000 E7207070 1000 A8618405 1000 C5748044 1000 D5907048 2000 E7233217 1000 A862068A 1000 C5808497 1000 D6111042 1000 E7263884 4000 A8651828 5000 C5902191 1000 D6131132 1000 E7303606 1000 A8785859 2000 C5946563 1000 D6238492 1000 E7385890 1000 A8787916 1000 C609014A 1000 D6299378 1000 E7528209 1000 A9437714 3000 C610146A 1000 D6333207 1000 E7560145 1000 A9442572 1000 C6201405 1000 D6376119 1000 E756955A 1000 A9467028 3000 C623771A 1000 D6410430 1000 E7614237 3000 A9511442 3000 C6276901 1000 D6454209 2000 E7674388 1000 A9563922 2000 C6427489 1000 D6454764 1000 E7824894 1000 A9638272 1000 C6461334 1000 D6552103 2000 E7868964 1000 A9731795 1000 C6515620 1000 D6582290 1000 E7899282 1000 A9780745 1000 C6712191 1000 D6642706 1000 E7909857 2000 A9840144 1000 D001200A 1000 D6740422 1000 E7917531 1000 B0358172 1000 D0041018 3000 D6757430 3000 E7972206 1000 B0500467 1000 D0122034 3000 D6867120 1000 E8083464 1000 B1239401 1000 D0167402 4000 D6898255 2000 E8104534 2000 B1721734 1000 D0290131 1000 D6949232 1000 E8129073 3000 B2097805 1000 D0308111 1000 D6990879 1000 E8136738 2000 B2689273 1000 D0344185 1000 D7038551 3000 E8246320 1000 B2770747 1000 D0381269 1000 D7063556 1000 E8268553 1000 B3445351 1000 D039025A 2000 D8030279 2000 E8272615 1000 B3612061 1000 D0409147 1000 E0677624 1000 E8295836 1000 B3653590 1000 D0463028 1000 E0733699 1000 E8389512 1000 B4272280 1000 D0680932 5000 E0781367 2000 E8421297 1000 B4289582 1000 D0759172 1000 E0823949 1000 E8505113 1000 B4869465 1000 D0771784 1000 E0911236 1000 E8525742 1000 分配結果 ( 白表 ) - 1 - Results of Applications (White Form)

Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ E8653457 1000 G7153995 1000 K4911431 1000 R0551138 1000 E8731520 1000 G8059127 1000 K4963326 3000 R2532890 1000 E888257A 1000 G8169518 2000 K5000602 1000 R3629286 1000 E8959602 1000 H02204687 1000 K5094275 2000 R5006189 1000 E8995005 1000 H0358845 1000 K5317797 1000 R5178249 1000 E9017775 2000 H0797148 1000 K5382327 1000 R6725618 2000 E9101865 1000 H0820204 1000 K5394570 1000 R7227107 2000 E9210354 1000 H0879853 1000 K545770A 1000 V0116114 2000 E921872A 1000 H1209304 1000 K5457769 1000 V0237973 1000 E9361549 2000 H1225865 1000 K5505550 1000 V0287822 1000 E9368063 1000 H3170944 1000 K5507855 1000 V0297437 1000 E9424672 1000 H3283234 1000 K5626668 1000 V0338478 1000 E9504625 2000 H3316604 1000 K5705193 1000 V0418358 1000 E9522461 1000 H3381716 1000 K5765781 2000 V045785A 1000 E9557486 1000 H3536450 1000 K5825725 3000 V0511714 1000 E9572361 1000 H3598634 1000 K5827574 1000 V0520551 1000 E9642823 1000 H3647929 1000 K5841348 1000 V053546A 1000 E9706546 1000 H372060A 1000 K602307A 2000 V058648A 1000 E9720433 1000 H3722882 1000 K6158129 1000 V0664685 1000 E9768371 1000 H3765050 1000 K6186017 1000 V0664693 1000 E9799307 1000 H3787089 1000 K6255108 1000 XA2953126 1000 E986480A 1000 H3853375 1000 K625859A 1000 XA9110876 2000 G0039062 1000 H3894144 1000 K6363490 1000 XA9552682 1000 G0156956 1000 H3931619 1000 K6445217 1000 XD3554088 2000 G0179727 2000 H409169A 1000 K6577482 1000 XD3574046 1000 G0189587 4000 H4169842 1000 K6581668 1000 XD6357488 2000 G0348324 1000 H4194588 1000 K6666280 6000 XE4186069 8000 G0665613 1000 H4224843 2000 K6669689 1000 Y0353297 1000 G0702578 1000 H4241187 1000 K667805A 1000 Y0369835 1000 G1125337 5000 H4241195 1000 K6871208 1000 Y0380324 2000 G1279601 1000 H4262192 1000 K6980422 2000 Y0965403 1000 G1500782 1000 H4280948 1000 K7009828 1000 Y0978637 1000 G1507914 1000 H4312297 1000 K7163762 1000 Y173961A 2000 G157932A 1000 H432368A 1000 K7164459 1000 Y2198531 1000 G1686355 2000 H4393211 1000 K7212658 2000 Y2893604 1000 G1894349 1000 H4399449 5000 K7318456 1000 Z0200639 1000 G1973915 1000 H448022A 1000 K7543476 1000 Z0661768 1000 G1997555 1000 H448747A 3000 K7609469 1000 Z0920356 1000 G2005491 1000 H4523816 1000 K7629540 1000 Z1122364 1000 G2185228 1000 H4713658 1000 K7824270 1000 Z1157249 2000 G2294361 1000 H4758503 2000 K7830025 1000 Z1441672 1000 G2453923 1000 H4863749 1000 K7839928 1000 Z1965264 1000 G2528907 1000 K0044296 1000 K7950918 1000 Z1993659 1000 G255794A 1000 K0266302 1000 K797051A 1000 Z210260A 1000 G2563494 1000 K0268135 1000 K8212708 1000 Z2161266 1000 G266486A 1000 K0406635 1000 K8431744 2000 Z2564646 1000 G2725117 1000 K0503029 1000 K8581657 1000 Z2681723 1000 G3441031 2000 K0867411 1000 K9107649 3000 Z2824788 1000 G358990A 1000 K0871923 1000 K9113878 1000 Z2897246 1000 G363980A 1000 K0938041 1000 K9132139 1000 Z2951348 1000 G366314A 2000 K0981451 2000 K9145338 1000 Z316207A 1000 G3839833 1000 K1492365 1000 K915308A 1000 Z3676634 3000 G3986011 1000 K1528076 1000 K9206809 1000 Z3764630 1000 G4165909 1000 K194245A 1000 K9282416 1000 Z3899064 1000 G4301969 1000 K1955861 2000 K9632026 1000 Z3941648 1000 G4542818 1000 K1985167 1000 K9648763 1000 Z4174977 1000 G4802852 1000 K2082608 2000 K9715312 1000 Z4352085 2000 G5065118 1000 K225137A 1000 K973662A 1000 Z4430485 1000 G5070383 1000 K2276267 1000 K9772707 1000 Z4440219 2000 G5099160 1000 K229110A 2000 K9786112 1000 Z4459602 1000 G510847A 1000 K2319047 1000 K9791922 1000 Z4461836 1000 G5356732 1000 K2544946 2000 K9860355 1000 Z4634811 1000 G539300A 1000 K2546205 1000 P005502A 1000 Z4647727 2000 G5544393 2000 K2546949 1000 P0198742 3000 Z4661886 1000 G5562383 1000 K2632306 3000 P0319884 1000 Z485689A 1000 G5590417 1000 K2839520 1000 P0420925 1000 Z5148732 1000 G5915839 1000 K2920883 1000 P0545450 4000 Z5149569 1000 G593941A 1000 K3040143 1000 P0597337 1000 Z5155186 2000 G5978229 1000 K3109496 1000 P0689339 1000 Z6204660 2000 G6039013 1000 K3191397 1000 P0717723 4000 Z6728406 1000 G604646A 1000 K356682A 1000 P0885847 1000 Z6803610 1000 G6067327 1000 K3793605 1000 P0938584 1000 Z6880828 2000 G6229084 1000 K3829308 1000 P1123010 2000 Z7037326 1000 G6252280 1000 K3838196 1000 P1707993 1000 Z7098724 1000 G6270564 1000 K3913163 1000 P1771594 1000 Z7134283 1000 G6291111 1000 K4160738 2000 P2193187 2000 Z7206039 1000 G6299066 1000 K4260198 1000 P3255437 1000 Z7781270 1000 G6315347 2000 K4310764 1000 P4202396 1000 Z7864567 1000 G6315401 1000 K4399528 1000 P5212719 2000 Z8156116 1000 G6342530 1000 K4423232 1000 P5584187 1000 Z8302996 1000 G6423603 1000 K447466A 1000 P8060200 1000 Z8393800 1000 G6461726 1000 K4492099 2000 P8072608 1000 Z842756A 1000 G6481824 1000 K4527852 1000 P8507620 2000 Z8458821 1000 G6559246 2000 K4679660 1000 P8565604 1000 Z8781495 1000 G6648478 1000 K4768418 5000 P8919554 1000 Z9035037 1000 G6856976 1000 K4775767 1000 P9018275 1000 Z9119397 1000 G700731A 1000 K4798589 2000 P9640170 1000 Z9168258 1000 G7040449 1000 K4896173 1000 R0187797 1000 Z955994A 1000 分配結果 ( 白表 ) - 2 - Results of Applications (White Form)

Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ Z9889885 1000 分配結果 ( 白表 ) - 3 - Results of Applications (White Form)

Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 03688879 5000 A8580041 1000 D2631378 1000 E8026983 1000 06349383 5000 A8710751 2000 D2877458 2000 E8439919 1000 08118718 5000 A8747337 1000 D2976340 2000 E9127384 1000 08118718 5000 A8920764 4000 D3028586 1000 E9209070 1000 08118718 13000 A9002734 1000 D3298044 1000 E9223588 2000 11063932 6000 A9034563 1000 D3308244 1000 E9365250 1000 11735476 1000 A9040512 1000 D3511929 2000 E9390204 1000 12566745 5000 A9451504 1000 D3541593 1000 E9407123 1000 16149670 1000 A9515839 1000 D360031A 1000 E9744863 1000 16149670 1000 A9536550 1000 D3609252 1000 E9815086 1000 16149670 1000 A9545169 1000 D3812783 2000 E9949155 2000 16149670 1000 A9624670 1000 D389478A 2000 E9996447 1000 16149670 1000 A9665075 1000 D4105207 1000 G0170711 1000 16492996 1000 A9749007 2000 D4114737 1000 G0268150 11000 16492996 1000 A9824289 6000 D4264054 1000 G0437246 1000 16492996 1000 A9881800 1000 D4307748 1000 G0744734 1000 16577950 5000 A9971591 2000 D4465521 2000 G083086A 1000 16577950 5000 B092447A 1000 D4627912 1000 G0904537 1000 16577950 5000 B0944853 4000 D4703600 1000 G0955085 2000 16577950 5000 B1506388 2000 D4705727 1000 G1171460 1000 16577950 5000 B1954366 1000 D4782616 1000 G1202110 1000 16577950 5000 B210898A 2000 D4879008 1000 G1536086 2000 16577950 5000 B2894179 1000 D4899637 1000 G1785213 3000 16577950 5000 B3960124 1000 D5271720 1000 G2029242 1000 16577950 5000 B4153559 3000 D5303320 1000 G2352396 1000 16577950 5000 B5459252 1000 D5459843 2000 G2484365 1000 16577950 5000 B5720198 3000 D5648638 1000 G2533676 1000 16577950 5000 B6180626 1000 D572234A 1000 G259683A 1000 16577950 5000 B6237997 1000 D5826250 2000 G2885483 2000 16577950 5000 B632430A 1000 D5901325 1000 G2886439 1000 16577950 5000 B6324318 1000 D5918171 1000 G2934816 1000 16577950 5000 B6767015 1000 D6126406 1000 G3118427 1000 16577950 5000 B767956A 1000 D6434674 1000 G3665037 1000 16577950 5000 B8152670 1000 D6451552 2000 G4260634 1000 16577950 5000 B8910095 1000 D6463208 1000 G4415565 1000 16577950 5000 B9259029 1000 D6497188 1000 G4697919 1000 16577950 5000 B9710324 1000 D6527354 1000 G5036509 1000 16577950 5000 C1010261 1000 D6588035 1000 G520956A 1000 16577950 7000 C1248063 3000 D6641343 1000 G5356252 1000 16577950 900000 C2040016 1000 D6762310 1000 G5686473 1000 16577950 9000 C2262957 1000 D6982515 1000 G5875993 1000 17768835 5000 C2580053 1000 D8180645 1000 G5930196 1000 20722189 6000 C2617291 1000 D8191329 1000 G6019160 2000 36621981 1000 C2639341 1000 D8255017 1000 G6330311 1000 36621981 1000 C2888880 1000 D8500968 2000 G634309A 1000 36621981 1000 C2968019 1000 E0023187 1000 G639669A 1000 36621981 1000 C3764093 1000 E0114972 1000 G6460789 4000 38252126 5000 C3886288 5000 E0469282 1000 G6633659 3000 654384 5000 C3997063 1000 E0548514 2000 G6669629 1000 A0156003 1000 C4211934 1000 E0571427 1000 G6739287 3000 A0349162 1000 C4316965 1000 E0869817 1000 G713022 1000 A0657592 5000 C4361898 4000 E1071835 2000 G8222087 1000 A0830650 2000 C4488278 2000 E1541033 1000 H0168515 2000 A086105A 1000 C4735712 2000 E1580349 2000 H0408346 1000 A1157569 1000 C4745114 1000 E1786044 2000 H1004141 1000 A1517638 1000 C4888845 1000 E1930218 1000 H1166664 2000 A1711876 1000 C514114A 1000 E1972972 3000 H3158065 1000 A223771A 2000 C5613351 1000 E1999919 2000 H3169210 1000 A229506A 1000 C581862A 1000 E2140083 2000 H3198954 1000 A2346241 2000 C5988770 1000 E240269A 1000 H3199020 4000 A3814672 1000 C6451258 1000 E3387589 1000 H3296905 1000 A3858602 1000 C6549614 1000 E3562135 1000 H3307605 2000 A4193213 1000 D0054365 2000 E3732030 2000 H3714596 1000 A4198533 2000 D012908A 1000 E3751760 1000 H406790A 1000 A5124061 1000 D0461351 1000 E3772520 1000 H4190337 2000 A5874125 2000 D0478114 1000 E3831853 1000 H4190345 1000 A5887502 3000 D0626377 1000 E3832604 1000 H4299282 1000 A5889343 1000 D0690687 1000 E4040027 1000 H4412569 2000 A6110153 1000 D0709655 2000 E4115663 1000 H4847506 1000 A6571754 1000 D0793109 1000 E4710688 5000 K0255262 2000 A6746031 1000 D0936554 3000 E4814685 1000 K0334065 2000 A6871723 1000 D1038088 1000 E4885620 1000 K0348945 1000 A6995074 4000 D1057503 1000 E4888395 1000 K0428531 1000 A7003989 2000 D112832A 1000 E5087906 1000 K0663840 1000 A7103142 2000 D1263367 1000 E527918A 1000 K0977047 1000 A7157323 1000 D1499425 1000 E547344A 1000 K1005901 1000 A7264332 1000 D1510801 1000 E5540678 4000 K1058487 3000 A7291224 1000 D1554302 4000 E556562A 2000 K1164961 1000 A7965969 1000 D1554825 2000 E591957A 3000 K137561A 1000 A8056245 3000 D1626664 1000 E6081715 1000 K2177706 2000 A8093582 3000 D1766229 1000 E6109342 1000 K2255502 1000 A8134513 1000 D1865251 3000 E6302622 1000 K2472422 3000 A8201962 1000 D1867572 1000 E6896670 1000 K2642808 1000 A831421A 1000 D200506A 3000 E6909489 1000 K3322173 2000 A8324622 1000 D2348153 1000 E7050627 1000 K3459322 1000 A836599A 1000 D2365708 3000 E7294585 2000 K3781321 2000 A8522122 1000 D2573726 1000 E752954A 1000 K4548434 1000 A8523242 1000 D2573939 1000 E7788820 1000 K4805801 1000 分配結果 ( 黃表 ) - 1 - Results of Applications (Yellow Form)

Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ K4817850 1000 K4901010 2000 K5197880 1000 K5228417 1000 K5237211 1000 K525373A 1000 K5257468 1000 K5324777 2000 K5731534 1000 K6246184 1000 K7878834 1000 K8630011 1000 K9414304 2000 K9483705 1000 P0033212 1000 P1432048 1000 P144304A 1000 P3124510 1000 P3255143 1000 P3943783 1000 P4957729 1000 P5619126 1000 P6577745 1000 P6665814 5000 P6921861 1000 P6962819 1000 P6987005 1000 P7894000 3000 P8349804 1000 P8719288 1000 P9540869 1000 R0705097 2000 R6003167 1000 V0066079 1000 V0853321 1000 W11121036 1000 W19141139 1000 XE1074774 1000 XE309196A 1000 XE9131432 1000 Y0214807 1000 Y0219957 3000 Y0415551 1000 Y0562333 1000 Y1989543 1000 Y2049250 3000 Y2669887 1000 Z0091252 1000 Z0336387 5000 Z0725812 1000 Z0951839 1000 Z1000404 1000 Z121143A 1000 Z1954475 1000 Z2685680 1000 Z315218A 1000 Z3181449 1000 Z3703259 1000 Z4015070 1000 Z4033664 1000 Z4729480 1000 Z6382968 1000 Z6594108 1000 Z7024992 1000 Z7053429 1000 Z7178949 1000 Z7274670 1000 Z9340980 1000 Z9453815 1000 分配結果 ( 黃表 ) - 2 - Results of Applications (Yellow Form)

Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 0010618 4000 0523257 3000 110295268 1000 211153718 1000 001160020 2000 0524162 3000 111026118 1000 211262653 1000 001199035 1000 0551931 1000 111040914 1000 21208041X 1000 001251021 1000 0573249 2000 111050612 1000 212095996 2000 002030197 1000 0578956 2000 111100528 1000 212125755 1000 002040000 3000 0580384 1000 111134714 1000 212174331 1000 002050012 1000 0633008 2000 111146417 1000 212176242 3000 002055518 1000 0651695 1000 111160328 1000 212202564 1000 002086061 1000 0654126 1000 111177915 1000 212214167 3000 00213471X 1000 0656823 2000 111210317 1000 212240029 1000 002172658 1000 0670773 1000 111269287 1000 212241887 1000 002192643 1000 0693336 2000 111295715 1000 21230784X 1000 002200924 1000 0693705 2000 112130030 1000 218104594 5000 002201854 1000 07795846 4000 112211823 1000 220151948 1000 002680400 3000 0783495 1000 121002766 4000 220178909 2000 003016962 1000 0802156 1000 12696592 4000 220535959 6000 00301712X 1000 080781700 3000 16900418 4000 220538680 2000 003051038 1000 0811532 3000 191022552 1000 220581813 3000 003057148 1000 0840367 2000 20113161X 1000 221190333 6000 003085724 1000 0843089 3000 201145010 1000 222031379 2000 003105024 1000 0930523 2000 201230323 1000 222087421 2000 003152728 1000 0952750 1000 201250285 1000 222152704 1000 003200020 1000 0973182 1000 201273787 1000 222344434 1000 004212046 1000 0996884 4000 20203003X 1000 222391559 7000 004245521 1000 10004319 3000 202037404 5000 223092610 3000 005052486 1000 10010521 3000 202083215 1000 223152869 1000 005065327 1000 10019545 1000 202102710 1000 223196189 2000 0050791 1000 10089071 3000 202151063 1000 223222472 2000 005200272 1000 101042610 1000 202160017 1000 223254698 3000 0052142 5000 10113886 1000 202160421 1000 224149120 1000 00523683X 1000 10122001X 1000 202181487 1000 224299966 1000 005293811 1000 10127291 1000 202226425 1000 224368928 1000 005632800 4000 10128018 3000 203053816 1000 225164771 8000 005637400 2000 10137408 5000 203081234 1000 225174663 1000 005906400 1000 10137696 1000 203086114 1000 225442177 7000 005907800 3000 10139370 2000 203110027 1000 225476779 1000 006017913 1000 10147535 3000 203150030 1000 225494962 2000 006052626 1000 10147950 4000 203210027 1000 227179231 1000 006101481 1000 10152660 4000 204020468 1000 227182334 9000 006105277 1000 10156550 4000 204040015 1000 227277449 1000 006124420 1000 10189491 1000 204070155 1000 228129532 3000 006204767 1000 102088923 1000 204082139 1000 228261608 8000 006220221 1000 102090021 1000 204102748 1000 229039235 1000 006254719 1000 10218084X 1000 20413002X 1000 229099486 3000 007151026 1000 102185275 1000 205030024 1000 229154646 1000 007170635 1000 102260023 1000 205039043 1000 229175724 3000 007182143 1000 103031024 1000 205070857 3000 229194113 2000 008055163 1000 103086266 3000 205206114 1000 229230636 5000 008132429 1000 10317192X 1000 205214452 1000 230116048 2000 008163312 1000 103193828 1000 205228471 1000 230348104 1000 008210612 1000 103205441 1000 205240282 1000 230395444 1000 008215271 1000 103290944 1000 206060053 1000 232402297 6000 008238318 1000 104017049 1000 206061087 3000 232430868 6000 008245024 1000 104077229 1000 206162119 1000 232495531 7000 008248700 6000 104251036 1000 206281726 1000 232554543 3000 008395500 1000 104262655 1000 207011452 1000 235134020 2000 00903031X 1000 105012137 1000 207014447 1000 235418183 1000 009091031 1000 105042130 1000 207031549 1000 235476959 1000 009125736 1000 105060347 1000 207056565 1000 235535572 1000 009141517 1000 105154112 1000 207062712 1000 235573201 12000 009160623 1000 105185326 1000 207210012 1000 235584620 6000 009238820 1000 105205024 1000 207231929 1000 237145974 4000 010081801 1000 105270621 1000 208034325 1000 241252287 2000 010165147 1000 107051441 1000 208034860 1000 241380906 2000 0107327 1000 107054522 1000 20806301X 1000 242291615 6000 011020017 1000 107070912 1000 208081010 1000 242330694 3000 01110432X 1000 107101910 1000 208087331 1000 243073210 11000 011143529 1000 107106812 1000 208190276 1000 243162773 1000 011193226 1000 107180522 1000 208207862 1000 243181476 2000 011201457 1000 108012721 1000 209019379 1000 243187515 2000 0119072 2000 108030552 1000 209051483 1000 244198495 8000 0120139 2000 108041162 1000 209058346 12000 244199154 6000 01202571X 1000 108072118 1000 209131184 1000 247061435 1000 012085462 1000 108080444 1000 209136704 2000 249093386 1000 012114913 1000 108221724 1000 209166586 1000 254079049 1000 013376600 3000 108254344 1000 209181811 1000 254215338 6000 013907300 1000 109049063 1000 20922241X 1000 254290869 1000 013955400 5000 109060841 1000 209265839 1000 254292949 2000 020005700 1000 10911028X 1000 209276517 1000 254294127 8000 0217165 4000 109141529 1000 210033061 1000 254340607 2000 0217178 8000 110021419 1000 210050548 1000 254345960 7000 0227715 4000 110042524 1000 210056453 2000 255039711 1000 0310279 3000 110060650 2000 210100276 1000 255161747 4000 0336729 4000 110105197 5000 210163671 2000 255238941 9000 0387419 5000 110233845 1000 210173171 1000 255253247 1000 0404923 3000 11024511X 1000 210176145 7000 255266595 3000 0520014 1000 110252227 1000 211052740 1000 255370660 2000 0521440 3000 110259401 1000 211073761 1000 256166257 1000 分配結果 ( 黃表 - 電子認購指示 ) - 1 - Results of Applications (EIPO)

Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Identification HKPO Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Document Shares Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated Number(s) Allocated 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 證件號碼 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 獲配發股份 ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ ------------ 256237876 1000 292151339 2000 329305817 1000 382036036 1000 256290750 3000 294127915 6000 329310429 6000 383001732 4000 257102160 1000 294239165 1000 330103197 6000 383127701 2000 257140657 2000 294356647 2000 330106198 3000 383236783 5000 258227339 8000 295450365 2000 330180605 2000 383292521 1000 258317403 2000 295452684 8000 330343427 2000 383476314 1000 258320795 2000 295581888 1000 330493396 2000 384106530 3000 258324425 3000 296276199 1000 330540709 1000 384152278 7000 259251791 2000 296295371 2000 330593195 2000 385080999 2000 259280329 6000 297113821 1000 330725352 1000 385467410 1000 259566404 2000 297245946 2000 346205636 3000 385487517 1000 259568749 3000 297315186 2000 346220957 11000 385720941 1000 259570190 1000 297866535 3000 347053654 8000 385781836 1000 260062518 2000 298323411 2000 347247041 6000 385814314 9000 262065001 4000 298521527 2000 348086141 3000 385881446 3000 262065002 4000 298543349 1000 350128196 3000 388003055 2000 262065003 4000 301101034 1000 350500197 2000 388004509 2000 262065004 3000 301126313 1000 350927472 1000 388008930 2000 262065005 3000 30123344X 1000 352138358 1000 388014680 4000 262065006 4000 302100017 1000 352259741 2000 388016982 1000 262065007 4000 302141535 1000 356092080 1000 388021016 1000 262065008 4000 302161528 1000 356096024 1000 388024606 1000 262065009 4000 302192820 1000 356108852 4000 388028912 1000 262065010 3000 303010021 1000 356114603 1000 388038085 1000 262065011 4000 303120615 1000 356166165 1000 388042327 1000 262065012 5000 303122415 1000 356192252 2000 388052078 1000 262065013 4000 303171426 1000 356193201 4000 388070765 6000 262065014 5000 303182543 1000 356229906 1000 388074155 1000 262065015 6000 303190015 1000 356459065 2000 388076465 1000 262065016 5000 30319123X 1000 359046539 4000 388079808 1000 262065017 8000 303310016 1000 359084324 4000 388144917 1000 262065018 8000 304060623 1000 359116654 1000 388347080 2000000 262065019 8000 304252416 1000 359157682 14000 388467001 3000 262065020 8000 305042116 1000 359271665 1000 388467002 3000 262065021 11000 305150628 1000 359383452 1000 388467003 4000 262065022 11000 305190396 1000 359411204 1000 388467004 4000 262065023 13000 305200912 1000 359417359 2000 388467005 4000 262065024 14000 305277483 1000 360132211 3000 388467006 5000 262065025 5000000 305286521 1000 360140248 2000 388467007 8000 263289027 1000 306062113 1000 360194971 1000 388467008 9000 263325268 2000 306165029 1000 361094626 4000 388467009 8000 264074865 1000 306217071 1000 361096746 5000 388467010 12000 264190240 2000 306290920 1000 361100225 3000 388467011 14000 264195082 6000 307020049 1000 361162803 1000 388661019 1000 264252487 2000 307162356 1000 361194251 1000 388669798 1000 264394602 11000 307193325 1000 361262389 1000 388709669 1000 265029181 2000 308041024 1000 363145723 1000 388764532 2000 265083931 2000 308061715 1000 363152463 3000 388818965 8000 265123372 3000 308090028 1000 363204595 3000 390050185 1000 265285213 1000 308150526 1000 363208265 3000 390058154 2000 265388918 2000 308153075 1000 363226002 1000 390225852 1000 265492199 3000 30823127X 1000 365112614 1000 390905172 1000 265501742 8000 308294129 1000 365258748 2000 391061637 1000 265558155 11000 308311838 1000 365278340 2000 391125041 1000 266226760 3000 308315712 1000 365301902 2000 394034110 2000 266310838 1000 309037024 1000 366181196 1000 394183388 2000 266405125 1000 309086713 1000 367056421 7000 395234925 2000 266409119 1000 309110018 1000 368143160 1000 401020649 1000 267131506 6000 30916001X 1000 368200200 3000 401202002 1000 267338895 5000 309180026 1000 368207940 4000 401210076 1000 269118998 6000 309190013 1000 368212304 1000 402030429 1000 269275467 1000 309264863 1000 368212908 7000 402100359 1000 269393732 3000 309300029 1000 369145107 1000 40212472X 1000 269522272 1000 310010939 1000 370025454 6000 402174032 1000 270514223 1000 310015141 1000 370073397 1000 402194078 1000 273108977 1000 310020312 1000 370158230 1000 402204120 1000 273213678 2000 310042230 1000 370213711 1000 402247065 1000 274146430 13000 310071415 1000 371077967 3000 403045444 1000 275202398 3000 310090647 1000 373050426 3000 403050918 1000 275297216 2000 310102196 4000 374056018 2000 403086248 1000 276351632 12000 310104197 5000 374251304 3000 403104415 1000 276498508 1000 310108196 2000 375056512 8000 403165066 1000 280217353 1000 310130336 1000 375108370 2000 403262064 1000 283580116 1000 310168518 1000 375144565 2000 403283128 2000 285178844 5000 31018213X 1000 375258688 1000 403294422 1000 286420633 4000 311100624 1000 375301264 1000 404043577 1000 286420914 3000 31111561X 1000 378016109 1000 404057096 1000 286439377 12000 31116602X 1000 378081616 7000 404085041 1000 286571336 2000 31120151X 1000 378125645 8000 404280418 1000 288195332 1000 311210084 1000 379063753 1000 405010318 1000 289292211 6000 311221611 1000 379079650 6000 405017067 1000 290226349 1000 312021865 1000 379094618 6000 405050926 1000 290246610 2000 312055435 1000 379117484 6000 405120316 1000 290247683 1000 312157471 1000 379133630 9000 405130928 1000 290251651 1000 312160011 1000 379154552 1000 405200034 1000 290258219 1000 312299546 1000 380079566 1000 405203626 1000 290297316 1000 325271096 1000 380320012 1000 406170022 1000 290306687 1000 328192950 12000 380908103 1000 406274118 1000 分配結果 ( 黃表 - 電子認購指示 ) - 2 - Results of Applications (EIPO)