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TravellerShield Annual Travel Insurance TravellerShield 全年旅遊保障 Policy Wording 保單條款 Chubb Travel Insurance

Contents Part I Schedule of Benefits (Annual Travel Plan)... 3 Part II Definition of Words... 4 Part III Description of Cover... 7 Part IV General Exclusions... 20 Part V - Extensions... 22 Part VI General Conditions... 23 Part VII Cancellation of this Policy... 25 Part VIII How To Make A Claim... 26 Part IX Personal Information Collection Statement... 28 第一部分 保障計劃 ( 全年旅遊保障 )... 29 第二部分 - 詞彙釋義... 30 第三部分 - 項目說明... 32 第四部分 - 一般不受保事項... 41 第五部分 - 延期條款... 43 第六部分 - 一般條款... 43 第七部分 - 取消本保單... 45 第八部份 如何索償... 46 第九部分 個人資料收集聲明... 48 About Chubb in Hong Kong... 49 Contact Us... 49 關於安達香港... 49 聯絡我們... 49 TravellerShield Annual Travel Insurance Policy Wording, Hong Kong. TravellerShield 全年旅遊保障保單條款, 香港. Published 01/2018 (v2). 2018 Chubb. Coverages underwritten by one or more subsidiary companies. Not all coverages are available in all jurisdictions. Chubb and its respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 2018 安達 保障由一間或多間附屬公司所承保 並非所有保障可於所有司法管轄區提供 Chubb 及其相關標誌, 以及 Chubb. Insured. SM 乃安達的保護註冊商標 2

In consideration of the payment of a premium to The Company and subject to the terms and conditions of this policy, The Company agrees to provide cover in the manner and to the extent set out in this policy. Please Read This Policy If this policy contains incorrect information, please return it to The Company immediately for correction. Part I Schedule of Benefits (Annual Travel Plan) Benefits A. Personal Accident (a) Accident whilst travelling on a Public Conveyance/sustained an armed robbery Gold Plan HK$ Silver Plan HK$ Sum Insured 2,000,000 2,000,000 (b) Other Accident Sum Insured 1,000,000 1,000,000 B. Medical Expenses (a) Medical Expenses Sum Insured 800,000 800,000 (b) (b)(i) (b)(ii) Follow-up Medical Expenses Maximum Sum Insured for Follow-up Medical Expenses Maximum amount for Chinese Medicine Practitioner Daily maximum amount for Chinese Medicine Practitioner Sum Insured 100,000 100,000 Sum Insured 1,500 1,500 Sum Insured 150 150 (c) Trauma Counselling Sum Insured 20,000 20,000 (c)(i) Daily maximum amount for Trauma Counselling Sum Insured 1,000 1,000 (d) Hospital Cash Sum Insured 5,000 5,000 (d)(i) Daily maximum amount for Hospital Cash Sum Insured 500 500 (e) Hotel Accommodation for Convalescence Sum Insured 6,000 6,000 (f) Hospital Interpreter Services Sum Insured 4,000 4,000 C. (a) Chubb Assistance 24-Hour Worldwide Assistance Services Maximum Sum Insured for Section C Chubb Assistance Emergency Medical Evacuation and/or Repatriation Sum Insured 2,000,000 2,000,000 Sum Insured 2,000,000 2,000,000 (b) Return of Mortal Remains Sum Insured 50,000 50,000 (c) Compassionate Visit Sum Insured 20,000 20,000 (c) (i) Daily maximum amount for accommodation 1,200 1,200 (d) Child Escort Sum Insured 20,000 20,000 (e) Chubb Assistance 24 Hour Telephone Hotline And Referral Services Applicable Applicable D. Trip Cancellation and Curtailment (a) Trip Cancellation Sum Insured 30,000 Not applicable (b) Trip Curtailment Sum Insured 30,000 Not applicable (c) Employee Replacement Sum Insured 20,000 Not applicable E. Travel Delay and Missed Departure (a) Travel Delay Sum Insured 3,500 Not applicable respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 3

(a)(i) Cash Benefit for each period of delay Each 8 hour period of delay 250 Not applicable (b) Missed Departure Sum Insured 15,000 Not applicable (c) Loss of Passport Sum Insured 2,000 Not applicable (d) Hijack Extension Sum Insured 2,500 Not applicable F. Personal Baggage and Personal Money (a) (a)(i) (a)(ii) Personal Property Maximum amount Sum Insured 25,000 Not applicable Maximum amount for each item/set/pair of Personal Property Maximum amount for Valuables and sport equipment 3,000 Not applicable 10,000 Not applicable (b) Baggage Delay Sum Insured 2,500 Not applicable (c) Business Documents or Samples Sum Insured 2,500 Not applicable (c)(i) Maximum amount for each item/set/pair of Business Documents or Samples 1,000 Not applicable (d) Personal Money and Personal Documents Sum Insured 3,000 Not applicable (e) Excess per event under Section F (except for F(b) Baggage Delay) 200 Not applicable G. Personal Liability Sum Insured 2,500,000 Not applicable H. Rental Vehicle Excess Sum Insured 5,000 Not applicable I. Home Contents Cover Sum Insured 20,000 Not applicable J. Credit Card Protection Sum Insured 10,000 Not applicable Customer Services Hotline: (852) 3191 6618 24-Hour Worldwide Assistance Hotline: (852) 3723 3030 Part II Definition of Words The following defined terms shall have the meaning set out as follows in this policy: 1. Accident or Accidental means a sudden, unforeseen and unexpected event happening by chance. 2. Chubb Assistance or Authorised Assistance Service Provider means the independent service provider appointed by The Company to provide outside Hong Kong assistance services to Insured Persons. 3. Black Alert means the travel black alert issued by the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Government under the Outbound Travel Alert (OTA) System. This definition may be changed by The Company from time to time based on changes to the OTA System communicated by the Security Bureau of the Hong Kong Government. 4. Bodily Injury means physical injury caused solely and independently by an Accident and sustained during a Journey. 5. Cash means cash or travellers cheques belonging to an Insured Person taken by an Insured Person on the Journey. 6. Child/Children means (Applicable to Family Plan only) the unmarried dependent child or children of the Insured Person (including step or legally adopted child(ren) or child(ren) under the Insured Person s legal guardianship) who is/are: (a) residing in Hong Kong and primarily dependent on the Insured Person for maintenance and financial support during the Period of Insurance; and respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 4

(b) below eighteen (18) years of age on the Commencement Date and upon any Renewal Date of this policy. 7. Chinese Medicine Practitioner means a person other than an Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member who is duly registered as a Chinese medicine practitioner according to the Chinese Medicine Ordinance (Cap. 549). 8. Commencement Date means the date The Company agrees to provide insurance under the policy and which is shown on the Policy Schedule. 9. Confinement or Confined means a continuous period of necessary confinement in a Hospital as a Resident Inpatient for which the Hospital makes a charge for room and board. 10. Excess means the amount of money the Insured Person is liable for before the benefit payable under this policy. 11. Hospital means a legally constituted establishment operated and licensed pursuant to the laws of the country in which it is located and which meets all of the following requirements: (a) Operates primarily for the reception and medical care and treatment of sick, ailing or injured persons on a Resident Inpatient basis; and (b) Admits a Resident Inpatient only under the supervision of one or more Physicians, at least one of whom is available for consultation at all times; and (c) Maintains organised facilities for medical diagnosis and treatment of Resident Inpatients and provides (where appropriate) facilities for major surgery within the confines of the establishment or in facilities controlled by the establishment; and (d) Provides full-time nursing service by and under the supervision of a staff or nurses; and (e) Has an on-duty staff of at least one Physician and one qualified nurse at all times; and (f) Hospital shall not include the following: a mental institution, an institution operating primarily for the treatment of psychiatric or psychological disease including sub-normality or the psychiatric department of a hospital; a place for the aged, a rest home or a place for drug addicts or alcoholics; a health hydro or nature cure clinic, a nursing or convalescent home, a special unit of a hospital used primarily as a place for drug addicts or alcoholics or as a nursing, convalescent, rehabilitation, extended-care facility or rest home. 12. Hong Kong means the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 13. Household Contents means valuable property, money, Household Improvements, furniture, furnishings, home appliances, household and personal effects belonging to the Insured Person or his/her family members. 14. Household Improvement means improvements and betterment on landlord s fixtures and fittings made by an Insured Person within the Insured Person s home. 15. Immediate Family Member means an Insured Person s spouse, parents, parents-in-law, grandparents, children, siblings, grandchildren, legally adopted chilren or legal guardians. 16. Insured Person means the person or persons named in the Policy Schedule or subsequent endorsement(s) (if any), who is under seventy-six (76) years of age on the Commencement Date and upon any Renewal Date; and shall be the holder of valid Hong Kong Identity Card during the Period of Insurance. 17. Journey means any return overseas trip made to a destination outside Hong Kong by the Insured Person, beginning and ending in Hong Kong during the Period of Insurance subject to the Journey Duration. 18. Journey Duration means in relation to: (a) Section D(a) - Trip Cancellation of this policy only, the period beginning on the Commencement Date; or (b) all other Sections of this policy, the period beginning at the time at which an Insured Person commences his or her travel from home or workplace in Hong Kong directly to the Hong Kong immigration control point to embark on a Journey; and (c) all other sections of this policy, the period ending at the earliest of either: (i) ninety (90) days after an Insured Person s departure from Hong Kong to embark on a Journey (inclusive of the date of departure), or (ii) three (3) hours after an Insured Person has passed through Hong Kong immigration control point on their return to Hong Kong; or (iii) the end of the Period of Insurance. 19. Medical Expenses means all Usual, Reasonable and Customary Medical Expenses necessarily incurred by an Insured Person as a result of Bodily Injury sustained or Sickness contracted, for Confinement, surgical, medical, emergency dental treatment (as a result of Bodily Injury only) or other diagnostic or remedial treatment given or prescribed by a Physician, including employment of a nurse, x-ray examination or the use of an ambulance as the result of an emergency. 20. Period of Insurance means the period to which this insurance applies and for which premium has been paid or has been agreed to be paid starting from the Commencement Date or the latest Renewal Date, for one calendar year. If the premium is paid continuously then, unless The Company advises prior to the Renewal Date that The Company will respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 5

not be renewing or will be amending the coverage, a policy with the same terms and conditions automatically comes into existence for one (1) year from the Renewal Date. However, if this policy is cancelled or otherwise terminated, the Period of Insurance will be from the Commencement Date or Renewal Date whichever is the later up to and including the date of cancellation or termination. 21. Permanent means: (a) In relation to one or both limbs, loss of use lasting twelve (12) consecutive months from the date of Accident and being beyond hope of improvement or remedy by surgical or other treatment at the expiry of that period, or loss by physical separation at or above the wrist or ankle joint during the same period; or (b) In relation to any other type of loss, being beyond hope of improvement or remedy by surgical or other treatment at the end of twelve (12) consecutive months from the date of Accident. 22. Permanent Total Disability means disablement that results solely, directly or independently of all other causes from Bodily Injury and which occurs within one hundred eighty (180) days of the Accident in which such Bodily Injury was sustained, which, having lasted for a continuous and uninterrupted period of at least twelve (12) consecutive months, will, in all probability, entirely prevent the Insured Person from attending to any kind of employment, business, profession or occupation. 23. Personal Property means personal baggage taken or owned by an Insured Person during Journey, other than household goods and anything shipped as freight, any pager, mobile phone, tablet computer or portable telecommunication equipment or any of its accessories including sim card or digital stortage card and the like, contact lenses, dentures, prostheses, bonds, negotiable instruments or securities, any brittle or fragile items, and sports equipment while in use. 24. Physician means a person other than an Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member who is a qualified western medical practitioner licensed by the competent medical authorities of the jurisdiction in which treatment is provided and who, in providing treatment, practices within the scope of his or her licensing and training. 25. Policy Schedule means the schedule which The Company shall send to the Policyholder at the commencement of this policy, which sets out the Sum Insured for each Insured Person under this policy and which may be amended or replaced by The Company from time to time. 26. Policyholder means the owner of this policy named on the Policy Schedule, who is either: (a) eighteen (18) years of age or above and under seventy-six (76) years of age on the Commencement Date and upon any Renewal Date; and such person shall be the holder of valid Hong Kong Identity Card during the Period of Insurance; Or (b) an organisation incorporated or registered in Hong Kong and such incorporation or registration shall be valid and effective under the laws of Hong Kong during the Period of Insurance. 27. Pre-existing Medical Condition means any sickness or injury of which at the date of this policy application, an Insured Person, Immediate Family Member, or Insured Person s fiancé (fiancée) presented signs or symptoms, or for which, in the same period, an Insured Person, Immediate Family Member, or Insured Person s fiancé (fiancée) sought or received (or ought reasonably to have sought or received) medical treatment, consultation, prescribed drugs, advice or diagnosis by a Physician. 28. Principal Home means an Insured Person s primary place of residence in Hong Kong. 29. Public Conveyance means any mechanically propelled carrier operated by a company or an individual licensed to carry passengers on scheduled route/itinerary. 30. Resident Inpatient means an Insured Person whose Confinement as a resident bed patient is necessary for the medical care, diagnosis and treatment of Bodily Injury or Sickness and not merely for any form of nursing, convalescence, rehabilitation, rest or extended-care. 31. Rental Vehicle means a non-commercial inland vehicle (except motorcycle) rented or hired from a licensed motor vehicle rental/hire company for the sole purpose of carrying an Insured Person on public roadways, including campervan. 32. Riot means the act of a group of people that disturb the public peace (whether in connection with a Strike or lock-out or not) and the action of any lawfully constituted governmental authority in suppressing or attempting to suppress any such disturbance or in minimizing the consequences of such disturbance. 33. Renewal Date means the date exactly twelve (12) calendar months after the Commencement Date and the same date in each consecutive year thereafter. 34. Schedule of Benefits means the schedule of benefits in Part I of this policy. 35. Sickness means illness or disease commencing during the Period of Insurance. 36. Specially Designated List means names of a person, entities, groups, corporate specified on a list who are subject to trade or economic sanctions or other such similar laws or regulations of the United States of America, Australia, United Nations, European Union or United Kingdom. 37. Spouse means (Applicable to Family Plan only) the Insured Person s legally married spouse named on the Policy Schedule, who is eighteen (18) years of age or above and under seventy-six (76) years of age on the Commencement respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 6

Date and upon any Renewal Date; and who is the holder of valid Hong Kong Identity Card during the Period of Insurance. 38. Strike means the wilful act of any striker or locked-out worker done in furtherance of a strike or in resistance to a lock-out or the action of any lawfully constituted authority in preventing or attempting to prevent any such act or in minimizing the consequences of any such act. 39. Sum Insured means, in relation to each benefit available to an Insured Person under this policy, the maximum amount per Journey listed in the Schedule of Benefits or any endorsement(s) corresponding to that benefit. 40. The Company means Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited. 41. Usual, Reasonable and Customary Medical Expenses means charges for treatment, supplies or medical services medically necessary to treat an Insured Person s condition and which do not exceed the usual level of charges for similar treatment, supplies or medical services in the locality where the charges are incurred. Charges that would not have been made if no insurance existed are excluded from this definition. 42. Valuables means jewellery, furs, gold and silver articles, watches, radios, binoculars, cameras and audio/video equipment. Part III Description of Cover Section A Personal Accident (a) Accident whilst travelling on a Public Conveyance or sustained an armed robbery: If an Insured Person who is eighteen (18) up to and including seventy (70) years of age on the first day of that Journey sustains Bodily Injury while (i) travelling as a fare-paying passenger on board a Public Conveyance or a private car; or (ii) being an innocent victim in any armed robbery or attempted armed robbery, as a direct and unavoidable result, suffers within twelve (12) consecutive months a loss of the type listed in the Loss Table in this Section A, The Company will pay the percentage stated for that type of loss in the Loss Table in this Section A of the Sum Insured stated in Section A(a) of the Schedule of Benefits. Otherwise, if an Insured Person who is under eighteen (18) years of age or above seventy (70) years of age on the first day of that Journey sustains Bodily Injury and, as a direct and unavoidable result, suffers within twelve (12) consecutive months a loss of the type listed in the Loss Table in this Section A, The Company will pay fifty percent (50%) of the percentage stated for that type of loss in the Loss Table in this Section A of the Sum Insured stated in Section A(a) of the Schedule of Benefits. (b) Other Accident If an Insured Person who is eighteen (18) up to and including seventy (70) years of age on the first day of that Journey sustains Bodily Injury other than as set out at Section A(a) above, and, as a direct and unavoidable result, suffers within twelve (12) consecutive months a loss of the type listed in the Loss Table in this Section A, The Company will pay the percentage stated for that type of loss in the Loss Table in this Section A of the Sum Insured stated in Section A(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. Otherwise, if an Insured Person who is under eighteen (18) years of age or above seventy (70) years of age on the first day of that Journey sustains Bodily Injury and, as a direct and unavoidable result, suffers within twelve (12) consecutive months a loss of the type listed in the Loss Table in this Section A, The Company will pay fifty percent (50%) of the percentage stated for that type of loss in the Loss Table in this Section A of the Sum Insured stated in Section A(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. (c) Amateur Dangerous Sports Extension Notwithstanding General Exclusion of this Policy, if an Insured Person who is eighteen (18) up to and including seventy (70) years of age on the first day of that Journey sustains Bodily Injury while taking part in the capacity as an amateur in hot-air ballooning, scuba diving to a depth not greater than thirty (30) meters below sea-level, winter sports, water skiing, rafting, sailing, windsurfing, bungee jumping or horse riding activities, as a direct and unavoidable result, suffers within twelve (12) consecutive months a loss of the type listed in the Loss Table in this Section A, The Company will pay the percentage stated for that type of loss in the Loss Table in this Section A of the Sum Insured stated in Section A(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 7

Otherwise if an Insured Person who is under eighteen (18) years of age or above seventy (70) years of age on the first day of that Journey, The Company will pay the fifty (50%) percent of the percentage stated for that type of loss in the Loss Table in this Section A of the Sum Insured stated in Section A(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. (d) Cash Relief In the event of the Insured Person s Accidental death, The Company may approve an advance payment of HK$50,000 as cash relief to the legal representative of the Insured Person. Upon payment of such cash relief, The Company s liability under Section A shall be reduced by the same amount. Section A Loss Table: Category Percentage of the Sum Insured 1. Accidental death (which occurs within 12 months from the date of the accident) 100% 2. Permanent Total Disability 100% 3. Permanent and total loss or incurable paralysis of all limbs 100% 4. Permanent and total loss of sight in both eyes 100% 5. Permanent and total loss of two limbs 100% 6. Permanent and total loss of speech and hearing 100% 7. Permanent and total loss of sight in one eye 50% 8. Permanent and total loss of one limb 50% 9. Permanent and total loss of hearing 50% 10. Permanent and total loss of speech 50% Special Conditions to Section A: 1. Where an Insured Person suffers more than one type of loss listed in the Loss Table in this Section A in the same Accident, The Company s liability under this Section A shall be limited to one payment for the type of loss which, of all the types of loss actually suffered, attracts the largest percentage stated in the Loss Table in this Section A of the relevant Sum Insured stated in Section A of the Schedule of Benefits. 2. The Company s total liability under this Section A for all Accidents involving the same Insured Person occurring during a Journey shall not exceed the relevant Sum Insured. 3. Where the use or enjoyment of an Insured Person s limb or organ was partially impaired before an Accident occurred, The Company may, in its sole discretion and after considering a medical assessment by The Company s appointed medical adviser of the extent to which any Bodily Injury was, in the medical adviser s opinion, caused solely and independently by that Accident, pay such percentage of the relevant Sum Insured as it considers reasonable. No payment shall be made for a limb or organ which was totally unusable before an Accident occurred. 4. (Applicable to Family Plan only) Where this policy covers more than one Insured Person from the same family and more than one member of that family is involved in the same Accident, The Company s total liability under this Section A for all Insured Persons involved in that Accident shall not exceed 300% of the largest Sum Insured which applies to any member of that family. 5. Exposure: If during a Journey, the Insured Person is exposed to the elements as a result of an Accident and within twelve (12) months of the Accident the Insured Person suffers any one type of loss listed in the Loss Table in this Section A as a direct result of that exposure, the Insured Person will be deemed for the purpose of this policy to have suffered a Bodily Injury on the date of the Accident. 6. Disappearance: Where an Insured Person's body has not been found within one (1) year of the date of the disappearance, sinking or wrecking of the means of transport being used by the Insured Person on the date of the disappearance, sinking or wrecking: (a) It will be presumed that the Insured Person suffered Accidental death resulting from Bodily Injury at the time of such disappearance, sinking or wrecking; and (b) Subject to receiving an undertaking, signed by the deceased Insured Person s legal representatives, that if the presumption of Accidental death resulting from Bodily Injury is subsequently found to be wrong, any amount paid by The Company under this Section A will be immediately refunded to The Company. The Company will pay to the legal representatives of the deceased Insured Person the percentage stated for Accidental death in the Loss Table in this Section A of the relevant Sum Insured stated in Section A of the Schedule of Benefits. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 8

Exclusion to Section A: This Section A does not cover: 1. Sickness, disease or bacterial infection. 2. Any claim if the Insured Person is travelling against the advice of a Physician or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. 3. Death or Bodily Injury or Sickness sustained by an Insured Person caused by or arising from any medical, physical or mental conditions which is pre-existing at the time of the application of this policy or at the date of arranging the Journey including any recurring, chronic or continuing illness or condition which the Insured Person is aware of or have already received treatment. A condition is deemed to be pre-existing at the time of the application of this insurance or at the date of arranging the Journey if treatment, or medication, or advice, or diagnosis has been sought or received or was foreseeable prior to the commencement of the Policy or the arrangement of the Journey, or the Insured Person or if the Insured Person is below 18 years of age, your parent knew or ought to have known prior to the commencement of the Policy or the arrangement of the Journey whether or not treatment or medication or advice or diagnosis was sought or received. 4. Any claim arising from venereal disease, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or self-exposure to exceptional risk. Section B Medical Expenses (a) Medical Expenses: If an Insured Person incurs Medical Expenses during the Journey arising from Bodily Injury or Sickness, The Company will reimburse the Insured Person for :- (i) those Medical Expenses; and/or (ii) Additional reasonable transport expenses incurred for returning to Hong Kong, which is necessary and unavoidable for the Insured Person to stay beyond the scheduled return date, if the original return ticket is unused and forfeited. up to the Sum Insured stated in Section B(a) of the Schedule of Benefits. (b) Follow-up Medical Expenses: If an Insured Person incurs Medical Expenses outside Hong Kong during a Journey arising from Bodily Injury or Sickness and, after returning to Hong Kong, that Insured Person still requires treatment in Hong Kong for the same Bodily Injury or Sickness as given or prescribed by a Physician and/or Chinese Medicine Practitioner, The Company will continue to reimburse the Insured Person for: (i) Reasonable medical expenses incurred in Hong Kong for the purpose of Chinese medical treatment and charged by a Chinese Medicine Practitioner; or (ii) Any Medical Expenses incurred in Hong Kong other than as set out at Section B (b)(i) above; and/or up to ninety (90) days after the Insured Person s return to Hong Kong or until the Sum Insured stated in Section B(b) of the Schedule of Benefits has been exhausted, whichever comes first. (c) Trauma Counselling Benefit If during a Journey, an Insured Person is the victim of a traumatic event such as, but not limited to, rape, armed hold up, assault, natural disaster, hijack or acts of terrorism and sustains Bodily Injury due to that traumatic event, upon the production of the Physician s advice on the need of trauma counselling service as a result of such Bodily Injury, The Company will reimburse the Insured Person for reasonable and necessary expenses for trauma counselling incurred within ninety (90) days from the occurrence of the traumatic event, up to the Sum Insured stated in Section B(c) of the Schedule of Benefits. (d) Hospital Cash Upon the Confinement in a Hospital outside Hong Kong of an Insured Person during a Journey as a direct and unavoidable result of Bodily Injury or Sickness, The Company will pay an Insured Person a daily benefit of the amount stated in Section B(d)(i) of the Schedule of Benefits, up to the Sum Insured stated in Section B(d) of the Schedule of Benefit. Special Conditions to Section B(d): respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 9

1. Payment of benefits under this Section B (d) shall only be made after the Confinement ends. 2. The Company s liability under Section B for all Confinement of an Insured Person shall not exceed the amount stated in Section B(d) of the Schedule of Benefits. Exclusions to Section B(d): 1. Any Confinement which occurs after the end of the Journey. (e) Hotel Accommodation for Convalescence If an Insured Person is hospitalized in a Hospital during a Journey arising from Bodily Injury or Sickness, and upon discharge from hospitalization and as recommended by Physician to convalesce immediately before continuing with the Journey, The Company will reimburse the cost of one (1) ordinary room accommodation expenses, but not the cost of drinks, meals and other room services, necessarily incurred up to the Sum Insured stated in Section B(e) of the Schedule of Benefits subject to HK$1,200 per day for a maximum of five (5) consecutive days. (f) Hospital Interpreter Services In the event of the Insured Person suffering from Bodily Injury or Sickness resulting in hospital Confinement and the Insured Person requires the arrangement of hospital interpreter service, The Company will reimburse for the cost necessarily and reasonably incurred for the hospital interpreter service up to HK$800 per day and HK$4,000 per event. The duration for the interpreter to be present at hospital should not exceed three (3) hours per day (mainly for Physician consultation hours). (g) Amateur Dangerous Sports Extension Notwithstanding General Exclusion of this Policy, if an Insured Person who is eighteen (18) up to and including seventy (70) years of age on the first day of that Journey sustains Bodily Injury while taking part in the capacity as an amateur in hot-air ballooning, scuba diving to a depth not greater than thirty (30) meters below sea-level, winter sports, water skiing, rafting, sailing, windsurfing, bungee jumping or horse riding activities, as a direct and unavoidable result, incurs Medical Expenses during that Journey arising from Bodily Injury or Sickness, The Company will pay the one hundred percent (100%) of the corresponding Sum Insured stated in Section B of the Schedule of Benefits; otherwise if an Insured Person who is under eighteen (18) years of age or above seventy (70) years of age on the first day of that Journey, The Company will pay the fifty (50%) percent of the corresponding Sum Insured stated in Section B of the Schedule of Benefits. Special Conditions to Section B: 1. The Authorised Assistance Service Provider must be notified promptly if the Insured Person is admitted or anticipates admission to Hospital as a Resident Inpatient during a Journey outside Hong Kong. Failure to give the notice required by this condition precedent will result in The Company having no liability under this policy for those Medical Expenses. 2. The Company s liability under Section B(a) for all Medical Expenses incurred during the Journey shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in Section B(a) of the Schedule of Benefits. 3. The Company s liability under Section B(b) for each and every expense incurred shall not exceed the amount stated in Section B(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. 4. The Company s liability under Section B(b)(i) for all expenses charged by Chinese Medicine Practitioner shall not exceed the amount stated in Section B(b)(i) of the Schedule of Benefits. The maximum daily amount incurred by Chinese Medicine Practitioner shall be the amount stated in Section B(b)(ii) of the Schedule of Benefits. 5. The Company s liability of Medical Expenses (including medical expenses charged by Chinese Medicine Practitioner) incurred in Hong Kong shall not exceed the amount stated in Section B(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. 6. The Company s total liability under Section B(c) for Trauma Counselling benefit incurred shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in Section B(c) of the Schedule of Benefits. The maximum daily amount incurred for trauma counselling benefit shall be the amount stated in Section B(c)(i) of the Schedule of Benefits. 7. The Company s total liability under Section B(d) for Hospital Cash benefit incurred shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in Section B(d) of the Schedule of Benefits. The maximum daily amount incurred for hospital cash benefit shall be the amount stated in Section B(d)(i) of the Schedule of Benefits. 8. The Company s total liability under this Section B for all Medical Expenses and all medical expenses charged by Chinese Medicine Practitioner, and all expenses for trauma counselling shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in Section B(a) of the Schedule of Benefits. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 10

9. The payment of charges from chiropractors, physiotherapists, occupational therapists, acupuncturists (other than bonesetters fee charged by Chinese Medicine Practitioner in Section B(b)(i) above) and the like is subject to the availability of a referral letter or similar certification from a Physician. Exclusions to Section B: This Section B does not cover: 1. Any expense included or contemplated in the cost of a Journey at the time it was paid for. 2. Surgery or medical treatment which, in the opinion of the Physician attending the Insured Person, can reasonably be delayed until the Insured Person returns to Hong Kong. 3. Any expense incurred after an Insured Person has failed, within a reasonable period, to follow a Physician s advice to return to Hong Kong to continue treatment for Bodily Injury suffered or Sickness contracted outside Hong Kong. 4. Any expense incurred during a Journey after an Insured Person has been advised by a Physician prior to the departure of the Journey that he or she is unfit to travel. 5. Any expenses incurred under Section B(a) after twelve (12) months from the date the first expenses were incurred. 6. Any follow up expenses incurred under Section B(b) after ninety (90) days from the date the Insured Person returned to Hong Kong. 7. Any expenses incurred under Section B(c) after ninety (90) days from the occurrence of the traumatic event. 8. Health check-ups or any investigation(s) not directly related to admission diagnosis, Bodily Injury or Sickness or any treatment or investigation which is not medically necessary. 9. Any claim arising from venereal disease, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or self-exposure to exceptional risk. 10. The cost of any elective or non-emergency treatment not directly related to the Sickness or Bodily Injury which necessitated the Insured Person s admittance into Hospital. 11. Any claim if the Insured Person is under treatment not recommended by or undertaken by a Physician. Section C Chubb Assistance 24-Hour Worldwide Assistance Services (a) Emergency Medical Evacuation and/or Repatriation: Where a Physician, designated by an Authorised Assistance Service Provider, certifies that Bodily Injury or Sickness renders an Insured Person unfit to travel or continue with their Journey or is a danger to their life or health; and the necessary medical treatment is not available, either at the nearest Hospital where the Insured Person was transported to or in the immediate vicinity thereof, after suffering the Bodily Injury or Sickness, The Company may, based on the advice of that Physician that the Insured Person is medically fit to be evacuated, determine in its sole discretion, that the Insured Person, should be evacuated to another location for the necessary medical treatment. The Authorised Assistance Service Provider shall arrange for the evacuation within a reasonable timeframe and utilise the best suited means, based on the medical severity of the Insured Person s condition for the transport of the Insured Person, including but not limited to, air ambulance, surface ambulance, regular air transport, railroad or any other appropriate means. All decisions as to the means of transport and the final destination will be made by Authorised Assistance Service Provider, and will be based solely upon medical necessity. The Insured Person may, in appropriate circumstances, be returned to Hong Kong. The Company will pay the actual cost of the Insured Person s emergency medical evacuation and/or repatriation and associated medical services and medical supplies directly to Authorised Assistance Service Provider, up to the maximum Sum Insured stated in Section C(a) of the Schedule of Benefits. (b) Return of Mortal Remains: Upon the death of an Insured Person as a direct and unavoidable result of Bodily Injury or Sickness, The Company will pay the actual cost for transporting the Insured Person s mortal remains from the place of death to Hong Kong, or the cost of local burial at the place of death as approved by the Authorised Assistance Service Provider, up to the maximum Sum Insured stated in Section C(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. (c) Compassionate Visit: If a Physician certifies that Bodily Injury or Sickness renders an Insured Person unfit to travel or continue with their Journey or is a danger to their life or health or suffers death during Journey, The Company will pay, up to the respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 11

Sum Insured stated in Section C(c) of the Schedule of Benefits (i) the cost of one (1) economy class round trip ticket for one (1) person to visit the Insured Person outside Hong Kong, and (ii) the cost of one (1) ordinary room accommodation in any reasonable hotel outside Hong Kong for a maximum period of five (5) consecutive nights, but not the cost of drinks, meals and other room services, up to the maximum corresponding daily limit stated insection C (c) (i) and total Sum Insured stated in Section C(c) of the Schedule of Benefits. (d) Child Escort: Where: (i) An Insured Person is Confined as a direct and unavoidable result of Bodily Injury or Sickness which a Physician certifies as either rendering that Insured Person unfit to travel or continue with his/her Journey or as being a danger to his/her life or health or suffers death during Journey; and (ii) That Insured Person is accompanied by a child who is an Insured Person and was under eighteen (18) years old on the first day of that Journey; and (iii) That child is at risk of being left unattended as a result of the Insured Person s Confinement or the Insured Person s death. The Company will arrange and pay up to the Sum Insured stated in Section C(d) of the Schedule of Benefits, for an economy class one-way ticket, together with escort services, for that child to be escorted back to Hong Kong, up to the maximum Sum Insured stated in Section C(d) of the Schedule of Benefits. (e) Chubb Assistance Twenty Four (24) Hour Telephone Hotline And Referral Services: The services are provided by way of referral and arrangement only and all expenses incurred are to be borne by the Insured Person: Inoculation and Visa Requirement Information services Embassy Referral Interpreter Referral Loss of Baggage Assistance Loss of Travel Document Assistance Telephone Medical Advice Medical Service Provider Referral Monitoring of Medical Condition when Hospitalized Arrangement of Appointments with Doctors Arrangement of guaranteed Hospital admission in an appointed Hospital in China The Insured Person shall present the Chubb Assistance China Emergency Card to the appointed Hospital in China. If the Chubb Assistance China Emergency Card is misplaced or lost, the Insured Person may request for a card replacement upon the payment of HK$50 to The Company per replacement. For full details on this service, please refer to the telephone hotline and referral service information provided by Chubb Assistance. If you have any queries on this telephone hotline and referral service, please telephone Chubb Assistance on (852) 3723 3030. Special Conditions to Section C: 1. Services under Section C are provided by the Authorised Assistance Service Provider. The Company or the Authorised Assistance Service Provider must be promptly notified of the occurrence of any event which may give rise to a potential claim under Section C(a) (d) Chubb Assistance 24 Hour Worldwide Assistance Services. Failure to give the notice required by this condition precedent could result in The Company having no liability under this Section C of the policy. 2. The arrangements for, means and final destination of emergency medical evacuation and/or repatriation will be decided by the Authorised Assistance Service Provider and will be based entirely upon medical necessity. 3. Upon payment being made under this Section C, The Company shall be entitled to any monies refundable from an original return airfare. 4. The Company s total liability under this Section C for all Chubb Assistance Services shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in Section C of the Schedule of Benefits. Exclusions to Section C: This Section C does not cover any: respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 12

1. Expenses included or contemplated in the cost of a Journey at the time it was paid for. 2. Expenses incurred during a Journey after an Insured Person has been advised by a Physician prior to the departure of the Journey that he or she is unfit to travel. 3. Expenses incurred for services provided by another party for which the Insured Person is not liable to pay. 4. Expenses for a service not approved and arranged by an Authorised Assistance Service Provider. 5. Treatment performed or ordered by a person who is not a Physician. 6. Expenses incurred in relation to treatment that can be reasonably delayed until the Insured Person returns to Hong Kong. Section D Trip Cancellation and Curtailment (Applicable to Gold Plan only) (a) Trip Cancellation If after the Commencement Date, in the event of: (i) The sudden and unexpected death, Bodily Injury or Sickness of an Insured Person, an Immediate Family Member, or Insured Person s fiancé (fiancée) occurring within thirty (30) days prior to the date the Journey is scheduled to begin; or (ii) The jury service of an Insured Person or an Insured Person being the subject of a witness summons, notice of which was received by that Insured Person after the Commencement Date as specified in the Policy Schedule and continuing within thirty (30) days prior to the date the Journey is scheduled to begin; or (iii) The unexpected compulsory quarantine of an Insured Person beginning after the Commencement Date as specified in the Policy Schedule and continuing within thirty (30) days prior to the date the Journey is scheduled to begin; or (iv) Serious damage to the Insured Person s Principal Home from burglary, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake or landslip occurring within thirty (30) days prior to the date the Journey is scheduled to begin and which reasonably requires the Insured Person s presence in Hong Kong on the scheduled departure date of the Journey; or (v) delay in departure from Hong Kong for a period not less than twenty-four (24) hours from the scheduled departure time caused by: - (i) strike or industrial action; (ii) riot; (iii) mechanical and/or electrical breakdown/derangement of Public Conveyance the Insured Person has booked to travel; (iv) adverse weather conditions; or (v) natural disaster directly resulting in suspension of Public Conveyance for at least one (1) hour; or (vi) The unexpected issuance of a Black Alert for a destination scheduled in the Journey at least one (1) day after the Commencement Date and which is in force at any time within seven (7) days prior to the date the Journey is scheduled to begin resulting in cancellation of the Journey, The Company will reimburse, up to the Sum Insured stated in Section D(a) of the Schedule of Benefits, the Insured Person s loss of transportation and/or accommodation expenses paid in advance and forfeited, which are not recoverable from any other source. (b) Trip Curtailment In the event that a Journey is curtailed because an Insured Person must return directly to Hong Kong following the event(s) happened during the Journey: (i) The sudden and unexpected death, Bodily Injury or Sickness of an Insured Person, an Immediate Family Member, or Insured Person s fiancé (fiancée); or (ii) The jury service of an Insured Person or an Insured Person being the subject of a witness summons, notice of which was received by that Insured Person; or (iii) The unexpected compulsory quarantine of an Insured Person; or (iv) Serious damage to the Insured Person s Principal Home from burglary, fire, flood, typhoon, earthquake or landslip occurring and which reasonably requires the Insured Person s presence in Hong Kong; or (v) (i) strike or industrial action; (ii) riot; (iii) adverse weather conditioin; (iv) natural disaster directly resulting in suspension of Public Conveyance for at least one (1) hour; or (vi) The unexpected issuance of a Black Alert for a destination scheduled in the Journey The Company will reimburse either the Insured Person s unused transportation and/or accoommodation deposits paid or the payment for which the Insured Person is legally obliged to pay and which is not recoverable from any other source, up to the Sum Insured stated in Section D(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. If during the Journey, the Insured Person s Immediate Family Member in Hong Kong is dead, and the Insured Person is required to return back to Hong Kong, The Company will pay for i) the administration charge billed by a travel agent for the purpose of revising the original airline ticket, or ii) the cost of scheduled return airline ticket (economy class) for respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 13

returning to Hong Kong, whichever is lower. The total liability under Section D(b) shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in Section D(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. (c) Black Alert Extension In the event of the unexpected issuance of a Black Alert for a destination scheduled in the Journey, (i) the scheduled Journey is unavoidably cancelled within seven (7) days prior to its commencement, or (ii) the embarked Journey is curtailed, The Company will reimburse the following items, which is not recoverable from other source: (i) The administration charge billed by a travel agent for the purpose of cancelling the Journey, as a direct result of the issuance of Black Alert, up to HK$300 per Insured Person. (ii) A cash allowance of HK$1,000 per Insured Person, if that Insured Person is needed to stay overnight to wait for the first available alternative conveyance to return to Hong Kong. Upon payment for the above Black Alert Extension, The Company s total liability under Section D shall be reduced by the same amount. (d) Employee Replacement (Applicable if The Policyholder is an incorporated or unincorporated company only) In the event that an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury or Sickness during a Journey and such Bodily Injury or Sickness is certified by a Physician that the Insured Person is required to be repatriated to Hong Kong, The Company will indemnify the reasonable and necessary ordinary economy class ticket of transportation for conveying one replacement staff to the place of employment the Insured Person was originally located, provided the conveyance of the replacement staff happened within forteen (14) days immediately following the decision of repatriation. Special Conditions to Section D: 1. Where a Journey is cancelled or curtailed as a result of Bodily Injury or Sickness of an Insured Person, an Immediate Family Member, or Insured Person s fiancé (fiancée), that Bodily Injury or Sickness must be certified by a Physician as rendering unfit to travel (if he/she is travelling with the Insured Person) or as being a danger to their life or health. 2. Failure to obtain the certifications required by this condition precedent will result in The Company having no liability under this Section D for the Insured Person s loss of transportation and/or accommodation expenses paid in advance and forfeited. 3. Where an Insured Person is covered under more than any one item above, The Company s liability under this Section D shall be limited to the one which attracts the largest compensation under Section D in the Schedule of Benefits. 4. The Company s total liability under this Section D for all reimbursement under this Section D shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in Section D of the Schedule of Benefits. Exclusions to Section D: This Section D does not cover: 1. When the Insured Person arranges for any Journey, the Insured Person must not be aware of any reason for it to be cancelled or curtailed or else the cover under this Section D will be void for the Journey. 2. Arising from a condition which, at the time of booking a Journey or at the application of this policy, existed or might reasonably have been anticipated as being likely to result in the Journey being cancelled or curtailed. 3. Any claim if the Insured Person is travelling against the advice of a Physician or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment. 4. Death or Bodily Injury or Sickness sustained by an Insured Person caused by or arising from any medical, physical or mental conditions which is pre-existing at the time of the application of this policy including any recurring, chronic or continuing illness or condition which You are aware of or have already received treatment. A condition is deemed to be pre-existing at the time of the application of this insurance if treatment, or medication, or advice, or diagnosis has been sought or received or was foreseeable prior to the commencement of the Policy, or the Insured Person or if the Insured Person is below eighteen (18) years of age, your parent knew or ought to have known prior to the commencement of the Policy whether or not treatment or medication or advice or diagnosis was sought or received. 5. Any claim arising from venereal disease, pregnancy, childbirth, miscarriage or self-exposure to exceptional risk. 6. The cost of any elective or non-emergency treatment not directly related to the Sickness or Bodily Injury which necessitated your admittance into Hospital. 7. Any claim if the Insured Person is under treatment not recommended by or undertaken by a Physician. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 14

8. Any cost related to treatment or services provided by a health spa, convalescent or nursing home or any rehabilitation centre. 9. Strike or industrial action, riot, adverse weather conditions or natural disaster which has commenced or has been announced before the date of applying for this insurance policy. 10. The Insured Person s failure to check-in for departure by the time specified by the Public Conveyance carrier (except as reasons specifically provided in Sections D); act upon the express instructions of the travel agent, tour operator, carrier or other provider of any service forming part of the booked itinerary; notify the travel agent, tour operator, carrier or other provider of any service forming part of the booked itinerary of the need to cancel or abandon the travel arrangement immediately it is found necessary to do so; report within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery to and obtain a report from local police in respect of loss of passport. 11. Bankruptcy, liquidation, error, omission or default of any travel agent, tour operator, carrier or other provider of any service forming part of the booked itinerary. 12. Overbooking of air or land Public Conveyance carriers, scheduling/re-scheduling of their crew members. 13. Any expenses claimed under Section E(b) Missed Departure for the same cause or event claimed under Section D(c) Black Alert Extension. Section E Travel Delay and Missed Departure (Applicable to Gold Plan only) (a) Travel Delay In the event that a Public Conveyance is delayed during a Journey due to an unanticipated event specified in the Travel Delay Event Table mentioned below, The Company will pay a cash benefit as stated in Section E(a)(i) for each and every full eight (8) consecutive hour period of delay, up to the Sum Insured stated in Section E(a) of the Schedule of Benefits, provided that the Insured Person is travelling on a regular route as a fare-paying passenger holding a valid boarding pass/ticket which bears the scheduled departure time/arrival time and the scheduled route and destination, issued by the operator of the Public Conveyance which is legally licenced for such scheduled regular transport. Travel Delay Event Table: The unanticipated event 1 mechanical and/or electrical breakdown/derangement of a Public Conveyance 2 Strike or industrial action 3 Riot 4 Hijacking 5 Adverse weather 6 Natural disaster directly resulting in suspension of Public Conveyance for at least one(1) hour Special Conditions to Section E(a): 1. The Insured Person must check-in in accordance with the original itinerary and obtain written confirmation from the Public Conveyance or their handling agents stating the reason and length of delay or else the Insured Person s right of claim may be prejudiced. 2. The period of delay will be calculated from either: the original scheduled departure time of the Public Conveyance until the actual departure time of 1) the same conveyance, or 2) the first available alternative conveyance provided by the same carrier; or the original scheduled arrival time of the Public Conveyance until the actual arrival time of 1) the same conveyance, or 2) the first available alternative conveyance provided by the same carrier. 3. The Insured Person can only claim for either departure or arrival delay of the same Public Conveyance but not for both. 4. If an Insured Person has consecutive connecting flights and/or other conveyances during the same trip, each period of travel delay cannot be accumulated for more than one conveyance. The Insured Person can only claim for travel delay arising from any one of such conveyances during the same trip. (b) Missed Departure In the event that a Public Conveyance fails to convey the Insured Person to the scheduled departure port or airport during a Journey due to an unanticipated event specified in the Missed Departure Event Table mentioned below, The Company will indemnify the additional transportation expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred for the Insured Person to reach respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 15

his/her scheduled destination or for returning to Hong Kong, up to the Sum Insured stated in Section E(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. If the Insured Person s return trip to Hong Kong is unavoidably re-routed due to an unanticipated event specified in the Missed Departure Event Table mentioned below, The Company will indemnify for the additional accommodation expenses necessarily and reasonably incurred up to an aggregate limit of HK$5,000 for Gold Plan provided the maximum amount payable under this sub-section shall not exceed the limit shown under Section E(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. Missed Departure Event Table: The unanticipated event 1 Strike or industrial action 2 Riot 3 Hijacking 4 Adverse weather 5 Natural disaster directly resulting in suspension of Public Conveyance for at least one(1) hour Exclusions to Section E(b): Any expenses claimed under Section D(c) Black Alert Extension for the same cause or event claimed under Section E(b). (c) Loss of Passport The Company will reimburse an Insured Person up to the Sum Insured stated in Section E(c) of the Schedule of Benefits for the reasonable additional cost of transportation and/or accommodation expenses necessarily incurred outside Hong Kong by an Insured Person for the sole purpose of arranging the replacement a new passport in the event that the passport is lost or stolen during a Journey. (d) Hijack Extension In the event that the Journey is prevented from reaching the scheduled destination due to an Insured Person being a victim of a hijacking of an aircraft during the Journey, The Company will pay a cash benefit of HK$500 for each day or part of a day, up to the Sum Insured stated in Section E(d) of the Schedule of Benefits. Exclusions to Section E(d): 1. Where the scheduled destination of the Insured Person is a country/area in a state of war. 2. Where the Insured Person s flight is flying over an area which is in a state of war. 3. Where the Insured Person s flight is hijacked to a country/area in a state of war irrespective of the original scheduled destination. Section F Personal Baggage and Personal Money (Applicable to Gold Plan only) (a) Personal Property The Company will indemnify, at its option, reinstate, repair or replace Personal Property or Valuables lost, stolen or damaged during a Journey up to the Sum Insured stated in Section F(a) of the Schedule of Benefits. Special Conditions to Section F(a): 1. If and only if the Personal Property or Valuables is not more than one (1) year old at the time of the accident, the cost of repair, reinstatement or replacement of the Personal Property or Valuables will be as new. For clothing items, The Company will deduct an amount for wear and tear. 2. The local police or equivalent local law enforcement officials must be notified within twenty-four (24) hours of the occurrence of any Personal Property or Valuables lost, stolen or damaged by the wilful act of a third party and which may give rise to a claim under this Section F. The written police report of such notification must also be provided to The Company. Failure to give the notice required or failure to provide the report required by this condition precedent will result in The Company having no liability under this Section F. 3. If loss, theft or damage occurs in transit, the Public Conveyance carrier must be promptly notified of the loss or damage within twenty-four (24) hours of the discovery of the loss or damage. The written report by the Public Conveyance carrier of such notification must also be provided to The Company. Failure to give the notice required or failure to provide the report required by this condition precedent will result in The Company having no liability under this Section F of the policy. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 16

4. The Company s maximum liability for loss or theft of, or damage to, all items of Personal Property during that Journey will be restricted to the amount stated in Section F(a) of the Schedule of Benefits. 5. Where any item of lost, stolen or damaged Personal Property forms part of a pair or set, The Company s maximum liability for that item and that pair or set will be restricted to the amount stated in Section F(a)(i) of the Schedule of Benefits. 6. For Valuables or sport equipment, the maximum liability will be restricted to the amount stated in Section F(a)(ii) of the Schedule of Benefits. 7. The Company s total liability under this Section F(a) for all loss, theft or damage in connection with Personal Property, Valuables or sports equipment during that Journey shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in Section F(a) of the Schedule of Benefits. 8. Upon any payment being made under this Section F(a), The Company shall be entitled to take and retain the benefit and value of any recovered or damaged Personal Property, Valuables or sports equipment and to deal with salvage at its absolute discretion. (b) Baggage Delay In the event that, during a Journey, the checked-in baggage is misdirected or temporarily misplaced by a Public Conveyance for more than twelve (12) consecutive hours on the arrival of an outward journey, The Company will reimburse the Insured Person for the cost of purchasing essential toiletries and clothing, up to the Sum Insured stated in Section F(b) of the Schedule of Benefits. (c) Business Documents or Samples The Company will indemnify, at its option, reinstate, repair or replace business records, documents or samples lost or damaged during a Journey up to the Sum Insured stated in Section F(c) of the Schedule of Benefits. Special Conditions to Section F(c): 1. Where any item of lost or damaged business records, documents or samples forms part of a pair or set, The Company s maximum liability for that item and that pair or set will be restricted to the amount stated in Section F(c)(i) of the Schedule of Benefits. (d) Personal Money and Personal Documents The Company will indenmify an Insured Person up to the Sum Insured stated in Section F(d) of the Schedule of Benefits for (i) The loss of the Insured Person s Cash carried for social and domestic purposes directly arising from theft, robbery or burglary during the Journey; and/or (ii) the replacement cost of Hong Kong Identity Card, credit cards, driving licence, travel tickets, hotel vouchers or passport which are lost or stolen during a Journey. Exclusions to Section F: This Section F does not cover: 1. Any theft loss of items while being left unattended in public places. 2. Any loss not reported within twenty-four (24) hours of discovery to or the Insured Person failed to obtain a report from local police, airline or other carrier who had custody of the baggage and/or may be responsible for the loss. 3. Loss of or damage to Valuables or money from an unattended vehicle or in transit not accompanied by the Insured Person and outside his/her control. 4. Household goods and anything shipped as freight. 5. Loss of or damage to items used in connection with the Insured Person s employment or occupation except portable computer, portable office equipment and camera 6. Loss of or damage to any pager, mobile phone, tablet computer or portable telecommunication equipment or any of its accessories including sim card or digital storage card and the like. 7. Loss of or damage to contact lenses, dentures, prostheses, bonds, negotiable instruments or securities. 8. Breakage of sports equipment while in use. 9. Damage to any brittle or fragile items. 10. Loss or damage caused by wear and tear, depreciation, deterioration, insects, vermin, mildew, denting, scratching, atmospheric conditions, the action of light, any process of heating, cleaning, repairing, restoring, mechanical or electrical breakdown, misuse, faulty design or workmanship. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 17

11. Loss resulting from unexplained disappearance, or shortage due to error or omission or depreciation in value. 12. Any fines or penalties incurred by the Insured Person due to non-replacement or late replacement of the lost personal documents. 13. Except for Section F (b)- Baggage Delay, the Excess per event for each Insured Person stated in Section F(e) of the Schedule of Benefits will not be paid by The Company. Section G Personal Liability (Applicable to Gold Plan only) In the event that an Insured Person becomes legally liable to pay compensation for an Accident occurring during a Journey which causes (a) death or Bodily Injury to any other person or (b) destruction of the property of others, The Company will pay that compensation on behalf of the Insured Person up to the Sum Insured stated in Section G of the Schedule of Benefits. Special Conditions to Section G: In the case of any accident, The Company may at any time pay to the Insured Person or his/her legal representative the maximum indemnity as stated in the Schedule of Benefits or any lesser sum(s) for which the claim(s) arising from such accident can be settled (but deducting therefrom any compensation(s) already paid in respect of a) or b) above) and The Company shall thereafter be under no further liability in respect of such accident except for the payment of costs and expenses of litigation incurred prior to the date of such payment. Exclusions to Section G: This Section G does not cover compensation: 1. Arising from death or Bodily Injury sustained by an Immediate Family Member or the employee of the Insured Person or by a person in the Insured Person's custody or control. 2. Arising from damage to property which belongs to the Insured Person or an Immediate Family Member or the employee of the Insured Person or which is in the Insured Person's custody or control. 3. By way of damages for breach of any liability assumed under a contract. 4. For liability arising from the ownership, possession, lease or rental of any vehicle, aircraft, firearm or animal. 5. For liability arising from the undertaking of any trade or profession. 6. For any claim of whatever nature directly or indirectly caused by (a) ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from combustion of nuclear fuel, or (b) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous properties of any explosive nuclear assembly or nuclear component of such assembly. 7. Any liability arising from Bodily Injury or destruction of property directly or indirectly caused by seepage, pollution or contamination. 8. The cost of removing, nullifying or cleaning-up seeping, polluting or contaminating substances. 9. Fines, penalties, punitive or exemplary damages. 10. Any liability arising from or in connection with a) death or bodily injury of the Insured Person s family member or employee; b) loss of or damage to property which belongs to or in the custody or control of The Insured Person or his/her family member or his/her employee; c) the Insured Person s employment, trade, business or profession; d) the ownership or occupation of any land or buildings other than temporary holiday accommodation; e) the ownership, possession or use of animals, firearms, mechanically propelled vehicles, vessels or aircraft of any description. 11. Any liability which attached by virtue of an agreement but which would not have attached in the absence of such agreement. 12. Any claim or loss arising out of any activities and/or business conducted and/or transacted via the Internet, Intranet, Extranet and/or via the Insured Person s own website, Internet site, web address and/or via the transmission of electronic mail or documents by electronic means. 13. All claims and losses based upon, arising out of, directly or indirectly resulting from or in consequence of, or any way involving: a) asbestos; or b) any actual or alleged asbestos related injury or damage involving the use, presence, existence, detection, removal, elimination or avoidance of asbestos or exposure or potential exposure to asbestos. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 18

Section H Rental Vehicle Excess (Applicable to Gold Plan only) When the Insured Person is on a Journey, in the event of loss or damage to the Rental Vehicle caused by an Accident whilst the Rental Vehicle is under the control of the Insured Person during the rental period, the Company will reimburse the respective excess or deductible of a comprehensive motor insurance which the Insured Person becomes legally liable to pay, up to the Sum Insured as stated in Section H of the Schedule of Benefits. Special Conditions to Section H: 1. The Rental Vehicle must be rented from a licensed rental agency. 2. As part of the hiring arrangement the Insured Person must take up all comprehensive motor insurance against loss or damage to Rental Vehicle during the rental period. 3. The Insured Person must comply with all requirements of the rental organization under the hiring agreement of the Rental Vehicle and of the insurer under such insurance, as well as the laws, rules and regulations of the country. 4. The Insured Person were at the time of the Accident duly licensed to drive the vehicle and were not taking part in or practising for speed or time trials of any kind. Exclusions to Section H: This Section H does not indemnify the Insured Person in respect of, any claim which is, directly or indirectly, caused by, a consequence of, or arises in connection with or is contributed to by any of the following: 1. Loss or damage arising from operation of the Rental Vehicle in violation of the terms of the rental agreement or loss or damage which occurs beyond the limits of any public roads or in the violation of laws, rules and regulations of the country. 2. Loss or damage arising from wear and tear, gradual deterioration, damage from insects or vermin, inherent vice, latent defect or damage. 3. Any Non Operation Charge (NOC), loss of use charge. Section I Home Contents Cover (Applicable to Gold Plan only) In the event of loss of or damage to Household Contents as a direct result of burglary in the Principal Home whilst the Principal Home is uninhabited during a Journey, The Company will pay an Insured Person the replacement cost of the Household Contents up to the Sum Insured stated in Section I of the Schedule of Benefits. Special Conditions to Section I: 1. The local police or equivalent local law enforcement officials must be notified within twenty-four (24) hours of the discovery of the occurrence of any event which may give rise to a claim under this Section I. The written police report of such notification must also be provided to The Company. Failure to give the notice required or failure to provide the report required by this condition precedent will result in The Company having no liability under this Section I. 2. The Company s total liability under this Section I for all items of Household Contents owned by the same Insured Person and lost or damaged as a result of burglary during that Journey shall not exceed the Sum Insured stated in Section I of the Schedule of Benefits. 3. The burglary in the Principal Home must involve forcible and violent entry to or exit from the Principal Home. Exclusions to Section I: This Section I does not cover: 1. Any special or unique value possessed by any item of lost or damaged Household Contents forming part of a pair or set. 2. Replacement costs which are covered for the same risk by any other insurance. Section J Credit Card Protection (Applicable to Gold Plan only) If an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury and, as a direct and unavoidable result, suffers Accidental death within twelve (12) consecutive months of that Bodily Injury, The Company will pay up to the Sum Insured stated in Section J of the Schedule of Benefits for any outstanding balance on the deceased Insured Person s credit card(s) for goods purchased by the deceased Insured Person during a Journey. Exclusions to Section J: This Section J does not cover: 1. Interest accrued or financial charges on the outstanding expenses of the deceased Insured Person s credit card. 2. Any outstanding balance on the deceased Insured Person s credit card which is covered for the same risk by any other insurance. 3. Sickness, disease or bacterial infection. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 19

4. Any amount/loss which is payable, refundable to, or recoverable by, the Insured Person from any other source of indemnity, reimbursement or compensation. 5. Payment of benefits under this Section J shall be in addition to those payable under Section A Personal Accident. Part IV General Exclusions General Exclusions Applicable To All Sections: This policy does not cover loss, consequential loss or liability arising from: 1. Any Pre-existing Medical Condition, congenital or heredity condition. 2. Travelling abroad contrary to the advice of a Physician, or for the purpose of obtaining medical treatment or services. 3. Suicide, attempted suicide or intentional self-infliction of Bodily Injury. 4. Any condition resulting from pregnancy, abortion, childbirth, miscarriage, infertility and other complications arising therefrom, cosmetic surgery or venereal disease. 5. Dental care (unless resulting from Accidental Bodily Injury to teeth which were sound and natural before the Accident). 6. Mental or nervous disorders, insanity, psychiatric condition or any behavioural disorder. 7. War (whether declared or not), invasion, act of foreign enemies, civil war, revolution, rebellion, insurrection, coup, hostilities (whether war is declared or not). 8. Direct participation in a Strike/ Riot/civil commotion/acts of terrorism or from the Insured Person performing duties as a member of armed forces, or armed service or disciplined forces (which shall include but not be limited to policemen, customs officers, firemen, immigration officers/inspectors and correctional service officers/inspectors etc.), or as a volunteer and engaged in war or crime suppression. 9. Participation in: (a) Any extreme sports and sporting activities that presents a high level of inherent danger (i.e. involves a high level of expertise, exceptional physical exertion, highly specialized gear or stunts) including but not limited to cliff jumping, horse jumping, stunt riding, big wave surfing and canoeing down rapids; unless such sports or sporting activities are usual tourist activities that are accessible to the general public without restriction (other than height or general health or fitness warnings) and which are provided by a recognized local tour operator, providing that an Insured Person is acting under the guidance and supervision of qualified guides and/ or instructors of the tour operators when carrying out such tourist activities, (b) Any professional competitions or sports in which an Insured Person receives remuneration, sponsorship or any forms of financial rewards, any stunt activity, off-piste skiing, (c) Racing, other than on foot but this does not include long-distance running more than ten (10) kilometres, biathlons and triathlons, (d) Private white water rafting grade four (4) and above, (e) Any kind of climbing, Mountaineering or Trekking or ordinarily necessitating the use of specialized equipment including but not limited to pitons, crampons, pickaxes, anchors, bolts, carabineers, rope, lead-rope or top-rope anchoring equipment at an altitude of over five thousand (5,000) meters above sea-level, (f) Scuba diving unless an Insured Person holds a PADI certification (or similar recognized qualification) or when diving with a qualified instructor. The maximum depth that this policy covers is as specified under the Insured Person s PADI certification (or similar recognized qualification). However, in any situation, it should not be deeper than thirty (30) meters and he/she must not be diving alone. 10. Prohibition or regulation by any government, or detention or destruction by customs or any other authority. 11. An unlawful, wilful, malicious or reckless act or omission of an Insured Person. 12. The actions of an Insured Person while under the influence of alcohol or drugs to the extent of legal impairment. 13. Riding in any aircraft other than as a passenger in an aircraft. 14. Any dishonest or criminal activity. 15. An Insured Person s failure to mitigate the loss or the claim under this policy. 16. AIDS or AIDS Related Complex, any Bodily Injury or Sickness commencing at the time of or subsequent to a zero positive test for HIV or related disease, or any other sexually transmitted diseases. 17. The Insured Person engaging in manual labour or non-clerical, or hazardous work including but not limited to offshore drilling, mineral extraction, handling of explosives, site working, stunt works and aerial photography. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 20

18. Any loss or expenses with respect to Cuba or a specially designated person, entity, group or company on the Specially Designated List or which if reimbursed or paid by The Company would result in The Company being in breach of trade or economic sanctions or other such similar laws or regulations. 19. Any person or entity who is not a party to this policy shall have no rights under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance (Cap 623 of the Laws of Hong Kong) to enforce any terms of this policy. 20. Any claim if the Insured Person is over seventy-five (75) years of age when he/she suffers death, Bodily Injury, Sickness or incur the loss, damage or liability. 21. War and Terrorism Exclusion a) war, invasion, acts of foreign enemies, hostilities or warlike operations (whether war be declared or not), civil war, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, civil commotion assuming the proportions of or amounting to an uprising, military or usurped power; or b) any act of terrorism including but not limited to the use or threat of force, violence and/or harm or damage to life or to property (or the threat of such harm or damage) including, but not limited to, nuclear radiation and/or contamination by chemical and/or biological agents, by any person(s) or group(s) of persons, committed for political, religious, ideological or similar purposes, express or otherwise, and/or to put the public or any section of the public in fear; or c) any action taken in controlling, preventing, suppressing or in any way relating to a) or b) above 22. Radioactive Contamination, Chemical, Biological, Biochemical and Electromagnetic Weapons Exclusion a) ionising radiations from or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel or from any nuclear waste or from the combustion of nuclear fuel; b) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any nuclear installation, reactor or other nuclear assembly or nuclear component thereof; c) any weapon or device employing atomic or nuclear fission and/or fusion or other like reaction or radioactive force or matter; d) the radioactive, toxic, explosive or other hazardous or contaminating properties of any radioactive matter. The exclusion in this sub- clause does not extend to radioactive isotopes, other than nuclear fuel, when such isotopes are being prepared, carried, stored, or used for commercial, agricultural, medical, scientific or other similar peaceful purposes; e) any chemical, biological, bio-chemical, or electromagnetic weapon. 23. Political Risks Exclusion a) permanent or temporary dispossession resulting from confiscation nationalisation commandeering or requisition by any lawfully constituted authority; b) permanent or temporary dispossession of any property resulting from the unlawful occupation or possession of such property by any person, provided that the Company is not relieved of any liability to You in respect of physical damage to the property insured occurring before dispossession or during temporary dispossession which is otherwise covered by this Policy. c) the destruction of property by order of any public authority. 24. Cyber Primary Exclusion a) DAMAGE: to any computer or other equipment or component or system or item which processes stores transmits or retrieves data or any part thereof including loss or corruption of data whether tangible or intangible (including but without limitation any information or programs or software) and whether the property of You or not, where such DAMAGE is caused by [programming or operator error,] Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking; b) CONSEQUENTIAL LOSS: directly or indirectly caused by or arising from [programming or operator error,] Virus or Similar Mechanism or Hacking; but this exception shall not exclude any claim for subsequent loss or destruction of or damage to any property or consequential loss which itself results from a Defined Contingency (as defined hereunder), but only to the extent that such claim would otherwise be insured under this Policy. c) DEFINITION d) For the purpose of this exception only, "Defined Contingency" shall mean fire, lightning, explosion, aircraft and other aerial devices or articles dropped therefrom, riot, civil commotion, strikers, locked out workers, persons taking part in labour disturbances, malicious persons other than thieves, earthquake, storm, flood, escape of water from any tank apparatus or pipe, impact by any road vehicle or animal, volcano, freeze or weight of snow. e) Virus or Similar Mechanism f) Virus or Similar Mechanism means program code, programming instruction or any set of instructions intentionally constructed with the ability to damage, interfere with or otherwise adversely affect computer programs, data files or respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 21

operations, whether involving self-replication or not. The definition of Virus or Similar Mechanism includes but is not limited to trojan horses worms and logic bombs. g) Hacking h) Hacking means unauthorised access to any computer or other equipment or component or system or item which processes stores transmits or retrieves data. 25. Date Recognition Exclusion a) electronic circuit, microchip, integrated circuit, microprocessor, embedded system, hardware, software, firmware, program, computer, data processing equipment, telecommunication equipment or systems, or any similar device; b) media or systems used in connection with any of the foregoing; whether your property or not, at any time to achieve any or all of the purposes and consequential effects intended by the use of any number, symbol or word to denote a date including without limitation, the failure or inability to recognise capture save retain or restore and/or correctly to manipulate, interpret, transmit, return, calculate or process any date, data, information, command, logic or instruction as a result of (i) recognising using or adopting any date, day of the week or period of time, otherwise than as, or other than, the true or correct date, day of the week or period of time; (ii) the operation of any command or logic which has been programmed or incorporated into anything referred to in a) and b) above; This general exclusion does not apply in respect of the following sections, if provided by this Policy (a) Section A - Personal Accident, (b) Section B - Medical Expenses, (c) Section G - Personal Liability. Part V - Extensions 1. Travel Extension: a. Where the duration of a Journey exceeds the Journey Duration due to the unanticipated event stated in the Travel Delay Event Table as stated in Section E, the Journey Duration shall be automatically extended without charge by a maximum period of fourteen (14) calendar days or until the Insured Person passes through Hong Kong immigration control point on their return to Hong Kong, whichever is the earliest. b. Where the duration of a Journey exceeds the Journey Duration if an Insured Person sustains Bodily Injury or Sickness as stated in Section B, the Journey Duration shall be automatically extended without charge by a maximum period of thirty (30) calendar days or until the Insured Person passes through Hong Kong immigration control point on their return to Hong Kong, whichever is the earliest. c. Where the duration of a Journey exceeds the Journey Duration for any reason outside an Insured Person s control, the Journey Duration shall be automatically extended without charge by a maximum period of ten (10) calendar days or until the Insured Person passes through Hong Kong immigration control point on their return to Hong Kong, whichever is the earliest. 2. Terrorism Extension (Applicable to Section A, B & C): Notwithstanding the War and Terrorism Exclusion, this Policy is extended to cover the Insured Person in respect of death or Bodily Injury (including necessary Medical Expenses incurred as covered under the applicable Sections) which may be sustained through acts of terrorism as described under the War and Terrorism Exclusion provided that there is no liability when such acts of terrorism involve the use of biological, chemical agents or nuclear devices. In consideration of The Company's provision of the aforesaid extension of cover under this Policy, it is hereby mutually agreed that The Company's maximum liability in respect of: a) death or Bodily Injury (including necessary Medical Expenses incurred as covered under the relevant policy) sustained by the Insured Person through acts of terrorism (as covered under this Extension) under this Policy and under any other policy or policies issued by the Company covering the same Insured Person against acts of terrorism ("the Other Policy"), and b) all benefits, costs and expenses incurred for the same Insured Person for emergency assistance services as arranged by the Company as a result of acts of terrorism (as covered under this Extension), which the Company is obliged to pay shall not exceed HK$3,000,000 in the aggregate subject to that if the maximum limit of indemnity under the Other Policy in the aggregate:- (i) is less than HK$3,000,000, The Company's maximum liability under this Extension shall be an amount in respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 22

excess of the aforesaid maximum limit of indemnity under the Other Policy but subject to the maximum limit of indemnity of $3,000,000 in the aggregate irrespective of the number of claims within any of the periods of insurance under the policies; or (ii) is more than $3,000,000, the Insured Person shall not be indemnified under this Extension and the aforesaid Insured Person shall be indemnified under the Other Policy. Part VI General Conditions 1. Validity of Policy: (a) This policy is only valid for leisure travel or business travel (limited to administrative, clerical and non-manual works only) and shall not apply to persons undertaking expeditions, treks or similar journeys. (b) The Insured Person must be fit to travel. (c) This policy must be purchased prior to the commencement of the Journey. (d) If the Insured Person is under the age of twelve (12), he/she must be accompanied by a parent or a guardian in the Journey. (e) The Insured Person must ordinarily resides in Hong Kong at the date of arranging each Journey. 2. Entire Contract: This policy, together with its endorsement(s), attachment(s) (if any), any application form completed by an Insured Person, together with any document(s) attached to that application form or referred to in it, comprise and constitute the entire contract of insurance. This policy shall not be modified except by written amendment signed by an authorized representative of The Company. 3. Sum Insured under each Section: Once the Sum Insured available to an Insured Person under any section of this policy has been exhausted, that Sum Insured will not be reinstated and The Company will have no further liability under that section to that Insured Person. 4. Sum Insured paid out: Each and every benefit paid under this policy will erode the relevant Sum Insured available to an Insured Person, leaving only the balance of the relevant Sum Insured available to pay any remaining benefit claims which may be presented to The Company by that Insured Person. The Company s total liability under each section of this policy for each Insured Person involved in an Accident shall not exceed the relevant Sum Insured. 5. Duplicate Coverages: Each Insured Person agrees that, if they are covered under more than one TravellerShield Annual Travel Insurance Plan or other travel insurance issued by The Company: (a) The Company will consider the Insured Person to be insured under the policy which provides the highest amount of benefit; or (b) The Company will consider the Insured Person to be insured under the policy which was issued first if the benefit amount is the same. In any case, The Company will refund the premium paid, without interest, to the Insured Person for the policy that does not provide cover. 6. Notice and Sufficiency of Claim: Written notice of claim must be given to The Company as soon as is reasonably possible and in any event within thirty (30) days from the first day of the event giving rise to the claim under this policy. Notice given by or on behalf of an Insured Person to The Company with information sufficient to identify the Insured Person shall be deemed valid notice to The Company. The Company, upon receiving a notice of claim, will provide to an Insured Person such forms as it usually provides for filing proof of claim. The Insured Person shall, at his/her own expense, provide such certificates, information and evidence to The Company as it may from time to time require in connection with any claim under this policy and in the form prescribed. Proof of all claims must be submitted to The Company within one-hundred-eighty (180) days from the first day of the event giving rise to a claim. 7. Claims Investigation: In the event of a claim, The Company may make any investigation it deems necessary and the Insured Person shall co-operate fully with such investigation. Failure by the Insured Person to co-operate with The Company s investigation may result in denial of the claim. 8. Examination of Books and Records: The Company may examine the Insured Person's books and records relating to this policy at any time during the Period of Insurance and up to three (3) years after the expiration of this policy or until final adjustment and settlement of all claims under this policy. 9. Physical Examinations and Autopsy: The Company, at its expense, has the right to have the Insured Person examined as often as reasonably necessary while a claim is pending. It may also have an autopsy carried out unless prohibited by law. 10. Other Insurance (Applicable to Sections B, D, E, F, G, H, I and J): If a loss covered by this policy is also covered under any other valid insurance (and regardless of whether that other insurance is stated to be primary, contributory, excess, contingent or otherwise), or is compensated by other party, this policy will be subject to all of its terms and conditions, only cover that loss to the extent that the loss exceeds any amount recovered under the other insurance or other party. In any circumstances, the Insured Person should discover and reveal to The Company any compensation which is/will be recoverable from any other source. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 23

11. Legal Action: No legal action shall be brought to recover on this policy until sixty (60) days after The Company has been given written proof of loss. No such action shall be brought after three (3) years from the date of loss. 12. Rights of Recovery: In the event that authorization of payment and/or payment is made by The Company or on its behalf by its authorized representatives, to include the Authorised Assistance Service Provider, The Company reserves the right to recover against the Policyholder/Insured Person the full sum which has been paid, or for which The Company is liable, to the Hospital to which the Insured Person has been admitted, less the liability of The Company under the terms of this policy. 13. Subrogation: The Company is entitled to subrogate the Policyholder/Insured Person s right of recovery/indemnity against any third party and has the right to proceed at its own expense in the name of the Policyholder/Insured Person against third parties who may be responsible for an event giving rise to a claim under this policy. The Policyholder/Insured Person should co-operate and endeavour to secure such rights and shall not take any action to prejudice such rights. 14. Assignment: No assignment of interest under this policy shall be binding upon The Company. 15. To Whom Indemnities Payable: Any death payment will be paid to the deceased Insured Person s legal representatives. Any payment under Section C Chubb Assistance 24 Hour Worldwide Assistance Services will be paid to the Authorised Assistance Service Provider or another provider of services rendered to the Insured Person. All other benefits will be paid to the Insured Person. 16. Currency: The Sum Insured, benefits and limit of liability stated in the Schedule of Benefits and this policy are expressed in Hong Kong dollars. Notwithstanding the first sentence of this policy, losses and/or benefits will be adjusted and paid in Hong Kong dollars or at The Company s option in the currency of the local country. When currency conversion is necessary when applying terms and conditions of the policy, the rates of exchange to be adopted shall be those prevailing at the date of loss as per the exchange rate at the median level quoted on www.oanda.com. 17. Geographical Limit and Operative Time: The geographical limit and operative time shall apply twenty-four (24) hours a day anywhere within Hong Kong, to and from, and within the geographical limit described as the Journey on the Policy Schedule during the Period of Insurance except for Section C (a) to (d) Chubb Assistance 24 Hour Worldwide Assistance Services, when the geographical limit shall apply anywhere to and from, and within the geographical limit described as the Journey on the Policy Schedule outside Hong Kong unless otherwise stated in any endorsement issued by The Company. 18. Disclaimer: Section C Chubb Assistance 24 Hour Worldwide Assistance Services are arranged by the Authorised Assistance Service Provider and the Authorised Assistance Service Provider is solely responsible for these services. The Authorised Assistance Service Provider is not a subsidiary or an affiliate of Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited and Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by or relating to this service or any act or omission of the Authorised Assistance Service Provider. 19. Cancellation by The Company: The Company may cancel this policy at any time by sending written notice, stating the effective date of cancellation, to the Policyholder s/insured Person s last known contact as shown in The Company s records. Cancellation will not affect valid claims already notified to The Company in accordance with General Condition 6 of this policy. 20. Premium: The Company has no liability under this policy until the premium is paid. 21. Mediation: Any dispute or difference arising out of, or in connection with, this policy must first be referred to mediation at the Hong Kong International Arbitration Centre (HKIAC) and in accordance with the HKIAC s mediation rules. If the mediation is abandoned by the mediator or otherwise ends without the dispute or difference being resolved, the dispute or difference must be referred to, and resolved by, arbitration at the HKIAC and in accordance with the HKIAC s domestic arbitration rules. If the dispute or difference arising out of, or in connection with, this policy requires medical knowledge (including, but not limited to, questions relating to the Sum Insured for any medical service or an operation not listed in the Schedule of Benefits) the mediator or arbitrator may, in The Company s reasonable discretion, be a registered medical practitioner or a consultant specialist, surgeon, or Physician. If The Company refuses to pay any claim under this policy and a dispute or difference arising from that refusal is not referred to mediation and, if necessary, arbitration, within twelve (12) months from the date of refusal, any claim against The Company arising from that dispute or difference will be barred. 22. Fraud or Mis-statement: Any false statement made by an Policyholder/Insured Person or concerning any claim shall result in The Company having the right to void this policy or repudiate liability under it. 23. Jurisdiction: This policy shall be governed and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. Subject to General Condition 21, any dispute under this policy shall be settled in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. 24. Clerical Error: Clerical errors by The Company shall not invalidate insurance otherwise valid nor continue insurance otherwise not valid. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 24

25. Expiry of this policy: This policy expires at the end of the Period of Insurance. 26. Breach of Conditions: If the Policyholder/Insured Person is in breach of any of the conditions or provisions of the policy (including a claims condition), The Company may decline to pay a claim, to the extent permitted by law. 27. Renewal of this policy: If the Policyholder continues to pay the premium, then, unless The Company gives the Policyholder thirty (30) days written notice before the Renewal Date that The Company will not be renewing or will be amending the coverage, a policy with the same terms and conditions shall automatically come into existence for one (1) year from the Renewal Date. 28. Interpretation of this Policy: Please note that the English version of this policy is the official version. This policy has been provided to you in both English and Chinese languages for ease of reference only. The English version of the policy will prevail if any dispute arises regarding the interpretation of any part of the policy. Part VII Cancellation of this Policy When the Policyholder can cancel: The Policyholder can cancel this policy at any time by providing prior written notice delivered or mailed to The Company, provided no claim has arisen during the current Period of Insurance. In the event of such cancellation, The Company shall be entitled to retain the customary short period rate for the time the policy has been in force up to the cancellation date, computed in accordance with the applicable percentage indicated below: Short Period Rate Table: Duration of the Period of Insurance Not more than 1 month 40% Not more than 2 months 50% Not more than 3 months 70% Not more than 4 months 90% More than 4 months 100 Short Period Rate: Percentage of 12 Monthly Premium Cancellation will not affect valid claims already notified to The Company in accordance with General Condition 6 of this policy. When The Company can cancel: In addition to any other legal rights The Company may have under this policy or otherwise, The Company may cancel this policy by giving the Policyholder written notice if any Insured Person or the Policyholder or the Policyholder s legal representatives: 1. Breach the duty of utmost good faith; 2. Make a misrepresentation to The Company before or at the time this policy was entered into; 3. Breach a provision of this policy; 4. Make a fraudulent claim under any policy of insurance; 5. Engage in any act or omission which under this policy the Policyholder is required to notify to The Company, but the Policyholder fails to notify to The Company; or 6. Engage in any such act or omission which under the terms of this policy authorises The Company to refuse to pay a claim either in whole or in part. The Company will give the Policyholder notice in writing to the Policyholder s address on file. If The Company cancels the policy, The Company will refund promptly the unearned portion of any premium actually paid by the Policyholder on a pro-rata basis. Such cancellation shall be without prejudice to any claim originating prior thereto. Automatic cancellation: This policy is cancelled automatically and without any written notice from The Company if the Policyholder does not pay the premium due to The Company within thirty one (31) days of when it is due. The cancellation shall take effect from the date the premium became due. respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 25

The coverage available to any Insured Person named in the Policy Schedule will cancel automatically when that person: 1. is unable to meet the definition of Insured Person as defined in the policy wording; this will be confirmed in writing. Any unused premium paid will be refunded; or 2. dies. This policy will cancel automatically when the Policyholder: 1. is unable to meet the definition of Policyholder as defined in the policy wording; this will be confirmed in writing. Any unused premium paid will be refunded; or 2. dies; or 3. liquidates/bankrupts. All insurance under this policy shall at once terminate at the occurrence of any specific loss for which indemnity is payable under Section A of this Policy, but such termination shall be without prejudice to any other claim originating from the Accident causing that loss. Part VIII How To Make A Claim The Claimant should submit a claim within thirty (30) days of the event taking place to Chubb Claim Centre* at www.chubbclaims.com/dbs/hk-en/welcome.aspx. You can simply scan the below QR code to access the Chubb Claim Centre on your smartphone or tablet. Alternatively, you can complete a claim form and submit together with the travel documents and the following documents as appropriate to Chubb Insurance Hong Kong Limited within thirty (30) days of the event taking place. Please call 3191 6618 for further assistance. * For English submission only. Personal Accident Cover / Credit Card Protection Medical report or certificate issued by a Physician certifying the degree or severity of disability Police report, where relevant Accidental Death Death certificate Coroner s report Police report, where relevant In the event of a disappearance, presumption of death as proclaimed by court Medical Expenses / Hospital Cash/ Trauma Counselling Diagnosis, including patient name and date of diagnosis, certified by a Physician Original Hospital bill or receipt issued by a Hospital All bills, receipts and coupons Diagnosis and treatment, including patient name and date of diagnosis, certified by a Physician Original bill/ receipt issued by hotel/airline/public Conveyance, where relevant Personal Property / Personal Money / Loss of Passport / Personal Document Original receipts, including date of purchase, price, model and type of items lost or damaged Photos of the damaged items showing the extent of the damage Copy of notification to airline/public Conveyance and their official acknowledgement in writing when loss of damage has occurred in transit respective logos, and Chubb.Insured. are protected trademarks of Chubb. 26