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第 1 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 完形填空 来自 Moodle 中文教程首页 管理 Moodle 课程 题目 完形填空 Embeddedanswers(Cloze) questions consist of a passage of text (in Moodle format) that has various answers embedded within it, including multiple choice, short answers and numerical answers. 题目完型填空题是由多种答案镶嵌在内组成的一段文字, 包含多项选择 简答题以及数值答案 Until mid2013, there was no graphical interface to create these questions within your Moodle site - you needed to specify the question format using the text box or by importing them from external files. 直到 2013 年中期, 图形接口才可以在你的 Moodle 站点上创建题目, 你只需要用文件夹或者从外部文件导入它们的方式来将你的题目格式具体化 You can link to an external web site that does create these questions from a graphical interfase, see the Online Cloze Question quiz generator (http://projects.ael.uni-tuebingen.de/quiz/htmlarea/index.php) below. 在线完形填空测试生成器 There is a Cloze editor module that will let you create these questions from a graphical interfase within your Moodle site, but it will overwrite your current HTML editor. Lots of people suggested that Hot Potatoes software is the easiest way to create Embedded answer (Cloze) questions. Once you have created your questions on your PC, you can then import them into Moodle's quiz module. 许多人认为 Hot Potatoes 软件是最容易创建完形填空题的方式 一旦你在笔记本电脑上创建了题目, 你就可以将这些题目导入到你的 Moodle 测试模块 However, the flexibility of the Cloze question type is hard to equal and despite the minor coding that you need to create the questions, it has great worth in the Moodle Quiz. 然而, 完形填空题的灵活性很难去平衡, 尽管你要创建题目的小编码在 Moodle 测试模块有很大的作用 题目 管理题目题目行为题目类型计算题计算题简化版计算题多选项版描述题简答题匹配题内嵌答案 ( 完形填空 ) 多项选择题随机填空匹配题填空题数字题是非判断题第三方题目类型题目常见问题解答 目录 1 Question set-up 1.1 Penalty factor 2 Question rendering

第 2 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 3 Format 3.1 Examples 3.2 例如 3.2.1 Example 1 3.2.2 例子 1 3.2.3 Example 2 3.2.4 例子 2 4 Detailed syntax explanations 5 详细的语法说明 6 Numerical Cloze questions 7 数值填充完形填空 7.1 False positives 7.2 Syntax for numerical Cloze questions 8 Importing CLOZE questions 9 Online Cloze Question quiz generator 10 See also Questionset-up 创建题目 1. Select the question category 选择题目类别 2. Give the question a descriptive name - this allows you to identify it in the question bank. 给题目一个描述性的名称 ( 题目名称 )- 这个可以让你在题库中辨别它 1. Enter the passage of text (in Moodle format - see Format below) into the 'question text' field. 2. Select an image to display if you want to add a picture to the question. For the student, it appears immediately above the question text. 进入文章的题干领域如果你想给题目添加一张图片, 就选择一张图片去展示它, 对学生来说, 它会在文章之前立即呈现给学生 1. Set the 'default question grade' (i.e. the maximum number of marks for this question).

第 3 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 设置默认问题等级 1. Set the 'Penalty factor' (see Penalty factor below). 设置回答错误的罚分 1. If you wish, add general feedback. This is text that appears to the student after he/she has answered the question. 如果你希望, 可以添加通用反馈 通用反馈会在答题后显示给学生 1. The editor has been modified and allows you to test if your syntax is good. The different questions elements decoded will be displayed and syntax errors pinpoint. However, it cannot check if the question decoded is two questions in one because of an error syntax. 编辑修改完后, 如果你的语法很好, 就可以进行测试 不同的问题元素将显示解码和语法错误定位 然而, 它不能因为一个错误的语法去检查解码的问题是以两个问题 1. Click Save changes to add the question to the category. 点击保存更改来添加问题到它所属的类别 Penaltyfactor 回答错误的罚分 The 'penalty factor' only applies when the question is used in a quiz using adaptive mode - i.e. where the student is allowed multiple attempts at a question even within the same attempt at the quiz. If the penalty factor is more than 0, then the student will lose that proportion of the maximum grade upon each successive attempt. For example, if the default question grade is 10, and the penalty factor is 0.2, then each successive attempt after the first one will incur a penalty of 0.2 x 10 = 2 points. The grading for the cloze question applies the penalty to each subpart of the question as a whole. For example, if you have three fill in the blanks each worth 1 point each, then the penalty will only be incurred on the incorrect parts, not the questions as a whole. 回答错误的罚分 仅适用于当问题是用于自适应模式的测试, 例如, 学生可以多次尝试一个问题即使在相同的尝试测试题里 如果每次回答错误的罚分大于 0, 那么学生就会失去在每个连续的尝试中的最大比例 例如, 如果默认的问题有 10 分, 每次回答错误的罚分为 0.2, 之后每一次尝试第一个将导致罚 0.2 x 10 = 2 分 填充的分级问题处罚适用于每个问题作为一个整体的组成部分 例如, 如果你有三个填空每个值 1 分, 然后惩罚只会发生在不正确的部分, 不作为一个整体的问题 Questionrendering 问题呈现

第 4 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 The question answer entry space or INPUT HTML ELEMENT (for Short Answer and Numerical question types) and the dropdown list or SELECT HTML ELEMENT (for multichoice) are normally displayed in-line with the text. 问题答案入口空间或者输入 HTML 元素 ( 单项选择和数值问题类型 ) 和下拉列表或选择 HTML 元素 ( 多项选择 ), 通常显示内联文本 The size of the entry space or INPUT HTML ELEMENT ( Short and Numerical) will be adjustable to the length of the longest answer (good or bad) + a random number (0 to 15% total length).(pierre Pichet 15:37, 26 January 2008 (CST)) 入口空间或输入 HTML 元素 ( 单选和数值型 ) 的大小要与最长的答案 ( 好或坏 )+ 一个随机数 (0 到 15% 的总长度 ) 的长度相匹配 The size will adjust to the length of the student response when displayed in the grading and feedback process. 当显示在分级和反馈过程时, 长度要适应学生回答的长度大小 The size of the dropdown list or SELECT HTML ELEMENT (multichoice) adjusts itself automatically to the longest answer. 下拉列表或选择 HTML 元素 ( 多项选择 ) 的长度要自动调整到最长的答案 Format 格式 Questions consist of a passage of text (in Moodle format) that has various sub-questions embedded within it, including 包括一段文字的问题 ( 在 Moodle 格式中 ), 嵌入了各种二级问题, 包括 : short answers (SHORTANSWER or SA or MW), case is unimportant, short answers (SHORTANSWER_C or SAC or MWC), case must match, numerical answers (NUMERICAL or NM), multiple choice (MULTICHOICE or MC), represented as a dropdown menu in-line in the text multiple choice (MULTICHOICE_V or MCV), represented as a vertical column of radio buttons, or multiple choice (MULTICHOICE_H or MCH), represented as a horizontal row of radio-buttons. 单项选择 (SHORTANSWER 或 SA 或 MW), 情况下是不重要的, 单项选择 (SHORTANSWER_C 或 SAC 或 MWC), 情况下必须匹配, 数值答案 (NUMERICAL 或 NM), 多项选择 (MULTICHOICE 或 MC), 嵌套在文本中表示为下拉菜单

第 5 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 多项选择 (MULTICHOICE_V 或 MCV), 表示为一个垂直列单选按钮, 或多项选择 (MULTICHOICE_H 或 MCH), 表示为一个水平一排的单选按钮 The structure of each cloze sub-question is identical: { start the cloze sub-question with a bracket (AltGr+7) 1 define a grade for each cloze by a number (optional). This used for calculation of question grading. :SHORTANSWER: define the type of cloze sub-question. Definition is bounded by ':'. ~ is a seperator between answer options = marks a correct answer # marks the beginning of an (optional) feedback message } close the cloze sub-question at the end with a bracket (AltGr+0) 每个完型填空的二级问题的结构是相同的 : { 用括号 (AltGr+7) 开始填充二级问题, 1 用数字 ( 可选择的 ) 为每个完形定义一个等级 这用于计算分级的问题 SHORTANSWER: 定义完型二级问题的类型 定义是用 : 限制的 ~ 是答案选项之间的隔离符号 = 标志着一个正确的答案 1. 标志着一个 ( 可选的 ) 反馈消息的开始 } 最后关闭填空二级问题 (AltGr + 0) Now a very simple example: 现在呈现一个非常简单的例子 : {1:SHORTANSWER:=Berlin} is the capital of Germany. 柏林是德国的首都

第 6 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 For full details of the format for embedded-answers questions, see the detailed syntax explanation below. embeddedanswers 格式的问题详情, 请参阅下面的详细的语法解释 NB: Be careful when copying a cloze type question into the WYSIWYG HTML editor, as line breaks tend to get added, which destroys the question. If the correct answer contains } # ~ / " or \ you will have to escape them by putting a \ in front of each such character. But [this is tricky (https://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=275299)]. The { shouldn't be escaped, this can be vital in getting TeX expressions to work. In the feedback ~ and } must be escaped otherwise it will be interpreted as the next answer or end of the short answer section respectively. Quotation signs: " can lead to trouble anyhow in both places. Use the HTML entity: & quot; (without the space between & and quot;). If you want to have Mathematical symbols there can be problems with the \ used in TeX expressions. One alternative can be to use unicode characters. See the notes further down about numerical embedded question! 复制一个填充类型的问题时要小心 WYSIWYG HTML 编辑器, 换行会补充说, 破坏问题 如果正确答案包含 } / 或 \ 你将不得不逃离他们在每一个这样的面前添加 \ 字符 但是, 这是一个棘手的问题, 不逃离对获得 TeX 表达去工作和在反馈中至关重要 必须逃脱了否则会被解读为 下一个答案 或 简短的回答部分的终结 报价的迹象 : 无论如何, 在这两个地方会导致麻烦 使用 HTML 实体 Examples 例如 Example1 例子 1 The following text creates a simple embedded-answers question: 下面呈现了一个简单的完型填空题 Match the following cities with the correct state: * San Francisco: {1:MULTICHOICE:=California#OK~Arizona#Wrong} * Tucson: {1:MULTICHOICE:California#Wrong~%100%Arizona#OK} * Los Angeles: {1:MULTICHOICE:=California#OK~Arizona#Wrong} * Phoenix: {1:MULTICHOICE:%0%California#Wrong~=Arizona#OK} The capital of France is {1:SHORTANSWER:%100%Paris#Congratulations! ~%50%Marseille#No, that is the second largest city in France (after Paris).~*#Wrong answer. The capital of France is Paris, of course.}. 把下面的城市与对应的描述作匹配 :

第 7 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 * 旧金山 :{1:MULTICHOICE:= 加利福尼亚州 # 回答正确 ~ 美国亚利桑那州 # 回答错误 } * 图森 :{1:MULTICHOICE: 加利福尼亚州 # 回答错误 ~%100% 美国亚利桑那州 # 回答正确 } * 洛杉矶 :{1:MULTICHOICE: 加利福尼亚州 # 回答正确 ~%100% 美国亚利桑那州 # 回答错误 } * 菲尼克斯 :{1:MULTICHOICE:%0% 加利福尼亚州 # 回答错误 ~= 美国亚利桑那州 # 回答正确 } 法国的首都是 {1:SHORTANSWER:%100% 巴黎 # 回答正确! ~%50% 马赛市 # 错, 它是法国的第二大城市 ( 除了巴黎 ) ~*# 答案错误 当然, 法国的首都是巴黎 }. And the result will be: 结果是 : Cloze question type 完形填空问题类型 Example2 This question consists of some text with an answer embedded right here {1:MULTICHOICE:Wrong answer#feedback for this wrong answer~another wrong answer#feedback for the other wrong answer~=correct answer#feedback for correct answer~%50%answer that gives half the credit#feedback for half credit answer} and right after that you will have to deal with this short answer {1:SHORTANSWER:Wrong answer#feedback for this wrong answer~=correct answer#feedback for correct answer~%50%answer that gives half the credit#feedback for half credit answer} and finally we have a floating point number {2:NUMERICAL:=23.8:0.1#Feedback for correct answer 23.8~%50%23.8:2#Feedback for half credit answer in the nearby region of the correct answer}. The multichoice question can also be shown in the vertical display of the standard moodle multiple choice. {2:MCV:1. Wrong answer#feedback for this wrong answer~2. Another wrong answer#feedback for the other wrong answer~=3. Correct answer#feedback for correct answer~%50%4. Answer that gives half the credit#feedback for half credit answer} Or in an horizontal display that is included here in a table {2:MCH:a. Wrong answer#feedback for this wrong answer~b. Another wrong answer#feedback for the other wrong answer~=c. Correct

第 8 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 answer#feedback for correct answer~%50%d. Answer that gives half the credit#feedback for half credit answer} A shortanswer question where case must match. Write moodle in upper case letters {1:SHORTANSWER_C:moodle#Feedback for moodle in lower case ~=MOODLE#Feedback for MOODLE in upper case ~%50%Moodle#Feedback for only first letter in upper case} Note that addresses like www.moodle.org and smileys :-) all work as normal: a) How good is this? {:MULTICHOICE:=Yes#Correct~No#We have a different opinion} b) What grade would you give it? {3:NUMERICAL:=3:2} 文件 :Cloze example.png Some things to note: 例子 2 The individual embedded answers are represented by the code in braces {}. The number at the start is the 'weight', so in this case each answer contributes an equal share of the overall grade. The correct option in each case is preceded either by an = sign or by %100%. The text appearing after the # that follows each option is the feedback that the student will see if they choose that option. If the student enters 'Marseille' in the final example, they score 50% of the total grade. The asterisk * preceding the "Wrong answer" feedback in the final example means that the student will see this feedback if they enter anything other than "Paris" or "Marseille". For multiple choice vertical or horizontal rendering there is no automatic numbering, though can added at each answer. 这个问题包括一些嵌入式的文字答案 {1:MULTICHOICE: 错误答案 # 这是对错误答案的反馈 ~ 另一个错误答案 # 这

第 9 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 是对另一错误答案的反馈 ~= 正确答案 # 这是对正确答案的反馈 ~%50% 回答对一个, 给 50% 的分 # 这是答对一个答案的反馈 } 接下来你将要回答这个简答题 {1:SHORTANSWER: 错误答案 # 这是对错误答案的反馈 ~= 正确答案 # 这是对正确答案的反馈 ~%50% 回答正确, 给 50% 的分 # 这是对答对一个答案的反馈 } 最后, 我们有个浮点数 {2:NUMERICAL:=23.8:0.1# 这是回答正确的反馈 23.8~%50%23.8:2# 回答接近正确答案给一半的分 }. 多项选择题应以 moodle 标准的多项选择的形式在垂直显示 : {2:MCV:1. 错误回答 # 这是对错误答案的反馈 ~2. 另一个错误答案 # 这是对另一错误答案的反馈 ~=3. 回答正确 # 这是对正确答案的反馈 ~%50%4. 回答对一个, 给 50% 的分 # 这是答对一个答案的反馈 } 或者在一个表中以水平形式显示 : {2: MCH:a. 错误答案 # 这是对错误答案的反馈 ~ b. 另一个错误答案 # 这是对另一错误答案的反馈 ~=c. 回答正确 # 这是对正确答案的反馈 ~%50%d. 回答对一个, 给 50% 的分 # 这是答对一个答案的反馈 } 一个简答题在一定情况下必须匹配 比如 : 写出 moodle 的大写字母形式 {1:SHORTANSWER_C:moodle# 对小写 moodle 的反馈 ~= MOODLE# 对大写 MOODLE 的反馈 ~%50%Moodle# 对只有一个字母大写的 Moodle 的反馈 } 值得注意的是 : 像这样的答案 : 地址 www.moodle.org 和表情符号 :-), 所要做的和正常情况下一样 : a) 这个很好吗?{:MULTICHOICE:= 是的 # 正确答案 ~ 不是 # 我们有不同的意见 } b) 你会给这个打多少分? {3:NUMERICAL:=3:2} 需要注意以下情况 : 完型填空题的答案要写在 {} 代码之中 开始时数字代表的是权重, 所以在这种情况下每个答案会得到总体成绩中的相应份额 在每种情况下, 正确答案都要写在一个 = 符号或者 %100% 之后 在符号 # 之后出现的文字是对每个答案的反馈, 这个反馈会在学生填写该答案后呈现 在上面例子中, 如果学生在最后一题填写了 马赛市, 那他将获得 50% 的成绩 * 符号要写在错误答案反馈之前, 就像最后一题中, 这意味着学生填写除了巴黎和马赛市之外的任何答案, 他们都会获得这个反馈 对于垂直或水平显示的多选题, 不能自动地编号, 但可以给每个答案添加编号 Detailed syntax explanations

第 10 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 1. all question items within a cloze-type question are coded inside curled braces { } 2. the number which appears between the opening brace and the colon {1: is the weighting of that item; if it is set at 1 for all the items, it needs not be specified, so you can have {: 3. after the colon we have the item question type: MULTICHOICE, SHORTANSWER, NUMERICAL 4. NOTE.- If you have installed the REGEXP question type plugin (http://moodle.org/mod/data /view.php?d=13&rid=338) you can also use the REGEXP question type 5. the syntax for MULTICHOICE and SHORTANSWER is the same; the only difference is in the displaying of the item to the student 6. the order of the various answers is indifferent (except if you want a catch-all for wrong answers, see #13 below) 7. a correct answer is preceded with the equal sign = or a percentage (usually %100%) - Note: The equal sign (=) doesn't seem to work with SHORTANSWER. 8. a wrong answer is preceded with nothing or a percentage (usually %0%)but you can even use negative points by preceding with ~%-25% [not before Moodle 2.0]) 9. you can allocate some points between 0 and 100 to some answers, if you put the appropriate percentage 10. all answers except the first one are separated from one another by the tilde ~ sign 11. answers can be followed by an optional feedback message, preceded with the # sign; if there is no feedback message, the # sign can be present or absent, it does not matter 12. note that the feedback message and (since Pierre Pichet 24 May 2008 )in 1.9 the correct answer are displayed in a small popup window (if and when the correct and or feedback have been declared accessible to the students in the Quiz settings) upon mouse hovering. The popup window has a title "feedback" and you can use HTML tags to format your feedback. In some browsers (For example IE5.5) the form fields can cover part of the feedback windows. It can help to not have the formfields for the answers too close to each other. 13. in the SHORTANSWER type you may want to put a catch-all (wrong) answer in order to send a "wrong, try again" feedback; you can do this by inserting an asterisk * as the very last expected answer in your formula 14. in the MULTICHOICE question type the answers are automatically scrambled

第 11 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 详细的语法说明 1. 所有的题目选项, 包括完型填空题都要写在 { } 里 2. 数字要写在 { 和 : 之间 {1: 是该题目的权重, 如果这道题被设置为 1; 如果题目不需要被特别指定, 因此你就直接可以写 {: 3. 在 { 之后, 我们要写题目的类型 :MULTICHOICE( 多选 ), SHORTANSWER( 填空 ), NUMERICAL( 数字题 ) 4. 需要注意的是, 如果你安装了正则表达式题目类型插件, 你也可以选择正则表达式题目类型 5. MULTICHOICE( 多选 ) 和 SHORTANSWER( 填空 ) 的语法要求是一样 唯一的区别是题目呈现给学生的形式不同 6. 不同答案的顺序是不重要的 除非你想要呈现所有的错误答案 请参照下面的第 13 条 7. 正确答案要写在 = 或 %100% 之前 值得注意的是, = 号对简答题不起作用 8. 错误答案前面可以写 ~%0%, 也可以不写任何东西 ; 但是你可以在错误答案之前写负数的分数比如 :~%- 25% (Moodle2.0 之前的版本没有这个要求 ) 9. 如果你根据合适的权重, 你可以从 0 到 100 给所有答案分配分数 10. 除了 { 后的第一个答案外, 所有的答案都要用 ~ 符号与其他答案隔开 11. 答案后面紧接着一个选项的反馈信息, 反馈信息前面要加上 # 符号 如果答案后面没有反馈信息, # 符号写不写都可以 12. 值得注意的是, 反馈信息和正确答案 (1.9 版本 ) 可以在一个小的弹出窗口中呈现, 弹出窗口位于在鼠标停留的位置 该弹出窗口有一个反馈标题, 你可以使用 HTML 语言来编写反馈信息的格式 13. 在简答题类型中, 你可能希望填入错误的答案后, 可以得到一个 错了, 再试一次 的反馈, 可以通过在你的公式中插入 * 号来实现 14. 对于多项选择题, 答案会自动呈现 Numerical Cloze questions 数值填充完形填空 From the student perspective, a numerical Cloze question looks just like a short-answer question

第 12 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 or fill in the blanks. The difference is that numerical answers are allowed to have an accepted error. This allows a continuous range of answers to be set. You can also express your answer in some different numerical formats. 23.4 23,4 (some countries use, as a decimal separator) and 2.34E+1 (meaning 2.34*10^1) would be interpreted as the same. 从学生的角度看, 数值填充问题看起来就像一个简短的回答问题或 填空 所不同的是, 数值型的答案允许接受错误数值 这允许设置一个连续范围的答案 你也可以表达一些数值格式不同的答案 23.4 23,4( 一些国家用, 作为十进制分隔符 ) 和 2.34E+1( 意思是 2.34*10^1) 将被视为是相同的 False positives Note: the following examples of false positives do not apply to Moodle 1.8+, where you cannot use percentages or fractions as the answers in a numerical Cloze test; Moodle will generate an error if you try to save such a question. However the following may be relevant for earlier versions of Moodle. 注解 : 下面是关于主动错误信息的例子不适用于 Moodle 1.8 以上的版本, 在 Moodle1.8 以上的版本中, 你不能使用百分数或分数作为一个数值完形填空的答案 ; 如果你试着去解决这个问题,Moodle 将生成一个错误 然而以下例子可能与 Moodle 的早期版本相关 More examples: 0.5 accepts.5 0.5,5 0,5 0.500 5e-1 5E-1 but not 1/2 50% 50% accepts 50% 50.0% 5E1% 50/100 even 50/1000 50 but not 500/1000 0.5 1/2 accepts 1/2 1/3 1twenty but not 2/4 0.5 0,5 3/6 50% ½ ½ accepts ½ HALF doesn't even accept HALF (maybe 0?) 更多例子 :

第 13 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 0.5 等同于.5 0.5,5 0,5 0.500 5e-1 5E-1 但是不等同于 1/2 50% 50% 等同于 50% 50.0% 5E1% 50/100 甚至是 50/1000 50 但是不等同于 500/1000 0.5 1/2 等同于 1/2 1/3 1twenty 但是不等同于 2/4 0.5 0,5 3/6 50% ½ ½ 等同于 ½ HALF 甚至不能等同于 HALF ( 可能是 0?) If you want to accept several variants you can have them in the same {} but be careful, notice the "false positives" in bold! 如果你想接受一些变式在同一个 {} 里, 要小心, 注意黑体的 误报 Syntax for numerical Cloze questions The format of a NUMERICAL Cloze question is similar to that of the other Cloze types and they can be mixed in the same question. As with other Cloze tests, you write your question or incomplete text, and add the Cloze code at the point where the student is supposed to enter their numerical answer. 数值填充的格式问题类似于其他填充类型, 他们可以混合在同一个问题中 和其他填空试题一样, 你编写你的问题或者不完整的文本时, 应该在学生填入他们的数值答案的地方添加填充代码 An example of the syntax used is shown below: 语法使用的例子如下所示 : Note: It is preferable to write the code in 'source code' mode. The WSIWYG editor can insert linebreaks that make the question not function. The linebreak in the example box below is for readability only! A problem with these questions is the readability of the code! :( 注解 : 最好在源代码模式下写代码 WSIWYG 编辑者可以插入一个美化框使这些问题变为非函数 以下示例中的美化框只是可读! 这些问题产生的问题是代码的可读性 :( {2:NUMERICAL:=23.8:0.1#Feedback for correct answer 23.8 ~%50%23.8:2#Feedback for ½credit near correct answer}.

第 14 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 {2: 数值的 :=23.8:0.1# 反馈正确答案是 23.8 ~%50%23.8:2#Feedback for ½credit near correct answer}. In this example: 2: is the question point weight, which means that this question has twice the weight in the final point(s) for this question as other partial answers with weight 1 (or no declared weight - you can start with {: for the default weight 1) in the same question. NUMERICAL: says what kind of question it is. It must be in CAPS. =23.8:0.1 = or %100% means correct if the answer is 23.8 with an accepted error of 0.1, then any number between 23.7 and 23.9 will be accepted as correct. (In the GIFT numerical question one can express an interval like this 13..15 or 14:1 but in Cloze only 14:1 works.) #Feedback for correct answer 23.8 is preceded by # ~%50%23.8:2 ~ is the separator for answer alternatives %50% means this answer would get 50% of the score that the more precise answer had gotten. Because the tolerance here is 2, 21.8 to 25.8 would get this point and feedback. 在这个例子中 : 2: 是这个问题的权重, 这意味着这个问题在最后的成绩上是该题目其他部分权重为 1 的答案的两倍 ( 或者没有声明权重 - 你可以在同一个问题中考试 {: 默认权重为 1). 数值型 : 说的是什么类型的问题. 它必须在 CAPS 中. =23.8:0.1 = 或者 %100% 意思是正确的如果答案是 23.8, 可以接受 0.1 的误差, 然后再 23.7 and 23.9 之间的任意数值将同样被接受是正确的. ( 在 GIFT 数值问题中一个数值可以表达为一个间隔像 13..15 或者 14:1 一样, 但是在填空时只有 14:1 起作用.) # 反馈正确答案 23.8 是之前的 # ~%50%23.8:2 ~ 是答案选择的分隔符 %50% 意思是这个答案会达到分数的 50%, 可以得到更精确的答案. 因为这里的公差是 2, 21.8 到 25.8 将得到这一点和反馈 The feedback (which is seen within a popup window when the user hovers over the answer space) is formattable with HTML tags. For example, if you want an exponent, surround it with superscript

第 15 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 tags: <sup> </sup>. You can even include pictures in the feedback popup, but you must clean out all " characters and save while still in source code mode (not WYSIWYG). So, this works in feedback popup: #See this picture:<br><img src=something.gif />} but not this: #See this picture:<br><img src="something.gif" />} 当用户将鼠标悬停于答案的空间时弹出一个窗口, 这一反馈是格式化的 HTML 结构 例如, 如果你想要一个指数, 给它围上上标标签 : <sup> </sup>. 你甚至可以在反馈弹出窗口中包含图片, 但是你要清除所有的 ", 同时还保存在源代码模式中 ( 不是 WYSIWYG). 所以, 在反馈弹出框口中是这样起作用的 : # 看这幅图 :<br><img src=something.gif />} 但是不是这样 : # 看这幅图 :<br><img src="something.gif" />} (ALGEBRA and TEX filters don't work in the feedback popups, but they can be very useful in the question writing for math/science expressions). But you can use Unicode characters. ALGEBRA 和 TEX filters 在反馈弹出窗口中不起作用, 但他们可以在书写数学 / 科学写作表达式的问题中非常有用 但是您可以使用非指令访问的角色 If you want to give feedback for any answer that didn't fit the intervals you already have specified feedback for, add some BIG general intervals, like for positive answers (if they aren't bigger than 20000 you could add:

第 16 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 ~%0%10000.0001:10000#Feedback for unspecified not_right answers} 如果你想给一些你已经反馈的不符合指定间隔的答案以反馈, 添加一些大的间隔, 像正数 ( 如果他们不大于 20000 你可以添加 ~%0%10000.0001:10000# 反馈答案不明 } This would give feedback for anything from 0.0001 to 20000.0001 (that hadn't already gotten feedback). I didn't want to include 0 since that special case as well as negative ought to have specific reactions. ~%0%0#Hey! It can't be zero ~%0%-10000.0001:10000#We just want the size here, so a negative value is not what we want} 从 0.0001 到 20000.0001 之间的任何数值都应该给以反馈 ( 没有已经得到反馈 ), 我不想包括 0 是因为特殊情况比如负数应该有特定的反应 ~%0%0# 嘿! 他不能是 0 ~%0%-10000.0001:10000# 我们只是想要这的大小, 所以一个负数不是我们所想要的 } Numerical questions could, before version 1.7, also have case-insensitive non-numerical answers. This is useful whenever the answer for a numerical question is something like +inf, -inf, NaN etc. 在 Moodle1.7 之前的版本中, 数值问题的非数值答案也不区分大小写 只要一个数值的问题的答案是正无穷, 负无穷 无穷等都是有用的 Importing CLOZE questions If you try importing directly as CLOZE this text: Single line per question! Match the following cities with the correct state:

第 17 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 * San Francisco: {1:MULTICHOICE:=California#OK~Arizona#Wrong} * Tucson: {1:MULTICHOICE:California#Wrong~%100%Arizona#OK} * Los Angeles: {1:MULTICHOICE:=California#OK~Arizona#Wrong} * Phoenix: {1:MULTICHOICE:%0%California#Wrong~=Arizona#OK} The capital of France is {1:SHORTANSWER:%100%Paris#Congratulations!~%50%Marseille#No, that is the second largest city in France (after Paris).~*#Wrong answer. The capital of 23+ 0.8 = {2:NUMERICAL:=23.8:0.1#Feedback for correct answer 23.8 ~%50%23.8:2#Feedback for ½credit near correct answer}. You would get all three questions as different parts of ONE question. (NOTE see that there are no linebreaks between the { }!) Multiple CLOZE questions can be imported using the XML format: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <quiz> <!-- question: 1 --> <question type="cloze"> <name><text>book Test #1</text> </name> <questiontext> <text><![cdata[...]]></text> </questiontext> <generalfeedback> <text></text> </generalfeedback> <shuffleanswers>0</shuffleanswers> </question> <!-- question: 2 --> <question type="cloze"> <name><text>book Test #2</text> </name> <questiontext> <text><![cdata[...]]></text> </questiontext> <generalfeedback> <text></text> </generalfeedback> <shuffleanswers>0</shuffleanswers> </question> </quiz> You would put the question text including CLOZE code in the... spaces.

第 18 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 导入题目 * 如果你想直接导入完形填空的题目 每个问题是一行, 匹配下列城市的为正确答案例题三藩 :{ 1: 多选 := 加利福尼亚 # 对 ~ 亚利桑那州 # 错 } 图森 :{ 1: 选择题 : 加利福尼亚 # 错 ~ % 100% 亚利桑那州 # 对 } 洛杉矶 :{ 1: 多选 := 加利福尼亚 # 对 ~ 亚利桑那州 # 错 } 凤凰 :{ 1: 多选 :% 0% 加利福尼亚 # 错 ~ = 亚利桑那州 # 对 } 法国的首都是 { 1: 选答 :% 100% 巴黎 # 祝贺!~ % 50% 马赛 # 没有, 那是在法国第二大城市 ( 仅次于巴黎 ) ~ * # 错误答案 当然, 法国的首都是巴黎 23 + 0.8 = { 2: 数值 := 23.8:0.1 # 反馈正确答案 23.8 ~ % 50% 23.8:2 # 反馈 ½ 信用接近正确答案 } 对于一个问题你会得到关于这个问题相关的三个问题 ( 注意看在 { } 有没有换行符 ) 多选完形填空题可以使用 XML 格式导入你可以把完形填空的文本或者代码填入空白处 Online Cloze Question quiz generator There is a website to generate CLOZE quizzes for Moodle (1.9 and 2.x versions) and/or to try out the CLOZE editor integration for Moodle. This editor was built at the Chair of Applied English Linguistics at Universitaet Tuebingen, Germany, by Andreas Glombitza (andiglombitza(at)googlemail.com) and Achim Skuta (achim.skuta(at)googlemail.com). The authors are currently maintaining this software and webservice as a private project. Website: http://projects.ael.uni-tuebingen.de/quiz/htmlarea/index.php

第 19 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 在线式问答式完形填空题生成器有一个网站生成 Moodle 完形测验 (1.9 和 2 x 版本 ) 或尝试编辑整合 Moodle 的完形填空 这个编辑器是建立在德国图宾根大学, 应用英语语言学的主席, 由安德烈亚斯和阿希姆完成 作者目前保持这个软件和 Web 服务作为一个私人项目 See also See the Moodle plugin in the Moodle plugins database (https://moodle.org/plugins /view.php?plugin=other_cloze) that will let you create these questions from a graphical interface within your Moodle site, but it will overwrite your current tinymce editor. See the online Cloze question generator (http://projects.ael.uni-tuebingen.de/quiz/htmlarea /index.php). Download the newest version of the Cloze editor module for Moodle 1.9 and for Moodle 2.0 to 2.6) from the Moodle plugins database (https://moodle.org/plugins /view.php?plugin=tinymce_clozeeditor) This information was drawn from: 更多 Using Moodle Is there a guide to using the cloze format? (http://moodle.org/mod/forum /discuss.php?d=36521) forum discussion Using Moodle Cloze-type question syntax (http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=36430& parent=170308) forum post 看 Moodle plugin in the Moodle plugins database (https://moodle.org/plugins /view.php?plugin=other_cloze) 会让你在你的 Moodle 网站图形界面创建这些问题, 但它将覆盖当前 TinyMCE 编辑器 看 online Cloze question generator (http://projects.ael.uni-tuebingen.de/quiz/htmlarea /index.php).

第 20 页共 20 页 2016/9/2 23:55 为 Moodle1.9 2.0 2.6 版本下载新版本的完形填空编辑模块 这个信息来自于使用 MoodleIs there a guide to using the cloze format? (http://moodle.org/mod/forum /discuss.php?d=36521) 论坛讨论使用 MoodleCloze-type question syntax (http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=36430& parent=170308) 论坛帖子 取自 https://www.wolearn.org/wiki/index.php?title= 完形填空 &oldid=3135 分类 : 含有受损文件链接的页面 本页面最后修改于 2015 年 12 月 24 日 ( 星期四 ) 11:27 除非另有声明, 本网站内容采用知识共享署名 - 非商业性使用 - 相同方式共享授权