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The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (For Personal Sole Account, Joint Account and Business Account Holders) Note: Account holder shall refer to account holders where appropriate. The following General Terms and Conditions apply to all accounts opened with The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited ("the Bank"). In addition, there are other specific Terms and Conditions applicable to particular types of accounts operated by the Bank. Copies of such Terms and Conditions are available upon request from any branch of the Bank. 1. GENERAL (applicable to all accounts) 1.1 The relationship between the Bank and the account holder is basically that of debtor and creditor. However, other relationships may arise, such as bailor and bailee when items are held in safe custody, according to the banking services provided by the Bank. 1.2 If the account holder comprises of more than one person: a. the Bank is authorised to provide information on or relating to the account to any one of them in such form and manner and to such extent as any one or more of such persons shall request or as the Bank shall in its sole discretion determine at any time and from time to time; b. each of them shall be bound by these General Terms and Conditions and such other terms and conditions governing the account even though (i) any other person or any person intended to be bound hereby is not or (ii) these Terms and Conditions may be invalid or unenforceable against any one or more of such persons by reason of fraud, forgery or otherwise (whether or not the deficiency is known to the Bank); c. the Bank shall be entitled to deal separately with any one of them on any matter including (i) the variation or discharge of any liability to any extent or (ii) the granting of time or other indulgence to or making other arrangements with any such person without prejudicing or affecting the Bank's rights, powers and remedies against any other such persons; d. where any one of them is authorised to operate the account singly, the Bank is authorised to comply with the instructions or directions of any one of such persons in relation to the account, including, without limitation, instructions to close the account unless otherwise agreed with or stipulated by the Bank. Acceptance of any terms and conditions of any services rendered by the Bank in respect of the account by any one of such persons will be deemed accepted by each and all of them and accordingly, such terms and conditions will be binding on each and all of such account holders; and e. in respect of a forward date transaction, the Bank will take the instruction last received by the Bank before it effects the same in its normal course of business as the final instruction received from the account holder regarding the same. If the account holder is a corporation, partnership, association, society or the likes, the Bank is authorised to, in its sole discretion, provide any information on or relating to the account to any one or more of the directors, partners, or such other persons of whom the Bank is satisfied as being members of the governing body of the account holder as the case may be irrespective of whether such persons are authorised signatories and if they are, irrespective of their signing authority under the account. The Bank reserves the right to charge an administrative fee for the provision of the said account information. 1.3 The account holder agrees that the Bank's indebtedness to the account holder shall not exceed the net amount owing by the Bank to the account holder after deducting from any credit balance held by the Bank or providing for the aggregate of all the account holder's liabilities to the Bank on any account or in any respect whatsoever whether such liabilities be actual, present, future, deferred, contingent, primary, collateral, several, joint or otherwise (together the "account holder's aggregate liabilities"). Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing and in addition to any general lien, right of set-off or other right by way of security which the Bank may have on any account whatsoever, the account holder agrees that the Bank shall have the right, at its sole and absolute discretion and without notice to the account holder, to refuse to repay when demanded or when the same falls due any of the Bank's indebtedness to the account holder if and to the extent that the account holder's aggregate liabilities at the relevant time are equal to or exceed the Bank's indebtedness to the account holder at that time. If the Bank exercises such right with respect to any of its indebtedness to the account holder, such indebtedness shall remain outstanding from the Bank on substantially the Terms and Conditions in effect immediately prior to such exercise or on such other terms as the Bank may, at its discretion, consider appropriate in the circumstances, but the Bank may, at any time and without notice to the account holder, consolidate any or all credit balances or credit balances of the account holder with the Bank with all or any of the account holder's aggregate liabilities. In the case of an individual account holder, the Bank's rights hereunder shall not be affected by the account holder's death or legal incapacity. The Bank reserves the right to employ collection agent(s) and third parties to collect any outstanding or overdue amount owed by the account holder. The account holder shall keep the Bank indemnified for costs and expenses including without limitation legal fees, costs of engaging collection agent(s) (and such other third parties) and other expenses which are of reasonable amount and which are reasonably incurred by the Bank in demanding, collecting, suing or recovering such outstanding or overdue amount. 1.4 The account holder shall give instructions, directions or send communication to the Bank in such manner as shall be prescribed or accepted by the Bank from time to time, including, without limitation, in writing, by fax, by telex, by telephone, via the automated teller machine, via point of sale terminals, by or via any other electronic means or mediums and/or by any other means or mediums. 1.5 In the course of providing its services, the Bank (or its agent) may need to (but shall not be obliged to) record verbal instructions received from the account holder and/or any verbal communication between the account holder and the Bank (or its agent) in relation to such services. The Bank reserves the right to destroy these recording after such period of time as it considers prudent. 1.6 The Bank reserves the right to destroy any documents relating to the account after microfilming/scanning the same and destroy any microfilmed/scanned record after such period of time as it considers prudent. 1.7 Where the account holder has set up a direct debit authorisation on an account and no transaction is performed under such authorisation for a continuous period of 30 months, the Bank reserves the right to cancel the direct debit arrangement without prior notice to the account holder, even though the authorisation has not expired or there is no expiry date for the authorisation. 1.8 An account holder should ensure that all cheques and other monetary instruments (collectively "Items") deposited with the Bank using any means or channels offered or accepted by the Bank are on the face thereof in order before depositing the same with the Bank, including, without limitation, that they are appropriately dated and signed, with the amounts in both words and figures matched. Where the account holder is required to advise, complete or enter details of the Items when depositing the same with the Bank, the account holder agrees that it is the account holder's sole responsibility to ensure that such details being advised, completed or entered by the account holder are accurate and complete and that the Bank is entitled to rely upon the same in issuing receipts. Such receipts issued shall for all purposes be issued subject to subsequent verification by the Bank in its normal course of business. In the event of any discrepancy between the receipts and the outcome of the Bank's verification, the outcome of the Bank's verification shall be final and binding on the account holder and the Bank shall be entitled to adjust the accounts accordingly by debiting or crediting the same as the case may be. All inward remittances, cheques and monetary instruments are accepted for deposit into an account subject to final payment and the Bank is entitled not to make the proceeds available until they have been cleared. The Bank reserves the right to charge the accounts concerned with the appropriate amounts if, for whatever reasons, any cheques and monetary instruments shall subsequently be returned unpaid or partially paid or where the remittance amounts are not eventually received. 1.9 The account holder as beneficiary of any standing instruction agrees that any credit to an account pursuant to a standing instruction is subject to final payment by the transferor and the Bank reserves the right, and the account holder authorises the Bank, to reverse such credit if the standing instruction is subsequently returned unpaid due to condition of the transferor's account (e.g. insufficient funds in the transferor's account). 1.10 Account statements are provided at monthly intervals, unless otherwise requested. No account statement will be provided if an account registers no transactions for the relevant period. The account holder agrees to examine each statement of account provided by the Bank to see if there are any errors, discrepancies, unauthorised debits or other transactions or entries arising from whatever cause, including, but without limitation, forgery, forged signature, fraud, lack of authority or negligence of the account holder or any other person (the "Errors"). The account holder also agrees that the statement of account shall, as between the Bank and the account holder, be conclusive evidence as to the balance shown therein and that the statement of account shall be binding upon the account holder, who shall be deemed to have agreed to waive any rights to raise objections or pursue any remedies against the Bank in respect thereof unless the account holder notifies the Bank in writing of any such Errors within 90 days after: a. personal delivery of such statement of account to the account holder if it is personally delivered; or Member HSBC Group Page 1/11 TnC060R24-m (241115) I

b. the Bank has posted such statement of account if the statement of account is sent by post; or c. the Bank has emailed such statement of account if it is sent by email; or d. the Bank has placed such statement of account in the Personal Internet Banking Profile of the account holder if it is made available therein; or e. the Bank has placed such statement of account in the Business Internet Banking Profile of the account holder if it is made available therein. 1.11 The account holder warrants that all particulars given to the Bank (whether in an account opening form or otherwise) are, to the best of the account holder's knowledge, accurate and acknowledges that the Bank may make use of any such particulars recorded with the Bank (including without limitation address, telephone number, email address and fax number) (collectively "Contact Details") as a means of communication with the account holder (whether through letters, telephone calls, SMS, fax, email or otherwise). The account holder undertakes to notify the Bank (in such manner as may be prescribed or accepted by the Bank from time to time) of any change of such particulars. All communications sent by the Bank to the account holder using any one or more of the Contact Details last registered with the Bank shall be deemed to have been duly delivered to the account holder. Where in the Bank's opinion communications sent to the account holder using one or more of the Contact Details last registered with the Bank will fail to reach the account holder, the Bank may in its sole discretion stop sending further communication (including without limitation account statements, debit/credit advices and other communications) to the Contact Details concerned or the account holder. Copies of account statements and/or documents evidencing transactions performed on the account can be produced, and provided to the account holder upon request in writing subject to the Bank's handling charge. In respect of business accounts, the account holder of a business account further undertakes to notify the Bank (in such manner as may be prescribed or accepted by the Bank from time to time) of any change of directors, shareholders, partners, controllers, legal status or constitutional documents. 1.12 An inward remittance (whether in Hong Kong dollars or in any other currencies) to an account may not be credited to the account on the same day if the related payment advice is not received by the Bank before the relevant cut-off times set by the Bank from time to time. No interest will accrue on any inward remittance before the funds are actually credited into the account. 1.13 The Bank shall be entitled to regard any mandate it holds as being suspended in the event of any dispute between joint account holders, authorised signatories or directors (where the account holder is a company). In addition, the Bank reserves the right to suspend the operation of all or any accounts of the account holder until such time as the Bank considers appropriate if the Bank is of the opinion or has reason to suspect that: a. it holds no valid account mandate; or b. the account holder (other than acting in the capacity of a trustee) is not the true owner of the credit balances or other assets held in the account(s). 1.14 The terms herein and those pertaining to any services provided by the Bank may, at the Bank's sole discretion, be changed from time to time upon giving the account holder prior notice by way of display in the Bank's premises or by such other method as the Bank may decide. If the account holder does not close the account or cancel the services prior to the expiry of the notice period, the account holder shall be deemed to have agreed to such change. 1.15 In connection with any banking transactions denominated in United States dollars cleared or settled through the US Dollar Clearing System established in Hong Kong, the account holder: a. acknowledges that the operation of the US Dollar Clearing System will be subject to the US Dollar Clearing House Rules and the USD Operating Procedures referred to therein (as the same may be modified from time to time); b. agrees that the Hong Kong Monetary Authority shall not owe any duty or incur any liability to the account holder or any other person in respect of any claim, loss, damage or expense (including without limitation, loss of business, loss of business opportunity, loss of profit, special, indirect or consequential loss) (even if the Hong Kong Monetary Authority knew or ought reasonably to have known of their possible existence) of any kind or nature whatsoever arising in whatever manner directly or indirectly from or as a result of: (i) anything done or omitted to be done by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority bona fide or by the settlement institution of the US Dollar Clearing System, Hong Kong Interbank Clearing Limited or any member of the US Dollar Clearing House in the management, operation or use (including without limitation, the termination and/or suspension of the settlement institution, the US dollar clearing facilities or any such member) of the US Dollar Clearing House or the US dollar clearing facilities or any part of any of them; (ii) without prejudice to (i) above, the giving of any notice, advice or approval in relation or pursuant to the US Dollar Clearing House Rules and the US Dollar Operating Procedures referred to therein (as the same may be modified from time to time). 1.16 There may be risks involved in accepting foreign currency cheques as payment or settlement of transactions. In some countries, there are laws dealing with the handling of cheques sent for clearing or collection that will entitle a cheque to be returned even after clearing and the proceeds are paid to the payee. For example, for cheques drawn on US banks, the paying bank will have the right to seek refund of a cheque that is subsequently found to be fraudulently drawn, fraudulently endorsed or fraudulently altered within a period of up to 6 years. For a US Treasury cheque, this refund period may be indefinite. The Bank is entitled to seek repayment from the deposit account holders of any cheque required to be repaid or refunded. This right of recourse remains possible throughout the refund period mentioned above and is regardless of whether the cheque is sent for collection or purchased by the Bank. The deposit of any foreign currency cheques is accepted by the Bank subject to the following terms and conditions: (i) In accepting cheques drawn on banks abroad, the Bank reserves the right to decide which cheques to purchase and which to send for collection. Where the Bank purchases the cheques, the Bank shall credit the deposit account (using the Bank's prevailing buying rate) with the proceeds immediately, under advice to the deposit account holder, and subject to having recourse to the deposit account holder in the event of dishonour. The purchase of cheques may subject to the condition that the proceeds credited to the deposit account cannot be withdrawn for a period as determined by the Bank taking into account the required clearing time for cheques in question and which will be specified in the credit advice to be sent to the deposit account holder in confirmation of the transaction. (ii) Where the Bank sends a cheque for collection, this will be done subject to the rules contained in ICC Publication No. 522 and the proceeds of the cheque will only be credited to the deposit account once payment is received from the bank abroad. (iii) In the event that cheques purchased are dishonoured or cheques collected are subsequently liable to be repaid or refunded by applicable laws and regulations, the Bank will debit the deposit account with the value of the cheque as calculated using the Bank's prevailing selling rate or the original buying rate, whichever is higher, plus any charges. (iv) Overseas charges (if any) will be debited to the deposit account under advice to the deposit account holder. (v) Cheques received after the relevant cut-off times set by the Bank from time to time will be processed in the next business day. The reference to "business day" means a day, other than a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, on which Banks are open for general business in Hong Kong. 1.17 Whenever the account holder requests the Bank to effect a telegraphic transfer ("TT") or an interbank funds transfer ("RTGS"), whether via the branch offices of the Bank, the Phonebanking Service, the Bank's internet banking services or other channels or means offered by the Bank at any time and from time to time, the following terms shall apply unless otherwise specified: a. The Bank reserves the right to effect an instruction as TT or RTGS according to its routing arrangement; b. The Bank is at liberty to send the TT / RTGS either literally or in cipher and the Bank accepts no responsibility for any loss, delay, error, omission or mutilation which may occur in the transmission of the message or for its misinterpretation when received; c. In the absence of specific instructions to the contrary, the TT / RTGS will be effected in the currency of the country in which payment is to be made; d. While the Bank will endeavour to give effect to the account holder's requests regarding charges relating to the TT / RTGS, the account holder understands that the Bank only has discretion regarding its own charges. Where the account holder has requested to pay overseas charges or other bank's charges, the Bank will communicate such request but whether the beneficiary can receive the full amount of the TT / RTGS will depend on the practice adopted by the correspondent bank and/or beneficiary bank involved, which is beyond the Bank's control and the Bank cannot be held responsible or liable for the same; e. The Bank reserves the right to draw the TT / RTGS on a different place from that specified by the account holder if operational circumstances so require; f. Where the Bank is unable to provide a firm exchange rate quotation, the Bank shall effect the TT / RTGS on the basis of a provisional exchange rate which shall be subject to adjustment when the actual exchange rate is ascertained. Any difference between the provisional rate and the actual rate shall be debited/credited (as the case may be) to the account holder's account; g. Applications received by the Bank's remittances department by the cut-off times as stipulated by the Bank from time to time may not be processed on the same day. Also, processing of the applications will be subject to the availability of the relevant services, including (but not limited to) the availability of clearing system of the currency and country of the correspondent and/or destination banks; h. If a TT / RTGS is to be processed on a particular date, this processing date should be clearly specified by the account holder when the TT / RTGS application is submitted to the Bank unless otherwise specified by the Bank; GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (For Personal Sole Account, Joint Account and Business Account Holders) Page 2/11 TnC060R24-m (241115) I

i. Applications for same day value are subject to cut-off times related to the geographical location of the destination and/or the funding arrangement requirements of the settlement banks. This may mean that the account holder's account will be debited before the value day and the Bank will not be responsible for any interest expense or loss as a result; j. The Bank is not responsible to advise the account holder of: - any exchange control or similar restriction which may be imposed by the local laws or regulations in the country in which payment is to be effected and shall not be liable for any loss or delay as a result of the payment being subject to such control and restriction. The account holder is strongly advised to make his own enquiries; - any charges which may be imposed by overseas bank or other bank and shall not be liable if such information cannot be provided; k. Where payment is to be made in favour of a beneficiary not maintaining an account with the Bank's overseas Group Office or its agents, the Bank or its agent reserves the right to make payment by a means other than TT / RTGS in accordance with the customary or accepted banking practice in the country in which the payment is to be made. The Bank is not responsible to advise the account holder of the use of such other means or for any delay in effecting payment by such means arising from circumstances beyond the control of the Bank or its agent; l. The Bank reserves the right not to accept or otherwise reject an application for a TT / RTGS without giving reasons; m. Where the Bank has accepted a TT / RTGS application, it reserves the right not to process the TT / RTGS, with or without notice, if it is of the opinion that: - there is insufficient available funds; or - the information given is incorrect, incomplete or is not sufficiently clear; or - the processing thereof will be in breach of any applicable laws or regulations; or - the account holder has specified additional instructions to the TT/ RTGS which are not provided for by or otherwise acceptable to the Bank. The Bank cannot be held liable for any loss or damage suffered by any person arising out of payment delay, rejection and/or return, or any delay by the Bank in processing the TT / RTGS or the Bank's decision in not processing the same for any one or more of the above reasons. The Bank reserves the right to deduct any charges imposed by the receiving bank from the payment amount or any of the account holder's accounts; n. To comply with regulatory and/or international guidelines concerning anti-money laundering and anti-terrorist financing activities, in processing a TT / RTGS, the Bank may be required to disclose the personal data or other customer information of the account holder, including without limitation the originating account number (where applicable) and the account holder's name, address and other unique reference (such as date of birth or number of personal/corporate identity document) and the account holder hereby authorises the Bank [and any correspondent bank(s) involved] to make such disclosure to any correspondent bank(s) involved, the payee or other appropriate authorities as the Bank (or, as the case may be, any such correspondent bank) considers appropriate, and o. Any stop payment instruction received by the Bank will be processed by the Bank on a commercially reasonable effort basis only and the Bank cannot guarantee that such stop payment instruction can be successfully executed. The result of any stop payment instruction cannot be confirmed at the time of the account holder placing the stop payment instruction (whether or not at that time the account holder's account has already been debited) due to the time lapse between the receipt and processing of such stop payment instruction. The Bank will use commercially reasonable endeavours to notify the account holder of the outcome of any stop payment instruction within 24 hours of receipt of such instruction by the Bank. The Bank cannot in any event be held liable for any loss or damage suffered by the account holder or any other person arising out of failure to stop any TT/RTGS notwithstanding receipt of a stop payment instruction by the Bank. p. (Applicable to Business Account) In the event that the account holder debits any accounts maintained with the Bank to purchase Renminbi ("Debit Account for Renminbi Exchange") to effect Renminbi remittances and/or any other transactions and the account holder cancels the Renminbi remittance/other transaction instructions or the Renminbi remittance/other transaction instructions are rejected and/or returned, the Bank will convert the Renminbi back to the original currency at the Bank's prevailing buying rate or the Bank's original selling rate, whichever is lower, and deposit the resulting sum into the Debit Account for Renminbi Exchange without notice and the Bank is fully authorised to deduct any charges from the Debit Account for Renminbi Exchange. The account holder shall be solely liable for all losses, costs, expenses and charges of any kind resulting therefrom. 1.18 Where an account has been inactive for a period of time as decided by the Bank (please refer to the Bank for the applicable periods in respect of the different account types), the Bank may restrict or impose conditions for accessing the account. Accounts with zero balances for such period of time as determined by the Bank from time to time may be closed by the Bank at the Bank's discretion. 1.19 The Bank may impose service fees, facility fees and/or other charges (including without limitation deposit charges on the credit balance of any account) from time to time as the Bank at its sole discretion thinks fit. The Bank's charges, as in effect from time to time, apply to all accounts and a list of such charges is available upon request at any branch of the Bank. The Bank reserves the right to, at any time and without notice, debit any one or more account(s) of the account holder maintained with the Bank for the purposes of settling these service fees, facility fees and/or other charges, irrespective of whether there are sufficient available funds, overdraft or credit facilities in the said account(s) and any overdraft or debit balances resulting therefrom will be subject to the applicable prevailing interest rates and fees. 1.20 The account holder agrees that the Bank may use one or more members of the HSBC Group or other third parties to assist the Bank in providing services to the account holder or fulfilling the account holder's requirements. These companies may receive remuneration of whatever nature (whether fees, commissions, rebates or other payments) for the services they provide to the Bank. Remuneration may also be payable by the Bank to members of the HSBC Group or other third parties where the account holder has been introduced to the Bank by them. Any such payment will not affect the amount of fees and charges payable by the account holder with respect to accounts held with or services rendered by the Bank. 1.21 The account holder shall comply with all applicable laws and regulations in force from time to time in relation to all accounts, activities or transactions contemplated by these Terms and Conditions. The account holder shall indemnify the Bank from and against all liabilities, losses, costs, expenses and charges (whether on account of taxes, duties, imposts or otherwise) which the Bank may incur as a result of: a. maintaining the accounts for the account holder; b. providing services to or transacting with the account holder; and/or c. a breach of any of these Terms and Conditions or any applicable laws and regulations by the account holder. 1.22 The Bank shall not be liable for any delay or failure in providing any of the Bank's equipment or other facilities or services to the account holder to the extent that it is attributable to any cause beyond the Bank's reasonable control including any equipment malfunction or failure and under no circumstances shall the Bank be responsible to the account holder or any third party for any indirect or consequential losses arising out of or in connection with such delay or failure. 1.23 The Bank may at any time assign or transfer any or all of its rights and obligations hereunder to any person without the account holder's agreement. The account holder is not allowed to assign or transfer any of the account holder's rights or obligations to any person unless with the Bank's prior written agreement. 1.24 For company incorporated in Hong Kong or registered as an overseas company in Hong Kong, the Bank reserves the right to conduct search at the Companies Registry in respect of such company. Should there be any discrepancy between any search result and the information provided by such company, the Bank reserves the right (including but not limited) to decline account opening request from such company, or if such company has already opened an account(s) with the Bank, to require rectification of such discrepancy and/or limit the use of, suspend and/or terminate, such account(s). 1.25 The Bank reserves the right to suspend an account if the account holder fails to settle any fees and charges imposed by the Bank. The Bank may also terminate any account with prior notice (save under exceptional circumstances when termination may be made without notice) and with or without cause. 1.26 The account holder accepts that there will be a time lapse between submission of payment application/transaction request involving currency conversion and the processing of such application/request, and the prevailing exchange rates at the time of processing of such application/request (which may vary from the exchange rates at the time of submission) will apply to such application/request. Any exchange rate provided by the Bank at the time of submission of payment application/transaction request is for indication only, the actual exchange rate applicable will be the prevailing exchange rate at the time of processing of such application/request. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (For Personal Sole Account, Joint Account and Business Account Holders) Page 3/11 TnC060R24-m (241115) I

1.27 For any currency conversion involving Renminbi which arises out of a cross-border transaction (the "underlying transaction"), unless documentary evidence (including third party documents) is provided which satisfies the Bank that the underlying transaction is a cross-border merchandise trade transaction in accordance with all applicable laws, regulations or guidelines issued by the Hong Kong Monetary Authority (to which the Bank may be subject as an authorised institution participating in the Hong Kong Renminbi business) from time to time, the Bank will not recognise the underlying transaction as a cross-border merchandise trade transaction. 1.28 (Applicable to Personal Account) For security reasons, the Bank reserves the right to, at any time and without prior notice, delay or not to process any banking instruction not submitted by the account holder in person. 1.29 These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 1.30 Collection and Disclosure of Account Holder Information a. Definitions Terms used in this Clause 1.30 shall have the meanings set out below. "Account Holder Information" means all or any of the following items relating to the account holder or a Connected Person, where applicable: (i) Personal Data, (ii) information about the account holder, the account holder's accounts, transactions, use of the Bank's products and services and the account holder's relationship with the HSBC Group and (iii) Tax Information. "Authorities" includes any local or foreign judicial, administrative, public or regulatory body, any government, any Tax Authority, securities or futures exchange, court, central bank or law enforcement body, self-regulatory or industry bodies or associations of financial service providers or any of their agents with jurisdiction over any part of the HSBC Group. "Compliance Obligations" means obligations of the HSBC Group to comply with (i) any Laws or international guidance and internal policies or procedures, (ii) any demand from Authorities or reporting, disclosure or other obligations under Laws, and (iii) Laws requiring the HSBC Group to verify the identity of its customers. "Connected Person" means a person or entity (other than the account holder) whose information (including Personal Data or Tax Information) is provided by the account holder, or on the account holder's behalf, to any member of the HSBC Group or which is otherwise received by any member of the HSBC Group in connection with the provision of the Services. A Connected Person may include any guarantor, a director or officer of a company, partners or members of a partnership, any "substantial owner", "controlling person", or beneficial owner, trustee, settlor or protector of a trust, account holder of a designated account, payee of a designated payment, a representative, agent or nominee, or any other persons or entities with whom the account holder has a relationship that is relevant to the account holder's relationship with the HSBC Group. "controlling persons" means individuals who exercise control over an entity. For a trust, these are the settlor, the trustees, the protector, the beneficiaries or class of beneficiaries, and anybody else who exercises ultimate effective control over the trust, and for entities other than a trust, these are persons in equivalent or similar positions of control. "Financial Crime" means money laundering, terrorist financing, bribery, corruption, tax evasion, fraud, evasion of economic or trade sanctions, or any acts or attempts to circumvent or violate any Laws relating to these matters. "Financial Crime Risk Management Activity" means any action to meet Compliance Obligations relating to or in connection with the detection, investigation and prevention of Financial Crime that the Bank or members of the HSBC Group may take. "HSBC Group" means HSBC Holdings plc, its affiliates, subsidiaries, associated entities and any of their branches and offices (together or individually), and "member of the HSBC Group" has the same meaning. "Laws" include any local or foreign law, regulation, judgment or court order, voluntary code, sanctions regime, agreement between any member of the HSBC Group and an Authority, or agreement or treaty between Authorities and applicable to the Bank or a member of the HSBC Group. "Personal Data" means any information relating to an individual from which such individual can be identified. "Services" includes (i) the opening, maintaining and closing of the account holder's accounts, (ii) the provision of credit facilities and other banking products and services, processing applications, credit and eligibility assessment, and (iii) maintaining the Bank's overall relationship with the account holder, including marketing services or products to the account holder, market research, insurance, audit and administrative purposes. "substantial owners" means any individuals entitled to more than 10% of the profits of or with an interest of more than 10% in an entity, directly or indirectly. "Tax Authorities" means Hong Kong or foreign tax, revenue or monetary authorities. "Tax Certification Forms" means any forms or other documentation as may be issued or required by a Tax Authority or by the Bank from time to time to confirm the tax status of the account holder or a Connected Person. "Tax Information" means documentation or information about the tax status of the account holder or a Connected Person. Reference to the singular includes the plural (and vice versa). b. Collection, Use and Sharing of Account Holder Information This Clause 1.30(b) explains how the Bank will use information about the account holder and Connected Persons. The Notice relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (formerly known as Notice to Customers relating to the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance) that applies to the account holder and other individuals (the "Notice") also contains important information about how the Bank and the HSBC Group will use such information and the account holder should read this Clause in conjunction with the Notice. The Bank and members of the HSBC Group may use Account Holder Information in accordance with this Clause 1.30 and the Notice. Account Holder Information will not be disclosed to anyone (including other members of the HSBC Group), other than where: the Bank is legally required to disclose; the Bank has a public duty to disclose; the Bank's legitimate business purposes require disclosure; the disclosure is made with the data subject's consent; it is disclosed as set out in this Clause 1.30 or the Notice. Collection (i) The Bank and other members of the HSBC Group may collect, use and share Account Holder Information. Account Holder Information may be requested by the Bank or on behalf of the Bank or the HSBC Group, and may be collected from the account holder directly, from a person acting on behalf of the account holder, from other sources (including from publicly available information), and it may be generated or combined with other information available to the Bank or any member of the HSBC Group. Use (ii) The Bank and members of the HSBC Group may use, transfer and disclose Account Holder Information (1) in connection with the purposes set out in this Clause 1.30 or Appendix 1 (applicable to Account Holder Information other than Personal Data), (2) as set out in the Notice (applicable to Personal Data) and (3) in connection with matching against any data held by the Bank or the HSBC Group for whatever purpose (whether or not with a view to taking any adverse action against the account holder) ((1) to (3) are collectively referred to as the "Purposes"). Sharing (iii) The Bank may (as necessary and appropriate for the Purposes) transfer and disclose any Account Holder Information to the recipients set out in the Notice (who may also use, transfer and disclose such information for the Purposes) and Appendix 1 (applicable to Account Holder Information other than Personal Data). The Account Holder's Obligations (iv) The account holder agrees to inform the Bank promptly and in any event, within 30 days in writing if there are any changes to Account Holder Information supplied to the Bank or a member of the HSBC Group from time to time, and to respond promptly to any request for Account Holder Information from the Bank or a member of the HSBC Group. (v) The account holder confirms that every Connected Person whose information (including Personal Data or Tax Information) has been (or will be) provided to the Bank or a member of the HSBC Group has (or will at the relevant time have) been notified of and agreed to the processing, disclosure and transfer of their information as set out in this Clause 1.30, Appendix 1, and the Notice (as may be amended or supplemented by the Bank from time to time). The account holder shall advise any such Connected Persons that they have rights of access to, and correction of, their Personal Data. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (For Personal Sole Account, Joint Account and Business Account Holders) Page 4/11 TnC060R24-m (241115) I

(vi) The account holder consents and shall take such steps as are required from time to time for the purposes of any applicable data protection law or secrecy law to permit the Bank to use, store, disclose, process and transfer all Account Holder Information in the manner described in these Terms and Conditions. The account holder agrees to inform the Bank promptly in writing if the account holder is not able or has failed to comply with the obligations set out in (v) and (vi) in any respect. (vii) Where the account holder or any Connected Person fails to provide promptly Account Holder Information reasonably requested by the Bank, or the account holder or any Connected Person withholds or withdraws any consents that the Bank may need to process, transfer or disclose Account Holder Information for the Purposes (except for purposes connected with marketing or promoting products and services to the account holder), or the Bank has, or a member of the HSBC Group has, suspicions regarding Financial Crime or an associated risk, the Bank may: (1) be unable to provide new, or continue to provide all or part of the Services to the account holder and reserve the right to terminate its relationship with the account holder; (2) take actions necessary for the Bank or a member of the HSBC Group to meet the Compliance Obligations; and (3) block, transfer or close the account holder's account(s) where permitted under local Laws. In addition, if the account holder fails to supply promptly the account holder's, or a Connected Person's, Tax Information and accompanying statements, waivers and consents, as may be requested, then the Bank may make its own judgment with respect to the status of the account holder or the Connected Person, including whether the account holder or a Connected Person is reportable to a Tax Authority, and may require the Bank or other persons to withhold amounts as may be legally required by any Tax Authority and to pay such amounts to the appropriate Tax Authority. c. Financial Crime Risk Management Activity (i) Financial Crime Risk Management Activity may include: (1) screening, intercepting and investigating any instruction, communication, drawdown request, application for Services, or any payment sent to or by the account holder, or on the account holder's behalf; (2) investigating the source of or intended recipient of funds; (3) combining Account Holder Information with other related information in the possession of the HSBC Group; and (4) making further enquiries as to the status of a person or entity, whether they are subject to a sanctions regime, or confirming the identity and status of the account holder or a Connected Person. (ii) The Bank and HSBC Group's Financial Crime Risk Management Activity may lead to the delay, blocking or refusing the making or clearing of any payment, the processing of the account holder's instructions or application for Services or the provision of all or part of the Services. To the extent permissible by law, neither the Bank nor any member of the HSBC Group shall be liable to the account holder or any third party in respect of any loss (howsoever it arose) that was suffered or incurred by the account holder or a third party, caused in whole or in part in connection with the undertaking of Financial Crime Risk Management Activity. d. Tax Compliance The account holder acknowledges that the account holder is solely responsible for understanding and complying with the account holder's tax obligations (including tax payment or filing of returns or other required documentation relating to the payment of all relevant taxes) in all jurisdictions in which those obligations arise and relating to the opening and use of account(s) or Services provided by the Bank or members of the HSBC Group. Each Connected Person acting in his/its capacity as a Connected Person also makes the same acknowledgement in his/its own regard. Certain countries may have tax legislation with extra-territorial effect regardless of the account holder's or a Connected Person's place of domicile, residence, citizenship or incorporation. Neither the Bank nor any member of the HSBC Group provides tax advice. The account holder is advised to seek independent legal and tax advice. Neither the Bank nor any member of the HSBC Group has responsibility in respect of the account holder's tax obligations in any jurisdiction which may arise including any that may relate specifically to the opening and use of account(s) and Services provided by the Bank or members of the HSBC Group. e. Miscellaneous (i) In the event of any conflict or inconsistency between any of the provisions of this Clause 1.30 and those in or governing any other service, product, business relationship, account or agreement between the account holder and the Bank, this Clause 1.30 shall prevail. (ii) If all or any part of the provisions of this Clause 1.30 become illegal, invalid or unenforceable in any respect under the law of any jurisdiction, that shall not affect or impair the legality, validity or enforceability of such provision in any other jurisdictions or the remainder of this Clause 1.30 in that jurisdiction. f. Survival Upon Termination This Clause 1.30 shall continue to apply notwithstanding any termination by the account holder or the Bank or a member of the HSBC Group of the provision of any Services to the account holder, or the closure of any of the account holder's accounts. 1.31 (Applicable to Business Account) If the account holder or a shareholder (whether direct or indirect, legal or beneficial) of the account holder is a company incorporated in a country that permits issuance of bearer shares, the account holder confirms and warrants that neither it nor such shareholder has issued any bearer shares and further undertakes that the account holder or such shareholder will notify the Bank promptly if it issues or converts any of its shares to bearer form. 1.32 Sanctions (Applicable to Business Account) a. The account holder represents and warrants that none of the account holder, any of its subsidiaries, any director or officer or any employee, agent, or affiliate of the account holder or any of its subsidiaries is an individual or entity ("Person") that is, or is owned or controlled by Persons that are, (i) the subject of any sanctions administered or enforced by the US Department of the Treasury's Office of Foreign Assets Control, the US Department of State, the United Nations Security Council, the European Union, Her Majesty's Treasury, the Hong Kong Monetary Authority or any other relevant sanctions authorities (collectively, "Sanctions"), or (ii) located, organised or resident in a country or territory that is, or whose government is, the subject of Sanctions, including, without limitation, the Crimea region, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Sudan and Syria. b. The account holder undertakes that it will not, directly or indirectly, use the funds in any account or any financing provided by the Bank, or lend, contribute or otherwise make available such funds to any subsidiary, joint venture partner or other Person, (i) to fund any activities or business of or with any Person, or in any country or territory, that, at the time of such funding, is, or whose government is, the subject of Sanctions or (ii) in any other manner that would result in a violation of Sanctions by any Person. 1.33 Third Party Rights No person other than the account holder and the Bank will have any right under the Contracts (Rights of Third Parties) Ordinance to enforce or enjoy the benefit of any of the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. 2. HONG KONG DOLLAR, UNITED STATES DOLLAR AND RENMINBI CURRENT ACCOUNTS 2.1 Cheque Book Security Cheque books should be kept safe at all times and, as necessary, under lock and key so as to be inaccessible to unauthorised persons. 2.2 Cheque A cheque book will be issued to the account holder on opening an account. Cheques should be drawn in the currency of the account, that is, Hong Kong dollars, United States dollars or Renminbi (as the case may be). When a signed cheque or a cheque book is lost or stolen, the account holder must immediately report such loss in writing to the Bank. When cheques are sent through the post or otherwise, the words "OR BEARER" should be deleted and the cheque crossed. Applications for a new cheque book may be made through the Bank's automated teller machines, internet banking service or PhoneBanking Service (as referred to below), or by any other means acceptable to the Bank. The Bank, may at its discretion, refuse to issue a cheque book. The Bank shall, upon receipt of a cheque book application request, deliver the required cheque book to the account holder by post according to the address record kept by the Bank. The Bank assumes no responsibility for any delay or loss caused by any mode of forwarding. Upon receipt of a new cheque book, the account holder should verify the cheque serial numbers, account number and name of the account holder printed thereon as well as the number of cheques before use. Any irregularities should be promptly reported to the Bank. GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS (For Personal Sole Account, Joint Account and Business Account Holders) Page 5/11 TnC060R24-m (241115) I