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相片集 Photos 主辦單位 : 國立中山大學海洋事務研究所 Organizer: Graduate Institute of Marine Affairs (GIMA), National Sun Yat-sen University 協辦單位 : 科技部 國立中山大學亞太海洋研究中心 行政院農業委員會漁業署 經濟部中央地質調查所 國立中山大學研究發展處 Sponsors: Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) Asian-Pacific Ocean Research Center (APORC), National Sun Yat-sen University Fishery Agency, Council of Agriculture (COA), Executive Yuan R.O.C. (Taiwan) Central Geological Survey (CGS), Ministry of Economic Affairs Office of Research and Development, National Sun Yat-sen University 日期 : 2015 年 12 月 15 日 ( 星期二 ) Date: 15 December 2015 (Tuesday) 地點 : 臺北市福華國際文教會館 1 樓 101 室 Venue: Room 101, Howard Civil Service International Hotel, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C.

開幕式 Opening 國立中山大學海洋事務研究所胡所長念祖開幕致詞 Opening remarked by Dr. Nien-Tsu HU, Director of the Graduate Institute of Marine Affairs, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

開幕式 Opening 國立中山大學海洋科學院王副院長兆璋代表陳宏遠院長致開幕詞 On behalf of the Dean, Houng-Yung Chen, Dr. Chau-Chang WANG, Associate Dean of the College of Marine Sciences, delivers his opening remarks.

團體照 Group photo

議題一 : 由法政層面論國家離岸風力發電之發展 Session 1: Legal and Policy Perspectives on National Offshore Wind Energy Development 國立中山大學海洋科學院王副院長兆璋主持 The first session was chaired by Dr. Chau-Chang WANG, Associate Dean of the College of Marine Sciences, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

議題一 : 由法政層面論國家離岸風力發電之發展 Session 1: Legal and Policy Perspectives on National Offshore Wind Energy Development 澳洲離岸風能法律體制之建立 : 主要議題與挑戰 The establishment of a legal regime for offshore wind energy in Australia: Major issues and challenges Alexandra Wawryk 副教授 Senior Lecturer Dr. Alexandra Wawryk 澳洲阿德萊德大學法律學院 Law School, the University of Adelaide, Australia

議題一 : 由法政層面論國家離岸風力發電之發展 Session 1: Legal and Policy Perspectives on National Offshore Wind Energy Development 臺灣離岸風力發展法律體制之建立 The establishment of a legal regime for the development of offshore wind power in Taiwan 高副教授銘志 Associate Professor Dr. Anton Ming-Zhi Gao 臺灣國立清華大學科技與法律研究所 Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

議題一 : 由法政層面論國家離岸風力發電之發展 Session 1: Legal and Policy Perspectives on National Offshore Wind Energy Development 美國法律 政策與政治 : 包容離岸風能 U.S. Law, policy and politics: Accommodating offshore wind energy David Fluharty 副教授 Associate Professor Dr. David Fluharty 美國華盛頓大學海洋與環境事務學院 School of Marine and Environmental Affairs, University of Washington, U.S.A.

議題一 : 由法政層面論國家離岸風力發電之發展 Session 1: Legal and Policy Perspectives on National Offshore Wind Energy Development 臺灣離岸風能發展之行政決策與協調機制 : 挑戰與展望 Administrative decision-making and coordinative mechanism for offshore wind energy developments in Taiwan: Challenges and prospects 高助理教授世明 Assistant Professor Dr. Shin-Ming Kao 臺灣國立中山大學海洋事務研究所 Graduate Institute of Marine Affairs, National Sun Yat-Sen University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

討論 (Q&A) 歐風能源股份有限公司許文輔提問 Wen-Fu Hsu, Eolfi Greater China, raised questions. 論文發表人準備接受提問 Paper presenters are ready to entertain questions. 胡念祖所長回應問題 Dr. Nien-Tsu Hu responded to the questions. 國立台灣大學劉如意助理提問 Ru-I Liu, Assistant of National Taiwan University, raised questions.

討論 (Q&A) Dr. Jeremy Firestone responded to the questions. Dr. Alexandra Wawryk responded to the questions. 國立中山大學海洋政策中心研究助理邱柏菁提問 Po-Ching Chiu, Research Assistant of The Center for Marine Policy Studies, National Sun Yat-sen University, raised questions. 高銘志副教授回應問題 Dr. Anton Ming-Zhi Gao responded to the questions.

討論 (Q&A) 王兆璋副院長回應問題 Dr. Chau-Chang Wang responded to the questions. 台灣再生能源推動聯盟提問 Taiwan Renewable Energy Alliance raised questions. Dr. Alexandra Wawryk responded to the questions. 資策會科技法律研究所法律研究員徐彪豪提問 Bobby Shiu from the Institute for Information Industry raised questions.

議題二 : 離岸風力發電發展與海域多重使用衝突之解決 Session 2: Domestic Conflicts and Resolutions among Stakeholders in Offshore Wind Energy Development 國立中山大學海洋事務研究所胡所長念祖主持 Session Two was chaired by Dr. Nien-Tsu HU, Director of the Graduate Institute of Marine Affairs, National Sun Yat-sen University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

議題二 : 離岸風力發電發展與海域多重使用衝突之解決 Session 2: Domestic Conflicts and Resolutions among Stakeholders in Offshore Wind Energy Development 繁忙海洋中的離岸風力 : 美國中大西洋地區海洋與海岸環境空間規劃的一些想法 Offshore wind power in a busy ocean: Some thoughts on spatial planning of the US mid-atlantic s marine and coastal environment Jeremy Firestone 教授 Professor Dr. Jeremy Firestone 美國德拉威爾大學地球 海洋與環境學院海洋科學與政策系海洋政策組 Marine Policy, School of Marine Science and Policy, College of Earth, Ocean and Environment, University of Delaware, U.S.A.

議題二 : 離岸風力發電發展與海域多重使用衝突之解決 Session 2: Domestic Conflicts and Resolutions among Stakeholders in Offshore Wind Energy Development 臺灣離岸風機發展中關於海域空間規劃之研究 A study of offshore wind turbine development related to marine spatial planning(owtmsp) in Taiwan 范教授建得 Professor Chien-Te Fan 臺灣國立清華大學科技與法律研究所所長 Director, Institute of Law for Science and Technology, National Tsing Hua University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

議題二 : 離岸風力發電發展與海域多重使用衝突之解決 Session 2: Domestic Conflicts and Resolutions among Stakeholders in Offshore Wind Energy Development 臺灣離岸風場之發展與海域空間規劃 Development and marine spatial planning of offshore wind farm in Taiwan 許特聘教授泰文 Distinguished Professor Dr. Tai-Wen Hsu 臺灣國立臺灣海洋大學研發處 Dean, Office of Research and Development, National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

討論 (Q&A) 高銘志副教授提問 Dr. Anton Ming-Zhi Gao raised questions. 許泰文特聘教授回應問題 Dr. Tai-Wen Hsu responded to the questions. 歐風能源股份有限公司許文輔提問 Wen-Fu Hsu, Eolfi Greater China, raised questions. Dr. Jeremy Firestone responded to the questions.

討論 (Q&A) 王兆璋副院長提問 Dr. Chau-Chang Wang raised questions. 高世明助理教授提問 Dr. Shin-Ming Kao raised questions. Dr. Jeremy Firestone responded to the questions. 高世明助理教授提問 Dr. Shin-Ming Kao raised questions.

討論 (Q&A) 行政院海岸巡防署胡清竣專門委員提問 Ching-jiun Hu from of Coast Guard Administration raised questions. 胡念祖所長回應問題 Dr. Nien-Tsu Hu responded to the questions. 范建得所長回應問題 Prof. Chien-Te Fan responded to the questions 台船企劃處林繼豪課長提問 Ji-hau Lin from Taiwan Shipbuilding Corporation raised questions

閉幕式 Closing 國立中山大學海洋事務研究所所長胡念祖教授閉幕致詞並感謝所有與會人員的出席與熱烈參與 Prof. Nien-Tsu HU, Director of the Graduate Institute of Marine Affairs, delivers his closing remarks and thanks the active participation of all attendees to the Workshop.