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Chengdu ( 成 都 ) 四 川 省 中 国 国 际 旅 行 社 有 限 责 任 公 司 Sichuan China International Travel Service Company 四 川 康 辉 国 际 旅 行 社 有 限 公 司

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联络我们 安博中国 中国总部 华东区 中国上海静安区延安中路 1228 号静安嘉里中心办公楼三座 29 楼,200040 Tel: +86 21 6135 1688 Fax: +86 21 6135 1699 华北区 中国北京朝阳区建国门外大街 B12 号双子座大厦西座 2501 室,100022 Tel: +86 10 5925 5200 Fax: +86 10 5925 5201 华南区 中国深圳福田区中心四路 1 号嘉里建设广场 1 座 803 室,518048 Tel: +86 755 3303 7300 Fax: +86 755 3303 7301 华西区 中国成都人民南路二段 1 号仁恒置地广场写字楼 3204 室,610016 Tel: +86 028 6533 9600 Fax: +86 028 6533 9601 安博中国 PROLOGIS CHINA CONTACT US Prologis China Headquarters Shanghai Office Shenzhen Office 29F, Tower 3, Jing An Kerry Centre, 1228 Middle Yan an Road, Shanghai 200040, China Tel: +86 21 6135 1688 Fax: +86 21 6135 1699 Beijing Office Suite 2501, West Twin Towers B12 Jianguomenwai Avenue Chaoyang District Beijing 100022, China Tel: +86 10 5925 5200 Fax: +86 10 5925 5201 Suite 803, Kerry Plaza Tower 1 1 Zhong Xin Si Road Futian District Shenzhen 518048, China Tel: +86 755 3303 7300 Fax: +86 755 3303 7301 Chengdu Office Suite 3204, Office Tower of Yanlord Landmark No. 1 Section II, Remin Road South Chengdu 610016, China Tel: +86 028 6533 9600 Fax: +86 028 6533 9601 www.prologischina.com 扫码下载安博企业责任年度报告 Scan to download Prologis Corporate Responsibility Annual Report 2015 Prologis. All rights reserved. Printed in China. All figures as of 30 September 2015.

3 安博是工业物流基础设施的全球领袖, 也是全球首屈一指的绿色物流设施提供商 搭建领先的全球化平台, 所持物业设施和土地覆盖四大洲 20 个国家 积累行业经验 30 余年 标准普尔 500 强企业 连续七年荣膺全球可持续发展 100 强企业 名列财富杂志 全球最受景仰公司 之荣誉榜 连续十二年被 Green Street Advisors 机构授予 地产投资信托行业之企业典范 称号 We are the global leader in logistics infrastructure and the world s foremost provider of sustainable logistics facilities An unmatched global platform of facilities and land in 20 countries spanning four continents Over 30 years in the industry A S&P 500 company Listed among the top 100 of the world s most sustainable corporations for the 7 th year in a row Ranked as one of FORTUNE Magazine s World s Most Admired Companies Recognized by Green Street Advisors as the REIT industry s corporate governance leader for the 12 th year in a row 安博长期承诺在环境保护 社会责任和商业监管三大领域践行企业责任, 并深信通过努力推进社会的健康发展 Our shared and enduring commitment to the environment, social responsibility and corporate governance has a direct and positive impact on the health of our communities. 4 亿千瓦时的能源节约通过安博节能和能源再生系统实现 400 million KWH of energy savings from energy-efficient lighting and renewable energy systems 68 % 的安博物业升级安装现代化节能照明和供水系统 % of properties upgraded with state-of-art efficiency solutions for lighting, energy and water 安博, 致力于持久卓越, 为客户提供全方位高品质的现代物流仓储解决方案 充足的人才资源 专业的运营管理 投资管理和开发建设能力 高质量的客户服务和广泛的客户基础 成熟的商业模式, 成功经历了不同经济周期的考验 Committed to being the best and most diverse logistics infrastructure company The deepest pool of talent in the industry Second to none expertise in design, construction and property management Extensive customer relationships resulting from exceptional customer service 9 个国家近 84 万平米物业获得可持续性认证 Million SF (840 Thousand SM) of sustainable building certifications across nine countries 27 个可持续建筑的新认证 New sustainable building certifications 130 个同等免租月的仓储面积通过 慈善仓储 计划捐赠 19 家非盈利机构, 支持慈善事业 Months of rent-free space provided to 19 nonprofits through Space for Good, our in-kind donation program 7,000 小时志愿服务, 全球志愿者日共服务 63 家非盈利机构 Hours Prologis employees volunteered for 63 nonprofit organizations on IMPACT Day, our global day of service Successful business model tested and proven through economic cycles 62.2 20 5,200 1,500 百万平米 国家 客户 专业人员 Million SM Countries Customers Professionals 自 2013 年起, 安博中国与专业安驾机构和交通主管部门合作, 在全国开展了以 安全驾驶 为主题的道路安全公益培训 We launched our CSR Safer Roads program in 2013 by partnering with training agencies and traffic authorities to provide training sessions on safe driving for truck drivers nationwide.

5 安博拥有并管理着世界规模最大的现代配送和物流基础设施平台, 为客户提供创新思维和优质服务 我们建设和管理一流的现代物流仓储设施, 以服务全球最重要的商业中心 We own and manage the world s largest platform of modern distribution and logistics infrastructure. We bring innovative thinking and superior service to the business of our customers. We build and manage top-notch facilities to serve the most important centers of commerce across the globe. 安博是美洲地区最大的物流基础设施提供商之一, 为美国和墨西哥的跨国及本土企业提供多年服务, 备受盛誉 公司的业务已经进一步深拓至加拿大和巴西, 在多伦多, 圣保罗和里约热内卢均设有当地公司 鉴于安博业务平台的这种规模, 我们不仅能为客户提供多种现有物业选择以及无与伦比的土地储备, 而且还有丰富的专业开发建设经验 We are one of the largest providers of logistics infrastructure in the Americas and are well positioned to serve global and regional customers across the United States and Mexico. We also extend our presence into Canada and Brazil with operations in Toronto, São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro. The scale of our operations in the region offers our customers the broadest selection of facilities, an unparalleled land bank and access to deep development expertise. San Francisco Los Angeles 2,412 处物业设施 ( 约 41.3 百万平方 ) 2,412 facilities (41.3 Million SM) 欧洲 南北美洲 亚洲 奥地利比利时捷克法国德国 匈牙利意大利荷兰波兰 斯洛伐尼亚西班牙瑞典英国 巴西加拿大墨西哥美国 中国日本新加坡 Europe Americas Asia Austria Belgium Czech Republic Hungary Italy Netherlands Slovakia Spain Sweden Brazil Canada Mexico China Japan Singapore 安博物流中心加拿大多伦多 安博物流中心美国休斯敦 France Poland United Kingdom United States Prologis Park Bolton Prologis Park Northpark Germany Toronto, Canada Houston, United States

7 安博是欧洲地区最大的物流基础设施提供商之一, 其运营覆盖了包括英国和欧洲大陆等共 14 个国家 安博的物业普遍具备临近主要港口 交通要道抑或毗邻市区的优势, 设施先进并且注重环保, 这都使得我们不仅有效协助客户进一步加强在成熟市场的供应链管理, 而且在其欧洲新兴市场的业务拓展方面助一臂之力 We are one of the largest providers of logistics infrastructure in Europe and have operations in 14 countries across the continent and the United Kingdom. With access to key ports, logistics corridors and regional hub cities, we are well positioned to serve both mature and growing markets, helping customers expand and enhance their European supply chain with the most modern and sustainable facilities in the industry. 安博是亚洲地区行业领先的物流基础设施提供商之一, 其业务覆盖中国, 日本和新加坡 物业设施体量大, 技术新, 勘称行业典范 作为该地区最为活跃的行业公司之一, 安博正在兴建更多的设施, 改造原有的物业, 从而更好地帮助客户业务持续增长 We are one of the leading providers of logistics infrastructure in Asia and focused on China, Japan and Singapore. Our facilities in these countries represent some of the largest and most technologically advanced buildings in our entire portfolio. As one of the most active market players in the region, we are building or renewing the industrial infrastructure required for our customers continued growth. Beijing 685 处物业设施 ( 约 16.2 百万平方 ) 685 facilities (16.2 Million SM) 75 处物业设施 ( 约 4.7 百万平方 ) 75 facilities (4.7 Million SM) Tokyo London Shanghai Paris 安博物流中心英国北安普敦 安博物流中心法国巴黎 安博广州开发区物流中心中国广州 安博大阪物流中心日本大阪 Prologis Park Pineham Northhampton, United Kingdom Prologis Park Chanteloup Paris, France Prologis Guangzhou Development Zone Logistics Center Guangzhou, China Prologis Park Osaka 4 Osaka, Japan

9 安博一贯将中国视为全球战略发展的核心市场 自 2003 年进入中国市场以来, 安博中国凭借强大的资本组合 客户网络以及本地市场的成功经验稳步拓展 目前安博中国业务平台包括四大战略区域, 地区总部分别设于上海 北京 深圳和成都 安博中国的总部设在上海, 为其客户提供的行业领先的物流基础设施解决方案 Our work in China has long been crucial to our global strategy. Since we entered China in 2003, we have steadily expanded operations by leveraging our superior access to capital, long-standing customer relationships and in-depth local market knowledge. Currently our platform in China is managed from four regional offices: Shanghai, Beijing, Shenzhen and Chengdu. We are headquartered in Shanghai and provide industry-leading logistics infrastructure solutions throughout Mainland China. 安博东莞石排物流中心 Prologis Dongguan Shipai Logistics Center 安博嘉兴物流中心 Prologis Jiaxing Logistics Center

11 安博是工业物流基础设施行业的全球领袖, 提供全方位的服务, 主要业务领域包括 : 租赁管理 安博为客户提供全球化的战略设施组合, 以求最大程度提高客户在供应链管理的运营效率 安博物业高于行业标准, 其特征包括足够的层高, 平整甚至超平的地坪, 高配置比例的卸货门, 以及充足的卸货场地和停车位等 为满足客户的供应链需求, 安博真正从物业组合角度, 为客户提供最大的便捷性与灵活性 We are a full-service logistics infrastructure provider and operator. Our main business lines include: Leasing We are distinguished by access to a global portfolio of strategic facilities designed to maximize the efficiency of supply chain operations. Our facilities typically incorporate industry-leading features including ample clear heights, flat and superflat floors, high dock-door ratios, extensive truck courts and trailer storage areas. We offer our customers the convenience and flexibility to meet their supply chain needs from a true portfolio perspective. 物业管理 安博所有物流中心均由内部专业人员按照行业最高标准, 以一流服务精神加以管理和维护, 主要包括 : 当地物业管理人员全天候提供服务 定期检查和维护, 备有适合特定物业需要的首选供应商名单 火灾 洪灾 暴雪或其他自然灾害情况下的应急计划以保护客户财物安全 客户服务沿用国际标准, 一视同仁 倾听用户反馈, 积极改进 Property Management In-house professionals manage our facilities, meeting the industry s highest standards and delivering best-in-class customer service. Our property management program includes: Local property managers who are available 24x7 On-site maintenance technicians who regularly inspect and maintain our properties, plus a preferred vendor list for specific property needs Emergency preparedness to protect our customers in the event of fire, flood, snow or natural disaster High-level customer service at all China properties, consistent with our global standards Opportunities to provide customer feedback, including direct comments about the property and service received 安博苏州浒关物流中心 Prologis Suzhou Xuguan Logistics Center

13 施工建设 作为全球领先的物流基础设施提供商, 安博建设高品质物流仓储基础设施的能力为业内广为认可 安博能够成为全球客户理想合作伙伴的优势包括土地的可选择性, 对本土市场的卓越见识, 出色的建设施工专业能力, 以及着眼于可持续发展的物业产品设计 安博, 作为一个早期的, 在物流仓储设施行业可持续性发展方面的倡议者和助推者, 以全球行业领袖身份积极致力于可持续发展 安博建造的物流设施力求最大限度降低环境影响并提高能源效率 Construction As the leading global provider of logistics space, we are recognized worldwide for having the highest quality facilities. Our extensive land bank, local market knowledge, construction expertise and commitment to sustainable design are key reasons customers choose us worldwide. We were an early advocate and promoter of sustainability in logistics infrastructure and, as such, remain committed to being a global leader in sustainable buildings. We create innovative solutions that minimize environmental impact and maximize energy efficiency. 安博上海青浦物流中心 Prologis Shanghai Qingpu Distribution Center 投资部署 基于多年丰富的发展经验, 安博以支持客户发展为导向, 以谨慎和敏锐的市场触觉, 积极进行土地开发和物业收购, 从而为客户提供直通重要交通基础设施的战略位置物流中心 中国物流仓储业不断发展, 位于黄金地段的仓储空间非常有限 同时, 中国居民的消费模式从零售店到电商的急剧转变, 也促使零售企业对高品质物流仓储空间的需求不断增长 安博立足中国, 战略布局四大区域, 有效运用本地人才, 资源和网络 安博团队由一批内部专业人士组成, 包括法务, 投资, 建设和融资专家完成土地收购和项目尽职调查 Deployment Based on our years of experience, we take a prudent, market-savvy approach to source and transact the best land deals and provide our customers with the optimal strategic choice of locations including excellent access to transport infrastructure. The logistics industry is still evolving and prime warehouse space is limited. The shift in consumer consumption patterns from shop retail to e-retail will continue to create momentum in the demand for high-quality logistics properties. Our platform in China is managed from four regional offices to make the most effective use of targeted local talent, knowledge and network. We are supported by a team of in-house professionals including legal, investment, construction and financing experts to complete land acquisitions with proper due diligence and the utmost integrity. 安博重庆两江物流中心 Prologis Chongqing Liangjiang Logistics Center

15 安博致力于投资建造针对目标市场 更加靠近配送终端的高效率的物业 安博仓储设施普遍临近空港, 海港和内陆交通枢纽, 均以快速通过为特征, 并具有高处理, 高周转的能力 这些特征充分保证了全球一体化供应链的高效运作 安博拥有高水准的专业团队, 空港和海港物业专业开发建设经验丰富 安博直接建设在停机坪上的物流设施, 可以高效处理时间紧迫性高的货物, 满足客户的快速配送要求 这类物业专门服务于航空公司 空运快递 物流 包裹快递 空运货代及航运企业 We invest in properties located predominantly in infill submarkets of our targeted cities. Our company s portfolio comprises of High Throughput Distribution (HTD ) facilities which are logistics properties built for speed located near key airports, seaports and major freeway interchanges. These facilities are essential to creating efficiencies in the global supply chain. We maintain a dedicated team with airport and seaport expertise. Through a network of on-tarmac properties, customers can utilize facilities designed for time-sensitive cargo and air freight distribution needs. We offer properties well suited to serve the airline, air express carrier, logistics, package delivery, freight forwarding and shipping industries. 安博达拉斯国际机场航空货运物流中心美国得克萨斯州 Prologis DFW Cargo Centers I & II Texas, USA 安博北京首都机场第二物流中心中国北京 Prologis Beijing Capital Airport LC II Beijing, China 安博大阪第三物流中心日本大阪 Prologis Park Maishima 3 Osaka, Japan 安博瓦尔特斯霍夫物流中心德国汉堡 Prologis Waltershof Distribution Park Hamburg, Germany

17 我们的客户包括制造商 零售商 电子商务企业 运输公司 第三方物流提供商和其他有本地物流配送或全球贸易需求的企业 安博高吞吐量的大型工业仓储设施, 为客户的区域配送和全球贸易提供支持 我们目前的客户多达 5200 家, 分布于全球四大洲, 其中包含以下著名跨国企业 : We serve manufacturers, retailers, e-commerce businesses, transportation companies, third-party logistics providers and other enterprises with facilities that support both regional distribution and global trade. Some of the 5,200 customers we serve globally include the following leading companies: 安博中国在上海藏酒轩举办年度客户活动 连接世界, 荟萃群英 Prologis China hosted the annual customer event Connecting Worlds, Connecting People at the Wine Gallery in Shanghai. 安博中国在上海环球金融中心柏悦酒店举办年度客户活动 璀璨瀚辰摘星之夜, 众多物流及供应链管理行业高层人士出席 Prologis China hosted the annual customer event Starry Night at the Park Hyatt Shanghai for senior executives and professionals in the logistics and supply chain industry in Shanghai.

19 中物联汽车分会会员集体参观安博重庆两江物流中心 Shenyang Members of the China Automotive Logistics Association visited the Prologis Chongqing Liangjiang Logistics Center. Beijing Tianjin Dalian 立足全国, 战略布局四大区域 : 长江三角洲 渤海湾 珠江三角洲 以及成渝经济开发区 网络覆盖 18 个城市 : Nationwide presence with four geographically diverse offices to serve the Yangtze River Delta, Bohai River Delta, Pearl River Delta and the Chengdu-Chongqing Economic Development Zone Chengdu Chongqing Nanjing Wuxi Suzhou Jiaxing Hangzhou Kunshan Shanghai Ningbo 上海 昆山 苏州 无锡 嘉兴 宁波 南京 杭州 广州 东莞 惠州 佛山 成都 重庆 北京 大连 天津 沈阳 Current investment in 18 cities: Shanghai Kunshan Suzhou Wuxi Jiaxing Nanjing Hangzhou Guangzhou Dongguan Huizhou Chengdu Chongqing Beijing Dalian Tianjin Ningbo Foshan Shenyang Regional Offices Foshan Guangzhou Dongguan Huizhou Shenzhen Projects 2.8 29 18 120 百万平米 园区 市场 专业人员 Million SM Parks Cities Professionals

21 物流基础设施行业全球翘楚, 业务遍布四大洲, 服务的国家和客户远远超过任何一家同业竞争者 有能力凭借与国际客户的深厚业务关系, 引导前来中国投资 受到广泛认可的卓越的客户服务 开发建设高品质 高效率物业的专业能力 安博品牌的入驻有助于提高工业园区的物流效率, 为工业园区招商引资增添吸引力 安博设施助力电子商务在华的迅猛发展, 促进内需 已在中国市场建立了全国平台和专业团队, 成功运营多个项目, 市场经验丰富 一如既往深耕中国市场, 推行强势的商业计划以确保未来的可持续增长 财务实力雄厚, 全力支持在中国的业务发展 以主要展商身份参展深圳物流博览会 Prologis China participated as a key exhibitor in the Logistics Expo in Shenzhen. 安博全球主席兼首席执行官何慕德出席第二届全球 CEO 委员会论坛, 2015 北京 Prologis Chairman and CEO Hamid Moghadam attended the Second Global CEO Council in Beijing in 2015. 上海市政府授予安博中国区总裁康斌先生 白玉兰荣誉奖, 表彰对于上海发展的贡献 Prologis China President received the prestigious Magnolia Gold Award from the Shanghai Municipal Government A global logistics infrastructure provider that is active on four continents and serves more customers in more countries than any other provider Experienced in helping introduce multinational customers to markets in China and leveraging our expanded relationships with them as a trusted provider for industrial infrastructure Recognized by customers for providing excellent services Reputation for delivering high-quality and high-efficiency industrial facilities on schedule Our facilities enhance supply chain efficiency in a particular industrial zone and help to attract international investor attention Our facilities support e-commerce growth in China and drive domestic consumption A well-established platform and professional local team with solid experience in running a portfolio of successful projects across China An unwavering long-term commitment to China with a robust business plan for future growth Maintains one of the best balance sheets in the industry to ensure successful operations in China 以主要展商身份参展亚洲物流双年展 Prologis China participated as a key exhibitor in the Transport Logistic China trade show in Shanghai. 中国仓储协会会员集体参观安博天津京滨物流中心 China Warehousing Association members visited the Prologis Tianjin Jingbin Logistics Center. 邀请著名商学院教授做客苏州 教授对话企业家专题研讨会, 促进行业交流 Prologis China invited a prominent professor from a leading business school in Shanghai to share industry insights at an event in Suzhou.

23 安博佛山大塘物流中心 Prologis Foshan Datang Logistics Center 安博惠州惠阳物流中心 Prologis Huizhou Huiyang Logistics Center 安博无锡梅村物流中心 Prologis Wuxi Meicun Logistics Center 安博苏州金阊物流中心 Prologis Suzhou Jinchang Logistics Center 安博东莞石排物流中心 Prologis Dongguan Shipai Logistics Center 安博东莞洪梅物流中心 Prologis Dongguan Hongmei Logistics Center 安博嘉兴物流中心 安博北京首都机场第二物流中心 安博重庆两江物流中心 安博重庆空港物流中心 Prologis Jiaxing Logistics Center Prologis Beijing Capital Airport Logistics Center II Prologis Chongqing Liangjiang Logistics Center Prologis Chongqing Airport Logistics Center 扫码下载中国物业总览 安博天津宁河物流中心 安博沈阳浑南物流中心 安博成都龙泉物流中心 Scan to download China property overview Prologis Tianjin Ninghe Logistics Center Prologis Shenyang Hunnan Logistics Center Prologis Chengdu Longquan Logistics Center