(1) Tour Fare For Fit & Group Per Person (GP4) Ground Rate Excludes High Season Surcharge, please refer last 2 pages ~ Page 15 & 16 ( Christmas Eve, E

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(1) 04 DAYS CHIANGMAI + CHIANGRAI DAY TOUR (GP4) 四天三晚清迈 / 清莱一日遊 Package Included : Mix Hill Tribe / 3D Art In Paradise Museum Min 2 Adults SIC Tour Updated : 01 Dec 2016 DAY 01 ARRIVAL CHIANGMAI (D-Khantoke Dinner) Meet on arrival, go to visit Doi Suthep Temple which located in the west of chiangmai city on Doi Suthep at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the step 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. (Included entrance fee, excluded tram fees). After that transfer to check in hotel and later on in the evening go to have Khantoke dinner with Thai dancing shows. DAY 02 CHIANGMAI After breakfast go to visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park which are both amazing and amusing performance from The Elephants. There are also get the Elephant for you to ride at own expense. Continue to visit Orchid & Butterfly Farm on display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species Having the Lunch time and then go to visit Human and snake fighting show. After go to Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate and impressive range of talents. Last journey will be the San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which another well-known place in Chiangmai Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand those you can see Gems Gallery,Honey shop, Leather Factory, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey etc.. DAY 03 CHIANGMAI-CHIANGRAI-CHIANGMAI After breakfast, proceed for a Day tour to Chiangrai. Along the way, you will visit (Mae Kajan Hotspring) after that proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple). Next proceed to The Golden Triangle; it is the intersection between Mekong River and Kong River which is the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. After dinner, you will be transferred back to Chiangmai. DAY 04 DEPARTURE DATE (B) After breakfast, you will be free at own Leisure until transfer to the airport for your flight back home. 第一天机场 / 清迈 ( 泰北文化晚餐 ) 抵达後, 前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地, 海拔 929 英尺精美的 素贴山双龙寺 游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致, 山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔, 塔身贴满金箔, 高耸入云, 阳光下灿烂夺目, 富丽堂皇 晚餐, 尝泰北文化餐, 您可以通过兰娜泰式了解到泰国北部美食和文化, 这里都是泰北的特色菜, 泰北香肠, 泰北沙拉, 红咖喱, 炸猪皮, 炸鸡, 和炸香蕉, 炸面条 这里座无虚席, 台上鼓舞生平, 演员不时穿梭于食客之中... 热烈的气氛使每位顾客都乐在其中, 为您的晚餐时间带来愉快 第二天清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后前往, 前往 大象营, 这里专门传授大象对森林的适应能力 游客可以亲眼目睹到年级稍大的象群表演杂技, 那些可爱的大象表演都会令人惊异和逗笑 您可自费骑大象赏景, 享受骑象的新鲜感, 显得更加刺激 然后继续到 兰花 & 蝴蝶园 展出花朵的所有品种, 形状及颜色价格从数铢为共同列车数十万, 为罕见的外来物种 然后, 观看惊心动魄的 人蛇表演. 接下来参观猴子表演, 该处的 猴子表演 会确实给您带来深刻的印象 随后到 三甘烹村 ( 家庭工业 ), 是泰国清迈另一个著名的景点 主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心, 可在此购买蜂蜜, 燕窝, 纸伞, 皮克等 第三天清迈 - 清莱 - 清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后前往清莱, 途中经温泉地带 (Mae Kajan Hotspring ), 也可在此泡脚, 后往参观世界唯一 玻璃白庙 (Rong Khun temple or White temple ) 寺庙的设计者是泰国的视觉艺术家及画家 Chalermchai Kosipipat 庙名因其独特的白色设计主题, 白色玻璃材料, 奇特的设计元素而闻名 白色意欲圣洁的菩萨, 白色的玻璃代表智慧照耀世上每一个人 之后, 参观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的 金三角, 此乃泰 缅 寮三国交界的门户 划分了三个国家的土地, 原来这一带是生产毒品的基地, 而今已成为旅游胜地 接着到 美赛市 (Mae Sai) 泰国最北的泰, 甸交界小城市, 接近桥头的大街两旁, 摆满各式各样出售两个国家的纪念品, 有众多的旅游商店, 非常热闹 晚餐后乘车返回清迈 第四天清迈 / 机场 ( 早 ) 早餐后, 自由活动, 后到清迈机场还返家园 ***Tour itinerary are subject to change without any prior notice*** ***Translation if difference, please refer English test as prevail*** Page 1 of 17

(1) Tour Fare For Fit & Group Per Person (GP4) Ground Rate Excludes High Season Surcharge, please refer last 2 pages ~ Page 15 & 16 ( Christmas Eve, Eve, Chinese, Loy Krathong, Songkran Season Surcharge ) Travelling Valid From 01 Dec 2016 ~ 31 Oct 2017 Hotel 3*A CH Hotel (Superior Twin Bed only) / Royal Peninsula (Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*B Porn Ping (Superior) / Holiday Garden (Executive Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*A Royal Peninsula (Deluxe)*Not In Night Market* Star (Deluxe) & Porn Ping (Deluxe) The Park (Superior) 3*A The Empress (Superior) / 4*B The Park (Deluxe) 3*A / Furama (Superior) 4*A *Nimmam* 4*A Maninarakorn (Superior Twin Bed only) Duang Tawan (Superior Room) Suriwongse (Superior Room) / Chiangmai Plaza (Superior) 4*A Imperial Mae Ping (Superior) / Chiangmai Plaza (Deluxe) The Empress (Deluxe) Furama (Deluxe) Eastin Tan (Superior) *Nimmam* ADULT CHILD Single Twn/Tri TWN W/B N/B 623 455 455 392 329 680 483 483 415 346 700 493 493 423 352 825 555 555 472 389 933 615 615 520 425 1026 660 660 556 452 Page 2 of 17

(2) 5 DAYS CHIANGMAI + CHIANGRAI DAY TRIP + OVERNIGHT AT HOTSPRING (GH5) 五天四晚清迈 / 清莱一日遊 ( 特別安排住一晚溫泉屋 ) Package Included : Mix Hill Tribe / 3D Art In Paradise Museum Min 2 Adults SIC Tour Updated : 01 Dec 2016 DAY 01 ARRIVAL CHIANGMAI (Khantoke Dinner) Meet on arrival by our local tour guide, transfer to check in hotel. Then transfer to 3D Museum Chiangmai (include entrance fee). For the Dinner time go to have Khantoke Dinner which you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna-Style Performance those will entertain you for all the Dinner time DAY 02 CHIANGMAI Proceed to visit Doi Suthep Temple which located at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. Its encroaching frosted hill can be enjoyed from the temple compound for those who visit Chiangmai to worship here. (Included entrance fee, excluded tram fees). After that, the next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see the real creating for Thai silk, Cotton Products, Jewelry, Painting works, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc. DAY 03 CHIANGMAI-CHIANGRAI-HOTSPRING After breakfast, proceed for a Day tour to Chiangrai. Along the way, you will visit (Mae Kajan Hotspring) after that proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple). Next proceed to The Golden Triangle; it is the intersection between Mekong River and Kong River which is the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. After dinner, stay overnight at Mae Khanjang Hotspring. (P/s: will instead stay at Chiangmai if the Hotspring fullybooked). DAY 04 CHIANGMAI After breakfast, proceed to visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park which has both amazing and amusing performances from the elephants. There are also get the elephants for you to ride but (at own expense). Continue next destination will be Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. After go to Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate and impressive range of talents. Then go to visit Human and snake fighting show. DAY 05 DEPARTURE DATE (B) After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure. After that you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home. 第一天机场 / 清迈 ( 泰北文化餐 ) 抵达後, 导游接机后送往酒店登记 晚餐, 尝泰北文化餐, 您可以通过兰娜泰式了解到泰国北部美食和文化, 这里都是泰北的特色菜, 泰北香肠, 泰北沙拉, 红咖喱, 炸猪皮, 炸鸡, 和炸香蕉, 炸面条 这里座无虚席, 台上鼓舞生平, 演员不时穿梭于食客之中.. 热烈的气氛使每位顾客都乐在其中, 为您的晚餐时间带来愉快 第二天清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地, 海拔 929 英尺精美的 素贴山双龙寺 游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致, 山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔, 塔身贴满金箔, 高耸入云, 阳光下灿烂夺目, 富丽堂皇 随后到 三甘烹村 ( 家庭工业 ) 主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心, 可在此购买蜂蜜, 燕窝, 纸伞, 皮革等 第三天清迈 - 清莱 - 溫泉屋 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 前往清莱, 途中经温泉地带 (Mae Kajan Hotspring ), 也可在此泡脚, 后往参观世界唯一 玻璃白庙 (Rong Khun temple or White temple ) 寺庙的设计者是泰国的视觉艺术家及画家 Chalermchai Kosipipat 庙名因其独特的白色设计主题, 白色玻璃材料, 奇特的设计元素而闻名 白色意欲圣洁的菩萨, 白色的玻璃代表智慧照耀世上每一个人 之后, 参观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的 金三角, 此乃泰 缅 寮三国交界的门户 划分了三个国家的土地, 原来这一带是生产毒品的基地, 而今已成为旅游胜地 接着到 美赛市 (Mae Sai) 泰国最北的泰, 甸交界小城市, 接近桥头的大街两旁, 摆满各式各样出售两个国家的纪念品, 有众多的旅游商店, 非常热闹 晚餐后乘车返回清迈 ( 備註 : 如果溫泉屋沒有房將改為住清邁酒店 ) 第四天清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后前往, 前往 大象营, 可在此观赏大象杂技表演, 游客亦可自费骑大象背上的木椅内沿山谷走一回, 骑乘时有专业的训象师随行, 这里专门传授大象对森林的适应能力 之后, 您可自费骑大象赏景, 享受骑象的新鲜感, 显得更加刺激 然后继续到 兰花 & 蝴蝶园, 园中可以欣赏各式各样的四季兰花和兰花品种让您耳目一新 展出花朵的所有品种, 形状及颜色价格从数铢为共同列车数十万, 为罕见的外来物种 接下来参观猴子表演, 该处的 猴子表演 会确实给您带来深刻的印象 然后观看惊心动魄的 人蛇表演 第五天清迈 / 机场 ( 早餐 ) 早餐后, 自由活动, 到清迈机场还返回家园 ***Tour itinerary are subject to change without any prior notice*** ***Translation if difference, please refer English test as prevail*** Page 3 of 17

(2) Tour Fare For Fit & Group Per Person (GH5) Ground Rate Excludes High Season Surcharge, please refer last 2 pages ~ Page 15 & 16 ( Christmas Eve, Eve, Chinese, Loy Krathong, Songkran Season Surcharge ) Travelling Valid From 01 Dec 2016 ~ 31 Oct 2017 Hotel 3*A CH Hotel (Superior Twin Bed only) / Royal Peninsula (Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*B Porn Ping (Superior) / Holiday Garden (Executive Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*A Royal Peninsula (Deluxe)*Not In Night Market* Star (Deluxe) & Porn Ping (Deluxe) The Park (Superior) 3*A The Empress (Superior) / 4*B The Park (Deluxe) 3*A / Furama (Superior) 4*A *Nimmam* 4*A Maninarakorn (Superior Twin Bed only) Duang Tawan (Superior Room) Suriwongse (Superior Room) / Chiangmai Plaza (Superior) 4*A Imperial Mae Ping (Superior) / Chiangmai Plaza (Deluxe) The Empress (Deluxe) Furama (Deluxe) Eastin Tan (Superior) *Nimmam* ADULT CHILD Single Twn/Tri Twn W/B N/B 770 538 538 459 379 832 568 568 483 397 849 577 577 490 402 974 639 639 539 439 1133 750 750 628 506 1233 802 802 670 537 Page 4 of 17

(3) 5 DAYS CHIANGMAI + CHIANGRAI OVERNIGHT TRIP (GPR5) 五天四晚清迈 / 清莱遊 Package Included : Mix Hill Tribe / 3D Art In Paradise Museum Min 8 Adults SIC Tour Updated : 01 Dec 2016 DAY 01 ARRIVAL CHIANGMAI CHANGRAI (D) Meet on arrival by our local tour guide, transfer to Changrai, visit Wiang Pa Pao Hot Spring, after that proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple). Next, follow by Boon Rawd s Singha Park & Fortune Pagoda (Huay Pla Kang Temple) and stay overnight in Chiangrai. DAY 02 CHIANGRAI CHIANGMAI Next proceed to The Golden Triangle; it is the intersection between Mekong River and Kong River which is the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. Next, proceed to the Mix Hill Tribe. The tour s main destination is a visit to six different hill tribe villages in Chiang Mai province, namely the Akha, the Palong, the Karen, the Lahu, the Lisu and the longnecks. Transfer back to Chiangmai. DAY 03 CHIANGMAI (B/L/ KHANTOKE DINNER) Proceed to visit Doi Suthep Temple which located at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. Its encroaching frosted hill can be enjoyed from the temple compound for those who visit Chiangmai to worship here. After that, the next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see the real creating for Thai silk, Cotton Products, Jewelry, Painting works, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc. Later on in the evening go to have Khantoke Dinner with Thai Dancing Shows. DAY 04 CHIANGMAI After breakfast, proceed to visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park which has both amazing and amusing performances from the elephants. There are also get the elephants for you to ride but (at own expense). Continue next destination will be Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. After go to Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate and impressive range of talents. Then go to visit Human and snake fighting show. Last but not least, will go for a 3D Museum Chiangmai that will include entrance fee. DAY 05 CHIANGMAI / DEPARTURE (B) After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure. After that you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home. 第一天机场 / 清迈 - 清莱 ( 晚 ) 抵达後, 导游接机后 直接去清莱, 参观 Wiang Pa Pao 温泉, 后往参观世界唯一 玻璃白庙 (Rong Khun temple or White temple ) 接着去参观 辛哈农场 和 Huay Pla Kang 庙, 一晚住在清莱 第二天清莱 清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 参观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的 金三角, 此乃泰 缅 寮三国交界的门户 划分了三个国家的土地, 原来这一带是生产毒品的基地, 而今已成为旅游胜地 接着到 美赛市 (Mae Sai) 泰国最北的泰, 甸交界小城市, 接近桥头的大街两旁, 摆满各式各样出售两个国家的纪念品, 有众多的旅游商店, 非常热闹 之后, 参观 混合山地部落 (Mix Hill Tribe) 旅游的主要目的地是清迈省, 即阿卡族的帕隆, 莫文蔚, 拉祜, 傈僳族塔和长颈族六种不同的山地部落村庄的访问 返回清迈 第三天清迈 - 清莱 ( 早 / 午 /khantoke 晚餐 ) 早餐后, 前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地, 海拔 929 英尺精美的 素贴山双龙寺 游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致, 山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔, 塔身贴满金箔, 高耸入云, 阳光下灿烂夺目, 富丽堂皇 随后到 三甘烹村 ( 家庭工业 ) 主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心, 可在此购买蜂蜜, 燕窝, 纸伞, 皮革等 旁晚去观赏泰国舞蹈和享用帝王宮廷饗宴 第四天清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后前往, 前往 大象营, 可在此观赏大象杂技表演, 游客亦可自费骑大象背上的木椅内沿山谷走一回, 骑乘时有专业的训象师随行, 这里专门传授大象对森林的适应能力 之后, 您可自费骑大象赏景, 享受骑象的新鲜感, 显得更加刺激 然后继续到 兰花 & 蝴蝶园, 园中可以欣赏各式各样的四季兰花和兰花品种让您耳目一新 展出花朵的所有品种, 形状及颜色价格从数铢为共同列车数十万, 为罕见的外来物种 接下来参观猴子表演, 该处的 猴子表演 会确实给您带来深刻的印象 然后观看惊心动魄的 人蛇表演 第五天清迈 / 机场 ( 早 ) 早餐后, 自由活动, 到清迈机场还返回家园 ***Tour itinerary are subject to change without any prior notice*** ***Translation if difference, please refer English test as prevail*** Page 5 of 17

(3) Tour Fare For Fit & Group Per Person (GPR5) Ground Rate Excludes High Season Surcharge, please refer last 2 pages ~ Page 15 & 16 ( Christmas Eve, Eve, Chinese, Loy Krathong, Songkran Season Surcharge ) Travelling Valid From 01 Dec 2016 ~ 31 Oct 2017 Hotel 3*A CH Hotel (Superior Twin Bed only) / Royal Peninsula (Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*B Porn Ping (Superior) / Holiday Garden (Executive Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*A Royal Peninsula (Deluxe)*Not In Night Market* Star (Deluxe) & Porn Ping (Deluxe) The Park (Superior) 3*A The Empress (Superior) / 4*B The Park (Deluxe) 3*A / Furama (Superior) 4*A *Nimmam* 4*A Maninarakorn (Superior Twin Bed only) Duang Tawan (Superior Room) Suriwongse (Superior Room) / Chiangmai Plaza (Superior) 4*A Imperial Mae Ping (Superior) / Chiangmai Plaza (Deluxe) The Empress (Deluxe) Furama (Deluxe) Eastin Tan (Superior) *Nimmam* ADULT CHILD Single Twn/Tri Twn W/B N/B 839 608 608 515 420 902 638 638 538 439 919 647 647 545 444 1045 710 710 596 482 1145 762 762 638 513 1242 810 810 676 542 Hotel in Chiangrai : (Khamthana (Sup Room) Chiangrai Grandroom, Rimkok Resort) / Green view place or Piyaporn Resort in Maesai / Phowadol Resort & Spa add pax RM25 for twn and RM50 for Sgl) (Wang Come Hotel in Chiangrai add per pax RM40 for twn and RM80 for Sgl) (Wiang Inn Hotel in Chiangrai add RM50 per pax for twn and RM100 for Sgl) Page 6 of 17

(4) 4 DAYS 3NIGHTS CHIANGMAI / CHIANGRAI TOUR (CC) 四天三晚清迈 / 清莱遊 SIC Tour Updated : 01 Dec 2016 DAY 01 ARRIVAL CHIANGMAI (KHANTOKE DINNER) (D) Meet on arrival by our local tour guide. Then go to Doi Suthep Temple (Included entrance fee, excluded tram fees), after that transfer to check in hotel and later on in the evening go to have Khantoke Dinner with Thai Dancing Shows. DAY02 CHIANGMAI Visit Elephant Camp, Orchid and Butterfly Farm, Monkey Show, Human and Snake Fighting Show, San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) DAY 03 CHIANGMAI-CHIANGRAI-CHIANGMAI Take a day tour to Chiangrai on the way go to visit Mae Kajan Hotspring, White Temple (Rong Khun Temple), Golden Triangle, Mae Sai and then transfer back to Chiangmai. DAY 04 CHIANGMAI / DEPARTURE Transfer to the airport. (B) 第一天机场 / 清迈 (KHANTOKE DINNER) ( 晚 ) 抵达後, 导游接机后, 参观素帖寺 ( 包括入门票, 不包括电车费用 ), 接着去酒店登记然后有 Khantoke 晚餐和泰国舞蹈表演 第二天清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 参观大象营, 兰花和蝴蝶公园, 猴子表演, 人与蛇战斗展, 长颈族村庄 ( 家庭工业 ) 第三天清迈 - 清莱 - 清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 一天旅程在清莱去参观 Mae Kajan 温泉, 白寺庙 (Rong Khun Temple), 黄金三角, 湄赛 然后返回清迈 第四天清迈 / 机场 ( 早 ) 到清迈机场还返回家园 ***Tour itinerary are subject to change without any prior notice*** ***Translation if difference, please refer English test as prevail*** Page 7 of 17

(4) Tour Fare For Fit & Group Per Person (CC) Ground Rate Excludes High Season Surcharge, please refer last 2 pages ~ Page 15 & 16 ( Christmas Eve, Eve, Chinese, Loy Krathong, Songkran Season Surcharge ) Travelling Valid From 01 Dec 2016 ~ 31 Oct 2017 Hotel 3*A CH Hotel (Superior Twin Bed only) / Royal Peninsula (Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*B Porn Ping (Superior) / Holiday Garden (Executive Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*A Royal Peninsula (Deluxe)*Not In Night Market* Star (Deluxe) & Porn Ping (Deluxe) The Park (Superior) 3*A The Empress (Superior) / 4*B The Park (Deluxe) 3*A / Furama (Superior) 4*A *Nimmam* 4*A Maninarakorn (Superior Twin Bed only) Duang Tawan (Superior Room) Suriwongse (Superior Room) / Chiangmai Plaza (Superior) 4*A Imperial Mae Ping (Superior) / Chiangmai Plaza (Deluxe) The Empress (Deluxe) Furama (Deluxe) Eastin Tan (Superior) *Nimmam* ADULT CHILD Single Twn/Tri Twn W/B N/B 600 432 432 374 315 660 462 462 398 334 679 472 472 406 339 804 534 534 455 376 905 587 587 498 408 996 630 630 532 434 Page 8 of 17

(5) 4 DAYS 3NIGHTS CHIANGMAI / CHIANGRAI TOUR (CCR) 四天三晚清迈 / 清莱遊 (Chiangmai 2 Nights / Chiangrai 1 Nights) Min 8 Adults SIC Tour Updated : 01 Dec 2016 DAY 01 ARRIVAL CHIANGMAI (KHANTOKE DINNER) (D) Meet on arrival by our local tour guide. Then go to Doi Suthep Temple (Included entrance fee, excluded tram fees), after that transfer to check in hotel and later on in the evening go to have Khantoke Dinner with Thai Dancing Shows. DAY 02 CHIANGMAI / CHIANGRAI Visit Elephant Camp, Orchid and Butterfly Farm, Monkey Show, Human and Snake Fighting Show, San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) and then transfer to stay overnight in Chiangrai. On the way visit Mae Kajan Hotspring. DAY 03 CHIANGRAI-CHIANGMAI Proceed to visit tour Mae Sai, Golden Triangle, White Temple and then transfer back to Chiangmai. 第一天机场 / 清迈 (KHANTOKE DINNER) ( 晚 ) 抵达後, 导游接机后, 参观素帖寺 ( 包括入门票, 不包括电车费用 ), 接着去酒店登记然后有 Khantoke 晚餐和泰国舞蹈表演 第二天清迈 - 清莱 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 参观大象营, 兰花和蝴蝶公园, 猴子表演, 人与蛇战斗展, 长颈族村庄 ( 家庭工业 ) 接着住一晚在清莱, 去参观 Mae Kajan 温泉 第三天清莱 - 清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 参观湄赛, 黄金三角, 白寺庙然后返回清迈 第四天清迈 / 机场 ( 早 ) 到清迈机场还返回家园 DAY 04 CHIANGMAI / DEPARTURE Transfer to the airport. (B) ***Tour itinerary are subject to change without any prior notice*** ***Translation if difference, please refer English test as prevail*** (5) Tour Fare For Fit & Group Per Person (CCR) Ground Rate Excludes High Season Surcharge, please refer last 2 pages ~ Page 15 & 16 ( Christmas Eve, Eve, Chinese, Loy Krathong, Songkran Season Surcharge ) Hotel Travelling Valid From 01 Dec 2016 ~ 31 Oct 2017 3*A CH Hotel (Superior Twin Bed only) / Royal Peninsula (Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*B Porn Ping (Superior) / Holiday Garden (Executive Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*A Royal Peninsula (Deluxe)*Not In Night Market* Star (Deluxe) & Porn Ping (Deluxe) The Park (Superior) 3*A The Empress (Superior) / 4*B The Park (Deluxe) 3*A / Furama (Superior) 4*A *Nimmam* 4*A Maninarakorn (Superior Twin Bed only) Duang Tawan (Superior Room) Suriwongse (Superior Room) / Chiangmai Plaza (Superior) ADULT CHILD Single Twin/Trp Twin W/B N/B 649 472 472 406 340 689 492 492 422 352 702 498 498 427 355 784 539 539 490 380 855 578 578 490 403 4*A Imperial Mae Ping (Superior) / Chiangmai Plaza (Deluxe) The Empress (Deluxe) Furama (Deluxe) Eastin Tan (Superior) *Nimmam* 912 603 603 510 418 Hotel in Chiangrai : (Khamthana (Sup Room) Chiangrai Grandroom, Rimkok Resort) / Green view place or Piyaporn Resort in Maesai / Phowadol Resort & Spa add pax RM25 for twn and RM50 for Sgl) (Wang Come Hotel in Chiangrai add per pax RM40 for twn and RM80 for Sgl) (Wiang Inn Hotel in Chiangrai add RM50 per pax for twn and RM100 for Sgl) Page 9 of 17

(6) 5 DAYS CHIANGMAI + CHIANGRAI DAY TRIP (GG1) 五天四晚清迈 / 清莱一日遊 Min 2 Adults SIC Tour Updated : 01 Dec 2016 DAY 01 ARRIVAL CHIANGMAI (Khantoke Dinner) Meet on arrival by our local tour guide, transfer to check in hotel. For the Dinner time go to have Khantoke Dinner which you can get to know both The Northern Thai food and the Culture passing through the Lanna-Style Performance those will entertain you for all the Dinner time DAY 02 CHIANGMAI Proceed to visit Doi Suthep Temple which located at 929 feet above sea level with a beautiful view of Chiangmai town which can be reached by climbing the steep 300 steps of the winding dragon or by the tram car. Its encroaching frosted hill can be enjoyed from the temple compound for those who visit Chiangmai to worship here. After that, the next destination will be San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) which is another well-known place in Chiangmai, Thailand. The major traditional handicraft center in Northern of Thailand where you can see the real creating for Thai silk, Cotton Products, Jewelry, Painting works, Umbrella and Healthy Food Products as Royal Jelly Bee or Honey, etc. DAY 03 CHIANGMAI-CHIANGRAI-CHIANGMAI After breakfast, proceed for a Day tour to Chiangrai. Along the way, you will visit (Mae Kajan Hotspring) after that proceed to the exquisite White Temple (Rong Khun Temple). Next proceed to The Golden Triangle; it is the intersection between Mekong River and Kong River which is the gate of the borders in Thailand, Burma and Laos. Then you will visit Mae Sai, the northernmost town in Thailand. It is separated from Burma only by a bridge. There are many shops selling an assortment of Myanmese shores and souvenirs. After dinner, stay overnight at Mae Kajan Hotspring. DAY 04 CHIANGMAI After breakfast, proceed to visit Elephant Camp in a Natural Park which has both amazing and amusing performances from the elephants. There are also get the elephants for you to ride but (at own expense). Continue next destination will be Orchid & Butterfly Farm. On display are a profusion of blooms of all varieties, shapes, colours and prices from a few baht for the common strains to a few hundred thousand for the rare and exotic species. After go to Monkey Show where the monkeys demonstrate and impressive range of talents. Then go to visit Human and snake fighting show. DAY 05 DEPARTURE DATE (B) After breakfast, you will be free at own leisure. After that you will be transferred to the airport for your flight back home. 第一天机场 / 清迈 ( 泰北文化餐 ) 抵达後, 导游接机后送往酒店登记 晚餐, 尝泰北文化餐, 您可以通过兰娜泰式了解到泰国北部美食和文化, 这里都是泰北的特色菜, 泰北香肠, 泰北沙拉, 红咖喱, 炸猪皮, 炸鸡, 和炸香蕉, 炸面条 这里座无虚席, 台上鼓舞生平, 演员不时穿梭于食客之中.. 热烈的气氛使每位顾客都乐在其中, 为您的晚餐时间带来愉快 第二天清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后, 前往参观泰国著名的佛教圣地, 海拔 929 英尺精美的 素贴山双龙寺 游人沿着龙身登 300 多个石阶可到达素贴山山顶看整个清迈市及乡间景致, 山顶还有一座巨大的舍利塔, 塔身贴满金箔, 高耸入云, 阳光下灿烂夺目, 富丽堂皇 随后到 三甘烹村 ( 家庭工业 ) 主要是泰国北部制造传统手工艺中心, 可在此购买蜂蜜, 燕窝, 纸伞, 皮革等 第三天清迈 - 清莱 - 清邁 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 前往清莱, 途中经温泉地带 (Mae Kajan Hotspring ), 也可在此泡脚, 后往参观世界唯一 玻璃白庙 (Rong Khun temple or White temple ) 寺庙的设计者是泰国的视觉艺术家及画家 Chalermchai Kosipipat 庙名因其独特的白色设计主题, 白色玻璃材料, 奇特的设计元素而闻名 白色意欲圣洁的菩萨, 白色的玻璃代表智慧照耀世上每一个人 之后, 参观泰国北端湄公河和博河的交会点的 金三角, 此乃泰 缅 寮三国交界的门户 划分了三个国家的土地, 原来这一带是生产毒品的基地, 而今已成为旅游胜地 接着到 美赛市 (Mae Sai) 泰国最北的泰, 甸交界小城市, 接近桥头的大街两旁, 摆满各式各样出售两个国家的纪念品, 有众多的旅游商店, 非常热闹 晚餐后乘车返回清迈 第四天清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 早餐后前往, 前往 大象营, 可在此观赏大象杂技表演, 游客亦可自费骑大象背上的木椅内沿山谷走一回, 骑乘时有专业的训象师随行, 这里专门传授大象对森林的适应能力 之后, 您可自费骑大象赏景, 享受骑象的新鲜感, 显得更加刺激 然后继续到 兰花 & 蝴蝶园, 园中可以欣赏各式各样的四季兰花和兰花品种让您耳目一新 展出花朵的所有品种, 形状及颜色价格从数铢为共同列车数十万, 为罕见的外来物种 接下来参观猴子表演, 该处的 猴子表演 会确实给您带来深刻的印象 然后观看惊心动魄的 人蛇表演 第五天清迈 / 机场 ( 早餐 ) 早餐后, 自由活动, 到清迈机场还返回家园 ***Tour itinerary are subject to change without any prior notice*** ***Translation if difference, please refer English test as prevail*** Page 10 of 17

(6) Tour Fare For Fit & Group Per Person (GG1) Ground Rate Excludes High Season Surcharge, please refer last 2 pages ~ Page 15 & 16 ( Christmas Eve, Eve, Chinese, Loy Krathong, Songkran Season Surcharge ) Travelling Valid From 01 Dec 2016 ~ 31 Oct 2017 Hotel 3*A CH Hotel (Superior Twin Bed only) / Royal Peninsula (Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*B Porn Ping (Superior) / Holiday Garden (Executive Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*A Royal Peninsula (Deluxe)*Not In Night Market* Star (Deluxe) & Porn Ping (Deluxe) The Park (Superior) 3*A The Empress (Superior) / 4*B The Park (Deluxe) 3*A / Furama (Superior) 4*A *Nimmam* 4*A Maninarakorn (Superior Twin Bed only) Duang Tawan (Superior Room) Suriwongse (Superior Room) / Chiangmai Plaza (Superior) 4*A Imperial Mae Ping (Superior) / Chiangmai Plaza (Deluxe) The Empress (Deluxe) Furama (Deluxe) Eastin Tan (Superior) *Nimmam* ADULT CHILD Single Twn/Tri Twn W/B N/B 714 490 490 420 350 794 530 530 452 374 822 545 545 464 383 986 626 626 529 432 1114 690 690 580 470 1243 755 755 632 509 Page 11 of 17

(7) 5 DAYS 4 NIGHTS CHIANGMAI / CHIANGRAI TOUR (GGR1) 五天四晚清迈 / 清莱遊 (Chiangmai 3 Nights / Chiangrai 1 Night) Min 8 Adults SIC Tour Updated : 01 Dec 2016 DAY 01 ARRIVAL CHIANGMAI CHANGRAI (D) Meet on arrival and transfer to Chiangrai, Wiang Pa Pao Hotspring, White Temple. Overnight Chiangrai. DAY 02 CHIANGRAI CHIANGMAI Go to Golden Triangle Mae Sai, transfer back to Chiangmai. DAY 03 CHIANGMAI (B/L/ KHANTOKE DINNER) Visit Doi Suthep Temple (Included entrance fee, Excluded Tram Fee), San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries) later on in the evening go to have Khantoke Dinner with Thai Dancing Show. DAY 04 CHIANGMAI Visit elephant camp, orchid and butterfly farm, monkey show, human and snake fighting show. DAY 05 CHIANGMAI / DEPARTURE Then transfer to the airport. (B) 第一天机场 / 清迈 - 清莱 ( 晚 ) 抵达後, 去清迈, 远巴保省温泉, 白寺庙, 住宿清莱 第二天清莱 清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 参观黄金三角, 湄赛, 返回清迈 第三天清迈 ( 早 / 午 /khantoke 晚餐 ) 参观素帖寺 ( 包括入门票, 不包括电车费 ), 三甘烹村 ( 家庭工业 ) 然后有 khantoke 晚餐和泰国舞蹈表演 第四天清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 参观大象营, 兰花和蝴蝶公园, 猴子表演, 人与蛇战斗展 第五天清迈 / 机场 ( 早 ) 到清迈机场还返回家园 ***Tour itinerary are subject to change without any prior notice*** ***Translation if difference, please refer English test as prevail*** (7) Tour Fare For Fit & Group Per Person (GGR1) Ground Rate Excludes High Season Surcharge, please refer last 2 pages ~ Page 15 & 16 ( Christmas Eve, Eve, Chinese, Loy Krathong, Songkran Season Surcharge ) Travelling Valid From 01 Dec 2016 ~ 31 Oct 2017 Hotel 3*A CH Hotel (Superior Twin Bed only) / Royal Peninsula (Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*B Porn Ping (Superior) / Holiday Garden (Executive Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*A Royal Peninsula (Deluxe)*Not In Night Market* Star (Deluxe) & Porn Ping (Deluxe) The Park (Superior) 3*A The Empress (Superior) / 4*B The Park (Deluxe) 3*A / Furama (Superior) 4*A *Nimmam* 4*A Maninarakorn (Superior Twin Bed only) Duang Tawan (Superior Room) Suriwongse (Superior Room) / Chiangmai Plaza (Superior) ADULT CHILD Single Twn/Tri Twn W/B N/B 802 529 529 452 374 822 559 559 475 392 840 568 568 483 397 967 632 632 534 435 1063 680 680 572 464 1159 728 728 610 493 4*A Imperial Mae Ping (Superior) / Chiangmai Plaza (Deluxe) The Empress (Deluxe) Furama (Deluxe) Eastin Tan (Superior) *Nimmam* Hotel in Chiangrai : (Khamthana (Sup Room) Chiangrai Grandroom, Rimkok Resort) / Green view place or Piyaporn Resort in Maesai / Phowadol Resort & Spa add pax RM25 for twn and RM50 for Sgl) (Wang Come Hotel in Chiangrai add per pax RM40 for twn and RM80 for Sgl) (Wiang Inn Hotel in Chiangrai add RM50 per pax for twn and RM100 for Sgl) Page 12 of 17

(8) 5 DAYS 4 NIGHTS CHIANGMAI / CHIANGRAI / PHAN + NEW PROGRAM: (5-WER) ADD: CHANG PUAK ELEPHANT CAMP IN CHIANGRAI: INCLUDE: ELEPHANT SHOW, ELEPHANT RIDE 15MINS, CROCODIES SHOW 30MINS, MIX HILL TRIBES, FORTUNE PAGODA (HUAY PLA KANG TEMPLE) + WAT SAI KHAO ( 古灵精怪庙 ) 五天四晚清迈 / 清莱遊 (Chiangmai 2 Nights / Chiangrai 2 Night) Min 8 Adults SIC Tour Updated : 01 Dec 2016 DAY 01 ARRIVAL CHIANGRAI CHANGMAI (D) Meet on arrival by our local tour guide and transfer to Chiangrai, visit Wiang Pa Pao Hot Spring, White Temple, Chang Puak Elephant Camp Chiangrai (Include Elephant Show about 30mins, Elephant ride 15mins, Crocodiles Show 30mins, Mix Hill Tribes, overnight Chiangrai. DAY 02 CHIANGRAI Tour Fortune Pagoda (Huay Pla Kang Temple), Mae Sai, Golden Triangle, overnight Chiangrai. DAY 03 CHAINGRAI/PHAN/CHIANGMAI Visit Wat Sai Khao, Transfer back Chiangmai visit San Kham Pang Village (Home Industries). DAY 04 CHIANGMAI (B/L/KHANTOKE DINNER) Tour Doi Suthep Temple (include entrance fee, exclude tram fee) visit 3D Museum Chiangmai (include entrance fee) and later on in the evening go to have Khantoke Dinner with Thai dancing shows. DAY 05 CHIANGMAI / DEPARTURE Then transfer to the airport. (B) 第一天机场 / 清莱 - 清迈 ( 晚 ) 抵达後, 导游接机后, 去清迈, 远巴保省温泉, 白寺庙,Chuang Puak 大象营 ( 包括大象表演 30 分钟, 骑大象 15 分钟, 鳄鱼表演 30 分钟, 混合山地部落, 住宿清莱 第二天清莱 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 参观幸运观音庙, 黄金三角, 湄赛, 住宿清莱 第三天清莱 phan - 清迈 ( 早 / 午 / 晚 ) 参观古灵精怪庙, 返回清迈参观 San Kham Pang 村 第四天清迈 ( 早 / 午 /Khantoke 晚餐 ) 参观 Dou Suthep 庙 ( 包括入门票和电车费 ),3D 博物馆清迈 ( 包括入门票 ), 接着享用 Khantoke 晚餐和泰国舞蹈表演 第五天清迈 / 机场 ( 早 ) 到清迈机场还返回家园 ***Tour itinerary are subject to change without any prior notice*** ***Translation if difference, please refer English test as prevail*** Page 13 of 17

(8) Tour Fare For Fit & Group Per Person (5-WER) Ground Rate Excludes High Season Surcharge, please refer last 2 pages ~ Page 15 & 16 ( Christmas Eve, Eve, Chinese, Loy Krathong, Songkran Season Surcharge ) Travelling Valid From 01 Dec 2016 ~ 31 Oct 2017 Hotel 3*A CH Hotel (Superior Twin Bed only) / Royal Peninsula (Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*B Porn Ping (Superior) / Holiday Garden (Executive Superior)*Not In Night Market* 3*A Royal Peninsula (Deluxe)*Not In Night Market* Star (Deluxe) & Porn Ping (Deluxe) The Park (Superior) 3*A The Empress (Superior) / 4*B The Park (Deluxe) 3*A / Furama (Superior) 4*A *Nimmam* 4*A Maninarakorn (Superior Twin Bed only) Duang Tawan (Superior Room) Suriwongse (Superior Room) / Chiangmai Plaza (Superior) 4*A Imperial Mae Ping (Superior) / Chiangmai Plaza (Deluxe) The Empress (Deluxe) Furama (Deluxe) Eastin Tan (Superior) *Nimmam* ADULT CHILD Single Twn/Tri Twn W/B N/B 965 788 788 658 529 1137 874 874 727 580 1155 883 883 735 586 1280 946 946 785 624 1377 994 994 823 652 1473 1042 1042 862 682 Hotel in Chiangrai : Maryo Resort (www.maryoresortchiangrai.com)/ Park-In / Grand Room / Rimkok Resort) / Green view place or Piyaporn Resort in Maesai -Khamthana(sup room) Sgl add RM40/pax Twin add RM20/pax -Phowadol Resort & Spa Sgl add RM50/pax Twin add RM25/pax -Wang Come(Deluxe) Sgl add RM80/pax Twin add RM40/pax -Wiang Inn(sup room) Sgl add RM100/pax Twin add RM50/pax Page 14 of 17

HOTEL HIGH SEASON SURCHARGES Updated : 01 Dec 2016 HOTEL DATE FESTIVAL SURCHARGE (RM) ( Per Room Per Night ) SURCHARGE (RM) ( Per Pax ) 1.Holiday Garden 31 Dec 2016 To 85/Room/Night 01 Jan 2017 2.CH Hotel N N N N 3. Royal Peninsula 30 Dec 2016 to 75/Room/Night 01 Jan 2017 27 28 Jan 2017 Chinese 75/Room/Night 13 15 April 2017 Songkran Festival 75/Room/Night 4.Porn Ping 30 Dec 2016 To 75/Room/Night 02 Jan 2017 28 Jan 03 Feb 2017 Chinese 85/Room/Night 5.Star Hotel 12-15 Nov 2016 Loy Krathong 75/Room/Night 24 Dec 2016 To 75/Room/Night 05 Jan 2017 26 Jan - 01 Feb 2017 Chinese 75/Room/Night 6. The Park Hotel N N N N 7.The Empress Hotel 24 Dec 2016 X-Mas Adult 250/Pax Child 150/Pax 31 Dec 2016 Adult 325/Pax Child 190/Pax 8. Furama N N N N 9. Maninarakorn 31 Dec 2016 75/Room/Night N 10. Suriwongse Hotel 13-15 Nov 2016 Loy Khathong 75/Room/Night 24 Dec 2016 To 75/Room/Night 05 Jan 2017 24 Dec 2016 X-mas Adult 200 / Paxs Child 125 / Paxs 31 Dec 2016 Adult 300 / Paxs Child 175 / Paxs 26 Jan - 01 Feb 2017 Chinese 75/Romm/Night 11.Duang Tawan 12-15 Nov 2016 Loy Krathong 80/Room/Night 24 Dec 2016 To 85/Room/Night 03 Jan 2017 31 Dec 2016 Adult 390 / Paxs Child 220 / /Paxs 28-31 Jan 2017 Chinese 50/Room/Night 12 15 April 2017 Songkran 50/Room/Night 12.Chiangmai Plaza 14 Nov 2016 Loy Krathong 75/Room/Night 31 Dec 2016 180/Pax 10.Imperial Mae Ping 20 Dec 2016 To 85/Room/Night 05 Jan 2017 31 Dec 2016 Adult 440 / Paxs Child 245 / Paxs 27 Jan-5 Feb 2017 Chinese 85/Room/Night Page 15 of 17

HOTEL HIGH SEASON SURCHARGES Updated : 01 Dec 2016 HOTEL IN CHIANGRAI HOTEL DATE FESTIVAL SURCHARGE (RM) 1.Grandroom 2. Khamthana The Colonial 3. Wing Indra Riverside Resort ( Per Room Per Night ) 75/Room/Night SURCHARGE (RM) ( Per Pax ) 31 Dec 2016 To 01 Jan 2017 24 Dec 2016 X-Mas Adult 115 /Pax Child 85 / Pax 31 Dec 2016 Adult 115 /Pax Child 85 / Pax 25 Nov 2016 Loy Krathong Adult 115 /Pax Child 85 / Pax 24 Dec 2016 X-Mas Adult 140 /Pax Child 95 / Pax 31 Dec 2016 Adult 150 /Pax Child 100 / Pax 4. Phowadol Resort N N N N 5. Wang Come 31 Dec 2016 85/Room/Night 6. Wiang Inn 31 Dec 2016 Adult 340 /Pax Child 195 / Pax 7.Bandu Resort 24 Dec 2016 To 02 Jan 2017 75/Room/Night PAYMENT INFORMATION For all payment, please pay to:- Account Name : Happy Go Travel & Tours Sdn Bhd Public Bank : 3185 1676 12 * If paying online, please forward bank in slip to email. Please indicate Name and Tour Code. Page 16 of 17

NOTES (ALL ITINERARY) Updated : 01 Dec 2016 Ground Fare Includes: * Accommodation based on Twin / Triple Sharing with daily breakfast. * Return airport transfer based on SIC * English / Mandarin speaking guide (base on request) * Entrance Fee & Meal as mention in the Itinerary. Ground Fare Excludes: * Compulsory Tipping RM 10/ Day / Pax * Optional tour Term & Conditions: 1) Rate valid travelling from 01 Dec 2016 ~ 31 Oct 2017 2) After booking confirm deposit RM 150 per person (non-refundable), balance 3 weeks before departure. 3) All stated itinerary are unable to exchange/replace/refund any money under any conditions,. 4) In case of changing hotel on arrival, the pax will still be charged for one night stay at confirmation hotel plus a night in another hotel. 5) Please kindly take note that contract rates are for direct flight from KUL/CNX only, if pax stopover in Bangkok before arriving CNX, it is required them to pay RM50/pax extra on top of the tour fare. 6) The requirement of language speaking guide (English or Mandarin) must be informed when make the booking. 7) Above Package rate only for Malaysia Nationality (Holding Malaysia passport citizen) 8) Group size more than Min 25paxs above consider private tour for High Season. Child Term & Policy: 1) Up to 12 years old of age will be charged as an adult fare. 2) Child below 12 years old: Child half twin same fare with adult Cancellations Term & Policy: 1) Notice of trip cancellations must be advised within 5 days prior to guest arrival for FIT, otherwise one night charge/one night no show will be applied. 2) Notice of trip cancellations must be advised within 10 days prior to guest arrival for GIT, otherwise one night charge/one night no show will be applied. 3) In case of No Show, there will be No Refunds or Credits. Page 17 of 17