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What s Inside? Senior Associate Pastor Petrina and Pam Guneratnam s Ministry to Jordan Royal Rangers KL1 Annual Camp 2017 The Calvary Life Group (LG) Seminar 2017 Rooted To Multiply STRESS AND PRAYER CALVARYNEWS A PUBLICATION OF CALVARY CHURCH OCTOBER 2017 ISSUE 198 PP5911/11/2012(031323)

STRESS AND PRAYER By Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam As they continued their travel, Jesus entered a village. A woman by the name of Martha welcomed him and made him feel quite at home. She had a sister, Mary, who sat before the Master, hanging on every word he said. But Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. Later, she stepped in, interrupting them. Master, don t you care that my sister has abandoned the kitchen to me? Tell her to lend me a hand. The Master said, Martha, dear Martha, you re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it it s the main course, and won t be taken from her (Luke 10:38-42 The Message). There were two sisters, one, when faced with responsibilities was like a tightly wound-up toy, spinning out of control, once it was released. The Message paraphrase says Martha was pulled away by all she had to do in the kitchen. The New King James version says, she was worried and troubled about many things. Martha was carrying the cares of the responsibility of having a visitor in the house. In those days, you had to make sure your visitors are welcomed, cared for and fed. And if they had arrived late in the day, you were expected to provide accommodation for them, as there were few inns or lodging places then. Martha was troubled and worried about the preparations needed for the special guest. She was stressed. Mary, her sister though surrounded by the same pressures of life, was not affected at all and this disturbed Martha. Which sister do you identify with? JESUS REPLY TO MARTHA IS KEY TO HANDLING STRESS Jesus responded to Martha s need. He said, Martha, dear Martha, you re fussing far too much and getting yourself worked up over nothing. One thing only is essential, and Mary has chosen it it s the main course, and won t be taken from her (Luke 10:41-42 The Message). Jesus was helping Martha understand that the choice Mary made was helping her face the pressures of life. Mary was putting God first and seeking godly knowledge to face life s challenges and circumstances. Mary had peace and confidence that kept her from falling apart. You can choose to worry and live a stressful life or choose to live, trusting God and depending on Him for all your worries. Paul the Apostle is a good example, he faced much pressure in life. He said, Are they ministers of Christ? -.. I am more: in labours more abundant, in stripes above measure, in prisons more frequently, in deaths often (2 Corinthians 11:23). What was Paul s secret to overcome his hardship and stresses in life? Paul 2 OCTOBER 2017 CALVARYNEWS

tells us, Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). This gave Paul the peace of mind and the confidence to live a fulfilled life. WHAT IS ANXIETY? Many struggle with anxiety. Anxiety is to be pulled in two different directions. It is a battle that goes on inside you. The answer to anxiety is knowing God and learning to live in His will. Then you can enjoy God s peace and have confidence to face the challenges of life. Jesus tells us not to worry. He said, Therefore I say to you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing? But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about its own things. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble. (Matthew 6: 25; 33-34). God cares for us, believe in Him and trust Him for all our daily cares and concerns. STEPS TO OVERCOME STRESS 1. WE MUST DEPEND ON GOD, OUR HEAVENLY FATHER. The common practice is to pray when we are in trouble, coming to God whenever we are faced with what is beyond our ability, strength or character. This is remedial prayer. But we can pray preventive prayers. Jesus taught us in the Lord s Prayer to pray And do not lead us into temptation, But deliver us from the evil one (Matthew 6:13). Don t wait until you get into temptation and then pray. Pray preventive prayers everyday. Why do we not come to God before we fall into temptation? The human nature tends to think we are capable and strong, and thus take the Lord s protection and guidance for granted. We have the it-will-not-happen-to-me mindset. We want to be macho in every way, physically, financially and in our relationships. We need to let go of our egos and self-dependence. If we think we are capable and stronger than our temptation, we will not experience God s daily provision of wisdom and guidance. When we pray, we express our dependence on Him. Paul says, Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in needs, in persecutions, in distresses, for Christ s sake. For when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Corinthians 12:10). Our victory lies in the power of God, who has promised to meet all our needs (Philippians 4:19). Paul said, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13). The Bible says, Cast your burden on the Lord, And He shall sustain you; He shall never permit the righteous to be moved (Psalm 55:22) and Casting all your care upon Him, for He cares for you (1 Peter 5:7). Whatever challenges you face, you are a child of God, called to be a faithful witness, to serve, to be generous and do the will of God. You can trust God, He is faithful (1 Corinthians 1:9). 2. WE MUST PRAY. When you pray, you demonstrate faith in God. Paul Was Anxious For Nothing. Paul s stress from all the challenges he faced, could have easily killed CALVARYNEWS OCTOBER 2017 3

him. Yet, he was able to teach, preach and be a missionary. Paul knew how to pray, going to the Lord with all his supplications and petitions. That was how Paul was able to say, I fought a good fight and I finished the race. It was in Paul s weakness that he was made strong in God (2 Corinthians 12:10). Paul Prayed About Everything. It was a qualitative prayer and not only a quantitative prayer. It means coming to God very specifically, engaging and encountering God, because we have a right relationship with Him. Therefore, He grants you the wisdom, strength, grace and whatever you may need. Do You Know That Everything That Happens To You Is Permitted By God? We live in an imperfect world where satan rules. When you do God s will, unfavourable situations can happen to you. But remember, the Psalmist said, The steps of a good man are ordered by the Lord (Psalm 37:23). God is your strength and wisdom. He is the good shepherd that leads you. You belong to Christ Jesus, because He paid the price for Your redemption. God can turn your difficulties into stepping stones for your good as you trust in Him. For example, the burning of a Church some years ago, was in the natural, a disaster, but God turned it around and it became a great testimony for His glory. The church was compensated and their new building was given a certificate of fitness much quicker than normal for occupancy. Do not be stumbled by your disappointments, pain, financial lack or challenges. God allows you to go through them, and when you depend and pray to our heavenly father in those circumstances, you will experience victory. 3. WE MUST BE THANKFUL FOR EVERYTHING. Begin your prayer with thanksgiving and worship. Be grateful for His blessings, exalt Him for who He is - bigger, stronger and wiser than anyone and everything that will challenge you. Bring your prayer requests to Him. Paul said, With thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus (Philippians 4:6-7). Are you worried, anxious, and caring about many things? Do not allow stress to rob your faith in God. Be like Mary and let the Word of God sustain you and you will be a victor and not a victim. Come to Him for David says, Give your burdens to the Lord, and he will take care of you. He will not permit the godly to slip and fall (Psalm 55:22, NLT). All Bible quotations are in the New King James Version, unless otherwise indicated. 4 OCTOBER 2017 CALVARYNEWS

SENIOR ASSOCIATE PASTOR PETRINA AND PAM GUNERATNAM S MINISTRY TO JORDAN By Pam Guneratnam Sister Petrina praying for the women at the conference Sister Petrina ministering at the Women s Conference On 7-11 September 2017, Senior Associate Pastor Petrina and Pam Guneratnam ministered in Amman, Jordan. They were invited by Rev. Dikran and Ani Salbashian, the Senior Pastors of the New Life Assemblies of God Church to preach at their Women s Conference in Jerash, Jordan from 7-9 September 2017. Besides that, Sister Petrina also preached at the Sunday Worship Service of the New Life Church on 10 September 2017. Sister Petrina preaching a powerful message at the New Life Church with Rev. Dikran interpreting The conference was attended by 130 women, comprising of women from the church, the Christian community and local missionaries. Many took the opportunity to bring their mothers since Sister Ani promoted the conference as one conducted by mother and daughter team. The conference s theme was Freedom in Christ taken from Psalms 124:7-8. Sister Petrina preached the opening night of the conference. She then took a session on the second day of the conference and closed the conference by anointing the women with oil and blessing them. Pam Guneratnam conducted two workshops at the conference on the Freedom to Forgive. Many responded for prayer at each session. The women were very blessed, they spoke of how God had ministered to them through the preaching and teaching and healed them from issues in their past. They appreciated the teaching which helped them handle difficult people in their lives. The leaders and missionaries shared on how the teaching not only helped them personally but in their counselling of others. Sister Petrina and Pam also spent time with the Syrian refugees and encouraged these families. Sister Petrina launched a new initiative of a home for the elderly, which Sister Ani desired to establish after visiting Calvary Sunshine Home. Pam sharing at the workshop session with interpreter She gave a seed offering on behalf of the Women s Ministry of Calvary Church and collected an offering from the women for this new work. The women were very enthusiastic; they not only gave but immediately offered themselves as volunteers for the home. Sister Petrina and Pam also visited the property that Calvary Church helped New Life Church to purchase. We thank God that we can be a part of the Lord s work in Jordan through our missions giving. Sister Petrina and Sister Ani standing in front of the property that Calvary Church helped to purchase Pam, Sister Petrina and Sister Ani visiting a Syrian refugee family

MERDEKA! CHRIST HAS ROYAL RANGERS KL1 ANNUAL CAMP 2017 By Gordon Yong Royal Rangers group photo From Thursday to Saturday, 31 August 2 September 2017, a total of 93 Royal Rangers and Commanders participated in their Annual Camp at the Pasir Puteh Resort, Kalumpang. Throughout the camp, we were divided into groups to compete with each other in the games, prepare and perform the group s song and yell. We also cooked our own dinner, did rocketry, night walked and river trekking. The highlight was the Council of Fire. The camp theme, Merdeka! Christ Has Set Us Free was emphasized via a devotional thought by our Chaplain, Timothy Yee. Then, the Expedition Rangers presented a short and interesting skit on how our forefathers fought for independence brought laughter to all. We were blessed by testimonies on how the campers were blessed by the opportunity to fellowship with one another, and to work well with each other. Here are some of them: Campers making their camp bolos Competing in tug-of-war Timothy Yee sharing a compelling message Expedition Ranger, Gordon Yong testified, this camp has been a blessing to me personally because I was given an opportunity to sharpen my leadership skills as a senior guide at the camp and to encourage the campers to participate in all the activities. Discovery Rangers, Eugene Chen and Ian Ong shared, we enjoyed the time in the river and thank God for team spirit. Discovery Ranger, Zachary Ashwin Kumar said, the camp was awesome and I saw kelip-kelip (fireflies) for the first time.

SET US FREE! Exploring the cold river One of the groups performing the song and yell Adventure Ranger, Tishan Prakash a/l Sivarajah enjoyed the time when they made their own bolos as camp souvenirs. There were smiles, joys and memorable moments as we left the camp. To God be the glory! Councilman Eddy Law sharing devotion in the evening Barbecuing chicken wings Preparing the fire to cook CALVARYNEWS OCTOBER 2017 Overcoming fears at the night walk 7

THE CALVARY LIFE GROUP (LG) SEMINAR 2017 ROOTED TO MULTIPLY By Christine Leong & Linda Tan One hundred and sixty seven LG leaders, LG hosts and potential leaders eagerly gathered in Calvary Church Damansara Heights on Saturday, 19 August 2017 for the Life Group (LG) Seminar themed Rooted To Multiply. Our LG Pastor, Associate Pastor David Seah began the first plenary session on Roots and Seasons by looking at the metaphor of the roots to signify the condition of our spiritual life. The encouragement was to cultivate a strong inner life in Christ (Ephesians 3:16-21), rather than yielding to the tendency of giving attention only to our public Pastor David sharing insightful session life. LG Leader, Phan Yoke Hin then shared his testimony on leading his LG from his roots. Pastor Carol Weller facilitated the next part by illustrating the different phases of life and ministry with the four seasons winter, spring, summer and autumn. LG Leaders Jess Fen, Heather Samuel, Yeoh Kar Yen and Han Joke Kwang were invited and shared heartfelt, warm and convicting testimonies of the challenges and joy of their seasons as leaders, and how they developed attitudes and habits of the heart that deepened their roots in Christ. After a time of fellowship, we were treated to an engaging video by Liz Wiseman on Everyone Can Be A Multiplier. She offered a great insight, that amidst our strengths, there are blind spots that diminish people rather than empower them. The participants found no difficulty sharing their takeaways in the group discussion and how they can harness and apply this wisdom both in church and in their workplace. This year s LG Seminar concluding session was combined with our Saturday Worship Service and was open to all Calvarites, and especially to LG members. One of the highlights was the energetic involvement of the LG Multi-lingual Choir, dressed in colorful national costumes, that represented the different nationalities and languages of our Life Groups. Phan Yoke Hin sharing his experience LG Multi-lingual Choir singing exuberant worship songs Pastor Carol facilitating the testimony sessions Powerful testimonies sharing by (L-R) Jess Fen, Heather Samuel, Yeoh Kar Yen and Han Joke Kwang

Senior Pastor sharing a powerful message Congregation listening attentively to the message Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam expounded on the text of the LG Seminar theme Rooted to Multiply, taken from Colossians 2:6-7, And now, just as you accepted Christ Jesus as your Lord, you must continue to follow him. Let your roots grow down into him, and let your lives be built on him. Then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness. He then referred to Psalm 1, and likened the life of a believer to a tree planted by the river, bearing fruit in each season, and whatever the believer does, prospers, because of the empowerment of the Holy Spirit! What an encouraging message to conclude the Seminar. It was relevant to all of us. Praise God for an impactful seminar that has nourished the LG, which is the backbone of Calvary Church. Here are some of the many testimonies received: This is the best LG Seminar! Yes, God is indeed good. The seminar inspired me to not give up. My winter will soon be over, and spring will come. The testimonies help me evaluate where I am currently. I need to take stock, be vigilant and not take things for granted. Take care of our roots, God will take care of our fruits. Refreshingly different and inspiring. The Multipliers spoke to me about my weaknesses amidst my strength. Senior Pastor s message provoked me to question Who am I listening to and are influencing me? The answer will reveal whether I am planted by the river or otherwise. I was blessed by the seminar. There are certain things I need to make a decision on now I have the answer. In my leadership, I need to stop telling and start asking (good questions)! Great to see the youth and young adults involved in the committee, sessions and facilitation There was a rich presence of God in the 5pm service. Participants dicussing the questions and sharing with one another CALVARYNEWS OCTOBER 2017 9

TEKANAN DAN DOA Oleh Pendita Kanan Prince Guneratnam Ketika Yesus dan murid-murid-nya dalam perjalanan, tibalah Ia di sebuah kampung. Seorang perempuan yang bernama Marta menerima Dia di rumahnya. Perempuan itu mempunyai seorang saudara yang bernama Maria. Maria ini duduk dekat kaki Tuhan dan terus mendengarkan perkataan-nya, sedang Marta sibuk sekali melayani. Ia mendekati Yesus dan berkata: Tuhan, tidakkah Engkau peduli, bahwa saudaraku membiarkan aku melayani seorang diri? Suruhlah dia membantu aku. Tetapi Tuhan menjawabnya: Marta, Marta, engkau kuatir dan menyusahkan diri dengan banyak perkara, tetapi hanya satu saja yang perlu: Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya. (Lukas 10:38-42 Alkitab Terjemahan Baru). Ada dua saudara perempuan, satu, ketika berhadapan dengan tanggung jawab seperti mainan yang diikat erat, berputar dengan tiada kawalan apabila dilepaskan. Alkitab Terjemahan Baru mengatakan bahwa Marta "sibuk dengan semua yang harus dia lakukan di dapur". Versi King James Baru mengatakan, dia bimbang dan khuatir dengan banyak hal". Marta memikul tanggungjawab untuk melayani pengunjung di rumah. Pada zaman itu, kamu harus memastikan bahwa pengunjung kamu dialualukan, dilayani dan diberi makan. Dan jika mereka tiba lewat hari, kamu harus menyediakan tempat tidur untuk mereka, kerana hanya ada beberapa tempat penginapan pada zaman itu. Marta merasa terganggu dan khuatir dengan persiapan yang diperlukan untuk tetamu istimewa itu. Dia tertekan. Maria, saudara perempuannya meski dikelilingi oleh tekanan kehidupan yang sama, sama sekali tidak terpengaruh dan ini menganggu Marta. Saudara perempuan yang manakah ialah seperti kamu? JAWABAN YESUS KEPADA MARTA IALAH KUNCI UNTUK MENANGANI TEKANAN Yesus menjawab kepada soalan Marta. Dia berkata, Marta, Marta, engkau khuatir dan menyusahkan diri dengan banyak perkara, tetapi hanya satu saja yang perlu: Maria telah memilih bagian yang terbaik, yang tidak akan diambil dari padanya. 10 OCTOBER 2017 CALVARYNEWS (Lukas 10:41-42). Yesus membantu Marta untuk mengerti bahawa pilihan yang dibuat oleh Maria ialah membantu dirinya untuk menghadapi tekanan kehidupan. Maria menempatkan Tuhan terlebih dahulu dan mencari pengetahuan ilahi untuk menghadapi cabaran dan keadaan kehidupan. Maria memiliki kedamaian dan keyakinan yang membuatnya tidak menjauhi daripada Tuhan. Kamu boleh memilih untuk khuatir dan menjalani kehidupan yang penuh tekanan atau memilih untuk hidup, mempercayai Tuhan dan bergantung kepadanya untuk semua kekhuatiran kamu. Rasul Paulus adalah teladan yang baik, dia menghadapi banyak tekanan dalam hidup. Dia berkata, Apakah mereka pelayan Kristus? - aku lebih lagi! Aku lebih banyak berjerih lelah; lebih sering di dalam penjara; didera di luar batas; kerap kali dalam bahaya maut (2 Korintus 11:23). Apa rahsia Paulus untuk mengatasi kesulitan dan tekanan hidupnya? Paulus mengatakan kepada kita, Janganlah hendaknya kamu khuatir tentang apapun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Tuhan dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur. Damai sejahtera Tuhan, yang melampaui segala akal, akan memelihara hati dan fikiranmu dalam Kristus Yesus (Filipi 4:6-7). Hal ini memberi Paulus ketenangan fikiran dan kepercayaan untuk menjalani kehidupan yang terpenuhi. APA ITU KEGELISAHAN? Banyak yang bergelut dengan kegelisahan. Kegelisahan harus ditarik dalam dua arah yang berlainan. Ini adalah pertempuran yang berlangsung dalam dirimu. Jawaban kepada kegelisahan ialah mengenali Tuhan dan belajar untuk hidup dalam kehendaknya. Dengan itu, kamu dapat menikmati kedamaian Tuhan dan memiliki keyakinan untuk menghadapi cabaran kehidupan. Yesus menyarankan kita agar jangan bimbang. Dia berkata, Karena itu Aku berkata kepadamu: Janganlah khuatir akan hidupmu, akan apa yang hendak kamu makan atau minum, dan janganlah khuatir pula akan tubuhmu, akan apa yang hendak kamu pakai. Bukankah hidup itu lebih penting dari pada makanan dan tubuh itu lebih penting dari pada pakaian? Tetapi carilah dahulu Kerajaan Tuhan dan kebenarannya, maka semuanya itu akan ditambahkan kepadamu. Sebab itu janganlah kamu khuatir akan hari besok, karena hari besok mempunyai kesusahannya sendiri. Kesusahan sehari cukuplah untuk sehari. (Matius 6: 25; 33-34). Tuhan mengambil berat tentang kita, percaya kepadanya dan percaya kepadanya untuk semua kebimbangan dan keprihatinan harian kita. LANGKAH UNTUK MENGATASI TEKANAN 1. KITA MESTI BERGANTUNG KEPADA TUHAN, BAPA DI SYURGA. Praktis yang biasa ialah berdoa pada saat kita berada dalam masalah, datang kepada Tuhan apabila kita menghadapi apa yang berlaku di luar kemampuan, kekuatan atau karakter kita. Ini adalah doa perbaikan. Tapi kita boleh berdoa untuk doa pencegahan. Yesus mengajar kita berdoa dalam Doa Bapa Kami dan janganlah membawa kami ke dalam pencobaan, tetapi lepaskanlah kami dari pada yang jahat. (Karena Engkaulah yang empunya Kerajaan dan kuasa dan kemuliaan sampai selama-lamanya. Amin) (Matius 6:13). Jangan tunggu sehingga kamu masuk dalam godaan dan berdoa. Berdoa doa pencegahan setiap hari.

Kenapakah kita tidak datang kepada Tuhan sebelum kita jatuh dalam godaan? Sifat manusia yang cenderung berfikir bahawa kita mampu dan kuat, dan dengan demikian mengambil perlindungan dan bimbingan Tuhan sewenang-wenangnya. Kita memiliki fikiran "ia-tidak-akan-berlaku-kepadaaku". Kita ingin menjadi kuat dalam segala hal, secara fizikal, kewangan dan dalam hubungan kita. Kita perlu melepaskan ego dan kebergantungan diri kita. Jika kita berfikir bahawa kita mampu dan lebih kuat daripada godaan kita, kita tidak akan merasai peruntukan kebijaksanaan dan bimbingan Tuhan setiap hari. Saat kita berdoa, kita meluahkan kebergantungan kita kepadana. Paulus berkata, Karena itu aku senang dan rela di dalam kelemahan, di dalam siksaan, di dalam kesukaran, di dalam penganiayaan dan kesesakan oleh karena Kristus. Sebab jika aku lemah, maka aku kuat. (2 Korintus 12:10). Kemenangan kita berada disebalik kuasa Tuhan yang telah berjanji untuk memenuhi semua keperluan kita (Filipi 4:19). Paulus berkata, Segala perkara dapat kutanggung di dalam Dia yang memberi kekuatan kepadaku (Filipi 4:13). Alkitab berkata, Serahkanlah khuatirmu kepada Tuhan, maka Ia akan memelihara engkau! Tidak untuk selama-lamanya dibiarkan-nya orang benar itu goyah (Mazmur 55:22) dan Serahkanlah segala kekuatiranmu kepada-nya, sebab Ia yang memelihara kamu (1 Petrus 5:7). Apapun cabaran yang kamu hadapi, kamu ialah anak Tuhan, dipanggil untuk menjadi saksi yang setia, melayani, bermurah hati dan melakukan kehendak Tuhan. Kamu boleh mempercayai Tuhan, Dia setia (1 Korintus 1:9). 2. KITA MESTI BERDOA. Apabila kamu berdoa, kamu menunjukkan keimanan dalam Tuhan. permohonannya. Begitulah Paulus boleh mengatakan, Aku telah mengakhiri pertandingan yang baik dan Aku telah mencapai garis akhir. Dalam kelemahan Paulus, dia menjadi kuat dalam Tuhan (2 Korintus 12:10). Paulus Berdoa Untuk Segala Hal. Ianya merupakan doa kualitatif dan bukan hanya doa kuantitatif. Ini bermaksud datang kepada Tuhan secara khusus, melibatkan dan bertemu dengan Tuhan, kerana kita memiliki hubungan yang benar dengan Dia. Oleh kerana itu, Dia memberi kamu hikmat, kekuatan, kasih karunia dan apapun yang mungkin kamu perlukan. Tahukah Kamu Bahawa Setiap Perkara Yang Berlaku Pada Kamu Dibenarkan Oleh Tuhan? Kita hidup dalam dunia yang tidak sempurna dimana iblis yang memerintah. Bila kamu melakukan kehendak Tuhan, perkara yang tidak baik boleh berlaku kepada kamu. Tapi ingat, Pemazmur berkata, Tuhan menetapkan langkah-langkah orang yang hidupnya berkenan kepada-nya (Mazmur 37:23). Tuhan ialah kekuatan dan kebijaksanaanmu. Dia ialah gembala yang baik yang memimpin kamu. Kamu adalah milik Kristus Yesus, kerana Dia membayar harga untuk penebusan kamu. Tuhan dapat mengubah kesusahan kamu menjadi batu loncatan untuk kebaikan kamu apabila kamu mempercayai Dia. Misalnya, pembakaran sebuah Gereja beberapa tahun yang lalu, ialah suatu bencana, namun Tuhan mengubahnya dan itu menjadi sebuah kesaksian yang besar untuk kemuliaannya. Gereja diberi pampasan dan bangunan baru mereka diberi sijil menduduki dengan sangat cepat berbandingan dengan kebiasaan. Jangan tersangkur oleh kekecewaan, kesakitan, kekurangan kewangan atau cabaran kamu. Tuhan mengizinkan kamu untuk melalui, dan bila kamu bergantung dan berdoa kepada Bapa di syurga untuk keadaan seperti itu, kamu akan mengalami kemenangan. 3. KITA MESTI BERTERIMA KASIH UNTUK SETIAP PERKARA DAN BENDA. Mulakanlah doa kamu dengan ucapan syukur dan penyembahan. Bersyukurlah atas berkat-nya, agungkan Dia kerana siapa Dia, lebih besar, lebih kuat dan lebih bijak dari sesiapapun dan segala yang akan menentang kamu. Bawa permintaan doa kamu kepada- Nya. Paulus berkata, Janganlah hendaknya kamu kuatir tentang apapun juga, tetapi nyatakanlah dalam segala hal keinginanmu kepada Tuhan dalam doa dan permohonan dengan ucapan syukur. Damai sejahtera Tuhan, yang melampaui segala akal, akan memelihara hati dan pikiranmu dalam Kristus Yesus (Filipi 4: 6-7). Apakah kamu khuatir, cemas, dan peduli akan banyak hal? Jangan biarkan tekanan merompak imanmu alam Tuhan. Jadilah seperti Maria dan biarkan Firman Tuhan menguatkan kamu dan kamu akan menjadi pemenang dan bukannya mangsa. Datanglah kepadanya kerana Daud berkata, Serahkanlah kuatirmu kepada Tuhan, maka Ia akan memelihara engkau! Tidak untuk selama-lamanya dibiarkan-nya orang benar itu goyah. (Mazmur 55:22). Semua petikan Alkitab adalah dalam Versi Alkitab Terjemahan Baru, melainkan dinyatakan. Paulus Tidak Gelisah Tentang Apapun. Tekanan Paulus dari semua cabaran yang dihadapinya, boleh dengan mudah membunuhnya. Namun, dia boleh mengajar, berkhutbah dan menjadi mubaligh. Paulus tahu bagaimana untuk berdoa, pergi kepada Tuhan dengan segala penyerahan dan CALVARYNEWS OCTOBER 2017 11

压力和祈祷文 : 古纳南主任牧师 他们继续前行, 耶稣进了一个村庄 有一个女人, 名叫马大, 接他到自己家里 她有一个妹妹, 名叫马利亚, 在主的脚前坐着听他的道 马大伺候的事多, 心里忙乱, 进前来, 说 : 主啊, 我的妹妹留下我一个人伺候, 你不在意吗? 请吩咐她来帮助我 主回答说 : 马大, 马大, 你为许多的事操心烦恼, 但是不可少的只有一件 马利亚已经选择了那上好的福分, 是没有人能从她夺去的 ( 路 10:38-42) 有两个姐妹, 一个是当面对责任就像一个上紧了发条的玩具, 一旦被松开时就会旋转失去控制 信息版本圣经意译说 : 马大 为她在厨房里许多要作的事操心忙碌, 弄得心烦意乱不已 新钦定版圣经说 : 她对 许多事情感到担心和困扰 马大正为要照顾家里一位客人的责任担心 在那时, 你必须确保你的客人受到欢迎, 照顾和款待 如果他们在晚上抵达, 你被期望为他们提供住宿, 因为那里几乎没有旅馆或住宿的地方 马大对侍候这位嘉宾所需要的准备工作感到不安和担心 她倍感压力 她的妹妹马利亚虽然被同样的生活压力所包围, 她根本没有受到影响, 而这令马大感到不悦 你会认同哪一个姐妹? 耶稣对马大的回答是处理压力的要诀耶稣对马大的需求做出了回应 他说 : 马大, 马大, 你为许多的事操心烦恼, 但是不可少的只有一件 马利亚已经选择了那上好的福分, 是没有人能从她夺去的 ( 路 10:41-42) 耶稣正在帮助马大明白马利亚所做的选择在帮助她面对生活的压力 马利亚把神放在首位, 并寻求敬虔的知识来面对生活的挑战和环境 马利亚有平安和信心, 使她不至于崩溃 你可以选择担心, 过压力大的生活, 或选择相信神的生活, 并为所有的忧虑信靠他 使徒保罗是一个很好的例子, 他在生活中面对着很多的压力 他说道 : 他们是基督的用人吗?, 我更是 我比他们忍受更多劳苦, 坐过更多次监牢, 受过无数次的鞭打, 常常冒死 ( 林后 11:23) 保罗有什么秘诀来克服自己的苦难和生活中的压力? 保罗告诉我们 : 应当一无挂虑, 只要凡事藉着祷告 祈求和感谢, 将 你们所要的告诉神 神所赐那超越人所能了解的平安, 必在基督耶稣里, 保守你们的心怀意念 ( 腓 4:6-7) 这使保罗心里有平安, 并有信心过一个充实的生活 什么是挂虑? 许多人陷入挂虑 挂虑是被拉向两个不同的方向 这是一场在你内心的战斗 消除挂虑的途径是认识神, 并且学习活在他的旨意之中 那么你可以享受神的平安, 并有信心面对生活中的挑战 耶稣告诉我们不要忧虑 他说 : 所以, 我告诉你们, 不要为你们的生命忧虑吃什么喝什么, 或为你们的身体忧虑穿什么 生命不胜于饮食吗? 身体不胜于衣裳吗? 你们要先求神的国和他的义, 这些东西都要加给你们了 所以, 不要为明天忧虑, 因为明天自有明天的忧虑 ; 一天的难处一天当就够了 ( 太 6:25,33-34) 神关心我们, 相信他, 并为所有的日常的忧虑和关心的事信靠他 胜过压力的步骤 1. 我们必须依靠神, 我们的天父 常见的做法是当我们遇到困难时祈祷, 凡当我们面对超出我们的能力, 力量或性格的事, 就来到神面前 这是补救的祷告 但我们可以作预防性祷告 耶稣在主祷文中教导我们祷告 : 不叫我们陷入试探 ; 救我们脱离那恶者 ( 太 6:13) 不要等到你陷入试探之后再祈祷 每天祈祷预防性祷告 为什么在我们陷入试探之前我们不会来到神面前? 人性倾向于认为我们是有能力和坚强的, 因此把主的保护和指导当作理所当然的 我们拥有 这不会发生在我身上 的心态 我们希望在各方面都要有男子气概, 如身体, 财务和我们的人际关系 我们需要放下我们的自我和自我依赖 如果我们认为我们的能力比我们的试探更强大, 我们就不会经历神每天提供的智慧和指导 当我们祈祷时, 我们表达对他的依靠 保罗说 : 为基督的缘故, 我以软弱 凌辱 艰难 迫害 困苦为可喜乐的事 ; 因为我什么时候软弱, 什么时候就刚强了 ( 林后 12:10) 我们的胜利在于神的大能, 他已经应许使我们一切所需用的都充足 ( 腓 4:19) 保罗说 : 我靠着那加给我力量的, 凡事都能做 ( 腓 4:13) 圣经说道 : 你要把你的重担卸给耶和华, 他必扶持你, 他永不叫义人动摇 ( 诗 55:22 ) 和 你们要将一切的忧虑卸给神, 因为他顾念你们 ( 彼前 5:7) 无论面对什么样的挑战, 你都是神的孩子, 被召作一个忠心的见证人, 服事, 慷慨和遵行神的旨意 你可以信靠神, 他是信实的 ( 林前 1:9) 2. 我们必须祷告 当你祈祷时, 你显示对神的信心 保罗一无挂虑 保罗的压力来自于他所面临的所有挑战, 很容易使他丧命 但他却能够教导, 传道, 成为宣教士 保罗知道如何祈祷, 用恳求和祈求来到主面前 保罗就是这样说 : 那美好的仗我已经打过了 和 当跑的路我已经跑尽了 保罗在什么时候软弱, 他什么时候就在神面前刚强了 ( 林前 12:10) 保罗凡事祷告 这是一个定性 ( 质 ) 的祈祷, 而不仅仅是一个定量 ( 量 ) 的祈祷 这意味着非常明确地来到神面前, 与神相交和相遇, 因为我们与他有和好的关系 因此, 他赐予你智慧, 力量, 恩典和其他你所需要的东西 你知道神允许发生在你身上的一切事吗? 我们生活在撒旦管辖的不完美的世界里 当你遵行神的旨意, 不利的情况可能发生在你身上 但请记住, 诗篇作者说 : 义人的脚步为耶和华所稳定 ; 他的道路, 耶和华也喜爱 ( 诗 37:23) 神是你的力量和智慧 他是引领你的好牧者 你是属于基督耶稣, 因为他为你的救赎付出了代价 神可以为你的好处将你的困难变成踏脚石, 因为你信靠他 例如, 几年前有一间教堂被焚烧, 从自然的角度是一场灾难, 但神把它转过来, 使它成为他的荣耀的伟大见证 教会得到了补偿, 他们的新建筑物比一般的时间要快得到入伙纸 不要被你的失望, 痛苦, 经济缺乏或挑战绊倒 神允许你穿越它们, 当你在这些情况下依靠和向我们的天父祷告, 你就会经历胜利 3. 我们一定要凡事感谢 用感谢和敬拜开始你的祷告 感谢他的祝福, 高举他的所是, 他比任何人和一切会挑战你的更伟大, 刚强和聪明 将你祷告所要的告诉他 保罗说 : 应当一无挂虑, 只要凡事藉着祷告 祈求和感谢, 将你们所要的告诉神 神所赐那超越人所能了解的平安, 必在基督耶稣里, 保守你们的心怀意念 ( 腓 4:6-7) 你是否担心, 挂虑和关心许多事情? 不要让压力夺去你对神的信心 像马利亚一样, 让神的话语加力量给你, 你将成为胜利者, 而不是受害者 来就他, 大卫说 : 你要把你的重担卸给耶和华, 他必扶持你, 他永不叫义人动摇 ( 诗 55:22) 以上经文是采用中文圣经和合本修订版 12 OCTOBER 2017 CALVARYNEWS

LIFE STORY We re very encouraged by our youths in desiring to be a blessing to their families and friends. Be encouraged and emboldened by these two testimonies out of the many we received as they took a step of faith to Trust and Obey to bless others. TRUSTING GOD STEP BY STEP By Grace Tam After completing my SPM last year, I was uncertain as to my future. I prayed and sought God and felt the peace to teach in a school for refugee children, although it would set me back in furthering my studies. Thank and praise God for this open door. It was such an enriching and rewarding time for me at the school. I learnt many teaching skills and grew as a person. The children s enthusiasm to learn was encouraging and I experienced much of God s love and joy through the children. God gave me a heart for the refugee children and I was made aware of the EMPOWERING BY GOD TO WITNESS By Joanne Ten I was excited and full of expectation when a school project presented me with the opportunity to share the Good News with my friends. But to my horror, I was bombarded with questions and criticism I could not answer. It was such a hurtful and discouraging experience for me and after that I was fearful to witness again. During the 2016 Easter, I invited some friends for our Church musical. After the presentation, a few of them asked me some questions about Christianity and the musical. But I was still fearful from the negative responses I received the last time, and I just could not muster a word to reply. I allowed the opportunity to witness to slip away. In my heart, I knew I cannot allow my fear to stop me from witnessing. I prayed for spiritual boldness and breakthrough. Come December, we were encouraged to invite our friends for the Calvary Youth Christmas Celebration. I plucked up courage and invited a friend inspite of my fears. Praise God, my friend came. During the celebration, I was a bit troubled about not being able to handle any questions. But suddenly, the Scripture, I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me (Philippians 4:13) flashed in my mind very clearly. God was encouraging me to depend on Him, and not on myself. Praise God for the breakthrough and victory in my mind. After the presentation, my friend, sure enough asked me some questions about the Christian faith. I was amazed how I was able to answer all his questions, and also shared my personal testimony and my experiences with God as well. Thank and praise God for His empowerment. After my sharing, he was eager to know more and was open to come again for the Youth Fellowship. I have always wanted to share the Gospel with my best friend but afraid that she might reject the Gospel and I may lose her as a friend. But since experiencing this breakthrough, I am missions opportunities at the school. Halfway through my time at the school, I received the news that I had received a scholarship to do A-Levels. I know this is God s favour and provision. I completed my term at the school and started college where God continues to mould and shape me for His glory. On hindsight, I see the unravelling of God s plan (which far surpassed my own) for my life, step by step. I am learning to trust in God and not worry about my future, knowing His plan for me is good, as long as I trust and obey His leading. no longer hindered to reach out to her. I am praying and believing for God s empowerment and to open doors for me to witness. It is a joy to be a witness and I know God is with me whenever I witness for Him. The Bible says, Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20).

DEDICATION y b a B On 3 September 2017, four babies were dedicated to the Lord by Senior Pastors Prince and Petrina Guneratnam at the Sunday Worship Service at Calvary Convention Centre. They also prayed for the parents, together with their grandparents, that they will bring up their children in the ways of the Lord. Tan Yee Seong and Yeong Yze Shiuan with their baby Tyana Tan Cheng Xii David Ong and Nicole Wong with their baby Brianna Yong Qian Yi and son, Braxton Yong Zhan Yi Eric Chaumeton and Jillian Ong with their baby Elodie Li-Jien Ong-Chaumeton Jeffrey Ong and Grace Chang with their baby Olivia Ong Li-Via, together with the grandparents, Leonard Ong and Melissa Ng MEMBERSHIP INTAKE Congratulations to 63 Calvarites who were received as members on 10 September 2017 at the Sunday Worship Service at Calvary Convention Centre. May you continue to be found faithful in this local body of Christ and be involved in serving the Lord. Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam encouraging and praying for the new members

CALVARY CHURCH is is always on on the the lookout for for dynamic individuals to join our passionate individuals and multi-talented to join family. our passionate Do you have and great multi-talented interpersonal family. skills and a desire to use your Do gifts you and have talents great to further interpersonal the kingdom skills of and God? a desire We want to use to hear from you! your gifts and talents to further the kingdom of God? We want to hear from you! We are currently looking for We are currently looking for RECEPTIONIST ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE RECEPTIONIST ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Get in touch with us today at email@calvary.org.my COMMUNITY OUTREACH WORKSHOP 2017 Understanding Individuals With Special Needs: Their Experiences, Emotions And Behaviours In this interactive workshop, you will learn about the world of individuals with special needs which will help you communicate more effectively with them after gaining a deeper understanding on the interplay of their experiences, emotions and behaviours. Date: Saturday, 21 October 2017 Time: 10.00am - 2.30pm Venue: Worship Nursery, Calvary Church 2, Damansara Endah, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur SPEAKER: Frances Lim is a Clinical Psychologist experienced in conducting individual psychotherapy, psychological assessments and workshops. She spent 2 years with the Institute of Mental Health, Singapore, conducting behaviour therapy with adults with intellectual disability, and also provided training and supervision for caregivers and nurses to care for patients. Frances is currently Director/ Trainer of Mustard Seed Training & Services, an entity co-founded by her in April 2017. Who should attend? Parents, teachers, volunteers, students and anyone who is interested in learning how to better understand individuals with special needs. REGISTER TODAY! Last day of registration: 15 October 2017 Limited to 40 participants only. Early Bird Price: RM80 (register and pay by 7 October) Normal Price: RM90 For more information, contact Wei Ling at 03-2095 6360/2095 6361 or email weiling@clm.org.my.

WORSHIP SCHEDULE OCTOBER 2017 SATURDAY AT 5.00PM Calvary Damansara Heights 07 Associate Pastor David Seah Water Baptism 14 Dr. Russell Peavey 21 Associate Pastor Yong Chee Weng 28 Combined with Sunday Worship Service at Calvary Convention Centre SUNDAY AT 9.00AM Calvary Convention Centre 01 Associate Pastor Steven Kum Communion 08 Associate Pastor Richard Yun 15 Associate Pastor Yong Chee Weng 22 Associate Pastor Peter Ong 29 Senior Pastor Prince Guneratnam Communion Membership Intake YOUTH FELLOWSHIP (CY NIGHTS) 7.00PM OCTOBER 2017 Saturdays 7&21 CALVARY DAMANSARA HEIGHTS 29 Calvary 2017 Saturday, 28 October 2017 9.00am 5.00pm Calvary Convention Centre CHINESE FELLOWSHIP 11.30AM OCTOBER 2017 Sunday CALVARY CONVENTION CENTRE, Theatrette 1, Level B2 Speaker: Rev. Andrew Lim WATER BAPTISM 5.00PM 11 NOVEMBER 2017 Saturday CALVARY DAMANSARA HEIGHTS Closing date for submission of application: Sunday, 8 October 2017 CALVARY CHURCH (Assemblies of God) CHRIST-CENTRED EVANGELICAL MISSIONARY 2 Jalan Damansara Endah, Damansara Heights, 50490 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia CALVARY CONVENTION CENTRE 1 Jalan Jalil Perkasa 1, Bukit Jalil, 57100 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia Tel: 03 8999 5532 Website: http://www.calvary.org.my Email: email@calvary.org.my Senior Pastor Rev. Tan Sri Datuk Dr. Prince Guneratnam Connect with us: calvarykl calvaryone calvaryone