時裝 / 皮鞋 / 手袋 / 運動服裝 / 童裝 Fashion/ Shoes & Bags/ Sports Wear/ Kids Wear Item 1 G9 Hiroshima 2 G9A JILL SCOTT 凡購買任何貨品可享有正價貨品 85 折優惠 並可即時成為會員 - 此優惠不可與其他優

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162 方 忠 明 香 港 辦 理 以 大 眾 運 輸 導 向 之 開 發 與 我 國 辦 理 臺 北 都 會 區 捷 運 土 地 開 發 之 探 討 一 香 港 鐵 路 有 限 公 司 (MTR) 與 港 鐵 路 網 1975 年 香 港 政 府 鑑 於 都 市 交 通 的 日 益 繁 忙, 成



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216 年 8 月 市 场 概 述 216 年 月 日, 通 州 出 台 了 商 住 限 购 新 政, 规 定 新 建 商 业 办 公 项 目 应 当 按 照 规 划 用 途 销 售, 并 只 能 出 售 给 企 事 业 单 位 或 社 会 组 织, 且 上 述 单 位 购 买 后 再 出 售 时,

邮 轮 摘 要 ( 仅 供 参 考, 如 有 更 改, 不 另 通 知 ) 总 吨 位 : 151,300 吨 工 作 人 员 : 1,999 进 入 服 役 : Oct 2016 船 舱 总 数 : 1,674 长 度 : 335 米 国 籍 : 国 际 宽 度 : 40 米 楼 层 : 18 巡





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德福廣場商戶團體消費優惠計劃 ( 二零一七年七月一日至十二月三十一日 ) Telford Plaza Special Privilege Program (From 1 July 2017 to 31 December 2017) ** 請於享用優惠前出示有效證明文件 Please present a valid privilege card before enjoying the offers * 我們提供以下優惠予以下團體及持卡人 We offer special shopping privilege to the folowing orgainzations and card holders: MTR 商場優惠卡持有人及以下機構員工 : MTR Malls Privilege Card Holders and the following organizations: A. 港鐵公司 MTR Corporation B. 恒生銀行 Hang Seng Bank C. 香港迪士尼樂園 Hong Kong Disneyland D. 香港城市大學專上學院 Community College of City University E. 香港大學專業進修學院 HKU School of Professional and Continuing Education F. 香港中華基督教青年會 Chinese YMCA of Hong Kong G. 馬士基集團香港有限公司 Maersk Hong Kong Limited H. 丹馬士環球物流 ( 香港 ) 有限公司 Damco Hong Kong Limited I. 其士集團 Chevalier Group J. 電訊盈科 PCCW K. 中國電信國際有限公司 China Telecom Global Limited L. 中國建設銀行 ( 亞洲 ) China Construction Bank(Asia) M. 港鐵學院 MTR Academy N. 新家園協會 NEW HOME ASSOCIATION O. Smart Telford 會員 Smart Telford Members 共同條款細則 : Generic Terms & Conditions: 此優惠只適用於德福廣場商店 This offer can be used at Telford Plaza shop only 此優惠不得兌換現金 現金券或其他貨品及不設退款 This offer cannot be exchanged for cash, gift or cash vouchers or other merchandise and is non-refundable 此優惠不可與其他優惠項目同時使用 This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions/ offers /coupons 購物前請出示有效職員証 / 優惠卡 / 學生証 / 會員証, 方可享有以上優惠, 影印本無效 Please present the valid staff card / privilege card / student card / membership card before payment, photocopy is not acceptable 參與商戶有權更改其所提供優惠的使用條款及細則而不作另行通知 Participating merchants reserve the right to change the Terms and Conditions without prior notice 如有任何爭議, 參與商戶保留行使此優惠之最終決定權 In case of any dispute, the matters are subjected to the final decision of the Participating merchants Page 1

時裝 / 皮鞋 / 手袋 / 運動服裝 / 童裝 Fashion/ Shoes & Bags/ Sports Wear/ Kids Wear Item 1 G9 Hiroshima 2 G9A JILL SCOTT 凡購買任何貨品可享有正價貨品 85 折優惠 並可即時成為會員 - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用現凡購買正價貨品, 可獲八折優惠 Free Hiroshima membership upon any purchase and enjoy 15% off on regular-priced products. -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions Enjoy 20% off on Regular or Fixed price items -Cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional items 3 G13 &G62-63 G2000 4 G14 葆露絲 Bonluxe 5 G26 STACCATO 正價貨品 9 折, 套裝貨品再 95 折 - 如有任何爭議, 將以 G2000(Apparel)Ltd. 的最終保留決定為準 1. 7 折購買正價功能內衣一件 ( 護臀褲系列除外 ) 2. 免費享用價值 $500 之 一對一塑身教室 - 必須完成 一對一塑身教室 才可享有優惠 - 優惠只適用新客戶並先致電預約 正價貨品 9 折 - 皮具護理產品除外 10% off on regular-priced items Extra 5% off on set price items -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any promotional privileges. -In case of any dispute,the decision of G2000(Apparel)Ltd.shall be final. 1. 30% off on foundation lingerie. 2. Free one time "Bonluxe Perfect Body Figure Analysis" (Worth $500) -30% off only for regular priced and only for one item (exclude shorts and sale items) -Perfect Body Analysis should be done proior enjoying the above privilege. 10% off on regular priced items -Except leather caring product 6 G29 Joy & Peace 正價鞋履及手袋 9 折 - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 10% off on regular-priced shoes & bags. -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other offers. 7 G38 LEONA LEONA 正價貨品 9 折 - 不可與其他優惠使用 10% off for LEONA regular- priced items -This offer cannot be conjunction with any other promotions. 8 G66 TUSCAN'S 9 G70 Sinequanone 10 G80 RABEANCO 正價貨品 9 折, 減價貨品額外 95 折 正價貨品 9 折, 減價貨品額外 95 折 正價貨品 85 折 Full Priced item 10% off, extra 5% off on discounted item. -Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. Full Priced item 10% off, extra 5% off on discounted item. -Cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer. 15% off on regular-priced items -Cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions 11 G84 Porter International 正價貨品 95 折優惠 - 只限德福廣場使用 - 此優惠只適用於付款前出示有效之証件或 Smart Telford 會員 ( 手機頁面 ), 影印本無效 - 如有任何爭議,PORTER INTERNATIONAL 保留最終決定權 5% OFF ON REGULAR PRICED ITEMS -This offer is only accepted at shop in Telford Plaza. -The offer not redeemable for discount offers and other promotional offers. - Please present valid "membership card" or "Smart Telford Members" upon purchase, photo copies are not accepted. - PORTER INTERNATIONAL reserves the right to execute this offer should there be any disputes. Page 2

12 F13 Samsonite 13 F16 CROCODILE 時裝 / 皮鞋 / 手袋 / 運動服裝 / 童裝 Fashion/ Shoes & Bags/ Sports Wear/ Kids Wear 正價產品 9 折優惠 ( 旅行配件除外 ) 10% off on regular-priced items (exclude Travel Accessories) -It cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. 正價貨品 8 折 20% discount for regular-priced items - 指定貨品除外 -exclude selected items 14 F23A FX Creations 購買正價產品享 8 折 ; 購買 8 折或以上產品享額外 9 折 - 不適用於所有聯乘系列, 限量產品及寄賣品 Enjoy 20% off on regular price items and ectra 10% off on 20% or below items. -Excluding all cross-over collection, limited edition items and consignments. 15 302-304 Skechers 正價貨品 9 折, 減價貨品額外 95 折 - 此優惠不能與其他優惠或折扣同時使用 10% off on regular-priced items, Extra 5% off on discounted items. -Offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotional offers. 16 309 RDM 指定正價貨品 85 折 - 優惠不適用於減價貨品 - 優惠不能與任何其他優惠一同使用 15% off selected items This offer is only eligible for non sale item(s) and cannot be used with any other promotion(s). 17 313 YMK 凡購買指定品牌產品可享額外九折優惠 ( 品牌包括 : Charriol, Alviero Martini, Polofranco ) (3 折貨品除外 ) - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 Enjoy Extra 10% off on selected items (Selected Brand: Charriol, Alviero Martini, Polofranco) (Not including 70% off items) -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other benefits. -YMK reserves the right of fnal decision. 18 343 Naigai 19 404-405 DELSEY 20 422 Mothercare 購買任何正價貨品可享 9 折優惠 - 此優惠只適用於德福廣場二期商店 - 此優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用 - 付款前請必需出示有效証件, 方可享有以上優惠 - 如有任何爭議, 本公司保留更改及使用此優惠的最終決定權 任何正價行李箱及袋可享八折優惠 - 不包括旅行配件 - 必須出示 MTR 商場優惠咭 MOTHERCARE 品牌正價貨品 95 折優惠 - 此優惠只適用於德福廣場二期分店 - 必需於付款前出示有效證件, 方可享此優惠 - 此優惠不可與其他折扣 推廣優惠 特價貨品 公價貨品及會員優惠同時使用 - 如有任何爭議,Mother and Child Limited 保留最終決定權 10% off on regular price items -Offer is only valid at Telford Plaza II Shop. -Offer can't used in conjunction with other promotion offer. -Valid privilege card must be presented before payment to enjoy offer. -Should any dispute arise, the decision of NAIGAI Apparel shall be final. 20% off on regular price items including suitcases and bags. -Travel accessories is excluded. -Offer can be used at Telfrod Store with presenting MTR Mall privilege card. 5% off on Mothercare branded regular priced items. -Offer is valid at Telford Plaza II shop only. -Valid privilege card must be presented before payment to enjoy offer. -Offers cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts, promotional offers, discounted items, fixed price items and membership discount. -Mother and Child Limited reserves the right to make the final decision upon any disputes. Page 3

鐘錶 / 首飾 Watches & Jewellery 1 G86 Tissot 購買 2 枚手錶可享 92 折 ; 3 枚手錶或以上可享 9 折 - 此優惠只適用於購買正價腕錶 - 此優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用 - 優惠不可兌換現金 更換其他優惠 / 產品名不設退換 - 瑞士天梭表保留修改所有優惠條款及細則或終止推廣之權利而毋須事先通知, 如有任何爭議, 瑞士天梭表保留最終決定權 Enjoy 8% off upon purchase of 2 watches or 10% off upon purchase of 3 watches or above. -This offer is only valid in purchasing regular-priced watches. -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers or discount of Tissot. -This offer is not exchangeable for cash and no change will be tendered. -Tissot reserves the right to amend or withdraw any terms and conditions or terminate this offer without prior notice; in case of any dispute, the decision of Tissot shall be final. 2 F3-4 六福珠寶 3 F9A 金至尊珠寶 4 F22A Just 925 購買鑽石 天然翡翠 珍珠 寶石或 K 金首飾, 即可獲九二折優惠 ( 定價 特價 尊享價 授權 精品廊 黃金及鐘錶貨品除外 ) 正價珠寶鑽飾 85 折 - 優惠只適用於德福廣場之金至尊珠寶分行 - 優惠不包括購買足金及鉑金產品 鑽飾禮券 手錶 特價 公價及授權產品 - 優惠不可與 VIP 會員折扣 其他現金券 禮券及折扣優惠同時使用 - 優惠不可兌換現金 其他產品或折扣, 亦不可更換或轉讓 - 如有任何爭議, 金至尊珠寶保留最終決定權 可獲 85 折 8% discount upon purchase of any Diamond, Natural Fei Cui (Jadeite), Pearl, Gemstones or Karat Gold items (fixed-priced, special-priced, privileged-priced, authorised, Collector Series items, gold items and timepieces excluded). 15% off on regular-priced jewellery items. - Offer is applicable to 3D-GOLD Jewellery (Telford Plaza) only. - Offer is not applicable for the purchase of pure gold and platinum products, cash vouchers, watches, promotional, discounted, fixed and licensed items. - Offer cannot be used in conjunction with VIP offers, cash vouchers, other promotional offers and discounts. - Offer cannot be exchanged for cash. - In case of any dispute, 3D-GOLD Jewellery (HK) Limited reserves the right of final decision. 15% off 5 P37-38 周大福 1. 購買足金類產品, 可享 8 折手工設計費優惠 2. 可享 換購價 選購指定首飾乙件 - 此優惠只適用於周大福九龍灣分行 - 此優惠不可以任何方式與其他優惠同時使用 ( 包括優惠 金會 / 珠寶會標會 大減價優惠 周大福發出之回贈禮券 ) - 此優惠不適用於企業禮品客訂及其他客訂貨品 - 此優惠不適用於購買金粒及投資產品黃金類 - 如有任何爭議, 周大福保留最終決定權 1. Enjoy 20% off on the craftsmanship and design fee of pure gold products 2. Enjoy the purchase of selective products in redemption price -The Offers are valid at Kowloon Bay Branch of Chow Tai Fook only. -The Offers cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion offers (including any discount offer and Gold Club/Jewellery Club redemptions, Mega Sale, Gift Vouchers and Promotion Coupons issued by Chow Tai Fook). -The Offers cannot be used in connection with the purchase of Corporate gifts orders or as deposits. -The Offers are not applicable to the purchase of pure gold nuggets, investment gold coins and gold bar. -In case of any dispute, Chow Tai Fook reserves the right of final decision. 6 P51 周生生 正價鑲嵌殊寶及 18K 黃金飾品 95 折 - 優惠不適用於購買純金產品 裸鑽 企業禮品 手錶及指定產品 - 優惠不適用於易貨 5% off on regular price gem-set jewellery and 18K gold jewellery items. - Offer is not applicable to pure gold items, loose stones, corporate gifts, watches and designated items. - Offer is not applicable trade-in items. 7 P53 PN 凡惠顧任何貨品第一件可享九折優惠, 再惠顧第二件貨品可享全單 85 折優惠 ( 寶石,9K,18K 金貨品除外 ) Customers can enjoy 10% off on the first item, extra 15% off on all items upon purchase (except gemstone, 9K and 18K gold jewellery.) 1 G23-24 中原電器 購買正價貨品滿 HK$2,000, 可獲 HK$100 折扣優惠 - 優惠不適用於手機 Apple 產品 平板電腦及特價產品 電器用品 / 電訊 Electrical Appliances & Telecom Enjoy HK$100 discount upon purchase over HK$2,000 on regular-priced products. -Not applicable to mobile phones, Apple products, tablet computers and discounted products. 2 G93-94 New Vision 購買配件可獲九折優惠 -Apple 產品除外 10% discount on accessories -Offer no applicable to Apple's product Page 4

健康美容 Health & Beauty 1 G4A Dior 享用專業眉型塑造服務 ( 費用 :HK$150), 完成服務後可獲贈美妍試用裝乙份 * - 所有費用可換取同等價值之 Dior 彩妝產品 - 敬請預約服務 每位顧客限享用服務乙次 - Dior 美妍客戶服務熱線 : (852) 2970 0608 Enjoy Brow Designer Service at HK$150 and receive complimentary beauty samples set upon service completion. - Booking deposit is fully redeemable for Dior makeup products. - Appointment in advance is required ; One-time offer per customer. - Dior Beauty Customer Service Hotline : (852) 2970 0608 2 G4 Lancôme 免費體驗 20 分鐘活肌光芒護理, 完成服務後可獲贈適合試用裝乙份 - 敬請預約 Enjoy a complimentary 20-min Activitating Skin Radiance Treatment and receive suitable samples upon completion of service. -By appointment only. 3 G5 Guerlain 免費預約 20 分鐘專業手部按摩護理服務, 完成後可獲贈護膚體驗套裝乙份 - 優惠數量有限, 送完即止 - 每人限享一次, 請先致電 2759 6151 預約 Enjoy a complimentary Hand Massage Service (20 minutes). Receive a complimentary Skincare Experience Kit upon completion of service. -While Stock Lasts. -Advance booing is required (Tel: 2759 6151). This offer can only be enjoyed once per customer. 4 G36 Sasa 購物滿 $200 或以上 ( 折實價 ), 可享 95 折優惠 - 此優惠不適用於指定正價貨品, 詳情請向店舖查詢 Any purchase over HK$200 or above (net), you can enjoy 5% off. -Discount does not apply to selected regular-priced items. Please details please contact our frontline staff. 5 G72 SK-II 6 G73 KIKO MILANO 7 G75 SHISEIDO 免費享用 Magic Ring 專業皮膚分析服務乙次 完成後可免費獲贈適合閣下膚質之試用裝乙件 1) 請先致電預約皮膚分析服務時間 2) 禮品數量有限, 先到先得, 換完即止 3) 此優惠不可兌換現金及不可與其他折扣, 現金券及其他推廣優惠同時使用 4) 如有任何爭議,SK-II 保留最終決定權 凡購買正價貨品滿 HK$300 可獲贈 KIKO 雨傘乙把 每人限換領一次 禮品數量有限, 換完即止 - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 KIKO MILANO 保留隨時更改優惠內容及條款之權利, 而無須通知 - 如如有任何爭議,KIKO MILANO 保留一切最終決定權 1.Ultimune 紅妍肌活精華組合 HK$860( 總值 HK$1,160) 2.Ultimunee 紅妍肌活眼部精華組合 HK$550( 總值 HK$820) - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 優惠數量有限, 換完即止 Enjoy complimentary Magic Ring professional skin consultation service and receive a sample that fits your skin needs. Terms and conditions 1) Advance booking is required. 2) Gifts are on a first come first served basis while stock lasts. 3) This offer is not exchangeable for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with any other discounts, coupons or other promotional offers. 4) In case of any dispute, SK-II reserves the right on final decision. Spend HK$300 on full-priced items to get a KIKO umbrella.while supplies last. -One per person offer cannot be used in conjunction with other prommotional offer. -KIKO MILANO reserves the right to amend the contents of the sales promotion at anytime without further notice. -KIKO MILANO reserves the right on final dicision. 1.Ultimune Power Infusing Concentrate Set HK$860(worth HK$1,160) 2.Ultimune Power Infusing Eye Concentrate Set HK$550(worth HK$820) -The above offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion offers.offer are available while stocks last. 8 F13B Salon Sora 9 319 Neal's Yard Remedies 電髮 染髮 焗油一律九折, 洗吹髮九折 憑卡於店內第一次消費可獲贈禮物一份 - 限於德福廣場店 Perm, color, oil treatment & shampoo blow 10% discount. Upon presentation of specific staff cards, entitle to a free gift on first time purchase. -Only at Telford Plaza branch. 10 320-321 SOFINA 凡購買 SOFINA 產品滿 $500 ( 工具除外 ), 可即享 $50 現金折扣優惠 - 優惠不可與其他優惠共享 Enjoy $50 discount upon purchase of SOFINA products over $500 (Except tools). -Offers can't be used in the conjunction with promotional offres, cash coupon or discounts. 11 322 SKINFOOD 購買任何正價貨品滿 $500 可享 9 折優惠 - 請於使用時出示有效証件 - 不可兌換現金或其他貨品 - 如有任何爭議,That's Limited - Skinfood HK 保留最終決定權 Enjoy 10% off discount upon purchase regular-priced item over HK$500 -Member Card must be presented at the time of payment. -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offer. -This offer cannot be exchanged for cash or other items. -In case of any disputes, That's Limited - Skinfood HK decision shall be final Page 5

健康美容 Health & Beauty 12 331 Biotherm 免費 BLUE SMART 皮膚分析服務乙次及水潤體驗裝 5ml Free BLUE SMART Skin Consultation and hydration deluxe 5ml. 13 335-336 TONY MOLY 純正 100 面膜系列 6 折 Pure 100 Mask Collection 40% off. 14 340 Melvita 1 P39A Delifrance 1. 免費獲贈有機護膚體驗裝 2 包 2. 購買任何正價貨品淨值 HK$500, 可享 HK$50 折扣優惠 3. 購買任何正價貨品淨值 HK$1,000, 可享 HK$100 折扣優惠 - 此優惠只適用於德福廣場分店 - 每人只限換領指定體驗裝乙份, 數量有限, 換完即止 - 折扣優惠, 不可與其他優惠同時使用 如有任何爭議,Melvita 保留最終決定權 餐飲 Food & Beverage 惠顧任何正價產品或套餐滿 $50, 即享 9 折優惠 - 星期一至五, 公眾假期除外 - 不能與其他優惠同時使用, 不適合購買法式派對美食, 曲奇, 蝴蝶酥及禮品, 以及入會或增值會員卡 1. Receive Organic Skincare experience packs (2 pcs) for FREE 2. Upon purchase regular-priced item over HK$500, enjoy HK$50 OFF discount 3. Upon purchase regular-priced item over HK$1,000, enjoy HK$100 OFF discount -offer is only available at Metvita Telford Plaza Shop.One per customer while stocks last. -Offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions.in case of any dispute, the decision of Melvita remains final. 10% off upon any purchase of regular priced purchase at $50 or above. -Monday to Friday, exclusive of Public Holidays. -Cannot use with any other offers; Not applicable on French Party Catering, Gift boxes e.g. Cookies, Palmier, premiums (& new join or add value of La Carte Membership Card). 2 P41 Häagen-Dazs 惠顧外賣雙球雪糕, 免費升級至三球雪糕 - 優惠只適用於指定 Häagen-Dazs 德福廣場分店外賣自取, 不設送貨服務 - 優惠不包括乾冰 額外甜筒或紙杯另收取費用 - 優惠不可兌換現金 現金券及其他貨品 - 優惠不可與 Häagen-Dazs Club 會員卡 現金券或其他推廣一併使用 - 優惠不適用於 Häagen-Dazs Club VIP 禮品積分計劃 - 如有任何爭議或變更,General Mills Hong Kong Ltd. 保留最終決定權 Free upgrade to Triple Scoops upon any takeaway purchase of Double Scoops of ice cream. - Valid in designated Häagen-Dazs Telford shop for takeaway only. Not valid for delivery service. - Dry ice is not included. Extra cone or paper cup will be charged. - Cannot be redeemed for cash, gift vouchers or other products. - Cannot be used in conjunction with Häagen-Dazs Club Card, gift vouchers or other promotional offers. - Not valid for binus point gift program. - In case of any dispute, the decision of General Mills Hong Kong Limited shall be final. 凡惠顧可享九折優惠 ( 堂食加一服務費後計算 ) Enjoy 10% discount* everyday *after including 10% service charge (for dine-in orders) 3 G54A2 丼丼屋 DONDONYA 使用條款 : 1. 此優惠的有效期為 2017 年 7 月 1 日至 2017 年 12 月 31 日, 逾期無效 2. 只適用於丼丼屋德福廣場分店 3. 適用於星期一至星期日 ( 包括公眾假期 ) 4. 適用於惠顧堂食及外賣 5. 請於結帳時出示有效証件或 Smart Telford 會員手機頁面, 影印本無效 6. 此優惠不可兌換現金或貨品 7. 此優惠不可與其他現金禮券 餐飲禮券 優惠或折扣 ( 包括任何信用卡或員工折扣 ) 同時使用 8. 丼丼屋保留隨時修訂此條款及細則之權利而毋須事先通知 9. 如有任何爭議, 丼丼屋保留最終決議權 Terms & Conditions: 1. This offer is valid from 1st July 2017 to 31st December 2017. 2. This offer can be used at DONDONYA Telford Plaza store only. 3. Applicable from Monday to Sunday (include Public Holidays). 4. Valid for dine-in and takeaway. 5. Please present valid staff cards or the landing page of Smart Telford Mobile App upon payment, photocopies are not accepted. 6. This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or merchandise. 7. This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other cash coupons, dining certificates, promotion offers and discounts (including any credit card or staff discount). 8. DONDONYA reserves the right to amend the terms and conditions without prior notice. 9. In case of any disputes, the decision of DONDONYA shall be final. Page 6

餐飲 Food & Beverage 4 G33 Godiva Chocoaltier 正價貨品 9 折 - 優惠只適用於德福廣場 Godiva 分店 - 如有任何爭議,Godiva Chocolitier(Asia) Ltd. 保留最終決定權 10% off on regular-priced items -Offers only valid in Telford Godiva store -Cannot be used in conjunction with other promotions --In case of dispute,the decision of Godiva shall be final and bindling 5 G60 龍島美食店 Lucullus Gourment Shop 購買正價貨品滿 HK$200 或以上可享 9 折優惠 - 不適用於購買現金券及禮物籃 Enjoy 10% discount with regular price purchase over $200. -Cannot be used to purchase cash voucher or hamper. 6 P8 茜廊餐廳 Sidewalk Café 正價午市及晚市 88 折 1. 優惠只限德福廣場茜廊餐廳堂食 2. 請於點菜時出示有效之職員證予服務員 3. 加一服務費以原價計算 4. 此優惠不可與任何現金券或折扣優惠同時使用 ( 包括信用卡優惠 ) 5. 此優惠不可兌換現金或作現金找贖 6. 此優惠有效日期由 2017 年 8 月 1 日至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 ( 此優惠不適用於星期日 公眾假期及指定日子, 詳情請向店員查詢 ) 如有任何爭議, 茜廊餐廳保留最終決定權 Enjoy 12% discount on regular-price lunch & dinner set - Offer is only applicable to dine-in at Side Walk Café - Please present staff card in person before ordering. Photocopy will not be accepted. Our staff would mark down basic cardholder s information for reference -10% service charge will be based on original price -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any cash coupons or discount privileges (including credit cards offer) -This offer cannot be redeemed for or refunded in cash -This offer is valid from 1 Aug 31 Dec 2017 (except Sunday, Public Holidays, and other specific dates) -Side Walk Café reserves the ultimate right on the use of offers 7 425 牛角日本燒肉專門店 Gyu-Kaku Japanese Yakiniku Restaurant 惠顧主餐牌可享正價九折 - 需以電子貨幣消費 - 不適用於 2017 年 12 月 24-26 及 31 日 Enjoy 10% off on regular priced items upon patronage. -Bill settlement by electronic payment is required -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. -Not applicable on 24th-26th & 31st Dec 2017. 憑有效証件惠顧滿 $30 或以上, 即享 9 折優惠 Enjoy 10% discount on purchase of $30 or above. 8 528-529 Oliver's Super Sandwiches 9 531 Pacific Coffee 10 603 金滿庭 - 優惠只適用於 Oliver's Super Sandwiches 德福廣場分店堂食及外賣自取 - 優惠不適用於外送服務 獨立包裝小食 樽裝 / 罐裝飲品 特價產品 / 套餐及蛋糕產品 - 請於落單前出示有效優惠卡 / 職員証 / 學生証 / 會員証 / 手機應用程式版面及聲明使用優惠 (A294) 影印本恕不接受 - 此優惠不可兌換現金及不可與其他優惠 折扣或優惠券同時使用 -Oliver's Super Sandwiches 將保留優惠使用之最终決定權 購買任何 18/25 Altura 手調飲品, 可享免費升級優惠 - 此優惠只適用於德福廣場分店 - 此優惠有效期由 2017 年 7 月 1 日至 2017 年 12 月 31 日 - 此優惠不適用於特調咖啡 酒調咖啡 樽裝飲品及果汁 - 此優惠不能與其他優惠同時使用, 自攜杯優惠除外 - 此優惠不適用於外賣遞送服務 - 此優惠不可兌換現金 - 產品不設退換或退款 -Pacific Coffee Co. Ltd. 將保留此優惠之最終決定權 凡惠顧任何菜式, 可享九折優惠 - 必須以電子貨幣結賬方可享有優惠 - 結賬前必須出示有效職員証 / 會員証 - 優惠不適用於六 日及公眾假期 下午茶及外賣 - 優惠不適用於中秋節 (4/10/2017) 及冬至 (22/12/2017) - 優惠不包括茶水巾芥 餐前小食及加一服務費 - 優惠不可與其他折扣或推廣優惠同時使用 - 此優惠不可兌換現金 -The offer is valid for dine-in and takeaway at Oliver's Super Sandwiches Telford Plaza branch only. -The offer is not applicable to delivery orders, snack items, bottled / canned drinks, discounted items / combos and cake items. -Please present privilege card / staff card / student card / member card / image of the apps and mention the use of offer (A294) when placing order. Photocopies are not accepted. -This offer cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be used in conjunction with other offers, discounts or coupons. -Oliver's Super Sandwiches reserves the final right on the use of this offer. Free upgrade upon purchase of any 18/25 Altura handcrafted beverages -This offer is applicable to Telford Plaza Pacific Coffee only -This offer is valid from Jul 1, 2017 to Dec 31, 2017 -This offer is not applicable to specialty coffee, liqueur coffee, bottled drinks and juices -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion, except bring-your-own-mug discount -This offer is not applicable to delivery services -This offer cannot be exchanged for its cash equivalent -The purchased items are non-refundable and non-exchangeable -Pacific Coffee Co. Ltd. reserves the rights of final decision in any case of disputes Enjoy 10% discount upon any dine-in consumption -To entitle the discount offer, the bill must be settled by electronic payment. -This offer cannot be used on Saturdays, Sundays and Public Holidays, take away purchase and in conjunction with other promotion offers. -This offer cannot be used on 4/10/2017 & 22/12/2017. -This offer is not applicable on service charge and afternoon tea session. -Thsi offer cannot be redeemed for cash or gift coupons. -Modern China Restaurant reserves the right to exercise this offer should there be any disputes. Page 7

餐飲 Food & Beverage 午市 ( 中午 12 時至下午 2 時 ) 及晚市 ( 晚上 6 時至 9 時 ) 逢星期一至五可享 9 折優惠所有漁池海鮮除外 Enjoy 10% Off at 12pm-2pm and 6pm-9pm, Mon-Fri. (except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday) 11 801 稻香 1. 只適用於稻香德福分店 2. 必須在結賬前出示有效員工或會員証 3. 只適用於星期一至五 ( 星期六 日及公眾假期除外 ) 4. 只適用於中午 12 時至下午 2 時及晚上 6 時至 9 時使用 ( 入座計 ) 5. 不適用於廳房及酒席使用 6. 不可與優惠菜單 折扣菜單及其他宴席同時使用 7. 不可與其他優惠同時使用 8. 不可與其他現金券及優惠券同時使用 ( 集團條碼現金券除外 ) 9. 此優惠只限堂食, 不設外賣及攜走 10. 本集團保留一切最終決定權 11. 優惠期 :2017 年即日起至 2017 年 12 月 31 日, 逾期無效 不適用於以下日子 : -. 2017 年 9 月 25 日至 10 月 5 日 ( 中秋節 ) -. 2017 年 12 月 12 日至 22 日 ( 冬至 ) 1.This offer only valid in Tao Heung Restaurant at Telford Plaza. 2.Please present the valid identity card and acknowledge using this offer prior to bill statement. 3.This offer only valid from Monday to Friday(except Saturday, Sunday and Public Holiday) 4.This offer only valid on 12:00 to 14:00 & 18:00 to 21:00 5.This offer is not valid for VIP Rooms and banquets. 6.This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotion dishes, discount dishes and set menu. 7.This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. 8.This offer cannot be used in conjunction with other cash coupons and promotional coupons. 9.This offer is valid for dine in only. 10.Reserves all right and final decision in any disputes. 11. This offer is valid from now on to 31 December 2017. Except: 25th September, 2017 to 5th October, 2017 (Mid Autumn Festival) 12th December, 2017 to 22nd December, 2017 (Winter Solstice) 旅行社 Travel Agency 1 622 專業旅運 Travel Expert 凡購買自由行套票 ( 機場及酒店 ) 每單滿 HK$3,000, 可享 HK $100 折扣優惠 Enjoy HK$100 discount upon a minimum spending of HK$3,000 per booking on travel package (flight + hotel) 視光用品 /Optical Goods 1 G95 Optical 88 所有正價產品 9 折優惠 - 不能與其他優惠同時使用 Any purchase on regular priced item enjoy 10% off. Cannot be used in conjunction with other promotional offers. 2 354-355 Image Sport 正價貨品 6 折優惠 - 此優惠不適用於隱形眼鏡藥水套裝及什項及指定特價產品 - 如有任何爭議,IMAGE OPTICAL 將保留一切最終決定權 40% OFF REGULAR-PRICED ITEMS The offer is not applicable to disposable content lens, solution and fixed price items. Page 8

其他 / Others 1 F13A 新德福書局 購買滿 $50 而持有本公司有效優惠咭可得到九折優待 - 購貨付款前請出示本公司有效優惠咭 Purchase $50 or above can enjoy 10% off, expect discount items. - Please present the valid card before payment 2 P13-P14 德藝會 1. 免費 7 天貴賓會籍 * 於 7 天內免費享用德藝會指定設施 ( 包括室內恆溫泳池 健身中心 瑜伽 / 舞蹈 / 動感單車課堂 ) 2. 免費專業身體成份分析 * 包括體重分析 肌肉脂肪成分 平衡分析等, 附上詳盡檢查報告和諮詢服務 3. 免入會手續費 * 條款 1. 必須出示有效之証件方可享用此優惠 2. 優惠有效期由 2017 年 7 月 1 日至 12 月 31 日 3. 不可與其他優惠同時使用, 優惠不得兌換現金 4. 如有任何爭議, 德藝會保留最終決定權 * 每人只可享用此優惠乙次 不適用於德藝會現有會員 1. Complimentary 7-day VIP Membership* To enjoy designated facilities for free (including indoor heating swimming pool, fitness centre, yoga/dance/spinning class) in seven days 2. Free Body Composition Analysis* Cover Weight, muscle and balance analysis with in-depth report and consultation service 3. Waiver of handling fee* Terms and Conditions 1. This offer is valid upon presentation of valid identification pass 2. The above offer is valid from 1 July to 31 December 2017 3. The offer cannot be used in conjunction with other offers 4. In case of any disputes, the decision of Telford Recreation Club is final * Each person is entitled to the offer for once only. The offer is not applicable to the existing members of Telford Recreation Club. 3 509 和順堂中醫診所 出示指定工作證或會員證, 可獲 88 折優惠, 包括診金 藥費 中藥材湯包及保健產品 針灸及經絡推拿治療 ( 套票不適用 ) - 優惠不得與其他推廣 / 優惠 / 折扣券同時使用, 和順堂保留所有優惠之最終決定權 You can get 12% discount on Consultation Fee,Medication,Herbal soup packs and health products, Acupuncture treatment and Meridian massage fee (Treatment Packages are not included) by presenting specified staff or membership cards -This offer cannot be used in conjunction with any other promotions/offers/coupons. Wellsoon retains the final decision on the above offer. 4 516 煤氣客户中心 凡購買爐具產品一台, 可免費獲贈百佳超級市場現金券壹佰圓 1) 此券不能兌換現金,, 倘若遺失將不獲補發 2) 此優惠可與其他優惠同時使用 3) 如有任何有關優惠上的爭議, 香港中華煤氣有限公司保留優惠最終决定權 For purchase one unit of appliance product, ParknShop cash coupon ($100) will be offered. 1.) This coupon cannot be redeemed for cash nor replaced if lost. 2.) This offer can be used in conjunction with other promotion offers. 3.) Any dispute will be subject to the final decision of The Hong Kong and China Gas Company Limited. 5 524 官燕棧 乾燕窩正價 9 折 (1 兩起 )/ 冬蟲夏蟲正價 85 折 (1 兩起 ) - 此優惠只適用於德福廣場分店 - 如有任何爭議, 官燕棧保留行使此優惠之最終决定權 10% off upon purchase of regular-priced dried bird's nest products (1 tael up)/ 15% off upon purchase of regular-priced cordyceps products (1 tael up) -The offer can be used at Telford Plaza shop only. -In case of any dispute, the matters are subjected to the final decision of the Imperial Bird's Nest. 所有產品 *, 診金及藥方配劑售價 9 折 * 指定推廣產品除外 10% discount on all items*,diagnosis fee and Chinese medication dispensing fee. *Excludes selected promotion items 6 527 位元堂 Wai Yuen Tong - 此優惠只適用於德福廣場商店 - 此優惠不得兌換現金 現金券或其他貨品及不設退款 - 此優惠不可與其他優惠同時使用 - 購物前請出示有效職員證 / 優惠卡 / 學生証 / 會員証, 方可享有以上優惠, 影印本無效 - 參與商戶有權更改其所提供優惠的使用條款及細則而不另行通知 - This offer is valid at Wai Yuen Tong Telford Plaza branch only. - This offer cannot be redeemed for cash or used in conjunction with other promotion offers. - Please present a valid staff card / privilege card / student card / membership card before payment, photocopy is not accepted. - In case of any dispute, Wai Yuen Tong Medicine Co., Ltd. reserves the right of final decision. 7 617 快圖美 Fotomax 4R 數碼相片輸出 9 折 1. 每宗沖晒服務的最低消費為 $12, 以折實價計算 2. 優惠券編號 DP090820 4R Print from Digital Media 10%off 1.There will be minimum charge of $12 for each transaction of photo printing services, calculated on nett price. 2.Coupon No.DP090820. Page 9