in Nürnberg, Hamburg and Berlin. It also gave performances in Sydney, Singapore, Seoul, Daegu, Taipei and Macau. During the 2014/15 season, the orches

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China National Centre for the Performing Arts Orchestra 2017 Audition General Information China NCPA Orchestra is the resident orchestra of National Centre for the Performing Arts (NCPA), Beijing. Established in March 2010, the orchestra consists of highly accomplished musicians from around the world, who perform in more than a dozen opera productions presented by its home venue each year as well as in ballets and regular orchestral concerts in its own season. With a notably busy schedule, the young ensemble has fast established itself as one of the most adventurous and dynamic orchestras in the country. LÜJia took up the post of Chief Conductor in February 2012, succeeding Zuohuang Chen, the current Conductor Laureate, NCPA s Music Director and also one of the founders of the orchestra. LÜ Jia has been appointed as NCPA s Artistic Director of Music and Music Director of China NCPA Orchestra since 2017. Ding Yuan was named as Assistant Conductor in 2012. The NCPA Orchestra demonstrates an abiding commitment to the highest levels of artistic excellence and takes pride in its long-term collaborations with the finest musicians of our time. Artists associated with the orchestra in the past two years have included Zubin Mehta, Valery Gergiev, Myung-Whun Chung, Christoph Eschenbach, Vladimir Ashkenazy, Yan Pascal Tortelier, Gunter Herbig, Leif Segerstam, Shao-Chia Lü, Muhai Tang, Xian Zhang, Gilbert Varga, Lang Lang, Stephen Kovacevich, Leo Nucci, Jian Wang, Gautier Capucon, Yuja Wang and Han-Na Chang, among many others. Maestro Lorin Maazel worked closely with the orchestra before his passing and praised the musicians for their amazing professionalism and great passion in music. After working with the orchestra in a series of concerts and the NCPA s new production of La Traviata in June 2010. Maestro Christoph Eschenbach also declared it one of the finest orchestras in Asia. In the first six years since its establishment, China NCPA Orchestra has become one of the leading ensembles in the country both on stage and in the pit, gaining critical acclaim for its performances in NCPA s many opera productions. To date they have played for over 30 new productions, including not only classical repertoire works such as Tosca, The Barber of Seville, Die Fledermaus, Lohengrin, Aida, Otello, Nabucco, but also newly commissioned works The Chinese Orphan, Rickshaw Boy and The Visitor from the Ice Mountains. In its own orchestral concert season, the orchestra has consistently presented creative and diverse programmes, including a remarkable Beethoven Project under the baton of LÜJia, in 2013. Their performance of the mammoth Ring Without Words with its creator, Lorin Maazel, was released on SONY Classics worldwide, the only recording the great maestro ever made with a Chinese orchestra Another important field of work that the orchestra has explored extensively in the short period of time since its establishment is the creation and promotion of contemporary music. Having presented the Chinese premieres of major works by John Admas, Toru Takemitsu and Giya Kancheli, it gave the world premieres of more than ten substantial new orchestral works commissioned by the NCPA, written by composers from across the globe including Michael Gordon, Augusta Read Thomas, Kalevi Aho, Joby Talbot and Jiping Zhao. It has also played a major role in the NCPA's annual Young Composers Programme, providing a unique platform nurturing the next generation of Chinese composers. The NCPA Orchestra has flexed its wings on the international stage with high-profile touring work, receiving widespread international praise for its performances. From 2012 to 2015, the orchestra was invited by Kissingen Summer Music Festival and Schleswig-Holstein Musik Festival, and made its German tour continued with concerts

in Nürnberg, Hamburg and Berlin. It also gave performances in Sydney, Singapore, Seoul, Daegu, Taipei and Macau. During the 2014/15 season, the orchestra undertook its first North American tour, where it performed in 7 major cities in the US and Canada, under the baton of LÜJia. This was not only a milestone for this young ensemble, but also a breakthrough for any Chinese orchestra performing abroad. Musical America praised the orchestra for its joyful confidence and youthful strength. Concerto Net described it as a polished, first rate ensemble. With its commitment to educational and outreach activities, the orchestra has presented a series of Weekend Matinee Concerts at its home venue since its establishment. With specially selected programmes and accessible ticket prices, these have become extremely popular with Beijing audiences new to classical music. Current plans in this context include a new series highlighting the Beethoven symphony cycle, led by its Chief Conductor, LÜJia. In addition, the orchestra frequently initiates wide-reaching educational projects in association with educational institutions across the city. The 16/17 season has 'Music Speaks' as its central theme, featuring concerts conducted by LÜJia, Myung-Whun Chung, Shao-Chia Lü, Claus Peter Flor, Pavel Kogan, Hannu Lintu, Muhai Tang, Yi Zhang, Biao Li, with soloists Kyung-Wha Chung, Gautier Capucon, Henning Kraggerud, Jian Wang, Man Wu, Haochen Zhang, Sa Chen, Li-Wei Qin, Tianwa Yang, Feng Ning, Wei Wu and many others. Renowned composer Qigang Chen and pianist Yuja Wang, both as this season's Artist-in-Residence, has lead a number of concerts as well as educational projects. The orchestra has also performed in fifteen NCPA opera productions including Tannhauser, Rusalka. Vancacies Principal: Cello, Oboe Associate Principal: Double Bass, Bassoon (Contrabassoon), French Horn Tutti: Violin, Viola, Cello, Oboe (Corno inglese), French Horn, Percussion Audition 1. Beijing Date: 25th - 26th May, 2017 Location: China Beijing Deadline of Application: 15th May, 2017 2. Berlin & Vienna Date: 19th - 26th June, 2017 Location: Germany Berlin, Austria Vienna Deadline of Application: 4th June, 2017 3. Beijing Date: September 4 th, 2017 Location: China Beijing 4. United States Date: November 4 th & 9 th, 2017 Location: San Francisco & New York

Requirement 1. Applicants should be of sound character and possess good professional ethics, performing experiences with a professional orchestra is required. 2. Able to rehearse and communicate with others in English. Employment 1. Members in the China NCPA Orchestra are engaged under full-time contracts; Employment to commence based upon orchestra's arrangement and the successful applicant's availability. 2. Musicians shall play on their own instruments, while China NCPA Orchestra will bear a certain amount of the cost of consumables. 3. Apart from the subscription performances, musicians shall play in outreach / educational performances, chamber music concerts and recordings. Application Please send following documents via email ( in advance, please put Applied position + Name + Preferred audition location in the subject field of the email. 1. Completed Application Form (Click to Download) 2. Copies of ID card / Passport, graduation certificates, diplomas, award certificates and other professional certificates (if any). Audition 1. Solo Repertoire: Please refer to List of Solo piece and orchestral experts. Content should be exactly as per requirements and set list. Please note that failure adhere to the requirements may result in disqualification. 2. Orchestral Excerpts as listed below: Please see List of Solo piece and orchestral experts as Annex #1 (Click to download). For requesting listed excerpts, please send completed application form to in advance, excepts will be sent to qualified applicants via email. The Audition Committee of China NCPA Orchestra reserves the right to reject any candidate it deems unsuitable. All information pertains to the auditions will be sent by e-mail to the applicants.

Annex#1 2017 年国家大剧院管弦乐团招聘曲目汇总 小提琴演奏员 Tutti Violin 独奏必考片段 Compulsory Solo Pieces: 贝多芬 D 大调小提琴协奏曲第一乐章或莫扎特第三, 第四, 第五小提琴协奏曲第一乐章 ( 不含华彩 ) 1 st movt. from Beethoven s Violin concerto in D major or Mozart s Violin concerto: No.3, or No.4 or,no.5 (without Cadenza) 1 勃拉姆斯 : 第一交响曲 ( 第一乐章, 开始至 29 小节,40 小节至 105 294 至 335 小节 ) Johannes Brahms:Symphony No.1 in C minor, OP.68, 1 st movt., from the beginning to bar 29, bar 40-105,and bar 294-335 2. 理查施特劳斯 : 唐璜 ( 开始至 C 后 13 小节 ) Richard Strauss: <Don Juan>,from the beginning to the 13 th bar after C. 3. 普罗科菲耶夫 : 第一交响曲 ( 第一乐章开始至 12 号 ) Sergei Prokofiev: Symphony No.1 in D major,op.25, 1 st movt., from the beginning to No.12. 4. 贝多芬 : 第九交响曲 ( 第三乐章 99-114 小节 ) Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No.9 in D Minor, Op.125, 3 rd movt., from bar 99-114. 5. 莫扎特 : 第三十九交响曲 ( 第四乐章开始至 78 小节 ) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Symphony No.39, KV.543. The 4 th movt., from the beginning to bar 78. 6. 舒曼 : 第二交响曲 ( 第二乐章开始到 97 小节 ) Robert Schumann :Symphony No.2 in C Major.The 2 nd movt. from the beginning to bar 97 中提琴演奏员 Tutti Viola

独奏片段 Solo Piece: 霍夫梅斯特尔或斯塔米茨作品第一乐章 ( 不含华彩 ) 1 st movt. from Hoffmeister or Stamitz s Pieces(without Cadenza) 1. 勃拉姆斯 : 海顿主题变奏曲 ( 变奏 1,5,7) Johannes Brahms: Variation on a Theme by Haydn, Op.56a, variation 1,5,7 2. 理查施特劳斯 : 唐璜 ( 开始至 B C 到 D 前 5 小节 ) Richard Strauss: <Don Juan>,from the beginning to B and from C to 5 th bar before D. 3. 莫扎特 : 第三十五交响曲 ( 结尾 134-181 小节 ) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Symphony No.35 in D Major, K.385, Finale: bar 134-181. 4. 门德尔松 : 仲夏夜之梦 ( 谐谑曲开始至 D) Felix Mendelssohn: A Midsummer Night s Dream, scherzo, from the beginning to D. 5. 柴可夫斯基 : 第六交响曲 ( 第一乐章 19 小节至 62 小节 ) Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: Symphony No.6 in B Minor,Op.74, 1 st movt., bar 19-62. 大提琴首席 副首席 Principal and Associate Principal of Violoncello 独奏必考片段 Compulsory Solo Pieces: 1- 海顿 D 大调协奏曲第一乐章 1 st movt. from Haydn s :<Concerto in D major for violoncello and Orchestra> 2- 舒曼 A 小调协奏曲或者舒伯特作品任选 Schuman s: < Concerto in a minor for violoncello and Orchestra> or Schubert s Pieces 1. 莫扎特 : 费加罗的婚礼 ( 序曲指定部分 ) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:The Marriage of Figaro,excerpts from the overture. 2. 理查施特劳斯 : 唐璜 ( 序曲指定部分 ) Richard Strauss: Don Juan,excerpts from the introduction. 3. 贝多芬 : 第九交响曲 ( 第四乐章指定部分 ) Ludwig Van Beethoven,Symphony No.9 in D Minor,Op.125,excerpts from the 4th movt. 4. 贝多芬 : 第五交响曲 ( 第三乐章中段 141 至 196 小节 ) Ludwig Van Beethoven:Symphony No.5 in C minor,op.67,3rd movt.,bar 141-196.

5. 贝多芬 : 第五交响曲 ( 第二乐章主题和变奏 ) Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67, The 2nd movt Theme and variation. 6. 勃拉姆斯 : 第二交响曲 ( 第二乐章开始至 A;47 至 56 小节 ) Johannes Brahms:Symphony No.2 in D.73,2nd Movt.,from the beginning to A,and bar 47-56. 7. 威尔第 : 弄臣 第二幕指定部分 Giuseppe Verdi : <Rigoletto> excerpts from Act 2 8. 威尔第 : 奥赛罗 第一幕指定部分 Giuseppe Verdi : <Otello> excerpts from Act 1 大提琴演奏员 Tutti Violoncello 独奏必考片段 Compulsory Solo Pieces: 1- 海顿 D 大调协奏曲第一乐章 1 st movt. from Haydn s :<Concerto in D major for violoncello and Orchestra> 2- 舒曼 A 小调协奏曲或者舒伯特作品任选 Schuman s: < Concerto in a minor for violoncello and Orchestra> or Schubert s Pieces 1. 莫扎特 : 费加罗的婚礼 ( 序曲指定部分 ) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:The Marriage of Figaro,excerpts from the overture. 2. 理查施特劳斯 : 唐璜 ( 序曲指定部分 ) Richard Strauss: Don Juan,excerpts from the introduction. 3. 贝多芬 : 第九交响曲 ( 第四乐章指定部分 ) Ludwig Van Beethoven,Symphony No.9 in D Minor,Op.125,excerpts from the 4th movt. 4. 贝多芬 : 第五交响曲 ( 第三乐章中段 141 至 196 小节 ) Ludwig Van Beethoven:Symphony No.5 in C minor,op.67,3rd movt.,bar 141-196. 5. 贝多芬 : 第五交响曲 ( 第二乐章主题和变奏 ) Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No. 5 in C minor, Op. 67, The 2nd movt Theme and variation. 6. 勃拉姆斯 : 第二交响曲 ( 第二乐章开始至 A;47 至 56 小节 )

Johannes Brahms:Symphony No.2 in D.73,2nd Movt.,from the beginning to A,and bar 47-56. 低音提琴首席 副首席 Principal and Associate Principal of Contrabasso 独奏片段 Solo Piece: 斯佩格尔或万哈尔或德拉格奈蒂的协奏曲作品任选六分钟 Sperger or Vanhal or Dragonetti s concerto Pieces are Optional 6Min 1. 贝多芬 : 第五交响曲 ( 第三乐章 52 小节至 100,140 至 218) Ludwig van Beethoven:Symphony No.5 in C minor,op.67,3rd movt.,bar 52-100,and bar 140-218. 2. 莫扎特 : 费加罗的婚礼 ( 序曲指定部分 ) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart:The Marriage of Figaro,excerpts from the overture. 3. 贝多芬 : 第九交响曲 ( 第四乐章指定部分 ) Ludwig Van Beethoven,Symphpny No.9 in D Minor,Op.125,excerpts from the 4th movt. 4. 勃拉姆斯 : 第二交响曲 ( 第一乐章 E 至 F) Johannes Brahms:Symphony No.2 in D.73,1st movt.,from E to F. 5. 莫扎特 : 第四十交响曲 ( 第一乐章 114-138 191-217 小节 ) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: Symphony No.40 in G minor,k.550,1st movt.,bar 114-138,191-217 6. 马勒 : 第一交响曲 ( 第三乐章独奏部分 ) Gustav Mahler: Symphony No. 1 : titan D major 3rd movt. Solo 7. 威尔第 : 奥赛罗 第四幕指定部分 Giuseppe Verdi : <Otello> excerpts from Act 4 长笛 Flute 独奏片段 Solo Piece: 莫扎特 D 大调或 G 大调长笛协奏曲第一乐章 1 st movt. from Mozart s flute concerto in D major or in G major. 1. 贝多芬 : 雷奥诺埃尔 第三首( 引子 ;279-360 小节 )

Ludwig van Beethoven, Leonore Overture No.3, Intro and bar 279 360. 2. 普罗科菲耶夫 : 彼得与狼 ( 指定部分 ) Sergei Prokofiev: Peter and the Wolf, excerpts. 3. 理查 施特劳斯 : 查拉图斯特拉如是说 (18 号 21 号 56 号后 8 小节 结束 ) Richard Strauss: Also sprach Zarathustra op.30, No.18 to No.21, 8 bars after No,56 to end. 4. 勃拉姆斯 : 第四交响曲 ( 第四乐章独奏部分 ) Johannes Brahms, Symphony No. 4 in E minor, Op. 98, solo part in 4th movt. 5. 拉威尔 : 达芙妮与克罗埃 ( 第二组曲独奏部分 ) Maurice Ravel:Daphnis et Chloé, solo part in the second suite. 6. 德彪西 : 牧神午后 ( 指定部分 ) Claude Debussy:<Prelude a L'apres-midi D'un Faune >, excerpts. 双簧管首席 副首席 Principal and Associate Principal of Oboe 独奏片段 Solo Piece: 莫扎特 C 大调双簧管协奏曲和理查 施特劳斯双簧管协奏曲各六分钟 Mozart s Oboe concerto:c major and R Strauss s Oboe concerto both 6Min 1. 勃拉姆斯 : 小提琴协奏曲 ( 第二乐章, 开始 -32 小节 ) Johannes Brahms: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77, 2nd movt., from beginning to bar 32. 2. 罗西尼 : 软梯 ( 序曲开始至 3 号后 2 小节 ) Gioachino Rossini, Overture to La Scalu di Seta, introduction. 3. 贝多芬 : 第三交响曲 ( 第二乐章 8-101 小节 ) Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Op. 55, 2nd movt., bar 8 101. 4. 拉威尔 : 在库普兰的墓前 ( 开始至 4 号前 1 小节 ) Maurice Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin, Prelude, from the beginning to the 1st bar before 4. 5. 理查 施特劳斯 : 唐璜 (L 后 4 小节至 N 后 2 小节 O 前 5 小节至 P 后 1 小节 )

Richard Strauss: Don Juan, from 4th bar after L to 2nd bar after N, and from 5th bar before O to the 1st bar after P. 6. 马勒 第三交响曲 ( 二乐章指定部分 ) Gustav Mahler:< Symphony No. 3 > (excerpts. From 2nd movt.) 7. 贝多芬 第六交响曲 ( 三乐章指定部分 ) Ludwig van Beethoven: <Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68>, (excerpts. From 3rd movt.) 双簧管演奏员 Tutti Oboe 独奏片段 Solo Piece: 莫扎特 C 大调双簧管协奏曲或理查 施特劳斯双簧管协奏曲任选六分钟 Mozart s Oboe concerto: C major or R Strauss s Oboe concerto are Optional 6Min 1. 勃拉姆斯 : 小提琴协奏曲 ( 第二乐章, 开始 -32 小节 ) Johannes Brahms: Violin Concerto in D major, Op. 77, 2nd movt., from beginning to bar 32. 2. 罗西尼 : 软梯 ( 序曲开始至 3 号后 2 小节 ) Gioachino Rossini, Overture to La Scalu di Seta, introduction. 3. 贝多芬 : 第三交响曲 ( 第二乐章 8-101 小节 ) Ludwig van Beethoven, Symphony No. 3 in E flat major, Op. 55, 2nd movt., bar 8 101. 4. 拉威尔 : 在库普兰的墓前 ( 开始至 4 号前 1 小节 ) Maurice Ravel: Le Tombeau de Couperin, Prelude, from the beginning to the 1st bar before 4. 5. 理查 施特劳斯 : 唐璜 (L 后 4 小节至 N 后 2 小节 O 前 5 小节至 P 后 1 小节 ) Richard Strauss: Don Juan, from 4th bar after L to 2nd bar after N, and from 5th bar before O to the 1st bar after P. 6. 勃拉姆斯 : 海顿主题变奏曲,Op. 56a,( 指定部分 ) Johannes Brahms:Variations on a theme by Haydn, excerpts 7. 贝多芬 第六交响曲 ( 三乐章指定部分 ) Ludwig van Beethoven: <Symphony No. 6 in F major, Op. 68>, (excerpts. From 3rd

movt.) 英国管 Corno inglese 1. 德沃夏克 : 第九交响乐 第二乐章 ( 指定部分 ) Antonin Dvorak : Sinfonia No.9,excerpts from 2nd movt.. 2. 西贝柳斯 : 图捏拉的天鹅 ( 独奏部分 ) J. Sibelius : Der Schwan von Tuonela solo part 3. 拉威尔 : G 大调钢琴协奏曲 第二乐章 ( 指定部分 ) Maurice Ravel :Piano Concerto in G major, excerpts from 2nd movt. 4. 罗西尼 : 威廉退尔序曲 ( 指定部分 ) Gioacchino Rossini :excerpts from Wilhelm Tell Ouverture. 5. 柏辽兹 : 罗马狂欢节序曲 ( 指定部分 ) Hector Berlioz :excerpts from A Roman Carnival Overture. 6. 瓦格纳 : 特里斯坦与伊索尔德 序曲( 指定部分 ) Richard Wagner: <Tristan und Isode>, excerpts. 大管 Bassoon 独奏片段 Solo Piece: 莫扎特降 B 大调大管协奏曲第一乐章 1 st movt. from Mozart s Basson concerto:b-flat major. 1. 莫扎特 : 费加罗的婚礼 ( 序曲指定部分 ) Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart: The Marriage of Figaro, excerpts from the overture. 2. 拉威尔 : 鲍莱罗 ( 独奏部分 ) Maurice Ravel: Bolero, solo part. 3. 柴可夫斯基 第六交响曲 ( 指定部分 ) Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky::excerpts from <Symphony No.6 in B Minor,Op.74>, 4. 拉威尔 : G 大调钢琴协奏曲 ( 第三乐章 14 16) Maurice Ravel: Piano Concerto in G major, 3rd movt No.14 No.16

低音大管 Contrabassoon 1. 拉威尔 : 鹅妈妈 ( 指定段落 ) Maurice Ravel: excerpts from Ma Mere l oye,. 2. 肖斯塔科维奇 : 第五交响曲 ( 指定段落 ) D. Schostakovich : excerpts from Sinfonie No.5, 3. 莫扎特 : 第十号小夜曲 大帕蒂塔 ( 指定段落 ) W. A. Morzart :excerpts from Serenade No.10 <Gran Partita>, 圆号 Horn 独奏必考片段 Compulsory Solo Pieces: 1- 莫扎特第四圆号协奏曲第一乐章 1 st movt. from Mozart s : Horn concerto No.4 in E flat 2- 理查施特劳斯第一圆号协奏曲选段 R. Strauss : Horn concerto No.1 in E flat Pieces * 独奏选段不少于六分钟 No less than 6 minutes for solo pieces 1. 德沃夏克 : 第七交响曲 ( 指定部分 ) Antonin Dvorak: Symphony No. 7 in D minor, Op. 70, excerpts. 2. 肖斯塔科维奇 : 第五交响曲 ( 第一乐章 Solo) Dmitri Shostakovich: Symphony No. 5 in D minor, Op. 47, solo part in 1st movt. 3. 韦伯 : 魔弹射手序曲 ( 指定部分 ) Carl Maria von Weber: Der Freischutz: Overture, excerpts. 4. 理查 施特劳斯 : 英雄生涯 ( 引子 ) Richard Strauss: Ein Heldenleben, introduction. 5. 布鲁克纳 : 第六交响曲 ( 第三乐章 Trio Langsam E) Anton Bruckner: Symphony No.6 in A major, 3rd movt. Trio Langsam E. 6. 布鲁克纳 : 第九交响曲 ( 第一乐章指定片段 ) Anton Bruckner: Symphony No.9 in D minor, Excerpts from 1st movt. 7. 勃拉姆斯 : 第三交响曲, 第三乐章,B 前一小节 C 后五小节 ( 仅适用于圆号首席 副首席 )

Johannes Brahms: <Symphony No. 3 in F major, Op. 90>, 3rd movt., 1 bar before B 5 bars after C (Only for Principal and Associate Principal Horn) 8. 理查 施特劳斯 : 蒂尔. 埃伦施比格的恶作剧 指定片段 ( 仅适用于圆号首席 副首席 ) R. Strauss : Till Eulenspiegels lustige Streiche, Op.28, excerpts. (Only for Principal and Associate Principal Horn) 打击乐 Percussion 独奏片段 Solo Piece: 巴赫 : 六首大提琴组曲 BWV.1007-1012 作品, 任选六分钟 J.S.Bach : From <6 Suites a violoncello solo senza basso BWV 1007-1012>, Pieces are Optional 6Min 小军鼓 Snare Drum 1. 里姆斯基 科萨可夫 : 天方夜谭 ( 第三乐章指定部分 ) Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, Sheherazade, excerpts from 3rd movt. 2. 普契尼 : 托斯卡 ( 第二幕指定部分 ) Puccini:Tosca,excerpts from Act II 木琴 Xylophone 格什温 : 波吉与贝丝 ( 指定部分 ) George Gershwin: excerpts from Porgy and Bess. 钢片琴 Celesta 杜卡斯 : 小巫师 ( 指定部分 ) Paul Dukas: excerpts from The Sorcerer's Apprentice. 对钗 Cymbal 1. 柴科夫斯基 : 第四交响曲 ( 第四乐章 A 到 B,H 到结尾 )

Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky: <Symphony No. 4 in F Minor>, Op. 36(The 4 th Movt. From A to B,H to the end ). 2. 拉赫玛尼诺夫 : 第二钢琴协奏曲 ( 第三乐章 ) Rachmaninoff < Piano Concerto No.2 > op.18 (3 rd movement) 铃鼓 Timbrel 比才 : 歌剧 卡门 ( 指定部分 ) Bizet: excerpts from Opera <Carmen> 三角铁 Triangle 1. 李斯特 : 第一钢琴协奏曲 ( 指定部分 ) Liszt: excerpts from <Piano Concerto No.1> 2. 德沃夏克 : 第九交响曲 ( 第三乐章指定部分 ) Antonin Dvorak : Symphony No. 9 in E Minor,op.95,excerpts from 3rd movt