Part A Western Classical Music (50 marks) 1. Four excerpts will be played consecutively twice. Listen to the excerpts and answer the following questio

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PP-DSE MUSIC PAPER 1A Please stick the barcode label here. Please stick the barcode label here. HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY HONG KONG DIPLOMA OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION Candidate Number PRACTICE PAPER MUSIC PAPER 1 (LISTENING) Part A : Music in the Western Classical Tradition Question-Answer Book Marker s Use Only Marker No. Examiner s Use Only Examiner No. Question No. Marks Marks 1 INSTRUCTIONS This paper must be answered in English (1) Write your Candidate Number in the space provided on Page 1 and stick barcode labels in the spaces provided on Pages 1 and 3. 2 3 4 Total (2) Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this Question-Answer Book. Do not write in the margins. Answers written in the margins will not be marked. (3) Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied on request. Write your candidate number, mark the question number box and stick a barcode label on each sheet, and fasten them with string INSIDE this book. Checker s Use Only Checker No. Total (4) No extra time will be given to candidates for sticking on the barcode labels or filling in the question number boxes after the Time is up announcement. 香港考試及評核局保留版權 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority All Rights Reserved 2012 PP-DSE- MUSIC 1A 1 1 *A220e01a*

Part A Western Classical Music (50 marks) 1. Four excerpts will be played consecutively twice. Listen to the excerpts and answer the following questions. Write your answers in the table below: (a) Name a suitable time signature for excerpt 1. (1 mark) (b) Name the vocal technique in excerpt 2. (1 mark) (c) Name the texture in excerpt 3. (1 mark) (d) Name the genre of excerpt 4. (1 mark) (e) Name the period which best describes the characteristic of each excerpt. (4 marks) Excerpt 1 Period: Time Signature: Excerpt 2 Period: Vocal technique: Excerpt 3 Period: Texture: Excerpt 4 Period: Genre: 2. Excerpt 5 will be played four times. An incomplete score of this excerpt is given on the following page. Listen to the excerpt and answer the following questions. (a) Name two compositional devices employed in the chorus parts in bars 5-9. (2 marks) (b) Describe the writing of the instrumental bass line. (2 marks) (c) Name the genre of this excerpt. (1 mark) (d) Complete the score by writing the missing notes of the alto and tenor parts in bars 6-8. (4 marks) (e) Name the functional chord in bar 12. (1 mark) PP-DSE- MUSIC 1A 2 2

Please stick the barcode label here. Orchestra Reduction Score PP-DSE- MUSIC 1A 3 3 Go on to the next page

3. Excerpt 6 is an instrumental quartet. Its incomplete score is given on the following page. The excerpt will be played three times. Listen to the music and answer the following questions. (a) Name any two of the instruments featured in the excerpt. (2 marks) (b) Referring to the score, name one playing technique indicated in the score in each of the boxes P, Q, R and S. (4 marks) Playing technique P Q R S (c) For instrument B, bar 1 and bar 5 of this score are not the same as in the original version as performed in the recording. (i) Rewrite the correct rhythm of the first five notes in bar 1. (ii) Describe the changes in bar 5. (4 marks) PP-DSE- MUSIC 1A 4 4

(d) Suggest a period for this excerpt. Give one reason to support your answer. (2 marks) PP-DSE- MUSIC 1A 5 5 Go on to the next page

4. Excerpts 7 and 8 are taken from two operas of different periods. The two excerpts will be played consecutively three times. Describe and compare the musical features of the two excerpts with respect to dynamics, texture, orchestration, harmony, melody, text setting, etc. (20 marks) END OF PART A Sources of materials used in this paper will be acknowledged in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination Practice Papers published by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority at a later stage. PP-DSE- MUSIC 1A 6 6

Do not write on this page. Answers written on this page will not be marked. PP-DSE- MUSIC 1A 7 7

Do not write on this page. Answers written on this page will not be marked. PP-DSE- MUSIC 1A 8 8

PP-DSE MUSIC PAPER 1B Please stick the barcode label here. Please stick the barcode label here. HONG KONG EXAMINATIONS AND ASSESSMENT AUTHORITY HONG KONG DIPLOMA OF SECONDARY EDUCATION EXAMINATION Candidate Number INSTRUCTIONS PRACTICE PAPER MUSIC PAPER 1 (LISTENING) Part B : Chinese Instrumental Music, Cantonese Operatic Music, Local and Western Popular Music Question-Answer Book This paper must be answered in English (1) Write your Candidate Number in the space provided on Page 1 and stick barcode labels in the spaces provided on Pages 1, 3 and 5. (2) Answer all questions. Write your answers in the spaces provided in this Question-Answer Book. Do not write in the margins. Answers written in the margins will not be marked. (3) Supplementary answer sheets will be supplied on request. Write your candidate number, mark the question number box and stick a barcode label on each sheet, and fasten them with string INSIDE this book. Marker s Use Only Marker No. Examiner s Use Only Examiner No. Question No. Marks Marks 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Total Checker s Use Only (4) No extra time will be given to candidates for sticking on the barcode labels or filling in the question number boxes after the Time is up announcement. (5) A hanyupinyin table of common terms used in Chinese music is printed on the last four pages of this Question- Answer Book. Candidates must use the hanyupinyin printed on the table in presenting these Chinese music terms in their answers. Checker No. Total 香港考試及評核局保留版權 Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority All Rights Reserved 2012 PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 1 1 *A220e01b*

Part B Chinese Instrumental Music, Cantonese Operatic Music, and Popular Music (50 marks) Excerpts 1 and 2 are pieces performed by Chinese instruments. Each excerpt will be played twice. Listen to the excerpts and answer the following questions. 1. Excerpt 1 is a solo piece for dizi accompanied by an ensemble. (a) Name the type of dizi employed in this excerpt. (1 mark) (b) Identify two playing techniques employed by the dizi in the excerpt. Tick your answers. (2 marks) trill flutter-tonguing double tonguing harmonic (c) circular breathing feizhi On which note of the traditional Chinese scale does the excerpt end? Tick your answer. (1 mark) gong shang zhi yu (d) Describe how the ensemble accompanies the dizi. (2 marks) 2. Excerpt 2 is an ensemble piece in two sections. The first section ends with guzheng glissandos. The second section begins with a melody played by the erhu. The excerpt will be played twice. Listen to the excerpt and answer the following questions. (a) Describe three melodic characteristics of the first section. (3 marks) PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 2 2

Please stick the barcode label here. (b) The melody in the second section is repeated twice. Describe the instrumentation in this section. (2 marks) (c) Describe the changes in texture in the second section. (2 marks) 3. Excerpt 3 is a piece for modern Chinese orchestra which employs contemporary compositional techniques. The excerpt will be played three times. Listen to the excerpt and answer the following questions. (a) Describe four compositional devices and orchestration techniques employed in the excerpt. (4 marks) (b) Identify the main type of percussion used and describe its role in the music. (3 marks) PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 3 3 Go on to the next page

4. Excerpt 4 is a Cantonese operatic song. The excerpt will be played three times. Listen to the excerpt and answer the following questions. The lyrics are given below. Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 Line 4 柳垂絲, 無錯繫小漁船, 把一水春光, 獨佔 碧波深處, 愁思婦, 不再淚向, 水晶簾 早劃破洞庭天, 踏紅塵, 與你同諧, 美眷 搖紅燭下, 這個漁家女, 正是你心底, 情鴛 (a) Name the type of banghuang used in the excerpt. (1 mark) (b) What happens between the instrumental accompaniment and the vocal part in Line 2? (3 marks) (c) Name the notes of the characters underlined in Lines 3 and 4 in gongchepu. (4 marks) Line 3: Line 4: Text 破天諧搖 Gongchepu PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 4 4

Please stick the barcode label here. 5. Excerpt 5 is a selection from a Cantonese opera. The excerpt will be played three times. Listen to the excerpt and answer the following questions. The lyrics are given below. Line 1 Line 2 Line 3 仿似藍橋會, 無語暗情通, 敢信一夜相思兩處同 撥柳斜窺驚復恐, 更怡玉樹正臨風 獨惜琴韻未隨花月送, 怎奈咫尺尤如隔萬重 (a) Circle all the auxiliary characters chenzi in Line 1. (3 marks) 仿似藍橋會, 無語暗情通, 敢信一夜相思兩處同 (b) (c) Which of the following metrical patterns correctly illustrates the relationship between the lyrics and dingban in Line 3? (1 mark) Pattern: Pattern A: X X Character: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pattern B: X X Character: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Pattern C: X X Character: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Name two melodic instruments used in the excerpt and give a reason to explain why these instruments are used. (3 marks) Instrument 1: Instrument 2: Reason: PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 5 5 Go on to the next page

6. Excerpt 6 is an early rock n roll song titled Hound Dog sung by Elvis Presley. The excerpt will be played twice. Listen to the excerpt and answer the following questions. The lyrics are given below. Line Lyrics 1 You ain t nothin but a hound dog, cryin all the time. 2 You ain t nothin but a hound dog, cryin all the time. 3 Well, you ain t never caught a rabbit and you ain t no friend of mine. 4 Well they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie. 5 Yeah they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie. 6 Well, you ain t never caught a rabbit and you ain t no friend of mine. 1 You ain t nothin but a hound dog, cryin all the time. 2 You ain t nothin but a hound dog, cryin all the time. 3 Well, you ain t never caught a rabbit and you ain t no friend of mine. 4 Well they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie. 5 Yeah they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie. 6 Well, you ain t never caught a rabbit and you ain t no friend of mine. 4 Well they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie. 5 Yeah they said you was high-classed, well, that was just a lie. 6 Well, you ain t never caught a rabbit and you ain t no friend of mine. 1 You ain t nothin but a hound dog, cryin all the time. 2 You ain t nothin but a hound dog, cryin all the time. 3 Well, you ain t never caught a rabbit and you ain t no friend of mine. (a) Lines 1-3 are set to a 12-bar blues pattern. Explain the relationship between the lyrics and the pattern. (3 marks) (b) Give two reasons to explain why the song excited audiences in the 1950s. (2 marks) PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 6 6

7. Excerpt 7 is a popular song by Sam Hui. The excerpt will be played twice. Listen to the excerpt and answer the following questions. The lyrics are given below. Line Lyrics 1 夜雨聲嘆憶愛恨難明 2 奈何卿已一去不見影 3 情緣一朝化空心掛念 4 離愁夜雨點聲不願聽 5 夜雨聲倍感往事無情 6 夜傳淚暗低唱悲怨聲 7 難忘雙飛燕依稀往事 8 愁腸斷我湧襟珠淚罄 9 誰憐憫苦相思歸泡影 10 千般愁向秋天悲怨命 11 愁城困獨孤單悲冷清 12 鴛鴦難望再見淚凝凝 (a) Use a Roman numeral to indicate the chord which ends Line 3. (1 mark) (b) Describe and explain two characteristics of the rhythmic or metrical setting of the lyrics. (4 marks) (c) Use appropriate terms or symbols to show the form of the song in the space provided below. (3 marks) PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 7 7 Go on to the next page

(d) Describe two characteristics of the accompanying ensemble. (2 marks) END OF PAPER Sources of materials used in this paper will be acknowledged in the Hong Kong Diploma of Secondary Education Examination Practice Papers published by the Hong Kong Examinations and Assessment Authority at a later stage. PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 8 8

中國音樂術語漢語拼音表 A hanyupinyin table of Chinese music terms 中國音樂術語 hanyu pinyin 中國音樂術語 hanyu pinyin 一畫 工尺譜 gongchepu 一板一叮 yiban yiding 四畫 一板三叮 yiban sanding 丑 / 丑生 chou / chousheng 一槌 / 一錘 yichui 中州音韻 zhongzhou yinyun 乙 yi 中板 zhongban 乙反 yifan 中胡 zhonghu 二畫 中阮 zhongruan 七字清 qiziqing 五音鼓 wuyingu 七律 qilü 介 / 介口 jie / jiekou 二胡 erhu 六十八板 liushibaban 二黃 erhuang 反 fan 八大曲本 bada quben 反線 fanxian 八字句二黃慢板 baziju erhuang manban 反線十字句中板 fanxian shiziju zhongban 八音 bayin 尺 che 十二律 shierlü 巴烏 bawu 卜魚 buyu 文武生 wenwusheng 三畫 文琴 wenqin 三分損益 sanfensunyi 文場 wenchang 三弦 sanxian 月琴 yueqin 下句 xiaju 木 mu 上 shang 木魚 muyu 上句 shangju 水波浪 shuibolang 口古 kougu 勾鑼 / 小鑼 gouluo / xiaoluo 口白 koubai 五畫 土 tu 加花 jiahua 士 shi 古曲 guqu 士工線 shigong xian 古琴 / 琴 guqin / qin 大阮 daruan 古箏 / 箏 guzheng / zheng 大胡 dahu 叮板 dingban 大喉 dahou 左撇 zuopie 大鼓 dagu 平喉 pinghou 大調 dadiao 打 da 大戲 daxi 打花 dahua 大鈸 dabo 末 mo 大鑼 daluo 正叮 zhengding 大笛 dadi 正印花旦 zhengyin huadan 子喉 zihou 正板 zhengban 小生 xiaosheng 正線 zhengxian 小曲 xiaoqu 民族管弦樂 minzu guanxianyue 小調 xiaodiao 白欖 bailan 小鈸 xiaobo 石 shi 小鼓 xiaogu 六畫 小鑼 / 勾鑼 xiaoluo / gouluo 羽 yu 小阮 xiaoruan 先鋒查 xianfengcha 小堂鼓 xiaotanggu 合 he 工 gong 合尺線 heche xian PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 9 9 Go on to the next page

中國音樂術語 hanyu pinyin 中國音樂術語 hanyu pinyin 合字序 hezixu 板面 banmian 合尾 hewei 板腔 banqiang 合頭 hetou 板鼓 bangu 合頭換尾 hetou huanwei 板腔體 banqiangti 回滑音 huihuayin 武生 wusheng 收 / 收掘 shou / shoujue 直轉 zhizhuan 曲 qu 花旦 huadan 曲笛 qudi 花指 huazhi 曲牌 qupai 花腔 huaqiang 曲牌體 qupaiti 金 jin 曲藝 quyi 九畫 江南絲竹 jiangnan sizhu 南音 nanyin 竹 zhu 南管 nanguan 老倌 laoguan 急急風 jijifeng 行當 hangdang 星 xing 西皮 xipi 柳琴 / 柳葉琴 liuqin / liuyeqin 七畫 段頭 / 斷頭 duantou 角 jue 洋琴 / 揚琴 yangqin 低胡 dihu 洞簫 / 簫 dongxiao / xiao 低鑼 diluo 胡琴 huqin 即興 jixing 革 ge 序 xu 革胡 gehu 快中板 kuaizhongban 食住轉 shizhuzhuan 折子戲 zhezixi 食線 shixian 沖頭 chongtou 飛指 feizhi 禿頭 tutou 按音 anyin 阮 ruan 十畫 沙的 shadi 宮 gong 角色 / 腳色 juese / jiaose 流水板 liushuiban 吟 / 猱 yin / nao 流派 liupai 八畫 借字 jiezi 拂 fu 套曲體 taoquti 注 / 綽 zhu / chuo 旁 pang 刮奏 guazou 書鼓 shugu 京胡 jinghu 浪音 langyin 京鑔 jingcha 浪裏白 langlibai 依字行腔 yizi xingqiang 秦琴 qinqin 卓竹 zhuozhu 追腔加花 zhuiqiang jiahua 定場詩白 dingchang shibai 高胡 gaohu 底叮 diding 倚音 yiyin 底板 diban 十一畫 拉腔 laqiang 商 shang 拉阮 laruan 掃 sao 拍板 paiban 做 zuo 放慢加花 fangman jiahua 匏 pao 板 ban 唱 chang 板式 banshi 唱段 changduan 板胡 banhu 唱口一槌 changkou yichui PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 10 10

中國音樂術語 hanyu pinyin 中國音樂術語 hanyu pinyin 唱腔 changqiang 傳奇 chuanqi 問字取腔 wenziquqiang 催爽 cuishuang 唸 nian 碰鈴 pengling 唸白 / 說白 nianbai / shuobai 詩白 shibai 堂鑼 tangluo 鈸 / 鑔 bo / cha 專腔 zhuanqiang 頓 dun 得 de / dei 鼓 gu 排子頭 / 牌子頭 paizitou 鼓板 guban 排鼓 paigu 嗩吶 suona 排簫 paixiao 塤 xun 排笛 paidi 腳色 / 角色 jiaose / juese 旋相為宮 xuanxiangweigong 椰胡 yehu 梆子 bangzi 搖指 yaozhi 梆子中板 bangzi zhongban 煞 sha 梆黃 banghuang 十四畫 梆笛 bangdi 摘 zhai 梆鼓 / 雙皮鼓 banggu / shuangpigu 摭分 zhifen 淨 jing 截 / 揖 jie / yi 笛 / 笛子 di / dizi 慢板 manban 笙 sheng 慢長槌 manchangchui 魚咬尾 yuyaowei 敲琴 qiaoqin 十二畫 歌壇 getan 單彈輪 dantanlun 滾花 gunhua 單檔 dandang 管 / 管子 guan / guanzi 場 chang 管弦 guanxian 掌板 zhangban 箏 / 古箏 zheng / guzheng 提琴 tiqin 說白 / 唸白 shuobai / nianbai 揚琴 / 洋琴 yangqin 說唱 shuochang 揖 / 截 yi / jie 齊奏 qizou 換頭合尾 huantou hewei 墊指滑音 dianzhi huayin 棚面 pengmian 綽 / 注 chuo / zhu 減字 jianzi 滾 gun 牌子 paizi 十五畫 牌子頭 / 排子頭 paizitou 徵 zhi 琵琶 pipa 彈板面 danbanmian 琴 / 古琴 qin / guqin 撰曲 zhuanqu 絲竹 sizhu 撞板 zhuangban 腔口 qiangkou 撐 cheng 評彈 pingtan 線 xian 開雙 kaishuang 線口 xiankou 開邊 kaibian 線底 xiandi 雲鑼 yunluo 線面 xianmian 散板 sanban 彈詞 tanci 散音 sanyin 編磬 bianqing 猱 / 吟 nao / yin 編鐘 bianzhong 絞弦 jiaoxian 調 diao 提 ti 調門 diaomen 十三畫數白欖 shubailan PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 11 11 Go on to the next page

中國音樂術語 撮 輪指十六畫燕樂 頭架 戰鼓十七畫點鼓十八畫 雜劇 雙管雙皮鼓 / 梆鼓斷頭 / 段頭十九畫懷鼓 爆肚 韻白韻 / 韻腳 贈 瀝音 / 歷音二十畫簫 / 洞簫鐘二十一畫攝鑼鼓霸腔露字襯字二十二畫鬚生 疊 鑔 / 鈸二十七畫鑼鑼鼓白 hanyu pinyin cuo lunzhi yanyue toujia zhangu diangu zaju shuangguan shuangpigu / banggu duantou huaigu baodu yunbai yun / yunjiao zeng liyin xiao / dongxiao zhong sheluogu baqiang luzi chenzi xusheng die cha / bo luo luogubai PP-DSE- MUSIC 1B 12 12