Derwent 畫家粗筆芯顏色鉛筆 4mm 筆芯 鉛筆為傳統型, 大直徑彩色鉛筆, 具有柔軟而輕微光滑的筆蕊, 非常適合進行混合及疊加創作 該產品長期以來一直備受藝術家的喜愛, 有多達 120 種專業挑選的色彩 Derwnt Artists Colour Pencil 4mm Lead Artist

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Derwent Coloursoft 顏色鉛筆 4mm 筆芯 鉛筆具有柔軟絲滑的筆蕊, 可以進行快速而濃密的創作, 展現大膽而鮮明的色彩 其獨特的配方是可混合性的, 可以創造出無限多的不同色調, 有 72 種豐富色彩可供選擇 C010 Cream C020 Acid C190 Pink C200 Bright Pin C370 Pale C380 Sea Derwent Coloursoft Pencil 4mm Lead Coloursoft pencils have a soft, velvety strip, producing a quick, dense application of bold vibrant colour. The unique formulation is highly blendable, allowing an infinite spectrum of subtly different tones to be created. Available in a choice of 72 rich colours. C550 Ginger C560 Peach Derwent Coloursoft 顏色鉛筆 Derwent Coloursoft Pencil C030 Lemon C210 Pink Lavender C390 C570 Pale Peach C040 Deep Cadmium C220 Lavender C400 Mid C580 Light Sand C050 Ochre C060 Pale Orange C070 Orange C080 Bright Orange C090 Blood Orange C100 Rose C110 Scarlet C230 Pale Lavender C240 Bright Purple C250 Purple C260 Bright Lilac C270 Royal Purple C280 Blackberry C290 C410 Dark C420 C430 Pea C440 Light C450 C460 Lime C470 Mint C590 Ochre C600 Mid C610 Dark C620 Mid C630 Earth C640 Black C650 Black Single Colours A1104-6-0700953 A1104-6-0701026 A1104-6-0701027 A1104-6-0701028 A1104-6-0701029 Derwent Coloursoft 顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Coloursoft Pencil C120 Red C300 C480 Lincoln C660 Persian C130 Deep Red C310 Prussian C490 Pale Mint C670 Dove C140 Deep Fuchsia C320 Electric C500 Lichen C680 Petrel C150 Cranberry C160 Loganberry C170 Soft Pink C330 C340 Baby C350 Iced C510 C520 Dark C530 Pale C690 Steel C700 Mid C710 White 48 colours A1104-6-2301660 Derwent Coloursoft 顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Coloursoft Pencil C180 Ochre C360 Cloud C540 Pimento C720 White A1104-6-0701031

Derwent 畫家粗筆芯顏色鉛筆 4mm 筆芯 鉛筆為傳統型, 大直徑彩色鉛筆, 具有柔軟而輕微光滑的筆蕊, 非常適合進行混合及疊加創作 該產品長期以來一直備受藝術家的喜愛, 有多達 120 種專業挑選的色彩 Derwnt Artists Colour Pencil 4mm Lead Artists pencils are traditional, large diameter colour pencils with a soft, slightly waxy strip, ideal for blending and superimposing. A long term favourite with generations of artists, they are available in a fabulous spectrum of 120 professionally selected colours. 0100 Zinc 0200 Lemon Cadmium 2500 2600 Light Violet 4900 Sap 5000 Cedar Derwent 畫家粗筆芯顏色鉛筆 Derwent Artists Colour Pencil 0300 Gold 2700 Violet Lake 5100 Olive 0400 Primrose 2800 Delft 5200 Bronze 0500 Straw 2900 5300 Sepia 0600 Deep Cadmium 0700 Naples 0800 Middle Chrome 0900 Deep Chrome 1000 Orange Chrome 1100 3000 Smailt 3100 Cobalt 3200 Spectrum 3300 Light 3400 Sky 3500 Prussian 5400 5500 Vandyke 5600 Raw Umber 5700 Ochre 5800 Raw Sienna 5900 Golden Single Colour A1104-6-32000-1 A1104-6-32092 A1104-6-32093 A1104-6-32096 A1104-6-32097 1200 Scarlet Lake 1300 Pale Vermilion 3600 3700 Oriental 6000 Burnt Ochre 6100 Copper Beech Derwent 畫家粗筆芯顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Artists Colour Pencil 1400 Deep Vermilion 3800 Kingfisher 6200 Burnt Sienna 1500 Geranium Lake 3900 Turquoise 6300 Venetian Road 1600 Flesh Pink 4000 Turquoise 6400 1700 Pink Madder Lake 4100 Jade 6500 1800 Rose Pink 4200 Juniper 6600 1900 Madder Carmine 4300 Bottle 6700 Ivory Black 2000 2100 Rose Madder Lake 4400 Water 4500 Mineral 6800 6900 Gunmetal 120 colours A1104-6-32098 2200 Magenta 4600 Emerald 7000 French 2300 Imperial Purple 4700 Grass 7100 Silver 2400 Red Violet Lake 4800 May 7200 Chinese White

Derwent 專業素描顏色鉛筆 Derwent Studio Colour Pencil (3mm Lead) 鉛筆極易掌握, 具有六角形筆桿及長的筆蕊, 非常適合進行精細的細節描繪和結構繪圖 色彩與 Artists 鉛筆十分吻合, 兩者相得益彰 有多達 72 色彩可供選擇 Studio pencils have an easy to grip, hexagonal barrel and a slim colour strip, ideal for fine detail and architectural drawings. The colour strip is identical to Derwent Artists, so they complement each other perfectly. Available in a superb range of. 01 Zinc 02 Lemon Cadmium 19 Madder Carmine 20 37 Oriental 38 Kingfisher 55 Vandyke 56 Raw Umber Derwent 專業素描顏色鉛筆 Derwent Studio Colour Pencil 03 Gold 21 Rose Madder Lake 39 Turquoise 57 Ochre 04 Primrose 22 Magenta 40 Turquoise 58 Raw Sienna 05 Straw 23 Imperial Purple 41 Jade 59 Golden 06 Deep Cadmium 07 Naples 08 Middle Chrome 09 Deep Chrome 10 Orange Chrome 24 Red Violet Lake 25 26 Light Violet 27 Violet Lake 28 Delft 42 Juniper 43 Bottle 44 Water 45 Mineral 46 Emerald 60 Burnt Ochre 61 Copper Beech 62 Burnt Sienna 63 Venetian Red 64 Single Colour A1104-6-32101-1 A1104-6-32196 A1104-6-32197 A1104-6-32198 A1104-6-32201 11 12 Scarlet Lake 29 30 Smalt 47 Grass 48 May 65 66 Derwent 專業素描顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Studio Colour Pencil 13 Pale Vermilion 31 Cobalt 49 Sap 67 Ivory Black 14 Deep Vermilion 32 Spectrum 50 Cedar 68 15 Geranium Lake 33 Light 51 Olive 69 Gunmetal 16 Flesh Pink 34 Sky 52 Bronze 70 French 48 colours A1104-6-0700822 17 Pink Madder 18 Rose Pink 35 Prussian 36 53 Sepia 54 71 Silver 72 Chinese White Derwent 專業素描顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Studio Colour Pencil A1104-6-32199

Derwent 水溶性顏色鉛筆 Derwent Watercolour Pencil (3.4mm Lead) 這些多功能鉛筆具有水溶性筆蕊, 可以讓你完全掌握繪畫及上色 鉛筆可以乾用或濕用, 在濕或乾紙上描繪, 創造各式各樣絢爛效果 Derwent 水彩筆有 72 種顏色供你選擇, 非常適合於混合媒介工作 These versatile pencils have a watersoluble colour strip allowing you to draw and paint with complete control. The pencils can be used wet or dry on wet or dry paper to create a variety of exciting effects. Ideal for mixed media work, Derwent Watercolour is available in a full range of. 01 Zinc 19 Madder Carmine 37 Oriental 55 Vandyke Derwent 水溶性顏色鉛筆 Derwent Watercolour Pencil 02 Lemon Cadmium 20 38 Kingfisher 56 Raw Umber 03 Gold 21 Rose Madder Lake 39 Turquoise 57 Ochre 04 Primrose 22 Magenta 40 Turquoise 58 Raw Sienna 05 Straw 23 Imperial Purple 41 Jade 59 Golden 06 Deep Cadmium 07 Naples 08 Deep Chrome 09 Deep Chrome 10 Orange Chrome 11 12 Scarlet Lake 24 Red Violet Lake 25 26 Light Violet 27 Violet Lake 28 Delft 29 30 Smalt 42 Juniper 43 Bottle 44 Water 45 Mineral 46 Emerald 47 Grass 48 May 60 Burnt Ochre 61 Copper Beech 62 Burnt Sienna 63 Venetian Red 64 65 66 Single colour A1104-7-32801-1 A1104-7-32881 A1104-7-32883 A1104-7-32885 A1104-7-32889 Derwent 水溶性顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Watercolour Pencil 13 Pale Vermilion 31 Cobalt 49 Sap 67 Ivory Black 14 Deep Vermilion 32 Spectrum 50 Cedar 68 15 Geranium Lake 16 Flesh Pink 33 Light 34 Sky 51 Olive 52 Bronze 69 Gunmetal 70 French A1104-7-32891 17 Pink Madder Lake 18 Rose Pink 35 Prussian 36 53 Sepia 54 71 Silver 72 Chinese White 黛文水溶性色鉛筆 Derwent Water Colour Pencil A1104-7-2300152

Derwent 粉彩顏色鉛筆 Derwent Pastel Pencil (5mm Lead) 融合了粉彩的濃度而極富表現力的美感以及鉛筆的方便性及可控性 有 90 種漂亮的色彩可供選擇, 柔和的粉狀色帶可以像傳統粉彩筆一樣混合起來, 並創造出平滑如絲的效果 Pastel Pencils combine the rich, expressive beauty of the Pastel medium with the convenience and control of a pencil. Available in a range of 90 beautiful colours, the soft powdery colour strip can be mixed and blended like conventional pastels and produces a smooth velvety finish. 01B Zinc 01D Zinc 29F 32B Spectrum 48D May 48F May 73B Orange Earth 73D Orange Earth Derwent 粉彩顏色鉛筆 Derwent Pastel Pencil 01F Zinc 32D Spectrum 51B Olive 73F Orange Earth 06B Deep Cadmium 32F Spectrum 51D Olive 62B Burnt Sienna 06D Deep Cadmium 35B Prussian 51F Olive 62D Burnt Sienna 06F Deep Cadmium 11B 11D 11F 15B Geranium Lake 15D Geranium Lake 35D Prussian 35F Prussian 36B 36D 36F 76B Forest 74B Dark Olive 74D Dark Olive 74F Dark Olive 78B Umber 78D Umber 78F Umber 62F Burnt Sienna 64B 64D 64F 65B 65D Single colour C8001-32901-1 C8001-32991 C8001-32992 C8001-0700307 C8001-32996 15F Geranium Lake 20B 76D Forest 76F Forest 79B Umber 79D Umber 65F 66B Derwent 粉彩顏色筆套裝 Derwent Pastel Pencil 20D 77B Terre Verte 79F Umber 66D 20F 77D Terre Verte 53B Sepia 66F 22B Magenta 77F Terre Verte 53D Sepia 67B Ivory Black 22D Magenta 75B Hooker s 53F Sepia 70B French 22F Magenta 25B 75D Hooker s 75F Hooker s 54B 54D 70D French 70F French 48 colours C8001-0700644 25D 25F 46B Emerald 46D Emerald 54F 57B Ochre 70H French 72B Chinese White 黛文套裝粉彩木顏色 Derwent Pastel Pencil 29B 46F Emerald 57D Ochre 29D 48B May 57F Ochre C8001-2300155

Derwent 水溶性墨水顏色鉛筆 Derwent Inktense Colour Pencil (4mm Lead) 這是一種純粹, 鮮明的水溶性墨水鉛筆, 融合了鉛筆和墨水的優良強度, 同時可以用於描繪各種線條和塗沫 非常適合創作粗擴而極富表現力的圖像或微秒而透明的塗沫效果 Inktense 有 71 種亮麗如珠寶的色彩供選 This exciting range of pure, vibrant, watersoluble ink pencils combines the brilliant intensity of pen and ink with the versatility of line and wash. Ideal for creating bold, expressive images or subtle, translucent wash effects, inktense is available in 71 jewel-like colours and an outliner. 0100 Sherbert Lemon 0610 Red Violet 1210 Dark Aquamarine 1720 Tan Derwent 水溶性墨水顏色鉛筆 Derwent Inktense Colour Pencil 0200 Sun 0700 Fuchsia 1220 Aquamarine 1730 Oak 0210 Cadmium 0710 Deep Rose 1230 Mallard 1740 Saddle 0220 Sicillian 0720 Thistle 1300 Teal 1800 Baked Earth 0230 Golden 0240 Sienna Gold 0250 Cadmium Orange 0260 Burnt Orange 0300 Tangerine 0730 Dusky Purple 0740 Mauve 0750 Dark Purple 0760 Deep Violet 0800 Violet 1310 Iron 1320 Indian 1330 Vivid 1400 Apple 1500 Field 1900 Willow 1910 Red Oxide 1920 Madder 1930 Dark 2000 Bark Single colour A1104-6-0700903 A1104-6-0700928 A1104-6-0700929 A1104-6-2301842 A1104-6-2301843 0310 Mid Vermilion 0320 Scarlet Pink 0810 Lagoon 0820 Peacock 1510 Beech 1520 Hooker s 2010 Sepia Ink 2020 Indian Ink Derwent 水溶性墨水顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Inktense Colour Pencil 0400 Poppy Red 0830 Navy 1530 Felt 2030 Chinese Ink 0410 Hot Red 0840 Iron 1540 Light Olive 2100 Charcoal 0500 Chilli Red 0850 Deep 1550 Spring 2110 Payne s 0510 Cherry 0900 Iris 1560 Fern 2120 Neutral A1104-6-2301844 0520 Carmine Pink 0530 Crimson 1000 Bright 1100 Deep 1600 Leaf 1700 Mustard 2200 Ink Black 2300 Antique White 黛文顏色鉛筆 Derwent Inktense Colour Pencils 0600 Shiraz 1200 Sea 1710 Amber 2400 Outliner 48 colours A1104-6-2300151

黛文水溶顏色條 Derwent Inktense Block Derwent 墨水顏色鉛筆畫絲套裝 Derwent Silk Painting with Inktense Pencils A1104-6-2300442 黛文套裝 Derwent Master Steampumk Manga Set A1104-6-2300443 Derwent 漫畫套裝 Derwent Master Manga Art Set A1104-6-2300162 Derwent 教學 DVD Derwent DVD 01 04 02 05 A1104-6-2300216 Derwent 顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Master Chibi Manga Set A1104-6-2301739 黛文顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Master High School Manga 03 06 A1104-6-2300150 A1104-6-2300453 01.Derwent Sketching DVD C0006-2300189 02.Derwent Drawing DVD C0006-2300190 03.Derwent Hints & Tips DVD - Intense Pencil C0006-2300717 04.Derwent Hints & Tips DVD - Graphitint Pencil C0006-2300718 05.Derwent Hints & Tips DVD - Aquatone C0006-2300719 06.Derwent Hints & Tips DVD - Coloursoft Pencils C0006-2300755

Derwent 水溶性顏色棒 Derwent Aquatone Watercolour Lead(7mm Lead) 這是一種採用水溶性彩色顏料的固體顏料棒, 非常適合於大筆劃描繪或大範圍的色彩塗沫 本產品物超所值, 比傳統水彩鉛筆多出四倍的可用材料 Aquatone 非常適合描繪及塗色, 以至於像卡片製作及橡皮圖章等的手工藝項目 Aquatone 使用簡易, 並且樂趣十足, 有 24 種鮮豔色彩供選 This solid stick of watersoluble colour pigment is ideal for creating broad strokes of colour or large areas of colour wash. With up to four times more useable material than a conventional watercolour pencil, it s also great value for money. Aquatone is perfect for drawing and painting and for craft projects like card-making and rubber stamping. Available in a range of 24 vibrant colours, aquatone is easy and fun to use. Derwent 金屬色顏色鉛筆 Derwent Metallic Pencil (3.4mm Lead) 精心收集 12 種亮麗的高反射度鉛筆, 可作為素描, 畫圖及各類創意項目增添亮眼的色彩 Derwent Metallic 非常適合在暗色背景中使用, 而且可以和水使用, 創造出有趣的線條及塗沫效果 A shimmering selection of 12 highly reflective pencils guaranteed to add sparkle to sketches, drawings and all kinds of creative projects. Derwent Metallic works particularly well on dark backgrounds and can also be used with water for interesting line and wash effects. Derwent 柔和質感繪畫鉛筆 Derwent Drawing Pencil (5mm Lead) 1610 Light Sienna 3615 Solway 3720 Ink 3810 Smoke 6210 Sepia (Red) 6210 Mars Orange 6220 Sanguine 6300 Venetian Red 01 Zinc 43 Bottle 80 Silver 86 4125 Pale Cedar 6400 08 Middle Chrome 11 46 Emerald 48 May 81 Pewter 87 Red 4135 Shadow 6470 Mars Violet 14 Deep Vermilion 49 Sap 82 Gold 88 Pink 5090 Crag 6510 Ruby Earth 20 22 Magenta 50 Cedar 54 83 Antique Gold 89 Purple 5160 Olive Earth 6600 25 29 33 Light 35 Prussian 56 Raw Umber 58 Raw Sienna 63 Venetian Red 65 84 Bronze 85 Copper 90 91 5550 Warm Earth 5700 Ochre 6700 Ivory Black 7010 Warm 36 38 Kingfisher 67 Ivory Black 72 Chinese White 5715 Wheat 7120 Cool 5720 Ochre 7200 Chinese White Single Colour A1104-7-07001 A1104-7-0700173 A1104-7-0700174 Single Colour C8111-07000 C8111-0700456 Single Colour A1104-2-34386 A1104-2-0700672

Derwent 粉彩顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Collections 系列精心挑選了各類畫圖材料, 專為藝術家提供, 無論是新手還是專業人士, 同樣得心應手 從水彩筆, 素描, 粉彩筆及顏色系列中, 包括了鉛筆, 色棒及配件等等 Derwent Collections offer an appealing selection of drawing materials for every artist, from novice to professional. Choose from Watercolour, Sketching, Drawing, Pastel and Colour Collections, all combining pencils blocks and complementary accessories. Derwent 粉彩顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Pastel Collection Derwent 水溶性顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Watercolour Collection 黛文顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Coloursoft Collection C8001-0700301 C8001-0700302 A1104-7-0700305 30 colours A1104-6-2300447 Derwent 粉彩顏色鉛筆精選套裝 Derwent Pastel Collection Derwent 水溶性顏色筆精選套裝 Derwent Watercolour Collection 黛文顏色鉛筆 Derwent Coloursoft Pencil C8001-0701077 Derwent 素描鉛顏色筆 + 粉彩棒精選 Derwent Drawing Collection A1104-7-0701076 Derwent 顏色鉛筆套裝 Derwent Colour Collection / Wooden box A1104-6-2300153 Derwent 顏色鉛筆精選套裝 Derwent Colour Collection - A1104-2-2301655 A1104-6-0700213 A1104-2-0701074

千色樂鉛筆 Crayola Extreme Colour Pencil Crayola 轉動式筆芯顏色鉛筆 Crayola Twistables Colored Pencils Crayola 顏色鉛筆 Crayola Colored Pencils 16 colours AC68-1120 Crayola 金屬色顏色鉛筆 Crayola Metallic FX Colored Pencils AC68-7408 18 colours AC68-7418 30 colours AC68-7409 Crayola 水溶性顏色鉛筆 Crayola Watercolor Pencils AC68-4012 AC68-4024 AC68-4036 50 colours AC68-4050 Crayola 顏色鉛筆 Crayola Colored Pencils Classpack 8 colours AC68-3708 12colors AC68-4302 24colors AC68-4304, 240pcs AC68-8024 Crayola 可擦木顏色鉛筆 Crayola Erasable Colored Pencils Crayola 初學粗顏色鉛筆 Crayola Write Start Colored Pencils 千色樂三角木顏色筆 Crayola Triangular Coloured Pencils AC68-2424 8 colours AC68-4108 AC68-4214

施德樓 10 色三角顏色鉛筆 Noris Club Triplus Triangular Color Pencil Staedtler 三角形特粗顏色鉛筆 Staedtler Noris Club Triangle Colour Pencil Staedtler 帆船水彩顏色鉛筆 - 短桿 Staedtler Luna Watercolour Pencil - Short 10 colours A1104-6-128NC10 Staedtler 顏色鉛筆 Staedtler Noris Club Colour Pencil A1104-7-156E-12 A1104-7-156E-24 Staedtler 三角顏色鉛筆 Staedtler ErgoSoft' Regular Triangle Colour Pencil A1104-7-137C12S Staedtler 帆船水彩顏色鉛 - 長桿 Staedtler Luna Watercolour Pencil- Long A1104-7-137C12L A1104-7-137C24L A1104-6-144NC12 施德樓 10 色三角顏色鉛筆 Noris Club Triplus Triangular Color Pencil A1104-6-157E-12 A1104-6-157E-24 Staedtler 特粗三角顏色鉛筆 Staedtler Ergo Soft' Jumbo Triangle Colour Pencil Staedtler 帆船水彩顏色鉛筆 - 雙頭 Staedtler Luna Twin Watercolour Pencil A1104-7-137C24T A1104-7-137C36T 10 colours A1104-6-SET70 6 colours A1104-6-158E-06 A1104-6-158E-12

Colleen 顏色鉛筆 Colleen Color Pencil Caran D'ache 柔軟水溶性顏色鉛筆 Caran D'ache Artists Supracolor Soft Aquarelle Pencil 48 colours A1104-6-785-48 Lakeland 珍寶顏色鉛筆 Lakeland Jumbo Colour Pencil A1104-7-3888312 18 colours A1104-7-3888318 30 colours A1104-7-3888330 Caran D'ache 防水顏色鉛筆 Caran D'ache Artists Pablo Permanent Colour Pencil 40 colours A1104-7-3888340 80 colours A1104-7-3888380 120 colours A1104-7-3888420 A1104-6-33326 Lakeland 顏色鉛筆 Lakeland Colourthin Pencil A1104-6-0666312 40 colours A1104-6-0666340 Faber-Castell 畫家顏色鉛筆 Faber-Castell Polychromos Artists Colour Pencil 80 colours A1104-6-0666380 120 colours A1104-6-0666420 Derwent 鉛筆筆套 Derwent Colour Pencil Wrap 6pcs A1104A-0700434 A1104-6-0700077 A1104-6-0700269 A1104-6-9212 A1104-6-9213 黛文木顏色筆套 Derwent Pocket Pencil Wrap A1104A-2300219