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Virtual Trade Mission to China January 28, 2013 7:00 PM Eastern Standard Time/ January 29, 2013 8:00 AM Chinese Standard Time For Participant Audio: U.S. Toll Free: 800-391-2548 Canadian Toll Free: 866-627-1646 International Toll: 302-709-8328 Participant Pass Code: 38569708#

Moderator: Welcome: Speakers: Virtual Trade Mission to China Mr. Jeffrey Wharton, President, IMPulse NC LLC; Chair, APTA Business Member International Business Development Subcommittee Ms. Julie Abraham, Executive Director, Office of International Transportation and Trade, Office of the Secretary, Department of Transportation Dr. Wu Hongyang and Dr. Jia Wenzheng, Associate Professors, China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center, China Academy of Transportation Sciences, Ministry of Transportation Ms. Sun Aixin on behalf of Mr. Yang Qingshan Senior Engineer and Secretary General Assistant China Public Transportation Association Mr. Yang Richard Xie, Sales Manager, GE Transportation; Co-Chair, ARWG Ms. Aiqun Peng, Senior Commercial Specialist, U.S. Commercial Service, Department of Commerce Mr. Geoffrey Jackson, Regional Director for Policy and Program, U.S. Trade and Development Agency

交通运输部科学研究院 China Academy of Transportation Sciences 中国城市交通发展模式向可持续转变 Shifting to Sustainable Urban Transport in Chinese cities 吴洪洋副主任 博士交通运输部科学研究院城市交通研究中心 Dr. WU Hongyang Deputy Director of China Urban Sustainable Transportation Research Center (CUSTReC) China Academy of Transportation Sciences(CATS)

报告内容 Contents 1 为什么要转变城市交通发展模式? 1 Shifting to SUT in Chinese cities WHY? 2 如何转变城市交通发展模式? 2 Shifting to SUT in Chinese cities HOW?

1.1 城镇化 Urbanization % 90.0 80.0 70.0 60.0 70.0 60.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 10.0 0.0 50.0 40.0 30.0 20.0 75.4 73.8 70.2 63.1 43.0 26.4 25.5 26.4 29.0 29.0 Country Britain France Germany USA 78.2 79.6 81.0 79.1 77.3 72.5 71.6 71.0 66.0 64.6 65.2 44.8 36.2 Former Japan China U.S.S.R. Year 1720-1840 1800-1900 1785-1865 1860-1900 1920-1950 1925-1955 1981-2003 36.2 46.7 26.6 27.7 1990 1995 2000 2006 China India Republic of Korea Europe North America Japan World 44.9 57.0 1990 1995 2000 2007 2020 2050 Year 70.0 49.1 43.9 29.0 2011: 51.3 Period 120 Years 100 Years 80 Years 40 Years 30 Years 30 Years 22 Years

1.2 机动化 Motorization Number of automobile(per 1000 people) 1000 100 10 0.6% 779 0.7% 813 708 575 0.6% 595 1.7% 593 446 572 2.9% 307 3.9% 385 375 4.0% 322 255 6.6% 117 115 16.7% 5.2% 85 27 7.9% 25 11.5% 23 30 12 12 9.9% 4.3% 9 2011:>70 25% 3 7.8% 1 China Turkey India South Korea Poland U.S. France Japan 1985 2000 2006 Year

90 年代的北京建国门立交桥 Beijing 1990s 2010 年的北京建国门立交桥 Beijing 2010s 90 年代的上海延安路高架 Shanghai 1990s 2010 年的上海延安路高架 Shanghai 2010s 7

中国大多数大城市普遍出现严重的交通拥堵! Transport Congestion in Chinese Cities 北京市 Beijing 上海市 Shanghai 广州市 Guangzhou 南京市 Nanjing 成都市 Chengdu 8 杭州市 Hangzhou

10000 vehciles 中国机动化发展呈现增长的三大特点 : Motorization in China-3 Characters 之一 : 高增长速度 1. High Speed Growth Vehicles Ownership in Beijing 10000 9000 8000 7000 28 倍 Times 234 倍 Times 9086 6539 From To Years 1949-1997 2300 1 Mil. 48 1998-2003 1 Mil. 2 Mil. 6 6000 5000 4000 2004-2007 2 Mil. 3 Mil. 4 2008-2009 3 Mil. 4 Mil. 2 3000 2010-2011 4 Mil. 5 Mil. 1.5 2000 1000 321 28 0 1985 2010 Civil vehicles Private vehicles

中国机动化发展呈现增长的三大特点 : 之二 : 高使用强度 2.High Intensity Use

中国机动化发展呈现增长的三大特点 : 之三 : 高密度聚集 3. High Concentration 2010 年, 北京市 480 万辆机动车的百分之七十以上集中在六环范围内 ; 畸形的小汽车保有方式, 导致交通供需矛盾激化, 给城市道路系统带来巨大压力

巴黎 Paris 伦敦 London 东京 Tokyo 纽约 New York

1.3 出行结构 Modal Split Modal Split in Changsha the trip structure of Changsha(%) 70.3% 51.3% 2007 45.2 3.5 24.3 14.8 12.2 81.9% 43.8% 2002 39.17 17.02 25.71 3.97 14.13 84.8% 28.4% 1998 48.4 23.2 13.2 3.9 11.3 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 walking bicycle public transit car others

以 步行 + 自行车 + 公交 的低碳出行方式日益萎缩 Walk +Bicycle+Transit: Reducing 67.8% 2005 27.2 84.8% 14.7 25.9 32.2 成都 2000 1987 30.8 10.2 43.8 15.2 95% 36.1 5.9 54.5 3.5 (%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 步行公共汽车自行车其他 ( 小汽车 出租车 摩托车等 ) 87% 89.8% 合肥 2006 2002 37.9 90.3% 92.7% 43.5 29.1 30.1 19.9 14.7 7.5 5.5 6.33 5.4 南京 2006 2002 26.81 91.8% 23.23 92.3% 42.65 43.79 19.29 24.74 8.73 4.45 2.52 3.79 1991 33.7 44.9 13.9 5.252.1 1997 25.45 57.91 8.195.43 3.02 0 20 40 60 80 100 (%) 步行 自行车 公交车 小汽车 其他 (%) 0 20 40 60 80 100 步行 自行车 公共交通 小汽车 其他

1.4 能源消耗 Energy Consumption 汽油消耗 ( 单位 : 吨标准油 / 每千人 ) 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000 2002 2004 年份 2010 东京日本首尔韩国北京中国 中国 日本 韩国汽车能耗对比 Comparison of China, Japan and South Korea

公共 + 轨道 出租汽车 小汽车 其他 42.8 10.9 42.8 3.6 机动化出行分担率 北京 Beijing 上海 Shanghai

每 1 天承担了 2.1 亿人次出行 相当于春运期间全国 4 天的道路客 运量 规模世界第一 210 million person times per day 仅北京 上海两大城市, 每天就有超过 1200 万人次采用轨道交通 出行 相当于春运期间铁路 3 天的客运量 12 million person times per day in Beijing and Shanghai s Subway system 中国公交的今天 Today s Public Transport in China 公交已经成为大多数居民日常生活的最基本需求出行分担率达 20-40%, 对中低收入群体达 60% Main travel mode selection of daily life

城市公交供给能力稳步提高 Increasing Public Transport Supply 运能指标 Indicators 公共交通运输总量 Transport Volume of PT ( 十亿人次 ) (Billion Person Times) 数值 (2010 年底 ) Value 101.6 比 2005 年增长 Increasing rate to 2005 2.1 倍 2.1 times 公共汽电车运营车辆总数 Vehicles ( 千标台 ) (Thousand Units) 476.0 52% BRT 线网长度 BRT Routes ( 公里 km) 514 31.3 倍 31.3 times 轨道交通运营线网长度 Rail Transit Routes ( 公里 km) 1471 3.3 倍 3.3times

城市公交供给能力稳步提高 2011 年全国城市轨道交通运营线路长度情况

城市公交供给能力稳步提高 2011 年全国城市轨道交通客运量及其占公共交通客运总量百分比情况

报告内容 Contents 1 为什么要转变城市交通发展模式? 1 Shifting to SUT in Chinese cities WHY? 2 如何转变城市交通发展模式? 2 Shifting to SUT in Chinese cities HOW?

城市交通发展正在实现五个转变 Five changes of transport development in Chinese Central cities 方面 Field 1 发展思路 : Development idea: 从 From 速度外延型 Speed 向 To 质量内涵型 Quality 2 空间扩展 : Space expansion: 平面扩展 Two dimensions 三维并进 Three dimensions 3 动力机制 : Promoting mechanism : 单纯工业 Single Industry 综合经济 Integrated economy 4 城市管理 : Urban management: 政府计划为主 Planned 市场调控 Market -oriented 5 城乡关系 : Urban and Suburb: 城市为主 Urban 城乡协调发展 Integrated urban & suburb


城市 City 市区人口 ( 百万人 ) Population 总公交分担率 % Share of PT 轨道占公交的比重 (%) Share of Rail Transit in PT 东京 Tokyo 12.79 64 83 纽约 New York City 8.27 75 67 伦敦 London 7.56 75 90 香港 Hong Kong 7.11 83 30 新加坡 Singapore 5.02 63 32 库里蒂巴 Curitiba 1.85 75 - 斯德哥尔摩 Stockholm 0.87 43 60

发展目标 Objectives To establish one system, To realize three demands To establish an integrated transport system MEET The needs of social and economic development The diversity travel demands The needs of harmony with natural environment 26

发展目标 Objectives 两高五低一适应 2 Highers, 5 Lowers, and 1 Adaption 建设高通达 高覆盖率的城市交通运输网络 Easier access & broader coverage 建设高品质 高效率的城市交通运输服务系统 High quality & efficiency 发展 五低 的交通运输方式及装备 Transport modes that have the 5 Lowers 构建与城市可持续交通发展相适应的综合管理体制 Comprehensive management system that works with urban sustainable transport 27

发展目标 Objectives 两高五低一适应 2 Highs, 5 Lows, and 1 Adaption 低能耗 Low Energy Consumption 低环境污染 Low Pollution 低资源占用 Low Resource Consumption 低事故率 Low Accident Rate 低财政负担 Low Financial Requirement 28

具体目标 Specific Objectives 市区人口 1000 万以上城市 建设轨道交通网络化运营系统 ; (Pop: 10 mil+) Complete metro network 市区人口 300 万至 1000 万的城市 建设轨道交通网络主骨架 ; (Pop: 3-10 mil) Basic metro network 市区人口 100 万至 300 万的城市 建设快速公共汽车 现代有轨电车等地面公共交通系统 ;(Pop: 1-3 mil) BRT+ trolley bus 市区人口小于 100 万的城市 形成以公共汽电车为主体的地面公共交通系统 ; (Pop: -1 mil) Mainly buses 29

工作重点 Priorities 之一 : 实施国家 公交都市 建设示范工程 1. Demonstration Program of National Transit Metropolitan 结合国家低碳城市建设需要, 选择 30 个城市实施 公交都市 建设示范工程 研究制定 公交都市 建设目标和评价指标体系 支持综合客运枢纽 智能交通系统和公共服务信息系统建设, 通过 5 年的努力, 在示范城市实现主城区 500 米上车,5 分钟换乘 To Select 30 cities as pilot cities. The goal is to have the coverage of bus stops reach one per 500 meters, the time of exchange 5 minutes.

之一 : 实施国家 公交都市 建设示范工程 1. Demonstration Program of National Transit Metropolitan 按照年均 1 个百分点的城镇化增长速度, 每年将有 1300 万人从农村转移到城市 Average Annual Urbanization Rate: 1% 按照人均出行次数 2.5 次, 公交分担率维持在 30% 的水平不变计算, 每年将新增公交客流需求量达 36 亿人次 平均每日新增 1000 万人次 Annual PT Ridership Increase: 3.6 bil 这相当于需要 30 条北京地铁 4 号线或 400 万辆小汽车或 2 万辆公共汽车来承担这些新增客运量 Transportation Needed : Metro Line 4* 30, or 4 mil cars, or 20,000 buses 31

工作重点 Priorities 之二 : 开展国家低碳交通运输体系建设示范工程 2. Demonstration Program of National Low Carbon Transport 交通运输部两批 26 个国家低碳交通运输体系建设示范城市 26 Demonstration Cities 每年投入节能减排专项资金 5 亿元, 以奖代补 方式补贴节能减排项目 500 Million Per year

之三 : 实施城市交通信息提升工程 功能 : 行业监管 线路查询 站点查询 时刻信息 建设 一个平台 三大中心 1 Platform, 3 Centers 一个平台 1 Platform of : 建设城市公共交通运营监管信息平台 Urban PT Monitoring 三个中心 3 Centers of: 建设集智能调度 运营监控和公众出行信息服务等功能的城市公共交通智能调度和控制中心 Urban PT Coordinating & Controlling 有条件的城市, 建设城市轨道交通运营监控中心 Urban Metro Monitoring 建设城市公共交通 IC 卡管理和信息交换中心 Urban PT IC Card Management 城市客运智能化技术应用示范工程 出租汽车服务管理信息系统试点工程 33

吴洪洋 Dr. Wu Hongyang 副主任 副教授 博士 Deputy director of CATS-CUSTReC 交通运输部科学研究院城市交通研究中心地址 : 北京市朝阳区惠新里 240 号,100029 Tel:010-58278535,Mobile: 13581651129

Public Transportation Policies and Market on Urban Rail Transit Dr. Jia Wenzheng China Academy of Transportation Sciences January 29, 2013

Outline Backgrounds Urban rail transit planning, construction and operations Subway and Light rail projects Potential Markets

Backgrounds By 2011, the number of urban rail lines in China mainland is 58 and the total length is 1699 kilometers (1056 miles). The length of metros are 1403 km, and light rails 172 km. In the past 5 years, about 40 urban rail projects (more than 1000 kilometers) were completed.

In 2012, about 15 urban rail projects (more than 300 kilometers) were completed. By 2015, the total length will be more than 3000 kilometers (1865 miles), and it would be more than 5500 kilometers (3420miles) by 2020.

Planning, Construction and Operations Three ministries are responsible for projects approval, construction and operations oversight of urban rails, respectively. They are National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), Ministry of Housing and urban-rural Development (MoHURD) and Ministry of Transport (MoT).

NDRC Responsible for urban rail projects approval MoHURD Responsible for the construction standards and quality of urban rail projects Urban Rail Transit MoT Responsible for operation oversight of urban transit including urban rails and buses

Investments and subsidies The investments are from local governments and there is no financial assistance from the central government. Local governments also have to provide subsidies for the operations.

Subway and Light rail projects Over 100 projects in 35 cities have been approved by NDRC. Total investment is about 1000 billions from 2011 to 2015. The 35 cities are as follows: Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen, Tianjin, Chongqing, Dalian, Nanjing, Wuhan, Shenyang, Hangzhou, Changchun, Chengdu, Suzhou, Xi an, Kunming, Foshan, Haerbin, Hangzhou, Ningbo, Wuxi, Zhengzhou, Changsha, Fuzhou, Dongguan, Nanchang, Qingdao, Hefei, Nanning, Guiyang, Lanzhou, Xiamen, Wulumuqi, Shijiazhuang, Lanzhou

Potential Markets E&M Systems Manufacture Rolling stocks (Critical parts of traction, network, braking, and et al.) Signaling (ATP subsystems) Power system Communications (Wireless systems)

Potential Markets RAMS is used by some projects, including Shanghai Metro Line 10, Beijing MTR Line 4, Shenzhen Metro Line 3, Chengdu Metro Line 1. Regulations could be drafted to enforce safety certification on E&M systems, priority to signaling.


Chinese Metropolis Transportation Statistics and Information offered by YANG qingshan Presented by SUN Aixin CPTA 01/29/2013

Basic Information Chinese metropolis transportation is supervised by Ministry of Transport of the People's Republic of China. How to meet traffic requirement of a huge population is always greatly challenged.

Population In 2011, the total population of 655 cities is about 620,000,000. Among them -2 cities with a population of 10,000,000-21 cities with a population of 3,000,000 -temporary residents 200,000,000 - each year,more than 13,000,000 people move to cities.

Severe Challenges -traffic jam -infrastructure shortage -energy consumption -environment pollution.

Statistics of Chinese Public Transportation -3300 public transportation enterprises -45000 buses,120000 taxies, 1356 ferries -bus lines 28.920.000 kilometers -Bus Rapid Transit lines 8450 kilometers -Rail Transit lines 1200 kilometers -More than 15 big cities, including Beijing,Jinan,Zhengzhou, Changzhou, Kunming have set up a Bus Rapid Transit system which lasts over 400 kilometers. (Statistics edited in 2012)

Public Transportation Priority -For a better solution -December, 2012; Guidelines of Public Transportation Priority awarded by the State Council of the PRC -states the importance of improving public transportation condition. -aim for developing a public transportation to improve traffic efficiency and enhance low-carbon.

increase -financial investment on public transportation -passengers capacity of Bus Rapid Transit. enhance the management of BRT

Additionally, Chinese government also aim to Every single 500 square meters needs to be covered by a bus stop. Public transportation in central area of cities needs to be increase from 40% to 60%.

e-payment system. Management Facilities

3G system

GPS system

New Energy Uses Oil consumption usually accounts for more than 40% of the cost. Environment friendly energy therefore win positive response from public transportation enterprises. Now, more than 40 cities wildly use new energy resources. In 2011, 6000 buses use new energy. 2012, the number is 14000, which accounts for 3% of total buses in use.

Hybrid Power Automobile With evident oil-saving effect, Hybrid Power Automobile becomes more and more popular. A research tested by Jinan Bus Cooperation shows that, Hybrid Power Automobile usually save oil about 24% on average. It is predicted that the number of hybrid power automobile will reach in 60000.

Hybrid Power Automobile

Electric vehicles Electric vehicles are also welcomed in China.


What s ARWG - Established in 2009; -30 members in 2012; -Lead by Commercial Section of US Embassy, China; -Government Chair: Landon Loomis; Industry Chair: Xie Yang -Secretariat: Executive Director Peng Aiqun (Ida); Staff Gao Fei

ARWG 30 members by Dec 2012 64 GE Title or job number 1/29/2013

What ARWG Done in the past three years -Road Show in Wu Han, Xi an, Chengdu, Chongqing,Tianjin, Kunming, Changchun, Shenyang, Shanghai, Nanjing, Qingdao, Changzhou; -Business negotiation with more than 10 Railroad Bureaus, key manufactures and CNR, CSR headquarters; -High level meeting with local governors, e.g., Shaanxi, Jilin, Jiangsu Leverage Ambassador Locke visited Jilin and CNR CRC, got top level support 65 GE Title or job number 1/29/2013

What ARWG focus Organization Relationship contribution with governmental department such as MOR Supply policy guide for members Organize communication event with key customers/company Share industry information with members Industrial Products Locomotives HSR Mass Transit Heavy haul New Materials in Rail 66 GE Title or job number 1/29/2013

China Railway Industry Trends Railway/MO R After 7-23-2011 Accident : Railway construction slow down, especially HSR Financing Issue: debt vs. assets over 60% MOR Priority: Safety-Service-Profit-Reform Data Source: MOR & CICC Report Shift investment to freight 28% capacity by 15 western lines: newly built 15,000km new loco purchase in average ~800 units/yr D-loco 20% coal corridors capacity double, 3bn tons Drive fuel saving innovation Become cautious in driving Go Global engagement change from MOR to key railway companies Accelerate Reform: empower RRB from 12 Urban Transit China STILL No 1 market in the world 20+ lines / year Government STILL drive Localization (55% for SIG) Localization = Buy China; Localization Tech. Transfer Most global SIG suppliers STILL winning China thru. local partnership 67 GE Title or job number 1/29/2013

What our opportunity in mass transit 68 GE Title or job number 1/29/2013

What s our opportunity in HSR 69 GE Title or job number 1/29/2013

U.S. Commercial Service s Support for American Companies in China s Metro Market Peng Aiqun (Ida) Senior Commercial Specialist U.S. Embassy Commercial Section Beijing, China January 29, 2013

China s Key Cities with Urban Rail Transit Development Plan during 12 th Five Year Plan Currently, China is the world s largest urban rail market; Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen share 70% of the built urban rail transit mileage in China; In Year 2012, NDRC approved a total investment of RMB800 billion urban rail projects in 18 cities and two city clusters; To 2015, 37 cities in China will have metro/light rail; To 2015, total mileage of metro/light rail in China will reach to more than 4000 KM Important Urban Rail Projects in China, from NDRC s 12 th Five Year Plan on Overall Transportation System 2012/07/23 Construction of urban rail transportation network system in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen; built main backbone of urban rail transit in Tianjin, Chongqing, Chengdu, Shenyang, Changchun, Wuhan, Xi'an, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Fuzhou, Nanchang, Kunming, Dalian, Qingdao, Ningbo, Harbin, Suzhou, Wuxi, Changsha, Zhengzhou, Dongguan, Nanning; planning and construction of urban rail transit backbone line in Hefei, Guiyang, Shijiazhuang, Taiyuan, Xiamen, Lanzhou, Jinan, Urumqi, Foshan, Changzhou, Wenzhou.

U.S. Commerce Footprint in China Global Access, Trade Expertise, Customized Business Solutions The U.S. Commercial Service is the trade promotion arm of the U.S. Department of Commerce s International Trade Administration; Located across the United States and in U.S. Embassies and Consulates in nearly 80 countries including China; The U.S. Commercial Service in China has approximately 125 Commercial Service officers and trade specialists: Beijing (Embassy) Shanghai Guangzhou Shenyang Chengdu Website:

How Commerce Helps Business Matchmaking: - Gold Key Service (GKS) - Business Facilitation Service (BFS) - Single Company Promotion (SCP) Trade Mission and Trade Shows: - road shows and trade shows in China; - International Buyer Program (IBP) to the U.S. Market Intelligence: Due Diligence (ICP) Commercial Diplomacy: advocacy Trade Counseling American Rail Working Group (ARWG) Platform: FCS China s Platinum Key Service (PKS) Program for rail industry

American Rail Working Group (ARWG) U.S. Embassy Commercial Section, China Introduction about ARWG Established since 2009 by U.S. Commercial Service in Beijing, China; Strengthen cooperation between the U.S. government and industry with their partners in the Chinese rail and metro industry sectors; Annual membership: $900 for large company and $600 for SME; A total of 30 American companies so far; Structure of ARWG: one US Government Chair + One Industry Chair; Secretariat; Sub committees Scope of Work for ARWG ARWG monthly meeting; ARWG brochures; Platform for cooperation with USG such as DOC, DOT, FRA, USTDA, USEXIM; ARWG road shows to major cities for both rail and metro opportunities; U.S. Pavilion at the major trade shows in China s rail and metro market; ARWG Roadshows to 12 Cities for Rail and Metro Industry Wuhan, August 2009; Xi an, April, 2010; Chengdu, March, 2011; Chongqing, March, 2011; Tianjin, June, 2011; Kunming, June, 2011; Changchun, June, 2012 (Ambassador led mission); Shenyang, June, 2012; Qingdao, September, 2012; Shanghai, September, 2012; Changzhou, September, 2012; Nanjing, September, 2012 Social Network Event with the Chinese counterparts, such as MOR, CARS, CNR, CSR, CRCC, CREC and local government for metro projects; Internal communication on market opportunities To Join, contact:

Example of ARWG Roadshow to Chengdu for Urban Rail Sector March, 2011 March 30, 2011 Wednesday Morning Session with Chengdu Rail Transport Company, CREC No. 2 Bureau, No. 8 Bureau, No. 23 Bureau, and Southwest Jiaotong University 9:10 9:25 Introduction by Chengdu Rail Transportation Corporation 9:25 9:40 Introduction by China Railway No.2 Engineering Group Co. Ltd 9:40 9:55 Introduction by China Railway No.8 Engineering Group Co. Ltd 9:55-10:10 Introduction by China Railway No.23 Engineering Group Co. Ltd 10:10 10:25 Introduction by Southwest Jiaotong University 10:30 12:00 Introductions by 15 American companies 12:00 12:20 Q&A 12:30 14:00 Buffet Lunch hosted by the American Rail Working Group Afternoon Site Visit to the Second Survey & Design Institute of China Railways ( Tie Er Yuan ) 18:00-21:00 Dinner hosted by Tie Er Yuan for the ARWG

Example of ARWG Roadshow to Chengdu for Urban Rail Sector March, 2011

Example of ARWG Roadshow to Chengdu for Urban Rail Sector March, 2011 PPT made by Chengdu Rail Transport Company: Shield Construction and Main Equipment for Chengdu Metro Plan

Network Plan of Chengdu Rapid Rail Transport From Chengdu Rail Transport Co., Ltd. The network is formed of 7 lines, with a total length of 274 km. The network covers 80% of the 156 k m2 city area, and the network density reaches 0.83. Line Length Stations 1 32km DF-HY 2 51km PT-PA 3 49km XD-DS 4 39km LC-SL 5 25km ZOO-HYX 6 37km SW-HYD 7 42km LJN-LTX Total 274 km

Shield Machines for Metro Line 1 Metro Line 1, which is 18.5km long, was divided into 4 bid sections, and 8 shield machines worked for this project. 1 号线一期起点 红花堰盾构起点 火车北站 文武路 天府广场 人北站骡马市锦江宾馆小天竺 省体育馆 倪家桥 桐梓林 火车南站盾构终点 南三环 孵化院 新益州 1 号线一期终点 会展中心 成都

Example of Chengdu Metro: Shield Machines for Metro Line 2 The total length of underground line of Phase 1 Project and West Extension Project of Metro Line 2 is 24.808km, and 21 shield machines are working for the line.

Example of Chengdu Metro: Trains Chengdu Metro Line 1 采用 B 型车,6 辆编组 Type of Rolling Stock: Type B Train Configuration: 6-car train 设计最高运行速度 :80 公里 / 小时 Designed Maximum Speed: 80km/h 实际运营速度 :73 公里 / 小时左右 Actual Maximum Speed: about 73km/h Chengdu Metro Line 2 采用 B 型车,6 辆编组 Type of Rolling Stock: Type B Train Configuration: 6-car train 设计最高运行速度 :80 公里 / 小时 Designed Maximum Speed: 80km/h

Example of Chengdu Metro: Power Supply Chengdu Metro Line 1 供电方式 : 架空接触网 Power supply mode: Overhead Contact System 供电电压 :DC1500V Power supply voltage: DC1500V Chengdu Metro Line 2 供电方式 : 架空接触网 Power supply mode: Overhead Contact System 供电电压 :DC1500V Power supply voltage: DC1500V

Example of Chengdu Metro: Platform Screen Door Platform Screen Doors are applied at both Chengdu Metro Line 1 and Metro Line 2

Example of Chengdu Metro: Signaling and Communication System For the signaling system, both Chengdu Metro Line1 and Line2 use CBTC. By using CBTC, the minimum headway will be 2 minutes. For the communication system, both Chengdu Metro Line 1 and Line 2 use SDH system and TETRA system.

Major Industry Show in China Metro China 2013 Approved by: Ministry of Commerce, P. R. China Host: China Communications and Transportation Association (CCTA), Urban Rail Transit Committee Co-Host: China Academy of Railway Sciences (CARS) Show dates: 2013/11/19 2013/11/22 Show venue: Beijing International Exhibition Center Website://

Thank You! Landon Loomis Commercial Officer US Embassy Beijing Tel: 008610-85313997 Peng Aiqun (Ida) Senior Commercial Specialist US Embassy Beijing Tel: 008610-85313947

Thank You! We hope you had a great trip to China! Contact Information: Julia Walker Program Manager International Programs American Public Transportation Association Tel: +1 202-496-4833 E-mail: