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让 您 沉 溺 在 一 个 宁 静 的 境 界, 选 择 享 受 各 种 不 同 的 非 凡 体 验 享 受 犹 如 花 瓣 敷 在 脸 颊 上 的 清 新 面 部 護 理, 或 者 是 帶 來 不 同 感 官 享 受 的 草 药 洁 面 按 摩 您 亦 可 选 择 令 你 放 松 的 足 部 按












7D6N Best of Seoul with Jeju Tour 2016 Arrival every Tue, Thu & Sat, English speaking guide (GV4) from RM 2,888 per person Includes 6 nights 4* + 5* accommodation Return sit-in-coach airport transfers Halal & seafood meals, sightseeing entrance as indicated in itinerary Services of English speaking guide Return domestic flights Seoul Jeju Seoul with Excludes International air ticket and Tipping for local guide and coach driver: USD 49 or Won 49,000 per pax High Season Surcharge (1 15 Apr 2016) : RM 120 per pax Complimentary Musical Bibap Show Hotels:- The M, Seoul 4* @ 1N / Yongpyong Resort, Gangwongdo 5* @ 1N / Bernoui, Seoul 4* @ 2N / Palace, Jeju 4* @ 2N or similar Notes: Passenger s on MH 67 & D& 507 flight is required to extend 1 night stay after the trip. No departure transfer will be provide for extension stay DAY 01 ARRIVE INCHEON - SEOUL For passenger s arrive on D7 506 @ 0820 hrs / KE 672 @ 0655 hrs / MH 66 @ 0710 hrs On arrival, meet and transfer to One Mount Show Park is an indoor winter theme park. The snow park features a Santa Village with a North European concept, unique sledding, an ice lake with 101 fun activities like ice bowling, ice road with seven themed caves and thrilling, fantastic rides and a snow hill. This is the world s first theme park where visitors can watch aurora and ice shows at the Fairy Tale Village which is made of ice. For passenger s arrive on D7 504 @ 1530 hrs On arrival, meet and transfer for dinner and check-in hotel. DAY 02 SEOUL GYEONGGIDO GANGWONDO Breakfast,Lunch, This morning, we will take a ferry tour to Nami Island to visit the film site of the popular Korean drama serial, Winter Sonata. It is a half moon shaped island and famous for its beautiful chestnut and poplar trees lined roads. Next to Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch to experience the cheese making activities. Afternoon, check-in hotel and enjoy the numerous hot springs and amusement facilities at Peak Island Water Park & Spa. (You are advice to bring your own swimwear and swimming cap) DAY 03 GANGWONDO YONGIN SEOUL Breakfast, Today, visit Everland Theme Park, the best theme park in Korea. This Festival World Park offers thrilling rides, attractions, jungle safari and seasonal flower shows. You will be given a full day unlimited ride pass. We then visit to Ruyi Island Cherry Blossom Alley for the Cherry blossoms festival (subject to weather condition, during sakura season only). Enjoy your leisurely shopping trip at Dongdaemun which is the largest wholesale and retail shopping district in Korea. DAY 04 SEOUL Breakfast,Lunch This morning, we proceed to Ginseng outlet, Amethyst factory, Cosmetics shop and Cordyceps shop. Ascent to N Seoul Tower with photo stop at Love Lock the shooting place for the famous Korea drama My Love from The Star. Sits atop Namsan Mountain (243m), Seoul Tower offers panoramic views of Seoul and the surrounding areas. The view is so stunning that many consider Seoul Tower the best tower in Asia. Enjoy your shopping spree at Myeongdong, a major shopping district lined with quality branded goods shops. Last enjoy a complimentary of Musical Bibap Show. Bibap is a nonverbal performance based on the Korean representative dish, bibimbap (rice mixed with vegetables and beef). As a nonverbal performance, the actors mimic the sound of making bibimbap with beat-boxing and a cappella, demonstration of motions through b-boying, and acrobatics and martial arts. DAY 05 SEOUL JEJU Breakfast, After breakfast, we will proceed for a Kimchi-making session where you can learn how to make delicious kimchi and also wearing Hanbok (Korean traditional dress). Thereafter, enjoy your shopping spree at Sinchon Ladies Street before heading to domestic airport for you flight to Jeju. DAY 06 JEJU Breakfast,Lunch, Morning, we visit Seongsan Sunrise Peak, a stone peak great for watching sunrise. Thereafter, we explore at Seongeup Folk Village, a folk and history museum with miniature display of traditional villages. We visit to Hello Kitty Land and have fun at Teddy Bear Safari before proceed to Yongduam Rock, also known as Dragon Head Rock, an unusual lava formation that look like a roaring dragon rising from the sea into the sky. Continued to Mystery Road, experience the strange phenomenon of going uphill when your vehicle s engine is turned off. DAY 07 JEJU INCHEON DEPARTURE Breakfast Today, flight back to Seoul city. On arrival, enjoy your leisure time explore at Insa-Dong. We then heading to international airport for you flight back home. Tour Fare (RM) Adult / Child Twin Share Child Extra bed Child No bed Extension Seoul hotel P/R/P/N (Room only) Travel Validity 2,888.00 2,588.00 2,288.00 400.00 1 Mar 30 Nov 2016 ASIA


7D6N Best of Seoul with Jeju 2016 Arrival every Tue, Thu & Sat, Mandarin speaking guide (GV2) from RM 2,438 per person Includes 6 nights 4* + 5* accommodation Return sit-in-coach airport transfers Meals, sightseeing entrance as indicated in itinerary Return domestic flights Seoul Jeju Seoul with Services of Mandarin speaking guide Excludes International air ticket and Tipping for local guide and coach driver: USD 49 or Won 49,000 per pax High Season Surcharge (1 15 Apr 2016) : RM 120 per pax Complimentary Musical Bibap Show Hotels: The M, Seoul 4* @ 1N / Yongpyong Resort, Gangwongdo 5* @ 1N / Bernoui, Seoul 4* @ 2N / Palace, Jeju 4* @ 2N or similar Notes: Passenger s on MH 67 & D& 507 flight is required to extend 1 night stay after the trip. No departure transfer will be provide for extension stay DAY 01 ARRIVE INCHEON - SEOUL For passenger s arrive on D7 506 @ 0820 hrs / KE 672 @ 0655 hrs / MH 66 @ 0710 hrs On arrival, meet and transfer to One Mount Show Park is an indoor winter theme park. The snow park features a Santa Village with a North European concept, unique sledding, an ice lake with 101 fun activities like ice bowling, ice road with seven themed caves and thrilling, fantastic rides and a snow hill. This is the world s first theme park where visitors can watch aurora and ice shows at the Fairy Tale Village which is made of ice. For passenger s arrive on D7 504 @ 1530 hrs On arrival, meet and transfer for dinner and check-in hotel. DAY 02 SEOUL GYEONGGIDO GANGWONDO Breakfast,Lunch, This morning, we will take a ferry tour to Nami Island to visit the film site of the popular Korean drama serial, Winter Sonata. It is a half moon shaped island and famous for its beautiful chestnut and poplar trees lined roads. Next to Daegwallyeong Sheep Ranch to experience the cheese making activities. Afternoon, check-in hotel and enjoy the numerous hot springs and amusement facilities at Peak Island Water Park & Spa. (You are advice to bring your own swimwear and swimming cap) DAY 03 GANGWONDO YONGIN SEOUL Breakfast, Today, visit Everland Theme Park, the best theme park in Korea. This Festival World Park offers thrilling rides, attractions, jungle safari and seasonal flower shows. You will be given a full day unlimited ride pass. We then visit to Ruyi Island Cherry Blossom Alley for the Cherry blossoms festival (subject to weather condition, during sakura season only). Enjoy your leisurely shopping trip at Dongdaemun which is the largest wholesale and retail shopping district in Korea. DAY 04 SEOUL Breakfast,Lunch This morning, we proceed to Ginseng outlet, Amethyst factory, Cosmetics shop and Cordyceps shop. Ascent to N Seoul Tower with photo stop at Love Lock the shooting place for the famous Korea drama My Love from The Star. Sits atop Namsan Mountain (243m), Seoul Tower offers panoramic views of Seoul and the surrounding areas. The view is so stunning that many consider Seoul Tower the best tower in Asia. Enjoy your shopping spree at Myeongdong, a major shopping district lined with quality branded goods shops. Last enjoy a complimentary of Musical Bibap Show. Bibap is a nonverbal performance based on the Korean representative dish, bibimbap (rice mixed with vegetables and beef). As a nonverbal performance, the actors mimic the sound of making bibimbap with beat-boxing and a cappella, demonstration of motions through b-boying, and acrobatics and martial arts. DAY 05 SEOUL JEJU Breakfast, After breakfast, we will proceed for a Kimchi-making session where you can learn how to make delicious kimchi and also wearing Hanbok (Korean traditional dress). Thereafter, enjoy your shopping spree at Sinchon Ladies Street before heading to domestic airport for you flight to Jeju. DAY 06 JEJU Breakfast,Lunch, Morning, we visit Seongsan Sunrise Peak, a stone peak great for watching sunrise. Thereafter, we explore at Seongeup Folk Village, a folk and history museum with miniature display of traditional villages. We visit to Hello Kitty Land and have fun at Teddy Bear Safari before proceed to Yongduam Rock, also known as Dragon Head Rock, an unusual lava formation that look like a roaring dragon rising from the sea into the sky. Continued to Mystery Road, experience the strange phenomenon of going uphill when your vehicle s engine is turned off. DAY 07 JEJU INCHEON DEPARTURE Breakfast Today, flight back to Seoul city. On arrival, enjoy your leisure time explore at Insa-Dong. We then heading to international airport for you flight back home. Tour Fare (RM) Adult / Child Twin Share Child Extra bed Child No bed Extension Seoul hotel P/R/P/N (Room only) Travel Validity 2,438.00 2,188.00 1,948.00 400.00 1 Mar 30 Nov 2016 ASIA


7 天 6 晚韩国济州精选游 2016 from 逢星期二, 四 & 六抵达, 中文讲解导游 (GV2) RM 2,438 per person 包含 6 晚四 + 五星酒店住宿返回机场接送服务餐食, 行程于注明行程往返济州国内航班及机场税中文讲解导游 不包含 国际机票及机场税 导游及司机小费 : 每人美金 49 或韩币 49,000 旺季附加费 (1 15 Apr 16): RM 120 每人 特送 Bibap 拌饭音乐剧 备注 :- ** 乘客 MH67 & D7 507 需延住首尔一晚 ** 延长住宿者需自行安排前往机场. 酒店住宿 : The M, Seoul 4* @ 1N / Yongpyong Resort, Gangwongdo 5* @ 1N / Bernoui, Seoul 4* @ 2N / Palace, Cheju 4* @ 2N or similar 第一天抵达仁川 - 首尔乘客抵达航班 D7506 @ 0820hrs/ KE672 @ 0655hrs / MH66 @ 0710hrs ( 晚餐 ) 抵达仁川, 前往 One Mount 冰雪乐园是一个冬季室内主题公园 园内设有圣诞老人村与北欧的概念, 独特的雪橇, 冰湖 101 有趣的活动像冰保龄球, 冰路与七个主题洞穴和惊险, 梦幻般的游乐设施和雪丘 这是世界上第一个主题公园, 游客可以在童话村观看冰做的极光和冰上表演 乘客抵达航班 D7 504 @1530 hrs ( 晚餐 ) 抵达仁川机场, 送往享用晚餐 随后, 入住酒店 第二天首尔 - 京畿道 - 江源道 ( 三餐 ) 今早, 随后乘船到 南怡岛, 韩剧 冬季恋歌 男女坠入爱河的外景拍摄地点 漫步于罗曼帝克的林荫道, 参观剧情介绍和不同的拍摄地点 游览 < 大关岭农场 > 体验农场生活 在此体验自制奶酪的制作过程, 并有机会品尝它的味道 午后, 往 温泉水世界乐园 备有室内游泳池, 水疗 SPA, 露天温泉, 室内温泉, 温泉内富含人参汤, 野天风汤, 美容敷泥及蒸气室芦会之不同品味任君选择, 丰润皮肤的亮丽光滑, 让各位享受泡汤温泉之乐 ( 请自备泳衣及泳帽 ) 第三天江源道 - 龙仁 - 首尔 ( 早晚餐 ) 今天, 续往 爱堡乐园 ( 自由卷 ), 在此有紧张刺激的过山车与诸多惊险的玩意儿 参观野生动物园, 和动物近距离接触 还可欣赏到精彩的表演. 行程特安排游览 汝夷岛, 樱花的最佳观赏景点 ( 只限樱花季节 ) 随后往 东大门市场 购物, 韩国最大的批发与零售商业购物区. 第四天首尔 ( 早午餐 ) 今早, 前往 N 首尔塔 ( 含电梯卷 )+ 爱情锁墙 < 来之星星的你拍摄场地 > N 首尔塔是欣赏首尔夜景的著名旅游景点, 被称为首尔的象征 首尔塔高 236.7 米, 耸立于海拔 243 米的南山上 20 多年来, 一直受到各方游客的喜爱 参观 人参公卖局, 紫水晶工厂 < 韩国化妆品店, 冬虫夏草 及 护肝宝店 前往 明洞购物街, 位于首尔市中心的明洞, 是韩国潮流的指标, 服装店和精品店都集中在这里 行程特送 韩国拌饭秀 韩国的代表食物拌饭是将多样化的食材放进饭中均匀搅拌, 口味协和又极具特色, 其中的各种味道让你吃过后就难以忘怀 以 " 拌饭 " 来作为全球化时代融合及象征世界协调的代表性食物是毫不逊色的, 并透过音乐剧 <Bibap> 来让观众彻底的了解其中深义 拌饭制作过程中发出的声音 - 从清洗食材到切菜 炒菜再吃进嘴里等, 透过 Beatbox 和无乐器伴奏的方式来呈现 第五天首尔济州岛 ( 早晚餐 ) 早餐后, 参加 泡菜腌制课程, 可以制作美味的泡菜 还可免费穿上 韩服拍照 留念 前往 新村女人街 尽情购物 送往内陆机场乘搭航班飞往济州岛 抵达后, 入住酒店 第六天济州岛 ( 三餐 ) 今天, 前往 城山日出峰 >, 在这个突出于海岸的火山口欣赏美丽的日出 城山日出峰是耸立在济州岛东端的巨大岩石, 是世界最大的突出于海岸的火山口 火山口周边有 99 块奇岩怪石, 聚在一起状如巨大的王冠 参观 城邑民俗村, 一个展示传统村庄的民俗村和历史博物馆 参观济州 凯蒂猫博物馆 及 泰迪雄博物馆 随后, 游览 龙头岩, 是济州岛上火山熔岩构成的一个奇景, 恰如一头怒孔咆哮的巨龙自海中腾飞上天 前往 神奇之路, 可亲身体验把车子引关掉, 却能上山坡的奇特经历 第七天济州岛首尔 启程 ( 早餐 ) 今早, 乘搭客机飞返首尔 抵达后, 前往 仁寺洞 自由购物 午后, 送往机场乘搭客机回返国土 团费 (RM) 成人 / 儿童双人房 儿童加床 儿童不占床 延住首尔酒店每间客房每晚 ( 不含早餐 ) 旅游有效期 2,438.00 2,188.00 1,948.00 400.00 1 Mar 30 Nov 2016 ASIA