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EN ZH DH4110 / DH4116 / DH4120 / DH4130 NC00114049/02-39/12

1 3 7 8 2 Fig.3 5 4 9 6 Fig.1 2 Fig.4 10 11 12 13 Fig.2 Fig.5 2

Fig.6 Fig.7 3

EN Read the instructions and the safety guidelines carefully before use and keep this manual. PRODUCT DESCRIPTION 1 - Control panel 2 - Carrying handle 3 - Air outlet grill (DH4110), Air outlet with automatic-opening vent (DH4116, DH4120, DH4130) 4 - Water collection tank of 5 Liters 5 - Tank water level viewing window 6 - Tank handles 7 - Tank cover 8 - Float 9 - Rollers 10 - Removable pre-filter/nano holder 11 - Removable pre-filter/nano (cleanable) 12 - Air entry grill 13 - Permanent drainage opening plug 4

CONTROL PANEL DESCRIPTION EN DH4110 : 16L model G F J L M H I A N O B C DH4116 : 16L model, DH4120 : 20L model and DH4130 : 25L model G F J L M H I Control panel A - ON/OFF button B - Objective relative humidity selection button C - Speed selection button D - DRY function button (Mod. DH4116, DH4120 & DH4130) E - SWING function button (Mod. DH4116, DH4120 & DH4130) F - PROG/TIMER function button G - Prog/Timer indicator lamp H - Tank full indicator lamp I - Automatic defrosting indicator lamp Display screen A D E P K N O B C J - Display of defined times (Prog and Timer) K - Selection clothes drying (Mod. DH4116, DH4120 & DH4130) L - Display of temperature and relative humidity of the room M - Selection 2 speeds N - Objective relative humidity factor 50%, 60%, 70% (humidity control) O - Continuous dehumidification indicator lamp P - Air outlet vent swing action (Mod. DH4116, DH4120 & DH4130) 5

EN Excessive atmospheric humidity makes a house uncomfortable and can have adverse consequences. Your dehumidifier allows you to remove damp air from your home by collecting the excess water vapour suspended in the air. It protects your living environment from the damaging effects of excessive humidity. Drying clothes (Mod. DH4116, DH4120 & DH4130) Thanks to its DRY function, your dehumidifier can also help you dry your washing even faster. DAMPNESS IS EXPRESSED AS RELATIVE HUMIDITY (HR). Relative humidity is a percentage indicating the quantity of water vapour in the air as a proportion of the maximum amount of water vapour that the air is able to contain at that temperature. Relative humidity is measured with a hygrometer: RH <50%: the air in the room is too dry. RH between 50 and 60%: this is considered healthy. RH >60%: the air is too humid. OPERATING PRINCIPLE - The air is drawn in by a fan system and then passes through a refrigerant evaporator where it is cooled and the excess humidity is collected. The air leaving the refrigerant evaporator is dry and cold. - It then passes through the refrigerant condenser which warms it before it is dispersed through the room. - The condensed water is collected in the tank or removed through a hose for continuous drainage. LOCATION First place the dehumidifier in the room requiring priority treatment. To maintain a good level of humidity throughout the home, the dehumidifier should then be installed in a central position. The air must be allowed to circulate freely; ensure that the appliance is not installed behind curtains or near any other obstruction and leave a minimum free space of 10 cm (4 in) on all sides of the appliance. 6

WARNINGS EN It is essential to read these instructions carefully and to observe the following recommendations. For your safety, this appliance is compliant with applicable standards and regulations (Low (Voltage and Electromagnetic Compatibility Directives). This appliance is intended only for domestic use. It may not be used for industrial purposes. The warranty is void in the event of damage resulting from improper use. Do not operate your appliance in a dusty atmosphere or where there is a fire risk. Before each use, check that the appliance, power cord and plug are in good general condition. Never insert objects into the appliance (e.g. needles). If the power cord is damaged, it must be replaced by the manufacturer, an approved after-sales service or a similarly qualified person, in order to avoid any danger. This appliance is not intended for use by people (including children) whose physical, sensory or mental capacities are disabled, or by people with no experience or familiarity with such devices, unless they are supervised by a person who is responsible for their security or have received instructions as to how to use the appliance. This appliance may be used by children aged 8 years and over and people with reduced physical, sensory or mental abilities or lacking in experience or knowledge if they are correctly supervised or if instructions concerning the completely safe use of the appliance have been given to them and if the risks incurred have been understood. Children must be supervised to ensure that they do not play with the appliance. User cleaning and maintenance should not be carried out by unsupervised children. Never pull on the power cord or the appliance, even to disconnect the plug from the wall socket. Unroll the power cord completely before use. The regulations regarding the elimination of oil and refrigerant for storage must be respected. VERY IMPORTANT Do not cover the air inlet and outlet grills. Do not block the air outlet vent (mod. DH4116, DH4120 and DH4130) Do not operate the appliance with the air outlet vent closed (mod. DH4116, DH4120 and DH4130) Do not manually force swinging of the air outlet vent (mod. DH4116, DH4120 and DH4130) Do not touch the appliance with wet hands. The appliance must be installed such that the control buttons cannot be reached by a person using the bath or shower. Never use the appliance in other than an upright position. Place the appliance on a flat and stable surface. Do not place heavy objects or children on the appliance. Do not put anything in the tank. Stop your appliance with the (A) button before disconnecting it. Turn off and disconnect the appliance before moving it. In case of prolonged absence: turn off the appliance with the button (A) and unplug it. The design of this IPX2 appliance means it can be used in all parts of the house, including those with risks of falling water (kitchen, bathroom, etc.). The electrical installation of the room and the way the appliance is installed and used must however conform to the standards in your country. START-UP OF THE APPLIANCE Before using your appliance for the first time, check that the supply voltage matches that indicated on the appliance. Your appliance has to operate with an earthed plug. It is a class I appliance. Before switching on your appliance, make sure that: - the appliance is positioned in accordance with these instructions, 7

EN - the air inlet and outlet grills are completely unobstructed, - the appliance is placed on a flat and stable surface. - the tank float (7 Fig.1) moves freely in its housing. Plug the lead in and press the start button (A). On the display, the pictogram (L) appears indicating the temperature and relative humidity of the room, Your appliance starts up in continuous operation. You can also define the mode you want to use by selecting the functions described in the following section. After switching off using the OFF button (without unplugging), when the appliance is switched on it automatically starts in the previous configuration. OPERATION HUMIDITY CONTROL Function To set the target relative humidity, select one of the values, 70%, 60% or 50%, using the button (B). If the 70% function is selected, this means that the air will be dehumidified until the relative humidity falls to 70%. The appliance with regulate automatically if the relative humidity is below 70% (the compressor will stop but the fan will continue to operate). The compressor will start again if the relative humidity exceeds 70%. The same applies if 60% or 50% is selected. CONTINUOUS Function The unit dehumidifies the room continuously if the CONTINUOUS function (O) is activated using button (B), regardless of the ambient humidity. SPEED Function Press button (C) to select: : gentle ventilation : high ventilation TIMER Function This function allows you to define an operating time for your appliance from 1 to 24 hours in preset conditions: Temperature and humidity of the room Blue lignt on Timer Speed Humidity 8

With your appliance switched on you can define: - The ventilation speed (button C) - The target humidity rate (button B) EN And on models DH4116, DH4120 and DH4130, select: - The drying clothes function (button D) - The Swing function (button E) => Then select the number of hours of operation required before automatic shutdown by pressing the PROG/TIMER" key (F). The indicator light (G) will be lit up for the entire duration of the programmed operation. The appliance will automatically switch off at the end of the selected time. PLEASE NOTE: the appliance will regulate itself automatically to maintain the target humidity rate during the period of operation. If you wish to exit the program, select 00 H or stop the appliance with button A; the light will switch off. Fonction PROG This function allows you to set your appliance for deferred start-up from 1 to 24 hours in previously defined conditions. Temperature and humidity of the room Blue lignt on Prog Speed Humidity With your appliance switched off, press the "PROG/TIMER" key (F) as many times as necessary to define the number of hours before automatic start-up. Your appliance is programmed for continuous start-up but, at your convenience, you can also select: - The speed (button C) - The target humidity rate (button B) And on models DH4116, DH4120 and DH4130: - The drying clothes function (button D) - The Swing function (button E) The indicator light (G) will be lit up awaiting automatic operation of the appliance. PLEASE NOTE: the appliance will regulate itself automatically to maintain the target humidity rate during the period of operation. If you wish to exit the program, select 00 H or start the appliance with button A; the light will switch off. DRY Function for Drying clothes (Mod. DH4116, DH4120 & DH4130) Press the DRY (D) button to start the clothes drying function. Continuous dehumidification and swing of the air outlet vent will start up automatically for enhanced clothes drying. 9

EN SWING Function (Mod. DH4116, DH4120 & DH4130) Press the SWING" button (E): the air outlet vent will automatically swing, providing enhanced distribution of dry air around the room. DEFROSTING INDICATOR LIGHT If light (I) comes on, the dehumidifier is in defrosting mode. The compressor shuts down and will start up again automatically after the defrosting phase. NOTE: Check that the pre-filter is clean. FULL indicator light The appliance beeps and the indicator (H) flashes when the tank is full or incorrectly positioned. The indicator stops flashing and the dehumidifier starts up again once the tank is emptied and replaced. FILTER It is essential to switch off your appliance using button (A) and to unplug it before any operation. - Your appliance is fitted with a removable cleanable pre-filter/nano which must be cleaned regularly. - Remove the pre-filter/nano (Fig.3) and clean it with a vacuum cleaner. - Re-fit the pre-filter/nano (Fig.4-5). - Never use the appliance without its pre-filter/nano. EMPTYING THE TANK It is essential to switch off your appliance using button (A) and to unplug it before any operation. When the tank is full: - The appliance shuts down and the red FULL indicator light (H) comes on - Remove the tank gently from the appliance (Fig.6), empty the water and put the tank back into the appliance. The red FULL indicator light (H) should switch off in a few seconds. CONTINUOUS DRAINAGE (see Fig 7). It is essential to switch off your appliance using button (A) and to unplug it before any operation. Use a PVC pipe, 12 mm in diameter. - Remove the plug (13) then connect the pipe to the drainage outlet. - Ensure that the slope between the 2 ends of the pipe allows water to flow away normally. CARE It is essential to switch off your appliance using button (A) and to unplug it before any cleaning operation. It can be cleaned with a damp cloth. Clean the water tank regularly. Clean the air inlet pre-filter regularly. Important : Never use abrasive cleaners, these will damage the surfaces. TRANSPORT Drain the tank before transport. The appliance is easy to move, thanks to its rollers. Note : Your appliance includes a refrigeration compressor; laying the appliance on its side can cause a malfunction. 10

STORAGE EN When the appliance is not in use, it must be stored in a dry place. Take care to empty the water tank. TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS CHARACTERISTICS DH4116 / DH4110 DH4120 DH4130 Voltage and frequency 220-240V / 50Hz 220-240V / 50Hz 220-240V / 50Hz Power (W) (30 C RH 80%) 240W 310 W 430 W Humidity absorption capacity (L/day) (30 C, RH 80%) 16 L 20 L 25 L Humidity absorption capacity (L/day) (26,7 C, RH 60%) DH4116 : 8 L DH4110 : 8,2 L 12 L 14,8 L Weight (kg) 12,9kg 14kg 14,5kg Ambient temperature ( C) 10 C - 35 C 10 C - 35 C 10 C - 35 C Refrigerant / weight R134A (165g) R134A (195g) R410A (180g) Pre-filter/nano Tank capacity (L) 5L 5L 5L Dimensions (cm) L33 x D42 x H65 L33 x D42 x H65 L33 x D42 x H65 Noise level - db(a)* DH4116 : 52 db(a) DH4110 : 47 db(a) 52 db(a) 52 db(a) *(on low speed under specific operating conditions) 11

EN IN CASE OF PROBLEM Type of problem The appliance does not work when switched on. The dehumidification capacity is too low. The desired level of comfort is not reached after the appliance has been operating for a long time. The appliance is too noisy. The appliance stops. The full indicator light is on. The appliance freezes. The air outlet vent does not open. (Mod. DH4116, DH4120, DH4130) Points to check - Water tank full. - Positioning of the tank. - Connection of the appliance. - That the filter is clean. - The temperature is too low. - Obstruction of the air inlet and outlet grills. - Doors and windows are closed. - That the filter is clean. - Source of steam in the room. - Size of room too large. - The appliance is placed on a flat and stable surface. - Water tank full or not in place. - Temperature too high or too low. - Bad humidity setting. - In case of first use, water tank not in place. - Water tank is full. - Check filter is clean. - Room temperature too low. - Clear the air inlet and outlet grilles. - Vent blocked on opening => Switch off and restart appliance Never dismantle your appliance. A poorly repaired appliance may pose risks to the user. Before contacting an approved Service Centre in our network, ensure that the appliance is in a normal operating position and that the air inlet and outlet grills are completely unobstructed. ENVIRONMENT PROTECTION FIRST! Your appliance contains valuable materials which can be recovered or recycled Models DH4110, DH4116, DH4120 also contain a fluorinated greenhouse gas as a cooling agent (R134A) under the Kyoto Protocol, whose global warning capacity is 1300 times higher than carbon dioxide (CO2). Model DH4130 also contains a fluorinated greenhouse gas as a cooling agent (R410A) under the Kyoto Protocol, whose global warning capacity is 1975 times higher than carbon dioxide (CO2). The fluorinated greenhouse gas contained in this appliance must not be released into the atmosphere. Leave it a local civic waste collection point. 12

閱讀說 書 並請 冊 ZH 產 說 1. 2. 動 3. 氣柵 ( 號 DH4110) 氣 動 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) 4. 5 5. 檢視 6. 7. 蓋 8. 標 9. 滾輪 10. 預 網穩 11. 預 網 潔 12. 進氣柵 13. 開 13

ZH 說 DH4110 16 號 G F J L M H I A N O B C DH4116 16 號 DH4120 20 號 DH4130 25 號 G F J L M H I A - 開關 B - 對濕 選鈕 C - 選鈕 D - 鈕 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) E - 轉 鈕 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) F - / 時間 鈕 G - / 時間 顯 燈 H - 滿顯 燈 I - 動 顯 燈 顯 A D E P K N O B C J - 時間顯 ( 時間 ) K - 選擇 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) L - 顯 間溫 對濕 M - 選 兩種 N - 對濕 數 50% 60% 70%( 濕 ) O - 續 濕顯 燈 P - 氣 轉 ( 動號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) 14

ZH 裏 氣濕 過 會產 濕機 懸 氣 為 濕 氣 護 環 濕 壞 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) 濕機 備 淨 濕 對濕 顯 對濕 顯 溫 氣 夠 納佔 對濕 濕 計來 對濕 <50% 內 氣 對濕 50 % 60% 間 這 對濕 >60% 氣 濕 - 風 統將 氣 卻 發 發 將 氣 溫餘 釋 氣 - 氣經過 溫 彌 間 - 經過 會 經 將 濕機 內 濕 為 處 適當 濕 應該將 濕機 須讓 氣 動 將 濕機 礙 請 濕機 10 (4 吋 ) 間 15

ZH 須細 閱讀這 並 議 為確 濕機 適 標準 規 ( 電壓 電 ) 濕機 並 業 當導 損壞 將會 塵 發 災 環 濕機 請 檢 濕機 電 線頭 狀態 將 濕機 ( 針 ) 電 線損毀 製 認 務 備 資 換 發 險 濕機並 體 關經驗 識這類電 ( 兒 ) 們 負責 監 產 給 產 歲 兒 關經驗 識 體 們 確監 獲 關 濕機 並 當 險 兒 監 產 確 會將 戲 兒 沒 監 潔 養 產 電 線 濕機 從牆 頭 須將電 線 卻劑 須 關規則 極 項 蓋 氣 氣柵 擋 氣 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) 氣 閉時 濕機 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) 強 將 氣 轉 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) 濕時 觸 濕機 濕機應 觸 鈕 濕機 請將 濕機 穩 將 兒 濕機 東 內 電 線 調 鈕 (A) 關 濕機 動 濕機 請 關機 電 線 長時間 調 鈕 (A) 關 濕機 電 線 IPX2 設計 濕機 處 濺 ( 廚 ) 濕機 間 電 裝濕機 貴國 標準 16

開 ZH 濕機 請 檢 電壓 濕機顯 電壓 濕機 須 頭 濕 級電 開動 濕機 須 確 - 濕機 說 書 - 氣柵 氣柵 沒 點 - 濕機 穩 - 標 (7 圖 1) 內 動 電 動開 鈕 (A) 顯 會 現圖 (L) 顯 間 溫 對濕 濕機啟動 會 續選 設 關 ( OFF) 關 濕機 ( 無 電 線 ) 濕機啟動 會 動開 設 濕 設 標 對濕 請 鈕 (B) 選擇 個數 70% 60% 50% 選 70% 會將 氣 減 對濕 70% 對濕 70%, 濕機會 動調節 ( 壓縮 會 頓 風 會繼續 ) 當濕 過 70% 壓縮 會 啟動 選 60% 50% 況 樣 續 鈕 (B) 啟動 續 CONTINUOUS) (O) ( 則 圍 濕 濕機 會 續間 濕 動 鈕 (C) 選 : 輕 風 : 強 風 17

ZH 時間 這項 設 濕機 預 1 24 設時 間 溫 濕 藍燈 時間 啟動 濕機 設 - 風 ( 鈕 C) - 標濕 ( 鈕 B) 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130 選 - ( 鈕 D) - 轉 ( 鈕 E) 動 / 時間 (PROG/TIMER) 鍵 (F) 選擇 動關機 時數 設 間 顯 燈會 (G) 選 時間結 濕機會 動關 請 濕機會 動調節 間將濕 維 標 請選 00 H 鈕 A 頓 濕機 顯 燈會 滅 濕 設 遲 1 24 時開 預 設 間 溫 濕 藍燈 濕 18

關 濕機 據 動 / 時間 (PROG/TIMER) 鍵 (F) 無數 選擇 個 時過 動開機 濕機 經設 續 為 選 - ( 鈕 C) - 標濕 ( 鈕 B) 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130 選 - ( 鈕 D) - 轉 ( 鈕 E) 顯 燈 (G) 會 濕機 動開 請 濕機會 動調節 間將濕 維 標 請選 00 H 鈕 A 頓 濕機 顯 燈會 滅 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) 動 鈕 )(DRY) 開 濕機會 續 濕氣 會 動轉 點 轉 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) 動轉 鈕 )(SWING) (E 氣 會 動轉 氣 佈 間 顯 燈 顯 燈 (I) 濕機進 壓縮 會關 濕機會 動 開 檢 預 網潔 滿顯 燈 當 滿 當 濕機會鳴響 顯 燈會閃動 (H) 顯 燈 閃動時 濕機會 開動 濾網 進 須調 鈕 (A) 關 濕機 電 線 - 濕機裝 預 網 預 網 潔 須 潔 - 預 網 圖機塵 潔 - 裝 預 網 圖 圖 - 預 網 濕機 進 須調 鈕 (A) 關 濕機 電 線 當 滿 - 濕機會關 紅 滿顯 燈 (H) 會 - 將 輕輕 離 濕機 ( 圖 6) 將 紅 滿顯 燈 (H) 會 數 內 滅 ZH 19

ZH 續 ( 圖 7) 進 須調 鈕 (A) 關 濕機 電 線 徑 12 (PVC) - 頭 (13) 將 - 確 兩 間 夠讓 護 進 潔 調 鈕 (A) 關 濕機 電 線 濕 潔 濕機 須 潔 進氣預 網 須潔 潔 為會損壞 運 運 須 濕機裝 滾輪 動 濕機裝 卻壓縮 側 會導 靈 時 須將 濕機 術 點 點 DH4116 / DH4110 DH4120 DH4130 電壓 頻 220-240V / 50Hz 220-240V / 50Hz 220-240V / 50Hz (W) 240W 310W 430W 濕 ( / ) 30 C 對濕 80% 16 20 25 濕 ( / ) 26.7 C 對濕 60% DH4116 : 8 DH4110 : 8.2 12 14.8 ( ) 12.9 14 14.5 圍溫 ( C) 10 C - 35 C 10 C - 35 C 10 C - 35 卻劑 / ( 卻劑 / ) 卻劑 -134a / 165 卻劑 -134a / 195 卻劑 -410a / 180 濾網 ( ) 5 5 5 體積 ( ) 長 33x 42 x 65 長 33x 42 x 65 長 33x 42 x 65 ( 貝 ) DH4116 : 52 貝 DH4110 : 47 貝 52 貝 52 貝 *( 況 ) 20

問題 ZH 開 濕機 維 當 會對 構 險 聯絡 們 務網 認 務 請 確 濕機 時擺 確 進氣柵 氣柵沒 點 問題類 濕機開動 無 運 濕 濕機 長時間還 達 適 濕 濕機發 過 聲響 濕機 頓 滿顯 燈 濕機結 氣 開 ( 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 號 DH4130) 檢 點 - 滿 - 擺 確 - 電 - 濾網 潔 - 溫 - 進氣柵 氣柵 - 門 關 - 濾網 潔 - 間 來 - 間 - 濕機 穩 - 滿 擺 確 - 溫 過 過 - 濕 設 當 - 應該 擺 確 - 滿 - 濾網 潔 - 間 溫 過 - 潔進氣柵 氣柵 - => 關機 開機 護環 為! 濕機 環 寶貴 號 DH4110 號 DH4116 號 DH4120 採 種 議 書 為 溫 氣體 氣體 為 卻劑 (R134A) 碂 1300 號 DH4130 種 議 書 為 溫 氣體 氣體 為 卻劑 (R410A) 碂 1975 將 濕機 溫 氣體釋 氣 請將 濕機 廢 21