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Exclusive BEA Tax Loan for Staff Members of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology BEA s tax loan programme offers you incredibly attractive rates. What s more, new customers can choose to take out a flexi tax loan, with interest charged only on the money withdrawn. Successfully apply on or before 18 th December, 2012 to enjoy the following special offers: Instalment Tax Loan Full waiver of the arrangement fee Loan amount of up to 12 times your monthly basic salary (maximum HK$1,200,000) PARKnSHOP Gift Coupons worth up to HK$800 for a 24-month repayment period Extra PARKnSHOP Gift Coupons worth HK$500 for new customers Automatic entry to our Tax Loan Lucky Draw for the chance to win HK$28,888 in BEA Credit Card free spending credit! Monthly Repayment Table Loan amount drawn (HK$) 5,000 49,999 50,000 99,999 100,000 199,999 200,000 399,999 400,000 799,999 800,000 1,200,000 Monthly flat rate 0.250% 0.220% 0.190% 0.160% 0.160% For every loan amount of HK$1,000 12 months 24 months Monthly instalment amount (HK$) (APR) 85.83 (5.63%) 85.53 (4.95%) 85.23 (4.26%) 84.93 (3.58%) 84.93 (3.58%) Monthly instalment amount (HK$) (APR) 44.17 (5.81%) 43.87 (5.11%) 43.57 (4.40%) 43.27 (3.71%) 43.27 (3.71%) 0.118% 84.51 (2.64%) 42.85 (2.73%) Coupons (HK$) 200 400 800 Flexi Tax Loan For New Customers 0% interest rate for the first 3 months Credit limit of up to 2 times your monthly basic salary (maximum HK$300,000) Arrangement fee and withdrawal fee waiver for the first year Credit limit (HK$) 5,000 10,000 11,000 50,000 51,000 100,000 101,000 300,000 Privileged interest rate for months 1-3 (p.a.) (APR) 0% (0%) Standard interest rate from month 4 onwards (p.a.) (APR) 25.80% (29.08%) 16.80% (18.16%) 10.80% (11.35%) 7.80% (8.08%) Extra Reward Receive HK$1,200 in BEA Credit Card free spending credit when you register for auto payroll for the first time Apply now! Simply complete the application form and return it to Mr. Yu Kam Yuen (Tel: 3609 2432) or Mr. Terry Lam (Tel: 3609 2429) at BEA s The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Branch. Fax Hotline 3609 3577 (11/2012)

Instalment Tax Loan Offer Terms and Conditions 1. The loan amount can be up to 12 times of monthly basic salary for privileged customers and up to 10 times monthly basic salary for general customers (maximum HK$1,200,000). Privileged customers include BEA Private Banking/SupremeGold customers, BEA auto payroll customers, BEA mortgage loan customers, BEA consumer loan customers, BEA Credit Card customers, BEA deposit account customers, designated professionals, civil servants, and full time Hospital Authority/university employees. Professionals include accountants, architects, dentists, doctors, engineers, solicitors, and surveyors. The Bank of East Asia, Limited ( BEA ) reserves the final right to interpret the definition of privileged customers. 2. All Annualised Percentage Rates ( APRs ) in the repayment table are calculated according to the standard method set out in the Code of Banking Practice and include the full arrangement fee waiver. Both APRs and monthly repayments are rounded up or down to the nearest 2 decimal places. Please note that actual APRs and monthly repayments may differ. 3. The PARKnSHOP Gift Coupons (the Coupons ) are only available to customers who successfully draw an instalment tax loan amount of HK$50,000 or above with a repayment period of 24 months. 4. New customers who successfully apply for an instalment tax loan amount of HK$20,000 or above will be eligible for extra Coupons worth HK$500. New customers refers to those customers who have not held any BEA products in the past 6 months, including but not limited to any deposit account, mortgage loan, consumer loan, credit card, or MPF account. BEA reserves the final right to interpret the definition of new customer. 5. Coupons will be sent to the customer's correspondence address in 2 months from the date of loan drawdown. Coupons with a total value of below HK$500 will be sent by ordinary post, while those with a total value of HK$500 or above will be sent by registered post. No additional fee will be charged for the registered post service. 6. In the event that the customer repays the instalment tax loan in full prior to the date that the Coupons are given, the customer s entitlement to the Coupons will be forfeited. 7. If the customer makes an early settlement of the instalment tax loan during the repayment period, BEA reserves the right to debit an amount equal to the face value of the Coupons awarded from the customer s repayment account without prior notice. 8. The Coupons are available while stocks last. In the event that the Coupons are out of stock, BEA reserves the right to substitute the Coupons with another item without prior notice. BEA will not be responsible for damaged, lost, or stolen Coupons. The Coupons cannot be exchanged for cash. Use of the Coupons will be bound by the terms and conditions prescribed by PARKnSHOP. Tax Loan Lucky Draw Terms and Conditions (only applicable to instalment tax loan) 1. To be eligible for the lucky draw, the customer must successfully draw an instalment tax loan on or before 28 th February, 2013 (the Eligible Customer ). 2. The Eligible Customer will be entitled to one lucky draw entry for each application. Joint applications will be considered as a single application. To be eligible for the lucky draw, the Eligible Customer's instalment tax loan account must be valid and in good standing. In the event that the Eligible Customer repays the instalment tax loan in full prior to the lucky draw, his/her entitlement to the lucky draw will be forfeited. 3. A total of 3 winners will be chosen randomly by computer from the pool of Eligible Customers. Each winner of the lucky draw will be eligible for HK$28,888 in BEA Credit Card free spending credit (the "Prize"). Each Eligible Customer can only receive the Prize once. The lucky draw results will be announced on the BEA website at www.hkbea.com on 15 th March, 2013. Notification letters will be sent to the correspondence addresses of the winners by post. 4. The Prize will be credited to the existing BEA Credit Card account of the winners on or before 30 th April, 2013. The Prize is only available to principal holders of a BEA Credit Card. The BEA Corporate Card, BEA Prepaid Card, BEA Traveller s Card, and all supplementary cards are excluded. If the winners do not hold any BEA Credit Card, the Prize will be credited to a new BEA Credit Card account that they will open with BEA. BEA reserves the sole right to approve or decline any card application. The Prize will only be available to customers whose BEA Credit Cards are valid and in good standing. Otherwise, eligibility to receive the Prize will be forfeited. In the case of joint applications, the Prize will be credited to the principal BEA Credit Card account of one of the applicants. BEA will contact the winners to confirm the arrangement in such cases. 5. If the winner makes an early settlement after the lucky draw, BEA reserves the right to debit an amount equivalent to the face value of the Prize awarded from the winner s repayment account without prior notice. 6. The Prize cannot be exchanged for cash and cannot be fully or partially transferred to any other account. 7. Employees of the BEA Group and their relatives are not eligible for this lucky draw. Flexi Tax Loan Offer Terms and Conditions 1. Application for a flexi tax loan revolving loan is only applicable to new customers. New customers refers to those customers who have not held any BEA products in the past 6 months, including but not limited to any deposit account, mortgage loan, consumer loan, credit card, or MPF account. BEA reserves the final right to interpret the definition of new customer. 2. BEA will open a revolving loan account for the successful flexi tax loan applicant and he/she will be bound by the revolving loan terms and conditions. 3. An annual non-refundable arrangement fee of 1% on the approved credit limit (maximum HK$1,000) will be charged on the date of account opening of the revolving loan facility and once every 12 months thereafter. Customers who successfully apply on or before the specified date will enjoy an arrangement fee waiver for the first year. 4. The withdrawal fee will be waived in the first year from the date of account opening. A withdrawal fee of 2% on the withdrawal amount (minimum HK$50) will be levied for each cash withdrawal or transfer of funds thereafter. 5. All APRs are calculated according to the standard method set out in the Code of Banking Practice and are rounded up or down to the nearest 2 decimal places. Please note that actual APRs may differ. 6. BEA will credit 95% of the total approved credit limit to the customer s designated HKD current/savings account upon approval of the flexi tax loan. 7. Customers are required to make the minimum payment due, equivalent to 3% of the statement balance (minimum HK$100). 8. The application is subject to the final approval of BEA. BEA will determine the approved loan type, credit limit, and the interest rate at its sole discretion. 9. An administrative charge of 2% on the original credit limit will be levied if the customer cancels the revolving loan account within 13 months from the date of account opening. Auto Payroll Offer Terms and Conditions 1. The auto payroll promotion runs from now until 31 st December, 2012. 2. For detailed terms and conditions of the current auto payroll promotion, please refer to the related promotional leaflet available at all BEA branches. General Terms and Conditions 1. Each customer can only submit one instalment tax loan application or one flexi tax loan application. If a customer submits more than one application, only the application with the earliest application date received by BEA will be processed. 2. Your choice of loan cannot be changed once the application is submitted. 3. The above information is for reference only. BEA reserves the sole right to vary or cancel this offer and/or amend or alter these terms and conditions at any time with appropriate notice. In the event of any dispute, the decision of BEA shall be final and conclusive. 4. Should there be any discrepancy between the English and Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.

2012/2013 TAX LOAN APPLICATION FORM For Staff Members of The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Please complete the following in BLOCK LETTERS and place a tick ( ) in the appropriate box. 1. Applicant must be a Hong Kong resident aged 18 or above who has a minimum monthly basic salary of HK$5,000 and who has been employed by his/her present employer for at least 3 months. 2. Joint applicants for Instalment Tax Loan are permitted and required to submit separate application forms including a full set of requisite documents and information. 3. Application process and loan drawdown will be completed within 8 working days upon receipt of all requisite documents and information. The entire approved loan proceeds of Instalment Tax Loan or 95% of approved credit limit of Flexi Tax Loan will be credited to the applicant s designated bank account upon receipt of the signed confirmation letter from the applicant. (Existing BEA customers and bank-new customers who have presented the original copy of HKID Card and residential proof for verification upon application submission at branches are not required to sign the confirmation letter. If the requested loan amount/credit limit is approved in full, The Bank of East Asia, Limited ( BEA ) will not notify the applicant. The entire Loan proceeds or 95% of credit limit will be credited to the applicant s designated bank account directly.) 4. To protect your privacy rights, please read the BEA s Personal Information Collection (Customers) Statement printed on this application form before providing personal information. Please select any one of the following loan types: (If the customer does not indicate the designated loan type or selected more than one loan type, BEA will process his/her application as an Instalment Tax Loan application.) INSTALMENT TAX LOAN Apply for Instalment Tax Loan ( Loan ) Requested Loan Amount HK$ (minimum HK$5,000) Repayment Period 12 Months 24 Months (If the customer does not indicate the repayment period, BEA will process his/her application with a loan tenor of 12 months.) I would like to apply for Instalment Tax Loan in joint names (Please submit your application together with the application form and documents of joint applicant to BEA.) Joint applicant s name in English as printed on HKID (in BLOCK LETTERS) Length of Residence Years Months Nationality (Copies of HKID Card, valid passport issued by place of origin, and Hong Kong visa are required for Hong Kong non-permanent residents) Education Level E-mail Address Company Name in English Road/Street District Living with Parents Quarters Owned Rented Applicant s Monthly Rent HK$ Mortgaged Applicant s Monthly Instalment HK$ Residential Tel. No. Mobile Phone No. Office Tel. No. University or Above Secondary OCCUPATION Years of Service 122340096 (BEA will notify you of the result of your application via SMS within 7 working days upon receipt of all requisite documents and information.) Post-secondary Below Secondary Office Address in English (Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS to ensure delivery. P.O. boxes and overseas addresses are not accepted.) Room Floor Block/Building HK KLN NT REVOL5679010 Apply for Flexi Tax Loan (applicable to new customers only) Requested Credit Limit HK$ (minimum HK$5,000, in multiples of HK$1,000) BEA will open a Revolving Loan account for successful Flexi Tax Loan applicant and he/she will be bound by Revolving Loan terms and conditions. Mr. Mrs. Ms. Miss Name in English as printed on HKID Card (in BLOCK LETTERS) Marital Status Single Married Others Residential Address in English (Please complete in BLOCK LETTERS to ensure delivery. P.O. boxes and overseas addresses are not accepted.) (If your permanent address is different from your residential address, please provide permanent address proof in English/Chinese.) Room Floor Block/Building Estate/Development FLEXI TAX LOAN PERSONAL DATA Date of Birth D M Y HKID Card No. (Please provide a copy) Nature of Business Position Previous Employer s Name in English Monthly Income HK$ Years of Service INSTALMENT TAX LOAN DRAWDOWN AND MONTHLY REPAYMENT DIRECT DEBIT AUTHORISATION/FLEXI TAX LOAN DRAWDOWN AUTHORISATION Once the Instalment Tax Loan/Flexi Tax Loan is approved, I hereby irrevocably request and authorise The Bank of East Asia, Limited ( BEA ) to credit the entire approved Loan proceeds or 95% of the credit limit to my designated HKD current/savings account as specified below (the Designated Account ). I further request and authorise BEA to debit the monthly repayments and all outstanding balances of Instalment Tax Loan (including but not limited to the loan principal, interest, charges and expenses) due and payable to BEA from time to time from the Designated Account, and to apportion the monthly repayments among principal, interest, charges and expenses as BEA deems appropriate at its sole discretion: Bank Name Designated Account No. * The Bank of East Asia, Limited Road/Street District HK KLN NT * If the Designated Account maintained with BEA is an all-in-one account, the entire Loan proceeds or 95% of credit limit will be credited to the statement savings account. Interest will be incurred from the moment the Flexi Tax Loan transaction is made onwards (if applicable).

or HKD Current/Savings Account Held at Another Bank Bank Name Designated Account Bank No. Branch No. Account No. Interest will be incurred from the moment the Flexi Tax Loan transaction is made onwards (if applicable). In respect of the above arrangement for Instalment Tax Loan s debit authorisation, I hereby further acknowledge and agree that: (1) should there be insufficient funds in the Designated Account to meet any debit hereby authorised, BEA shall be entitled, at its sole discretion, not to effect such debit in which event BEA may apply the BEA s usual charges as stated in BEA s Bank Charges General Services which can be obtained from BEA branch, BEA customer services hotline on (852) 2211 1333, and BEA website and cancel this authorisation at any time with one week s written notice; (2) this authorisation shall be valid and effective until further notice; (3) any notice of cancellation or variation of this authorisation, which I may give to BEA, should be in writing and be only taken effect after 7 working days from the receipt of BEA of such written cancellation or variation and for the avoidance of doubt, this authorisation shall remain valid and effective before such cancellation or variation takes effect; and (4) if the Designated Account is cancelled or terminated, I shall forthwith provide another appropriate bank account as replacement and sign such document(s) as necessary to effect such replacement. Notes: 1. The Designated Account must be the applicant s personal account and held in his/her sole name. 2. For joint applicants, the Designated Account must be held jointly in the name of the joint applicants. (Only applicable to Instalment Tax Loan applications) 3. The applicant shall be responsible for the handling fee charged by the other bank when inter-bank transfers or direct debit transactions are processed. The applicant should contact the relevant bank directly for details and to make the necessary arrangements. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION 1. I am a relative of the following director/employee of BEA (name in English as printed on his/her HKID card) 2. I wish to have ATM facilities on my Revolving Loan card for my BEA Account(s) listed below (applicable to HKD deposit account only). (Only applicable to Flexi Tax Loan applications.) Account No. 015 Statement Savings Account HKD Current Account (Statement Savings Account will be considered as the designated account if no instruction is given for the ATM facility.) 3. Please send all Instalment Tax Loan-related/Flexi Tax Loan-related correspondence and Revolving Loan card (if applicable) to the following address: Residential Address Office Address (P.O. boxes and overseas addresses are not accepted.) If no instruction is given, your residential address will become your designated correspondence address for the Instalment Tax Loan/Flexi Tax Loan account. DOCUMENTS REQUIRED To ensure that your application is processed promptly, please enclose copies of the following documents and the appropriate box(es). Documents provided, including this application form, will not be returned. Hong Kong Identity Card (Copies of HKID Card, valid passport issued by place of origin, and Hong Kong visa are required for Hong Kong nonpermanent residents) Any one of the following proofs of income: 2011/2012 salaries tax demand note Salary slip for the past month Bank statements/passbook records for the past 3 months showing your name, account number, and salary entries Company s business registration certificate and latest tax demand note (only applicable to a sole proprietor or a partner of a business) Proof of residence in English within the past 3 months, e.g. utility bill, bank/credit card statement, or bank-issued letter If your permanent address is different from your residential address, please provide permanent address proof in English/Chinese (e.g. government-issued photographic driving licence/national identity card containing the permanent address, or bank statements for the past 3 months) (For Privileged Customers who apply for Instalment Tax Loan) Certificate issued by an approved professional organisation/staff card/salary slip/the latest Employer s Return of Remuneration and Pension If you are an existing BEA customer, the following documents are not required: (1) HKID Card copy; (2) proof of residence if your address is the same as that held in our records Note: Additional documents may be required for approval of application. X Signature of Applicant * Date * Signature should correspond to the specimen signature on record for the Designated Account. In the event that the applicant would like to arrange ATM access to his/her BEA account(s) using the Revolving Loan card, the signature on this form must be the same as the specimen(s) on record for any related account(s). CDD Exercise Completed PDPO (04/2011) DECLARATION AND SIGNATURE 1. I confirm that the information given above is true and complete in every material respect and I understand and acknowledge that if I provide any false or incorrect information hereunder, I may commit criminal offences in relation to deception and/or providing false information under the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. I authorise BEA to contact any necessary party for verification or further information at any time, including but without limitation to conduct credit checks on my credit information with any credit reference agency. 2. I confirm that no credit card issued in my name by any financial institution has been cancelled due to default in payment. I also confirm that I do not have any overdue payments exceeding 30 days in respect of any of my indebtedness (including but not limited to credit cards, mortgages, personal loans, and other financial arrangements). I further confirm that no bankruptcy order has ever been made against me and I am neither in the process of petitioning for bankruptcy nor have any intention to do so. 3. I hereby further give my consent to BEA that it may carry out matching procedures such as comparing data of me or other persons for credit checking or data verification, whether or not for the purpose of taking adverse action against me. 4. I agree that BEA may use information from any credit reference bureau or agency to compare against the data provided by me for credit checking and BEA may verify data by making use of the information provided by any credit reference bureau or agency. I agree that my Loan/Revolving Loan accounts are subject to review from time to time and BEA may access my credit report from any credit reference bureau or agency to conduct such review. 5. I understand that in the event of any default in payment, unless the amount in default is fully repaid before the expiry date of 60 days from the date such default occurred, I shall be liable to have my account data retained by the credit reference agency for a period of up to 5 years after repayment in full. 6. I further understand that in the event this application is approved, I shall have the right to instruct BEA to request the relevant credit reference agency to delete all my account data in relation to the account upon termination thereof by full repayment, provided that the account was at no time in default of payment for a period in excess of 60 days during the 5 years immediately preceding the date of account termination. 7. I confirm that I have read and understand BEA s Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance Personal Information Collection (Customers) Statement. 8. I understand and agree that BEA reserves the sole right to decline this application or approve an amount less than the one I have applied for without disclosing any reason. I agree to provide further information and documentation in connection with this application, if deemed necessary by BEA. I also understand that this application, together with any other information provided, shall remain BEA s property whether or not this application is approved. 9. I have read and fully understand and agree to be bound by the Loan terms and conditions/revolving Loan terms and conditions, which shall be applicable to the Loan/Revolving Loan so granted if this application is successful. I agree and accept that the approved Loan amount/revolving Loan credit limit and the applicable interest rate shall be subject to the final approval of BEA and I shall pay the monthly repayment amounts, interest, and any applicable fees and charges in accordance with the Loan terms and conditions/revolving Loan terms and conditions. I also agree that BEA reserves the sole right to adjust the Loan/Revolving Loan interest rate, fees, and charges, and the terms and conditions at any time in accordance with the applicable code of practice. 10.I understand and agree that no cancellation of the application is allowed once the application has been approved. FOR BANK USE ONLY Application Referred By Branch/Dept. Code 01-144-01 Staff Code (11/2012)

Instalment Tax Loan Terms and Conditions 1. The Bank of East Asia, Limited ( BEA ) reserves the right at its sole discretion to apportion such amount of the customer s monthly repayments to interest, other charges and/or expenses rather than to the principal due with respect to the Instalment Tax Loan (the Loan ) as it shall deem appropriate and to debit the customer s current/savings account (the Designated Account ) for the amount of each monthly repayment commencing one month after the Loan has been granted to the customer. 2. Interest rates on the Loan shall be variable from time to time at BEA s sole discretion and, notwithstanding any other terms and conditions, the customer agrees to pay to BEA forthwith on demand all outstanding principal, interest, other charges and/or expenses in connection with the Loan. The customer agrees to maintain adequate funds in the Designated Account pursuant to the requirement of the Loan to meet each monthly repayment as it falls due. BEA may, at its sole discretion, terminate the Loan, and the whole of the outstanding balance together with accrued interest, other charges and expenses shall immediately be due and payable in such circumstances BEA may consider appropriate including but not limited to the following: 2.1 the customer s failure to make monthly repayment on any payment due date; or 2.2 the customer s failure to abide by any of these Terms and Conditions. 3. The amount of the last monthly repayment may not be equal to the amount of each of the previous monthly repayments and such amount of the last monthly repayment shall be the outstanding amount of the Loan. 4. Early full repayment of the Loan will be permitted subject to a repayment of the entire outstanding principal of the Loan and accrued interest, plus a prepayment fee of 2% on the original loan amount (with a minimum amount of HK$500) or such other amount as determined by BEA at its sole discretion from time to time. The entire outstanding principal amount of the Loan is calculated on the basis of the formula known as the Rule of 78. 5. Any instalments in arrears will be subject to a late charge of 4% per month (with a minimum amount of HK$200) on the total monthly repayment amount then overdue and debited from the relevant Designated Account. A statement or demand (in whatever form BEA deems appropriate) issued by BEA shall be conclusive evidence of the amount due and owing to BEA, save for manifest error. 6. The customer s application for the Loan, either in writing, by telephone, or via the Internet, will be deemed to represent his/her acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. BEA may (but shall not be obliged to) record all communications between BEA and the customer, including but not limited to all telephone conversations and instructions given by the customer to BEA, in writing and/or by tape recording and/or any other methods as BEA may determine from time to time. The customer hereby acknowledges and agrees to BEA s practice of recording relevant conversations. BEA s record of such communications and instructions given by the customer to BEA may be retained by BEA for such period as it deems appropriate. BEA s record shall be conclusive and binding on the customer, save for manifest error. 7. BEA reserves the right to review, modify, reduce, and/or cancel the Loan and demand immediate repayment of the outstanding balance and interest at any time. In any event, the Loan will be subject to BEA s terms and conditions as prescribed by BEA from time to time at its sole discretion. 8. BEA may take such action as it may at its sole discretion deem fit to enforce any of these Terms and Conditions including without limitation employing third party agencies to collect any sums owing to BEA. The customer agrees to reimburse BEA for all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by BEA on a full indemnity basis with respect to any such enforcement action including all legal charges, expenses, and charges/fees to employ third party agencies. The customer also agrees and authorises BEA to disclose all information relating to him/her and the Loan to third party agencies for the purpose of debt collection and other reasonable actions. 9. If this application is submitted by joint applicants, these Terms and Conditions shall bind all of the customers jointly and each of them separately and their liabilities and obligations to BEA hereunder shall be joint and several. These Terms and Conditions shall bind each of the customers separately even if the same are unenforceable against all or any one of them. BEA shall be entitled to discharge or release or reach any agreement with any one of the customers on such terms as BEA may deem fit without affecting BEA s rights and remedies against the other(s). 10. The Terms and Conditions applicable to the Loan may vary from time to time whereupon BEA will notify the customer of any such variation in accordance with the relevant code of practice. 11. Without prejudice to any other rights of and remedies to BEA herein or at law, all outstanding balances including principal, interest, other charges and expenses and other obligations and liabilities to BEA shall immediately be due and payable without further notice under the conditions below. BEA may, without notice to the customer, combine or consolidate the amount of the outstanding balance and/or interest accrued and other charges and expenses thereon with any other accounts that the customer maintains with BEA, whether solely in the customer s name or individually or jointly with any other party or parties (including but not limited to fixed deposit accounts, the maturity of which may for this purpose be accelerated by BEA) and set off or transfer any money standing to the credit of the customer s other accounts in or towards satisfaction of the customer s liability to BEA under the Loan: 11.1 violation of any of these Terms and Conditions; 11.2 any attachment, execution, or similar process is levied against the customer; 11.3 if the customer appears to be unable to pay or has no reasonable prospect of being able to pay any debt; 11.4 if the customer is petitioned bankrupt; 11.5 the application by any person for the appointment of a receiver to take control of or for a writ of attachment against any of customer s property; 11.6 the customer s death or mental disability; or 11.7 if in BEA s determination the customer fails to comply with or settle his/her obligations and liabilities owing to BEA. 12. The customer must notify BEA immediately in writing of any change to his/her personal information including but not limited to address, phone number(s), and occupation. 13. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 14. Should there be any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.

Revolving Loan Terms and Conditions 1. Availability Upon approval of the revolving loan (the Revolving Loan ) by The Bank of East Asia, Limited ( BEA ), the Revolving Loan will be effective and available to the customer whereupon a loan account (the Account ) will be opened by BEA in the name of the customer and operated in accordance with these Terms and Conditions by which the customer shall be bound. 2. Use of Revolving Loan Card and PIN 2.1. The customer can use the Revolving Loan Card, subject to the credit limit set by BEA, to obtain cash or transfer funds at any Automatic Teller Machine ( ATM ) displaying the JETCO symbol using the associated Personal Identification Number ( PIN ) or at any BEA branch by presenting his/her Revolving Loan Card together with satisfactory proof of identity and signing the necessary transaction record as required by BEA. 2.2. Upon receipt of the Revolving Loan Card, the customer must sign the Revolving Loan Card immediately. When making cash withdrawals at a BEA branch, the customer shall sign all transaction slips with the signature appearing on the Revolving Loan Card and failure to do so will not relieve the customer from liability for the use of the Revolving Loan Card. The customer must submit a prior written application to BEA if he/she wants to change to a new signature. 2.3. BEA will issue a PIN to the customer for the purpose of obtaining cash and transferring funds through the designated ATM networks. At no time and under no circumstances shall the PIN be disclosed to any other person. The customer shall immediately inform BEA if his/her PIN is made or suspected to have been made known to any other person and the customer agrees to accept full and sole responsibility for all consequences, loss or liability incurred as a result of his/her PIN being known to another person for whatever reason and shall indemnify BEA for any loss or damage incurred by reason thereof. 2.4. The Revolving Loan Card is not transferable and should be used only by the customer. The Revolving Loan Card should not be pledged or charged by the customer as security for any purpose whatsoever. The customer should not permit any other person to use his/her Revolving Loan Card and shall at all times safeguard the Revolving Loan Card and keep the same under his/her personal control. 2.5. The termination of any Revolving Loan Card is effective upon the issuance of a revolving loan cancellation confirmation letter by BEA. 3. Credit Limit 3.1. The customer shall strictly observe and follow the credit limit of the Revolving Loan imposed by BEA and agrees and undertakes not to operate the Account in excess of the credit limit. 3.2. In the event that the credit limit is exceeded, BEA has the right to charge an over credit limit fee as determined by it from time to time at its sole discretion to the Account. The customer shall repay such amount overdrawn together with interest and the related charge to BEA immediately, whether a demand is made or not. 3.3. BEA may from time to time review, increase, reduce, modify, suspend, cancel or terminate the credit limit at its sole discretion without prior notice to the customer. 4. Interest 4.1. The customer agrees to pay interest on the Revolving Loan monthly in arrears at the rate set out in the revolving loan confirmation letter or any other rate determined by BEA from time to time at its sole discretion. 4.2. The interest charged by BEA will be calculated daily, on the basis of a 365-day year (for both ordinary and leap years), on the customer s outstanding debit balance for the Revolving Loan. The accrued daily interest will be debited from the Account each month. 4.3. No interest will accrue on any credit balance on the Account. 5. Fees and Charges 5.1. The fees and charges for the Revolving Loan are set out in the Schedule of Fees & Charges on BEA Revolving Loan Services (the Schedule ) and charged to the Account or any other account that the customer maintains with BEA (if applicable). The Schedule will be mailed together with the Revolving Loan Card to the customer after the Account has been successfully opened. The customer may call the Consumer Finance Services Hotline (852) 2211 1211 or visit www.hkbea.com to obtain a copy of the Schedule. The fees and charges shall be determined by BEA from time to time at its sole discretion and the customer will be notified by BEA accordingly. These include but are not limited to: 5.1.1. A non-refundable arrangement fee of 1% on the approved credit limit (with a maximum of HK$1,000) on the date of Account opening of the Revolving Loan and once every 12 months thereafter. If an increase to the credit limit is approved during the year, an additional arrangement fee will be applied on the amount of increase which will be calculated on a pro-rata basis and payable upon the approval. Upon initial setup, or subsequent limit increase, BEA is authorised to hold or deduct the arrangement fee (if applicable) and other related charges from the proceeds of the Revolving Loan and pay only the balance thereof to the customer; 5.1.2. A withdrawal fee of 2% on the withdrawal amount (with a minimum of HK$50) for each cash withdrawal or transfer of funds; 5.1.3. A late charge of 5% of the minimum payment due (with a minimum of HK$100 and a maximum of HK$200) if the applicable minimum payment due as set out in the Revolving Loan Statement (the Statement ) has not been made on the payment due date; 5.1.4. An over credit limit fee of HK$180 (per statement cycle) if the Account s current balance exceeds the credit limit; and 5.1.5. An administrative charge of 2% on the original credit limit if the customer cancels the Account within 13 months from the date of Account opening. 6. Exchange Rate Cash withdrawals, fund transfers, and any other transactions involving use of the Revolving Loan effected in currencies other than Hong Kong dollars shall be converted into Hong Kong dollars before being debited to the Account. Where a conversion of one currency into another currency is required under these Terms and Conditions, such conversion shall be calculated at such exchange rate specified by the relevant institution and/or BEA at its/their sole discretion which shall be conclusive and binding on the customer. 7. Statement 7.1. A Statement will normally be issued monthly. 7.2. BEA shall not be obliged to issue a Statement in situations including but not limited to those in which there has been no transaction since the last Statement date. 7.3. Any Statement shall be accepted by the customer as correct except to the extent that the customer notifies BEA in writing of any alleged error or omission within 90 days from the day of such Statement. BEA s record shall be conclusive and final unless and until the contrary is established. 8. Repayment 8.1. All payment made by the customer will be settled in following order: I) interest, fees and other related charges; II) outstanding principal balance; III) current balances. 8.2. The customer can choose to pay each month a minimum payment due equivalent to 3% of the Statement debit balance (with a minimum of HK$100) plus any amount exceeding the credit limit (if any) and the outstanding amount of the minimum payment due for all preceding months (if any) no later than the payment due date stated on the Statement. 8.3. Should the payment due date fall on a Saturday, Sunday or public holiday, it will be rescheduled on the working day prior to the original payment due date. 8.4. Cheques deposited or repayments made through ATM for the credit of the Account will be received by BEA on a collection basis only and uncleared funds will not be taken into account in determining the balance available under the credit limit. 8.5. If the customer fails to make the minimum payment due on any payment due date, BEA reserves the sole right to terminate the Revolving Loan and the whole of the outstanding balance together with accrued interest and any other fees and charges shall immediately due and payable. 9. Exclusion of Liability and Indemnity 9.1. BEA shall not be liable for any loss, liability, damage or cost which may be sustained or incurred by the customer as a result of a transaction carried out by BEA in accordance with the instructions of the customer or otherwise in connection with the Account or the Revolving Loan, unless due to the negligence or willful default of BEA, its officers or employees and only to the extent of any direct and foreseeable loss and damage established to have been suffered by the customer. 9.2. The customer shall indemnify BEA, its officers and employees against all claims, losses, liabilities, damages and costs which they may sustain or incur as a result of a transaction carried out by BEA on behalf of the customer unless due to the negligence or willful default of BEA, its officers or employees. 10. Account Review 10.1. In any event, the Revolving Loan will be subject to a periodic review, which BEA may conduct annually or from time to time as it deems fit, and the terms and conditions as prescribed by BEA from time to time at its sole discretion. 10.2. BEA reserves the right not to renew or extend the Revolving Loan without giving any reason. If the renewal or extension of the Revolving Loan is not granted by BEA, the customer agrees to repay the whole of the outstanding balance together with accrued interest and any other fees and charges to BEA immediately.

11. Cancellation and Termination of Account 11.1. The customer may at any time cancel or terminate the Revolving Loan by giving written notice and returning the Revolving Loan Card to any BEA branch in person. The cancellation or termination will be effective upon BEA receiving such notice and the Revolving Loan Card. The whole of the outstanding balance of the Account together with accrued interest and any other fees and charges will become immediately due and payable in full to BEA on such cancellation or termination. 11.2. In normal circumstances BEA will give reasonable notice to the customer before cancelling or terminating the Revolving Loan. Notwithstanding the foregoing, BEA reserves the right to cancel or terminate the Revolving Loan at any time in its sole discretion without prior notice and without cause. 12. BEA s Overriding Right of Repayment 12.1. The customer agrees to pay to BEA forthwith on demand all outstanding principal, interest, and other fees and charges in connection with the Revolving Loan. 12.2. The customer understands that, without prejudice to any other rights of and remedies to BEA herein or at law, all outstanding balances including principal and interest and fees and charges and other obligations and liabilities to BEA shall immediately be due and payable without further notice under the conditions below. BEA may, without notice to the customer, combine or consolidate the amount of the outstanding balance and any interest accrued thereon with any other accounts that the customer maintains with BEA, whether held solely or jointly with any other party or parties (including but not limited to fixed deposit accounts, the maturity of which may for this purpose be accelerated by BEA) and set off or transfer any money standing to the credit of the customer s other accounts in or towards satisfaction of the customer s liability to BEA under the Revolving Loan under the following circumstances: 12.2.1. violation of any of these Terms and Conditions, including, without limitation, default in payment; 12.2.2. if any attachment, execution or similar process is levied against the customer; 12.2.3. if the customer appears to be unable to pay or has no reasonable prospect of being able to pay any debt; 12.2.4. the application by any person for the appointment of a receiver to take control of or for a writ of attachment against any of the customer s property; 12.2.5. the customer s death or mental disability; 12.2.6. presentation of bankruptcy petition against the customer or making customer s making individual voluntary arrangement; or 12.2.7. if in BEA s determination the customer fails to comply with or settle his/her obligations and liabilities owing to BEA. 12.3. The customer or his/her estate (if applicable) shall be responsible for settling all such outstanding balance immediately and shall indemnify BEA for all reasonable fees and costs incurred including but not limited to the legal fees and collection agency handling fees. BEA also reserves its right to impose fees and charges according to the Schedule pending repayment in full by the customer or his/her estate (if applicable). 12.4 Without prejudice to the foregoing, BEA shall be entitled to exercise a lien over the customer s asset and/or property of whatever type held by or in the possession or control of BEA, for custody or whatever reason, and BEA shall be further entitled to sell or otherwise dispose of such asset and/or property to the satisfaction of all such outstanding balance indebted by the customer to BEA. 13. Debt Recovery 13.1. BEA may at its sole discretion take such action as it deems fit to enforce any of these Terms and Conditions including without limitation employing third party agencies to collect any sums owing to BEA. 13.2. The customer agrees to reimburse BEA for all costs and expenses reasonably incurred by BEA on a full indemnity basis with respect to any such enforcement action including but without limited to all legal charges, expenses, and charges/fees to employ third party agencies. 13.3. The customer also agrees and authorises BEA to disclose all information relating to him/her and the Revolving Loan to the third party agencies for the purpose of debt collection and other reasonable actions in relation thereto. 14. Loss or Theft of Revolving Loan Card 14.1. The customer must call the Consumer Finance Services Hotline (852) 2211 1211 to report any loss or theft of the Revolving Loan Card or any loss, theft or disclosure of the PIN to a third party immediately upon discovery of such loss, theft or disclosure and confirm the same in writing to Card & Consumer Finance Department, BEA Tower, Millennium City 5, 418 Kwun Tong Road, Kowloon, Hong Kong. 14.2. The customer shall be fully liable and responsible for all transactions effected by the use of the Revolving Loan Card whether or not authorised by the customer in the event of such loss, theft or disclosure until notification of such loss, theft or disclosure has been received by BEA. 15. Change of Information The customer agrees and undertakes to notify BEA immediately in writing of any changes to his/her personal information including but not limited to address, phone number, and occupation. 16. Miscellaneous 16.1. The customer s application for the Revolving Loan, either in writing, by telephone or via the internet, will be deemed to represent his/her acceptance of the Terms and Conditions. BEA may (but shall not be obliged to) record all communications between BEA and the customer, including but not limited to all telephone conversations and instructions given by the customer to BEA, in writing, by tape recording or using any other method as BEA may determine from time to time. The customer hereby acknowledges and agrees to BEA s practice of recording relevant conversations. BEA s record of such communications and instructions given by the customer to BEA may be retained by BEA for such period pursuant to the applicable laws and regulations. BEA s record shall be conclusive and binding on the customer, save for manifest error. 16.2. Any Statement, notice or other communication given by BEA to the customer hereunder shall be deemed to have been received by the customer two days after posting to the customer s correspondence address last notified in writing to BEA. All notices or other communications sent by the customer to BEA shall be deemed to have been delivered to BEA on the day of actual receipt. 16.3. Unless the context otherwise requires, words importing the singular include the plural and vice versa and words importing a gender include every gender. Clause heading shall be ignored in the interpretation of these Terms and Conditions. 16.4. BEA shall be entitled to act in accordance with its regular business practice and procedure and will only accept the customer s instructions in so far as it is (in BEA s opinion) practicable and reasonable to do so. For the avoidance of doubt, BEA is authorised to participate in and comply with the rules and regulations of any organisation which regulates the conduct of banking business and any system which provides central clearing, settlement, and similar facilities for banks. 16.5. BEA reserves the right to prescribe fees and charges in relation to the Revolving Loan and to vary, amend, add or delete any of these Terms and Conditions and the Schedule applicable to the Revolving Loan from time to time and any such variation, amendment, addition or deletion shall be conclusively and absolutely binding on the customer as from the effective date if the notice of the revised Terms and Conditions or Schedule is given by BEA by appropriate means in accordance with the applicable code of practice. The customer shall be deemed to have accepted such revised Terms and Conditions or Schedule if the customer continues to use the Revolving Loan or any part thereof, or if any part of the Revolving Loan remains outstanding, after the date on which such revised Terms and Conditions or Schedule becomes effective. 16.6. No forbearance, delay or indulgence by BEA in enforcing any of provision of these Terms and Conditions prejudice or restrict the rights of BEA nor shall any waiver or partial waiver of any provision hereof or waiver of a breach of any term constitute a waiver in any other provision or of any future breach or breach of any other provision or operate as a continuing waiver. 16.7. If any provision of these Terms and Conditions shall become or be declared illegal, invalid or unenforceable for any reason whatsoever, such provision shall be divisible from these Terms and Conditions and shall be deemed to be deleted from these Terms and Conditions without affecting the other provisions herein. 16.8. These Terms and Conditions shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region. 16.9. Should there be any discrepancy between the English and the Chinese versions of these Terms and Conditions, the English version shall apply and prevail.