MDIS Appl Fm R.7 pag1

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[ EDWISE - WEF ] Package Choice of University (Please tick the appropriate box): 申请大学院校 Edith Cowan University, Australia Southern Cross University, Australia Grenoble Graduate School of Business, France University of Bradford, UK University of Sunderland, UK University of Wales, UK Oklahoma City University, USA Others: Course signing up for (Please tick the appropriate box): 课程 Edwise International 2,Jer Mahal,Opposite Metro Cinema, Dhobi Talao Junction, Accounting 财务会计 Accounting and Finance 会计与金融学 Biomedical Sciences 生物医学 Business Administration 工商管理 Business & Management Studies 商业管理 Business Computing 电子商务 Information Technology 信息科技 International Business 国际商务 Marketing 市场营销 Mass Communications 大众传媒 Pharmaceutical Management 制药管理 Travel & Tourism 旅游与观光 Doctor of Business Administration 工商管理博士 Master of Business Administration 工商管理硕士 Master in International Business 国际商务硕士 Master of Science - Banking and Finance 管理学硕士 - 银行与金融 Master of Science - Marketing 管理学硕士 - 市场营销 Mumbai-400002 Tel:- +91-22-408133338/22003338 Fax:- +91-22-22003269 Payment Date: (Reg. Fee) Payment Amount: (Reg. Fee) Batch intake Reference No: India Edwise International Attach your recent photo here ( 校方填写 ) / Receipt No: 其他 : Intake Date / Month: 入学时间 ( 月 / 日 ) Mode of Tuition Fee Payment: 学费支付方式 Full Instalment 1. Personal Particulars 个人信息 Full Name: 姓名 Name as in passport (please underline surname) ( 与护照上的相同 ) The name indicated above will appear in your final transcript. 此姓名会出现在你的最终成绩单上 Nationality: 国籍 Passport No: 护照号 Remarks: 标注 Home Address: 家庭住址 Contact No.: 电话号码 1 Chinese Name (if applc.): 中文名字 ( 如果有 ) Gender: 性别 Date of Birth: 出生日期 Expiry Date: 截至日期 F / M 女 / 男 (H)( 家 ) (HP) ( 手机 ) 27-6800MDIS Appl Fm R.7.indd 1 7/18/07 2:20:19 PM

2. Contact Details of Your Parent/Guardian 父母 / 监护人的联系方式 Full Name of Parent : 父母姓名 Passport No./Identity No.: 护照号 / 身份证号 Address: 地址 Contact No.: 电话号码 Email Address: 电子邮件 (H)( 家 ) (HP)( 手机 ) (O)( 公司 ) 3. Educational Qualifications 学历 Please provide all copies of educational qualifications to date. 请提供至今为止的所有学历证明 Name of College/School/University 就读过的学校 / 学院 / 大学 Period of Study 学习时间 From 从 To 至 Highest Qualification 最高学历 4. Working Experience 工作经验 Name of Company 公司 Period of Employment 工作时间 From 从 To 至 Position Held 担任职位 5. Declaration (applicant must complete) 声明 ( 申请人均需完成 ) CASE-Approved Student Contract 新加坡消费者协会 -- 学生标准合同 The CASE Approved Student Contract is a legally binding contract between MDIS and MDIS students that embodies the following mandatory requirements: 新加坡消费者协会 - 学生标准合同是 MDIS 与 MDIS 学生间签订的具有法律约束力的合同, 涵盖以下内容 : Clear definition of course details course titles, pre-requisites, qualifications awarded, course declaration. 明确定义课程细节 - 课程名称, 入学条件, 证书颁发, 课程说明. Full disclosure of all costs for tuition/non-tuition fees. 学费及学杂费项目的详细列示. Commitment of Student Protection Scheme (MDIS has adopted the NTUC Student Tuition Fee Insurance Scheme for its students). 学生保护计划承诺 (MDIS 采用了 NTUC 学生学费保护计划 ). Clear definition of refund policies. 明确定义退费政策. Clear definition of dispute resolution mechanism. 明确定义争议解决机制. MDIS students, both local and international, will be issued with a CASE-Approved Student Contract upon enrolment into a course. MDIS 的所有学生, 包括新加坡当地及国际学生需在入学时签订新加坡消费者协会规定的学生标准合同 I hereby apply for the course as indicated in this form, and membership for the Management Development Institute of Singapore. I declare that all information given is true and correct. I also agree to abide by the decision of the Institute as to my eligibility for the course and an appropriate grade of membership. If accepted, I agree to abide by the Constitution, Student s Rules & Regulations* (extracts are stipulated on page 4 to 6 in this Application Form), refund policy of the Institute and pay the corresponding entrance fee and annual subscription for the category of membership. 本人证实申请填写在此份表格上的课程和新加坡管理发展学院的会员资格 我所提供的资料属实并正确无误 我同意遵守学院对我入学和会员资格所作出的决定 倘若我被学院录取, 我同意遵守学院的章程, 学生手册的条例与规章 *( 部分内容请参照该申请表格的第 4 至第 6 页 ), 和退款政策, 并支付有关的会员入会费和年费 Signature of Applicant: 申请人签字 Date: 日期 2 27-6800MDIS Appl Fm R.7.indd 2 7/18/07 2:20:19 PM

Checklist: 所需材料清单 1) Complete the form in FULL. 请填妥表格的各个项目 2) Submit the completed form with the first payment (S$250 + prevailing GST) of the non-refundable registration fee to MDIS at 501 Stirling Road Singapore 148951, attention to International Business Department. (The non-refundable registration fee is S$500 + prevailing GST and can be paid in 2 equal payments of S$250 + prevailing GST). The second payment of the remaining registration fee (S$250 + prevailing GST) is payable with the course fee first instalment.) 将填妥表格与首期报名费 ( 新币 250+ 现行的政府税 )( 不退还 ) 一起交至 MDIS 国际业务部,501 Stirling Road Singapore 148951 ( 报名费 ( 新币 500+ 现行的政府税 ) 可分两期附款 尾期报名费 ( 新币 250+ 现行的政府税 ) 可与首期学费一起缴.) 3) The first payment of the registration fee can be paid via the options below: 首期报名费可以通过以下方式缴纳 (i) By demand draft made to Management Development Institute of Singapore 通过国际汇票的方式支付给 Management Development Institute of Singapore (ii) By direct payment to the Institute s Singapore bank account: 直接支付至学院的新加坡帐户 Name : Management Development Institute of Singapore 帐户名 Bank : DBS Bank 开户行 Branch : Queensway Branch 支行 Blk 123 Bukit Merah Lane 1 #01-78 Alexandra Village Singapore 150123 Account No: 006-007092-2 帐号 SWIFT : DBSSSGSG 4) Completed application form must be accompanied by the following documents : 填写完整的申请表格必须连同以下材料一起呈交 Please tick accordingly and attach to each application 请根据具体申请情况提供以下材料, 适用项画. All documents in foreign language MUST be translated to English and copies of both languages must be submitted. 所有中文原件必须翻译成英文, 原件须与翻译件一同申报 All forms are completed and signed PERSONALLY by the applicant. (signature must be same as passport signature) 所有表格必须有申请人亲自填写并签名 ( 签名应与护照签名保持一致 ) Required information for applicant: 申请人所需提供资料如下 4 recent passport-sized photographs of the applicant. (1 photo for application form, 1 for student database, 2 for Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA)) 4 张近期护照型照片 ( 照片用途 : 学校申请表格 1 张, 学籍注册 1 张, 新加坡移民厅申请表格 2 张 ) 2 copies of ICA Documents 2 份移民厅申请表格 E forms 16 and V36 to be completed and signed by applicant (Under the list of Solar + Education Institutions ) OR 电子表 16 和表 V36 申请人须亲笔填写并签名 ( 在 Solar + 教育机构名单中 ) 或者 ; Form 16 and Form V36 to be completed and signed by applicant (Not under the list of Solar + Education Institutions ) 表 16 和表 V36 申请人须亲笔填写并签名 ( 不在 Solar + 教育机构名中 ) Photocopy of applicant s passport pages showing his/her particulars and travel document s date of expiry. 有效护照复印件, 可显示申请人个人信息及护照到期日 Photocopy of applicant s Birth Certificate / Affidavit. 申请人出生公证原件 Photocopy of applicant s Certified / Notarised copy of Education Results/ Certificates & Transcripts 申请人最高教育证书及其详细成绩的公证书原件 Letter explaining any gap in timeline (e.g. between education / jobs) 说明信 - 如出现毕业时间与就业不衔接的情况 Must show proof of English Medium study/ First Placement Test attempted / IELTS / TOEFL : 学校的英语试卷答题纸或雅思 托福成绩 Photocopy of Parent s date of birth 申请人父母的出生公证书原件 Proof of Parents Occupation (indicate length, date of commencement, salary and designation) 申请人父母的职业证明原件及翻译件 ( 需列明 : 开始工作时间 期限 收入状况及职务 ) First Instalment of Registration Fee of SGD 250 + prevailing GST (payable to MDIS) 首期报名费新币 250 元连同消费税的付款证明 ( 应直接支付给 MDIS) Photocopy of financial ability (e.g. bank statement, fixed deposit / savings account) VISA Required Country 银行存款证明 ( 如银行对帐单, 定期存单 / 存款证明 ) 如需签证入境 * An amount equivalent to at least SGD $30,000 最低存款为新币 30,000 元等值金额 * Please indicate details: 请列出明细 Bank Statement: Fixed Deposit / Savings: 银行对帐单定期存单 / 储蓄 Matriculation form for Degree - MBA (if applicable) : MBA 入学申请表 ( 如有 ) Work Experience Letter for Degree - MBA MBA 申请人的职业证明 Letter by applicant indicating interest to study with MDIS (study plan / statement of purpose) for Master s degree. 学习计划 ( 英文, 包括为什么选择来 MDIS 学习, 学成后归国打算等 ) Parents Divorce Certificate (if applicable) : 申请人父母的离婚证明 ( 如有 ) Parent s Death Certificate (if applicable) : 申请人父母的死亡证明 ( 如有 ) Step-Parents Marriage Certificate (if applicable) : 申请人父母的再婚证明 ( 如有 ) All completed items must reach Singapore at least 8 weeks (2 months) before course commencement. Any late submission, MDIS will not submit to ICA. Appeals will take a minimum of 4 weeks from receipts of official letters from ICA. 所有申请文件需在课程开始前 8 周时间 (2 个月 ) 递交到新加坡 若学生申报不及时, 学校可酌情不予上交至移民厅 上诉申请需至少 4 周时间 5) Please note that the conditional acceptance to the course is subject to approval of Student s Pass by Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority (ICA) and the University. 通过新加坡移民和关卡局 (ICA) 和申请大学 ( 如果有 ) 的批准, 才为最终录取 Signature of Applicant: Date: 申请人签字 Submitted by (Agent): Date: 代理 Checked by (RO): Date: 代表处核对 Confirmed by (CM): Date: 国际部经理核对 3 27-6800MDIS Appl Fm R.7.indd 3

EXTRACTS FROM STUDENT S RULES AND REGULATIONS 学生手册的条例与规章部分内容 When you commence your course or programme with MDIS, you are deemed to have read, understood and accepted the same upon the terms and conditions set out hereinafter. These rules and regulations form part of the conditions and acceptance for the programme. 当你开始就读新加坡管理发展学院的课程时, 你被认为已经读过 理解并且接受这里所列出的条款和制度 这些规章制度是被录取的一部分条件 1. Application You are to produce all original documentary evidence of your prior educational qualifications upon enrolment at MDIS. These may be either original certificates or official result slips issued by an examining authority. Failure to produce original documents, certificates as evidence may result in you being rejected from entry to your course of study and/or refusal by the Singapore Immigration and Checkpoints Authority to issue you with a student s pass. 申请 - 在申请新加坡管理发展学院的时候, 你需要提供所有之前学历证明的原件 这些应是原始证件或是由一个考试机构颁发的官方成绩单 如果无法提供原始文件 证书等证明, 将不被录取和 / 或不被新加坡移民和关卡局授予学生签证 2. Student s Pass Please note that the Singapore Immigration & Checkpoints Authority only approves your application for a student pass to study in Singapore on a full-time study basis. 学生签证 - 请注意新加坡移民和关卡局仅接受你对在新加坡学习的全日制课程学生签证的申请 3. If you decide not to enrol for your studies after entering Singapore, or you decide to withdraw from your course and remain in Singapore for reasons other than full time study, you will be in breach of the Singapore s Immigration rules and regulations. MDIS would have to inform the Singapore s Immigration & Checkpoints Authority to cancel your student pass. 如果你打算在进入新加坡后, 不参加课程, 或者你决定退学, 且不是为了全日制学习而是为了其他原因继续留在新加坡, 你将违反新加坡移民和关卡局的规章制度 新加坡管理发展学院将不得不通知新加坡移民和关卡局注锁你的学生签证 4. Students are required to surrender their Student s Pass to the Central Registry within 6 days of the date of cessation or termination of studies for onward submission to the Singapore s Immigration & Checkpoints Authority for cancellation. 学生需在课程结束或中止之日起 6 日内, 将学生签证交予中央注册部 (Central Registry), 以便退还给移民厅注销 5. You must enrol for your course within two weeks of the commencement date of your course. 你必须在课程开课两周之内入读 6. All prices quoted exclude the prevailing Goods & Services Tax (GST) or as may be varied by the government from time to time. 所有的报价不包含现行的消费税, 该税收会随政府的调整而有所调整 7. Your admission to study at MDIS is subject to your agreement to MDIS Student s Rules and Regulations inside the Student Handbook. A copy will be given in class or during orientation. 你被接受入读新加坡管理发展学院, 是以你同意新加坡管理发展学院学生手册上的相关规章制度为基础的 学生手册将在课堂上或新生入学大会上分发 8. English for International Students (EIS) Placement Policy The final placement for the EIS programme will depend on the result of the second English Placement Test conducted in Singapore. MDIS reserves the right to change/determine the final placement level of the students based on their second English Placement Tests conducted in Singapore. 国际学生英语课程 (EIS) 分级政策 - 最终英语课程的评级是由在新加坡做的第二次英语测试的成绩决定的 新加坡管理发展学院有权根据在新加坡进行的第二次英语测试的情况来改变 / 决定最终的入读级别 9. Course Withdrawal If a student decides to withdraw before or after course commencement, a written notice of withdrawal ( Withdrawal Letter ) must be given to the Manager, Central Registry at MDIS UniCampus, 501 Stirling Road, Singapore 148951 and MDIS shall within fourteen (14) days of receipt of the Withdrawal Letter mail you an acknowledgement of your request to the address found in your Withdrawal Letter or if there was no such address, then to the address set out in your enrolment form. For the purpose of course fee refund, time runs from the date of receipt of a Withdrawal Letter which has been duly acknowledged by MDIS. 退出课程 - 如果学生在开课前 / 后决定退出课程, 必须提交一份书面的退学通知 ( 退学信 ) 于 Manager, Central Registry at MDIS UniCampus, 501 Stirling Road, Singapore 148951 新加坡管理发展学院会在收到你的退学信后 14 天内, 按信中留下的地址 ( 若信中没有地址, 则按入学表上的地址 ) 回复信告知收到你的退学信 至于学费的返还, 则从新加坡管理发展学院收到退学信算起 10. Refund Policy Any refund of course fee paid shall be made as per MDIS refund for transfer, withdrawal and deferment policy ( Refund Policy ) tabulated below : 退款政策 - 所有学费的退款, 应参照以下新加坡管理发展学院有关转学 退学和推迟入学的相关政策 : 100% 75% 25% Written notice of withdrawal received more than 60 days before course commencement 在开课日前 60 天以前收到书面退学通知 Written notice of withdrawal received between 30 days to 60 days before course commencement 在开课日前 30 天至 60 天收到书面退学通知 Written notice of withdrawal received less than 30 days to 1 day before course commencement 在开课日前 1 天至 30 天收到书面退学通知 4 27-6800MDIS Appl Fm R.7.indd 4

10% 0% Written notice of withdrawal received from 1st day of course commencement to 14th day after course commencement 在开课日后 1 天至 14 天内收到书面退学通知 Written notice of withdrawal received more than 14 days from course commencement date. Student is liable to pay outstanding tuition fees. 在开课日 14 天以后收到书面退学通知, 学生有责任缴付未缴纳的学费 Non-tuition Fee: 学杂费部分 1. In the event that a student withdraws before commencement of the Professional Certificate in English (PCIE) at Advanced Level, 50% of the skills enhancement fee and PCIE exam fee shall be refunded. 学生若在专业英语证书 (PCIE) 高级班开学前办理退学, 学院将予以退还 50% 的技巧提高课程和 PCIE 考试费 2. The membership subscription fee for the year in which a student withdraws from the programme is not refundable. However, the membership subscription fee for subsequent years shall be refunded 学生办理退学时, 学院将不予以退还该年的会员费, 但会退还该年之后未发生的年费 11. Course fees under the Refund Policy refers to the full course fee collected or contracted to be paid by the student by instalments or otherwise. 退款政策中提到的费用, 是指学生在分期付款或者其他情况下支付的所有学费 12. Transfer Policy If a student who has been accepted by MDIS decides to transfer to another school/institute before or after course commencement, a written notice of transfer must be given to the Manager, Central Registry at the address set out under clause 10 above, and shall comply with all provisions of clause 10. This request shall be subject to MDIS Refund Policy. 转学政策 - 如果被新加坡管理发展学院录取的学生, 在开课前 / 后想要转学到其他学校 / 学院, 必须提交一份书面的转学通知至中央注册部经理 (Manager, Central Registry), 地址在第 10 条列出, 并遵照第 10 条中列出的条款 该请求应遵循新加坡管理发展学院的退款政策 12.1 Transfer Out of MDIS to Another School/Institute - An international student who requests for transfer to another school/institute will be required to pay a transfer application fee of S$400 (subjected to prevailing GST). - The student shall be charged for all modules consumed and all discounts/rebates that the student was entitled to shall be forfeited. - Any student who transfers out of MDIS to another school/institute shall be deemed as having withdrawn from the Institute, and the existing terms and conditions of MDIS refund policy shall follow. 从 MDIS 转学去其它的学校 / 学院 - 国际学生要转学去其他的学校 / 学院, 需要支付新币 400( 未含现行消费税 ) 的转学申请费 - 学生需要支付所有已学的科目的费用, 并且原先若享有折扣也将被取消 - 所有从 MDIS 转学去其他学校 / 学院的学生, 被认为是中途退学, 现行 MDIS 退款政策的条款将适用于这种情况 12.2 Transfer Within MDIS But to a Different Course Programme/Downgrading of Package - All requests for transfer or downgrading of package must be submitted in writing and supported with a transfer application fee of S$100 (subjected to prevailing GST). - The student will be charged for all modules consumed and all transfer requests must be submitted before or within one (1) month from commencement of class. - Transfer requests received after one (1) month from class commencement date will not be entertained. Students who insist on a transfer will have their request processed as a withdrawal. - In the event that a student has paid in excess of consumed fees, the Institute will process the refund of the unconsumed fee portion accordingly. 在 MDIS 内部转课程 / 缩减课程配套 - 所有课程配套转移或者缩减的请求, 必须以书面的形式提出, 并且需要支付新币 100 ( 未含现行消费税 ) 的转换课程申请费 - 学生需要支付所有已学科目的费用, 并且所有的转学申请必须在开课日期前或开课后一个月 (1) 内提出 - 在开课一个月 (1) 之后提出的转换课程申请将不被接受 如学生坚持要转换课程, 将按照退学的手续办理 - 如果学生已经超额支付了所学的费用, 学校将会相应地返还没有使用的那一部分费用 13. Deferment Policy Deferment is not applicable to International students. 推迟入学政策 - 国际学生不允许推迟入学 14. If a student whose deferment has been approved (under special circumstances) and subsequently withdraws from the next immediate/ subsequent intake, or was deemed to have withdrawn from the deferred course, the applicable refund shall be as follows. 如果学生的推迟入学得到批准 ( 特殊情况下 ), 继而又在下次开课时退出课程或被认为从推迟后的课程中退出, 可以申请的退款应该遵照以下表格 : 10% 0% Written notice of withdrawal received from 1st day of course commencement to 14th day after course commencement 在开课后 1 天至 14 天内收到书面的退学通知 Written notice of withdrawal received more than 14 days from course commencement date or at the Deemed Date. 在开课或被认为退学 14 天以后收到书面的退学通知 5 27-6800MDIS Appl Fm R.7.indd 5

15. Students are required to refer to the regulations governing course deferment, refund and withdrawal in the Student s Handbook. 学生需要参考学生手册上有关推迟入学 退费和退学的相关规定 16. Expulsion Under the following circumstances, students may be expelled from the programme of study: Misconduct Students who are found to participate in rumour mongering or slanderous allegations that adversely affects the conduct of the business of the Institute or the work of any person in that person s capacity as a member of the staff of the Institute or students. Vandalism, Mischief and/or Theft Students who have been found to participate in any wilful or negligent acts that caused damage, loss, removal, theft of, or any other wrongful interference with any property of the Institute. Employment Student s pass holders who have been caught working in Singapore will be reported to the Singapore s Immigration and Checkpoints Authority. This may lead to expulsion from the Institute and/or the cancellation of the student pass. Cheating/Plagiarism Students who have been caught cheating or being involved in the act of plagiarism can be expelled based on the Institute s decision. 开除学籍在以下情况下, 学校有权开除学生 : - 不端行为学生散布谣言或恶意诽谤校方, 以致学院的业务或学院职员与其他学生直接或间接受到影响 - 破坏 恶作剧或偷窃行为学生参与蓄意或疏忽的行为, 导致学院的资产受到破环 损失 被移动 盗窃或其他任何不当的影响 - 就业或受雇学院将向新加坡移民和关卡局举报持有学生签证但仍在新加坡受雇或就业的学生 这将导致学生被开除且 / 或被注销学生签证 - 考试作弊 / 抄袭校方若发现学生考试作弊或者涉及抄袭的话, 可以决定开除学生 17. Attendance Student s pass holders are required to fulfil a minimum of 90% of class attendance for each module, failing which he/she will be barred from examination for the module/s concerned. MDIS is obliged to report to the Singapore and Checkpoints Authority on international students who have failed to attend classes for a continuous period of 7 days or more without any valid reason and/or have not attended classes regularly i.e. where the percentage of attendance is below 90% without any valid reasons. This may lead to the cancellation of the student s pass. Students who are unable to attend classes regularly with valid reasons are required to submit the Request for Authorised Leave of Absence Form together with the relevant supporting documents to the Course Administrator one week before the date of absence. Students who are absent from classes due to medical reasons or unforeseen valid reasons will be required to submit the Request for Leave of Absence Form to the Course Administrator within four (4) days from the date of absence. 上课出勤率 - 学生签证持有者须每门科目达到至少 90% 以上的上课出勤率, 否则他 / 她将不被获准参加相关科目的考试 - 国际学生如无故连续七天以上缺课, 或没有照常出勤, 即学生在无正当的理由下没有达到 90% 的出勤率, 新加坡管理发展学院有责任向新加坡移民和关卡局呈报 这将可能导致其学生签证被新加坡移民和关卡局注销 - 学生若在正当的理由下无法照常出勤, 需填妥请假申请表格, 并连同证明文件一起, 在一周前交予课程行政人员 - 学生若因病假或有正当理由的突发事件而缺课, 需在缺课后的四天内填妥请假申请表格, 交予课程行政人员 18. Payment of Course Fees The first instalment is payable at the time of course confirmation. Failure to fulfil payment will render the student being barred from the class, and the student pass being cancelled. The remaining instalments are payable on the date indicated in the Payment Schedule unless otherwise stated. An administration fee of S$100.00 (excluding prevailing GST) will be levied on each late payment. Students who failed to make payment may be barred from the examinations and the Institute would withhold all pending results. 学费付款 - 学生在确认修读新加坡管理发展学院课程的时候需支付课程的首期学费 学生若未能支付, 将不能上课并将被注销学生证 - 其余的学费将依照课程学费表分期付款, 除非另有安排 学生若推迟付款, 每个推迟支付的款项将需额外支付 100 新元 ( 未含消税 ) - 学生若没有支付学费, 校方将不允许他参加考试, 也有权不发成绩 19. MDIS reserves the right to make changes to the above terms and conditions as and when deemed necessary. 新加坡管理发展学院有权在认为必要时修改以上条款和制度 6 Printed March 2008 Rev. 8 27-6800MDIS Appl Fm R.7.indd 6