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19971 199731 19976 1997626-28 Paul Katz 19979 19985 45 1968 2103-2108 8 1975 1726-1727 1937) 6-11

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3-6 161987 29-53 1994 6:11995 1-48 NathanSivin N= N. Sivin 1977 97-140 12:11994 101-148 27-36Fu -shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area Du ring the Six Dynasties Period (3rd -6th Century A.D.)," Ph.D. dissertation, Princeton University (Princeton, 1994) The Denouncement of Shamans and Shamanism by Literati Officials

1 252 403-444 222-252 172-217 182-252 252 2 258-264 258-264 286-336 925-996 1959 317 2515 1964 336-365 344 217 251 252 233-297 1959 47 1148-1149 54 1272

3 290-300 290-306 258-300 1979 2 26 63 1427 Fu-shih Lin "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six Dynasties Period (3rd -6th Century A.D.)," Seeing the Spirits

4 296-313 296 313 578-648 1974 31 964-965 31 956 95 2477

5 333 454? -520? 2476 3 40 1982

333 683 no. 2212 62 756-756 572-640 no. 2110 7 538 Fu-shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six Dynasties Period (3rd -6th Century A.D.)," Elements of Shamanistic Rituals Fu -shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six Dynasties Period (3rd-6th Century A.D.)," Shrines

6 317-420 Paul Demiéville, Buddlism and Healing, translated by Mark Tatz1937Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1985 1985 290-318 66:31995 695-745 731-740 1995 75-76 90-91105-108114-116 95 987 405-418

7 376-396 403-444 402 376-396 379 1984 332 1984 337-340 1959 735 4-5 403-444 9 229

8 403 402 403 356-372 1984 647 647 99 2590-2594 15-2656-57Fu-shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six Dynasties Period (3rd -6th

9 420-422 420-422 Century A.D.)," A Definition of the Shaman and the Wu Possession 932 7 31 526

10 424 424 454?-520? 424 62 757 414-419 328Donald E. Gjertson, "The Early Chinese Buddhist Miracle Tale," Journal of the American Oriental Society, 101:3 (1981), pp. 287-301 (pp. 293-294) 221969 41-65

11 420-442 420-502 442 22 453-453

12 483-498 479-520 489-537 55-98Fu-shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six Dynasties Period (3rd -6th Century A.D.)," (The Shaman's Religious Roles and Functions) 489-537 1972 55 960 1973 73 1817

shaman initiation shamanic illness shamanism Shaman initiation shamanic illness Mircea Eliade, Shamanism: Archaic Techniques of Ecstasy, translated by Willard R. Trask (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1972), pp. 23-144; I. M. Lewis, Ecstatic Religion: A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession, second edition (London and New York: Routledge, 1989), pp. 59-89; Joan Halifax, Shaman: The Wounded Healer (New York: The Crossroad Publishing Company, 1982), pp. 16-21; Michael Taussig, Shamanism, Colonialism, and the Wild Man: A Study in Terror and Healing (Chicago and London: The University of Chicago Press, 1987), pp. 447-467

483-498 428-498 13 498 494-498 26 479-488 Fu -shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six Dynasties Period (3rd-6th Century A.D.)," Accounts of Chinese Shamans of the Six Dynasties 1 453 2 454-464 3 465 4 465-472 5 465-472 6 494-498 7 499-501 8 552-555 Fu -shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six Dynasties Period (3rd-6th Century A.D.)," Clients and Patrons of the Shaman

498 14 506 565-648 386-534 6 92 5 146

528 536 537 537 524 528 565-648 1972 15 193-194 1974 54 1951-1952 4 150 1990 691-797 1964:11964 97-114 1995 88-98 1979 563-568

506 500 413 180 110 240 15 513 441-513 557-637 1 3-4 1957:101957 52-55 1981:31981 225-232 54-55

502-548 502 16 518 505-572 557-637 1973 13 242-243 57 1413

439-518 518 17 516-520 468-521 516 505-572 1974 83 1834-1835 80 2688 73 1631-1632 37 1361

521 516 520 516-520 18 531-533 496-547 531 533 73 1632-1633 1633 31 1150 1 6-9 22 320

19 540 535-551 525-540 612?-679? 538 540 540 13 507 506-507

20 548 549 548 549 26 716 446-456

21 562 471-499 19 562 501-562 562 22 574 583-666 350-360 165-206 9 124 14 517

574 499-583 23 587 581 557-581 594 583-666 1971 47 842 90 2978 1971 1-104 55-66 580-643 1973 7 140 28 776

605-618 563-587 587 606 574-606 222-589 286336 2 403-444 1789 51011 6 578-648 34 489-537 1213 557-637 15 36 1107 44 1224 59 436 71 2474

565-648 1421 505-572 1617 612-679 1819 20 583-666 22 580-643 23 121315 4 5 610 7 8 9 11 12 20 316 192223 1721 14 18

34591114 192122 3 4 12681013151617182023 1 10 11 15 16 19 21 23 126 131516172023 34514 192122 10 34911 1 2 13 3 3 19 21 22 15 16 23 8 17 18

20 4 6 14 4 5 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 13 21 5 10 11 16 17 4 6 9 11 14 15 79101214 456 1319212223 18151617 1820 11 23

816 510 111617 45610151619 22 11 297 31 960 95 24762478 102 2672 13 490 507 89 2921-2922 90 2978 98 3258 19 539 78 1763 103 2298 5 156 47 842

1151923 1 15 488-502 19 23 1995 14-17 13 233-234 5 160

4 9 11 3 1981 1-36 1994 104-114 20-2257Fu-shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six Dynasties Period (3rd-6th Century A.D.)," The Shaman's Religious Roles and Functions Possession spirit possession voluntary involuntary controlled uncontrolled Erika Bourguignon, "World Distribution and Patterns of Possession States," in Raymond Prince, ed., Trance and Possession States (Montreal: R. M. Bucke

23 17 18 13 Memorial Society, 1968), pp. 3-34; I. M. Lewis, Ecstatic Religion: A Study of Shamanism and Spirit Possession, pp. 48-49, 57; Ruth-Inge Heinze, Trance and Healing in Southeast Asia Today (Bangkok, Tailand: White Lotus Co., Ltd., 1988), pp. 2-3; Janice Boddy, "Spirit Possession Revisited: Beyond Instrumentality," Annual Review of Anthropology, 23 (1994), pp. 407-434; Fu-shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six Dynasties Period (3rd -6th Century A.D.)," (Patterns of Communication Between Shamans and Spirits) (Possession)

3 283-363 3 283-363 1985 6 128-129

16 13 14 21 5 20 4 9 62:21993 225-263 248-250

7 23 10 shaman 103 2298 A. F. Anisimov, "The Shaman's Tent of the Evenks and the Origin of the Shamanistic Rite," in Henry N. Michael, ed., Studies in Siberian Shamanism (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1963), pp. 84-123 1982 269-285Kristofer Schipper, Taoist Body, translated by Karen C. Duval (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1993), pp. 91-99

Ching-Lang Hou, Monnaies d'offrande et la nation de trésorerie dans la religion chinoise (Paris: Collège de France, Institut des Hautes Etudes Chinoises, 1975); Anna Seidel, "Buying One's Way to Heaven: The Celestial Treasury in Chinese Religions," History of Religions, 17:3&4 (1978), pp. 419-431; ill Gates, "Money for the Gods," Modern China, 13:3 (July 1987), pp. 259-277 1992 169-170 1934 1979 68-69 1989 132-139

425-460 454-464 63-67 29-53 716-724 441-513 1974 82 2100-2101 444-523Paul U. Unschuld, Medical Ethics in Imperial China: A Study in Historical Anthropology (Berkeley:

502-548 University of California Press, 1979) Robert P. Hymes 6:11995 179-203 1996 715-743 70 1720-1721 62 756-756 637-640 11 9 31 965 5 155 152 1 13

550-630 610 13 1975 2 14-16 23 1-423 7-11 24 1-15 25 4 40 212 24 14 111

912-995 984 49 109-110 145-148 1991 2930 31:31985 326-371 353-355

912-995 1995 28 651-652 3 1993 417-454 1994 373-422 230-244250 6-59 1992 23-55 1989 167-180266-302 1987:11987 39-49Nathan Sivin, Chinese Alchemy: Preliminary Studies (Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1968); Michel Strickmann, "On the Alchemy of T'ao Hung-ching," in H. Welch and A. Seidel, eds., Facets of Taoism: Essays in Chinese Religion (New Haven and London: Yale University Press, 1979), pp. 123-192; Michel Strickmann, Magical Medicine: Therapeutic Ritual in East Asian Traditions, unpublished book (1989); Judith M. Boltz, "Taoist Therapeutics in the Shui-hu chuan," paper presented at the annual meeting of the American Oriental Society (Boston, 1981); Judith M. Boltz, "Opening the Gates of Purgatory: A Twelfth-century Taoist Meditation Technique for the Salvation of Lost Souls," in M. Strickmann ed., Tantric and Taoist Studies in Honour of R. A. Stein, vol.

522-581 II (Brussels: Institut belge des hautes études chinoises, 1983), pp. 487-511; Judith M. Boltz, "Taoist Rites of Exorcism," Ph.D. diss., University of California (Berkeley, 1985) 1991 443-444 335-336 no. 615 3 8-14 17-19 20-31 4 1-2 7-18 5 11-16 19-34 6 2-11 18-21 1923-1926 Kristofer M. Schipper, ed., Concordance du Tao-Tsang: titres des ouvrages (Paris: Ecole Française d'extrême-orient, 1975)

516 531-603 1963 469 1990 189-216 311-330 360-369Rolf A. Stein, "Religious Taoism and Popular Religion from the Second to Seventh Centuries," in H. Welch and A. Seidel, eds., Facets of Taoism (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1979), pp. 53-81; Peter Nickerson, "Introduction" to The Great Petition for Sepulchral Plaints, in Stephen R. Bokenkamp, Early Daoist Scriptures (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1997), pp. 230-260 531-630 1980 1 68

14no. 492 753 1:1 1936 59-105 296-315 1965 453-640 69 292-293 1976 Robert E. Buswell, Jr., ed., Chinese Buddhist Apocrypha (Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 1990) 21no. 1331 2 501 85no. 2865 1325-1325 85no. 2868 1329-1329 85no. 2882 1383-1384 85no. 2904 1446-1446 Fu-shih Lin, "Chinese Shamans and Shamanism in the Chiang-nan Area During the Six

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