eipo A copy of this Application Form, together with a copy of each of the WHITE and YELLOW Application Forms, the Prospectus and the other documents s

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應 課 稅 品 用 戶 指 引 手 冊 目 錄 1. 引 言 2. 應 課 稅 品 的 種 類 3. 香 港 的 稅 制 4. 稅 率 5. 酒 類 的 稅 值 評 估 5.1 何 時 須 要 評 估 酒 類 的 稅 值 5.2 評 估 酒 類 價 值 的 法 律 基 礎 5.3 所 需 文 件 5

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2. 贵 阳 沙 文 工 业 园 汉 方 药 业 新 工 厂 资 本 性 支 出 费 用 高 估 : 根 据 我 们 的 访 谈 得 知, 在 2014 财 年, 截 至 2014 年 6 月 30 日, 该 项 目 仅 完 工 约 30% 因 此, 仅 有 人 民 币 千 万 元 (


eipo Greentown Service Group Co. Ltd. (a company incorporated under the laws of the Cayman Islands with limited liability) GLOBAL OFFERING Number of Offer Shares under : 777,776,000 Shares (subject to reallocation and the the Global Offering Over-allotment Option) Number of Hong Kong Offer Shares : 77,780,000 Shares (subject to reallocation) Number of International Offer Shares : 699,996,000 Shares (subject to reallocation and the Over-allotment Option) Maximum Offer Price : HK$2.20 per Offer Share plus brokerage of 1%, SFC transaction levy of 0.0027% and Stock Exchange trading fee of 0.005% (payable in full on application in Hong Kong dollars, subject to refund) Nominal Value : HK$0.00001 per Share Stock Code : 2869 Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited, The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited and Hong Kong Securities Clearing Company Limited ( HKSCC ) take no responsibility for the contents of this Application Form, make no representation as to its accuracy or completeness and expressly disclaim any liability whatsoever for any loss howsoever arising from or in reliance upon the whole or any part of the contents of this Application Form. Please read carefully the prospectus of Greentown Service Group Co. Ltd. (the Company ) dated June 28, 2016 (the Prospectus ) (in particular, the section headed How to Apply for Hong Kong Offer Shares in the Prospectus) and the guide on the back of this Application Form before completing this Application Form. Terms defined in the Prospectus have the same meaning when used in this Application Form unless defined herein. 777,776,000 77,780,000 699,996,000 2.20 1% 0.0027% 0.005% 0.00001 2869 2016 6 28

eipo A copy of this Application Form, together with a copy of each of the WHITE and YELLOW Application Forms, the Prospectus and the other documents specified in the paragraph headed Appendix V Documents Delivered to the Registrar of Companies and Available for Inspection Documents Delivered to the Registrar of Companies in the Prospectus, have been registered by the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong as required by section 342C of the Companies (Winding Up and Miscellaneous Provisions) Ordinance. The Securities and Futures Commission in Hong Kong and the Registrar of Companies in Hong Kong take no responsibility for the contents of any of these documents. Your attention is drawn to the paragraph headed Personal Information Collection Statement which sets out the policies and practices of the Company and its Hong Kong Share Registrar in relation to personal data and compliance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance. Nothing in this Application Form or the Prospectus constitutes an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to subscribe or purchase nor shall there be any subscription or sale of Hong Kong Offer Shares in any jurisdiction in which such offer, solicitation or sales would be unlawful. This Application From and the Prospectus are not for distribution, directly or indirectly, in or into the United States, nor is this application an offer of Hong Kong Offer Shares for sale or subscription in the United States (including its territories and dependencies, any state of the United States and the District of Columbia). The Hong Kong Offer Shares have not been and will not be registered under the U.S. Securities Act of 1933, as amended (the U.S. Securities Act ) and may not be offered or sold or delivered except in an offshore transaction in accordance with Regulation S under the U.S. Securities Act. There will be no offer or sale of Shares in the United States. 342C 1933 S

eipo This Application Form and the Prospectus may not be forwarded or distributed or reproduced (in whole or in part) in any manner whatsoever in any jurisdiction where such forwarding, distribution or reproduction is not permitted under the law of that jurisdiction. This Application Form and the Prospectus are addressed to you personally. Any forwarding or distribution or reproduction of this Application Form or the Prospectus in whole or in part is unauthorized. Failure to comply with this directive may result in a violation of the U.S. Securities Act or the applicable laws of other jurisdictions. By accepting the terms in this Application Form and the Prospectus, or any copy thereof, you agree and confirm that will not take or transmit into the United States or any of its territories possess or distribute, directly or indirectly, in the United States or to transmit any employee or affiliate of the recipient located therein. To: Greentown Service Group Co. Ltd. Joint Global Coordinators Joint Bookrunners Hong Kong Underwriters

eipo 1 We confirm that we have (i) complied with the Guidelines for Electronic Public Offerings and the Operational Procedures for White Form eipo Applications submitted via banks/stockbrokers and all applicable laws and regulations (whether statutory or otherwise) in relation to the provision of our White Form eipo services in connection with the Hong Kong Public Offering; and (ii) read the terms and conditions and application procedures set out in the Prospectus and this Application Form and agree to be bound by them. Applying on behalf of each of the underlying applicants to whom this application relates, we: apply for the desired number of Hong Kong Offer Shares set out in the Prospectus and this Application Form and subject to the Memorandum of Association and Articles of Association; enclose payment in full for the Hong Kong Offer Shares applied for, including 1% brokerage fee, 0.0027% SFC transaction levy and 0.005% Stock Exchange trading fee; confirm that the underlying applicants have undertaken and agreed to accept the Hong Kong Offer Shares applied for, or any lesser number allocated to such underlying applicants on this application; undertake and confirm that the underlying applicant(s) and the person for whose benefit the underlying applicant(s) is/are applying has/ have not applied for or taken up, or indicated an interest for, or received or been placed or allocated (including conditionally and/or provisionally), and will not apply for or take up, or indicate an interest for, any Offer Shares under the International Offering nor otherwise participate in the International Offering; understand that these declarations and representations will be relied upon by the Company, the Directors and the Joint Global Coordinators in deciding whether or not to make any allotment of Hong Kong Offer Shares in response to this application; (i) eipo eipo (ii) 1% 0.0027%0.005%

eipo authorize the Company to place the name(s) of the underlying applicant(s) on the register of members of the Company as the holder(s) of any Hong Kong Offer Shares to be allotted to them, and (subject to the terms and conditions set out in this Application Form) to send any share certificate(s) by ordinary post at that underlying applicant s own risk to the address given on the White Form eipo application except where the underlying applicant has applied for 1,000,000 or more Hong Kong Offer Shares and that underlying applicant collects any share certificate(s) in person in accordance with the procedures prescribed in the White Form eipo designated website at www.eipo.com.hk and the Prospectus; request that any e-refund payment instructions be dispatched to the application payment account where the applicants had paid the application monies from a single bank account; request that any refund cheque(s) be made payable to the underlying applicant(s) who had used multiple bank accounts to pay the application monies; confirm that each underlying applicant has read the terms and conditions and application procedures set out in the White Form eipo designated website at www.eipo.com.hk and this Application Form and in the Prospectus and agrees to be bound by them; represent, warrant and undertake that the underlying applicant(s) and any persons for whose benefit the underlying applicant(s) is/are applying outside the United States (as defined in Regulation S), when completing and submitting the application or is a person described in paragraph (h)(3) of Rule 902 of Regulation S or the allotment of or application for the Hong Kong Offer Shares to or by whom or for whose benefit the application is made would not require the Company, the Joint Global Coordinators, the Joint Bookrunners and the Hong Kong Underwriters to comply with any requirements under any law or regulation (whether or not having the force of law) of any territory outside Hong Kong; and eipo 1,000,000 eipowww.eipo.com.hk eipo www.eipo.com.hk SS 902(h)(3)

eipo 2 3 agree that this application, any acceptance of it and the resulting contract, will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of Hong Kong. Signature Name of signatory We, on Total number of Shares behalf of the underlying applicants, offer to purchase A total of are enclosed for a total sum of HK$ 4 Please use BLOCK letters Name of White Form eipo Service Provider eipo Chinese Name Name of contact person Address cheque(s) Date Capacity Hong Kong Offer Shares on behalf of the underlying applicants whose details are contained in the read-only CD-ROM submitted with this Application Form. Cheque number(s) White Form eipo Service Provider ID eipo Contact number Broker no. Broker s chop Fax number For Broker use Lodged by For bank use

eipo GUIDE TO COMPLETING THIS APPLICATION FORM References to boxes below are to the numbered boxes on this Application Form. 1. Sign and date this Application Form in Box 1. Only a written signature will be accepted. The name and the representative capacity of the signatory should also be stated. To apply for Hong Kong Offer Shares using this Application Form, you must be named in the list of White Form eipo Service Providers who may provide White Form eipo services in relation to the Hong Kong Public Offering, which was released by the Securities and Futures Commission. 2. Put in Box 2 (in figures) the total number of Hong Kong Offer Shares for which you wish to apply on behalf of the underlying applicants. Application details of the underlying applicants on whose behalf you are applying must be contained in one data file in read-only CD-ROM format submitted together with this Application Form. 3. Complete your payment details in Box 3. You must state in this box the number of cheques you are enclosing together with this Application Form; and you must state on the reverse of each of those cheques (i) your White Form eipo Service Provider ID and (ii) the file number of the data file containing application details of the underlying applicant(s). The dollar amount(s) stated in this box must be equal to the amount payable for the total number of Hong Kong Offer Shares applied for in Box 2. All cheque(s) and this Application Form together with a sealed envelope containing the CD-ROM, if any, must be placed in the envelope bearing your company chop. For payments by cheque, the cheque must: 1. 1 eipo eipo 2. 2 3. 3 (i) eipo(ii) 2 be in Hong Kong dollars; be drawn on a Hong Kong dollar bank account in Hong Kong;

eipo show your (or your nominee s) account name. This account name must be the same as the name on the Application Form. If it is a joint application, the account name must be the same as the name of the first-named applicant; be made payable to Bank of China (Hong Kong) Nominees Limited Greentown Service Group Public Offer ; be crossed Account Payee Only ; not be post-dated; and be signed by the authorized signatories of the White Form eipo Service Provider. Your application may be rejected if any of these requirements is not met or if the cheque is dishonored on its first presentation. It is your responsibility to ensure that details on the cheque(s) submitted correspond with the application details contained in the CD-ROM or data file submitted in respect of this application. The Company and the Joint Global Coordinators have full discretion to reject any applications in the case of discrepancies. No receipt will be issued for sums paid on application. 4. Insert your details in Box 4 (using BLOCK letters). You should write your name, White Form eipo Service Provider ID and address in this box. You should also include the name and telephone number of the contact person at your place of business and where applicable, the Broker No. and Broker s Chop. Personal Data Personal Information Collection Statement This Personal Information Collection Statement informs the applicant for, and holder of, Hong Kong Offer Shares, of the policies and practices of the Company and its Hong Kong Share Registrar in relation to personal data and the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance (Chapter 486 of the Laws of Hong Kong) (the Ordinance ). () eipo 4. 4 eipo 486

eipo 1. Reasons for the collection of your personal data 1. It is necessary for applicants and registered holders of securities to supply correct personal data to the Company or its agents and the Hong Kong Share Registrar when applying for securities or transferring securities into or out of their names or in procuring the services of the Hong Kong Share Registrar. Failure to supply the requested data may result in your application for securities being rejected, or in delay or the inability of the Company or its Hong Kong Share Registrar to effect transfers or otherwise render their services. It may also prevent or delay registration or transfers of the Hong Kong Offer Shares which you have successfully applied for and/ or the dispatch of share certificate(s), and/or e-refund payment instructions, and/or refund cheque(s) to which you are entitled. It is important that securities holders inform the Company and the Hong Kong Share Registrar immediately of any inaccuracies in the personal data supplied. 2. Purposes The personal data of the securities holders may be used, held, processed and/or stored (by whatever means) for the following purposes: processing your application and refund cheque, where applicable, verification of compliance with the terms and application procedures set out in this Application Form and the Prospectus and announcing results of allocation of the Hong Kong Offer Shares; compliance with applicable laws and regulations in Hong Kong and elsewhere; 2. registering new issues or transfers into or out of the names of securities holders including, where applicable, HKSCC Nominees; maintaining or updating the register of securities holders of the Company; verifying securities holders identities; establishing benefit entitlements of securities holders of the Company, such as dividends, rights issues and bonus issues;

eipo distributing communications from the Company and its subsidiaries; compiling statistical information and securities holders profiles; disclosing relevant information to facilitate claims on entitlements; and any other incidental or associated purposes relating to the above and/or to enable the Company and the Hong Kong Share Registrar to discharge their obligations to securities holders and/or regulators and/or any other purposes to which the securities holders may from time to time agree. 3. Transfer of personal data Personal data held by the Company and its Hong Kong Share Registrar relating to the securities holders will be kept confidential but the Company and its Hong Kong Share Registrar may, to the extent necessary for achieving any of the above purposes, disclose, obtain or transfer (whether within or outside Hong Kong) the personal data to, from or with of the following: the Company s appointed agents such as financial advisers, receiving bankers and overseas principal share registrar; where applicants for securities request a deposit into CCASS, HKSCC or HKSCC Nominees, who will use the personal data for the purposes of operating CCASS; any agents, contractors or third-party service providers who offer administrative, telecommunications, computer, payment or other services to the Company or the Hong Kong Share Registrar in connection with their respective business operation; the Stock Exchange, the SFC and any other statutory regulatory or governmental bodies or otherwise as required by laws, rules or regulations; and 3. any persons or institutions with which the securities holders have or propose to have dealings, such as their bankers, solicitors, accountants or stockbrokers etc.

eipo 4. Retention of personal data 4. The Company and its Hong Kong Share Registrar will keep the personal data of the applicants and holders of securities for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the personal data were collected. Personal data which is no longer required will be destroyed or dealt with in accordance with the Ordinance. 5. Access to and correction of personal data Securities holders have the right to ascertain whether the Company or the Hong Kong Share Registrar hold their personal data, to obtain a copy of that data, and to correct any data that is inaccurate. The Company and the Hong Kong Share Registrar have the right to charge a reasonable fee for the processing of such requests. All requests for access to data or correction of data should be addressed to us, at our registered address disclosed in the Corporate Information section of the Prospectus or as notified from time to time, for the attention of the company secretary, or our Hong Kong Share Registrar for the attention of the privacy compliance officer. By signing this Application Form, you agree to all of the above. DELIVERY OF THIS APPLICATION FORM This completed Application From, together with the appropriate cheque(s) with a sealed envelope containing the CD-ROM, must be submitted to the following receiving bank by Monday, July 4, 2016 at 4 p.m.: Bank of China (Hong Kong) Limited 30/F, Bank of China Centre, Olympian City, 11 Hoi Fai Road, West Kowloon 5. 2016 7 44 11 30

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