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報名系統操作說明 一 註冊帳號 Create a New Account... 02 二 開始報名 Sign Up for a Test... 08 三 變更報名 Change a Test Session... 16 四 取消報名 Cancel a Test Session... 20 五 查詢成績 Check Test Results... 24 六 個人資料維護 Update Your Personal Information... 26

一 註冊帳號 Create a New Account 1. 請連結報名系統網站 : http://ap1.sc-top.org.tw/web/tester/login.do Please visit our on-line registration website: http://ap1.sc-top.org.tw/web/tester/login.do 2. 請點選 第一次使用報名系統嗎? 請先註冊新帳號 的連結 Please click the link First time user? Please click to create a new account. 2

3. 完成註冊四步驟 :Four steps required to establish a new account. 步驟一申請帳號 : 請確實填寫紅框部分的欄位資料, 並請閱讀藍框部分的注意事項 Step 1. Create a new account: Please fill out the information in the red line section as below, and read the notice in the blue line section on the right side. 3

步驟二在電子信箱收確認信 : 請到您的電子信箱收確認信, 並請閱讀藍框部分的注意事項 Step 2. Receive the confirmation letter: Please check your email for the confirmation letter, and read the notice in the blue line section as below. 確認信函的畫面如下, 請點選紅框部分連結 : 請按此連結以正式啟用您的帳戶, 完成 E-mail 確認動作 The following is the content of the confirmation letter you will receive after creating an account. Please click the link in the red line section as below to complete the process of confirmation. 4

當您看到如下更新畫面, 代表 E-mail 確認成功 Your confirmation is successfully completed if you see the window as below. 步驟三填寫個人資料 : 請確實填寫您的個人資料, 有 * 記號者為必填欄位 Step 3. Fill out your personal information: Please provide your personal information. Columns marked with * are required. 資料填寫完成後, 點按 下一步 Please click Next after filling out all the information. 5

步驟四填寫問卷 : 所有欄位一律必填 Step 4. Fill out the questionnaire. All columns are required. 資料填寫完成後, 點按 完成註冊 Click Completed after filling out all the information. 6

如果您看到下面畫面, 恭喜您完成了所有的註冊動作 Congratulations! Your personal account is created successfully if you see the window as below. 請注意 : 您尚未完成報名, 請點按 登入系統, 選擇您想要的場次, 進行報名 Notice: You have NOT completed the registration. Please click log in as below and choose the test session to complete the registration. 7

二 新增報名 Sign Up for a Test 1 登入 : 請在首頁輸入您的 E-mail 或護照號碼以及您的密碼, 並點按 登入 Login: Please enter your E-mail address or Passport No. and your password, and click log in. 8

2 請點按 考詴報名 下的 新增報名 Please click Sign up for a new test under Test Registration. 3 網頁上列出最近將會舉行的考詴, 在報名期間才會開放報名 請選擇您想要報名的考詴, 點按 報名 按鈕 The upcoming tests will be listed out on the website, and the registration will be accepted only at the registration period. Please choose the test you will like to register, and click Register. 9

4 網頁上列出所有的考場, 請選擇您想要考詴的地點, 您可以先點按 地圖, 來查看考場的位置 All test locations will be listed out on the website. Please choose the location you like, and click Map to see locations. 5 網頁上列出所有的考詴等級, 請選擇您想要的等級 All test levels will be listed out on the website. Please choose the level you would like to register for. 10

6 網頁上列出所有的考詴時間, 請選擇您想要的場次 All test sessions will be listed out on the website. Please choose the time session you like. 11

7 請閱讀報名注意事項, 確認報名時填寫的個人資料皆正確無誤後, 點按 下一步 若需要再次確認個人資料, 請點按 我要再確認個人資料 連結 Please read the Notice for Registration carefully. After confirming your personal information, please click Next. If you need to re-confirm your personal information, please click I want to check my personal information again. 12

8 如果是報名正式考詴, 需要繳交報名費用, 您會看到 繳費注意事項 的頁面, 請仔細閱讀, 繳費方式有 現場繳費 及 郵局劃撥 兩種方式 If you register for an official test, you will see a window of Notice for Fee Payment as below. Please read it carefully. You can choose either On-site payment or Remittance to make the payment. 1. 現場繳費 : 請至考詴中心或推廣中心繳交現金 考詴中心或推廣中心查詢請連結 http://www.sc-top.org.tw/chinese/lr/official.php On-site payment: Please make your payment at the test center or the promotion center. The link for the locations: http://www.sc-top.org.tw/chinese/lr/official.php 2. 匯款 : Remittance 1 下載傳真表格, 並填寫完成 ( 下載傳真表格 ) Download the Fax Form and fill out it. (Download the Fax Form) 2 到郵局填寫劃撥單 匯款帳號 :19811726 戶名 : 國立台灣師範大學 Fill out the Postal Transfer Receipt at the Post Office. (See the sample of Postal Transfer Receipt) Account Number: 19811726 Account Name: National Taiwan Normal University 3 將傳真表格和匯款收據傳真至本會,FAX:02-33432413 Fax the Fax Form with Postal Transfer Receipt to SC-TOP at 02-3343-2413 13

9 您可點按 列印, 以列印考詴資訊, 或按 返回, 查看目前已報名場次資訊 You may click Print to print out the test information, or click Return to check the test you have registered for. 14

目前已報名場次資訊如下 : The following is the test information you have registered for. 您可以隨時點選紅色框中的連結, 查看詳細的考詴資訊 目前 費用 狀態為 未繳費 Not Paid, 一旦您完成繳費 ( 以郵局劃撥者, 必須傳真劃撥收據至本會 ), 費用狀態會改為 已繳費 Had Paid You may click the link in the red line section anytime to check the details of the test information. If you have not made the payment, the status in the green line section will show as Not Paid. Once the payment is made, the status will show Had Paid. (Note: If you choose to use Remittance at the post office, please remember to fax the postal transfer receipt to SC-TOP.) 15

三 變更報名 Change a Test Session 1. 請點選 考詴報名 的 變更報名 Please click on Test Modification under Test Registration. 2. 選擇想要變更的報名場次, 點按 變更 Please choose the session you would like to change, and click Change. 16

3. 您可以重新選擇還有名額的場次, 點按 報名 按鈕 You may choose the test session with available seats again, and click Register. 17

4. 請仔細閱讀變更報名注意事項, 如果同意請按 下一步 Please read the Notice for Test Modification carefully. Click Next if you agree with the conditions. 5. 確定變更之後, 在目前報名場次的表格可以看到新的場次 After test modification, you will see the new test session on the form of Registered test session. 18

請注意 : 正式考詴和預詴的報名期間內, 考生可以自己上網修改場次, 不需要支付手續費 ; 正式考詴的報名截止日後 5 天內, 考生除了在網路上變更報名, 還需要支付手續費新台幣 150 元, 變更報名才算完成 Notice: Test takers may change the test session online during the registration period of official tests and pilot tests with no charge for additional processing fee. If you change the registration 5 days after the registration deadline of the official test, you will need to pay additional processing fee of NT$150 to complete the test modification. 詳細的流程如下 : The following is the details of the process: 1. 網路申請 : 請上網確認測驗場次還有名額, 並選擇新場次 Registration Online: Please check online for available seats of the test session, and choose a new session. 2. 下載傳真表格, 並填寫完成 ( 下載傳真表格 ) Download the Fax Form, and fill out it. (Download the Fax Form) 3. 匯款 : 至郵局填寫劃撥單, 請於 變更考詴截止日 前完成匯款手續費新台幣 150 元 匯款帳號 :19811726 戶名 : 國立台灣師範大學 Remittance: Fill out the Wire Transfer Form at the post office. Please remit the processing fee of NT$150 before the Deadline of test modification. Account Number: 19811726 Account Name: National Taiwan Normal University 4. 傳真 : 將傳真表格和匯款收據傳真至本會,FAX:02-33432413 Fax: Fax the Fax Form with Postal transfer receipt to SC-TOP at 02-33432413. 5. 申請時間以本會收到傳真時間為準, 請一定要主動來電確認 The time of application for the cancellation will be dependent on the time of SC-TOP s receipt of the fax and email from applicants. Please contact SC-TOP at 02-7734-5638 to confirm your fax is received. 19

四 取消報名 Cancel a Test Session 1. 請點選 考詴報名 的 取消報名 Please click Test Cancellation under Test Registration. 2. 選擇想要取消的報名場次, 點按 取消 Please choose the session you would like to cancel, and click Cancel 20

3. 請仔細閱讀取消考詴的注意事項, 如果同意請點按 同意 按鈕 Please read the Notice for Test Cancellation carefully. Click Next if you agree with the conditions. 21

確定取消之後, 在目前報名場次的表格已經看不到該場的報名資訊 You will not see the test information of the test session you have cancelled on the website after you completed the cancellation. 請注意 : 如果是報名正式考詴而且已經繳費, 取消報名會收取手續費用 300 元, 退還費用 = 報名費 - 手續費 網路取消報名後, 必須將報名費收據傳真至本會, 取消報名才算完成 Notice: If you have registered for an official test and made the payment, a processing fee of NT$300 for cancellation will be charged. (The Refund = Registration fee Processing fee) The process of cancellation is NOT completed until you faxed the receipt of registration fee to SC-TOP. 詳細的流程如下 : The following is the details of the process: 1. 請在網路上取消報名 Please cancel the registration online. 2. 下載傳真表格, 並填寫完成 ( 下載傳真表格 ) Download the Fax Form, and fill out it. (Download the Fax Form) 3. 請將傳真表格和報名費收據影本傳真至華測會,FAX:02-33432413 繳交報名費用是採用現場付費者請提供考詴 推廣中心開立之代收收據 ; 郵局匯款者請提供匯款收據 Please fax the Fax Form and the copy of Test Fee receipt to SC-TOP at 02-3343-2413. Those who made the payment by On-site payment, please provide with the receipt from test centers and promotion centers; those who make the payment by remittance, please provide with the postal transfer receipt. 4. 申請時間以本會收到傳真或 E-mail 時間為準, 請一定要主動來電確認 The time of application for the cancellation will be dependent on the time of SC-TOP s receipt of the fax and email from applicants. Please contact SC-TOP at 02-7734-5638 to confirm your fax is received. 22

5. 以上步驟皆無缺漏才算完成申請手續 You will not complete the test cancellation until you complete all the above steps. 6. 退費方式 : 一律以 郵政匯票 退還報名費餘額, 所有退費作業皆於考後一個月以掛號方式寄送給考生 Refund: All the refund will be made with "postal money order", and will be sent out to the test taker with a registered mail one month after the test. 23

五 查詢成績 Check Test Results 1. 登入報名系統後, 請點選 成績查詢 Please click on check test results after logging in. 2. 請選擇想要查詢的考詴, 點按 查看成績, 就會出現成績頁面 Please choose the test session and click Check which will lead you to the page of transcript. 24

3. 您可以點按 列印 將此頁面印出來, 或是點按 返回, 就回到考詴場次列表 請注意 : 成績單頁面僅供參考, 並非正式的成績單 You can click Print to print out this page. Or you can click Return to go back to the page of the test sessions list. Notice: This page of transcript is for your reference only. It is NOT an official score report. 25

六 個人資料維護 Update Personal Information 1. 登入報名系統後, 如果需要更新個人資料, 請點選 資料維護 Please log in and click Update Personal Information to update your personal information. 2. 資料更新完畢, 請點按 完成 After the update, please click Completed. 26

請注意 : 更新電子信箱, 系統將會再寄一次確認信給您, 請您到新的電子信箱收確認信, 以完成 E-mail 確認動作 Notice: After updating your new email address, the system will send out a confirmation letter to you again. Please check your email for the confirmation letter to complete the email verification. 27