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7 ( 1995 12 ) 23 24 8 1842 8 29 ( ) : 1843 4 5 6 26 (Henry Pottinger) ( 1997 7 ) 2 9 1860 10 24 ( ) : ( 11.1 ) ( 1988 ) 239 8

1979 3 1982 9 1893 1985 9 22 1984 9 26 12 19 ( The Baroness Thatcher ) 1997 7 1 10 1981 1984 11 59 23 12 12 1987 9 1989 1985 9 13 1988 1991 1992 10 ( 1999 ) 208209 11 White paperdistrict Administration in Hong Kong (Hong Kong : Government Printer,1981). 12 2000 7 155 13 24 2000 7 154 9

1995 1996 1996 12 1997 7 1 1880 1896 1926 1883 1936 1911 1922 1931 1941 12 14 1945 8 14 14 ( 1997 7 ) 862 10

1950 1965 15 1953 16 1966 1970 15 ( 1990 2 )13 16 1953 11

17 70 70 1997 1980 1982 ( The Baroness Thatcher ) 15 1984 5 1987 18 1980 19 1980 1984 1987 17 ( 1999 ) 104 18 ( 1991 11 ) 206 207 19 80 12

1980 80 1980 1980 1980 1989 6 5 6 4 1989 1989 1992 1997 90 1997 13

20 : 1992 1997 7 1 21 1996 1997 90 20 1999 255 21 ( 1997 )104 14

22 23, ( 1989 ) 15

24 ( 1997 ) 29 16

25 ( 1997 ) 401402 26 27 3 6 ( 2000 1 ) 63 28 ( 2002 1 ) 108 109 17

29 1993 31 1997 401 403 32 ( 2002 1 ) 109 111 18

33 ( 1997 7 ) 7 19


36 (2)( 1984 7 ) 32 37 38 22 12 12 ( 1995 2 ) 39 12 21

( 1988 11 ) 89 40 1991 11 65 68 41 1985 42 43 (2000 7 ) 154 22

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56 2000 57 58 56 57 2001 6 1 3,237 944 2,293 2002 2001 12 58 2001 27

59 http://www.budget.gov.hk/2002/cframe2.htm 60 ( 2001 1 28

61 61 62 6 2001 29

63 ( 2001 1 ) 17 64 30

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99 ( 1997 7 ) 3 47 100 ( 1995 2 ) 58 101 ( 1995 2 ) 61 41

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205 206 Shanghai Internet Trading and Consultancy. Investment, http:// china-window. Com / shanghai/inves /tu4.html. 85

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228 ( 2001 ) 229 White paperdistrict Administration in Hong Kong (Hong Kong : Government Printer,1981) 230 1981 95

1997 7 1 232 24 30 6 800 231 ( ) 232 96

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257 84 1 258 2000 7 157 162 106

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261 ( 1995 ) 84 262 1994 1 ( ) South China Morning Post 19 January 1995, p.17 263 ( 1995 ) 108

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269 ( 1995 ) 164 111

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273 ( 1995 11 ) 113

( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 275 ( ). 1998 276 1998 7 1 277 () 275 276 ( 1997 ) 68 277 2002 1 114 114

278 279 278 1998 3.25 A8 279 2002 3 4 280 ( 1997 11 ) 115

281 116

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288 ( 2002 1 ) 114 115 289 290 ( 2000 4 ) 150 119

291 ( 2000 4 ) 292 ( 1998 )20 293 ( 1998 ) 120

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2001 296 2002 2 28 297 2002 3 298 2007 18 1996 9 1997 18 1997 2 53%( ) 2000 8 32% 2001 11,759 25% 65% 296 http://www.info.gov.hk/eac/chinese/index.htm 297 http://www.info.gov.hk/eac/chinese/index.htm 298 3 8 122

( legitimacy ) 299 2001 1997 2 18 1997 2 24% ( ) 1998 6 47%2000 8 56% 2001 ( ) 2001 4 300 301 299 legitimacy ( ( 1999 11 )207 300 301 ( 2002 1 ) 22 24 302 123

303 304 21 ( 2000 ) 305 1997 1998 85,000 50,000 35,000 2000 306 2000 7 124

307 2002 3 18 125

308 1998 16 ( : 1997 203 ) 1999 1 29 [ ] ( ) ; ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 309 126

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314 315 ( 2002 1 ) 40 42 316 ( 2002 1 ) 28 129

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319 320 2001 30 321 ( 2000 4 ) 14 9 322 ( 2002 1 ) 40 43 131

1999 323 2002 3 12 324 2002 3 18 132

325 325 19 2001 4 2002 1 2002 1 2001 4 2001 2001 90 133

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327 David S.Landes ( 1999 ) 328 136

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331 Michael E.Porter ( 1999 ) 138

Levis 334 332 Michael E.Porter ( 1999 ) 333 ( 2002 1 ) 334 Michael E.Porter ( 1999 ) 335 Economic Forum ( http://www.tdctrade.com/econforum) HSBC The causes of economic crisis April 2000 139


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348 legitimacy ( ( 1999 11 )207 148



349 (RDahl) polyarchy ( 2000 8 ) 350 351 ( 2002 1 ) 134 151

1995 1999 2000 1,491.1 (+19.2) 1,392.7 (-2.5) 1,658.0 (+19.0) 231.7 (+4.3) 170.6 (-9.5) 181.0 (+6.1) 1,112.5 (+17.4) 1,178.4 (+1.7) 1,391.7 (+18.1) 1,344.1 (+14.9) 1,349.0 (+0.1) 1,572.7 (+16.6) 2,835.2 (+17.1) 2,741.7 (-1.3) 3,230.7 (+17.8) -147.0-43.7-85.3 9.9 3.1 5.1 5.6 (%) 152

2 2001 1 9 ( ) ( 11,118.22 ) 55%(+1%) 24%(-8%) 15%(-9%) 2%(-5%) 1%(+19) 1%(-2%) 1%(-4%) 1%(-15%) 2002 2 3 2001 1 9 ( ) ( 11,118.22 )( ) 36% 12% 6% 5% 2% 3% 3% 2% 2% 1% 28% (-0.8%) (-4%) 2001 153

4 1997 2001 ( %) 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 0.7-5.8 2.8 13.7 3.6 1.0-3.0 5.6 13.8 6.2-14.7-23.4-4.1 10.2 5.6 14.0 7.9 5.2 12.7 2.1 9.1-8.0 0.4 19.4-2.1 3 2001 1990 1995 1998 1999 ** ** 154

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158 9

2001 12 13 11 159

12 52.3 50.7 63.5 53.3 74.8 73.6 68.8 69.8 60.7 60.2 53.9 51.5 69.4 59.0 36.5 27.9 71.5 65.6 62.5 59.5 107.0 108.0 125.9 125.0 109.7 109.7 120.1 116.2 68.9 64.2 76.1 62.0 93.8 82.3 77.5 75.0 83.8 88.5 160 89.8 89.5

82.5 84.6 77.1 75.1 1996 2000 2001 (b) (a) + (b) 161

14 () () () (1998-2000) (2000-2004) 20 24 30 30 10 60 6 60 15 162

163 214


2001 5 2001 4 80.4 88.6 83.3 93.7 89.5 99.4 109.1 118.1 99.5 102.4 77.6 70.2 91.3 96.5 74.6 74.7 83.9 88.0 86.3 91.4 89.4 90.6 165

1999 2000 8 1998 11 2000 8 21 2000 2001 2001 1 1997 1995 2 2000 8 2000 8 1995 1 1998 8 (2) 1984 7 1997 3 1998 7 1996 20 1995 12 166

1993 5 1997 1998 4 1995 4 1995 2 2000 1 1999 11 2002 1 1997 11 40 1987 2000, 1989 2002 1 2000 2002 1 2002 1 1999 1988 11 1995 11 167

1995 12 1991 11 1997 1996 7 1997 7 1990 2 1990 8 1994 2001 1998 1999 1997 7 1998 1997 1999 1999 1997 1997 168

1997 1997 1995 1998 1997 1 2000 4 2000 7 2001 2001 1998 1998 1997 1997 2001 1 2002 2001 12 169

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