The floor-to-floor height of each residential property on the 5th 12th, 15th 23rd, 25th & 26th Floor is 3.040m. The internal areas of the residential

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FLAT ROOF = 平台 U.P. ABOVE = Utility Platform Above 上層工作平台覆蓋部分 The floor-to-floor height of each residential property on the 3rd Floor is 3.040m. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 3rd Floor Plan 三樓平面圖 3 樓每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度為 3.040 米 每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度為 150 毫米及 225 毫米 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低樓層的內部面積稍大

The floor-to-floor height of each residential property on the 5th 12th, 15th 23rd, 25th & 26th Floor is 3.040m. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 5th 12th, 15th 23rd, 25th & 26th Floor Plan 五樓至十二樓 十五樓至二十三樓 二十五樓及二十六樓平面圖 五樓至十二樓 十五樓至二十三樓 二十五樓及二十六樓每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度為 3.040 米 每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度為 150 毫米及 225 毫米 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低樓層的內部面積稍大 * Alterations have been made to Unit A on 8/F and Unit B on 20/F. Please refer to the as-is layout plans on page 22 for details. 8 樓 A 單位及 20 樓 B 單位經過改動, 詳情請參閱第 22 頁的現狀平面圖

= Extra Low Voltage Electrical Duct Room 超低電壓管道房 as-is Layout Plan of Unit A on 8/F 8 樓 A 單位現狀平面圖 as-is Layout Plan of Unit B on 20/F 20 樓 B 單位現狀平面圖 Unit A on 8/F and Unit B on 20/F have been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in the following ways: 8 樓 A 單位及 20 樓 B 單位已施行以下獲建築物條例豁免的工程改動 : a. part of the non-structural internal walls has been demolished. 部分的非結構內牆已被拆除 b. a non-structural internal wall has been erected. 加建非結構內牆

The floor-to-floor height of each residential property on the 27th Floor is 3.300m. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slighly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 27th Floor Plan 二十七樓平面圖 二十七樓每個住宅物業的層與層之間的高度為 3.300 米 每個住宅物業的樓板 ( 不包括灰泥 ) 的厚度為 150 毫米及 225 毫米 因住宅物業的較高樓層的結構牆的厚度遞減, 較高樓層的內部面積, 一般比較低樓層的內部面積稍大

A.S. = Air Shaft 風槽 P.D. = Pipe Duct 管槽 Roof Plan 天台平面圖