Geos MiningGeosIbam 350 Ibam 350 Geos Mining Ibam 350(50)Geos Mining % % Ibam 350 Surong5 70%200 58% Geos Mining % Ibam %15

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Geos MiningGeosIbam 350 Ibam 350 Geos Mining Ibam 350(50)Geos Mining 152 46.5%11046.7% Ibam 350 Surong5 70%200 58% Geos Mining105 44.8% Ibam 350 75%15%Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 58%

Ibam 350 Geos Mining 110

...................................................... Ibam 350... Ibam 350................................................... IV-8 IV-9 IV-11 IV-12 IV-12 IV-13 IV-13 IV-13 IV-14 IV-19 IV-20 IV-21 IV-21 IV-22 IV-23 IV-23 IV-23 IV-25 IV-27 IV-28 IV-29 IV-29 IV-30 IV-30 IV-31 IV-32 IV-34 IV-34 IV-35 IV-35 IV-37 IV-38 IV-39 IV-40 IV-40 IV-41

............................................................................................. IV-41 IV-42 IV-43 IV-43 IV-45 IV-45 IV-47 IV-48 IV-48 IV-49 IV-50 IV-52 IV-52 IV-54 IV-54 IV-54 IV-56 IV-60 IV-60 IV-61 IV-61 IV-61 IV-62 IV-62 IV-63 IV-63 IV-65 IV-66 IV-68 IV-69 IV-69

1Ibam 350... 2Geos... 3Zhongjin... 4... 5Ibam 350... 6Ibam 350... 7Ibam 350... IV-13 IV-30 IV-31 IV-32 IV-38 IV-38 IV-39 8Ibam 350>=35%Zhongjin Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute... IV-39 9Ibam 35020%-35% ZhongjinPers CommCapture Advantage2011... IV-40 10... 11... 12... IV-43 IV-44 IV-45 13Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute... IV-46 14... 15... 16Geos Mining... 17... 18... IV-50 IV-50 IV-51 IV-63 IV-65

1Ibam 350... IV-15 2Ibam 350... IV-16 3Ibam 350... IV-19 4 World Weather Online... IV-22 5Ibam 350... IV-26 6... IV-35 7... IV-37 8... IV-47 1Ibam 350... IV-17 2... IV-18 3Ibam 350... IV-20 445... IV-28 5... IV-53

Geos Mining (Geos) Geos MiningJORC 1 Bukit Ibam 350 5 SurongGeos MiningGeos Geos Geos MiningJORC105 44.8% Geos Geos Mining Ibam 350Bukit Ibam 4 GeosLlyle Sawyer Ibam 350Ibam 350 II Geos Mining 1

Geos Mining Geos Mining Ibam 350 Geos Ibam 350 Geos Kertau 1948W Malayan RSO JORC Geos Geos

Ibam 350 (50)12291.21Zhongjin Mining Geological Survey and Exploration Institute (Zhongjin)5155.5 Zhongjin1:20001.62 Ibam 350 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteIbam 350 GeosZhongjin Surong GeosII 12 PT Intertek Utama ServicesKANNATA 15% GeosGeosGarmin GPSMap 62SGPS Geos 50

Zhongjin Zhongjin Geos Mining Geos MicromineIbam 350(3D) Geos Mining Geos Mining50Geos Mining Geos Mining Geos Mining Geos MiningLlyle SawyerSue Border Sue Border (BSc Hons, Gr Dip, FAIG, FAusIMM, MMICA) Border35Sue SueGeos SueGeos Mining Sue GeosSue Sue Sue BorderAusIMMAIG

Llyle Sawyer (BAppSc, MAppSc, MAIG) Sawyer 15Geos Mining Llyle Geos Mining Llyle Sawyer Sue Border Llyle SawyerSue Border (JORC)Llyle SawyerSue Border Sue Border BSc Hons, Gr Dip, FAIG, FAusIMM, MMICA Geos MiningGeos Mining Geos MiningGeos Mining Geos Mining Geos Mining Geos Mining Geos Mining

Ibam 350 JORC Geos Mining Geos Mining Geos Mining Geos Mining Ibam 350135.9 Bukit Ibam412Bukit Ibam CML 17/2010-Ibam 350 Bukit Ibam421 WGS84 WGS84 Kertau 48 Kertau 48 X Y A 102 º 56'11.08932" 03 º 12'4.713516" 549906 354000 B 102 º 57'16.75008" 03 º 12'4.784184" 551012 354000 C 102 º 56'11.12424" 03 º 11'32.060328" 551012 353000 D 102 º 57'16.78428" 03 º 11'32.130996" 549402 353000 1 Ibam 350

Ibam 350 3 Ibam 350Bukit Ibam182150 1Bukit Ibam 1821 32

1Google EarthWGS 84Ibam 350 Bukit Ibam

2Ibam 350Google EarthWGS 84 Bukit Ibam

1Ibam 350


3Ibam 350 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 80-90% 2030 5080 2500 Ibam 350 200025001800 11

Banjaran TitiwangsaNegeri Sembila Ibam 350Banjaran Titiwangsa23 2101460 3S. Cipai River55 165 3Ibam 350 Bukit Sembilan321Ibam 350 3

Ibam 350Bukit Ibam Stateland 90% (LDF)300(HDF)300750 (UDF)7501,200Ibam 350LDF HDF123 Ibam 350 (Department of Wildlife and National Parks) Bukit Ibam State Forest15 Jakun Banjaran Titiwangsa3 Ibam 350S.Cipai RiverS.Cipai RiverS.Cipai River3S.Cipai River 3S.Cipai River2.5S. Jeran River S.Rompin River

Ibam 3502000 300043 4World Weather Online GeosZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Ibam 350 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 4Bukit IbamBukit IbamBukit Ibam Bukit Ibam

Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute1-2 12000 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute III45-52I II9-21 331 JORC109.0947.04% 33353.08 JORC331333162.1753.9 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Surong 50,000pers. comm. Capture Advantage5 161,361 Sunda Shield Banjaran Titiwangsa

Machinchang Kenny Hill SingaKati (i)(ii)(iii) (iv)5 Gagau

Panti Mengapur Sungai PergauSungai Galas (Lubuk Mandi)(Gunung Ledang)Bukit Ibam, Ibam 350 HassanZakariaLeeZaidi Hassan Sri Medan Sri MedanBukit BesiMachang Satahun Bukit Besi (Bukit Ibam) Bukit BesiGunong Jerai Mengapur Sri MedanBukit Kepong 60% 1850.0 77.5%67%

5Ibam 350(?)

40%66.4%49% 83 Bukit Besi74 Zaidi Hassan 50-60% 40% Ibam 350 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Guamusang Group 4I III Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute

4656 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 445 Ibam 350 Ibam350 75%15%Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 30225343 900

52.9254.86107.78 921 III31%61% 46.8%Zhongjin0.01%0.05%0.02% 0.07%0.011%0.036%0.058%0.1% 33.2%Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 30.62% 8.25%18.71% ZhongjinI II Zhongjin Zhongjin Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 50 4,998 %GeosZhongjinGeos 42 Zhongjin Zhongjin

ZhongjinZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Ibam 35031005 60802 48.9219 33503III 316408 GeosZhongjinZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 124 PT Intertek Utama Services of Jakarta Indonesia Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteX 4,998Zhongjin Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteGeos 2 (%) (%) (%) 3,073 46.82 61.43 31.09 1,925 24.49 51.09 3.04 4,998 38.22 61.43 3.04 25 27.75 75 48.45 2Geos

3 ZhongjinZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Geos4,998 38.22% % 43.44 0.09 0.248 4.38 33.20 0.15 0.283 0.079 0.083 0.008 0.003 % 0.054 0.004 0.026 0.041 0.002 0.005 0.002 0.034 0.006 0.006 3Zhongjin ZhongjinZhongjin Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Zhongjin5133513256 Geos Mining Zhongjin 124 PT Intertek Utama Services of Jakarta Indonesia 41.3%60.3% 4

L1 41.74 0.034 0.098 30.18 4.52 L2 41.32 0.036 0.1 30.55 4.73 L3 41.86 0.035 0.098 30.62 4.59 L4 41.6 0.035 0.097 30.5 4.72 M1 54.53 0.027 0.078 16.8 2.53 M2 53.75 0.026 0.075 17 2.58 M3 53.98 0.027 0.072 16.63 2.57 M4 53.9 0.026 0.071 16.74 2.58 H1 59.93 0.012 0.058 9.07 1.68 H2 59.54 0.012 0.067 9.65 1.66 H3 60.06 0.011 0.058 8.52 1.64 H4 60.26 0.011 0.061 8.26 1.64 4 Zhongjin8-1 8-2 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteGeos II ZhongjinI (60%)4-6% 42Zhongjin D = W1 (W2-W3) ( W2-W1 ) d

D W1 W2 W3 d 423.78Zhongjin Geos Geos 42 SG1.57100 * 4.9 1.57 4.9 3.75Zhongjin Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Zhongjin5% Geos

JORC JORC 6 6 6 6 Ibam

JORC 6 Ibam 350(3D)Micromine 3D 3D Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 2D10 III 35% Zhongjin () 60

I Micromine Kriging2 20x 20x 57 >35% MicromineIII Micromine


Geos15235% 46.5%5 (%) I 23.8 91.8 46.5 II 15.6 60.2 46.6 39.4 152.0 46.5 5Ibam 350 JORC 11046.7% 6 (%) I 17.5 67.6 46.6 II 11.1 42.8 46.8 28.6 110.4 46.7 6Ibam 350 4246.4%

7 (%) I 6.3 24.2 46.4 II 4.5 17.4 46.4 10.8 41.6 46.4 7Ibam 350 GeosZhongjinZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute86.5% (%) I 26,201,738 99,042,569.64 46.94 II 16,701,552 63,131,866.56 47.14 (331333) 42,903,290 162,174,436.20 47.04 8Ibam 350>35%ZhongjinZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute

Zhongjin20%35% IIIGeos9 (331) 71,718,827.35 (333) 7,614,000.00 (331333) 79,332,827.35 9Ibam 35020%-35%ZhongjinPers comm, Capture Advantage, 2011 79.3Zhongjin162.2 241.520% GeosZhongjin Geos20%35% Geos Geos241.5 Geos15235% 46.5%JORC () 11035%46.7% 4235%46.4% Surong 5

GeosGeos Geos 138.947.09%273.8 412.65 404,908138.5 Geos105 44.8% Geos Geos15210% 5,000,00027 Zhongjin 293224 II Geos20% 20%35%III Geos Mining

ZhongjinGeos9 79.3Zhongjin162.2 241.533133320% Geos Mining Geos

404,908 10 40,121 38.2 42.3 42.6 64,101 45.2 46.6 45.8 27,956 47.2 47.5 47.4 9,956 47.5 48.2 48.1 50,185 48.1 48.3 41.4 72,678 42.4 46.6 44.3 61,006 42.8 47.5 47.2 78,905 47.9 47.8 404,908 10 5 11 1.97:12.75:1 v/v 6.5 68 81545

95%5% (%) 1 423,300 1,600,00 44.5 5,076,700 13,707,100 5,500,000 15,307,100 2 992,100 3,750,000 44.7 4,897,900 13,224,400 5,890,000 16,974,400 3 1,322,800 5,000,000 45.1 4,657,200 12,574,600 5,980,000 17,574,600 4 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.6 4,657,200 12,331,600 5,890,000 17,331,600 5 1,322,800 5,000,000 45.1 4,457,200 12,034,600 5,780,000 17,034,600 6 1,322,800 5,000,000 45.3 3,657,200 9,874,600 4,980,000 14,874,600 7 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.8 3,557,200 9,604,600 4,880,000 14,604,600 8 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.7 3,497,200 9,442,600 4,820,000 14,442,600 9 1,322,800 5,000,000 43.9 3,487,200 9,415,600 4,810,000 14,415,600 10 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.9 3,457,200 9,334,600 4,780,000 14,334,600 11 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.5 2,567,200 6,931,600 3,890,000 11,931,600 12 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.8 2,457,200 6,634,600 3,780,000 11,634,600 13 1,322,800 5,000,000 45.3 2,427,200 6,553,600 3,750,000 11,553,600 14 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.7 2,427,200 6,553,600 3,750,000 11,553,600 15 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.5 2,377,200 6,418,600 3,700,000 11,418,600 16 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.6 2,457,200 6,634,600 3,780,000 11,634,600 17 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.5 547,200 1,477,600 1,870,000 6,477,600 18 1,322,800 5,000,000 45.7 437,200 1,180,600 1,760,000 6,180,600 19 1,322,800 5,000,000 45.2 427,200 1,153,600 1,750,000 6,153,600 20 1,322,800 5,000,000 45.1 437,248 1,180,600 1,760,000 6,180,600 21 1,322,800 5,000,000 45.3 427,200 1,153,600 1,750,000 6,153,600 22 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.6 227,200 613,600 1,550,000 5,613,600 23 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.7 227,200 613,600 1,550,000 5,613,600 24 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.5 127,200 343,600 1,450,000 5,343,600 25 1,322,800 5,000,000 44.9 27,200 73,600 1,350,000 5,073,600 26 1,322,800 5,000,000 45.3 127,200 343,600 1,450,000 5,343,600 27 1,029,500 3,891,500 44.7 324,500 876,200 1,354,000 4,767,700 28 781,000 2,952,300 44.3 0.00 0.00 781,000 2,952,300 29 534,900 2,022,100 44.3 0.00 0 534,900 2,022,100 35,506,800 134,215,900 44.7 59,363,100 160,280,400 94,869,940 294,496,300 11 Zhongjin 150

150Geos Geos 330 25 155 12 15,000,000 45,455 15,152 5,000,000 15,152 5,051 10,000,000 30,304 10,101 12 ZhongjinZhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 0.19000 OeZhongjing60.16%

61.27%85.09%10061.27 60.12%38.73 (%) 60.49 0.031 0.027 9.36 1.15 0.18 0.23 13Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Grange Resources36.73%Bukit Ibam 60%Grange Resources Surong GeosSurong 30 Surong(13%) (80%) 46.2%59.4% 71.4%91.8%821 26000Oe4000Oe Surong 8Surong 8 70%200

58% 8200200 1 5068 Ibam 350 50,000Pers. Comm. 64,000

80% Sungai Cipai Sungai Cipai 5 IbamGeos5 Ibam 350

142.5 3.2 Ibam 35050.5 5 1577 Geos 50.577 Geos 3,180,000 100,510 178,770 1,204,000 2,496,000 36 $11.61 36 $11.61 25 $ 8.06 25 $ 8.06 25 $ 8.06 40 $12.90 40 $12.90 40 $12.90 40 $12.90 40 $12.90 76 $24.52 76 $24.52 65 $20.96 65 $20.96 65 $20.96 19.6 $ 6.32 19.6 $ 6.32 14.3 $ 4.61 14.3 $ 4.61 14.3 $ 4.61 3 $ 0.97 3 $ 0.97 3 $ 0.97 3 $ 0.97 3 $ 0.97 6 $ 1.94 6 $ 1.94 6 $ 1.94 6 $ 1.94 6 $ 1.94 18 $ 5.81 18 $ 5.81 18 $ 5.81 18 $ 5.81 18 $ 5.81 $ 2 $ 0.65 2 $ 0.65 2 $ 0.65 2 $ 0.65 46.6 $15.03 48.6 $15.68 43.3 $13.98 43.3 $13.98 43.3 $13.98 1.2 $ 0.39 1.2 $ 0.39 1.2 $ 0.39 1.2 $ 0.39 1.2 $ 0.39 40.8 $13.16 40.8 $13.16 30.9 $ 9.97 30.9 $ 9.97 30.9 $ 9.97 164.6 $53.10 166.6 $53.74 140.4 $45.30 140.4 $45.30 140.4 $45.30 4.2 $ 1.36 3.9 $ 1.25 3.9 $ 1.25 3.9 $ 1.25 3.9 $ 1.25 168.8 $54.46 170.5 $54.99 144.3 $46.55 144.3 $46.55 144.3 $46.55 46.5 $15.00 46.5 $15.00 46.5 $15.00 46.5 $15.00 46.5 $15.00 215.3 $69.46 217 $69.99 190.8 $61.55 190.8 $61.55 190.8 $61.55 14

1. 3.11 2. 3. 2,496,0003,180,000 4. 5. Geos Mining 6. 7. 3.65 47.46 51.11 72% 12.54 12.54 19% 0.33 5.92 6.25 8.93% 0.37 0.37 0.56% 3.98 66.29 70.27 100% (10%) 6.63 6.63 3.98 72.92 76.90 15

Geos 16 1.4 7 5 15% 16Geos Mining 10.3150.3 0.33 11060% Fe125 Index Mundi Ibam 100130 110100 Geos Mining 80%Surong 92% 15%10%

14 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute Geos 4550

3.78x10 5 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute 1.50x10 5 150Geos

5 5 Sungai Cipai

Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute

o o o o




Ibam 350Bukit Ibam90%



Geos Mining SurongGeos Geos Mining 17 18 Geos Mining A B C D E 1 1 2 4 7 11 1-6 A 1 2 3 5 8 12 16 7-15 B 2 3 6 9 13 17 20 16-25 C 3 4 10 14 18 21 23 D 4 5 15 19 22 24 25 E 5 17 Geos

18 13 17 13 17 13 13 17 8 13 13

9 13 17 <200 18 4 8 5 18 Gema Impak Sdn BhdIbam 350 Ibam 350JORC(2004) 15246.5% 5 Ibam 350 Bukit IbamBukit Ibam4

150 Geos Mining Geos 10544.8% Ibam 350 Ibam 350 Geos Mining 1 0.1

2 53,000 42,000 3 42,000 4 0.2 0.5 5 53,000 6

Index Mundi[] iron-ore Taojinping Ibam 3505 Stoker, P. Surong, M.Ibam 350 Weatherstone, N. World Weather Online[] Pahang-Fa/2639098/info.aspx Zaidi Hassan, M. R. Z. L. A. Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration InstituteIbam 350 Zhongjin Geological Survey and Exploration Institute

Geos Mining Capture Advantage Co ltdgeos Mining Ibam Geos Mining 60%

65.5 (CAA O3) 542488.3 359299 X X95% 14565



25065 Micromine 1% NONO2

P 542251 2 2.588

S 3:1

250200 2000X10001000X500 3060% 2030%B100 50100C200100200 X