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102 1 Biblical Definitions of God Source of the Knowledge of God Antithetic Theories The Personality of God The Attributes of God 1) The Non-Moral Attributes of God 2) The Moral Attributes of God The Names of God 1) Primary Names 2) Compound Names The Works of God 1) Creation 2) Preservation 3) Providence

2 102 Biblical Definitions of God 1. ( 4:24) 1) 2) 3) 4) 2. ( 1:5) ( ) 3. ( 4:16) 4. ( 12:29) Source of the Knowledge of God 5. Intuition 6. Tradition 7. Reason 8. Revelation Disclosure 1). 2). a) Spoken Word, b) Written Word, c) Living Word

102 3 Antithetic Theories 1. Atheism ( 14:1, 53:1) 2. Agnosticism 3. Evolution 4. Materialism 5. Idealism 6. Pantheism 7. Deism 8. Polytheism 9. Dualism 10. Monism The Personality of God 1. 2. 3. The Attributes of God The Non-Moral Attributes of God 1 Life ( 10:10, 1:9) 2 Spiritual ( 4:24, 4:15-20) 3 Personality ( 1:26-27) 4 Immutability ( 4:20-21, 46:10, 1:20) 5 Omnipotence ( 19:26, 32:17) 6 Omniscience ( 139:2-4) 7 Omnipresence ( 139:7-9, 28:20) The Names of God The Moral Attributes of God Holiness ( 1:15-16) Righteousness ( 184,9,25) Justice ( 58:11, 2:6-7) Love ( 4:8, 3:16, 5:6-8) Mercy ( 103:8) Grace ( 2:9) Truth ( 5:20, 1:14, 3:33, 14:6)

4 102 1. Primary Names 1). Jehovah (Yaweh YWH) 3:15, 6: 33, 6: 6, 20: 2 2). Elohim(God) 1:1, ( ) ( 1:26 :......) 3). Adonai (Lord) Master4:10-12, 7:8-11 2. (Compound Names) 1). Jehovah (Yaweh YWH) Jehovah Elohim Lord God 1: 4 2). ( El- ) El Shaddai () El Elyon El Olam ( ) 3). Jehovah-jireh ( 22:14) Jehovah-rapha ( 15:26) Jehovah-nissi ( 17:15) Jehovah-shalom ( 6:23) Jehovah-raah ( 23:1) Jehovah-tsidkenu ( 23:) Jehovah-shammah ( 48:35) The Works of God 1. Creation 2. Preservation 3. Providence

102 5 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. 4. Hypostatic Union 1. 2. 3. 4. 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. a. b. c. 3. 1. Paul P. Enns 1992 2. Kevin J. Conner 1990 3. Guy P. DuffieldN. M. Van Cleave 1999

6 102 1. 13-15 2. a. The Ebionites b. The Gnostics c. The Arians d. (The Apollinarians) e. The Nestorians f. (The Eutychians g. (The Monophysites 3. a. (Eternal existence) 1-2 1 b. 1-2 c. 6 1. a. Incarnation 14 7-8 16 b. 1 15 6 14 2 2 18 9 3 17-18 15 16 4 26 45 5 8 6 21 7 28 18-25 c. 1

102 7 2 + 3 2. a. 1 a 1-3 3-5 b 1-3 27 30 c 4 21-26 16 d 18 17 9 10 e 30 24-25 f 20 20 23 g 8 6 17 h 44-50 I 9-11 2 a 34 27-30 22 b 5-6 30 c 9-10 16 d 5 e 13 16 f 14 17 g 17 6 b. 1 8 28 13 2 6 3 4 19 25 5 ( 7-8 11 13 16 6( 6 17 18 7 1 14 13 1-2 8 14-15 56-58 12-16 9 16 c. 32 9 13 44 21 34-37 11 1 3 1-5 1-4 10 10 16-17 2 26 30 16-17 3 23-27 0 29 4 1-7 8 5 2 21-24 4 25 22 6 15-21 22-24 7 28-29 25 21 1 15

8 102 8 22-24 31 10 31-46 9 3 17 10 28 2 11 10-12 5 28 d. 1 30 38 23 10 2 41-52 48 33-34 3 37-38 26 4 56-58 1-5 14-15 525 4 6 4) 3. a. 1 18 12 2 1 3 3 23-38 4 15 4 b. 1 21 2 ( 28 64-65 56 13 4) 3 9 57 4 71 10 5 45-47 c. 1 52 40 3 2 ( 40 52 2 15 3 52 21 27 12 4 52 d. 1 6 2 7 28 3 2 18 4 24 5 33 6 35 37 38 7 18 8 13 32 34 e. 46 33 44 9 f. 7 14 34 4.

102 9 (theanthropic Person) 1. a. 1) (The Accident Theory) 2) (The Martyr Theory) 3) (The Moral Influence Theory) 4) (The Governmental Theory) 5) (The Commercial Theory) 6) (The Eradication Theory) b. 1) ( 8, 18-20, 22-23) 2) ( 30-31, 8-12, 21-25) 3) a) (Vicarious) 5-6, 3, 21, 8 b) (Atonement) 11, 2-7, 13-20 9, 17, 19, 10 c) (Propitiation) 25, 2, 17 d) (Reconciliation) 10, 18 e) (Ransom / Redemption) 68, 38, 12, 45, 14 ( 9-10) ( 21) ( 13) 4) a) ( 6,2,12-14) b) ( 14) c) ( 13) d) ( 4, 14) e) ( 24) f) ( 20) g) ( 26, 14-15) h) ( 14, 18, 54-57)

10 102 2. a. 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) b. 1) 2) ( 7, 44) 3) ( 1-10, 13-35, 5-8) 4) 5) ( 26, 7, 2, 10) 6) ( 24-32, 15, 2) c. 1) ( 21, 4) 2) ( 9, 25, 3) 3) ( 17, 34, 25) 4) ( 10, 19-20) 5) ( 14, 14, 19) 6) ( 31, 42, 22, 25-29) 3. 8 4. ( 9) ( 32-36) ( 9-11)

102 11 1. ( 15-18, 22-23) ( 18) ( 1, 1-4, 33) 2. ( 1-10) ( 20-28) ( 20) ( 19-21) 3. ( 110:1, 8) ( 19-20) ( 14, 11-19) ( 17, 1) ( 3,16)

102 12 -- ( ) -- -- -- (not full atonement) -- -- -- -- (Stake, ) -- 1914 -- -- -- (model) (guru) -- (ascended master) -- -- (Tibet) -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- (karma) -- (self-awareness) TM -- (reborn)

102 13 1. 2. 3. 4.

14 102 a. 1. 9 14 2. 139 7-8 3. 1 2, 1 35, 26 13 4. 2 10-11 14 26 16 12-13 5. 11 13 6. 5 7 7. 9 20 8. 13 14 b. 1. 1 2 33 4 104 30 2. 6 11 3. 6 63 4. 3 5-6 5. 1 21 6. 16 8-11 c. 1. 12 11 2. 9 20 8 27 3. 2 10-12 4. 1 8 5. 15 30 6. 4 30 d. 1. 3 21-22 2. 14 26 e. 1. " " 28 19 2. " " 13 14 3. " " 14 16

102 15 1. 14 16 2. 14 26 3. 15 26 4. 16 8-11 5. 16 13 6. 16 14 7. 8 26-27 8. 3 5-7 a.. 3 11 1 8 3 16 1 30-33 19 1-5 3 5 2 16-17 1 4-5 1 12-14 1 12-14 b. 5 18 c. 1. 7 37 2. 7 37 3. 2 38 4. 4 6 5 5 5 32 5. 1 14 4 31 6. 8 17 19 6

16 102 A. 3-8 1-11 28-31, 1-16 1. 12 11 2. 7 7 3. 4 12 4. 12 27 4 16 16 14 12 27 4 16 16 14 5. 12 7 6. 4 14 7. 1 6 8. 12 31 B. 1. a. b. c. 2. a. b. c. 3. a. b. c. C. 1. 1 4-8

102 17 2. 4 11-16 1. ( 4 46 6 10 4 46 6 10 16 17 12 10 2. 3. 1.

18 102 2. 22-23 22-23 a. 4 16 13 1) 4 16 13 1 b. 4 4 c. 3 15 d. e. f. g. h. 2 25 3 15 2 25 3 15 i. 5 19-21 " " 5 24 19-21 5 24 3. a. 12 24 b. 5 2

102 19 c. 12 23 d. 14 8 15 4 14 8 15 4 e. 1 11 1 10 1 11 1 10 f. 16 14 13

20 102 (the Authority of Scripture) I. II. III. IV. (the Clarity of Scripture) I. V. VI.? (the Necessity of Scripture) I. II. III. VII. V. (the Sufficiency of Scripture) I. II. III. IV.

102 21 (1) (the Authority of Scripture) I. 1. (a) (thus saith the Lord) (b) (thus saith the Lord) (c) (through) (d) 34:16.. ( 3:16; 1:21; 1:22; 7:14) 2. (a) ( 2:14) (b) ( 10:27) 3. (a) (1) (2) (3) (4) (b) ( ) 4. (a) (b) (c)

22 102 II. 1. ( 24:25) 2. ( 66:2) III. 1. (a) (b) ( 1:2) (c) (d) ( 6:18; 23:19) 2. (a) (b) ( 119: 89) (c) ( 12: 6; 30: 5) 3. (a) ( 17: 17) (b) (true) (truth) V. 1. (God-breathed) ( 3: 16) 2. (2) (the Clarity of Scripture) I. 1. ( 6: 6-7) 2. ( 19: 7; 119: 130) II. 1. ( 2: 13-14) 2. ( 29: 13-14) III. 1. ( 15: 16) 2. ( 24: 25) 3.

102 23 4. 5. (3) (the Necessity of Scripture) I. 1. ( 10: 17) 2. 3. ( 4: 2; 2: 5-7) II. 1. ( 4: 4; 8: 3) 2. ( 2: 2) 3. 4. III. 1. ( ) 2. 3. ( 29: 29; 31: 31) IV. 1. ( ) ( ) ( 19: 1) 2. ( 1: 19-20) 3. V. 1. ( ) ( 2: 14-15) 2. 3. 4. (General revelation) (Special revelation)

24 102 (4) (the Sufficiency of Scripture) ( ) I. 1. ( 3: 15) 2. ( 3: 16-17) II. 1. ( 119: 1) 2. ( 6: 8) 3. ( 1: 18) III. 1. ( 4: 2) 2. ( 22: 18-19) IV. 1. ( 29: 29) 2.

102 25 Human Origin 1. 2. - Human Composition 1. 2. 3. 4. Human Sin 1. 2. 3. Human Salvation 1. 2. 3.

26 102 Creation 1. 1.1. 1.2. ( 7) 1.3. 25 1.4. : 1,, 9 6 37 1 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 1.5. :,,, 7 2. 2.1. 2.2. 1859 The Origin of Species A. R. Wallace Creation and Natural Theology, The Principle of Geology, Omphalos 1 2 3 4 Luis Berkhof Missing Link Charles Hodge 1

102 27 2 (Descent of Man) 3 (E. C. Payne) Texas Science Academy (Dr. D. E. Sanden) 1 Sir James Jean Eric T. Bell 2George H. Mead 3 4 56 7 8 9 10 11 12 Lady Hope 2.3. Concordism - Composition 1. 7 -

28 102 1 ; 2) 1.1. 7 28 1.2. 13 14 1-4 43 2. Dichotomy or Dualism spirit or soul - 2.1. 7 2.2. - 18 21 2.3. 8 spirit 6 soul 27 soul 50 spirit 9 soul spirit soul 3. Trichotomy 3.1. 7 3.2. 23 23 12 12 Carnal

102 29 SoulishSpiritual 14-1 4. ( ) (Realism) Sin 1. 1.1. 10 : 4 : ( 15) 13 ( 26 31) 1.2. 31 44 12-15, 6 Iranaeus John Hick perfect and final state 1 2 3 4 5

30 102 1.3. 2. 1-2 2.1. 1 sin of commission 19-21 29-31 2 sin of omission 17 2.2. 13 28 3. 3.1. 46 10-12 : 1) 16 12 2 3 5 3 1-2 30-31 3.2. 1 2 3.3. Seneca Goethe

102 31 Salvation 1. 17 33 38-41 8 10 3 5 1.1. (Dispensationalism) : Pierre Poiret (1646-1719), John Edwards (1637-1716), Isaac Watts (1674-1748), John Nelson Darby (1800-1882), C.I. Scofield (1843-1921), Lewis Sperry Chafer, Charles Ryrie, Dwight Pentecost, John Walvoord (, ): Dallas Theological Seminary, Chafer Theological Seminary, Grace Theological Seminary, Moody Bible Institute, Multnomah School of the Bible, Philadelphia College of the Bible, Talbot Theological Seminary, Western Conservative Baptist Seminary Scofield Bible Rightly Dividing the Truth 1 Innocence - Adam 2 Conscience - After man sinned, up to the flood 3 Government - After the flood, man allowed to eat meat, death penalty instituted 4 Promise - - Abraham up to Moses and the giving of the Law 5 Law - Moses to the cross 6 Grace - The cross to the Millennial Kingdom 7 Millennial Kingdom - - A 1000-year reign of Christ on earth centered in Jerusalem

32 102 (Exploring the Bible)... : 1. Dispensation, Oikonomia 1:17 1:10 3:2 1:25 2. 2:14,15 4:13-17 3. 4. 1.2. Irenaeus) 1.3. 2. 2.1. 6 15 2.2. 2 15 24 2.3. 20 15 18-20 3. 3.1. 1 2 3 2.2. 2.3. 20-21

102 33 2.4. 2.5.

34 102 1. 2. 3. 4. 4:14 5.

102 35 I. 16:7 1:16 4:11, 18:10 ( 2:18; 1:7) 1. 9:6; 1:16; 103:20-22, 148:2,5 2. 1:14; 6:12 3. 14:20; 22:8-9 4. 14:20; 24:36; 3:8-10; 1:12; 2:11 5. 8:44; 2:4; 5:21; 6:10, 18:10; 20:36 1. 33:2; 5:9; 5:11 2. 1:14; 11:3; 1:13; 2:7, 3:1; 11:10; 1:2; 7:24; 1:6; 29:1 3. a. (Cherubim) 3:23-24; 9:5; 22:11; 1; 4 b. (Seraphim) 6:1 c. 3:10; 1:16. 2:10 d. (Gabriel Michael) 8:15, 9:21; 18:31

36 102 1. 38:7; 103:20, 148:2; 5:11-12 2. a. 29:1-2 b. 38:1-7 c. 103:20 d. 10:11-12; 21 e. 2:18 f. 19:5-7 g. 19:6-7, 35-37 1. 2. II. 28:12-19; 14:12-17 8:44; 1:6-12; 4:1-11 1. ( 13:19) 2. ( 11:3) 3. ( 8:44) 4. ( 8:44) 5. ( 12:9) 1. ( 11:13-15) 2. ( 5:8) 3. ( 2:2) 4. ( 1:13) 5. ( 12:9) 6. ( 14:30) 7. ( 4:4)

102 37 8. ( 9:11) 1. ( 5:8) 2. ( 13:25,30) 3. ( 4:4) 4. ( 12:10) 5. ( 22:31) 6. ( 5:5) 1. ( 2:4) 2. ( 6:12) 3. ( 8:44) 4. 1. ( 12:7) 2. ( 12:12) 3. ( 20:1-3) 4. ( 20:3) 5. ( 20:7-8) 6. ( 20:7-10)

38 102. 1. ( ) 2. ( ) 3. ( ) 4. ( Already But Not Yet ) 5. = ( )?. 1. 2. 3. 4.

102 39. ( )??, 1. A. 1-4 (750B.C.) ( 1-2) 1) 2 : 2) 3 : 3) 3 : B. (550B.C.) 1) 44 2) 18 2. A. ( 25B.C.): ( 1-2) B. ( 30-33B.C.) 1) ( 17) 2) ( 1) 3) ( 1) 4) ( 1-7) 5), ( 20-21) 6), ( 13-14) C. ( 50-51) ( ) 3. ( ) A. 28-32, ( 17) - 2 B. ( 5) - 2 C. ( 5) - 3 D. ( 37-42) - 44, 18 E. 33 ( 1 2) - : ( 1-2) - : ( 17) F. ( 14) - 1( ) G. ( 8; 1-4) - 1 H. ( 38) - ( 1-7) I. ( 37) - 20-21 J. ( 14,38) - 19

40 102 4. ( Already But Not Yet ) A. 1-7:,,,. B. 22, 5 :,,. C. 14:,,. D. 1,2,,,. : 2; 3 : 1; 3 1-7, 22, 5, 14, ( ),. 5. = ( ) 43 16. 1. A. ( 8 ) B. 24,25; 13; 21 C.,, D. ( 9,10 ; 23-35; 7; 5; 7) E. 1) ( 12,13) 2) ( 12-14; 13) 3) ( 25) 4) ( 13-16; 2-4) 5) ( 9-10, 11-12,19-20) 6) ( 14-18) F., ( 13) 2. A. ( 16-17) B. ( 2,3; 11) C. ( 7) D. ( 31) 3.

102 41 A. ( 36) B. ( 14) C. ( ; ; ) D. ( 1-3; 1-7; 1-3; 1-12; 1-8; 1-10) E.,., 1), ( 3; 11-16, 2-5; 8, 24, 11-12, 8) 32, 28, 29-30, 2), ; 3), ; 4), ; 5), 4. ;. ( 16-17). ( 21).,,, ( 18, 3, 1). ( 1-6). ( 7- ),,?,,. 1. A. ( 15-18; 51-52; 2,3; 1-3; 10),,,? B. ( 3-22; 18,19, 33; 1,2),,,,. C. 1) 27,. 2) 15, ( 2,3) 3), ( 10) ( 10) 4) 11-12,,. D. ( 28; 36; 28; 1-13),,,,

42 102,,,,,. 2., (Millennium).,.,,,,,? A. (Historic Pre-millennialism) 1) -, ( ).,,,,. 2).. 3),,,,,,,,. 4),,. 5) -,.George Eldon Ladd( ) 3,4-5.Ladd 23-26,,,. B. (Post-millennialism) 1),,,.Loraine Boettner( ). 2) Boettner,,, ( 7-10) 3)? Boettner B.B. Warfield ( )-,. J. Marcellus Kik ( )-, ( 6). 4) - 1. 18-20( )-,,.

102 43 2. 18-. 3., ( : 21; 8, 27-29, ; 2-4, 6-9,, ; 31-34; 9-10, 1, 9) 4. ( 33) 5. ; 16-17; 15. C. (Amillennialism) D. - (Dispensational Pre-millennialism)