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1979 M. 1 2 1 See Annabel M. Patterson How to Load and Bend Syntax and Interpretation in Keats's To Autumn in PMLA vol. 94 No. 3 May 1979 pp. 449-458. 2 1995 5 2004 1 2004 3 54

1 2 to the core 3 load bend See Syntax 449-458 conspiring conspiring 4 5 1 See Danald C. Freeman Keats's To Autumn Poetry as Process and Pattern in Language and Style 11 1978 pp. 3-17. 2 1986 2 3 Richard Marggraf Turley Full-grown lambs Immaturity and To Autumn in Romanticism on the Net Numéro 28 Nov. 2002 http / /id. erudit. org /iderudit /007210ar 4 2006 6 5 See Geoffrey Hartman Poem and Ideology A Study of Keats's To Autumn in Literary Theory and Structure eds. F. Brady J. Palmer and M. Price New Haven Yale University Press 1973. 55

No. 4 2011 1 2 / See Syntax 449-458 1819 3 4 a wailful choir dying day core kernel a temperate sharpness chaste weather 5 1 Jonathan Bate The Ode To Autumn as Ecosystem in Laurence Coupe ed. The Green Studies Reader From Romanticism to Ecocriticism London Routledge 2000 p. 260. 2 2007 6 3 2007 2 4 See Geoffrey Hartman Poem and Ideology A Study of Keats's To Autumn in Literary Theory and Structure eds. F. Brady J. Palmer and M. Price rpt. in The Fate of Reading pp. 124-146. 5 56 2002 385-386

1 2 1 See Virgil Nemoianu The Dialectics of Movement in Keats's To Autumn in PMLA vol. 93 No. 2 Mar. 1978 pp. 205-214. 2 Morse Peckham The Romantic Virtuoso Hannover University Press of New England 1995 p. 113. 57

No. 4 2011 load bend fill swell plump laden head cider-press though it blows legend-laden through the trees legend-laden 390 302 330 330 1819 4 21 58 vale of Soul-making Intelligence

a system of Spirit Creation the human heart 330-331 1818 5 3 132 1 1818 10 27 identity no identity identity 1 M. H. 2010 356 59

No. 4 2011 214 no identity negative capability 230 212 1 1819 4 21 330 1819 3 19 1 See Bertram L. Woodruff Keats's Wailful Choir of Small Gnats in Modern Language Notes vol. 68 No. 4 Apr. 1953 pp. 217-220. 60

302 1819 1 330 1 1760-1830 / 1998 240 61

No. 4 2011 1 conspiring 2 time element space element 3 4 5 1 See Virgil Nemoianu The Dialectics of Movement in Keats's To Autumn in PMLA vol. 93 No. 2 Mar. 1978 pp. 205-214. 2 3 4 62 2003 9 1997 4 2010 8 5 1982 125

1 2 3 conspiring bless careless soft-lifted Drows'd spares patient 1819 1 2007 180 2 1963 247 3 253 63

No. 4 2011 19 1781 1 133 20 1976 2010 32 1 2004 39 64