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Introduction Musculoskeletal disorders are very common occupational health problems. Most of the work-related musculoskeletal disorders are upper limb problems, in which hand or forearm tenosynovitis and carpal tunnel syndrome are the most commonly found occupational diseases ses in Hong Kong. In 2010, there were 48 confirmed cases of occupational diseases related to upper limb musculoskeletal disorders, which accounted for approximately 70.6% of the total number of occupational diseases. Sedentary workers require to perform clerical duties and computer operation, are also exposed to the risk of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders. We are going to discuss the risk factors of sedentary workers suffering from upper limb musculoskeletal disorders s and the preventive measures.

Risk factors of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders Shoulders, upper arms, elbows, wrists and fingers are body parts of upper limbs. Most of the work is inseparable from operation with hands. If forceful and repetitive upper limbs movement is frequently required, especially when the activities are conducted in awkward postures maintained at the same position for prolonged period of time, it will lead to upper limb musculoskeletal disorders. Carpal tunnel syndrome, tennis elbow, golf elbow and De Quervain s are the most common types of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders suffered by the sedentary workers. Risk factors of upper limb musculoskeletal disorders: Forceful exertion in both hands, wrists or arms Improper working postures and frequent and rapid upper limb motions Awkward and static working postures maintained over a long period of time Frequent overstretch movements of upper limbs Operating a single process for a long period of time Lack of proper work arrangement and guidance to new staff Extreme temperature or poorly lighted working environment

Preventive Measures Avoid forceful exertion Operate keyboard gently and do not grip mouse or press buttons with excessive force. Reduce repetitive movements or static postures Try to organize a mixture of work task to increase job diversity, for example, try to do filing or take a short break after spending one to two hours on computer work.

350-600 Avoid awkward working postures Place the screen right in front of the user to avoid tilting his/her head to one side. Keep a distance of 350-600mm from the screen to avoid leaning over the whole body when the screen is too far away. Place keyboard and mouse at the same level to keep wrists straight and avoid bending. Place keyboard and mouse in a proper position to avoid over stretching of upper arms. Use portable keyboards and mouse and prop up the computer on a higher level to accommodate for proper working postures, when using notebook computers for a long period of time. Rest and stretch Take adequate rest to recover from muscle fatigue. Take some short breaks in a day to stretch out as to restore physical strength.

6 http://www.oshc.org.hk/tchi/download/download.asp Computer work for prolonged periods of time may cause repetitive strain injuries and visual fatigue. A safe design workstation is surely an effective control measures, computer user carries out some simple stretching exercises during a break are also important. The computer stretching exercise software produced by the Council is designed to remind user to do stretching exercises after a period of time. The program has totally 6 sets of stretching exercises; user can install the program by selecting the required exercises, character, background and waiting time. For details please browse at www.oshc.org.hk/tchi/download/download.asp. Removal Notice 2011811 812 Our Kwun Tong OSH Training Centre & OSH Information Centre will be relocated on 11 August 2011 and opens on 12 August 2011. All telephone & fax numbers remain unchanged.

Quiz Which body parts refer to upper limbs? Shoulder, cervical vertebra, shoulder blade and clavicle Shoulder, upper arm, elbow, wrist and fingers Pelvis, upper leg, lower leg and knee joints Which of the following is the upper limb musculoskeletal disorder? Plantar fasciitis Carpal tunnel syndrome Sciatica Which of the following is NOT a method to prevent upper limb musculoskeletal disorder? Avoid excessive bending of wrists or overstretch of upper limbs Do stretching exercises to recover from fatigue Eat foods high in iodine and take vitamin supplements Please circle the correct answers and fill in the following form and send it or fax it to the Council. Please write Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Bulletin Prize Quiz on the envelope. Closing date: 31/10/2011. 1. 15 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Rules for Participation 1. Hong Kong citizens aged 15 or above are welcome to participate. 2. Each participant may only enter once. 3. The employees and direct family members of the organising body are not eligible to enter. 4. Winner will be disqualified if their name is not identical to that appeared on the HK Identity Card. 5. The decision of the organising body regarding the prize results is final. 6. The organising body reserves the right to make changes to any matters related to the competition and will not provide further notice. 7. In the event of any dispute, all decisions by the organising body are final. 8. Welcome to photocopy the form. Personal Data Statement We will keep your personal data for promotion of safety and health at work, including related research and statisical purposes. We may need to transfer such data to service providers, event co-organizers and partner institutions. If you do not wish to receive information and news relating to safety and health at work from us, please mark the box at the end of this Statement. I do not wish to receive the aforesaid information and news Free Subscription Form I am interested in the Sedentary Bulletin and want to subscribe it by e-mail 2739 9779. Please fax the form to Occupational Safety and Health Council (Fax No. : 2739 9779) Personal Information Statement The information provided would be kept for promoting safety and health, including research and statistics. The information may need to be passed to service providers, function co-organizer and partnerships. If you do not want to receive Occupational Safety and Health information. Please tick the box in the bottom of this statement. I do not want to receive the information stated above Address 2819 19/F China United Centre, 28 Marble Road, North Point, HK Tel 2739 9377 Sedentary Workers Safety & Health Committee E-mail oshc@oshc.org.hk Fax 2739 9779 Website www.oshc.org.hk