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中美科技论坛 US-China Science & Technology Forum May 28-29, 2011 Chapel Hill, North Carolina, USA 主办: 中国旅美科技协会 承办: 中国旅美科技协会北卡分会 General Organizer/Host: Chinese Association for Science & Technology, USA Executive Organizer/Host: Chinese Association for Science & Technology, NC Chapter 美国北卡华人科技协会 CAST-NC http://www.castnc.org/ 1




Table of Contents Welcome Letter from Co-Chairs 3 Greeting Letters..6-14 Organizing Committees....15-16 Programs...17-19 Speakers....20-32 CAST Chapters....35-50 Sponsors..... 封二 5










Organizing Committee Co-Chairs of Organizing Committee Fang, Tong 方彤 CAST-USA President Pang, Tao 庞涛 CAST-NC President Zeng, Daniel 曾大军 CAST-USA BOG Chair Lu, Qiang 陆强 CAST-USA BOD Chair Sheng, Xiaoming 盛晓明 CAST-USA President-Elect Organizing Committee Members Guo, Xuguang 郭旭光 CAST-NC Executive VP, CAST-USA VP for Fundraising Hu, Hui 胡晖 CAST-NC VP, CAST-USA BOD Huang, Weishi 黄伟师 CAST-NC Board Chair Chen, Owen 陈剑文 CAST-NC VP Zhang, Wesley 张晓宇 CAST-NC VP Lou, Yu 娄玉 CAST-NC VP Huang, Jingfan 黄景凡 CAST-NC Board Hu, Yumimg 胡玉明 CAST-NC Secretary General CAI, Yiqiang 蔡逸强 CAST-USA VP for Academic Chen, ZhiXiong 陈志雄 CAST-USA VP for Conference Wang, Yang 汪洋 CAST-USA VP for Administrative Affairs Guo, Guang 郭光 CAST-USA VP for Publication Jiang, Weimin 蒋为民 CAST-USA VP for Public Relations Hu, Jin 胡进 CAST-USA VP for Membership Shen, Qi 沈琦 CAST-USA VP for Communication Kong, Chaoxiang 孔超翔 CAST-USA VP for East Regional Activities Yu, Hao 于浩 CAST-USA VP for Mid-West Regional Activities 15

Program Committee Co-Chairs of Program Committee Pang, Tao 庞涛 CAST-NC Guo, Xuguang 郭旭光 CAST-NC Hu, Hui 胡晖 CAST-NC Chen, Owen 陈剑文 CAST-NC Members of Program Committee Chen, Honglei 陈红磊 CAST-NC Hu, Guizhou 胡贵舟 CAST-NC Hu, Yuming 胡玉明 CAST-NC Li, Zhiyong 李智勇 CAST-NC Lou, Yu 娄玉 CAST-NC Shen, Liuying 沈留鹰 CAST-NC Wang, Amy 汪爱群 CAST-NC Wu, Sara 吴湘玥 CAST-NC Xiu, Aijun 修爱军 CAST-NC Zhang, Wesley 张晓宇 CAST-NC Local Arrangement Committee Co-Chairs of Local Arrangement Committee Pang, Tao 庞涛 CAST-NC Guo, Xuguang 郭旭光 CAST-NC Huang, Weishi 黄伟师 CAST-NC Huang, Jingfan 黄景凡 CAST-NC Members of Local Arrangement Committee Zhang, Wesley 张晓宇 CAST-NC Lou, Yu 娄玉 CAST-NC Hu, Yumimg 胡玉明 CAST-NC Xiang, Ling 向凌 CAST-NC Siu, Amy 蔡延晖 CAST-NC Zhong, Jie 钟杰 CAST-NC 16

Meeting Place: FedEx Global Education Center at UNC, 301 Pittsboro Street, Chapel Hill, NC 27516 8:00am-8:30am 8:00am-4:30pm 8:30am-5:30pm 8:30am-9:15am 9:15am-10:00am 10:00am-10:15am 10:15am-10:30am 10:30am-11:00am 11:00am-11:30am 11:30am-12:15pm May 28, 2011 (Saturday) Program Breakfast Forum Registration and Poster Exhibition, Lobby Area Registration Poster Exhibition 8:30am-10:00am Opening Remarks and Keynote Speech (MC: Liuying Shen. Auditorium 1015) Opening Remarks: Tao Pang, CAST-NC President Tong Fang, CAST-USA President Peter A. Coclanis, Associate Provost of UNC-Chapel Hill David Price, US Representative Yi Zhang, Counsellor, Chinese Embassy in DC Keynote: Bracing a New Era of Pharmaceutical R&D Dr. Zhi Hong, Senior Vice President, GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) Group Photos in Lobby Area Tea Break 10:30am-12:15pm General Session I (Session Chair: Liuying Shen. Auditorium 1015) Sino-US Global Gateway Partnership Dr. William F. Greenlee, President and Chief Executive Officer, Hamner Institute Innovative US-China Higher Education Collaborations in Science and Technology Dr. Bailian Li, Vice Provost of NC State University and Former CAST-USA President Is Chernobyl Relevant with Respect to Modern Nuclear Power Plants Dr. David McNelis, Director, Center for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economic Development, UNC-Chapel Hill 12:15pm-1:30pm, Lunch and Sponsors Acknowledgment (Lobby and Kitchen Area) 1:30pm-3:10pm Parallel Sessions 1 & 2 Parallel Session 1 on Pharmaceutical and Medical Science (Session Chair: Yu Lou. Auditorium 1015) 17

1:30pm-2:00pm 2:00pm-2:30pm 2:30pm-2:50pm 2:50pm-3:10pm 1:30pm-2:10pm 2:10pm-2:40pm 2:40pm-3:10pm 3:10pm-3:25pm 3:25pm-4:25pm 4:30pm-5:00pm 中美科技论坛 US-China Science & Technology Forum Neuroscience and Human Health: The Most Being Advanced Medical Field in the 21st Century Wei Jiang, Duke Medical School and Duke University Hospital New Drug Discovery and Development in China: Nonhuman Primate Disease Models and Related Services Tony Wang, Kunming Biomedical International (KBI) Global R & D: Challenges and Opportunities-- A Chinese CRO Perspective Charles Huang, Sundia MediTech Company, Ltd. Partnering for Multi-Omics Excellence Zhe Wang, BGI Americas Parallel Session 2 on Career and Business Development (Session Chair: Sara Wu. Classroom 1005) U.S. and PCT Patent Application Jason Su, Tech Miner, L.L.C. China Investors' Opportunity in North Carolina Joe Zhou, Southern Regional Investment Center Greg Bounds, Southern Regional Investment Center Breaking Glass Ceilings While Being a Scientist, Minority and Woman Entrepreneur Prabha Fernandes, Cempra Pharmaceuticals End of Parallel Sessions 1 & 2 Tea Break 3:25pm-4:25pm Panel Discussion on Entrepreneurship (Session Moderator: Zhiyong Li. Auditorium 1015) Panelist 1: Prabha Fernandes, CEO and President of Cempra Pharmaceuticals Panelist 2: Grace Whi-Tze Ueng, Founder and CEO, Savvy Marketing Group Panelist 3: Frank Wang, President, CEO and Founder of BioMedomics, Inc., Founder of NCCBA 4:30pm-5:45pm General Session II (Session Chair: Amy Wang. Auditorium 1015) China's New Talent Plan: Objectives and Opportunities. ( 中国新人才政策和海外人才的新机遇 ) Dr. Huiyao Wang, Visiting Fellow at Harvard University's Kennedy School of Government, Director General of Center for China and Globalization, Vice Chairman of China Western Returned Scholars Association 欧美同学会副会长王辉耀博士 18

5:00pm-5:45pm 8:30am-9:00am 8:30am-10:00am 8:30am-11:30am 9:00am-9:40am 9:40am-10:20am 10:20am-11:00am 中美科技论坛 US-China Science & Technology Forum Rising China and Overseas Talents: Opportunities and Challenges ( 中国崛起与海外人才 : 机遇和挑战 ) (in Chinese, 中文 演讲 ) Dr. Guangfa Wang, Chairman of Fazheng Group, China 北京法政实业集团董事长王广发博士 6:30pm-9:00pm, Dinner Reception 35 Chinese Restaurant, 1135 Kildaire Farm Road # 106 Cary, NC 27511-4587. Tel: (919) 467-4262 May 29, 2011 (Sunday) Program Breakfast Forum Registration and Poster Exhibition, Lobby Area Registration Poster Exhibition 9:00am-11:00am: Parallel Sessions 3 & 4 Parallel Session 3 on Environmental Science (Session Chair: Aijun Xiu. Conference Room 1009) Biofuel Production: Status, Challenge, and Opportunity Jay Cheng, NC State University The Gulf Study: Investigating Potential Health Effects from the Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill Disaster Richard Kwok, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Improve the Chances of Getting Your Manuscript Accepted Suggestions from a Journal Editor Hui Hu, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (NIEHS) Parallel Session 4 on Information Technology (Session Co-Chairs: Zhiyong Li and Wesley Zhang. Classroom 1005) 9:00am-9:40am The Landscape of Cloud Computing Yih-Shin Tan, IBM 9:40am-10:20am Infrastructure Security for Virtual Cloud Computing Peng Ning, NC State University 10:20am-11:00am Making Better Decisions with Business Analytics Yan Xu, SAS Institute, Inc 11:30am-2:00pm End of Parallel Sessions 3 & 4 End of Forum CAST-USA Executive Teams Meeting at Conference Room at the Fourth Floor. 19

Keynote Speaker Zhi Hong is the Senior VP, Head of the Infectious Diseases Therapy Area Unit at GlaxoSmithKline (GSK), where he is accountable for designing, consolidating, developing and delivering the infectious diseases R&D strategy and pipeline, from target identification through to post-launch life cycle management. In this role, he provides an end-to-end view of the entire R&D process with greater flexibility around decision-making, funding and pipeline progression. Zhi is also a Board Member of Anacor Pharmaceuticals as well as ViiV Healthcare, a specialist HIV company established by GSK and Pfizer. Previously, he was the Senior VP, Head of the Infectious Diseases Centre of Excellence in Drug Discovery. In this role, Zhi led the company s effort in the virtualisation of drug discovery through strategic alliances with a number of external biotech companies including Shionogi, Anacor, Galapagos, Santaris, Regulus, ISIS and Mpex. He was instrumental in GSK s acquisition of Genelabs Technologies, Inc., a California-based biotech firm with an extensive Hepatitis C Virus portfolio. Zhi also played a key role in the execution of a license agreement granting GSK exclusive worldwide rights to a Phase II compound from Idenix Pharmaceuticals for the treatment of HIV/AIDS. Under his leadership since 2007, he has revitalised GSK Infectious Diseases pipeline that now has eight clinical stage drug candidates spanning phases 1 to 3. Prior to joining GSK in 2007, Zhi was the Chief Scientific Officer and Executive Vice President of Research at Ardea Biosciences, a publicly traded biotech company in California. Before that, he was the Vice President of Research at Valeant Pharmaceuticals International. During his drug discovery career in the pharmaceutical industries, Zhi and his teams successfully delivered many drug candidates into the clinics. As a scientist, he is well respected as an opinion leader in the field of antiviral research. Zhi has many years of experience in drug discovery and product development. He received a Bachelor of Science degree from Fudan University at Shanghai, China, and his Ph.D from the State University of New York at Buffalo. 20

General Session Speakers William F. Greenlee, Ph.D. is President and Chief Executive Officer of The Hamner Institutes for Health Sciences, and Chief Executive Officer of the Health Research and Education Foundation at The Hamner. Based in the Research Triangle Park of North Carolina, The Hamner is an independent, nonprofit organization that unites academia, the private sector, and government to conduct translational research to accelerate the development of new and safer medicines. 王辉耀博士, 目前担任哈佛大学肯尼迪学院访问研究员, 中国与全球化研究中心主任, 欧美同学会副会长兼商会会长, 欧美同学会建言献策委员会主任, 商务部中国国际经济合作学会副会长, 人力资源和社会保障部中国人才研究会副会长, 九三学社中央经济委员会副主任, 中国华侨历史研究会副会长, 北京市政协顾问委员, 中华海外联谊会理事, 兼任过加拿大西安大略大学 北京大学 中国政法大学, 中国农业大学 西安交通大学, 广东外语外贸大学 哈尔滨工业大学等多家大学客座教授, 目前还担任国际行政管理学会中国专家委员会委员和加拿大亚太基金会高级研究员 先后担任中组部 / 中央人才工作协调小组 国际人才战略研究 专题研究组组长, 国务院侨办 海外华人华侨专业社团的现状与发展趋势 专题研究组组长, 人力资源与社会保障部 改善中国绿卡制度与机制创新研究 专题研究组组长, 统战部 中国海归与民营企业结合创业研究 课题组组长等, 向中央和国家有关部委提交多项专题政策研究和建言献策报告, 是中央 国家中长期人才规划纲要 2010-2020 起草组特聘专家, 也曾应邀为中组部举办的全国组织部长培训班授课 目前还担任不少地方政府顾问, 包括北京市政府特邀顾问, 浙江省政府人才工作顾问, 四川省政府海外人才顾问, 无锡市政府 530 专家咨询委员会主任, 广州和大连市留学人员创业基地指导专家等 同时还担任欧美同学会北京论坛 中国留学人员回国创业与发展论坛主席, 欧美同学会海外高层次人才座谈会组委会秘书长等职 历任中国经贸部官员, 全球最大工程咨询公司之一 SNCLavalin 国际公司董事经理和世界最大项目管理公司之一 AMECAgra 国际公司副总裁, 加拿大魁北克政府驻香港和中国首席商务经济代表, 美欧亚国际商务咨询公司董事长, 曾担任 GE 西门子 阿尔斯通 三菱等多家跨国公司顾问, 也曾担任中国侨联华商会副会长和北京市华商会首任会长 21

77 级广外英美文学专业本科毕业, 在加拿大西安大略大学和英国曼切斯特大学商学院攻读研究生, 获工商管理硕士 (MBA) 学位和国际商务管理博士 (PhD) 学位, 曾在美国哈佛大学商学院进修和在美国布鲁金斯学会担任访问研究员 在国际人才, 国际经济合作 国际商务 华人华侨 中国海归群体与海归创业管理及智库研究等领域有广泛的著作和研究, 出版有关著作 20 多部和有关专业文章 100 多篇, 包括 新华商之路 MBA 通才之道 海归时代 创业中国 当代中国海归 缤纷海归 开放你的人生 人才战争 中国留学人才发展报告 和 国家战略 建言中国 中国模式 人才竞争 中国海外发展 等一批有影响的著作 曾经作为首位中国大陆的人士被加拿大 商业周刊 选登为封面人物 ; 被中国发改委 中国投资 评为中国首届 中华海归十大创业人物 被 时尚 杂志评为 中国首届时尚先生, 被 中关村 杂志和新浪网评为 中国最受尊重的十大海归人物, 被搜狐网评为 中国教育 60 年 60 人 经常应邀参加国内外有关论坛和讲座, 是中国中央电视台国际频道 Dialogue 节目特邀评论员, 也是英国 金融时报 中文网特邀撰稿人, 同时也曾接受过多家知名媒体采访, 包括 CCTV,BBC,CNN,CBC,NHK, 凤凰卫视, 中国日报, 人民日报, Economist, USA Today, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, Newsweek, Global& Mail, South China Morning Post, 星岛, 明报 世界日报等 Dr. Bailian Li, Vice Provost at NC State University and Professor of Forestry and Environmental Resources, NC State University. As the Vice Provost of the University, Dr. Li leads the internationalization of the University and promotes a global perspective into all functions of teaching, research, and extension/ engagement and to strengthen NC State's international presence in an ever-changing global society. Dr. Li is an accomplished professor and well recognized for his over 100 publications, multimillion dollar grants and academic leadership in his scientific field. He has extensive international experience in research, teaching and international collaboration with many Chinese universities, research institutes and governmental agencies. 李百炼博士, 美国北卡州立大学国际事务副校长, 北卡州立大学环境资源学院终身教 授 22

李百炼教授毕业于北京林业大学, 后赴美深造, 获北卡州立大学林业博士学位 他曾在国际著名的专业杂志和书籍上发表过 100 多篇论文, 多次在重大国际学术会议上被邀请作为特邀演讲人或特邀撰稿人, 是国际上该领域颇有知名度的专家 他曾指导数十名硕士 博士研究生和博士后的研究工作, 主持十余项来自美国农业部 能源部 生物工程基金会 国立科学基金会等机构和部门的研究和开发项目 除了担任数个国际性学术机构的负责人, 他还被多所外国大学聘为兼职教授 他在担任北卡州立大学国际事务副校长后, 积极促进北卡州立大学和中国的大学 研究 所 政府机构开展研究和合作, 并积累了宝贵的管理经验 李百炼教授在学生时期担任过北卡州立大学中国留学生联谊会主席 毕业后仍热心参与 华人社区的工作, 先后担任过北卡洛丽汉语学校校长 北卡华人联谊会会长 中国旅美 科技协会北卡分会会长以及旅美科技协会主席 Wang Guangfa is Chairman and President of Fazheng Group; chairman and headmaster of Beijing Royal School (the flagship of Fazheng Group s education business); Chairman of Beijing Royal Integrative Medicine Hospital; and president of Beijing New Century Research Institute for Multinational Corporations. Earlier this year, Mr. Wang was recognized as one of the top 60 educators in the 60-year history of the P.R.C. (in a survey, conducted by Sohu.com, of leaders and experts in China s education industry; Ministry of Education officials; and foreign diplomats). He has also been recognized by China s Ministry of Education as one of China s outstanding leaders in the field of private education, and by NetEase as one of the top ten pioneers in China s education industry. He is passionately committed to the reform of China s education sector and to the development of the human resource-based economy of China s future. He has been recognized by the Beijing municipal government as one of the outstanding entrepreneurs in Beijing, and has received many other awards relating to his activities in business; his financial support for the development of China s education industry and legal system; and his charitable contributions. In order to promote strategic collaboration with the schools/universities here in the RTP, he, jointly with the Carolina Educational Consulting, has established an office here in RTP called RTP China Connection. This office s primary goal is to develop mutually beneficial joint projects among NCSU, UNC, Duke, and local business, to enhance and enrich the culture understanding for students in China and USA. Currently, he has MOUs with UNC School of Education, UNC School of Government, NCSU School of Education, Duke Law School, and Duke TIP program. These MOUs range from short term teachers/students exchange programs to MS degree related study for Chinese teachers/students in NCSU and UNC; internship Chinese and US teachers; Chinese high school students attending credit course study in UNC, etc. 23

王广发, 中国政法大学法学博士, 北京法政集团董事长 总裁, 北京王府学校董事长 校长, 北京景山实验学校董事长 兼任中国总会计师协会副会长 中国法律援助基金会常务理事 首都经济研究会副会长 中国社会科学院特邀研究员 中国人民武装警察部队北京指挥学院名誉院长 外交学院董事 首都经贸大学 中国政法大学 清华大学客座教授 首都经济研究会副会长 北京市工商联执委 北京新世纪跨国公司研究院院长 北京社会科学院特邀研究员 海峡两岸法学交流促进会副理事长 商务部研究院国际经贸关系研究部跨国公司研究中心顾问等职务 2009 年 11 月, 被网易中国教育频道评为 教育产业十大领军人物 2010 年 1 月, 被搜狐网评为 60 年 60 人教育成就奖 2010 年 11 月, 被评为 全国民办教育先进工作者 1993 年创办北京法政集团,1996 开始将企业经营所得投入办教育, 创办北京景山实验学校, 在基础教育领域取得一定成绩后,2003 年创办北京王府学校 坚持用国际教育视野来办教育事业, 持续引进国际优质教育资源, 设立英国 剑桥国际教育 / 考试中心, 美国 PSAT/AP 考试中心, 开设剑桥高中 ALEVEL 美国 AP AEOP 国际课程, 开展 AP SAT 雅思 新托福培训, 建成目前中国最大新托福考点, 拥有 30 万册图书且覆盖无线网络的大型图书馆, 全面实施教育国际化课程, 培养符合现代化发展趋势的国际复合型人才 学生在本校参加英美大学入学考试, 历届毕业生就读于英国剑桥 帝国理工 美国麻省理工 明尼苏达大学 威斯康辛 加拿大多伦多 香港中文等世界名校 王府学校被评为北京市 公众满意度最高的十大教育品牌之一, 成为中国学生走进世界名校的绿色通道 David McNelis, Director, Center for Sustainable Energy, Environment and Economic Development, Research Professor, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, Institute for the Environment, UNC-Chapel Hill, Adjunct Professor, Nuclear Engineering, NC State University. Prof. McNelis has worked at universities, federal agency, nonprofit organization, and industry focusing on many aspects of nuclear energy and its environment impacts. His current research are on the conventional, alternative and nuclear energy systems and technology, nuclear fuel cycle, and nuclear non proliferation and transmutation. 24

Panelists Prabhavathi Fernandes, Ph.D., Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Prabhavathi Fernandes has been President and Chief Executive Officer of Cempra Pharmaceuticals since its inception in January 2006. She was previously President and Chief Executive Officer of DarPharma, Ricerca Biosciences and Small Molecule Therapeutics. Prior to this, Dr. Fernandes held leadership positions at pharmaceutical corporations having worked at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Abbott Laboratories and The Squibb Institute for Medical Research. During these years she was directly involved in the development of antibiotics, four of which have been approved and one, Clarithromycin, achieving sales over a billion dollars. Dr. Fernandes has served on the U.S. Congressional Panel for Assessment of Impact of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and on the American Society for Microbiology Advisory Panel for Antibiotic Resistance. She serves on the editorial board of six journals, is a member of the Product Development working group for Biodefense for the NIAID, is an Advisory Board Member of Optimer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and has written numerous publications and books. She was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship to Fox Chase Cancer Center from the National Institutes of Health and received her Ph.D. in Microbiology from Thomas Jefferson University. Grace W. Ueng, Founder and CEO. Ms. Ueng has a passion for success and carries this desire to her clients. Her 20 plus years of work experience spans from consulting for global strategic management consultancy Bain & Company to working inside Fortune 500 brand leaders Time Inc., General Mills, and Clorox to contributing to five successful consumer and enterprise software ventures that had exits through public offerings or acquisition. She has been a key member of executive teams that have delivered to investors a return of over $1 billion. Prior to founding Savvy Marketing Group in 2003, Ms. Ueng was vice president of marketing for SmartPath, the visionary leader in the marketing resource management category sold to DoubleClick. Prior to joining SmartPath's executive team, she served as vice president of worldwide marketing for TogetherSoft, a high growth, late stage enterprise software company, and leader in software application development tools, which was acquired by Borland. Prior to TogetherSoft, she was the vice president of marketing for OpenSite Technologies, market leader of dynamic commerce software and services. Ueng built and maintained leading brand awareness and market share resulting in acquisition by Siebel Systems for $542MM, 45x revenues. She was named senior director, product marketing for Siebel Systems, the world's leading provider of customer relationship management solutions, since acquired by Oracle. 25

Ms. Ueng earned her undergraduate degree in management science from MIT's Sloan School and her MBA from Harvard Business School. She continues to be sought after internationally for speaking engagements and served as an adjunct professor teaching Entrepreneurial Marketing and Innovation for Fudan s International MBA program in Shanghai, a joint venture with MIT Sloan School. She also served on adjunct faculty at the UNC Kenan-Flagler Business School as well as the Cheung Kong Graduate School of Business emba program. Ms. Ueng serves on the board of directors for RemedEase, Live Learning Technologies, and board of advisors for Virtual Heroes (acquired by Applied Research Associates). An advisor to the North Carolina Chinese Business Association and Visual Art Exchange, board member of The Harvard Club of Research Triangle and a board trustee for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society's Eastern North Carolina Chapter, Ms. Ueng is a frequent keynote speaker, panelist, and guest lecturer. Past honors include being named Business Leader's Woman Extraordinaire, and Triangle Business Journal's "40 under 40" as well as "Top 25 Women in Business". While at MIT, she was recognized as one of Glamour s Top 10 College Women in the nation based on leadership and academic achievement. Her personal interests include endurance sports, health issues, and community service. Dr. Frank Wang is currently President, CEO and Founder of BioMedomics, Inc., located at Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. BioMedomics is a biotech company focusing on drug discovery & development, and medical diagnostics. At BioMedomics, Dr. Wang is directly involved in fund raising, corporation operation, marketing and sales. From 2001 to 2006, Dr. Wang was the President and Co-founder of BioMachines, Inc. BioMachines is an enabling technology company applying proprietary advanced technologies in the biomedical and biopharmaceutical marketplace. Prior to starting Biomachines, Dr. Wang founded US Subsidiary of JUKI, a Japanese semiconductor equipment manufacturing company and served as General Manger of JUKI Corporation s US operations at RTP, NC (1998-2001). He created operation Infrastructure and established international business communication between Japan and US. Prior to JUKI, Dr. Wang worked at a Swiss company Zevatech (1996-1998), RTP, NC, as Senior Manger to manage product development for automated semiconductor manufacture process. Before his industry experience, Dr. Wang worked as an Assistant Professor at University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (1993-1996) where he published a book and scientific papers on Biophysics and Bioengineering research areas. Dr. Wang received awards from Witaker Foundation, American Heart Association, and Sanofi Winthrop. He also has patents in Bioengineering and semiconductor process fields. Dr. Wang had Technology MBA training and obtained his Ph.D. in Applied Physics from Osaka University, Japan and B.S in EE from Southeast University, Nanjing, China. Dr. Wang actively involved with community service. Dr. Wang was also a speaker and lecturer for Duke Fuqua Business school about global business development related to China. 26

Parallel Session 1 Speakers Dr. Wei Jiang, M.D. Tenured Associate Professor, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences and Internal Medicine, Director, Neuropsychocardiology Laboratory, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC. laboratory. Dr. Jiang is double American Board Certified Internist and Psychiatrist and Tenured Associate Professor of Internal Medicine and Psychiatry in Duke University. Dr. Jiang is also the director of Duke Neuro-psycho-cardiology Dr. Jiang is a researcher, clinician, and educator, holding the tirade of classical medical career. She is an expert in integrating mental health and cardiovascular diseases as well as outreaching in promoting mental health service in non-traditional psychiatric setting in US and in China. A native to China, Dr. Jiang received her original medical education in 1982 and training in internal medicine and cardiology in China afterward. She became attending cardiologist in Qianfoshan hospital in Jinan, Shandong following her training, and then joined the Duke behavioral cardiology laboratory in 1989. She had two primary goals while coming to Duke; 1) Investigate the interplay between negative emotions and cardiovascular outcome, and 2) Bring the scientific medical practice in the West back to China. At Duke, she received residency training in the combined medicine & psychiatry program between 1997 and 2002. She has been serving attending physician and running a lab in Duke University since. Over a couple of decades, Dr. Jiang, along with her colleagues, conducted large number epidemiological, neurobiological-translational, and interventional studies in examining the interplay between mental activities and cardiovascular disease. The landmark prognosis of mental stress induced myocardial ischemia study published in JAMA 1996, and the landmark depression and chronic heart failure study published in Archive of Internal medicine have led to significant increase in recognition about the role of mental health in the cardiovascular field and put mental health at the front of cardiology and medicine. A major switch in consultation-liaison psychiatry & behavioral medicine and a paradigm of cardiologists and internists paying close attention to the mental wellbeing of patients has followed consequently with the contributions Dr. Jiang and her colleagues have made. The well known SADHART and SADHART-CHF trials successfully conducted by Dr. Jiang and her colleagues demonstrate the complexity and challenge of managing depression in cardiac and other medical co-morbidity populations. Currently, Dr. Jiang is evaluating effective therapeutics for mental stress induced myocardial ischemia and continues searching the underlying mechanisms accountable for the negative interplay between the mind and the body, and therapeutic modalities correcting the negative interplay. 27

She has been lecturing regularly in China since 1992. Following the massive 5.12.2008 Chinese earthquake, she led a medical team to the epicenter and served many quake victims for their medical and mental sufferings. Upon return to work in US, she provided biweekly supervision to the health providers in the epicenter for a year. She donated the copyright of the book; titled Clinician s Guide to Psychiatric Care that Dr. Jiang was the chief editor, to China. The book has been translated into Chinese and published in fall 2009 that is very well received. With the heavy influence of Dr. Jiang, many Chinese physicians have joined the mind-body medical fields in China. Dr. Jiang teaches medical students and residents on the regular bases. She provides routine clinical service at the Duke Health Systems for both inpatients and outpatients. In addition, she supervises a resident s clinic weekly. Jiang has over 60 peer reviewed publications and number of book chapters. She has been invited to give talks within US and internationally. She is an editorial consultant for dozens of medical journals. With her significant contributions, Dr. Jiang has received number of awards and NIH/NIMH grants. Tony Wang, Chief Technology Officer (CTO) Tony Wang received his BS degree in Biochemistry from Jilin University and graduate school training from Peking Union Medical College. In 1982, He participated in China-US Biochemistry Exchange Program and received his PhD in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology in 1987 from Indiana University, School of Medicine. His postdoctoral training was mentored by Dr. E.G. Krebs, Nobel Prize Winner of medicine in 1992, at HHMI and University of Washington from 1988-1990. He took a faculty position as Research Assistant Professor at Indiana University, School of Medicine in 1990 before joined Glaxo in 1993. During 1993-2008, Tony worked on metabolic diseases drug discovery at GSK with increased responsibilities, holding positions as Senior Scientist, Research Investigator, Senior Research Investigator, Group Manager. He Joined Roche Pharmaceutical R&D Center in china as Head of Metabolic Diseases in 2008 to establish a new diabetes biology group and in charge of drug discovery programs. In 2010, Tony joined Kunming Biomedical International (KBI), a CRO company specializing non-human primate based preclinical services, as Chief Technology Officer. During his carrier in metabolic drug discovery, he has initiated and led many innovative projects and led the teams to advance 2 compounds into human clinical development. Charles Q. Huang, VP of Global Business Development, Sundia MediTech Company, Ltd., Shanghai, China, Email: chuang@sundia.com, Web: www.sundia.com Charles Huang joined Sundia in March 2008, a top Chinese CRO that provides fully-integrated drug discovery and development services to its worldwide clients. Charles is currently Vice President of Global Business Development who is responsible for all US and Canadian markets. 28

Prior to Sundia, Charles served as president of Amnova, a pharmaceutical consultant firm in US. He worked for 15 year as medicinal chemist at Neurocrine Bioscience Inc (NBI), Johnson & Johnson and Amylin, including 4-year part-time experience on CRO project management and new market BD for advanced clinic candidate. During his tenure at NBI, Charles made significant contributions to CRF1, CRF-BP, and Insomia projects, all resulting major collaborations with Johnson and Johnson, Eli Lilly and Pfizer. He is co-author for 22 publications, 10 presentations and 12 US patents. Charles graduated with BS in Polymer Chemistry from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) in 1989, and obtained his MS in organic chemistry at California State University at Northridge. Besides his science and business career in drug discovery, Charles founded a non-profit 501c3 charitable organization in 2004 where he served as President (2004-2008) and Chair of Board (2008-2010). Zhe Wang, BGI, Project Manager, wangzhe@genomics.org.cn. Graduated from Biochemical Engineering Department, Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2008. Works in BGI as the project manager, and has been in charge of some projects, such as cancer research, complex disease research and microbiology research. Parallel Session 2 Speakers Jason J. Su, Ph.D, Registered Patent Agent, General Manager at Tech Miner IP Consulting, jsu@tech-miner.com. Jason received his Ph.D from Physiology and Biophysics (University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey) and M.S. from biotechnology. His main research is about signal transduction in cardiovascular system. Jason finished his Postdoctoral fellowships at Columbia University, LSU Medical Science Center and Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions. He has more than 10 publications in peer-reviewed journals. Jason also holds Bioinformatics Certificate from University of Medicine and Dentistry of New Jersey, and special training in Bioinformatics at St. John College, Santa Fe, NM. Jason received his patent agent registration at USPTO and works in the IP area since 2006. He has also received special training in technology transfer from Association of Univ. Technology Managers (AUTM) in 2009. 29

Mr. Joseph Zhou is the owner and President of Open Asset Management, a company which provides the services of Community College Student Insurance (CCSI). Mr. Zhou s is the first company to provide a statewide community college student health plan in North Carolina. CCSI serves a population segment known to be among the highest rates of people with no health insurance, at nearly 22%, according to a 2010 NCIOM report. Mr. Zhou s ingenious business model provides this special population with affordable health insurance. Without CCSI many of them would simply remain uninsured and underserved, lacking the primary health care that they deserve. More than 5000 students have been enrolled in the program since 2005. Joseph Zhou s efforts have been recognized by the Triangle Business Journal when he received the 2009 Healthcare Hero Award. Dr. Greg Bounds has been the CEO of Goshen Medical Center, Inc. (GMC) since 2001. Previously Dr. Bounds worked in a variety of capacities, including academic appointments at The University of Tennessee, Davidson College, Queens College, UNC Charlotte, and most recently, as a Research Associate at Harvard Business School. He has an undergraduate degree from Davidson College and advanced degrees from The University of Tennessee and Harvard University. In the past ten years Dr. Bounds has taken a struggling community health center from the brink of closure, with only three sites and financial distress, to the status of the largest system in the state, with more than 20 sites and now serving six counties in eastern North Carolina. On April 1, 2009, Vice President Joe Biden honored Dr. Bounds with an on-site visit at his Faison site, on the eve of launching the President s stimulus strategy, because GMC was identified by the USDA Secretary Tom Vilsack as the best example in the country of how to leverage federal money in a rural environment. Mr. Biden called GMC a model for the rest of the country. Prabhavathi Fernandes, Ph.D., Founder, President and Chief Executive Officer. Dr. Prabhavathi Fernandes has been President and Chief Executive Officer of Cempra Pharmaceuticals since its inception in January 2006. She was previously President and Chief Executive Officer of DarPharma, Ricerca Biosciences and Small Molecule Therapeutics. Prior to this, Dr. Fernandes held leadership positions at pharmaceutical corporations having worked at Bristol-Myers Squibb, Pharmaceutical Research Institute, Abbott Laboratories and The Squibb Institute for Medical Research. During these years she was directly involved in the development of antibiotics, four of which have been approved and one, Clarithromycin, achieving sales over a billion dollars. Dr. Fernandes has served on the U.S. Congressional Panel for Assessment of Impact of Antibiotic Resistant Bacteria and on the American Society for Microbiology Advisory Panel for Antibiotic Resistance. She serves on the editorial board of six journals, is a member of the Product Development working group for Biodefense for the NIAID, is an Advisory Board Member of Optimer Pharmaceuticals, Inc. and has written numerous publications and books. She was awarded a post-doctoral fellowship to Fox Chase Cancer Center from the National Institutes of Health and received her Ph.D. in Microbiology from Thomas Jefferson University. 30

Parallel Session 3 Speakers Jay J. Cheng Professor, Bioprocessing and Environmental Engineering, Biological and Agricultural Engineering Department, North Carolina State University. Dr. Cheng has established a nationally and internationally recognized research program at North Carolina State University in the areas of bioenergy processes and waste management. Dr. Cheng s research effort has resulted in publications of a book, over 40 articles in refereed scientific journals, and more than 60 papers in national and international technical conferences. He has been invited to present over 30 key-note speeches and seminars in China, Europe, and North and South Americas. He has served as an Associate Editor for Journal of Environmental Engineering and Journal of Biology as well as in more than 15 national and international professional committees. He is also recognized with numerous awards from US and abroad. Richard Kwok, Ph.D. is a Staff Scientist in the Epidemiology Branch at the National Institutes of Health, National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences and is the Lead Associate Investigator for the Gulf Study. His interests focus on the environmental causes of a range of diseases. The pervasive nature of the environment in disease etiology has allowed him to work on a number of different projects with domestic and international collaborators from the federal, academic, and industry sectors. His work has included research into air and water pollution, including arsenic, and non-ionizing UV radiation exposures with outcomes including cardiovascular, respiratory, reproductive and cancer health outcomes. Most recently, he has been involved in the GuLF STUDY, which focuses on potential health effects of clean-up workers, volunteers, and community members from the Deepwater Horizon disaster. Dr. Kwok received his B.S.P.H. (Environmental Science), M.S.P.H. and Ph.D. (Epidemiology) from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. Ms. Hui Hu is currently the manager of international program, Environmental Health Perspectives (EHP), journal of National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, National Institutes of Health, USA. As the manager of EHP s international program, she has been heavily involved and actively developed international partnership, capacity building, and scientific exchange/communication programs. She is also the managing editor of EHP Chinese Language Edition, who oversees the management, operation and production of the journal. To extend EHP s outreach efforts, she plays an active role to identify and recruit international scientists as regional editors to publish emerging topics and highquality research papers in EHP. Hui graduated from Department of Library Science, Zhongshan University. She received her Master degrees of Mass Communications from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Before joining EHP, she worked as an editorial assistant for American Scientist, published by Sigma Xi, the Scientific Research Society located in Research Triangle Park, North Carolina. 31

Parallel Session 4 Speakers Yih-Shin Tan, IBM, Yih-Shin Tan is a Senior Technical Staff Member of Tivoli, IBM SWG. He is currently responsible for several Cloud Computing Management projects related to provisioning, monitoring, event correlation and notification, storage, and hybrid cloud management. Prior to Tivoli, Yih-Shin had extensive system software experience including OS, Middleware, and Networking, all with IBM. He is one of the pioneers of Java, XML, Web Services, and Grid Computing technology in SWG. Yih-Shin has a Bachelors degree in Mathematics and dual Masters Degree in Computer Science and Mathematics, from the Ohio State University. He holds 32 US patents. Dr. Peng Ning is a Professor of Computer Science at NC State University, where he also serves as the Technical Director for Secure Open Systems Initiative (SOSI) in College of Engineering at NC State University. He is a recipient of National Science Foundation (NSF) CAREER Award. His research has been supported by NSF, ARO, the Advanced Research and Development Activity (ARDA), IBM Research, SRI International, and the NCSU/Duke Center for Advanced Computing and Communication (CACC). He has served or is serving on the editorial boards of several international journals, including ACM Transactions on Sensor Networks, Journal of Computer Security, and Ad-Hoc Networks. He also served (or is serving) as the Program (Co-) Chairs of ACM SASN '05, ICICS '06 and ESORICS '09, the General Chair of ACM CCS '07 & '08, and Program Vice Chair for ICDCS '09 & '10 -- Security and Privacy Track. He is a Steering Committee member of ACM CCS and a founding Steering Committee member of ACM WiSec. URL: http:// discovery.csc.ncsu.edu/~pning/ Yan Xu is an Analytical Solutions manager in the Operations Research department at SAS Institute Inc., Cary, North Carolina, where he leads the numerical optimization team to develop linear, mixed-integer and nonlinear optimization solvers. Dr. Xu received his undergraduate and master degree from Fudan University in China and his Ph.D. from Lehigh University in the area of parallel tree searching algorithms. Dr. Xu s current work focuses on the design and implementation of the algorithms for solving general linear and mixed-integer optimization problems. He has published papers in top OR journals such as INFORMS Journal of Computing, and also won various awards in the area of computational optimization. 徐衍就职于 SAS 公司, 在研发部门任分析方案经理 他带领 SAS 数值优化小组开发线性 整数 和非线性优化工具 徐衍在复旦大学获得学士和硕士学位, 在 Lehigh 大学茯得博 士学位 徐衍主要工作领域在于线性和整数优化算法的研发 他在一流运筹学期刊上发 表过文章, 并赢得过计算优化领域的国际竞赛大奖 32

Chinese Association for Science & Technology (CAST), USA 中国旅美科技协会简介 中国旅美科技协会 ( 旅美科协 ) 是 1992 年夏在纽约成立的非政治性, 非盈利性的民间团体 旅美科协的宗旨是促进旅美学人的信息交流, 事业发展 ; 加强团员友谊 ; 发扬中华文化传统 ; 增进中美两国人民之间的了解 ; 推动中美在科技, 经济, 文化方面的交流与合作 科协会员主要由来自科技 文教 工程 法律 金融 人文等各个领域的中国旅美专业人士组成 现有注册会员近五千人, 非注册会员三千余人 许多会员是在世界 500 强跨国企业或美国知名大公司, 研究机构从事科技开发 研究工作, 部分会员已经成为了管理的中 高层人员 协会由地区分会和专业学会组成, 总部设在纽约 目前在全美有十多个分会及学会, 会员分布在几十个州 总会设执行委员会负责日常工作, 旅美科协还设有董事会 理事会 学术委员会和顾问委员会 旅美科协的知名名誉顾问包括陈省身教授, 宋健教授, 杨振宁教授, 朱光亚教授, 陈香梅女士, 田长霖教授, 周光召教授, 朱丽兰教授等学术及社会知名人士 旅美科协总会及各分会举行定期学术研讨活动, 为会员提供学术交流的平台 旅美科协总会定期出版 海外学人 杂志及实时通讯, 杂志及实时通讯内容包括介绍协会的学术活动与中美科技界 工商界的最新动态及各种工作与投资机会等许多会员们切身关心的内容 每年总会及各分会举办包括全国年会及分会年会 学术讲座等在内的几十次大中型学术研讨活动, 活动中旅美科协邀请中美各界知名人士对会员所关心的学术及社会问题进行了探讨 旅美科协注重与其他专业协会地交流与合作, 加强不同学科华人的交流, 同时促进中美之间科技人才的沟通和科技的发展 旅美科协也注重以分会的形式参加当地的华人社区活动, 与所在地的其它侨团建立了良好的关系 在四川 512 大地震之后, 旅美科协在第一时间开始了全协会的赈灾捐款工作, 共为灾民筹得善款超过 70 万美元, 表达了旅美科协的广大会员作为炎黄子孙的赤诚之心 旅美科协在中美两国民间科技 文化交流及友好方面往来作出了实实在在的努力 马里兰州长 弗吉尼亚州长 犹他州州长都曾以不同的形式表示愿意与旅美科协进行合作, 促进当地的经济 科技 多元文化等发展 旅美科协与浙江 江苏 广东 湖北等多个国内的省市建立了长期合作关系 2008-2010 年, 旅美科协共携带 200 多个科技项目回国进行交流, 已经签订合作或有合作意向的项目已有 30 个, 其中部分项目已经资金到位, 创建的公司已在国内落户 旅美科协现任会长方彤, 历任总会会长为周华康 章球 徐震春 陆重庆 马启元 周孟初 谢家叶 肖水根 石宏 邹有所 林民跃 王飞跃 李百炼 左力 沈陆 陆强 曾大军 33

Introduction to CAST Chapters Chinese Association for Science & Technology, North Carolina Chapter (CAST-NC) 中国旅美科技协会北卡分会简介 网址 :http://www.castnc.org 通讯地址 :CAST-NC, P. O. Box 1013, Cary, NC 27512 中国旅美科技协会北卡分会 ( 简称北卡科协 ) 于 2000 年在北卡州罗利市 (Raleigh, NC) 成立, 是在美国北卡州注册的非政治性 非赢利性的机构 北卡科协是旅美科技协会中最活跃和最具影响力的分会之一, 它设在享有盛名的美国东南部高科技及高等学府区 北卡州三角区科技园, 也称 美东硅谷 北卡科协自 2000 年成立以来迅速发展壮大, 目前拥有会员近五百名 这些会员绝大部分拥有硕士或博士学位, 其专业领域包括科学 技术 工程 教育 商业 法律 医学等学科 许多会员目前任职于本地的知名高等学府如杜克大学 北卡大学和北卡州立大学, 以及举世闻名的商业巨擎如 GSK( 葛兰素史克 ) IBM 联想 思科以及 SAS 软件公司等 美国国家环境保护署和国立环境卫生科学研究院也座落于北卡州三角区科技园, 拥有大批华裔研究员和中国籍的博士后学者 北卡科协会员的专业背景涵盖了广泛的领域, 包括信息技术 药物研发 生物工程 环境科学 医疗卫生, 生物统计, 工程学 农业 自然资源及金融管理等全方位专业 北卡科协的主要宗旨是推动中国与北卡州的科技与文化交流促进和增进会员间的学术交流 在这一目标指引下, 该组织曾协调和参与了各种专业活动, 如 中美沙尘暴研讨会,Exploris 博物馆的 中国古代传统科技展览 接待中国来访的政府及学术代表团 举办学术讲座 会议以及组织小型讨论会等 2009 年 10 月, 在国侨办的大力支持下, 北卡科协在中国武汉市举办了国际环境问题研讨会, 受到了国内外参加者一直好评 北卡科协还主办和承办许多其它的社区活动, 如为四川地震受难者募捐, 与北卡地区十 四个华人社团一起共筹集灾款近三十万美元, 全部用于四川省绵阳市游仙区柏林镇中学 学生公寓的重建 2009 年 11 月, 北卡科协接待了以国务院侨办经科司副司长为团长的国 务院侨办 中国创业政策咨询报告团, 并协助举办了 中国创业政策咨询报告 会 2010 年 8 月, 北卡科协接待了以欧美同学会副会长 中国科学院院士 中国科技 部前副部长程津培先生为团长的欧美同学会访美代表团 代表团参观访问了 SAS 公司 GSK 公司 北卡州立大学 北卡大学 杜克大学, 并与当地的学者专家等举行了座谈 34

2011 年 2 月, 北卡科协与北卡华人联谊会联合成功地接待了以国务院侨办副主任马儒沛为团长的国侨办 四海同春 北美慰问演出团, 为当地华裔科技工作者和美国朋友展现了一场精悍绝迹的中国杂技艺术 在北卡科协的协助安排下, 马主任一行还参观访问了美国环境卫生科学研究院 联想集团 北卡州立大学以及北卡州立大学孔子学院等 近年来, 北卡科协凭藉本身优势, 积极拓展与中国的交流与合作 该会与中央和国务院选派来杜克大学参加培训的中青年官员举行定期圆桌会议, 探讨国家引进海外高层次人才的政策 受中华海外联谊会和欧美同学会的邀请, 北卡科协的代表参加了 2010 年 9 月在北京举行的 海外高层次人才引进战略研讨会, 并受到党和国家领导人的亲切接见 在教育部 春晖计划 的专项资助下, 北卡科协先后组团赴江苏省环保局 甘肃农业大学 云南大学等单位访问, 并签订了长期合作协议 北卡科协还组织生物技术与制药人员组团赴上海制药集团 浙江省科协 浙江省食品与医药管理局和浙江大学药学院进行访问和交流合作, 建立了合作关系 另外, 北卡科协积极协助中华海外联谊会和欧美同学会建立海外人才联络站, 介绍推举海外高级科技人才 此外, 北卡科协还与中国其它科技和专业机构建立联系或合作协议 多年来, 北卡科协一直为中国科学院海外招聘团提供帮助, 先后推举过近百人回国工作 其中 90 年代初期由北卡大学毕业的裴刚博士, 现已成为中科院院士, 同济大学校长 随着中国在全球的政治经济地位的不断提高, 国内引才机构, 科技公司 研究机构 高等学府以及政府部门对人才的渴求和学术交流的意愿日益提高 北卡分会将秉承其一贯的宗旨, 继续为中美的学术交流提供平台, 为科研 经济等方面的合作, 为国家海外引才政策的实施牵线搭桥 附 : 北卡科协执委会 董事会及历任会长 2010-2011 年度执行委员会 : 庞涛 ( 会长 ) 郭旭光( 常务副会长兼总会副会长 ) 胡晖 ( 公关副会长 ) 葛跃( 中国事务副会长 ) 张晓宇( 会员和筹款副会长 ) 陈剑文 ( 联络与网络副会长 ) 娄玉 ( 总务副会长 ) 胡玉明 ( 秘书长 ) 向凌 ( 财务长 ) 蔡延晖( 会计师 ) 2010-2011 年度董事会 ( 按姓氏汉语拼音顺序排列 ): 陈红磊 陈新 成家扬 葛跃 郭旭光 黄伟师 ( 董事会主席 ) 庞涛 胡贵舟 黄景凡 吴湘玥 夏育陆 北卡科协历任会长 : 李百炼 (2000-2004) 夏育陆(2004-2006) 胡晖(2006-2008) 吴湘玥 (2008-2009) 庞涛(2009- 今 ) 35

Chinese Association for Science & Technology, Washington-DC Chapter (CAST-DC) & Network Society (CAST-NS) 中国旅美科技协会华盛顿分会及网络学会简介 现有成员 : 800 华盛顿分会会长 : 汤斌 jbtang08gmail.com 网络信息学会会长 : 宋云明 yunming_song@hotmail.com 网站 : http://www.castdc.org 旅美科协华盛顿分会 (CAST-DC) 是中国旅美科技协会中最活跃的分会之一, 会员主要分布在美国首都华盛顿 马里兰州和北弗吉尼亚州 其成立大会暨第一届年会于 1993 年在马里兰大学举行, 吴少海当选首任会长 历任会长为薛澜 李宏诚 肖水根 林民跃 叶玉彬 杨崧 胡增建, 孔超翔, 现任会长汤斌, 理事会理事长孔超翔, 副会长刘哲龙, 石德秀, 陆国权, 薛志明, 秘书长赵宏强, 财务总管尹丹, 法律顾问张汝南 旅美科协网络信息学会 (CAST-NS) 是中国旅美科技协会的一个专业学会, 成立于 2000 年, 孔超翔当选首任会长 历任会长赵熙军 叶玉彬 陆强, 理事会理事长谢长春, 现任会长宋云明, 理事会理事长谢长春, 副会长 高群 张永志 保立, 秘书长杨峰, 财务总管尹丹, 法律顾问张汝南 CAST-DC 和 CAST-NS 的会员主要分布在美国首都华盛顿 马里兰州和北佛吉尼亚州, 遍及各个行业, 包括 IT, 生物, 金融, 经济, 房地产, 管理和法律等专业人士 很多会员在各自行业都担当高级管理或专业职位 其中不乏在中美两地拥有自己事业的成功人士 CAST-DC 和 CAST-NS 致力于美中两国间的科技 教育 文化 及经贸的交流与合作, 组织筹办各种教育 技术和商业的学术研讨会来促进中美科研人员以及企业家之间的合作与交流 同时也组织中美专业代表团进行互访, 以促进双方更密切的合作, 通过会议 讲座 互访等为中美科技文化和教育交流起了良好的桥梁作用 网络信息学会牵头主办的中美高级网络研讨会, 已在中美成功举办 10 次 今年 6 月我们 CAST-DC 和 CAST-NS 还将筹办 美中绿色高峰论坛, 以及人才项目招聘活动 中国旅美科技协会华盛顿分会及网络学会还积极倡导民间的文化交流和美中友好的草根 性活动 作为主要发起社团之一, 从 1999 年开始每年组织 华盛顿中国文化节 以弘扬 华夏文化 促进族裔团结 增进美中友好 华盛顿市长每次均发布文告, 宣布当日为 中国文化节日 每次均吸引近万人参加 中国也派代表团远道而来 从去年开始, CAST-DC 和 CAST-NS 每年在我们华府地区举行青少年电脑科技集训夏令营 并从今年 开始我们与中科院, 国家和省级侨办合作举行美中双向的科技夏令营 36

Chinese Association for Science & Technology, Great New York Chapter (CAST-GNY) 中国旅美科技协会大纽约分会简介 中国旅美科技协会是于 1992 年 8 月在美国纽约注册成立的一个非政治和非盈利的华人专业人士社团组织 来自大纽约地区的历任会长是周华康博士 张群博士 徐振春博士 陆重庆博士 马启元博士 周孟初博士 谢家叶博士 石宏博士和左力 2002 年, 为适应旅美科技协会在全美发展以及各地区分会成立的需要, 基于纽约州和新泽西州成立了旅美科协大纽约分会 分会历任会长包括谢家叶博士 张宽博士 左力 陈志雄博士和方彤博士 张良杰博士是现任大纽约分会会长, 方彤博士是科协总会 2011 年会长 目前科协大纽约分会拥有来自美国纽约州和新泽西州 2000 多名会员, 会员大多数拥有科技, 教育, 商业, 法律, 医学, 艺术和其他领域的高级学位 科协大纽约分会是大纽约地区华人专业人士最知名和最活跃的华人科技社团组织之一, 一直致力于促进中美之间的学术和人才交流, 以及会员的职业发展 科协大纽约分会还通过举办多种形式的研讨会 学术会议 IT 高峰会议, 海外人才交流论坛等, 努力打造科技, 经济, 教育和贸易等领域的中美合作与交流平台 此外大纽约分会还组织很多高层次代表团参加在中国的各种学术和人才交流会议 通过和其他专业协会的合作, 旅美大纽约分会在促进当地社区发展 加强会员间交流和友谊等方面起到日益重要的作用 作为旅美科协创始分会, 旅美科协大纽约分会将与其他分会, 为打造中美专业人士沟通 的桥梁做出更大的贡献 同时, 旅美科协大纽约分会也将继续致力于帮助会员们在美 国或中国的进一步的职业发展 旅美科协大纽约分会执行委员会 (2010-2011): 会长 : 张良杰博士理事会主席 : 陈志雄博士秘书长 : 田英利博士副会长 : 肖继忠博士 ( 学术会议 论坛 ) 高梅梅博士( 财务 ) 潘锦功博士( 公共关系 ) 吕敏伟( 娱乐 ) 胡缨博士( 会员发展 ) 罗小强博士( 媒体 出版 ) 钟玮博士 ( 赞助 ) 李华( 金融投资 ) 执行委员 : 肖宏葵博士 沈奇博士 罗迪 许欧 陈启秀联系人 : 张良杰博士 (1-732-939-3930) 通讯地址 : 8 Church Street, P. O. Box 174, Liberty Corner, NJ 07938 电子邮件 : info@castusa-gny.org 网址 : www.castusa-gny.org 37

The Chinese Association for Science and Technology, U.S.A.(CAST-USA) was founded in New York City and registered in New York State in August 1992 as a non-political and nonprofit organization for Chinese-American professionals. Past president of CAST-USA from great New York area include: Dr. Huakang Zhou, Dr. Qiu Zhang, Dr. Zhenchun Xu, Dr. Chongqing Lu, Dr. Mengchu Zhou, Dr. Qiyuan Ma, Dr. Jiaye Xie, Dr. Hong Shi. In 2002, as CAST-USA was acclaimed as a national organization for Chinese-American professionals, CAST-Great New York Chapter spun off and structured as one of the grass root chapters of CAST to facilitate the nationwide expansion of CAST-USA. The past president include Dr. Jiaye Xie, Dr. Kuang Zhang, Mr. Alec Tsuo, Dr. Zhixiong Chen and Dr. Tong Fang. Dr. LiangJie Zhang is the current president of CAST-GNY. Dr. Tong Fang is the president of CAST-USA. CAST-GNY has about 2000 members from the State of New York and New Jersey. The majority of CAST-GNY members hold advanced degrees in science and technology, education, business, law, medicine, art and other fields of endeavors. CAST-GNY is now one of the mostrecognized organizations among Chinese professionals in the Great New York Area. CAST- GNY has always been dedicated to promoting personnel and academic exchanges between the United States and China, as well as professional development of its members. CAST-GNY has organized a great number of seminars and conferences in various professional areas. These events, such as China IT summit, Overseas Talent Exchange Forums and etc. have served as platforms for professionals in both America and china to exchange information and facilitate cooperation in science and technology, economic, trade and other areas. CAST-GNY has also organized a number of high-level professional delegations to attend a variety of conferences in China. Working together with other professional societies, CAST-GNY is actively playing an increasingly important role in contributing to local communities, promoting friendships and facilitating communications among members. As the founding entity of CAST-USA, CAST-GNY will work with other chapters to make greater contributions as a bridge between professionals in the United States and China. CAST -GNY will also continue to help our members to develop their careers either in the United States or China. CAST-GNY Executive Committee: Dr. LiangJie Zhang (President) Dr. Zhixiong Chen (Chair of BOD) Dr. Yingli Tian (Secretary General), Dr. Meimei Gao (VP), Dr. Jingong Pan (VP), Minwei Lu (VP), Dr. Yin Hu (VP), Dr. Xiaoqiang Luo (VP), Dr. Wei Zhong (VP), Hua Li(VP), Dr. Henry Xiao, Dr. Jizhong Xiao, Larry Luo, Ou Xu, Qixiu Chen, Dr. Zhe Wang, Qi Shen; Contact: Dr. LiangJie Zhang (zhanglj686@gmail.com) Mailing Address: 8 Church Street, P. O. Box 174, Liberty Corner, NJ 07938 Email: info@castusa-gny.org Website: www.castusa-gny.org 38

Chinese Association for Science & Technology, Utah Chapter (CAST-UT) 中国旅美科技协会犹他分会 中国旅美科技协会犹他分会 ( 简称犹他科协 ) 于 1996 年在盐湖城成立, 是在美国犹他州注册的非政治性 非赢利性的机构 犹他科协现有会员约二百人, 大多数会员是活跃于文化 经贸 科研等领域 任职于美国知名公司 地方企业 高等院校的中高层管理人员或科研工作者 犹他科协是犹他州最大 最活跃的华人社团 犹他科协的三大宗旨是 : 促进中美之间文化 科技 教育 经贸等领域的交流与合作 ; 弘扬中国传统文化, 促进中美两国人民的相互了解 ; 促进旅美学人 华人专业人士之间的团结 交流与合作, 以便更好地服务华人社区 犹他科协最近几年与中国在生物制药 医疗卫生 信息技术 能源材料 环境保护等方面开展了有效的交流活动, 组织会员参加了江苏 浙江 湖北 重庆等省市的招商引资和人才引进的活动, 接待了中国国侨办 广州市政府 北京顺义区政府 深圳市投资推广署 中关村科技园区大兴生物药产业基地 重庆医科大学等政府与民间代表团 犹他科协每年组织或参与组织的主要社区活动包括犹他科协的年会 面向华人同胞的各 项讲座 盐湖城中国文化节 夏天的露营活动 犹他州华人社区春节联欢晚会 此外, 按照需要, 犹他科协还参与组织许多其他的社区活动, 如 2008 年的反藏独游行 欢庆北 京奥运文艺演出 为四川地震受难者募捐,2009 年的国庆六十周年犹他华人联欢晚会 为台湾水灾捐款活动等 犹他科协历任会长 : 邹有所 (1996-1997) 张平 (1998) 彭堂生 (1999-2000) 刘锋 (2001) 乐桃文 (2002) 董希泉 (2002) 朱昊 (2002-2004) 张哲 (2005) 吕波 (2006) 蒋 为民 (2007) 盛晓明 (2008-2009) 程晓红 (2010) 2010 年执行理事 : 程晓红 ( 现任会长 ) 彭伟 ( 候任会长 ) 盛晓明 ( 前任会长 ) 吴 戈 ( 社区活动副会长 ) 夏卫东 ( 教育副会长 ) 王刚强 ( 会员副会长 ) 傅元宗 ( 科 技副会长 ) 潘东 ( 商贸副会长 ) 冷哲 ( 秘书长 ) 程戈平 ( 财务总监 ) 2010 年理事会成员 ( 按姓氏汉语拼音顺序排列 ): 程戈平 程维丽 程晓红 董晓明 傅元宗 蒋为民 冷哲 吕波 潘东 彭伟 盛晓明 孙黎 孙儒杰 田强 万乐 万 卫东 王刚强 吴戈 夏卫东 张淑华 周南 朱昊 2010 年顾问委员 ( 按姓氏英文拼音顺序排列 ): 卢克兰姆 ( 犹他世贸中心主任 首席执 行官 ) 方森茂 (WTF 基金会主席 ) 布兰特海因博格 ( 犹他州州长经济发展办公室亚 洲部主任 ) 乐桃文 ( 辽宁省副厅长 驻美代表 ) 保罗萨韦基 ( 犹他世贸协会会 长 ) 39

Chinese Association of Science and Technology in Utah (CAST-UT) was founded in Salt Lake City in 1996. Registered in Utah, it is a non-political and non-profit organization. CAST-UT currently has about 200 members with most of them being active in the fields of culture, business & trade, and science & technology and employed as mid- to high-level management personnel or science and research professionals in known US companies, local businesses, or higher-ed organizations. CAST-UT is the largest and most active Chinese organization in Utah. Its three major missions include: promoting exchanges and cooperation between US and China in culture, science & technology, education, and business & trade; promoting traditional Chinese culture as well as mutual understanding between Chinese and American peoples; promoting unity, exchange, and cooperation among Chinese students and professionals in the US so as to better serve the Chinese community. In recent years, CAST-UT effectively participated in exchange activities with China in biomedicine, medical hygiene, information technology, energy material, and environmental protection. Members of CAST-UT participated in investment-attraction and personnel-recruitment activities organized by Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei Provinces and Chongqing City, respectively. CAST-UT hosted government or civil delegations from China s National Oversea Chinese Affairs Office, Guangzhou City Government, Shunyi District of Beijing, Investment Marketing Department of Shenzhen City, Daxing Biomedical Production Base of Zhongguancun Science and Research Park, and Chongqing Medical University, respectively. Major community events CAST-UT organize or participate in organizing include the annual conference of CAST-UT, educational seminars for Chinese in Utah, Salt Lake City Chinese Culture Festival, Summer Camping, Utah Chinese New Year Celebration Party. In addition, CAST-UT also organize or participate in organizing many other community events when needed, such as the anti-separation-of-tibetfrom-china rally, Beijing Olympics celebration performances, and fund raiser for victims of the Sichuan earthquake in 2008 and China s 60th Birthday Celebration Performances and fund raiser for victims of Taiwan flood in 2009. Presidents of CAST-UT: Yousuo Zou (1996-1997) Ping Zhang (1998) Tangsheng Peng (1999-2000) Feng Liu (2001) Taowen Le (2002) Xiquan Dong (2002) Hao Zhu (2002-2004) Zhe Zhang (2005) Bo Lu (2006) Weimin Jiang (2007) Xiaoming Sheng (2008-2009) Xiaohong Cheng (2010). 2010 Executive Directors :Xiaohong Cheng (current president), Wei Peng (president elect), Xiaoming Sheng (immediate past president), Ge Wu (vice president of community events), Weidong Xia (vice president of education), Gangqiang Wang (vice president of membership), Yuanzong Fu (vice president of science and technology), Dong Pan (vice president of business and trade), Zhe Leng (secretary general), Geping Cheng (chief financial officer). 2010 Board of Directors (listed alphabetically by last names): Geping Cheng, Weili Cheng, Xiaohong Cheng, Xiaoming Dong, Yuanzong Fu, Weimin Jiang, Zhe Leng, Bo Lu, Dong Pan, Wei Peng, Xiaoming Sheng, Li Sun, Rujie Sun, Qiang Tian, Le Wan, Weidong Wan, Gangqiang Wang, Ge Wu, Weidong Xia, Shuhua Zhang, Nam Chou (Zhou), Hao Zhu. 2010 Board of Advisors (listed alphabetically by last names): Lew Cramer (CEO/President of World Trade Center-UT), Woody Fang (President of WTF foundation), Brett Heimburger (Director-Asia of Governor s office of Economic Development), Taowen Le (Liaoning Province Departmental Deputy Director General & Liaoning Provincial Representative in the US), Paul Savage (President of Utah World Trade Association). 40