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21, 19(3): 556-561 Ecology and Environmental Sciences http://www.jeesci.com E-mail: editor@jeesci.com * 1. // // 5164 2. // 517 3. 149 GC-ECD GC-MS 1.99 ng L -1 ~4.76 ng L -1.36 ng L -1 ~.68 ng L -1 73.4 ng L -1 ~865.89 ng L -1 16.76 ng L -1 ~19.31 ng L -1 CJ32-93 [a] X131.2 X142 A 1674-596 21 3-556-6 [1-2] [3] 1 2 [4-8] ZQ CJ ZH 29 2 1 6 L 4.7 μm 142 mm Whatman GF/F, -2 XAD-2 25 mm 3 mm Table 1 Survey of sampling stations 23 3'5.66" N 22 29'1.86" N 22 13'49.5" N 112 29'53.96"E 113 26'19.65" E 113 31'22.61" E ph 7.99 6.65 7.84 TSS/(mg L -1 ) 14.5 39.49 18.6 广 27A3241 26A36831 1985 * E-mail antc99@gig.ac.cn 21-1-28

557 2 α- β- γ- δ- α- β- α- β- Supelco 16 [a] [b] [k] [a] [1,2,3-cd] [a, h] [g, h, i] 苝 d 8 - d 1 - d 1 - d 12 - d 12 - 苝 Supelco Ehrenstorfer-schafer Bgm-Schlosser HPLC Merck KGaA XAD-2 Supelco 72 h 1~2 8~1 72 h 45 5 h 4~6 45 5 h XAD-2 1 ml 2 1 8 mm 18 mm 1 ml 75 ml / 2 μl 72 h 1 ml 689N GC HP-5 3 m.32 mm.25 μm J&W Co. USA 28 8 1 min 15 min -1 14 4 28 1 min 63 Ni ECD 3 789A GC 5975C MSD GC-MS/QP-21 HP-5MS 3 m.25 mm.25 μm J&W Co. USA EI 29 6 5 min 3 min -1 295 3 min USEPA QA/QC 7%~12% 1 ZQ ZH ph 7 CJ ph 7 ZQ ZH 14.5 mg L -1 18.6 mg L -1 CJ 39.49 mg L -1 ZQ ZH CJ ZQ 1.99 ng L -1.43 ng L -1 CJ 4.76 ng L -1.36 ng L -1 ZH 3.75 ng L -1.68 ng L -1 1 ρ ( 总 有 机 氯 农 药 )/(ng L -1 ) 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.. 溶 解 相 颗 粒 相 总 1 Fig. 1 Total OCPs levels in dissolved phase and particulate phase α- β- γ- δ- α- β- α- β- 2

558 19 3 21 3 1 8 6 4 2 六 六 六 滴 滴 涕 氯 丹 硫 丹 其 它 [a, h] [g, h, i] 苝 4a ZQ CJ ZH 9% 33% 88% 95% 4b [a] 7 ng L -1 [a] 2 Fig. 2 Ratios of different OCPs in the total OCPs [9] CJ32-93 1 ng L -1 5 ng L -1 2.2.2 ZQ 73.4 ng L -1 16.76 ng L -1 CJ 865.89 ng L -1 17.19 ng L -1 ZH 758.97 ng L -1 19.31 ng L -1 3 ρ ( 总 多 环 芳 烃 )/(ng L -1 ) 1. 9. 8. 7. 6. 5. 4. 3. 2. 1.. 溶 解 相 颗 粒 相 总 3 Fig. 3 Total PAHs levels in dissolved and particulate phase [a] [b] [k] [a] [1,2,3-cd] 二 环 三 环 四 环 五 环 六 环 1 8 6 4 2 1 8 6 4 2 二 环 ( 除 萘 ) 三 环 四 环 五 环 六 环 4 (a. b. ) Fig. 4 Ratios of different ring-numbers of PAHs in the total PAHs (a. including Nap; b not including Nap) 5 CJ

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