11 96 " " 209 237 (NSC89-2416-H-259-016) 12 97 " " 5 1 1 31 13 97 " " 237 270 14 98 " (Guanxi) " 197 232 TSSCI 15 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chien-Ta Ho, Cheng-T

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03-8633024 E-mail dswu@mail.ndhu.edu.tw / / ( ) 1997 8 Dauw-Song Zhu 2004.8~2009.12 ( SCI EI SSCI TSSCI EconLit A&HCI ) 1 Ho, Chien-Ta, and Dauw-Song Zhu, 2004, "Performance Measurement for Taiwan s Commercial Banks", International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management (formerly Work Study), Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 425-434. ABI 2 Hsu, Yung-Hsin, Chien-Ta Ho, and Dauw-Song, Zhu, 2004," A Study on the Relationship Between Profitability and Stock Performance of the Top 20 Corporations in Japan ", The Journal of Tokyo International University, No. 70, pp. 139-150. 3 93 " " 21 36 (NSC89-2416-H-259-018-SSS) 4 94 " " 43 72 5 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chien-Ta Ho,and Li-Hsia Lin, 2005, "A Study on the Performance Evaluation of Taiwan s Newly Reorganized Banks", Sun Yat-sen Management Review, Vol 11, pp. 121-151. TSSCI 6 95 " " 103 134 7 95 " " 403 417 8 96 " (Guanxi) " 47 70 TSSCI 9 96 " Yahoo! " 291 320 TSSCI 10 96 " - " 95 120 1

11 96 " " 209 237 (NSC89-2416-H-259-016) 12 97 " " 5 1 1 31 13 97 " " 237 270 14 98 " (Guanxi) " 197 232 TSSCI 15 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chien-Ta Ho, Cheng-Tsung Lu, Sheng-ling Xu, 2009, "The Effect of Online Game Design on Players Satisfactions", International Journal of Enterprise Network Management (IJENM), Vol 3(1), pp. 23-42. IISJ 16 Tsai, Chung-Hung, Dauw-Song Zhu, 2009, "A Study on the Effect of Work Environment Perception on User Satisfaction in Hospital: Health Information System Quality as Mediator", International Journal of Information Technology and Management (IJITM), Vol 8(2), pp. 196-213. EI 17 98 " - " 569 610 TSSCI 18 99 " - " TSSCI ( ) 19 Tsai, Chung-Hung, Dauw-Song Zhu, and Chien-Ta Ho, 2010, "The Effect of Reducing Risk and Improving Personal Motivation on the Adoption of KRS", Technological Forecasting and Social Change (TFSC), Vol 0(0), pp. 00-00. SSCI (Accepted) 20 99 " 會 計 師 網 站 認 證 標 章 對 網 路 消 費 者 產 品 評 價 之 影 響 " TSSCI ( ) 21 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Shaio-Yan Huang, Cheng-Tsung Lu and Yen-Pin Lin, 2010, " The Effect of Competitive Strategy, Task Uncertainty, and Organization Structure on the Usefulness and Performance of Management Accounting System (MAS)", International Journal of Business Performance and Management (IJBPM), Vol 0(0), pp. 00-00. ABI (Accepted) 1 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Hsi-Jui Wu, Shiu-Yiang Wang, and Chih-Te Lin, 2004, "A Study of Market Segmentation and Consumer Behavior in Coffee Chain Stores", presented at Academy of Business Administration 2004 International Conference, London, U.K. 2 94 " " 3 94 " " Marketing 2005 4 94 " " 2005 5 94 " " 2005 6 94 " " 2005 7 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chih-Te Lin, Chien-Ta Ho, 2005, "An Empirical Study of Relationship Marketing in Members Development Process of Virtual Community", presented at 3 rd 2

International Workshop on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems (SCMIS 2005), Thessaloniki, Greece. 8 94 " " 2005 9 94 " " 2005 10 94 " " 2005 11 94 " " 2005 12 95 " " 2006 13 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chih-Te Lin, Chieh-Ju Yang, and Kuo-Chung Chang, 2006, "The Study of Evaluation on Performance of Domestic Airlines in Taiwan", presented at Data Envelopment Analysis and Performance Management at OR 48 Annual Conference, Bath, U.K. 14 Chen, Sheau-Hwa, Jia-Yong Dong, Dauw-Song, Zhu, 2007, "A Study on Consumer Attitudes toward Outdoor Advertising Using MRT Digital Signage as an Example", presented at 2007 International Conference of Market Development and Investment Strategy (ISSN: 1025-9627), Taipei, Taiwan. 15 Lee, Rui-Chih, Dauw-Song Zhu, 2007, "A Study of the Correlated Factors Affecting Strategic Partners Future Cooperative Commitments ", presented at American Collegiate Retailling Associate (ACRA) Spring Conference 2007, Chicago, IL. 16 96 " " 2007 17 96 " " 2007 18 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Cheng-Tsung Lu, Sheng-ling Xu, 2007, "A Study on the Effect of Players Satisfactions from Online Game Designing Attraction", International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2007), Tokyo, Japan. 19 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chih-Te Lin,, 2007, "A Study of External Factors Affecting Online Game Technology Acceptance Model ", 5 th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems (SCMIS 2007), Melbourne, Australia. 20 Zhu, Dauw-Song, & Hong, Chen-Huan (2008), The Development of Guanxi Scale - From the Perspective of Individual Level and Multidimensional Measure, The 2008 Applied Business Research Conference, Orlando, U.S.A. 21 Tsai, Chung-Hung, Dauw-Song Zhu, and Wen Ping Wu, 2008, "The Research of the Technology Acceptance Model of Knowledge Repository Systems An Empirical Study of Hospitals in Taiwan", International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2008), Tokyo, Japan.(Best Paper Award) 22 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Cheng-Tsung Lu, and Zui-Chih Lee, 2008, " The Effects of the Interactive Use of Management Control Systems on the Marketing Department s Performance and Knowledge Management Performance ", International Conference on Business and Information (BAI 2008), Tokyo, Japan. 23 Zhu, Dauw-Song and Chih-Te Lin, 2008, "Using Techology Acceptance Model to Evaluate Users Attitude and Intention of Uses", International Conference on e-business (ICE-B 2008), Portugal, Porto. EI 24 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Chih-Te Lin, and Yu-Ling Su, 2008, "Antecedences and Consequences of e-service Quality Across Industry Sectors", International Conference on e-business (ICE-B 2008), Portugal, Porto. EI 3

25 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Zui-Chih Lee and Chien-Ta Ho, 2009, " A Study on the Relationships Among Information Integration Capability, Logistics Capability, Partnership Closeness, Supply Chain Performance, Competitive Advantage and Financial Performance in Taiwan s High-tech Manufacturing Firms", 2009 Global Business & International Management Conference (GBIM), Seattle, USA. 26 Zhu, Dauw-Song, Gwendolyn Sneed O Neal, Zui-Chih Lee and Yen-Hsun Chen, 2009, " The Effect of Trust and Perceived Risk on Consumers Online Purchase Intention", 2009 IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom09), Vancouver, Canada. 1 Baran, Galka, and Strunk 97 " " Cengage Learning Asia Pte Ltd. 2 98 " " 3 J. Paul Peter and Jerry C. Olson 98 " " 2004.8~2009.7 / 94 08 01 415,000 95 07 31 (NSC94-2416-H259-025) 95 8 Guanxi 01 335,000 96 7 31 (NSC95-2416-H-259-011) 96 8 01 862,000 98 7 31 (NSC96-2416-H-259-005-MY2) ( / ) 94-1 A( ) 57 94-1 B( ) 65 94-1 ( ) 55 94-1 ( ) 6 94-1 ( ) 6 4

94-1 ( ) 16 94-1 (EMBA) 31 94-2 ( ) 94-2 ( ) 94-2 ( ) 94-2 (EMBA ) 94-2 ( ) 94-2 ( ) 94-2 ( ) 95-1 ( ) 67 95-1 ( ) 87 95-1 ( ) 74 95-1 ( ) 10 95-1 AA( ) 18 95-1 (EMBA) 21 95-1 AB( ) 52 95-1 ( ) 95-1 ( ) 95-2 ( ) 11 95-2 ( ) 11 95-2 ( ) 69 95-2 ( ) 95-2 ( ) 95-2 ( ) 96-1 ( / ) 96-1 ( ) 55 96-1 ( ) 86 96-1 ( ) 41 96-1 ( ) 9 96-2 ( ) 6 96-2 ( ) 8 96-2 ( ) 4 97-1 & -2 98-1 ( ) 11 98-1 ( ) 68 98-1 ( ) 43 98-1 ( ) 42 98-2 ( ) 98-2 ( ) 98-2 ( ) 98-2 (EMBA) ( )( ) ( ) 96 7 2 7 1 97 10 2 10 1 98 8 3 5 5

( ) / / 94 94,95,96,98 94,95,96,98 94 95,96 95,96 / 94,95,96,97,98 " (Journal of Hospital)" 94,95,96,97,98 94,95 External Examiner in examining DBA portfolio/dissertation for University of South Australia 95,96 Guest Editor for the special issue of International Journal of Management and Decision Making (IJMDM) (2004-2005), Inderscience Publishers, ISSN (Online): 1741-5187, ISSN (Paper): 1462-4621 (http://www.inderscience.com) 95,96 Co-Chair of Program Committee of 4 th International Conference on Supply Chain Management & Information Systems 2006 will hold by National Chung Hsing University, Taichung, Taiwan. 95,96,97,98 Associate Editor of the International Journal of Electronic Customer Relationship Management (IJECRM) (2006-) (Online): 1750-0672 - ISSN (Print): 1750-0664 (www.inderscience.com/ijecrm) 97,98 Editorial board member of the International Journal of Value Chain Management (IJVCM), Inderscience Publishers, ISSN (Online): 1741-5365- ISSN(Print): 1741-5357 (www.inderscience.com/ijvcm). 98 Program committee member of the 9th IEEE/ACIS 2010 International Conference on Computer and Information Scienc (http://acis.cps.cmich.edu/icis2010/cfp.html) / 6

96 97 98 7