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カテゴリー Ⅱ 日本建築学会環境系論文集第 82 巻第 739 号,789-799,2017 年 9 月 J. Environ. Eng., AIJ, Vol. 82 No. 739, 789-799, Sep., 2017 DOI http://doi.org/10.3130/aije.82.789 全国 5 物件の実証住宅の計画と年間実測による性能評価 太陽熱フル活用を目的とした空気集熱式太陽熱利用住宅の性能向上に関する研究その 1 PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF FIVE CUSTOMIZED MODEL HOUSES IN JAPAN BY ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS Improving the performance of air-based solar system in detached houses via maximum utilization of available solar energy, Part 1 軽部達也 *1, 森田舟哉 *2, 高瀬幸造 *3, 崔榮晋 *4, 山本智大 *2, 吉田英明 *2, 前真之 *5, 井上隆 *6 *7, 盧炫佑 Tatsuya KARUBE, Shuya MORITA, Kozo TAKASE, Youngjin CHOI, Tomohiro YAMAMOTO, Hideaki YOSHIDA, Masayuki MAE, Takashi INOUE and Hyunwoo ROH In this paper, we planned five model houses with air-based solar system for each climate zone defined by Japanese energy-saving standard and later evaluate their annual performances by measurement. To improve the thermal comfort and reduce energy use, the insulation level was raised beyond the Japanese energy-standard levels. In addition, we adopted some energy-saving techniques e.g. using bottled water as heat storage medium. The annual measurements showed excellent improvements in the energy-saving performance of each house compared with the energy-saving standard model in Japan. Keywords: Solar Energy, Air-Based solar heating system, Energy Saving, Heat balance, Heat storage 1. 1-1,,,, 1),ZEH, 24, 2),, 1960 70,, 3),4), 5),6),,,,, 7) 11), 12),, 13),14),, 15),,Photovoltaic Thermal,PVT 16) 18),,,, 5 19) 20)~ 本稿は日本建築学会大会における既発表内容を再編成, 加筆したものである *1 当時東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻大学院生 *2 当時東京理科大学大学院理工学研究科建築学専攻大学院生 *3 東京理科大学理工学部建築学科助教 博士 ( 工学 ) *4 東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻特任研究員 博士 ( 工学 ) *5 東京大学大学院工学系研究科建築学専攻准教授 博士 ( 工学 ) *6 *7 東京理科大学理工学部建築学科教授 工博 OM ソーラー 取締役 技術部長 博士 ( 工学 ) Grad. Student, Dept. of Architecture, the Univ. of Tokyo Grad. Student, Dept. of Architecture, Tokyo Univ. of Science Assist. Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Tokyo Univ. of Science, Dr. Eng. Project Researcher, Dept. of Architecture, the Univ. of Tokyo, Dr. Eng. Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Graduate School of Eng., the Univ. of Tokyo, Dr. Eng. Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Eng., Tokyo Univ. of Science, Dr. Eng. Director, R&D Department, OM Solar Inc., Dr. Eng. 789

4,, 1-2,,PVT,,HB,,,,, HB, PVT, PV PCM,,,, 13),PB 21),Phase Change Material,PCM,, VIPVacuum Insulation Panel,,,,, 22),,,,, 15 3 1, 2, 14) 2. 2-1, 5,,,,,,,,,,, 1 23) 2, 790

,, 500ml PB,1000 500L,PCM 1F,,, 1F 500ml PB,1000 500L,,, 2L PB,500 1000L,1F,, PCM, 2F,,RC 3, 1,2,3 1,2, 2,3,,, 2-2,,,, 140 10, 1 1, 4 7 4, 2-3, 19 4,, 120m 2 +24h 16W, 133W, 140W, 199W, 143W 60W/, 631W, 450580W, 500W 40 4 450L/, 40 450L 791


3.,,69,451011,123 8 4,2000, 2 4. 4-1 1 20 4-2, 2016 2 9, 10 Qr 1 (1), 30, 70, 30 50 25, 20, 3.0kWh/ 9 PMV -0.5 0.5, 11,PMV met 1.2,clo 1.0, 0.1m/s,,MRT, 70 30 40 25, 2.1kWh/, 2016 2 19, 9 PMV -1 1, 11 4-3 12 9 PB 25 15 12 793

PB 5 PB 1 PB 9 9 1 PBQPETQuf, PCMQPCM(2)(4) /60 (2) (3) (4) 13 3 3.7MJ 76.4 PB 9.0MJ 106PB 2 20 4-4 14 Qunder Qcon (5)(6) (5) (6) 30.5MJ 25 75PBPCM 34PB 121 30 1 PB 100 4-5 18 8 2016 2 11 15 15 (7)(8) Kg,Kwin 0 6 (7) (8) 1.60W/m 2 K, 0.73W/m 2 K 4-6 2 Qst Qlt (9)(10), COP 3 (9) )/3600 (10) 794

16 200MJ 51MJ 98MJ 75 32MJ 17 3 6 8 5 3 38 5. 5-1 1 26 27 2015 8,9 4,1,2F 26-28, 7.6kWh/,, 5-3 20 2015 9 10 10 35,2F,1F 12 5-2 2015 8 18, 19 30,2F 2F, 2F 25,1F 26, 7.5kWh/, 30,1F 2F 5-4 2015 8, 2015 8 11, SA, SA 795

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PERFORMANCE EVALUATION OF FIVE CUSTOMIZED MODEL HOUSES IN JAPAN BY ANNUAL MEASUREMENTS Improving the performance of air-based solar system in detached houses via maximum utilization of available solar energy, Part 1 Tatsuya KARUBE *1, Shuya MORITA *2, Kozo TAKASE *3, Youngjin CHOI *4, Tomohiro YAMAMOTO *2, Hideaki YOSHIDA *2, Masayuki MAE *5, Takashi INOUE *6 and Hyunwoo ROH *7 *1 Grad. Student, Dept. of Architecture, the Univ. of Tokyo *2 Grad. Student, Dept. of Architecture, Tokyo Univ. of Science *3 Assist. Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Tokyo Univ. of Science, Dr. Eng. *4 Project Researcher, Dept. of Architecture, the Univ. of Tokyo, Dr. Eng. *5 Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Graduate School of Eng., the Univ. of Tokyo, Dr. Eng. *6 Prof., Dept. of Architecture, Faculty of Eng., Tokyo Univ. of Science, Dr. Eng. *7 Director, R&D Department, OM Solar Inc., Dr. Eng. After the Great East Japan Earthquake in 2011, the energy-saving and utilizing renewable energy has been a growing issue in Japan. In houses, the energy consumption mainly goes for hot water supply, space heating and other equipment. Therefore, in housing sector, solar energy seems to be the most useful renewable energy because it can be used for both; to generate electricity and provide heating. In this paper, we planned five model houses with air-based solar system for each climate zone defined by Japanese energy-saving standard and later evaluate their annual performances by measurement. To improve the thermal comfort and reduce energy use, the insulation level was raised beyond the Japanese energy-standard levels. In addition, we adopted some energy-saving techniques e.g. using bottled water as heat storage medium. The annual measurements showed excellent improvements in the energy-saving performance of each house compared with the energy-saving standard model in Japan. We adopted some techniques to improve air-based solar system. For winter, we adopted; an internal protection enclosure of a Vacuum Insulation Panel (VIP) to reduce the heat loss through window during night, a heat storage medium is achieved by having water bottles and phase change material sheets under the suspended floor. Solar shading strategies were adopted in summer e.g. eaves, movable outer blinds and louvers to reduce the cooling load. Through the annual measurements, we evaluated these techniques together with the air-based solar system, the results are as below; 1) Firstly, it is to confirm the excellent energy-saving performance of all the houses when compared with the energysaving standard models in Japan. 2) In all houses, the efficiency of the air-based collectors are about 14 to 20% for the pre-heating photovoltaic panels, and from 23 to 34% for the glass panels. 3) The energy-saving from the solar system hot water supply differs from one location to another and also vary during seasons. In general, about 27 to 56% of the annual energy used for water heating could be saved. 4) In Hamamatsu and Sendai, the indoor thermal comfort was achieved during all the winter days with minor operation of air-conditioning. 5) The effect of heat storage media of water bottles and the phase change material sheets were evaluated. In the daytime, the hot air from the solar system is usually stored in these media (located under the suspended floor). In the cases when there is no solar energy or if it is not enough collected, the previously stored thermal energy is then released to the internal space. 6) The thermal insulation performance of VIP inner window enclosure was evaluated. In Hokkaido, heat loss through the triple-glass window is reduced to the half when VIP is closed. 7) The performance of solar shading strategies and the air-based solar cooling system were evaluated in summer. For houses in Hamamatsu and Kagoshima, the shading strategies and the solar cooling system decreased the cooling load by about 50% compared to the houses without these systems. (2016 年 10 月 10 日原稿受理,2017 年 6 月 16 日採用決定 ) 799