單位價格 ( 美元 ) Unit Price (USD) 忠誠保守 退休基金 Pension Fund SmartSafe 基金表現報告 Fund Performance Report 2019 年第一季 1st Quarter 2019 基金管理公司 Management Company 基金成立

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1 重 要 提 示 基 金 管 理 人 的 董 事 会 及 董 事 保 证 本 报 告 所 载 资 料 不 存 在 虚 假 记 载 误 导 性 陈 述 或 重 大 遗 漏, 并 对 其 内 容 的 真 实 性 准 确 性 和 完 整 性 承 担 个 别 及 连 带 责 任 基 金 托 管 人 中 国


忠誠保守 退休基金 Pension Fund SmartSafe 15.12.2017 低至中 Low to medium 忠誠保守 退休基金將分散投資於環球股票及債券, 目標是為參與法人 參與人和供款人之供款謀求長遠的資本保值及穩定的資本增值 本基金適合一些願意承受風險較低及波動較小的投資者以獲取一些資本增值 ( 低至中 ) 基本資產的策略性配置為 : 債券 95%; 流動資產 5% 詳情請參閱基金管理規章 The objective of the Fund, in a long-term perspective, is to provide sponsors, members and contributors with capital preservation combined with steady capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of global shares and bonds. The Fund is suitable for investors willing to accept small degree of risk and volatility to seek some degree of appreciation (low to medium risk profile). Fund assets strategic allocation is: Bonds 95%; Liquidity 5%. For details, please refer to the Fund s Management Regulation. 0.73% 0.20% 0.73% 1.50% 2.33% NA NA 3.33% 2.48% 10.23 10.24 10.26 10.28 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 10.30 10.25 10.20 10.15 100% 10.10 10.05 基金單位價值及其回報可升可跌 The value of Fund Units and the income from them can go down as well as up. 美金 USD 63.66% 分配 Fund Allocation 澳門幣 MOP 36.34%

環健 退休基金 Pension Fund International Stable 01.06.2010 低至中 Low to medium 環健 退休基金將分散投資於環球股票及債券, 目標是為參與法人 參與人和供款人之供款謀求長遠的資本增值 本基金適合一些願意承受不太大風險的投資者以獲取較高的長期回報 ( 低至中 ) 基本資產的策略性配置為 : 股票 25%; 債券 70%; 流動資產 5% 詳情請參閱基金管理規章 The objective of the Fund, in a long-term perspective, is to provide sponsors, members and contributors with capital appreciation by investing in a diversified portfolio of global shares and bonds. The Fund is suitable for investors willing to accept modest risks to seek higher long-term returns (low to medium risk profile). Fund assets strategic allocation is: Shares 25%; Bonds 70%; Liquidity 5%. For details, please refer to the Fund s Management Regulation. 4.67% 0.92% 4.67% 1.23% 0.86% 9.15% 10.76% 23.64% -5.30% 11.75 11.99 12.16 12.27 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 微軟 Microsoft Corp 0.72% Alphabet 公司 Alphabet Inc 0.70% 康卡斯特 Comcast Corp 0.39% 默克藥廠 Merck & Co Inc 0.37% 強生 Johnson & Johnson 0.37% 友邦保險控股有限公司 AIA Group Ltd 0.35% 聯合健康集團有限公司 UnitedHealth Group Inc 0.33% 漢威聯合 Honeywell International Inc 0.33% 美國銀行 Bank of America Corp 0.33% 賽默飛世爾科技 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 0.33% Money Market 16.37% 62.93% 股票 Equities 20.70%

環發 退休基金 Pension Fund International Opportunities 01.06.2010 中至高 Medium to high 環發 退休基金將分散投資於環球股票及債券, 目標是為參與法人 參與人和供款人之供款謀求長遠的資本增值 本基金適合一些願意承受重大風險的投資者以獲取較高的長期回報 ( 中至高 ) 基本資產的策略性配置為 : 股票 67%; 債券 28%; 流動資產 5% 詳情請參閱基金管理規章 The objective of the Fund, in a long-term perspective, is to maximize the valorization of the contributions of sponsors, members and contributors by investing in a diversified portfolio of global shares and bonds. The Fund is suitable for investors willing to accept significant risk in order to achieve higher long-term returns (medium to high risk profile). Fund assets strategic allocation is: Shares 67%; Bonds 28%; Liquidity 5%. For details, please refer to the Fund s Management Regulation. 7.16% 0.32% 7.16% -2.10% -1.04% 14.11% 9.91% 29.49% -9.86% 12.02 12.48 12.81 12.85 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 微軟 Microsoft Corp 1.91% Alphabet 公司 Alphabet Inc 1.85% 康卡斯特 Comcast Corp 1.04% 默克藥廠 Merck & Co Inc 0.98% 強生 Johnson & Johnson 0.98% 友邦保險控股有限公司 AIA Group Ltd 0.93% 聯合健康集團有限公司 UnitedHealth Group Inc 0.87% 漢威聯合 Honeywell International Inc 0.87% 美國銀行 Bank of America Corp 0.87% 賽默飛世爾科技 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc 0.87% 35.69% 54.50% 9.81%

創華 退休基金 Pension Fund Greater China Opportunities 01.06.2010 高 High 創華 退休基金將分散投資於在大中華地區有重大資產 投資 生產活動或其他商業利益的公司或機構, 目標是為參與法人 參與人和供款人之供款謀求長遠的資本增值 本基金適合一些願意承受重大風險的投資者並相信獲取最高長期回報比保障本金重要 這些投資者可能會遭遇巨大的波動及重大損失 ( 高 ) 基本資產的策略性配置為 : 股票 67%; 債券 28%; 流動資產 5% 詳情請參閱基金管理規章 The objective of the Fund, in a long-term perspective, is to maximize the valorization of the contributions of sponsors, members and contributors, through investments in companies and other entities with significant assets, investments, production activities or other business interests in the Greater China region. The Fund is suitable for investors willing to accept substantial risk believing that maximizing long term returns are more important than protecting principal. These investors may endure extensive volatility and significant losses (high risk profile). Fund assets strategic allocation is: Shares 67%; Bonds 28%; Liquidity 5%. For details, please refer to the Fund s Management Regulation. 12.41% 1.65% 12.41% 4.69% -4.60% 30.70% 28.59% 30.48% -13.03% 11.55 12.22 12.74 12.95 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 8.00 阿里巴巴 Alibaba Group Holding-Sp ADRs 5.29% 騰訊控股有限公司 Tencent Holdings Ltd 4.93% 學而思培優 TAL Education 3.60% 平安保險 -H Ping An Insurance Group of China 2.57% 招商銀行 China Merchants Bank 2.45% 貴州茅台酒公司 Kwaichow Moutai CO LTD A 2.02% 台積電 Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co Ltd 1.69% 深圳國際控股有限公司 Shenzhen International Holdings 1.55% 友邦保險控股有限公司 AIA Group Ltd 1.12% 遠東宏信有限公司 Far East Horizon Ltd. 1.08% 34.06% 53.97% 11.97%

創機 退休基金 Pension Fund Emerging Markets Opportunities 01.06.2010 高 High 創機 退休基金將分散投資於在發展中國家有重大資產 投資 生產活動或其他商業利益的公司或機構, 目標是為參與法人 參與人和供款人之供款謀求長遠的資本增值 本基金適合一些願意承受重大風險的投資者並相信獲取最高長期回報比保障本金重要 這些投資者可能會遭遇巨大的波動及重大損失 ( 高 ) 基本資產的策略性配置為 : 股票 67%; 債券 28%; 流動資產 5% 詳情請參閱基金管理規章 The objective of the Fund, in a long-term perspective, is to maximize the valorization of the contributions of sponsors, members and contributors, through investments in companies and other entities with significant assets, investments, production activities or other business interests in developing countries, being considered as emerging markets of superior growth prospectus. The Fund is suitable for investors willing to accept substantial risk believing that maximizing long term returns are more important than protecting principal. These investors may endure extensive volatility and significant losses (high risk profile). Fund assets strategic allocation is: Shares 67%; Bonds 28%; Liquidity 5%. For details, please refer to the Fund s Management Regulation. 8.07% -0.36% 8.07% 3.03% -3.76% 29.97% 13.59% 7.12% -9.88% 9.86 10.49 10.67 10.63 --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- --- 12.20 11.70 11.20 10.70 10.20 9.70 9.20 8.70 8.20 7.70 7.20 阿里巴巴 Alibaba Group Holding-Sp ADRs 4.17% 騰訊控股有限公司 Tencent Holdings Ltd 3.52% 中國建設銀行 China Construction Bank 3.10% 盧克石油 Lukoil Pjsc 1.92% 印孚瑟斯 Infosys 1.92% 中國海洋石油 CNOOC 1.88% HDFC 銀行 HDFC Bank 1.71% 伊塔烏聯合銀行 Itau Unibanco Holding 1.68% 中國石油化工 China Petroleum & Chemical 1.67% 中國太平洋保險集團 China Pacific Insurance Group 1.49% 32.64% 61.99% 5.37%