OTES TO PURCHASERS OF FIRST-HAD RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES You are advised to take the following steps before purchasing first-hand residential properties.

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OTES TO PURCHASERS OF FIRST-HAD RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES You are advised to take the following steps before purchasing first-hand residential properties. FOR ALL FIRST-HAD RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES 1. IMPORTAT IFORMATIO - Make reference to the materials available on the Sales of First-hand Residential Properties Electronic Platform (SRPE) on the first-hand residential property market. - Study the information on the website designated by the vendor for the development, including the sales brochure, price lists, documents containing the sales arrangements, and the Register of Transactions of a development. - Sales brochure for a development will be made available to the general public at least 7 days immediately before a date of sale while price list and sales arrangements will be made available at least 3 days immediately before the date of sale. - Information on transactions can be found on the register of transactions on the website designated by the vendor for the development and the SRPE. 2. FEES, MORTGAGE LOA AD PROPERTY PRICE - Calculate the total expenses of the purchase, such as solicitors fees, mortgage charges, insurance fees and stamp duties. - Check with banks to find out if you will be able to obtain the needed mortgage loan, select the appropriate payment method and calculate the amount of the mortgage loan to ensure it is within your repayment ability. - Check recent transaction prices of comparable properties for comparison. - Check with the vendor or the estate agent the estimated management fee, the amount of management fee payable in advance (if any), special fund payable (if any), the amount of reimbursement of the deposits for water, electricity and gas (if any), and/or the amount of debris removal fee (if any) you have to pay to the vendor or the manager of the development. 3. PRICE LIST, PAYMET TERMS AD OTHER FIACIAL ICETIVES - Vendors may not offer to sell all the residential properties that are covered in a price list. To know which residential properties the vendors may offer to sell, pay attention to the sales arrangements which will be announced by the vendors at least 3 days before the relevant residential properties are offered to be sold. - Pay attention to the terms of payment as set out in a price list. If there are discounts on the price, gift, or any financial advantage or benefit to be made available in connection with the purchase of the residential properties, such information will also be set out in the price list. 4. PROPERTY AREA AD ITS SURROUDIGS - Pay attention to the area information in the sales brochure and price list, and price per square foot/metre in the price list. According to the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance (Cap. 621) (the Ordinance), vendors can only present the area and price per square foot and per square metre of a residential property using saleable area. Saleable area, in relation to a residential property, means the floor area of the residential property, and includes the floor area of every one of the following to the extent that it forms part of the residential property - (i) a balcony; (ii) a utility platform; and (iii) a verandah. The saleable area excludes the area of the following which forms part of the residential property - air-conditioning plant room; bay window; cockloft; flat roof; garden; parking space; roof; stairhood; terrace and yard. - Visit the development site and get to know the surroundings of the property (including transportation and community facilities). Check town planning proposals and decisions which may affect the property. Take a look at the location plan, aerial photograph, outline zoning plan and cross-section plan that are provided in the sales brochure. 5. SALES BROCHURE - Ensure that the sales brochure you have obtained is the latest version. According to the Ordinance, the sales brochure made available to the public should be printed or examined, or examined and revised within the previous 3 months. - Read through the sales brochure and in particular, check the following information in the sales brochure Whether there is a section on relevant information in the sales brochure, under which information on any matter that is known to the vendor but is not known to the general public, and is likely to materially affect the enjoyment of a residential property will be set out. Please note that information contained in a document that has been registered with the Land Registry will not be regarded as relevant information ; The cross-section plan showing a cross-section of the building in relation to every street adjacent to the building, and the level of every such street in relation to a known datum and to the level of the lowest residential floor of the building. This will help you visualize the difference in height between the lowest residential floor of a building and the street level, regardless of how that lowest residential floor is named; interior and exterior fittings and finishes and appliances; the basis on which management fees are shared; whether individual owners have obligations or need to share the expenses for managing, operating and maintaining the public open space or public facilities inside or outside the development, and the location of the public open space or public facilities; and whether individual owners have responsibility to maintain slopes. 6. GOVERMET LAD GRAT AD DEED OF MUTUAL COVEAT (DMC) - Read the Government land grant and the DMC (or the draft DMC). Information such as ownership of the rooftop and external walls can be found in the DMC. The vendor will provide copies of the Government land grant and the DMC (or the draft DMC) at the place where the sale is to take place for free inspection by prospective purchasers. - Check the Government land grant on whether individual owners are liable to pay Government rent. - Check the DMC on whether animals can be kept in the residential property. 1

OTES TO PURCHASERS OF FIRST-HAD RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES 7. AGREEMET FOR SALE AD PURCHASE - Ensure that the preliminary agreement for sale and purchase (PASP) and agreement for sale and purchase (ASP) include the mandatory provisions as required by the Ordinance. - Pay attention that fittings, finishes and appliances to be included in the sale and purchase of the property are inserted in the PASP and ASP. - Pay attention to the area plan annexed to the ASP which shows the total area which the vendor is selling to you. The total area which the vendor is selling to you is normally greater than the saleable area of the property. - A preliminary deposit of 5% of the purchase price is payable by you to the owner (i.e. the seller) on entering into a PASP. - If you do not execute the ASP within 5 working days (working day means a day that is not a general holiday or a Saturday or a black rainstorm warning day or gale warning day) after entering into the PASP, the PASP is terminated, the preliminary deposit (i.e. 5% of the purchase price) is forfeited, and the owner (i.e. the seller) does not have any further claim against you for not executing the ASP. - If you execute the ASP within 5 working days after the signing of the PASP, the owner (i.e. the seller) must execute the ASP within 8 working days after entering into the PASP. - The deposit should be made payable to the solicitors firm responsible for stakeholding purchasers payments for the property. 8. EXPRESSIO OF ITET OF PURCHASIG A RESIDETIAL PROPERTY - ote that vendors (including their authorized representative(s)) should not seek or accept any specific or general expression of intent of purchasing any residential property before the relevant price lists for such properties are made available to the public. You therefore should not make such an offer to the vendors or their authorized representative(s). - ote that vendors (including their authorized representative(s)) should not seek or accept any specific expression of intent of purchasing a particular residential property before the sale of the property has commenced. You therefore should not make such an offer to the vendors or their authorized representative(s). 9. APPOITMET OF ESTATE AGET - ote that if the vendor has appointed one or more than one estate agents to act in the sale of any specified residential property in the development, the price list for the development must set out the name of all the estate agents so appointed as at the date of printing of the price list. - You may appoint any estate agent (not necessarily from those estate agency companies appointed by the vendor) to act in the purchase of any specified residential property in the development, and may also not appoint any estate agent to act on your behalf. - Before you appoint an estate agent to look for a property, you should find out whether the agent will act on your behalf only. If the agent also acts for the vendor, he/she may not be able to protect your best interests in the event of a conflict of interest; find out whether any commission is payable by you to the estate agent and, if so, its amount and the time of payment; and 10. APPOITMET OF SOLICITOR - Consider appointing your own solicitor to protect your interests. If the solicitor also acts for the vendor, he/she may not be able to protect your best interests in the event of a conflict of interest. - Compare the charges of different solicitors. FOR FIRST-HAD UCOMPLETED RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES 11. PRE-SALE COSET - For uncompleted residential property under the Lands Department s Consent Scheme, seek confirmation from the vendor whether the Pre-sale Consent has been issued by the Lands Department for the development. 12. SHOW FLATS - While the vendor is not required to make any show flat available for viewing by prospective purchasers or the general public, if the vendor wishes to make available show flats of a specified residential property, the vendor must first of all make available an unmodified show flat of that residential property and that, having made available such unmodified show flat, the vendor may then make available a modified show flat of that residential property. In this connection, the vendor is allowed to make available more than one modified show flat of that residential property. - If you visit the show flats, you should always look at the unmodified show flats for comparison with the modified show flats. That said, the Ordinance does not restrict the discretion of the vendor in arranging the sequence of the viewing of unmodified and modified show flats. - Sales brochure of the development should have been made available to the public when the show flat is made available for viewing. You are advised to get a copy of the sales brochure and make reference to it when viewing the show flats. - You may take measurements in modified and unmodified show flats, and take photographs or make video recordings of unmodified show flats, subject to reasonable restriction(s) which may be set by the vendor for ensuring safety of the persons viewing the show flat. FOR FIRST-HAD UCOMPLETED RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES AD COMPLETED RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES PEDIG COMPLIACE 13. ESTIMATED MATERIAL DATE - Check the estimated material date 1 for the development in the sales brochure. - Please note that: For development which is subject to the Lands Department Consent Scheme, the vendor shall notify the purchaser in writing that it is in a position validly to assign the property within one month after the issue of the Certificate of Compliance or the Consent to Assign, whichever first happens. For development which is not subject to the Lands Department Consent Scheme, the vendor shall notify the purchaser in writing that it is in a position validly to assign the property within 6 months after the issue of the Occupation Document including Occupation Permit. note that only licensed estate agents or salespersons may accept your appointment. If in doubt, you should request the estate agent or salesperson to produce his/her Estate Agent Card, or check the Licence List on the Estate Agents Authority website: www.eaa.org.hk. 2

FOR FIRST-HAD COMPLETED RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES 14. VEDOR S IFORMATIO FORM - Ensure that you obtain the vendor s information form(s) printed within the previous 3 months in relation to the residential property/properties you intend to purchase. For complaints and enquiries relating to the sales of first-hand residential properties by the vendors which the Ordinance applies, please contact the Sales of First-hand Residential Property Authority - Telephone : 2817 3313 Email : enquiry_srpa@hd.gov.hk Fax : 2219 2220 15. VIEWIG OF PROPERTY - Ensure that, before you purchase a residential property, you are arranged to view the residential property that you would like to purchase or, if it is not reasonably practicable to view the property in question, a comparable property in the development, unless you agree in writing that the vendor is not required to arrange such a comparable property for viewing for you. You are advised to think carefully before signing any waiver. Other useful contacts : Telephone Fax Consumer Council 2929 2222 2590 6271 Estate Agents Authority 2111 2777 2598 9596 - You may take measurements, take photographs or make video recordings of the property, unless the property is held under a tenancy or reasonable restriction(s) is/are needed to ensure safety of the persons viewing the property. Real Estate Developers Association of Hong Kong 2826 0111 2845 2521 1 Generally speaking, material date means the date on which the conditions of the land grant are complied with in respect of the development, or the date on which the development is completed in all respects in compliance with the approved building plans or the conditions subject to which the certificate of exemption is issued. For details, please refer to section 2 of the Ordinance. 3

一 手 住 宅 物 業 買 家 須 知 您 在 購 置 一 手 住 宅 物 業 之 前, 應 留 意 下 列 事 項 : 適 用 於 所 有 一 手 住 宅 物 業 1. 重 要 資 訊 - - - - 2. 費 用 按 揭 貸 款 和 樓 價 - - - - 3. 價 單 支 付 條 款, 以 及 其 他 財 務 優 惠 - - 4. 物 業 的 面 積 及 四 周 環 境 - 621 (i) (ii) (iii) - 5. 售 樓 說 明 書 - - 6. 政 府 批 地 文 件 和 公 契 - - - 7. 買 賣 合 約 - - - - 5% - 五 個 工 作 日 5% - - 4

8. 表 達 購 樓 意 向 - - 9. 委 託 地 產 代 理 - - - www.eaa.org.hk 10. 委 聘 律 師 - 適 用 於 一 手 未 落 成 住 宅 物 業 及 尚 待 符 合 條 件 的 已 落 成 住 宅 物 業 13. 預 計 的 關 鍵 日 期 - 1 - 適 用 於 一 手 已 落 成 住 宅 物 業 14. 賣 方 資 料 表 格 - 15. 參 觀 物 業 - - - 適 用 於 一 手 未 落 成 住 宅 物 業 11. 預 售 樓 花 同 意 書 - 12. 示 範 單 位 - - 2817 3313 enquiry_srpa@hd.gov.hk 2219 2220 2929 2222 2590 6271 2111 2777 2598 9596 2826 0111 2845 2521 - - 1 2 5

IFORMATIO O THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 資 料 AME OF THE DEVELOPMET WHITESADS 發 展 項 目 名 稱 WHITESADS AME OF THE STREET AD STREET UMBER 160 South Lantau Road 街 道 名 稱 及 門 牌 號 數 160 TOTAL UMBER OF HOUSES 28 houses 獨 立 屋 的 總 數 28 THE HOUSE UMBERIG AS PROVIDED I THE APPROVED BUILDIG PLAS FOR THE DEVELOPMET House 1, House 2, House 3, House 5, House 6, House 7, House 8, House 9, House 10, House 11, House 12, House 13, House 15, House 16, House 17, House 18, House 19, House 20, House 21, House 22, House 23, House 25, House 26, House 27, House 28, House 29, House 30 and House 31 OMITTED HOUSE UMBERS 發 展 項 目 的 經 批 准 的 建 築 圖 則 所 規 定 的 門 牌 號 數 被 略 去 的 門 牌 號 數 House 4, House 14 and House 24 6

IFORMATIO O VEDOR AD OTHERS IVOLVED I THE DEVELOPMET 賣 方 及 有 參 與 發 展 項 目 的 其 他 人 的 資 料 VEDOR Bao Wei Enterprises Limited 賣 方 Bao Wei Enterprises Limited HOLDIG COMPAY OF THE VEDOR John Swire & Sons Limited, John Swire & Sons (H.K.) Limited, Swire Pacific Limited, Swire Properties Limited 賣 方 的 控 權 公 司 John Swire & Sons Limited AUTHORIZED PERSO Mr. Ronald P.C. Liang of LWK & Partners (HK) Limited 認 可 人 士 BUILDIG COTRACTOR Gammon Building Construction Limited 承 建 商 Gammon Building Construction Limited SOLICITORS FOR VEDOR Mayer Brown JSM 賣 方 代 表 律 師 AY AUTHORIZED ISTITUTIO THAT HAS MADE A LOA, OR HAS UDERTAKE TO PROVIDE FIACE, FOR THE COSTRUCTIO OF THE DEVELOPMET ot Applicable AY OTHER PERSO WHO HAS MADE A LOA FOR THE COSTRUCTIO OF THE DEVELOPMET Swire Properties Limited 已 為 發 展 項 目 的 建 造 提 供 貸 款 或 已 承 諾 為 該 項 建 造 提 供 融 資 的 認 可 機 構 的 名 稱 已 為 發 展 項 目 的 建 造 提 供 貸 款 的 任 何 其 他 人 的 姓 名 或 名 稱 7

RELATIOSHIP BETWEE PARTIES IVOLVED I THE DEVELOPMET (a) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is an individual, and that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an Authorized Person for the Development; ot Applicable (b) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and a partner of that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of such an Authorized Person; ot Applicable (c) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that Vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that Vendor) is an immediate family member of such an Authorized Person; ot Applicable (d) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is an individual, and that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an Authorized Person; ot Applicable (e) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and a partner of that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of an associate of such an Authorized Person; ot Applicable (f) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that Vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that Vendor) is an immediate family member of an associate of such an Authorized Person; (g) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is an individual, and that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development; (h) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and a partner of that Vendor or contractor is an immediate family member of a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development; ot Applicable ot Applicable ot Applicable (i) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and a director or the secretary of that Vendor or contractor (or a holding company of that Vendor) is an immediate family member of a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors; ot Applicable (j) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the Development, is a private company, and an Authorized Person for the Development, or an associate of such an Authorized Person, holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor; (k) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the Development, is a listed company, and such an Authorized Person, or such an associate, holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor; ot Applicable ot Applicable (l) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and such an Authorized Person, or such an associate, is an employee, director or secretary of that Vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that Vendor; ot Applicable (m) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and such an Authorized Person, or such an associate, is an employee of that Vendor or contractor; ot Applicable (n) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the Development, is a private company, and a proprietor of a firm of solicitors acting for the owner in relation to the sale of residential properties in the Development holds at least 10% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor; ot Applicable (o) The Vendor, a holding company of the Vendor, or a building contractor for the Development, is a listed company, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors holds at least 1% of the issued shares in that Vendor, holding company or contractor; ot Applicable (p) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee, director or secretary of that Vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that Vendor; ot Applicable (q) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a partnership, and a proprietor of such a firm of solicitors is an employee of that Vendor or contractor; ot Applicable (r) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and the corporation of which an Authorized Person for the Development is a director or employee in his or her professional capacity is an associate corporation of that Vendor or contractor or of a holding company of that Vendor; ot Applicable (s) The Vendor or a building contractor for the Development is a corporation, and that contractor is an associate corporation of that Vendor or of a holding company of that Vendor. ot Applicable 8

有 參 與 發 展 項 目 的 各 方 的 關 係 (a) (b) (c) (d) (e) (f) (g) (h) (i) (j) 10% (k) 1% (l) (m) (n) 10% (o) 1% (p) (q) (r) (s) 9

IFORMATIO O DESIG OF THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 設 計 的 資 料 There are no non-structural prefabricated external walls or curtain walls forming part of the enclosing walls in this Development. IFORMATIO O PROPERTY MAAGEMET 物 業 管 理 的 資 料 THE MAAGER APPOITED UDER THE EXECUTED DEED OF MUTUAL COVEAT WHITESADS (MAAGEMET) LIMITED 根 據 已 簽 立 的 公 契 獲 委 任 的 管 理 人 WHITESADS (MAAGEMET) LIMITED 10

LOCATIO PLA OF THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 所 在 位 置 圖 Lantau Trail Tung Chung Road South Lantau Road OTATIO 圖 例 POWER PLAT (ICLUDIG ELECTRICITY SUB-STATIOS) PUBLIC CARPARK (ICLUDIG A LORRY PARK) PUBLIC PARK PUBLIC TRASPORT TERMIAL (ICLUDIG A RAIL STATIO) RELIGIOUS ISTITUTIO (ICLUDIG A CHURCH, A TEMPLE AD A TSZ TOG) WHITESADS M/ 0 50 100 150 200 250 The above Location Plan is prepared by the Vendor with reference to Survey Sheet o. 13-E-B dated 3 July 2015. 2015 7 3 13-E-B otes: 1. The Vendor advises Purchasers to conduct an on-site visit for a better understanding of the Development site, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 2. The plan may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 1. 2. 11

AERIAL PHOTOGRAPH OF THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 鳥 瞰 照 片 This blank area falls outside the coverage of the relevant aerial photograph. WHITESADS Adopted from part of the aerial photograph taken by the Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands Department at a flying height of 2,000 feet, photo no. CW115295, dated 16 June 2015. Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department, The Government of HKSAR Copyright reserved - reproduction by permission only. 2015 6 16 2,000 CW115295 otes: 1. The aerial photograph is available for inspection free of charge during opening hours at the sales office. 2. The aerial photograph may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 1. 2. 12

This blank area falls outside the coverage of the relevant aerial photograph. WHITESADS Adopted from part of the aerial photograph taken by the Survey and Mapping Office of the Lands Department at a flying height of 2,000 feet, photo no. CW115263, dated 16 June 2015. Survey and Mapping Office, Lands Department, The Government of HKSAR Copyright reserved - reproduction by permission only. 2015 6 16 2,000 CW115263 otes: 1. The aerial photograph is available for inspection free of charge during opening hours at the sales office. 2. The aerial photograph may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 1. 2. 13

OUTLIE ZOIG PLA RELATIG TO THE DEVELOPMET 關 乎 發 展 項 目 的 分 區 計 劃 大 綱 圖 OTATIO 圖 例 CPA GB R(C) V ZOES 地 帶 COASTAL PROTECTIO AREA GREE BELT RESIDETIAL (GROUP C) VILLAGE TYPE DEVELOPMET COMMUICATIOS 交 通 MAJOR ROAD AD JUCTIO MISCELLAEOUS 其 他 BOUDARY OF PLAIG SCHEME WHITESADS M/ 0 100 200 300 400 500 Adopted from part of the approved South Lantau Coast Outline Zoning Plan, Plan o. S/SLC/19, gazetted on 19 September 2014. 2014 9 19 S/SLC/19 otes: 1. The relevant Outline Zoning Plan is available for inspection free of charge during opening hours at the sales office. 2. The map is reproduced with the permission of Director of Lands. The Government of Hong Kong SAR. 3. The Vendor advises Purchasers to conduct on-site visit for a better understanding of the Development, its surrounding environment and the public facilities nearby. 4. The Outline Zoning Plan may show more than the area required under the Residential Properties (First-hand Sales) Ordinance due to the technical reason that the boundary of the Development is irregular. 1. 2. 3. 4. 14


FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 1 一 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR ote Ground floor of House 1 has been altered by way of designated exempted works in which the gate has been relocated. 地 底 過 濾 機 井 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 200mm, 250mm and 350mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 200 250 350 3. 16 GROUD FLOOR PLA FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m, 3.70m and 3.80m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.70 3.80 2. 200 3.

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 17

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 2 二 號 洋 房 UPPER PORTIO OF RETAIIG WALL PLA M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR GROUD FLOOR PLA ote There are no kitchen cabinets and cooking bench installed. FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 200mm and 250mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 200 250 3. 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m and 3.80m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in master bathroom denotes that there is a feature wall. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.80 2. 200 3. 4. 18

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 19

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 3 三 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF FIRST FLOOR ote First floor of House 3 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the walk-in closet sliding door has been relocated. 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.45m, 3.50m and 3.95m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm and 350mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 3.45 3.50 3.95 2. 150 350 3. 20 GROUD FLOOR PLA FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 4.10m, 4.15m and 4.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm and 350mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 4.10 4.15 4.40 2. 200 350 3.

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 21

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 5 五 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR ote There are no kitchen cabinets and cooking bench installed. GROUD FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 200mm and 250mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 200 250 3. FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m and 3.80m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in master bathroom denotes that there is a feature wall. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.80 2. 200 3. 4. 22

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 23

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 6 六 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR ote There are no kitchen cabinets and cooking bench installed. GROUD FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 200mm and 250mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 200 250 3. FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m and 3.80m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in master bathroom denotes that there is a feature wall. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.80 2. 200 3. 4. 24

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 25

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 7 七 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 GROUD FLOOR PLA AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR ote There are no kitchen cabinets and cooking bench installed. FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 200mm and 250mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 200 250 3. 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m and 3.80m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in master bathroom denotes that there is a feature wall. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.80 2. 200 3. 4. 26

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 27

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 8 八 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF FIRST FLOOR ote First floor of House 8 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the partition wall has been erected to replace the staircase balustrade. AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR ote Ground floor of House 8 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the store room partition wall layout has been amended. GROUD FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 250mm and 350mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in living and dining room denotes that the wall opening has been flattened. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 250 350 3. 4. FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m and 3.80m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in master bathroom denotes that there is a feature wall. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.80 2. 200 3. 4. 28

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 29

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 9 九 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF FIRST FLOOR ote First floor of House 9 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the partition wall has been erected to replace the staircase balustrade. AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR ote Ground floor of House 9 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the store room partition wall layout has been amended. GROUD FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 250mm and 350mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in living and dining room denotes that the wall opening has been flattened. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 250 350 3. 4. FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m and 3.80m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in master bathroom denotes that there is a feature wall. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.80 2. 200 3. 4. 30

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 31

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 10 十 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF FIRST FLOOR ote First floor of House 10 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the partition wall has been erected to replace the staircase balustrade. AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR ote Ground floor of House 10 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the store room partition wall layout has been amended. GROUD FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 250mm and 350mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in living and dining room denotes that the wall opening has been flattened. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 250 350 3. 4. FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m and 3.80m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in master bathroom denotes that there is a feature wall. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.80 2. 200 3. 4. 32

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 33

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 11 十 一 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF FIRST FLOOR ote First floor of House 11 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the partition wall has been erected to replace the staircase balustrade. AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR ote Ground floor of House 11 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the store room partition wall layout has been amended. GROUD FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 250mm and 350mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in living and dining room denotes that the wall opening has been flattened. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 250 350 3. 4. FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m and 3.80m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in master bathroom denotes that there is a feature wall. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.80 2. 200 3. 4. 34

M/ 0 5 otes: 1. The dimensions in the floor plan are all structural dimensions in millimeter. 2. Please refer to glossary on Page 72 for abbreviations shown in the floor plan. 3. There may be architectural features on external walls of some houses. For details, please refer to the latest approved building plans. : 1. 2. 72 3. ROOF PLA TOP ROOF PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 2.40m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 1. 2.40 2. 150 3. 35

FLOOR PLAS OF RESIDETIAL PROPERTIES I THE DEVELOPMET 發 展 項 目 的 住 宅 物 業 的 樓 面 平 面 圖 HOUSE 12 十 二 號 洋 房 M/ 0 5 AS-BUILT PART PLA OF FIRST FLOOR ote First floor of House 12 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the partition wall has been erected to replace the staircase balustrade. AS-BUILT PART PLA OF GROUD FLOOR ote Ground floor of House 12 has been altered by way of exempted works under the Buildings Ordinance in which the store room partition wall layout has been amended. GROUD FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.90m, 4.05m, 4.10m and 4.55m. Floor-tofloor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 150mm, 250mm and 350mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in living and dining room denotes that the wall opening has been flattened. 1. 3.90 4.05 4.10 4.55 2. 150 250 350 3. 4. FIRST FLOOR PLA 1. The floor-to-floor height is 3.50m, 3.55m and 3.80m. Floor-to-floor height refers to the height between the top surface of the structural slab of a floor and the top surface of the structural slab of its immediate upper floor. 2. The thickness of the floor slabs (excluding plaster) is 200mm. 3. The internal areas of the residential properties on the upper floors will generally be slightly larger than those on the lower floors because of the reducing thickness of the structural walls on the upper floors. 4. Blue line in master bathroom denotes that there is a feature wall. 1. 3.50 3.55 3.80 2. 200 3. 4. 36