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C J. C. Caldwell 訛 輯 輥 訛 輰 輥 Victor Nee 1 輥 輱 訛 ~

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h i 四代 柏木門作と柏木如亭 & >=b >=, 2 3. %Ȟɤƭź&JL #DŽƴˣ $G+,Þ0ʒ\_^0 Ŗʟ 由緒書抜 には ⑨ 柏木門作 という名が見られるが 当該 Ƙ0ĨƨʧƛăĵǎNjDŽƴĞJ :^ʙˠG Ę:^G ĕǩƴ 史料が小普請方大工棟梁柏木家に関する記録と仮定すると 安永期 /\ġəƴkǝˡj>kþ0ðˠ7_@džƴˣ 0 由緒書抜 %Ȟɤƭź&の K から寛政期の武鑑にその名が収録された柏木門作が í iˣ JǤĘF1^! #ˣ $KÞbſDDŽƴčĨƨʧƛăĵǎ 四代 門作に比定できる 門作 の名を持つ柏木姓小普請方大工棟 NjL ĕǩƴjȫû:^6k Ȑ ājlʡv\_; T@ˣ 0 梁は 安永期に登場するこの人物以外には認められず また門作が KʹɴJĪ+@K0ƣæ}ł 1768 G -^%Ȟɤƭź&K 先代の跡職に就いたのが明和五年 1768 と伝える 由緒書抜 の ʙ L DŽƴˣ 0ǝˡJȫû:^ƧƳGjɻ:^! 記述は 柏木門作が武鑑に登場する時期と一致する ĨƨʧƛăĵǎNjKDŽƴˣ L ǫűƨ b ʉ:^ȃʞ G8 小普請方大工棟梁の柏木門作は 江戸時代を代表する漢詩人とし Edzʻ8@DŽƴċ F*^6G0 ƝƷ pɩēk ʅȵɆFƣ\ て活躍した柏木如亭であることが 日本近世文学の先行研究で明ら /G7_E+^ かとされている ǰ 注10!DŽƴċ LġƏ ł 1793 JĨƨʧƛă 柏木如亭は寛政六年 1793 に小普請方大 ĵǎNjkɴbˇ+@gɰ-\_e+^0 6KȆW 由緒書抜 が %Ȟɤƭź&0 工棟梁の職を退いたと考えられているが この点も ǰ GIC@ˣ KʹɴJ 0Ī+@ #vŝgȩʼg Ĭ$ 注11 となった門作の跡職に但馬が就いた 之後ニ病身ニ付隠居 K0ġƏkłG -E+^6GGé I2jɻ:^! のが寛政七年と伝えていることと問題なく一致する h j 柳営日次記にみる柏木姓の小普請方大工棟梁?%9B[ >=- 0:]8+1A@ 2 4. ǫűŀňj.+el ĿŇɴºJ[^ Ɲʙ0Ɍˠ7_E+@! 江戸幕府においては 幕府職制による公日記が筆録されていた 6K ƝʙL#Ɲʙ$ 柳営日次記 #DžìƝǙʙ$ 柳営録 #Džìˠ$ 柳営日録 に分 #DžìƝˠ$J³ この公日記は 日記 7_ 6K,B%DžìƝǙʙ&K ğ0ưwɣce+^!>6f 類され このうち 柳営日次記 の内容が最も整っている そこで ǰ bøʒ ƘG8I0\ ʩ Ƙ[]DŽƴčK %DžìƝǙʙ& 注12 を基本史料としながら 諸史料より柏木姓の 柳営日次記 ĨƨʧƛăĵǎNjbź1²8@WK0ʉ F*^! 小普請方大工棟梁を抜き出したものが表2である Yh 柳営日次記等に見る柏木姓小普請方大工棟梁?%9B[O Z >=-0:]8+1A@ 表2 1793

1689 1839 1751 1788 1780 7 1861 3 701459 1 1651 1680 1689 1680 1709 1685-1794 -

1751 1763 1768 1780 6 1795 1982 4-1795 -

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PEDIGREE OF KASHIWAGI CLAN OF KOBUSHIN-KATA CARPENTER LEADERS Masataka SASAKI * and Takeshi NAKAGAWA ** * Assoc. Prof., Building Technologists, Institute of Technologists, M. Eng. ** Prof., Faculty of Science and Engineering, Waseda Univ., Dr. Eng. This paper shows that two documents, Kashiwagi Chojuro Yuisho Kakinuki (Yuisho Kakinuki) and Kashiwagi Chojuro Kokumei No Gi Torishirabe Sorotokoro (Kokumei No Gi Torishirabe) in Tamonyagura library restored in National Archives of Japan, are the ones written on Kashiwagi family, which had been engaging in the top carpenter leader as Kobushin-kata for generations. Tamonyagura library is one of the libraries in Naikaku library of National Archives of Japan and mainly consists of official records and documents written by officers of Edo Shogunate. The paper also scrutinizes Yuisho Kakinuki, which was handed to Edo Shogunate by Chojuro Kashiwagi, one of the top carpenter leaders of Kobushin-kata and the head of Kashiwagi family. Kobushin-kata was a kind of carpenters directly served to Edo Shogunate, in late Edo era, and his family, Kashiwagi family, had long held a top position in Kobushin-kata for generations. The analysis of Yuisho Kakinuki reveals that the pedigree of the family from the 1st head of the clan, Ihe Kashiwagi (aka Kashiwagi Tosa), to the 8th head, Chojuro Kashiwagi. The study on the carpenters of Kobushin-kata has been fallen a long way behind Sakuji-kata, both of which, though, were official carpenters in Edo era. When it comes to the study on Sakuji-kata, this is rich in documents and materials: a bundle of documents of Kora family and Shomei of Heinouchi family, both of which were the top carpenter leaders of Sakuji-kata. So, the revelation on Kobushin-kata in this paper greatly will help taking the study on Kobushin-kata a step further. This paper also illustrates that Jotei Kashiwagi, a member of the Kashiwagi family in mid Edo era, succeeded to the position as a head of carpenters at the age of six just after his father died. He had been the top leader of carpenters. But he quitted the job and then became a poet. His accomplishment as a poet has been widely known in the field of history of literature. Many carpenter leaders as Kobushin-kata had a special name known as Kokumei, which derived from the name of Han, a feudal domain, and the name followed family name. In this paper, it turns out that to get the name, the leaders were inquired into their backgrounds by officers of Edo Shogunate, and were severely judged whether or not they really deserved the name for their achievement. When Kashiwagi family was in the process of having the two top carpenter leaders, unlike other families with top carpenter leader of Kobushin-kata, Tarouemon Kashiwagi, who was adopted by Ihe Kashiwagi, the 1st head of Kashiwagi s carpenter leader, received managerial allowance, called as Bekki, before he had been the top carpenter leader and in a position for the compensation. This means that he was treated with special attention. In terms of another Kashiwagi family which Tarouemon Kashiwagi belonged to, this paper doesn t deal with it. Another paper will take care of it, together with the consideration of the preceding study on Kaichiro Kashiwagi, a member of another Kashiwagi family, by Mitsuo Okawa. The analysis in this paper should be positioned to have an important role on the further study on carpenter leaders of Kobushin-kata, such as Mizoguchi family, Kobayashi family, Yoda family, Muramatsu family, Otani family and others. Above all, Mizoguchi and Kobayashi family, as well Kashiwagi family, were given the position as a top carpenter leader of Kobushin-kata earlier than other families. To compare Mizoguchi and Kobayashi family with Kashiwagi family, this paper will help adding a deeper understanding of Kobushin-kata to the previous studies. (2014 年 ₃ 月 ₉ 日原稿受理,2014 年 ₄ 月 28 日採用決定 ) - 1797 -