厦门大学:厦门大学博硕士论文摘要库 基于语料库汉英同声翻译中译语英文的衔接研究高睿琳指导教师肖晓燕副教授肖学校编码 :10384 分类号密级学号 : UDC 硕士学位论文 基于语料库汉英同声翻译中译语英文的衔 接研究 Cohesion of English in Chin

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厦门大学:士论文摘要库 基于语料库汉英同声翻译中译语英文的衔接研究高睿琳指导教师肖晓燕副教授肖学校编码 :10384 分类号密级学号 :12020101152614 UDC 硕士学位论文 基于语料库汉英同声翻译中译语英文的衔 接研究 Cohesion of English in Chinese to English Simultaneous Interpreting: a Corpus-based Study 高睿琳 指导教师姓名 : 肖晓燕副教授 专业名称 : 英语语言文学 论文提交日期 : 2013 论文答辩日期 : 2013 学位授予日期 : 2013 年月 年月 年月 答辩委员会主席 : 评阅人 :

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Abstract As an important notion in discourse analysis, cohesion has been widely applied in a variety of academic fields since its inception in 1976 in Halliday and Hasan s Cohesion in English. It has been particularly popular in the field of translation studies, yet its application in interpreting studies is lagging behind. Simultaneous interpreting (SI) is commonly used to facilitate communication in international conferences. Cohesion of the interpreter s output affects the quality of communication. However, cohesion in interpreted texts is rarely studied by scholars due to obstacles such as limited access to authentic interpreting data and time-consuming process of transcribing these data. Thanks to the development of computer technology, corpus-based linguistic approach has flourished and been widely applied in translation studies in the past two decades. Interpreting scholars also have adopted this methodology in the last decade, as it provides large quantities of data to verify hypothesis and open new lines for research. Against this background, the paper is designed to examine the cohesion in Chinese to English SI texts on the basis of a comparable corpus, which features SI English and original English from 2011 Summer Davos Forum. It is hoped that this study can discover patterns of cohesion in interpreted English and help interpreting trainees improve their output quality in this regard. This paper is composed of five chapters. Chapter One introduces motivations of this paper and provides background information of cohesion, including its definition, development and connection with interpreting studies. A review of problems in Chinese to English SI is included in the second part to outline research questions and aims of this study. The third part defines the scope of the study and introduces corpus materials, corpus-based research method and the structure of this paper. Chapter Two reviews both cohesion theory and corpus-based research I

methodology applied in translation and interpreting studies. It begins by giving an overview of the notion and classification of cohesion. The following part summarizes cohesion-related topics such as textuality, coherence and lexical cohesion in the field of translation and interpreting. A lack of cohesion study in interpreting plus the absence of comparable (as opposed to parallel) research in interpreted texts motivated the author to take a tentative step in approaching the issue of cohesion in interpreted English on the basis of a comparable SI corpus. Chapter Three outlines features in SI texts, elaborates on the classification of cohesion proposed by Halliday (1976) in discourse analysis (i.e. reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction and lexical cohesion) and adjusted his classification of cohesion to the goal of this paper. Then, a list of grammatical cohesive devices are complied, meanwhile repeated noun is picked to be the representation of lexical use in SI text. Furthermore, the last part briefly compares different cohesive devices between Chinese and English to shed insight on source language influence in Chinese to English SI. Chapter Four first gives an introduction to the corpus, the materials it encompasses, and the procedure of its building. Furthermore, software and corpus research tools are also introduced. Then, it conducts analyses of grammatical cohesive devices on the list and lexical cohesive devices represented by repeated noun in an attempt to compare cohesion in interpreted English with that in original English. Thereafter, patterns of cohesion in SI English texts are drawn and overused and underused cohesive devices are sifted for analysis and discussions. Besides, the causes of such pattern are searched from several perspectives. Chapter Five proposes ways to improve trainee interpreters awareness of using cohesion during SI. It also looks at the limitations of the study and proposes suggestions for further cohesion studies in interpreting. Key words: Cohesion; Simultaneous Interpreting; Corpus-based Interpreting Studies; Interpreting from Chinese to English; Comparable Corpus II

摘要 衔接自 1976 年韩礼德与哈桑在著作 英语中的衔接 中提出以来, 广受重视, 成为语篇分析中的一个重要概念 这一概念在学术界引起广泛讨论, 并在各个领域成为研究热点, 在翻译学科中的影响力尤为突出, 但这一理论在口译研究中的应用起步较晚, 关于口译的衔接研究有限 同声翻译作为一项特殊的双语交际活动, 常见于大型国际会议上 口译员的译语衔接质量, 直接影响了交际效果 但这一问题少有口译学者涉及, 原因既包括衔接理论本身的争议性, 也包括使用口译文本作为研究费时费力 口译录音难以获得造成的困难 得益于计算机技术的发展, 语料库语言学研究方法在过去二十年间取得突飞猛进的发展并在笔译研究中广泛应用, 口译研究近十年来也逐步采纳语料库的研究方法, 使用大量语料来佐证猜测 提供新的研究方向 基于此, 本文旨在探讨真实会议环境 (2011 夏季达沃斯论坛 ) 中汉译英同声翻译英语文本的衔接特征, 以同一场合下的演讲人英文发言文本为对比, 通过语料库方法分析讨论发生此类有别于自然英语的衔接现象产生的原因, 帮 助同声翻译学生译员提高同声翻译中到英产出的衔接质量 本文分为以下五个章节 : 第一章介绍研究背景, 包括衔接对口译质量的重要性, 衔接理论的发展情 况以及这一理论与口译研究的渊源 第二部分阐述了本文研究的研究问题 目 的和研究价值 第三部分介绍了本文使用的语料库和语料库研究方法 最后一部分介绍了本文的结构 第二章分别回顾了衔接理论背景和语料库研究方法 第一部分回顾衔接理 论的定义 分类 在笔译和口译中的相关研究成果 第二部分回顾语料库在笔 译研究和口译研究中的应用, 总结了基于语料库的关于文本 衔接与连贯 词汇衔接等相关主题的国内外研究成果 指出国内外对于同声翻译文本的衔接研究较少, 且缺乏具有代表性的大量数据作为支撑 ; 衔接在口笔译中的研究多用于平行研究, 即对比原文与译文中衔接的差异, 少有对比研究涉及译文与自然语言在衔接上的差异 本文旨在填补这一空白上迈出试探性的一步 第三章介绍适用于语料库方法分析同声翻译文本的衔接分类 第一部分首 III

先指出同声翻译这一交际活动收到诸多因素的限制, 比如时间 译员精力 两种语言的差异性等, 导致同声翻译文本具有特殊特征 第二部分介绍了韩礼德提出的衔接分类方法, 即指称 替代 省略 连接这四类语法衔接和词汇衔接 结合后来学者的补充与同声翻译文本特点, 提出了针对基于语料库的口译文本可操作的衔接分类方法并给出衔接机制的关键词列表, 同时对比中英文衔接的差异, 以便分析中文源语对英文译语的影响 第四章介绍了本文使用的口译语料库的搭建过程和本文使用的字库, 语料库检索和分析使用的软件, 并根据衔接机制的关键词列表检索得出所需数据, 进行统计和分析, 了解不同类型的衔接, 在口译英语中与演讲者英语的异同之处, 并以代表性例子讨论分析造成这一现象的内部和外部因素 第五章提出了相应的教学建议和课堂训练方法, 并总结了本文的研究目的 价值和不足之处, 同时提出了深入研究的希望与建议 关键词 : 衔接 ; 同声翻译 ; 基于口译语料库的研究 ; 汉译英口译 ; 对比语料库 IV

Table of Contents Abstract I Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.1.1 Cohesion and the Quality of Interpreting 1 1.1.2 Issues in Cohesion Studies 2 1.1.3 Simultaneous Conference Interpreting 3 1.2 Problems, Aims and Significance of the Research 4 1.2.1 Problems in Chinese to English SI 4 1.2.2 Aims of the Research 5 1.2.3 Value of the Research 6 1.3 Scope, Data and Methodology of the Study 6 1.3.1 The Scope of the Study 6 1.3.2 Corpus Data 7 1.3.3 Methodology 8 1.4 Organization of the Paper 9 Chapter Two Literature Review 11 2.1 Previous Study on Cohesion 11 2.1.1 Classification of Cohesion 11 2.1.2 Cohesion in Translation Studies 13 2.1.3 Cohesion in Interpreting Studies 14 2.2 Corpus-Based Studies in Translation and Interpreting Products 16 2.2.1 Corpus Linguistics and Translation Studies 16 Corpus-Based Translation Studies 16 Corpus-Based Study on Translated Text 17 2.2.2 Corpus Linguistics and Interpreting Studies 19 Corpus-Based Interpreting Studies 19 V General Obstacles in the Set-up of Interpreting Corpus 20 Types of Interpreting Corpus 21 Large-Scale Interpreting Corpus & Findings on Interpreted Text 22 Chapter Three Cohesion in SI 25 3.1 A Text-Linguistic Approach to SI Studies 25 3.1.1 Constraints of SI 25 3.1.2 Text Features of SI 26 3.2 Classification of Cohesion in SI 28 3.2.1 Reference 28 Personal Reference 30 Demonstrative Reference 30 Comparative Reference 31 3.2.2 Substitution and Ellipsis 32 3.2.3 Conjunction 34 3.2.4 Lexical Cohesion 35 3.3 Difference of Cohesion between Chinese and English 36 Chapter Four A Corpus-based Study 38 4.1 Corpus 38 4.1.1 The Summer Davos Interpreting Corpus 38 4.1.1 Material 38 4.1.1 Mini-corpus under SDIC 40 4.1.2 Corpus Tools and Statistical Measurements 41 AntConc 42 Excel 43 Log Likelihood Ratio Test 42 4.2 Statement of Hypotheses 44 4.3 Findings and Discussion 44 4.3.1 General Findings and Summary 44 4.3.2 Findings and Discussion on Conjunction 47 4.3.3 Findings and Discussion on Reference 55 4.3.4 Findings and Discussion on Substitution and Ellipsis 57 VI

4.3.5 Findings and Discussion on Lexical Cohesion 59 Chapter Five Conclusion 62 5.1 Suggestions on Pedagogical Application in SI 62 5.1.1 Suggestions on Theory Teaching 62 5.1.2 Suggestions on Interpreting Practice 63 5.2 Suggestions on Coping Skills 65 5.3 General Conclusion 66 5.4 Limitations of This Study 67 5.5 Suggestions for Further Research 68 Appendix 70 References 83 Acknowledgements 90 VII

目录 摘要 I 第一章引言 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.1.1 衔接与口译质量 1 1.1.2 衔接研究的研究问题 2 1.1.3 同声会议口译 3 1.2 研究问题 目的和意义 4 1.2.1 中到英同声翻译的难点 4 1.2.2 研究目的 5 1.2.3 研究价值 6 1.3 研究范围 数据和方法 6 1.3.1 研究范围 6 1.3.2 语料库数据 7 1.3.3 研究方法 8 1.4 文章结构 9 第二章文献回顾 11 2.1 衔接研究的回顾 11 2.1.1 衔接的分类 11 2.1.2 衔接在笔译研究中的应用 13 2.1.3 衔接在口译研究中的应用 14 2.2 基于语料库的口笔译产品研究 16 2.2.1 语料库语言学与笔译研究 16 基于语料库的笔译研究 16 基于语料库的笔译语篇研究 17 2.2.2 语料库语言学与口译研究 19 基于语料库的口译研究 19 VIII 建立口译语料库的障碍 20 口译语料库的类型 21 大型口译语料库及对口译产出的研究 22 第三章同声翻译中的衔接 25 3.1 篇章语言学途径研究同声翻译 25 3.1.1 同声翻译的特点 25 3.1.2 同声翻译语篇的特点 26 3.2 同声翻译中的衔接分类 28 3.2.1 指称 28 人称指称 30 指示指称 30 比较指称 31 3.2.2 替代与省略 32 3.2.3 连词 34 3.2.4 词汇衔接 35 3.3 中英文衔接的差异 36 第四章一项基于语料库的研究 38 4.1 语料库 38 4.1.1 夏季达沃斯论坛口译语料库 38 4.1.1 建库过程 38 4.1.1 本文使用的子库 40 4.1.2 语料库工具与数据测量方法 41 AntConc 语料库软件 42 Excel 电子表格软件 43 Log Likelihood Ratio Test 差异显著性测试方法 42 4.2 预测同声翻译中衔接的特点 44 4.3 数据结果与讨论 44 4.3.1 总体发现与总结 44 4.3.2 连词的结果与讨论 47 4.3.3 指称的结果与讨论 55 4.3.4 替代与省略的结果与讨论 57 IX

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